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Wednesday 27 July 2022

Danny awoke very unceremoniously from a knee to the groin. Back at Kingswood, he would have suspected it was intentional, a prank by one of his dormmates, but this time he knew it was purely accidental, one of the twins having shifted in their sleep. Cian and Aidan had spent the night in Chris and Danny’s bed with them, which had been nice as it was something they had begun to do less, but now Danny faced the always-annoying task of trying to disentangle himself without waking them.

Fortunately, he had figured out quite quickly that the twins had inherited Chris’ ability to seemingly sleep through anything and after rolling Cian away to lean him against Chris, Danny climbed out of the bed and carried Aidan round to lay on Chris’ other side. With the three siblings nestled together, Danny leaned over to kiss Chris briefly, getting a semi-conscious semi-kiss back in return. He chuckled before heading across the room to change into his workout gear.

“Morning Sam,” Danny said as he saw the young Villa Assistant stand to attention as he entered the villa’s main living area.

“Good morning Danny,” Sam replied cheerfully.

“Any sign of Blane yet?” Danny asked, gesturing to the door through to Levi and Blane’s room.

“Afraid not. Looks like you’re running alone today!” Sam answered dutifully.

Danny looked Sam up and down and smiled before offering, “I could always give YOU a workout instead if you like!”

“Tempting,” Sam said with a toothy grin, “But not while I’m on duty!” He saw Danny nod his understanding and promptly reached back to grab a large cup which he offered and said, “I made you a smoothie to help fuel you up!”

“Aww, you’re the sweetest!” Danny said, grabbing Sam’s hand along with the cup for a moment. “I guess I’ll see you later then!” With that, he headed out of the villa. While most of his morning workouts had just been a run around the island with Blane, it was less appealing alone and he headed to the gym instead, aiming to do a full workout before his usual swim.

As he got there, he briefly peeked into the pool area in hopes of seeing Finn, who had remained in almost total seclusion since his sudden break-up with Sarah. Alas, there remained no sign of him, though it was still earlier than usual and he could still show up later. It was a faint hope, but Danny clung onto it as he started working out.

Danny pushed himself hard, glad to have the distraction from both the good and the bad. As much as the Finn situation was bringing him down, he also had a promise from Ethan that was building him back up. A couple of nights earlier, the hunky Villa Assistant had offered to make good on a ‘naughty’ idea that Levi had vetoed the previous week. It was both exciting and infuriating to know things were in progress, without knowing any of the actual details of it.

Speaking of exciting and infuriating, as Danny finished working out and headed for the swimming pool, he caught a glimpse of himself in a mirror. The choices of swimwear had already been running low, but his lost bet with Chris on Friday had meant Danny no longer had any say in what he wore each day for the beach or pool. Since then, his already-skimpy swimwear had gone a little smaller each day and today Chris had finally chosen the hot pink thong that Danny had been dreading.

“Jesus,” Danny muttered as he stopped to look at himself. He did, objectively speaking, look fucking good naked. Considering he was still only verging on fifteen, his daily gym routine and active sporting life at school had resulted in the sort of body most other boys envied, muscular without being bulky, nothing but flawless skin and muscle tone. It was just a shame that the hotness of his general appearance was diminished slightly by the almost-comedically small pink thong. His butt was more-or-less fully on show, while his dick and balls only just fit inside the front pouch, very clearly showing the smooth patch where his pubes had been up until the previous week.

“Fuck,” Danny muttered as he felt his cheeks flush, as the embarrassment was accompanied by the usual rush of blood to a lower body part too. His dick began to swell, and while he considered just jumping in the pool, a morbid curiosity kicked in and he watched his reflection as his dick swelled, stretching the garish fabric. The head of his dick finally popped free, too large to be contained fully. Letting out a slight moan, he looked down at the straining tool, then tugged the thong up to try and cover it. Doing so only served to move the problem, his balls popping out the bottom instead. It was a bit of a pointless exercise anyway. Contained or not, an erection in the tiny clothing would be mortifying in front of Chris’ family. Mortifying… and annoyingly exciting.

Danny closed his eyes as he reached down to grab himself through the thong. “Ah yeah,” he moaned as he squeezed his dick. He opened his eyes and looked round. He knew he didn’t really need to worry. Aside from Finn, who he would actually welcome showing up, and Blane, who he knew wasn’t coming, he was yet to see anyone come to the gym or exercise pool, especially so early in the morning. He knew the coast was clear. “Fuck it!” he said as he slid the thong down and flicked it up into his hand.

Staring at the pink fabric for a moment, he reached down and wrapped it around his dick, jerking himself off as he thought about the day ahead, and how many people would see him so close to naked. He could already feel the slight twinge of a building orgasm, though that mostly came from the fact he hadn’t cum since Monday. When Ethan had offered him… whatever it was he was actually offering, Danny had decided to hold off and save his horniness for whatever was coming. In that moment, he contemplated changing his mind but as he stroked himself rapidly towards the edge, he managed to stop at the last moment.

“Fuck!” he gasped again as his cock twitched from denial. He used the thong to wipe a bead of precum from the tip, then tossed it back to join the rest of his clothes, standing boldly naked beside the pool.

Taking a moment to calm himself, he stroked again before stopping just short of cumming. This time, he scooped the glob of precum off with his finger and briefly considered licking it off, but instead reached back to finger his own hole. As his finger slipped inside, his dick twitched. He gave it a gentle squeeze, but even that was enough to push him to the edge again.

He stood for several minutes, fingering himself as he delivered delicate touches, firm squeezes and occasional strokes to keep himself right on the edge. No back and forth, just a constant ride on the brink of release. “Oh my godddd,” he groaned, so painfully aroused that he knew he could easily shoot at any moment.

Before he gave in to the urge for release, he allowed himself to tip forward, turning it into a dive as he splashed down into the pool. He began to swim, covering two lengths before he stopped, his cock still rigid. Floating at the end of the pool, he reached down and wanked again, still resisting the straining desire to go all the way.

He quickly settled into a pattern – swim two lengths, stop and edge, swim two lengths, stop and edge. It was torturous to keep denying himself, but it felt so good that he just kept going. Though he kept glancing at the door, nobody came in to interrupt him and when he finally finished his swim he was still alone. As he got out and dried off, he looked at the thong, then down at his still-hard penis.

Bundling the rest of his clothes under his arm, he hung the thong from his erection playfully and headed out, looking round nervously for anyone who may be out and about. Almost disappointed, he made it all the way back to the villa without being spotted. As he stepped inside, he saw Sam stare at him wide-eyed. He loved teasing the young Villa Assistant.

