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Sunday 24 July 2022

Danny took a deep breath and exhaled his frustration slowly. He was floating on his back in the gym’s pool, staring up at the few wispy clouds lingering from the previous night’s showers. The previous day, Finn had not shown up for his morning swim and today looked like another no-show. In a way, it was possibly a good thing as it meant Danny could put off being seen in his ridiculously skimpy swimwear.

Thanks to a bet he had lost with Chris two days earlier, he was no longer in control of his swimwear choices. As a result, the speedo he now wore was virtually non-existent, the front of it only just covering the base of his dick while half of his butt was permanently on show.

Embarrassing as it would have been to be seen by Finn, Danny was still hoping it would happen today. While Finn absolutely owed him an apology for calling him a faggot, Danny was eternally forgiving and, as offended as he had been by the word, he could tell something was wrong to even make him say it and Danny, as always, wanted to help. Alas, it seemed today would not give him the opportunity to try.

Letting out a gentle sigh, he flopped over onto his stomach and laid face down, holding his breath for a few moments diving down beneath the water. He swam to the bottom, touched it and then faced the end of the pool. Still in a single breath, he swam along to the end then let himself slowly rise to the surface, exhaling on the way up.

As he broke the surface and shook his head to flick some of the water off, he noticed a pair of feet standing in front of him. Letting his eyes roam up the slender legs, he could tell just by the slight dark fuzz on the shins who it was, but he continued gazing upwards anyway til he saw Finn staring down at him.

“Hi,” Danny said timidly. He leaned back to lift his feet and rest them on the side of the pool, either side of Finn’s, as he laid back floating again.

Finn blushed as his eyes flicked down Danny’s body, widening a little as they fell on the miniscule swimwear.

“Fuck!” Danny grunted, suddenly pulling his feet back and ducking down under the water unexpectedly. He popped back up, spluttering and treading water as he moved back so he could look up at Finn more easily.

“You okay?” Finn asked softly.

“Yeah, I’ve choked on worse,” Danny replied with a wry grin.

Finn cracked a slight, momentary smile but didn’t laugh as he shook his head and said, “I didn’t… mean that, I meant… what I said to you the other day!”

“Oh, when you called me a faggot?” Danny asked, more blunt than he knew he probably should be.

Finn nodded as he sat down on the side of the pool, his legs dangling down into the water. “Yeah. I… I shouldn’t have said that. I should… NEVER say that, I just…” He didn’t finish. He just shook his head instead.

Danny swam a little closer and gently took hold of one of Finn’s legs. Seeing the older boy gulp nervously, he asked quietly, “Finn, what’s going on with you?”

“Nothing!” Finn insisted. “I’m fine, I was just… in a mood that day. Really, I’m fine!”

Danny let his hand slide gently up and down Finn’s shin as he thought for a moment and shook his head. “You’re not!” His hand stopped and squeezed gently. “You can talk to me!”

“Seriously, I’m okay!” Finn said firmly, frowning a little as he nodded. “Maybe instead we should talk about that thong you’re wearing!”

“It’s not a thong!” Danny insisted, blushing heavily.

“Close enough,” Finn smirked.

Danny decided to try and turn things around and replied, “You seem very interested. Are you wanting to take a closer look?”

“No!” Finn said sharply, recoiling a little. He pulled his feet up onto the side of the pool and stood up. “I only… came to apologise,” he said as he turned away.

Danny jumped forward as he called out, “Hey, wait up!” He grabbed at Finn’s shorts and yanked them down, sniggering as they dropped to his ankles. Danny’s laugh stopped abruptly as he saw the older boy’s buttocks.

“NO!” Finn yelped out, desperately trying to reach down and pull them back up and run off at the same time. It resulted in him tumbling to the floor, struggling as the shorts caught on his feet.

“Finn!” Danny exclaimed as he jumped out of the pool. “What happened?” he asked as he stared at the long red welts criss-crossing Finn’s butt.

“Nothing!” Finn snapped as he finally managed to get his shorts up. “It’s nothing!”

“It’s not nothing!” Danny snapped, almost angry.

“Just… forget you saw anything!” Finn demanded as he headed for the exit.

“You walk out of here and I tell your parents!” Danny said firmly.

Finn turned and glared at Danny furiously. “You’d fecking snitch? Over something that doesn’t even matter!”

Danny paced towards Finn and growled through gritted teeth, “Don’t you fucking dare tell me it doesn’t matter!”

“Jesus, what’s you’re fecking problem?” Finn asked, annoyed but slightly disarmed by the younger boy’s obvious rage.

“My PROBLEM,” Danny snapped, “Is that last time I had a friend who hid being abused I had to talk them down off a fucking roof, so you’ll have to FORGIVE me if I have a SLIGHT issue with someone I care about being hurt!”

Finn was still visibly annoyed but a little deflated by Danny’s understandable reaction. His friend’s suicide attempt was something Finn had heard about both from Chris and from Danny directly and it was something he could scarcely imagine enduring. “God, I’m not gonna go fecking top myself or anything so you can stop worrying. I’m fine!” he argued.

“Are you?” Danny asked bluntly.

“Yes!” Finn replied.

Danny’s eyes narrowed and his tone softened a little as he asked again, “Are you?”

“Yes,” Finn replied weakly.

Danny sighed as he stepped forward, took Finn’s hand and asked one more time, “Are you?”

Finn stared at Danny for a moment and went to reply but the words caught in his throat. Instead, he just let out a juddery breath as he sniffed heavily and shook his head, breaking eye contact. As he started crying, he leaned in towards Danny who wrapped himself around him.

“Finn, who hurt you?” Danny whispered, still holding him. “Was it… your parents?” He felt Finn shake his head. “It wasn’t Mr Byrne was it? Or one of the island staff?”

“No,” Finn whimpered. “Please Danny, don’t!”

Danny pulled back, shaking his head a little as he asked, “Who, Finn? Please, I need to know!” As Finn continued to avoid eye contact, Danny frowned and asked, “Wait, is it… is it Sarah?”

The tears stopped and Finn’s cheeks went from flushed to pale in an instant as he stared at the younger boy.

“It is, isn’t it!” Danny exclaimed. “Why… what… why…” he stuttered.

“Fuck!” Finn said, pulling away from Danny. He turned and repeated, “Fuck!” He raised an arm and rested it on the wall, letting his head press against his forearm as he sniffled again.

“What happened?” Danny asked, moving up to place a hand on Finn’s back. “How long’s she been hurting you?”

“She… she doesn’t!” Finn insisted, turning to look guiltily at Danny. “I mean, she did but this was… this was just… one time and she didn’t mean to!”

