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Friday 22 July 2022

“I think I’m gonna call it quits,” Danny said as he came to a stop beside Blane.

“Ah, saving your energy for… later?” Blane asked with a smirk.

Danny’s eyes widened slightly at the tease as he asked, “You gonna tell me what it is?”

“Nope, it’s a surprise,” Blane insisted. At Danny’s request, their houseboy Samuel had planned something fun for them to do on his day off, though Danny and Chris had not been advised what it was and Blane was enjoying teasing them because of it.

“Boring,” Danny grumbled. “And no, I’m just… not in a running mood today!” he said slightly awkwardly, running a hand over his slightly sweaty bare chest.

“Oh, so you’ve still got energy for a swim,” Blane said with a knowing smirk.

Danny just blushed at the comment for a moment then replied, “Yeah, I like swimming!”

“Uh huh, swimming… sure!” Blane said with a wink that Danny rolled his eyes at. “Hey, gimme your shorts. I’ll drop ‘em back at the villa for you!” he offered mischievously.

“Yeah, I don’t think so!” Danny said, shaking his head.

“You know I could take them from you if you make me!” Blane threatened, not particularly menacingly.

“Ugh, fine,” Danny huffed as he reached down to remove his shorts. He stepped out of them and reluctantly handed them over to Blane, leaving him clad in just today’s skimpy speedo.

Blane grinned at the slight flush of Danny’s cheeks then turned to continue his run. Without looking back, he called out, “Tell Finn I said hi!”

Danny wanted to shout back at him, but also didn’t want to give the young man the pleasure of knowing he’d got to him. Instead, he turned to head towards the pool that adjoined the island’s gym. As he got there, he was surprised to see Finn already swimming. “Oh you’re… early!” he said in place of an actual greeting.

“Likewise!” Finn called back as he came to a stop, treading water as he watched Danny approach.

“Yeah, I… umm… didn’t feel like running so much today,” Danny lied.

“Oh, cool,” Finn replied with a nod, either missing the lie or simply not bothered about it. He suddenly grinned as he said, “Back to basic Kingswood today,” as he nodded towards Danny’s speedo, which were in his school’s colours.

“Oh, yeah,” Danny said, feeling the swimwear tighten slightly at the thought of Finn looking at him. The range of speedos Chris had been loaned by other students was running down quickly with two of them using them and they had agreed not to re-wear any until they’d given them all a go. Thankfully there was still a decent amount of regular speedos left before it got to the really embarrassing choices! Today Danny had chosen one of the many that were just in standard school colours. “Go Kingswood!” Danny chuckled as he stepped towards the edge of the pool.

Always keen to show off a little in front of the older boy, Danny moved round to the end and dove into the pool, intending to swim to the far end, turn then come back as far as Finn before popping up out of the water. He pulled off the dive no problem, nor did he struggle with the distance – it was a big pool but far from Olympic size. However, as he popped up next to Finn, instead of looking impressed, he just looked amused.

“What?” Danny immediately asked.

“That!” Finn said, pointing to the end of the pool where Danny had just turned flawless underwater.

Floating on the surface was a speedo! Danny stared in horror, then glanced down into the water and realised he was naked. “No!” he yelped as he swam across to the lost clothing. He grabbed it but as he went to pull them back on, he realised it was only the back half – the front half was floating elsewhere. “No! Fuck!” he said, looking at the remnants in his hand.

“Ah, the old dissolving swimwear prank,” Finn nodded. “Classic!”

“Fucking Josh!” Danny muttered as he looked at the name in the back of the speedo. It belonged to one of the boys in the year below them, one that Josh had pranked in a similar way the year before. It seemed the younger boys were fast learners! With his cheeks blazing, Danny looked to Finn and said, “Erm… any chance you brought a towel?”

“Afraid not,” Finn sniggered.

“Any chance you can go and get me one?” Danny asked hopefully.

Finn glanced round as he swam closer to Danny. Once he was sure nobody was around, he lowered his voice and said, “I might be able to help you… for a price!”

Despite his embarrassment, Danny couldn’t help smiling. Finn was coming onto HIM. That was certainly a switch from the way things had been during the first week they ever spent together. Everything that had happened then had been instigated by Danny. “What… kind of price?” he asked coyly.

Finn looked round nervously again and said, “The kind that… doesn’t require clothing!” He moved even closer to Danny, so they now stood within arm’s reach of each other. “If you… want to, that is!” he said a little timidly.

“I…” Danny started, gulping as he moved even closer. “I want to!” he said as he reached out and let his hand touch Finn’s side.

Finn shuddered at the touch, looking excited and scared in equal measure.

“Wait!” Danny said, suddenly recoiling. “Sarah!”

“Where?” Finn yelped, looking round in a panic.

“Not here!” Danny said, mildly concerned about the expression on Finn’s face. “I just mean… you’re with Sarah and she doesn’t seem the type who’d… share!”

“Well, she doesn’t need to know!” Finn said, reaching out to touch Danny gently.