“You may wish to…” Sam started, but it was too late, Danny was inside and on full show.

“Oh my god!” Cian suddenly yelped from the sofa, staring at Danny in surprise.

“Shit!” Danny gasped, immediately thrusting his pile of clothes in front of his crotch.

“Why are you naked?” Cian asked, still staring.

“I… umm… I…” Danny stuttered, horrified at being caught by the young boy. Danny had long come to accept his reluctant love of exposure and embarrassment, but unlike Chris who seemed to like it in every form, Danny always struggled when it came to being seen by anyone younger than himself. For some reason, that always bothered him more than being seen by anyone older. It still made him hard, but he didn’t enjoy the sensation.

“He was just avoiding dripping water on the floor!” Sam helpfully offered.

“Then why’ve you got a boner?” Cian asked bluntly. “Were you wanking in the pool?”

“I… we… you… shouldn’t be asking things like that!” Danny finally managed to say. “It’s…it’s nothing. Just… forget you saw it!” he said before rushing through into his room, where Chris and Aidan were still sound asleep. “Fuck my life,” he muttered as he hurried through into the bathroom.


“Go away!” Finn growled from the gloomy room.

“It’s me,” Chris replied, then realised how vague ‘me’ was and added, “Chris!”

“Oh sorry,” Finn replied. “My mistake. I meant… go away Chris!”

“Umm… no,” Chris said as he stepped into Finn’s room. He saw something come flying at him and ducked out of the way in time to see a shoe hit the wall beside the closing door. “Missed me!” he taunted. He was rewarded with a second which did not miss. “Fine, one all,” he conceded.

“Now go away!” Finn insisted, hidden away under the covers on his bed.

“Still no,” Chris insisted. “And you should know by now that you’ll run out of things to throw before I run out of… being… determined…ness!”

“That’s not a thing!” Finn grumbled, but he knew Chris was right. “Whadda you want?”

“Well you haven’t come out of your room for two days, so obviously I’m here to talk about our lord and saviour, Jeebus Cripes!” Chris joked.

“You’re not funny!” Finn huffed.

Chris shrugged, although Finn wasn’t looking anyway, and said, “You’re entitled to your wrong opinion!” When he got no response from Finn, he sat down gently on the foot of the bed. “I’m worried about you, Finn. We all are!”

“I’m fine,” Finn replied sharply. “But I’m in no mood to talk!”

“Great, then I’ll do the talking!” Chris said, ignoring his brother’s mood, though he smirked a little as he heard an annoyed grunt. He thought for a moment then let out a gentle sigh as he said, “I know how it feels!”

Finn didn’t reply, but he made no further attempt to get Chris to leave.

“You remember last summer,” Chris started, wincing a little as he spoke. “I wasn’t exactly… in the best of moods!” He heard Finn scoff at the understatement. “Well you know I told you about my boyfriends, Nicky and Mikey. About a week before the end of term, Nicky decided to dump me and…he kinda did it… on stage, with… dozens of people watching!”

Finn threw the covers back and stared silently at Chris.

“And then later that same day, Mikey broke up with me too because he didn’t want to be with JUST me!” Chris went on. He could sense Finn staring at him. “So believe me when I say I know how it feels. Not just… a relationship ending, but… it kinda happening in front of everyone, and everyone knowing and… and being… embarrassed that it’s happened to you with so many people you care about, like… knowing about it!”

“You never said anything,” Finn said softly.

Chris shrugged as he explained, “Yeah, that’d be part of the whole ‘really embarrassing and not wanting people I care about to know about it’ thing!” He let out a gentle sigh and added, “It was bad enough Blane knew. I didn’t want my other big brother knowing too!”

“I wouldn’t have taken the piss or anything!” Finn insisted.

“I know,” Chris said softly, “But when it’s still… fresh, you don’t always think straight!” He looked round at Finn and said pointedly, “Like hiding away in your room for two days!”

“I know,” Finn said, rolling his eyes. He went silent for a moment and asked, “Did you really get dumped on stage?” As Chris nodded solemnly, Finn scowled and said, “Wow, Nicky’s a cunt. Want me to kick his arse?”

Chris chuckled as he shook his head. “No need. We made up, he’s one of my best friends. Plus his brother died, so he kinda gets a pass!”

“Oh!” Finn said, looking a little shocked at the casualness of the comment.

“Oh, not like… at the time,” Chris explained. “Years back! It’s… complicated! Anyway, I’m not here to talk about me, I wanna talk about you. Do I need to fly back to Ireland and kick Sarah’s arse for you?”

Finn scowled slightly. He did want an arse kicked, but it wasn’t Sarah’s. “No. No need,” Finn insisted. “And I don’t really wanna talk about me… or anything, really!”

“Do you… just wanna stay curled up in bed in a dark room and pretend the world doesn’t exist?” Chris asked, remembering his own experience the previous summer.

“Pretty much,” Finn replied with a gentle nod.

“Fair enough. That’s our day then!” Chris said as he turned and lifted the covers, lying down next to his brother.

“You don’t have to miss out on the day for this, ya know!” Finn said, mildly bemused by the gesture.

“Sunday was great… well, until we got back obviously,” Chris said with a slight shrug, “Cos I actually got to spend time with you. Another day with my big bro doesn’t sound like missing out to me!”

“I may not be much fun to be around,” Finn said, his brow heavily furrowed as he sighed slightly.

Chris grinned at the older teen and said, “You never are, but I love you anyway. Now come on. It’s been WAY too long since I got to enjoy some Finn cuddles!” He reached over and started pulling Finn closer.

“Aren’t we a bit old for this?” Finn asked with a chuckle, though he made no attempt to resist.

“Pfft, the day I’m too old for cuddles is the day I… umm… okay, I don’t know how to finish that,” Chris admitted, “But that day isn’t today… or ever!”

Finn didn’t reply, he just pulled his arms tightly around Chris and nuzzled against him gently, letting his eyes close.


Danny sighed as he flopped down on the sand. “I think I did something bad,” he said, not speaking specifically to either Blane or Levi who both sat a short distance away.

“You mean that crime against fashion?” Blane asked with a smirk as he looked down at the pink thong Danny was wearing. “You may wanna slap a bit more suncream on, you’re looking a bit…”

“Peachy,” Levi offered as Blane paused, also smirking. He got a laugh from his boyfriend and an annoyed glare from Danny.

“Chris chose this for me today,” Danny insisted, “Then pissed off for the day!”