“Didn’t…” Danny started, but stopped himself from reacting angrily. He took a breath and said, “It looks like she whipped you. You don’t ACCIDENTALLY whip someone several times!”

“You… you’re twisting everything. It’s not like that!” Finn said, shaking his head again.

The door suddenly opened and Sarah appeared. Her momentary scowl switched into a smile as she saw Danny. “Oh g’morning Danny. Still waiting on that follow!” she chirped happily before she looked to Finn and said, “Babe, come on, I need breakfast, you said you’d only be a minute!”

“Yeah, sorry, just coming,” Finn replied with a smile to Sarah. He turned back to Danny for a moment and mouthed silently, “Please!”

Danny sighed and replied quietly, “We can chat later!” He stared at Sarah for a moment then forced a smile too and said, “Enjoy breakfast, I gotta swim!” He turned and jumped in the pool, if only to stop himself saying anything more to her.


Blane was happily thrusting away, enjoying the experience much more now that he had gagged his little brother. He had originally come through to Chris and Danny’s room to see if they were ready for breakfast yet and was quite surprised to see Chris naked, handcuffed to the bed and blindfolded. At first he had wondered if Danny had left him like that, but as soon as he started touching his younger sibling, the comments and questions started.

“I knew if I left myself like this you’d be back!”

“You can tell me who you are!”

“Blane, are you sure that’s not you?”

“Wait, is that Levi? Wait, does Levi even top?”

“Danny, are you just messing with me?”

“You feel pretty big… which doesn’t really narrow it down. Fuck it!”

Gagging him had proven the only way to shut him up. Blane was having to be careful not to say anything himself, for fear of giving away his identity. The first time he had found Chris naked and restrained, he had seized the opening on a whim, and only later taken the opportunity to tease his younger brother by pretending he knew nothing about it. Today was simply another chance to prolong the teasing.

Doing his best to control his breathing to avoid giving anything away as he gripped Chris’ ankles, he stopped thrusting as he began to shoot inside the young boy.

Chris moaned ecstatically into his gag, his own dick throbbing and in desperate need of attention.

As Blane pulled out of Chris with a slight slurping noise, he noticed movement in the doorway and saw Danny standing there staring. He gave the boy a quick wink then climbed off the bed and let Chris’ legs flop down. He headed for Danny and led him out of the room so they could talk discretely.

“I knew it was you!” Danny whispered. “Did you lock him up too?”

“Nope, sounds like he did it to himself. But I just warmed him up, I reckon he’d be happy if you finished him off,” Blane said back softly, grinning wickedly. As he started towards his own room, he stopped and quickly dashed back to whisper, “Oh hey, maybe we can talk about… you-know-what a bit later!”

Danny frowned for a moment, wondering how Blane knew about the Finn situation until it clicked that Blane was talking about his slowly-developing plans to propose to Levi. “Oh, yeah. Yeah,” Danny nodded, unsure whether he should talk to Blane about what he had just seen at the pool instead.

“You’re the best,” Blane said happily, then kissed the boy on the cheek before rushing off to his own room.

Danny turned to head into the bedroom and paused for a few moments before loudly entering.

“Hey! Who’s there?” Chris demanded, having spat out the makeshift gag that he had only kept in out of courtesy for his mystery fucker. “Are you back for more?”

“More what?” Danny asked innocently. “And who the hell tied you up?”

“Danny!” Chris exclaimed. “Did you see who was just in here? Or was it you? Were you messing with me? Did you just fuck me?”

“No, pretty sure I haven’t fucked anyone today!” Danny answered honestly.

“Shite,” Chris grunted. “Well he was back… whoever it was… and this time he fucked me! Do you really promise it wasn’t you?”

Danny was more than a little distracted, but seeing his naked and aroused boyfriend tied helplessly, hormones took control and his dick swelled, tenting the towel he had wrapped around his waist. “I promise it wasn’t me!” Danny added, still sticking to the truth. “But I’m happy to change that!”

“Oh. No. Don’t!” Chris said flatly in an obviously fake show of protest.

Danny chuckled at the faux resistance. While his mind was on so many other things, he couldn’t pass up this opportunity to bring a little more joy to Chris’ morning. There was also a strange appeal to the idea of fucking Chris right after his brother had just done it. It was one of those weird feelings Danny had learned it was easier to simply enjoy than question.

Tossing the towel aside, Danny climbed onto the bed as Chris lifted his legs eagerly. He looked for a moment and smiled and took a seat, facing Chris with a leg either side of him. Taking hold of both fleshy buttocks at once, Danny lifted the butt then shuffled forward as he said, “You can put your legs down!”

“Okay,” Chris said, surprised by the different position. As he lowered his legs, he felt his butt being lowered down onto Danny’s lap, the rigid prick pressing into his hole. “Ohhh, yussss!” he hissed happily.

Danny continued to lower Chris until the whole of his raging prick was inside the restrained teen. “You like that?” he asked playfully.

“Totally hitting… the right spot!” Chris panted.

“Good,” Danny said a little flatly before thrusting his own hips up to push harder into his boyfriend.

“Fuck!” Chris gasped as he laid impaled on the straining tool. He felt Danny pull out a little then thrust back in, slowly beginning to build up a rhythm. “Can you… take the blindfold off?” he asked breathlessly.

“Sure,” Danny replied, leaning forward to remove it.

Chris flinched momentarily at the light, closing his eyes for a second before carefully opening one and then the other. “Hi!” he said with a grin as Danny came into focus.

Danny chuckled slightly as he replied, “Hi!” Reaching out to caress Chris’ stomach for a moment as they smiled contentedly at each other, Danny’s hand soon found its way to Chris’ dick, which was laying rigidly on his stomach, leaving a trail of precum as it slid side-to-side from the movement of Danny’s fucking.

“Ugh, you’ll make me shoot,” Chris grunted.

“Oh. No. How awful!” Danny repeated, using Chris’ own tone from a few moments before with a playful smirk. He started stroking eagerly and immediately felt Chris’ sphincter tighten around his dick.

“Fuck… ah fuck… Danny… ah god,” Chris moaned as he began to shoot.

It was a fairly sizeable load and Danny was close to shooting his own, but instead he lifted Chris off himself and pulled back, then crawled up the bed to start releasing Chris. “Where did you even get handcuffs?” he asked with a snigger as he released the first wrist.

Still catching his breath, Chris grinned as he explained, “Yeah, you know how Sam said ask for anything we need? They really meant anything!”