“What? No!” Danny said, swatting the hand away. “I’ll know! And I wouldn’t do that to someone else, not even someone I don’t like!”

“You don’t like her?” Finn asked, his brow furrowing as he took a step back.

Danny frowned as he shook his head. “You were just about to CHEAT on her! Do YOU like her?” he asked pointedly.

“Hey, shut up!” Finn said back angrily. “I wasn’t… cheating. I’m not a cheater and… and you’re a guy anyway, so… so… no I wasn’t and… and yes I do!” he said as he backed away and reached for the steps.

“Oh yeah, I forgot, cos you’re STRAIGHT,” Danny said, mocking the word with his tone. He watched as Finn paused, his crotch just below the water level. “That’s obviously why you’ve gotta wait for your BONER to go down!” he called out loudly.

Finn looked round at Danny, his expression faltering between fury and distress.

Danny winced, knowing how much of a difficult subject it had been for Finn before, then stuttered, “Finn, I… I’m sorry. I didn’t…”

“Shut up,” Finn snapped as he climbed out, keeping his back to Danny. “Faggot!” he added before rushing out the door.

Danny was more than a little shocked at the word. Upset, definitely, but not as offended as he might have been hearing it from someone else. That didn’t make him feel any better about it though. Just as he was beginning to regain his composure, the slow realisation that he was still naked crept up on him. “Fuck!” he muttered at the thought of another naked run back to his villa.

Suddenly the door opened slightly and a towel was thrown in before it slammed closed again. Danny smiled a little before he climbed out and wrapped it around himself. Finn had always been both confused and confusing. Some things, it seemed, never change!

After hurrying back to the villa, Danny nodded a polite good morning to Francoise, the member of staff assigned to their villa for Samuel’s day off, then headed into his room. Tossing aside the towel, he headed for the bed naked, where he could see Chris lying on his side, facing away from him. “As I’m back early,” he purred, “I thought we might have time to…”

“I wouldn’t finish that sentence if I were you!” Chris said as he rolled onto his back.

Danny suddenly dropped to the floor as he saw the young boy lying on Chris’ opposite side. Quickly scrambling to grab a nearby pair of discarded shorts, he jumped back up just in time to see Cian look round at him and say cheerfully, “Hi Danny!” He frowned a little as he asked curiously, “What have you got time for?”

“Yeah Danny,” Chris said with an amused grin, “What have we got time for?”

Danny blushed, realising how close he had come to saying something inappropriate in the boy’s presence as well as nearly being seen naked by him. “Time to…” Danny started, hesitating a moment before he finished, “Cuddle!” Suddenly smiling, he rushed towards the bed and said, “And I got my two favourite cuddle buddies to do it with!”

“Yay!” Cian giggled excitedly. “I’m in the middle! One of you on each side!”

“Wow, he’d fit right in at Kingswood with that attitude,” Chris said with a wry grin, earning a gentle slap to the bollocks from Danny as he climbed over them both.

A few moments later, the three boys were happily nestled together, enjoying the early morning cuddle as the rising sun blazed through the large windows.


Danny sat happily nestled up to Chris as the boat sped along. Blane and Levi were sat opposite, happily chatting away to Samuel who had brought a few of the other island staff members along for their day out. Kelvin, the young man who had greeted them all upon arrival at the island was sat beside Samuel, and to Kelvin’s other side was a beautiful, young man named Yared whom neither Danny nor Chris had seen before but were quite happy to be spending the day with. The final member of the group was Ethan, the villa assistant for the villa Aisling and Finn were staying in, who was driving the boat.

“I can’t believe Cian cock-blocked me again!” Danny grumbled quietly to Chris, who was largely distracted by the array of cute guys around them. “I’m starting to think he’s doing it on purpose!” Danny complained.

“Shoulda just knocked one out in the shower,” Chris replied with a smirk and shrug.

“I might need to!” Danny groaned. “It’s been FIVE days. I don’t think I’ve gone this long since the start of year seven!”

“Ah, good times,” Chris chuckled. Unlike most of the other boys at the school, Chris had not been forced into a chastity device when he started at Kingswood, a system intended to stop the boys from engaging in sexual activity until they were physically mature. Needless to say, it did not stop them!

“Only you could think of NOT cumming as GOOD times!” Danny said, more amused than frustrated. “Where d’ya reckon we’re going, anyway?” he asked as he looked ahead.

“Hopefully a beach so those guys take their clothes off!” Chris whispered with a giggle, giving a discrete nod to the other guys on the boat.

“Ugh, don’t say that,” Danny whispered back, shaking his head. “I’m about one cute guy away from hulking my way outta this speedo,” he said with a smirk, playfully tugging at the side of the small swimwear protruding slightly from the waistband of his shorts.

“Still think you shoulda gone with the hot pink thong!” Chris said with a devilish grin.

“Hey, so long as it’s not booby-trapped like my one this morning, I’d take it!” Danny replied, blushing a little though mostly relieved the awkward situation hadn’t been as bad as it could have been.