“Yeah, thought you said he’d be here by now,” Blane said, looking round a little concerned.

“Chill, he went to see Finn. If he’s not back yet, it means they’re either talking or Finn killed him. Not my problem either way!” Danny said a little grumpily.

Levi’s eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at Danny. While he didn’t know the full extent of what had happened with Sarah, most people on the island had no reason to suspect Danny had been involved at all. Blane certainly didn’t know all the details, but he had gotten the vague impression from both Levi and Danny that he may have been a little more involved.

“If anyone’s gonna cheer Finn up, it’s Chris!” Blane said proudly as he glanced round in the general direction of the villas. He turned back to Danny and smirked at the thong again as he asked, “So what bad thing did you do?”

“Promise you won’t get mad?” Danny asked Blane cautiously.

“Do I… need to get mad?” Blane asked, sitting up as he cocked his head curiously.

“No! I mean… probably not,” Danny said, turning to sit cross-legged as he faced the couple. “It’s about…” he paused to nod in the direction of the twins who were playing with Clare and Fiadh under Edward’s watchful eye.

“Which one?” Blane asked with a shrug, “There’s five of ‘em over there!”

“Cian,” Danny sighed. “This morning, I… kinda… accidentally… exposed myself to him!”

“Accidentally?” Blane frowned.

“Of course you did,” Levi said, smirking as he shook his head.

Danny blushed heavily as he explained, “I was coming back from the pool and I… didn’t have anything on… and… kind of… had a… boner.”

“Of course you did,” Levi repeated, amused but not surprised.

“And I thought Cian was still in bed, but he wasn’t, and he saw me!” Danny continued. He gulped slightly as he realised that he was getting hard talking about such an embarrassing moment.

Blane thought for a moment and shook his head. “I wouldn’t worry,” he said with a shrug. “Those two are…” he paused as he glanced round at his youngest brothers, “They’re sneaky… and curious. I can guarantee you are NOT the first naked person they’ve seen!”

“Yeah, but it’s not like anyone else they’ve seen is just wandering around here near them,” Danny said sheepishly. “I thought he might, like… laugh it off or even take the piss, but since then he won’t even look at me! I think he really hates me… or maybe he’s scared of me or something!”

Blane frowned a little as he shook his head. “Our Cian’s a bit shy, well… with most people, not so much with you, but… I don’t think he’s ever hated anyone… and you’re about as scary as a kitten on rollerskates!”

“Well he’s definitely being…” Danny paused mid-sentence as he took in what Blane had just said, and smirked as he replied, “Kitten on rollerskates? I’ll take that, it’s cute!” The smile dropped away as he resumed, “He’s definitely being weird though, so something’s wrong!”

Blane sighed thoughtfully and said, “Maybe I should talk to him!”

“You really don’t need to!” Levi chuckled, shaking his head. As the other two looked at him, he asked Danny, “When he saw you, how did you react?”

“Not well, obviously!” Danny said, blushing heavily. As Levi continued to look at him curiously, he elaborated, “I pretty much freaked out, told him to forget he’d seen anything then ran away and hid!”

“Yeah, sounds like a reasonable reaction, but just take a second and think about this from Cian’s side!” Levi suggested. As Danny’s head cocked like a dog trying to figure out a magic trick, Levi smirked at the obliviousness and asked, “You know how he feels about you, right?”

“Well yeah, it’s kinda like a brother,” Danny shrugged.

“You’re not really this oblivious, are you?” Levi asked bluntly. Danny’s expression answered for him. “Oh he has THE biggest crush on you!” Levi stated, like it was blindingly obvious.

“What?” Danny gasped.

“He does?” Blane asked, just as surprised. “How do you know?”

“Because I have eyes,” Levi said sarcastically, “And apparently a tiny bit more common sense than the two of you!”

“Well… if he does… which I doubt,” Danny said, visibly embarrassed, “Why would that make him, like… scared of me? God, if I’d seen Blane naked and hard back when I was crushing on him, I wouldn’t be scared, I’d be wanking myself senseless!”

Blane grinned cockily at the mention of the younger boy having a crush on him, dismissively shrugging off the bemused headshake from Levi, who looked to Danny and sniggered, “Wow, you don’t even understand the concept of shame, do you?”

Danny shrugged as he looked down at his semi-hard dick barely contained in the thong and said, “Not much room for shame in this thing!” It got a laugh from the other two.

“Okay, realistically he probably has reacted that way,” Levi said, a little uncomfortable talking about such a young boy engaging in things like that, “But he’s just had a guy he REALLY cares about freak out and run away. How d’you think he feels about that?”

“Ah fuck,” Danny moaned. “He thinks HE upset ME, doesn’t he?”

Levi shrugged. “I don’t know, but if I had to hazard a guess, that’s what I’d put my money on!” he replied.

“Aww,” Danny pouted as he glanced round at the kids. “I should talk to him then, shouldn’t I?”

“And say what? Hey, I actually know you secretly have a crush on me but don’t worry about seeing me boned up, it’s fine!” Blane scoffed. “That’s really gonna help!”

Danny just let out another moan.

“Look, I got a better idea,” Blane said, then smirked as his eyes dropped to Danny’s crotch. “But just to avoid any other mishaps, you should take care of that first!”

“Oh, I… can’t… I’m not… cumming today!” Danny confessed. Annoyingly, the confession made his dick stiffen.

Blane laughed wickedly. “Oh, that’s fun to know,” he giggled, getting a whimper from Danny and bemused eye roll from Levi. “Fine, well… run down into the water then. I’ll see ya down there!”

Danny stood and felt the head of his erection pop out of the thong. He let out a shuddery groan as he grasped at it to cover up, feeling the firm wetness of it. He hurried down the beach and jumped into the water. Though it wasn’t cold, it was certainly cool enough to help him shrink down a little. Looking back up the beach, he saw Blane head for the group of his four youngest siblings.

After exchanging a few words, the twins jumped to their feet and Blane promptly grabbed them both, throwing one over each of his shoulders. As amusing as it was seeing him carry the two shrieking boys, Danny’s eyes drifted over to Levi who was watching his boyfriend with such genuine love and affection it was almost heart-breaking. He didn’t have long to enjoy the sight before Blane arrived, holding the twins.

“Right, piggyback fight!” Blane declared without giving the awkwardness between Danny and Cian the chance to kick in. He threw Cian at Danny, who landed on top of him giggling hysterically.

“Come on, let’s get ‘em!” Danny said as he ducked under the water.