Danny chuckled at the comment as he straddled Chris to reach over and free his other wrist, though an idea suddenly popped into his head about one of his many other issues.

“Ooh, hello!” Chris said as he found Danny’s dick almost in his face. “Want me to finish you off? You didn’t cum!”

“Nah,” Danny replied casually as he shuffled back down to lie beside Chris, who scooched up to rest his head on the pillows. “This is good for now,” he added as he cuddled up to Chris.

“Okay,” Chris said contentedly as he slipped an arm around Danny, watching happily as his boyfriend playfully fingered at the cum streaking his body.


“My bum hurts!” Aidan complained as he walked along beside his brothers.

“Yeah, so does mine,” Chris nodded in agreement. As he got an eyebrow raise from Blane, he rolled his eyes and said, “From the horse riding!”

“I wish Danny had come with us,” Cian pouted. “And Finn!” he added after a slight hesitation.

“Nah, just Danny!” Aidan said back a little moodily.

“Hey, don’t be like that!” Blane said, shaking his head disapprovingly.

“Probably off at another photo shoot!” Chris scowled. “I can’t believe him and Sarah got all dressed up to come and take pictures with the horses but not actually go on them. It’s so stupid!”

“Yeah, Finn’s stupid!” Aidan huffed.

“That’s not what Chris said,” Blane said defensively, “And don’t be mean. He’s not stupid. They just have… different interests from us!”

“Yeah, stupid interests!” Chris smirked, getting a laugh from Aidan.

“Stop it!” Cian said, grabbing at Chris’ hand. “I don’t like when you’re all mean to each other!”

“Ugh, such a wimp,” Aidan huffed.

“Shut up!” Cian snapped, stepping in front of Chris to shove his twin.

“Make me, gobshite!” Aidan snapped, shoving Cian back.

“OY!” Blane yelled out, pulling the two boys apart just as they were on the brink of grappling.

“He started it!” Aidan snapped.

“No, he did!” Cian snapped back.

The twins both lunged at each other again but Chris and Blane both acted quickly and grabbed one each before they could collide.

“Bit of time apart?” Blane asked Chris as he held Aidan back.

“Yeah, good plan,” Chris agreed, holding onto Cian as he tried to break free. “You go to the beach, I’ll go to the pool!” he suggested.

Blane nodded his agreement and promptly threw a very grumpy-looking Cian over his shoulder.

“C’mon bud, don’t make me carry you too!” Chris said disapprovingly, shaking his head at his little brother as they headed for the main villa’s pool area.

“Aidan’s such a dick!” Cian pouted.

Chris smirked a little and asked, “What happened to not liking us being mean to each other?”

“That’s different,” Cian insisted, but offered no actual argument to support it.

“If you say so,” Chris said, deliberately condescendingly. “Anyway, I’m not complaining. My lil Kiki to myself for a while. I could think of worse things!”

“Don’t call me that!” Cian replied sharply, but looked immediately apologetic as he said, “Sorry, I just… feel like that’s a proper little kid nickname!”

“My apologies, Mr Smith!” Chris said with a slight chuckle.

Cian rolled his eyes as he said, “You can just call me Cian!”

“Yes Cian,” Chris grinned as they neared the pool. “Now… last one in’s a loser!” As he quickly started pulling off clothes, Cian didn’t hesitate to just jump in fully dressed.

Popping back up above the surface and grinning broadly at his big brother, Cian taunted, “Ha. Loser!”

“Get out and get your clothes off, ya lil eejit,” Chris sniggered as he finished removing his own clothes. As Cian started to climb out, still giggling, Chris grabbed hold of a large ring floating around on the pool and sat down into it, floating around as his little brother struggled to peel his wet clothes off.

“Ewwww!” Cian whined as he pulled his t-shirt off with a loud slurping noise. Tossing it aside he moved to the side of the pool, looking down over Chris.

“Don’t!” Chris warned the boy sternly, pointing at him, sending what he had in mind.

“I wasn’t going to,” Cian said, then smirked and added, “Well I was… but I won’t!” He reached down to pull Chris to the side of the pool, then flopped down gently on top of him. They nearly toppled over into the water anyway, but just managed to stay upright as Cian shifted slightly.

Chris laughed at the move as he let his arms casually drape around the younger boy’s shoulders. They floated round aimlessly for a while, chatting quietly about their morning of horse riding and Cian’s squabbling with his twin.

“Chriiiis,” Cian said coyly after they had floated silently for a few moments.

“Yeees?” Chris replied with a grin.

“You’re gay, aren’t you?” Cian asked softly.

Chris frowned a little as he chuckled and said, “Erm… You DO know Danny’s my boyfriend, right?”

Cian tutted, rolled his eyes and swatted Chris’ leg in annoyance. “Yeah, I know,” he said frustratedly, “But there’s more options out there than gay and straight, ya know!”

Chris was about to express his surprise at Cian even knowing about such things so young until he realised he himself had also known about at Cian’s age. He still saw both of the twins as the little kids they’d been before he went off to Kingswood. “Okay, fair point,” he conceded. “Then yes, I’m gay!” It was something he had known for years, and something that was known ABOUT him to most, but it still felt a little strange to say it aloud.

“When did you get gay?” Cian asked innocently.

Chris chuckled at the choice of wording and said, “You don’t… GET it, it’s something you ARE, you can’t catch it.” As he heard Cian huff a little, he went on, “But I’m guessing you mean… when did I know, right?”

“Yeah,” Cian replied, less annoyed now Chris had clarified he wasn’t just teasing.

“Well…” Chris started, pausing for a moment. He felt suddenly nauseous. The last person who had asked him that question had been another of his brothers, and it had led to a very intimate encounter. He had no intention of doing such things with Cian, but it was both alarming and disturbing to have the thought pop into his head at that moment. Taking a moment to compose himself, he explained, “Well, I don’t know if you remember Finn’s friend Ardal who used to stay over occasionally, but… I had a bit of a crush on him!”

“How old were you?” Cian asked curiously.

“Oh, I guess… about your age actually,” Chris said. It still seemed almost unbelievable that the twins would be turning nine in a month. “Why? Is this… something you’re thinking about?” he asked cautiously.

“No!” Cian replied, shaking his head slightly. “It’s just… promise you won’t tell Adey?”

“Sure,” Chris replied, giving the boy a gentle squeeze.

Cian smiled as he nuzzled back against Chris, sighed softly and explained, “Adey thinks about it sometimes and he keeps saying it’s weird that I don’t and then he says that if he’s thinking he’s not straight then that means I’m not either cos we’re basically the same and I guess we argue about it a lot!”