“YEAH, DEATH TO THE ENEMY!” Cian shrieked as he felt himself being lifted, sitting atop Danny’s shoulders as he emerged.

“Yeah, maybe dial it back a bit,” Danny giggled, looking up at the boy.

“Okie,” Cian said happily.

Danny immediately felt the weight lifted from him. It had been so easy. He smiled fondly at Blane for a moment before the battle kicked in and all that mattered was winning as the two pairs clashed.

The playing went on for quite some time, the pairings changing up several times before the game changed completely and just became more of a general free-for-all.

“I quit, I’m out, you win!” Danny declared to nobody in particular as he paddled away from the others and splashed down into the shallows, lying half-submerged, arms splayed out to the sides. He let his eyes close, but as the brightness fighting through his eyelids darkened, he realised someone was standing over him.

“Danny!” a young voice said cautiously.

“Cian,” Danny replied.

“Most people can’t tell us apart even with their eyes OPEN!” Cian exclaimed in delighted surprise.

“What can I say? I know my lil bros!” Danny grinned as he opened his eyes. “You okay, bud?” he asked softly.

Cian flopped down, splashing a little as he sat cross-legged facing Danny. “I’m sorry if I upset you this morning!” he said sheepishly.

“Aww, you didn’t,” Danny said, sitting up too. “I hope I didn’t… upset you with what you saw!”

Cian blushed so heavily he all but confirmed Levi’s assertion. Shaking his head as he stared down at the water, he said quietly, “You didn’t.” He paused for a moment and asked, “So you’re not mad at me?”

“Never!” Danny beamed happily. As he looked at Cian, he saw a smirk slowly spreading over the boy’s face. “What?” he asked flatly.

“You had a stiffy!” Cian said, then started giggling helplessly.

“Oh! OH! It’s like that now, is it?” Danny exclaimed, a little embarrassed, but mostly just glad to have things okay with the boy. “I think I’m ready for round two!” he said as he lunged at Cian who squawked in surprise as he tried to get away from Danny’s grip.


With the evening setting in Chris was still off with Finn so Danny, Blane and Levi had headed back to their villa for the night, settling on the deck outside with a few drinks as they chatted away about anything and everything. Danny had been quite overjoyed to find out about Blane’s new permanent position at the school.

Just as Danny was talking through the summer activities his dormmates were getting up to, he felt hands suddenly grab him from behind with a loud yell in his ear. He let out a shriek, leapt from his seat, tripped over his own feet and staggered sideways until he fell into the pool. He broke the surface looking both annoyed and terrified as he found himself looking at Chris, who was in absolute hysterics along with Blane and Levi at the prank.

“Oh, you absolute cunt!” Danny growled as he climbed out of the pool, glaring at his boyfriend.

“And here I was thinking he’d be glad to see me!” Chris said before sniggering once again.

“I’m SO glad to see you!” Danny said, reaching his arms out towards Chris, dripping.

Chris tried to back away from his wet boyfriend, but Blane reached out to grab him and allow Danny to get his moist revenge, soaking the front of Chris as they hugged tightly. “You’re both bastards,” Chris giggled.

“Oh, I’m not done yet!” Danny growled, then lifted Chris a little and staggered sideways, falling back into the pool with him.

Before Chris could pop back up, he felt Danny’s lips on his own, kissing him underwater, though neither of them had managed to take a particularly deep breath before falling in, and the need for air soon pushed them to the surface.

“Thanks, I needed to cool off,” Chris chuckled as he folded his arms on the side of the pool, his chin resting on them as he let his body casually float behind him, fully dressed.

“You’re welcome,” Danny replied, copying the position as they both stared up at Levi and Blane.

“You two are so perfect together!” Levi said, shaking his head.

“Thanks,” the boys said in amused unison.

Levi rolled his eyes and said, “It wasn’t necessarily a compliment!”

Blane grinned at the exchange then looked to Chris and asked, “So how’s Finn doing?”

The smile dropped from Chris’ face. “I… really don’t know,” he said awkwardly, sighing a little. “Like… he let me spend the whole day with him and there were… a few nice moments, but he really did just spend most of the day brooding. I did get him to eat, though, which is good!”

“Is there a chance he just agreed to have food so something would be in your mouth to stop you talking?” Blane joked.

Chris shrugged and replied, “Hey, if it works I’m not questioning why!” As the others snickered their approval, Chris looked a little dour as he said, “I think he’ll be okay, but he’s really, really sad!”

“Sad… that they broke up or… about something else?” Danny asked cautiously.

“What else would he be sad about?” Chris asked incredulously.

“Nothing,” Danny said guiltily. “Just… thinking aloud!”

“Well you certainly missed a fun day,” Blane said as Chris looked at Danny curiously. “You’re a bastard for putting Danny in that thong. I swear, the Byrnes nearly choked when he walked out in it!”

“Oh, Danny, tell Chris how you explained it,” Levi said, shaking his head as he barely contained himself. “This is too good!”

“I just said,” Danny started, cheeks flushed, “… that I was… avoiding tan lines!”

Chris nearly choked he laughed so much.

The quartet continued chatting and drinking late into the evening, with Chris and Danny eventually removing their wet clothes but returning to the pool without them. As it got late, they all headed in, retreating to their own rooms to go to bed.

As Danny settled into bed, he checked his phone and saw a message from Ethan that read, [Be down on the dock at midnight!]

“Oh my god!” Danny gasped, reaching out blindly to grab at Chris. Unfortunately, he got a handful of his boyfriend’s balls unintentionally, resulting in a surprised yelp of pain.

“Jesus Danny, what the fuck!” Chris gasped, cradling his balls as Danny released them. As he looked at the phone, his eyes lit up too as he declared, “Finally!”

“I know right,” Danny said happily. “I’ll set an alarm!”

“Pfft, no need. No way I’m sleeping with that to look forward to!” Chris insisted, about thirty seconds before he fell asleep.

Danny took a little longer to fall asleep but eventually drifted off, then woke to the sound of his alarm shortly before midnight. Knowing Chris the way he did, he had allowed an extra couple of minutes to wake his boyfriend, eventually resorting to a slap.

“Stoppit,” Chris grumbled. “Told you I wouldn’t fall asleep,” he said sleepily as he yawned and rolled out of bed. “This had better be worth it, whatever it is!” he mumbled moodily.

Danny moved up behind Chris, pressing his erection against him as he cuddled from behind and growled in his ear, “Even if it’s not, we’ll definitely have fun with this!”

Chris turned and grinned, suddenly wide-eyed as he pressed his own rapidly-stiffening prick against Danny’s. “And suddenly I’m awake!” he giggled. He leaned in for a quick kiss then pulled back a little, staring into Danny’s eyes as he said dreamily, “I love you so fucking much!”

Danny stared back, let out a gentle sigh and gave Chris a peck on the lips. “Love you more,” he said with a playful giggle. “Now let’s go do… whatever it is we’re gonna do!”

A few moments later, they were fully dressed and sneaking out of their room before heading along to the main dock. Chris was doing his best stealthy ninja moves utterly unnecessarily as Danny just walked along casually, shaking his head in absolute bemusement. Though they were cautious as they neared the villa where Chris’ parents and the Byrnes were staying, they remained unseen as they finally met up with Ethan.

“Come on, hop aboard,” Ethan said, gesturing for the boys to join him on one of the boats.

“Where are we going?” Danny asked, suddenly a little weary as he realised they were sneaking off the island with a relative stranger without letting anyone actually know.

“Not far,” Ethan said with a smile. “And we can turn around and come back literally any time you want,” he offered reassuringly.

Danny still gave the main villa a cautious glance, but turned and climbed aboard after Chris.

“Okay, we’re good,” Ethan said, looking to the man at the helm, another member of island staff the boys had seen around but never interacted with. Sitting Chris and Danny down, Ethan looked back and forth between them for a moment and explained, “Right, I have a feeling you’re going to love where we’re going and what we do when we’re there, but I meant what I just said on the dock. At ANY time tonight, just say the word, give the signal, whatever you need and we leave. No questions asked, no issues, no problems. I’m not trying to scare you, because seriously, knowing you boys the way I do…” He paused to grin for a moment. “You are SO gonna love this, but I’m also conscious it might be a lot, and there’s no shame in knowing your limits. Understand?”

Chris and Danny looked at each other and exchanged nervous but confident smiles, then nodded at Ethan.

Several minutes later, they approached another island. There was a large dock, with several boats already moored and space for a lot more, one of which they floated into before Ethan hopped off and offered a hand to the two boys to help them disembark.

“This way,” Ethan said, starting along the dock.

The two teens followed cautiously, though they could already hear the sound of throbbing music coming from inside the buildings that laid ahead of them.

“Is this like a nightclub or something?” Danny asked curiously.

“Or something,” Ethan said with a smirk as he looked back briefly.

“I don’t drink!” Danny stated. “Well… alcohol, I mean! Obviously I drink, otherwise I’d be REALLY thirsty… and… and probably dead too, and…”

“Danny,” Chris said, placing a hand on his boyfriend’s back. “You’re rambling. It’s okay!”

“Sorry,” Danny replied, blushing slightly as he took a breath.

As they stepped inside, they saw a large man standing by a set of double doors and a more diminutive figure sat at a nearby counter, whose face lit up as he called out, “Ethan! Good evening!”

“Hey Gigi,” Ethan said, offering a handshake over the counter. He nodded to the man by the door and added a sullen, “Viktor!” It got a grunt in response.

“Oh, I heard you’d got some new guests on the island. Who do we have here?” Gigi asked as he looked Chris and Danny up and down.

“Yup,” Ethan said, taking a step back to stand between the two boys. “This is Danny,” he said placing an arm behind him to nudge him forward, “And Chris,” he said, doing the same again.

“Ah, nice to meet you, boys,” Gigi said with a sincere smile. He turned slightly and tapped away on a laptop for a few moments, then reached below the counter before walking out from behind it.

“Woah, what are they?” Danny asked, taking a step back as he saw chains in Gigi’s hand.

“Just tags with your numbers on,” Gigi said, holding up the two collars. “Relax, they have a safety clasp at the back, so they’re not locked on you and won’t choke you if they get caught on anything!” he explained, pulling on one which easily popped open. “May I?” he asked, gesturing to Danny.

Danny looked cautious but nodded, lifting his head slightly as the young man put the collar on him, then watched as he did the same to Chris.

“Lucky seven!” Chris said as he looked down at his own tag. “And you’re six. You look like a six!” he sniggered at Danny.

“He’s a ten!” Ethan quickly added, flashing Danny a wink that made him giggle and blush.

“Now, pick a colour, boys,” Gigi said as he returned to the counter.

“Umm, purple,” Chris said quickly.

Danny thought for a moment and said, “Blue, I s’pose!”

“Good choices,” Gigi replied, then reached down again and stood back up with two masks, one in purple and one in blue.

Chris and Danny took them then smirked a little as Danny said, “Reminds me of Kinkswood!”

“Was just thinking that,” Chris agreed.

“I won’t ask,” Ethan said, shaking his head.

“Wait, is this… a sex club?” Danny asked, suddenly looking around.

“You didn’t even tell them why they were coming?” Gigi asked, shaking his head.

Ethan shrugged as he answered, “I like surprises!”

“So here’s the deal, lads,” Gigi said, shaking his head despite his slight smirk. “Through there,” he said, pointing to the Viktor-guarded doors, “You’ll find a locker room where you can… undress. Lockers match the numbers on your tags. No clothing allowed inside the club. We very carefully screen our customers and they are fully aware of the rules and expectations of behaviour whilst in our establishment. On… special nights like this,” he said, looking the two teens up and down, “That means treating our ‘younger’ guests respectfully. In fact, you’ll probably find most of our customers to be very… eager to keep you happy! Compliant, even!”

“We get to be in charge?” Chris asked, almost bouncing with excitement.

“Not of everyone,” Gigi said, clearly amused, “Some still like to be in charge, others don’t care about Dom/sub stuff, you’ll figure it out as you go, but all of them will treat you as the honoured guests that you are!”

“Are you… coming in with us?” Danny asked, taking a step closer to Ethan.

“Yeah, I’ll be keeping an eye on you both,” Ethan said with a gentle nod. “Now, let’s get going!” he said as he guided them towards Viktor who stepped aside to let them pass. “So you boys, go in that one. Wait for me just inside the club, I have to go in via the regular locker room! Oh, and masks on. Not everyone in there wears one, but all boys your age are required to, for anonymity!”

“Okay,” the boys said before heading into their own locker room.

“Holy fuck, this IS like Kinkswood,” Chris said as the music from inside got louder, “But with, like, adults!”

“You okay with this?” Danny asked cautiously as they headed for their lockers.

“Fuck yes!” Chris said happily. “Are you?” he asked, sounding a little concerned.

Danny nodded for a moment and said, “Just… playing safe for now!”