“I see!” Chris said with a nod. The two boys had always squabbled a little. It was inevitable considering they spent virtually every second together, but it had not gone unnoticed that it was happening more lately.

“Is he right?” Cian asked, tilting his head back to look up at Chris.

Chris gave the boy another squeeze, kissed his forehead and said, “I wish I had the answers for you, bud, but I don’t know!” As he heard Cian sigh, he added, “But what I do know is that only YOU get to know what you think and what you feel, and no matter how close you two are, or how alike, you’re you and he’s him. Always remember that!”

“You’re the best!” Cian said as he gripped tightly onto Chris’ arms. After a few moments he tilted his head up again and asked, “Hey, d’ya think I could go to Kingswood when I’m old enough?”

“Hmm,” Chris hummed. “I dunno, it’s meant to be for really smart kids and this morning you got outsmarted by a horse!”

“That was a REALLY smart horse!” Cian said defensively. “Besides, they let YOU in!”

“Oh, savage!” Chris said, more amused than offended. “As my mate James always puts it, my brilliance lies in matters outside of academic pursuits!”

“What does that mean?” Cian asked curiously.

“It means I’m thick as pig shit but make up for it with other things, I think,” Chris chuckled.

“You’re not thick,” Cian said defensively. He tried to turn over to cuddle his big brother properly, but leant too far one way and the ring tipped over, depositing both of them into the water. They emerged a moment later, spluttering and laughing.


Danny approached the villa cautiously. It was the part of the island he had visited the least, as any time he had spent with Finn, Aisling or their partners had always been in the communal areas, so he had no reason to visit the villa they were staying in, until now.

Its four residents were all out for the day, as far as Danny knew, but it wasn’t any of them he was currently looking for. As he stepped into the empty building, he looked round for a few moments before calling out, “Hey, is anyone here?”

“Danny!” a voice suddenly said from behind him.

“Jesus!” Danny shrieked out as he jumped. He looked round to see Ethan standing there. “How d’you do that? I swear you guys just appear from nowhere!”

“Oh, we have secret tunnels running under the entire place!” the hunky thirty-year-old Villa Assistant said with a cheeky grin.

“Oh cool, we have them at school!” Danny chuckled.

Ethan frowned at the comment and said, “I was… just kidding!”

“Oh!” Danny exclaimed, blushing a little. “Yeah… me too!” he said evasively.

Ethan sniggered as he shook his head and started, “If you’re looking for the others…”

“I’m not!” Danny quickly interjected. “I was looking for you, actually!”

Ethan walked across to the bar and asked, “Oh really? Do I need to be worried?” Before Danny could answer, he added, “Drink?”

“Pina Colada!” Danny replied with a cheesy smile.

Ethan raised his eyebrows and said, “I could make you a virgin one!”

Danny grinned again as he said, “I like virgins!” As Ethan rolled his eyes, Danny continued, “Sure, virgin Pina Colada please!”

“Coming right up,” Ethan replied, starting to prepare the drink as Danny took a seat on one of the stools. “So how can I help, unless you just came here just to test my mixology skills?”

“Actually, I came to talk about… Finn,” Danny said, his entire demeanour suddenly changing.

Ethan paused as he looked at Danny for a moment, then continued preparing the drink as he asked, “Oh yes, what about him?”

“What do you… think of him?” Danny asked, unsure if the plan he had in mind was sensible or stupid.

Ethan started shaking the cocktail. It wasn’t really necessary, but he was just putting on a show for Danny’s amusement. “Umm, yeah he seems okay. Doesn’t really give me much to go on usually. Most of you lot seem nice compared to some of our clients… which I shouldn’t really say, but I figure this is between us, right?”

“Yeah,” Danny said, glad of the expectation of confidentiality. “So what do you think about… Sarah?” he asked cautiously.

Ethan hummed thoughtfully. He trusted Danny, but even still, he was cautious of what he said. “She’s… a lot more demanding than the rest of you,” he explained, clearly being very diplomatic.

Danny raised his eyebrows at Ethan, staring for a moment before he said, “So you think she’s a bitch?”

“I did not and would not say that about any of our clients!” Ethan said sternly, then smirked as he started to pour the drink and said, “But yes!” As he popped a chunk of pineapple, a long straw and a cocktail umbrella into the drink and slid it across the bar, he looked at Danny who was not as amused by the comment as he should have been and asked, “Danny, what’s this about?”

Danny took the drink and sucked deeply for a few seconds. As he swallowed, he nodded and said, “That’s good. Can really taste the… Colada!”

“You have no idea what’s even in one, do you?” Ethan asked, shaking his head.

“Not really,” Danny said with a shrug. He took another slurp, staring down at the drink before he looked up cautiously at Ethan and said frankly, “I think she’s hurting him!”

Ethan recoiled a little at the comment, cocked his head slightly and asked, “What, you mean… emotionally?” The look he got back from Danny answered without words as he added, “Oh, I see. If that’s the case, maybe I’m not the one you should…”

“No!” Danny interjected quickly. “I can’t just…” he stopped, sighing heavily. “You don’t know Finn. He’d be pissed enough knowing I’m telling you, but if I told… like… his parents or something and it turned out to be true, he’d be fucking mortified.”

“So are you here to find out if I’ve seen anything?” Ethan asked curiously. “If I’d seen anything like that, I would’ve reported it. Yeah, she’s… very controlling and… forceful. That girl KNOWS what she wants, but I’ve never seen her actually hurt anyone!”

Danny sighed. He still hoped to be wrong, but nothing had disproved it yet. “Sam says you guys can get us pretty much anything we ask for,” Danny explained. “Would you… be able to get something to… to… help figure it out?”

“Jesus Danny. The fuck you asking me to do?” Ethan recoiled. “D’ya mean something to spy on them? Cos that’s a pretty fucking big invasion of their privacy that could get me fired… or arrested even!”

“I know, I know, I’m sorry!” Danny said, looking increasingly distressed. “It’s just that… I’m scared for him… and… and I’ve had friends getting hurt before and… and…” The words vanished into gentle sobs as he raised his hands to cover his face.

Ethan quickly moved round the bar to hold Danny tightly. “Hey, it’s okay,” he whispered as he wrapped his arms around the boy. “It’s okay, Danny,” Ethan repeated as he felt Danny grip onto him. He held Danny for a few moments while he composed himself, then pulled back a little and looked down. “Look, how sure are you there’s something bad going on?”

Danny shrugged and said, “Like… ninety percent!”

Ethan continued to stare in silence for a few moments before he said, “Okay, leave this with me!” As Danny smiled up at him, he shook his head and said, “And here I was thinking you were just gonna try and sleep with me again!”