“First time here?” a voice asked, emerging from a nearby doorway. As a naked, masked figure emerged, Chris and Danny scrambled to put on their masks.

“Oh, chill,” the boy said, pulling off his own mask. “These are only for that lot out there! But… y’know, cover up if you like!”

“Thanks,” Chris said, lowering his mask as he went on, “Hi, I’m…”

“Number seven!” the boy interjected, “Faces are fine but it’s still best to avoid names!”

“Oh, yeah,” Chris nodded, “Well then hi, I’m seven and this is six. Nice to meet you,” he glanced at the tag and finished, “Number five!”

“Just call me five. Only my parents call me NUMBER five!” Five said with a grin.

“Really?” Chris asked curiously, cocking his head at the other teen.

Five frowned and shook his head. “No, obviously not!” he said, getting a laugh from Danny.

“Idiot,” Danny teased Chris playfully, then looked to Five and said, “But yeah, first time. I assume it’s… not yours?”

“Nah, I’m a regular. Have been for years!” Five said with a nod.

“Years!?” Danny exclaimed, looking the boy up and down, “How old are you?”

The young man looked only a little older than Danny and Chris. It was easy to understand why he might be so popular at a place like this, with a slender yet toned frame and fairly sizeable dick, even flaccid. His skin was a golden brown that looked like it came from a lot of tanning, though he bore no tan lines at all. His hair also bore signs of extensive sun exposure, bleached blonde with darker roots.

“I’m fifteen,” Five said with a nod. “Sixteen in a couple of months!”

“Fuck, and you’ve been coming here for… years?” Chris asked, surprised and intrigued in equal measure.

“Since I was twelve. Would have been sooner if I’d been allowed!” Five chuckled. “To be fair, it’s fuckin’ rare they get any volunteers that young cos most guys that age either don’t know about this place, or aren’t ready for it. To be honest, we’re probably the youngest guys here tonight and even we’re gonna be a rare treat for the fellas! But yeah, I been coming for a while now.”

“Wow, so you… REALLY like it?” Danny asked happily.

Five nodded as he went to his locker and started fiddling with its contents. “So much!” he said confidently. “But what’s not to love? Lots of sex, lots of guys who fucking worship the ground we walk on and I ain’t gonna lie, having a constant stream of guys gushing about how hot I am… it’s fucking good for the confidence!” He turned to face the boys again and said, “I got a feeling you might be getting the same treatment tonight! You guys looking to make this a regular thing, or you just passing through?”

“We’re only around for another couple of weeks,” Chris pouted.

“Then you’d best make the most of it. Get your clothes off and get out here,” Five said as he headed to the door, pulling on his mask.

The loud music blasted even louder as the door opened. Five shot the boys a grin and a wink before disappearing.

“Okay, let’s do this!” Danny said happily as he started pulling off his clothes.

Once they were both suitably undressed and masked up, they headed for the door and stepped out.

The club ended up being exactly what Chris and Danny expected, a larger and more elaborate version of the party they had been to at school as part of their annual kink celebration, Kinkswood. There were several dozen older guys milling around, some drinking, some dancing, some doing… more adult things. Just as Gigi had promised, they seemed to revere the two boys as they wandered and explored, tailed constantly by Ethan. They spotted Five, happily surrounded by several men as well as four other boys, tagged as One to Four, as they explored the facilities. Just as Five had suggested, One to Four definitely stood out as younger than the rest of the crowd, but looked to be older than Chris and Danny, maybe all sixteen or seventeen.

“This place is… cool!” Chris yelled to Danny as they finally stopped exploring.

“I know right,” Danny replied, looking round excitedly. The Kinkswood party had been fun, but hadn’t done much to please Danny’s penchant for older guys. He loved playing around with the others students at school (the older ones anyway) but Danny liked men! Despite the range of guys on offer as he looked around, his attention still kept getting drawn back to their naked chaperone. He let out a shuddery moan as he felt Ethan’s hand on his back.

“You guys doing okay?” Ethan asked loudly, leaning in between them.

“Yeah!” Chris said happily. “I think I wanna start touching people!” he said with a grin.

“And you?” Ethan asked, looking at Danny.

Danny stared Ethan in the eye for a moment, then lunged at him, pulling him into a passionate kiss.

“Well you two clearly have business to attend to,” Chris shouted at them over the music. “I’ll go find my own fun!”

Ethan managed to pull away from Danny’s lips, though the boy continued kissing eagerly at his neck and shoulders as he shouted after Chris, “Don’t go far!” He looked back to Danny and waited a moment until the boy calmed a little and pulled back, grinning and panting. “Bit keen are you?” he joked.

Danny climbed the man like a tree, wrapping his legs around his waist as he put his arms around his neck. Feeling Ethan’s hands grip onto his legs to hold him up, Danny leaned in close so their noses and foreheads were touching and growled, “I wanna do REALLY naughty things to you!”

“Should we… get a room?” Ethan asked, glancing round at the private rooms and booths over one side of the club.

“Fuck no!” Danny purred, “Let the perverts watch!”

The two stood wrapped up in each other for several minutes, with people passing around them now and then stopping to enjoy the show or occasionally reach out and touch either Ethan or Danny. Danny’s peachy bubble butt seemed to draw particular attention, receiving a few playful slaps and the occasional finger prodding at his hole.

Danny kissed and nibbled his way round Ethan’s jawline to his ear, then down his neck and onto his shoulder before burying his face and taking in a deep breath of the man’s scent. “GOD, you’re so fucking hot!” Danny shuddered.

“And you’re too fucking cute,” Ethan replied back, holding tightly onto the boy. He kissed Danny’s shoulder then glanced round to look for Chris and spotted him dancing with three guys, two masked and one not, all in their early to mid-twenties. There was a lot of touching going on, with Chris happily reaching out to play with their dicks and getting similar treatment in return. “You sure you don’t wanna go see who else is on offer?” he asked Danny.

“Maybe later,” Danny replied then pulled back and frowned a little as he asked, “Unless you’re trying to get rid of me!”

“Fuck no!” Ethan chuckled. “In fact, hold on a sec, I wanna do something!”

“Okay,” Danny said, grinning excitedly. He felt Ethan start to hoist him up, lifting him higher. With a sudden sharp thrust, Danny was thrown up into the air, his legs hooking over Ethan’s shoulders. He found himself sitting in a piggyback position, except instead of facing the back of the man’s head, it was the front – Ethan’s face was right in his crotch. “What are you…” he started, but it gave way to a pleasured moan as he felt the man’s tongue lapping at his balls.