“Is that an option?” Danny asked, eyes wide. The stern stare he got back soon answered him, though he continued to smirk slightly.


Monday 25 July 2022

“Quit your moping!” Blane said, nudging Chris as he took a seat beside him. “Today was YOUR idea!” he said as he smirked over at Cian and Aidan who were happily keeping their little sisters entertained.

“Yeah, but when I said JUST family, I kinda thought… family AND Danny!” Chris pouted. He had suggested a day out just for the Smiths and, surprisingly, everyone had agreed.

Danny, Levi, Sean, The Byrnes, Sarah and even Edward had stayed behind doing other things on the island, while the eight Smith siblings and their parents had gone out for a day at sea. They had barely been gone for more than ten minutes before Chris started complaining about missing Danny.

“God, you can go eight hours without seeing each other,” Blane said, rolling his eyes. As much as he hated to admit it, it was actually quite adorable to see Chris’ already substantial attachment to Danny growing even stronger as they began to explore their new relationship.

“I guess,” Chris pouted. He glanced over at the younger kids and smiled briefly before he looked to Blane and asked, “Did you have fun with Adey yesterday?”

“It’s Aidan only, now. Adey’s too kiddy apparently,” Blane smirked.

“Hnnh,” Chris grunted, “Same for Cian with Kiki!”

“Of course!” Blane chuckled. “But yeah, it was… fun. You and Cian have a good afternoon?”

“Yeah,” Chris replied, frowning thoughtfully. “Although he did…” Chris paused, gesturing to Blane to follow him. They moved a little further away, just to guarantee they weren’t being listened to by prying ears. “He did say some stuff about… him and Adey arguing… and what it was about!” He paused, looking at Blane curiously.

“Oh, he told you about that,” Blane nodded. “I wasn’t sure whether to say anything. So Cian’s a bit confused, is he?”

Chris cocked his head thoughtfully for a moment before he asked, “Is that how Adey put it? According to Cian, Adey’s pressuring him a bit into, like… labelling himself!”

“Jesus,” Blane mumbled, shaking his head. “I know you said you knew… some of that stuff around their age but… feck… they’re just kids. Why are they even thinking about this stuff?”

Chris nodded knowingly as he sighed gently. “Honestly it’s probably cos of us!” he stated, getting a slightly shocked look from Blane. “Think about it. At their age, you’d probably barely heard the word gay and definitely hadn’t met one. I knew about that stuff, but before going to Kingswood I’d never really met anyone else gay either. Yet here they are now, two of their big brothers with boyfriends. They’re just… more aware of things, I s’pose!”

Blane smiled and reached out to muss Chris’ hair.

“What?” Chris asked curiously.

“Just… thinking what a good mentor you’re gonna be this year!” Blane explained, letting his hand drop down to rub Chris’ back gently.

“Ya think?” Chris asked a little nervously. The thought of becoming a mentor when he entered Year 10 was both exciting and terrifying.

“Totally,” Blane insisted. “I guess this year’s gonna bring a lot of change!” As Chris nodded his agreement, Blane let out a gentle sigh and said, “Actually, about that… there is… something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about!”

“Sup?” Chris asked, shuffling a little closer to lean against his big brother.

“Well ya know how my position at the school was only a two year contract?” Blane asked.

“Yeah,” Chris nodded before his eyes widened as he said, “Wait! That was two years ago! Is it over? Are you leaving? What about Levi? He’s not leaving too, is he? Is that the change you meant? Are you…” He was silenced by a hand suddenly clasping over his mouth.

“Okay, shush!” Blane said, smirking a little as he shook his head, keeping Chris silenced. “I’m not leaving. In fact, I… kinda made a decision but I want to run it by you before I sign the contract!” He looked at Chris questioningly as he nodded to his hand.

Chris nodded back, indicating he would remain quiet.

As Blane lowered his hand, he began, “So doing all the physio stuff with Danny was… really rewarding, but I’ve realised that’s really not where I want to go with my career.” Blane smiled slightly at the confused and slightly worried look on Chris’ face. “Being at Kingswood made me realise I… love teaching! You know I have this whole thing with mam and dad about them not doing enough with their money to help other people?” It got another nod. “Well teaching makes me feel like I’m actually helping people, like I’m… actually making tomorrow a bit better than today.”

“That’s… really cool,” Chris said, smiling proudly.

“I’m glad you think so,” Blane chuckled back. “But as my TA contract is up and I’m now certified to teach in England, that means I can actually start working a teacher… and an opening’s come up at Kingswood!”

“Yes!” Chris immediately yelped. “Take it!” he added excitedly.

Blane snorted with laughter at the enthusiasm. “I seem to remember you being really pissed at me when I started at Kingswood as a TA. I wasn’t sure you’d want this!”

Chris pouted slightly, remembering the hard time he had given his big brother back at the start of Year 8. “Yeah, well… that was kinda cos I thought you were gonna just… mess up everything there, but I was wrong. Having you there makes it SO much better!”

Blane stared for a moment, a little touched by the comment.

“Crap!” Chris suddenly pouted. “This means I’m gonna have to start calling you Mr Smith!”

Blane burst into laughter again as he reached out to the side, pulling Chris into a playful headlock.


“And here I was thinking I’d get to sleep in,” Levi sighed as he felt movement on the bed.

“Sorry, I was trying not to wake you,” Danny apologised sheepishly as he gave up his attempt at stealth and flopped down beside the older man.

“One might think NOT getting into my bed might have been a better way of not waking me!” Levi said with a smirk as he slipped an arm under Danny’s neck.

“Yeah, but then I wouldn’t be in bed with you!” Danny replied cheekily, rolling to his side to lay an arm across the half-naked teacher’s torso. “And I only get to do this for another two weeks so I wanna make the most of it!” he said with an undeniable note of melancholy.

“This,” Levi said, rolling towards Danny as he squeezed him gently, “We can do any time… within reason. It’s only the… more intimate stuff that stops when we get back to school!”

“Oh I totally meant the ‘intimate stuff’, but this is nice too,” Danny chuckled as he nuzzled his cheek against Levi’s furry chest. He frowned briefly and lifted his head up to look curiously at Levi. “Wait, we can do this at school?” he asked in surprise.

“Well… maybe not you crawling into my bed uninvited,” Levi started, then raised his head to look at his exposed torso and the fully-naked boy beside him and added, “And definitely with more clothes, but… a hug or a cuddle here or there for one of my former students isn’t out of the question!”

“Not a former student quite yet. I chose Drama as one of my GCSEs!” Danny said happily.