The sudden move had drawn attention from many of the clubs other occupants, especially seeing Danny now raised higher over the crowd.

Danny felt hands on his butt and wasn’t sure whether they were Ethan’s or a stranger’s, but a finger soon found its way to his hole and started circling it teasingly. He wished it would push inside him, but at the same time his cock was already throbbing from the man’s tongue on his scrotum and any more stimulation might have pushed him over the edge.

After a few minutes of working the balls, Ethan started sliding his tongue upwards onto the shaft of Danny’s dick. He knew it was well-received when he felt the boy’s thighs tighten around his head.

“HOLY FUCK!” Danny screamed out as he felt his dick disappear into Ethan’s mouth at the same time a finger probed into his hole. “OH GOD I’M CUMMING!” he yelled out in ecstatic delight.

What followed next was utterly disorienting. Danny felt himself get tipped back. He might have felt like he was falling were it not for the strong hands against his back. Just as he began to shoot, his dick released from the eager mouth, he found himself hanging upside down with his legs wrapped around Ethan’s neck, his dick spurting several hefty shots out ahead of him as he grasped hold of it. He had no idea where the cum landed, but as he attempted to look back, made more confusing by the fact he was upside down, he could see a few guys looking happily tagged with his spunk. The final few drops had dribbled down and landed on Danny’s own face.

With the orgasm over, Danny felt the hands on his back again, lifting him back to the previous position where Ethan gave the deflating cock a quick lick clean before lowering the boy back down.

“That was… I mean… I don’t even… fuck!” Danny gasped as he leaned against Ethan, enjoying the feel of his muscular torso and strong arms holding him.

“Yeah, that was fun!” Ethan chuckled. “Now why don’t you help clean up the mess you made!” he suggested, nodding behind Danny.

Danny turned to see the men he had just shot over. A couple were happily scooping up the spunk to lick up themselves, but also didn’t seem to mind when they saw Danny approach and begin licking.


“Call my parents,” Chris moaned, “And Kingswood!” he added breathlessly. “Tell them I live here now!”

Danny laughed as he leaned down to kiss the sweaty gibbering wreck of a teen lying strapped to a bench. For the last twenty-five minutes, Chris had been secured in place being expertly edged by a group of four men who were taking the greatest of pleasures in teasing him. The moment they realised how into it Chris was, they had thrown everything they had at him.

The more they edged Chris, the louder he moaned and begged for more.

Danny stood at his side, casually playing with his own dick as he watched the men working away at him. He had heard them speak English now and then, but they talked away to each other in a language Danny didn’t quite recognise, but guessed to be some kind of Eastern European. The fact Chris couldn’t understand what was being said only added to his frustration and Danny’s amusement.

“Ah good, you’re still here,” Ethan said as he returned to Danny’s side. He handed Danny two cans of Coke and a straw. “I knew he’d be thirsty and figured you would be too!”

“Thanks,” Danny said, happily nestling against the man as Chris continued to groan.

Chris took a long suck on the straw as it was held up to his mouth, swallowed and then belched from the fizziness, though the sound was lost in the noise of the club.

“Geez, he REALLY likes being edged!” Ethan chuckled as he watched.

Danny leaned back against the man, letting out a content mew for a moment before he replied, “He actually hates it, believe it or not!” As Ethan gave him an incredulous eyebrow raise, Danny giggled and said, “He does. Actually being edged drives him insane, but he LOVES how horny and desperate it makes him. He puts up with the edging just to enjoy the frustration. He’s weird!”

“I heard that!” Chris groaned.

“Well I hate to hurry you along, but I’m planning on getting you home for two. As much as I’d love to let you stay all night, you boys do need SOME sleep!” Ethan said sternly.

“Ahh come on, three!” Danny pleaded.

Ethan’s eyes narrowed as he offered reluctantly, “Two-thirty!”

“Two-forty-five!” Danny said with a grin.

“Two-fifteen!” Ethan said with a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah, two-thirty sounds great!” Danny said cheekily. Before Ethan could disagree, he turned to shout in Chris’ ear, “Come on, let’s go do someone else, we don’t have long!”

“No, more edging!” Chris pleaded.

Danny stared at Chris, pouting a little, his eyes wide. Seeing Chris’ resolve slowly weakening, he leaned closer and said to him, “I wanna do more but I’m kinda scared to go off without you!”

“Ohh, fine,” Chris groaned then blew Danny a playful kiss. He looked to the four men standing over him and called out, “Time’s up fellas!”

The four men made their disappointment known, but happily complied, releasing Chris before each giving a brief and very passionate goodbye kiss.

“Fuck, I just made out with, like… four dudes!” Chris said, slightly giddy as he climbed off the bench and stretched a little.

Danny grabbed him for another kiss and added a loud but playful, “Five!”

As Chris chuckled, Danny heard, “You called?” from behind him. He turned to see Five standing there, grinning broadly.

“Oh, no, I was just saying…” Danny started, then let his eyes lower to the other teen’s crotch. His dick wasn’t quite at full firmness, but was still pleasantly plumped and poking out away from his slender frame. “Hi! I was just saying hi!” Danny smirked.

Five grabbed Danny’s head with both hands and pulled him into a brief but firm kiss that lasted for several seconds before he pulled off and said, “Hi!” He turned to Chris, leaned in and nibbled at his neck as he tugged at the younger boy’s dick. Pulling away again, he smiled broadly and said, “Hi to you too!” Finally he turned to the third member of the group and said loudly, “Ethan! Always nice to…” he paused, letting his eyes roam the man’s body before he finished, “… see you!”

“Hey bud,” Ethan chuckled, then grabbed the teen and shoved his tongue in the boy’s ear, getting a groan of pleasure loud enough to be heard over the thumping music. Ethan pulled off for a second and looked to Danny and Chris and called out, “If you wanna get this guy going, go for the ears!”

“On it!” Chris yelped, lunging forward, leaving Five pinned between him and Ethan, a tongue in each ear.

Not wanting to be left out, Danny could see Five’s cock throbbing with sheer ecstasy as his sensitive spot faced its double stimulation. He dropped to his knees and began sucking on the fairly sizeable tool. It was about the same as Danny’s, around seven inches, so comfortably above average without being unwieldy, not that Danny had any difficulty taking or pleasuring a big dick. He happily slurped away at the raging erection, raising one hand to squeeze the shaft as his other cupped the boy’s balls.