“Actually, I… have a bit of news about that!” Levi said with a slight pout. As Danny looked at him questioningly, he explained, “There’s been a few staffing changes after a review of current responsibilities and… I’m not actually going to be teaching drama anymore. The school thinks splitting focus between Floor Master and teaching is… too much of a stretch!” He paused for a moment, unsure how Danny would take the news.

Danny frowned slightly, nodding as he thought about it briefly. “So… you’ll still be around, but less stressed and more happy?” he asked thoughtfully.

Levi smirked slightly as he nodded. “Danny, you literally never cease to amaze me with the way you think about others,” he said in genuine admiration. “And yes, I guess I will.”

“Thanks,” Danny blushed. “And I’m glad. Besides, now you’re marrying my future brother-in-law, you’ll never really be free of me ever again!” Danny replied before giving an overdramatic maniacal laugh.

Levi rolled his eyes and shook his head for a moment before he paused and said, “Future brother-in-law? Getting a bit ahead of yourself, aren’t you?”

Danny sat up and looked round as he shrugged. “Now that he’s got me, can you ever see Chris letting us break up?” he asked playfully.

“Hnnh, good point,” Levi nodded.

“Although…” Danny started, but paused, unsure whether to voice his concerns. As Levi reached out to stroke his leg and give a reassuring nod, Danny smiled back and said, “I kinda think he’s worried that’s what I’m gonna do!”

“Whadda you mean?” Levi asked as he sat up to face the boy.

“Well… think about his track record,” Danny sighed. “Dated Kyle and got SPECTACULARLY and very publicly dumped. Dated Nicky and Mikey and got dumped by Nicky on stage with an audience, then by Mikey because of the Nicky thing. Then he finally starts seeing Mark, who dumps him a few weeks later… which admittedly worked out in my favour, but still… that’s… that’s a lot of getting dumped!”

Levi hummed thoughtfully as he nodded. “Yeah, I… I guess I hadn’t thought about that, but… it’s a lot!” As Danny sighed wistfully, Levi smiled sweetly and said, “But even if he IS worried about that, he doesn’t need to, right?”

Danny shook his head as he grinned and declared,  “No chance. I’m not letting him go anywhere!”

“Wow, you saying you’re committed to Chris for life, me planning to propose to Blane and both of them out on a boat for the day. If this was a movie, I’d say they’re about to be killed in a horrific, tragic and heart-wrenching accident!” Levi laughed. As Danny whimpered and stared at him wide-eyed, he suppressed his grin and said, “Sorry, they’re not, I promise!”

“Good!” Danny replied, leaning in for a hug.

“Which is exactly what the lead character would say in the movie right before the accident!” Levi said, prompting Danny to pull away and punch his arm in annoyance.

Levi gasped. “Striking a teacher! That’s a serious offence!” he said as he lunged at Danny. “I sentence you to two minutes of tickles!”

“NO! GET OFF! STOP IT!” Danny shrieked in amongst his giggles as the teacher pinned him down and started tickling.

As Levi laid half on top of Danny, pinning him to the bed, he felt the boy’s erection pressing into his hip. Pausing the tickling for a second, he asked, “You sure you want me to stop?” He lowered his hand to rest on Danny’s dick.

“Okay…” Danny panted, staring at the man hungrily. “Maybe don’t stop. Just… aim lower!”

Levi laughed at the suggestion and nodded before he leaned down to kiss Danny’s cheek. “You’re too cute!” he said softly.

As Levi went to pull away, Danny let out another gentle whimper and raised his head to nuzzle against Levi’s. As the man pushed back down in return, Danny mewed happily and allowed his hand to reach up and run his fingers through the hair on his chest. Getting a slight moan in return, Danny slowly worked his hand down Levi’s torso, over his fuzzy stomach, following the trail down as it disappeared into his pyjama bottoms.

“Mmm-huh,” Levi hummed his approval as he felt Danny’s hand stop at the waistband.

Danny let his fingers sink into the warm smooth skin slightly as he pushed down and reached beneath the elasticated waist. He found a heavy patch of soft wiry hairs which he played with for a few moments as he felt his own dick being massaged gently. He felt a slight wetness on the back of his hand as it made contact with the head of Levi’s erect cock.

“Fuck,” Levi gasped as he felt Danny’s fingers slip around his boner. He let out another pleasured gasp as the boy’s thumb moved up onto the head, sliding around it to spread the bead of precum he had leaked, the entire area getting slippery beneath the slowly moving digit.

Danny had been staring down at his hand, getting a slight peek inside the teacher’s pyjamas as his arm stretched the waistband up, but he raised his gaze to stare into the young teacher’s face. “Can I kiss you?” he asked breathlessly.

Keeping one hand on Danny’s dick, Levi raised the arm that was looped around the boy so his fingers slid through the golden-blonde hair as he said softly, “Sure!” The smile on Danny’s face as he got the approval to go on was so adorable it made Levi’s chest ache. A moment later, he felt soft lips pressed against his own as Danny delivered a gentle but passionate kiss, one borne of familiarity and comfort and trust.

It was a confusing feeling for the young man. Doing such things with a student – or anyone of Danny’s age for that matter – was the very definition of wrongness for him, yet it was happening… again! The things they had done before were far from frequent, but for them to have happened at all was unacceptable. Admittedly the first time, he hadn’t really had much say in the matter. He had been left naked and restrained by Blane, with Chris and Danny sent in to ‘enjoy’ him as a birthday gift. But every time since… they had always been a choice… an illegal and immoral choice at that!

As much as his logical side screamed at him about the inherent impropriety, feeling Danny’s lips against his own, the fingers around his shaft and the thumb rubbing slow circles on an increasingly slick head, all if it simply felt too good to stop. Knowing the boy trusted him with such things was touching, but he realised the real trust here went the other way. Levi’s career and entire life could be ruined by people finding out about what he had done with Danny and Chris, but he trusted them both implicitly to keep their secrets.

Danny pulled out of the kiss long enough to mutter, “Keep stroking!” before he returned to kissing the young man.

Levi realised his hand had slowed and then stopped as his mind wandered and immediately resumed, putting the troubling thoughts out of his head in favour of simply enjoying the moment. After all, that was the intention of both the holiday and the agreement to be ‘open’ for the duration of it – to have fun, so that was what he intended to do. As he continued to stroke Danny and began hearing gentle moans echoing into his mouth, he felt Danny’s teasing hold change to a quick stroke instead.