Considering three of the club’s ‘guests of honour’ were involved, the scene quickly drew attention, several men gathering to watch the erotic display. Five was either too enamoured to resist, or was just happy to let the scene play out as he stood almost limp as Chris, Ethan and Danny pleasured him.

Eventually, after a few minutes, Five called out, “Six! I’m close!” He got no reaction and called out, “Fuck! Six!”

Danny felt a sudden tap on his shoulder and as he looked up, saw Chris grinning as he said, “You’re six, remember!”

Danny pulled off just in time for Five to spurt a modest load over his chest, much to the delight of the spectating men who promptly began to disperse as soon as the money shot was over with.

“Jesus,” Five panted. “I only came to… tell you guys you’ve got… a couple of admirers!”

“They’ve got more than a couple,” Ethan said, sounding a little proud.

“Well, they’ve got two looking for a private show some time!” Five said, then nodded over to two masked men in a booth across the club.

“Whadda you say?” Danny asked, standing to put an arm around Chris, not even attempting to wipe the spunk off himself.

Chris looked over at the two men. Chris struggled a little when it came to masked people. As much as he liked looking at bodies and dicks and butts, he preferred to see the person he was getting off with. He didn’t NEED any kind of intimate connection, but he certainly found it more enjoyable. Seeing Danny’s obvious excitement was enough to convince him though and he gave a nod.

“We’ve got time, right?” Danny asked Ethan hopefully.

“Make it quick,” Ethan said, shaking his head. “I’ll be over here if you want me!” he said, then reached out to pull Five closer to him. “Entertaining myself!” he added with a smirk.

Chris and Danny took a step towards the two men who were staring their way. Danny stopped and grabbed Chris’ arm. “Look, they’re actually jerking off from looking at us!” he said shakily, his own cock throbbing again. “I got an idea! Wait here a second!” He gave the men a quick gesture to show he would be right back as he left Chris standing alone, before returning a few moments later. He slipped something into Chris’ hand and whispered to him.

Chris pulled back, staring in surprise, but then nodded as he grinned. Not wanting to waste another moment, the two boys hurried over and immediately put their plan into action. As the two men went to speak, Danny raised a finger to one of their mouths to hush him, Chris doing the other, then both waved a condom wrapper at them with a quizzical look. They got two nods back.

The boys dropped to their knees in almost perfect synchronicity, ripped open the packs and started rolling them down the two rigid pricks. Chris’ guy was in great shape. While it was hard to tell with the masks on, the muscle tone and general appearance made him look like he could be anywhere from thirty to fifty, though he suspected the lower end of the scale. His body was well toned, though it showed slight signs of muscle tone that had been allowed to slack off a little. His dick was larger than Chris’ own, maybe straining just close enough to maybe be called eight inches.

Danny’s guy looked to be of a similar age, perhaps a few years younger, the slight age advantage giving his body a hint of tightness the other man was lacking. Slightly less endowed, he was still easily over six inches, but was a little thicker than his friend.

With the two eager cocks rubbered up, Chris and Danny exchanged grins then climbed onto the two mens’ laps, reaching down to guide the erections to their holes before slowly sliding down onto them. Again, the two men went to speak, but Danny had suggested it would be fun to take total control of the situation, which meant shutting down any attempt they made to assert themselves. The boys kissed their respective partners, wrapping their arms around them as they made out and slowly began to bounce on their dicks.

Once again, the boys drew some focus, though they were too caught up in pleasuring their respective partners to notice the covetous looks the two men were drawing from some of the club’s other attendees.

Without parting their lips, Danny grabbed the man’s hand and pulled it between them placing it on his own dick as an obvious request to be pleasured. He didn’t really have to do much, just hold his hand there as Danny’s continuous up and down motion resulted in him fucking it.

Slightly too caught up in the mutual pleasure, the boys didn’t pay much attention to the two men moving until they felt their backs press together. Danny felt himself get pulled away from the man’s mouth, only to have himself twisted slightly to make out with the man fucking Chris. Though he couldn’t see it, he suspected the same had happened the other way too, with Chris now making out with the man Danny was riding.

The four-way connection only added to the excitement and Danny shot an eager load a few moments after Chris erupted, his prolonged edging helping produce a copiously large load, despite being his third.

Feeling the dick inside him begin to pulse and throb, Danny heard pleasured grunts from both men, their orgasms seemingly as well synchronised as the boys’.

Pulling back into their seats, each with a boy on their lap, the two men returned to making out with the boy sat atop them once again, enjoying the shared intimacy of the post-orgasmic come-down. Glancing across the club, Danny saw Ethan gesturing that it was time to go and turned to get Chris’ attention. As he looked at the arms wrapped around his boyfriend, his eyes suddenly widened.

Jumping off, Danny grabbed Chris and started pulling him away without even looking back at the two men.

“Jesus Danny, what’s the fucking hurry?” Chris gasped as he was dragged along towards Ethan.

“Nothing!” Danny said shakily. “We just… gotta go!”

“You lads have…” Ethan started, but trailed off as the boys rushed past. “See ya next time,” he said, giving Five a quick peck on the lips before running after them. He caught up to them just as they reached the door to the boys locker room and shouted in after them, “Wait for me in the lobby!”

Once inside, they eagerly pulled off their masks, both of them looking hot and sweaty. “I need a shower!” Danny said hauntedly, then rushed off into a shower cubicle.

Chris frowned after him, but followed and went into his own shower. By the time he came out, Danny was already out and dried off, nearly fully-dressed.

“I’ll see you out there!” Danny said as Chris grabbed a towel. He hurried out into the lobby and stood staring at the other door, waiting for Ethan to appear. After nearly accosting the wrong person twice, Danny saw the door open, made sure it was Ethan and snapped, “Did you know?”

Ethan looked round, absolutely confused, as if he had walked in halfway through a conversation. “Yeah, ya gonna have to catch me up here, bud!” he said with a smirk.

“Did you know?” Danny repeated, taking a step closer. “That they were here,” he added this time.

“That who was here?” Ethan asked, still looking genuinely lost.

“Mr Smith and Mr Byrne!” Danny growled. Looking almost manic, he snapped furiously, “Chris just got fucked by his OWN DAD!”

“I did what?”

Danny froze for a moment then turned to see Chris standing in the doorway looking more than a little surprised.


Johnny Kape

Such a cliffhanger… But honestly given it's just one third now I don't think it would be a big deal in this story. 🤔

John Warren

So Chris/Danny were both masked as were the 2 adults….did they know who they were messing with, did Mr Smith know he was fucking his own kid…He may be just as clueless as his son on this.