First Danny sped up, then Levi, then Danny, over and over until they were both wanking each other furiously, speeding towards a shared climax. Panting and moaning excitedly, Levi reached down to tuck his pyjama bottoms under his balls just in time to begin ejaculating over himself, heavy white globs landing messily on the hair smattering his torso.

A few moments later, Danny tilted over to the side and began to shoot his own load over the man, adding to the white streaks criss-crossing his body.

“What?” Danny asked with a grin as the man stared at him. “Saves two of us having to clean up!”

“Ya lil bastard,” Levi chuckled. He pulled the front of his pyjamas up again, leaned in to give Danny a brief kiss on the lips and swung his legs round off the bed. “I’m going for a shower. Wanna grab some breakfast when I’m done?”

“Sure!” Danny said happily, lounging back on the bed as Levi headed for the bathroom.

A few moments later, there was a knock at the door. Danny quickly grabbed the covers and pulled them over himself, just in case it was someone unexpected and called out, “Come in!”

“Ah, Sam said you were in here!” Ethan said as he peered cautiously into the room.

“Oh hey,” Danny said, grinning happily at the Villa Assistant. His smile quickly dropped as he remembered their last conversation. “Oh, you… you’ve got something?” he asked nervously.

Ethan grimaced slightly and nodded. “Yeah, really didn’t long to find, come take a look,” he said seriously.

Danny jumped off the bed, unashamed of his nudity. Ethan had seen it before, and in his still-semi-hard state Danny actually hoped it might entice the man a little. “Oh hey, Levi,” he called back towards the bathroom, “Something’s come up. I’ll see ya later!”

“Okay!” Levi called back as the sound of the shower started up.

“So what’ve we got?” Danny asked eagerly as soon as they were out of earshot of Levi.

“Let’s grab a seat,” Ethan said, pulling out a stool at the villa’s bar.

Danny sat down, looking at the man nervously.

“Look, I don’t want to actually show you what I’ve got,” Ethan said with a cautious frown, “But… let’s say you were definitely right!”

Danny’s breath caught in his throat, but he took a second to compose himself and requested, “I wanna see!”

Ethan’s brow furrowed more as he started, “Danny, I really don’t…”

“Please!” Danny interrupted.

Ethan sighed as he nodded and pulled out his phone.


“Land ho!” Aidan yelled out, despite the fact the island had been visible for quite some time.

“Oh, he can obviously see Danny!” Chris said with a grin. It got a laugh from Finn and Blane

Cian frowned and said, “I don’t get it!”

Blane smirked as he reached out to pat their little brother on the back and said, “Never mind. Just a bad joke!”

“Finn! Where’s Mr Cuddlebum? Clare says she gave him to you!” Aisling called out from across the boat as she sat with her little sister on her knee.

“Ohhh no!” Finn objected as he jumped to his feet. “It was totally these two!” he said gesturing to Cian and Aidan. “They said they were gonna make him walk the plank!”

As Clare burst into tears, the twins and Finn both approached, squabbling over the misplaced and potentially executed cuddly toy.

“Yeah, I’m not getting involved in that!” Blane said, shaking his head.

“Totally,” Chris sniggered.

“Hey, great idea today, by the way,” Blane said, smiling contentedly. Despite a few tense moments early on between the twins, a few near-arguments between Blane and his father and Finn’s usually-horrendous mood, it had remained a pleasant and peaceful day for the family.

“Yeah, it was nice!” Chris nodded. “I liked… being able to hang out with Finn again,” he said, sighing slightly as he added, “Just a shame he’ll probably go back to being a moody prick the moment he’s back with Cunty McBitchface!”

“Hey!” Blane scowled at the name calling.

“What? Am I wrong?” Chris asked with a shrug.

Blane stared back thoughtfully for a moment then reluctantly shook his head. “But you never know,” he said hopefully, “Maybe today was exactly what you two needed to… like… reconnect or whatever.”

“Maybe,” Chris said, clearly unconvinced.

“Either way, it stopped ya moping all day about missing Danny!” Blane teased.

“You know what I think would REALLY help?” Chris asked with a wry grin.

“No!” Blane said bluntly. He didn’t even need to hear the comment. For the past two days, Chris had made terrible excuse after terrible excuse to try and find out from Blane a secret that had been kept from him and Danny since their day on the nude beach. Ethan had wanted to suggest an activity, but Levi had vetoed it and then apparently strongarmed Blane into supporting his position.

“Well you’re just no fun!” Chris pouted. “Well maybe Danny’s gotten it out of Levi. He said he was gonna pester him about it all day!” he explained with a grin. “Oh, speak o’ the devil!” he said as they approached the dock and saw Levi standing there.

As soon as the boat was close enough, Blane leapt onto the dock to greet his boyfriend, but seemed to stop as he got close. He paused for a few moments as Aisling did her best to stop the younger siblings imitating the reckless behaviour, then stopped and looked back at the boat. “Mam, dad, come here,” he requested seriously.

“What’s going on?” Chris asked Aisling, though he knew she couldn’t really have any more clue about what was going on than he did. He got a shrug back exactly as expected.

Mr and Mrs Smith climbed onto the dock and spoke quietly with Levi for a few moments before turning back. “Ash, can you take the kids in to get ready for dinner!” Sinead requested.

“Sure,” Aisling replied with a concerned frown to her mother as she picked up Fiadh.

“You too!” Gareth added, to a curious-looking Chris.

“Ha, still one o’ the kids!” Finn snorted.

“Shut up,” Chris pouted, but quickly took charge of the twins, making sure they got off the boat okay. Blane tagged along, taking Clare’s hand as they headed along the dock and back up towards the villa. “What’s going on?” he asked once they were inside and able to separate from their younger siblings.

“Sarah’s gone,” Blane stated bluntly. As he saw his brother and sister prepare a barrage of questions, he raised his hands and said, “That’s virtually as much as I know. Levi just told me she decided to go home. Edward’s escorting her, she’s already on the plane back home!”

“Awesome!” Chris said with a huge grin.

“Jesus Chris. Have some freaking compassion,” Aisling scowled. “I get ya didn’t like her, but think about Finn!”

At once, all three of them looked round, where they could still see Finn down on the docks with their parents and Levi. It did not look like the news was being well received.

“Yeah, sorry,” Chris said sheepishly, though he quickly frowned as he looked round and said, “Where’s Danny? I’m gonna go find him!”

“Okay, but be back soon for dinner,” Aisling said, still glancing down at the docks with concern.

Chris hurried out of the main villa and headed straight for his own. As he got close, he saw Ethan just leaving. “Hey!” he said cheerfully to the older man.

“Good evening, Chris,” Ethan said very formally, with what looked to be a fairly forced smile.

“What you doing over here?” Chris asked as he approached, knowing the Villa Assistants tended to usually linger near their designated buildings.

“Didn’t realise you were all home yet, I’m just heading back,” Ethan said, evading the question.

“Any chance you were over here telling Danny what your idea was?” Chris asked with a huge grin as Ethan passed him.

“Afraid not,” Ethan chuckled before heading off.

As Chris got into the villa, he saw Samuel lingering near the bar. As soon as he spotted Chris, he got to work making him a drink, knowing the routine by now. Danny was sat over on one of the sofas and had looked round as his boyfriend entered.

“Hey, you okay?” Chris asked with a concerned frown. “D’you know what’s going on with Sarah?”

Danny didn’t answer, he just held out his arms to Chris who quickly jumped onto the sofa to hold him.


Dinner had been a truly strange affair. Finn was entirely absent, remaining holed up in his room as he refused to speak to anyone. The ‘adults’ were doing their best to carry on as normal, making their behaviour seem unnaturally unnormal in its normality. The younger kids didn’t really know what was happening and why. The rest of them in between remained conscious of Finn’s pain, but unable to do anything about it and discouraged from talking about it.

Early evening had seen both Aisling and Blane go off for ‘date night’ with their respective partners, leaving Chris and Danny in charge of the twins and the girls. When the time came to get them all to bed (making the two boys REALLY miss Edward’s assistance), they were both exhausted. Without much else to do, they headed back to their villa but stopped as they reached the pool area outside it.

“Let’s go swimming!” Chris had suggested with a grin. The implication of skinny-dipping didn’t need to be voiced. By now they knew that nobody really ventured to their end of the island though the risk of it was still there, which only made them want to do it more.

As it turned out, their naked swim went uninterrupted and actually ended up just being a peaceful, relaxing and much-needed respite from the drama of the day. After Chris’ initial questioning about Sarah, to which Danny had insisted he didn’t really know anything, the subject had been all but forgotten for them both as they splashed and floated around contentedly.

The only interruption had come from Samuel, who kept the boys supplied with drinks and anything else they might need. Despite repeated suggestions from both boys, the young Villa Assistant had opted not to join them. By the time Blane and Levi returned from their date, Chris and Danny were both happily settled into bed for an early night.

Danny had dozed off and woken up a few times as Chris snored at his side, caught between distracted restlessness and disturbed dreams, when he heard a gentle tap at the door. As he sat up, ready to go over and see who it was rather than shouting out and disturbing Chris, it opened a little. “Ethan?” he whispered curiously.

Ethan remained silent but beckoned Danny over.

Danny paused briefly, realising he was naked, but figured it couldn’t hurt to let the attractive man get another look at him. He stepped out of the bedroom and quietly shut the door behind him, then asked curiously, “What’s up?”

“Just finished for the night and thought I’d stop by and see if you were up,” Ethan said, placing a hand gently on Danny’s shoulder. “Wanted to check how you’re doing.”

Danny shuddered slightly at the strong hand on his shoulder, but pouted, then shrugged. “I’m okay,” he said softly.

“I don’t know you that well,” Ethan said with a thoughtful frown, “But even I can tell that’s not true!”

Danny sighed as he shook his head. He nodded towards the sofas then walked over, smiling as Ethan moved his hand onto his back as they walked. Taking a seat, he pouted again for a moment. “It’s just… fuck, I don’t know if I did the right thing. This is kinda what I keep doing. I… I HELP people, but… I always seem to just… make the wrong call!”

“Danny, you saw what I saw. Getting rid of the evil little bitch was totally the right call!” Ethan said firmly. He shifted closer to Danny and slipped an arm around him.

“No, I know, she had to go, but… I dunno, doing it behind Finn’s back, not telling his parents, keeping it from, like, everyone else,” Danny said, shaking his head. He leaned against Ethan a little and let out another sigh. “I hate keeping things from people,” he admitted.

Ethan thought for a moment, humming gently before he replied, “Like I said, I don’t know you that well, but from what I’ve seen so far, you’ve got good instincts. If you thought it was the right thing to do, I believe it probably was!”

Danny smiled sweetly at the affirmation. “Thanks,” he said quietly.

“And besides, even if it’s not, you can’t change it now so what’s the point whining about it!” Ethan said with a cheeky grin.

Danny pulled back, jaw agape for a moment as he stared at Ethan. “Rude!” he said, barely holding back a smirk as he tried to look offended. “I’m not whining! You’re whining!”

“Wow, weakest comeback ever,” Ethan taunted.

“Hey, if you’re looking for cum back, I can help with that!” Danny joked, reaching down to grab Ethan’s dick.

Ethan snorted with laughter. “Okay, that was good,” he said, sounding a little impressed.

Danny gulped slightly as he realised his hand was still on Ethan’s dick and the older man didn’t appear to be making any attempt to stop him. “I thought… you weren’t interested!” he said shakily.

“I never said that,” Ethan chuckled. “I’m just not stupid enough to do things with a boy your age somewhere I could be caught doing it!”

“Could we… get caught here?” Danny asked, looking around.

Ethan smiled and silently moved his hand over to grab Danny’s cock in return.

Danny gasped slightly but grinned as his erection throbbed in the man’s grip. He leaned forward, intending to try and kiss him, but the hand rose to his chest to hold him back. He let out a gentle, slightly confused whimper.

“We can do this here,” Ethan said with a smirk, “But if you’re okay doing it with grown men…”

“More than okay!” Danny interjected eagerly. He quickly glanced back towards his bedroom door and said, “Chris too, if you want! I mean, I prefer older guys… although just about everyone’s an older guy to me, and Chris’ll do anyone who’ll have him!”

Ethan glanced round too and smiled as he nodded and said, “Good to know!” He raised his hand up to stroke Danny’s cheek and then leaned in to whisper, “I think I know the perfect place for you both!”

“Where? Can we go?” Danny asked eagerly. “Wait, is this… the thing you suggested that Levi told us we can’t?”

“It is, and I can make arrangements,” Ethan explained. “Not tonight, but… it can be arranged… if you’re willing!”

“Fuck yes!” Danny exclaimed excitedly.



The best Patreon has been able to suggest is to not use their app but view the site on a web browser. How pathetic.

John Warren

So yeah I agree with others about concern for Finn, however my ongoing thought throughout this chapter was how sweet the twins are and hoping that sexual orientation doesn’t become an issue between them.

Stories by Matt

Exploring Chris' family really was one of the highlights of writing this. I really like the whole group. The twins are just too cute!