“Ugh, that was so hot. I wish I’d been there!” Chris growled, squirming a little in his seat.

“Oh, you ready to burst outta your speedo too?” Danny asked, letting his gaze flick down to Chris crotch for just a brief, teasing moment.

“Yes. Obviously!” Chris replied unashamedly.

They were suddenly interrupted by Blane calling out, “Hey, what you two whispering about?”

“Erections!” Chris replied without hesitation.

“Chris!” Danny hissed, blushing.

“What?” Chris replied, enjoying Danny’s embarrassment for a moment before he turned to the others and added, “The subject just… came up!” It got a laugh from the older passengers as Danny continued to look awkward.

“I hate you sometimes,” Danny said, pouting slightly even as a smile threatened to break through.

“Anyway, we’re nearly there,” Blane said as an island loomed closer.

Danny and Chris both watched eagerly as they approached, still unaware of their destination. Danny couldn’t help noticing that Levi looked just as curious and wondered if he, too, was unaware of their plans for the day.

The boat pulled up to a long jetty, one of many that made up a large parking area that was already half-filled with similar small boats. As they slowly floated into place, Ethan jumped off and started securing the boat as the others prepared to disembark.

“Grab the bags,” Blane instructed Danny and Chris as he nodded to the small pile of bags at the rear.

Both boys complied, mostly just to avoid slowing down discovery of the day’s plan with arguing that would inevitably prove pointless anyway. Climbing off carefully, they followed along behind the others as they left the jetty and followed a wide path into the treeline beyond. The path quickly curved back round, seemingly heading back towards the sea.

As they rounded a corner, a massive stretch of flawless, white-sand beach stretched out ahead of them, curving back and forth slightly before eventually disappearing around the corner about 500 metres ahead.

Danny and Chris both looked at each other and looked momentarily disappointed at the prospect of another beach day. It wasn’t that it was unenjoyable, they loved days on the beach, but they had expected Samuel to arrange something… different. It was only when they heard, “No fucking way!” muttered from Levi that they caught on to what they were actually seeing!

The beach wasn’t overly busy yet, but there were plenty of people around – lying on the sand, playing, splashing around in the crystal-clear water – but two things set it apart from other beaches they had been to. Firstly, every person on the beach appeared to be male. Secondly, and presumably the cause of the young teacher’s shock, they were all naked!

“It’s a nude beach!” Chris exclaimed quietly to nobody in particular. He turned to Danny and said, “Danny, it’s a nude beach!” He looked back again and said, “We’re at a nude beach!” Once more he turned to Danny and started, “We’re at a…”

“Yeah, I got it!” Danny said, eyes wide as he remained torn between terrified and ecstatic.

“No. Not happening! Absolutely not!” Levi objected, turning back to walk away.

“Lee, come on,” Blane said, following his boyfriend. He grabbed an arm to stop him.

“Did you… know about this?” Levi asked, gesturing to the beach as the whole group moved aside to let some other people pass on the way to the beach.

“Course I did!” Blane said.

“Is there a problem?” Samuel asked nervously as he moved back to look at the four of them.

“Fuck no!” Chris said happily, pulling Danny along. They both stopped as they realised Blane and Levi weren’t following.

Levi scowled at Blane, but as he looked at the look of sheer joy on Chris’ face and reluctant enjoyment on Danny’s, he huffed and shook his head. “Ugh, fine,” he conceded as he started to follow. Leaning close to Blane he muttered, “But you’re gonna pay for this!”

“Gonna be worth the price,” Blane said back, seemingly unbothered by the threat.

Exciting as it was to step out onto the beach, Danny and Chris both noticed something at the same time – it wasn’t sexual! This wasn’t nudity on a dare. This wasn’t guys who’d lost their clothes in an act of speedo sabotage. It wasn’t being done to tease or tempt or titillate. It was just… nudity! Of course, that didn’t stop either of them from needing to carry a bag in front of themselves to conceal an erection, but still, it seemed they were here just to be naked, not to have sex.

“I hope… this will be an enjoyable day for you both,” Samuel said anxiously as he walked a step behind the two boys, “It seemed like something that would… interest you based on what I have seen so far.”

Chris and Danny parted and both held for a second to let Samuel move in between them as Danny said, “We already love it!”

The group casually made their way down the beach, walking along past various groups and couples before they settled on a quiet spot to stop and settle in. They retrieved four wooden loungers from the small stashes periodically along the beach, along with a large parasol to provide some shade.

As Chris and Danny sat down together on the side of one of the loungers, they did their best to discretely watch the rest of the group undressing. They had seen Blane and Levi naked plenty of times, though it was fun seeing Blane’s unashamed nudity alongside Levi’s obvious reluctance to be quite so publicly on show. In many ways it mirrored the two boys’ own attitudes, with Chris casually removing his own shorts, t-shirt and speedo as he sat watching while Danny had only gone as far as removing his shirt.

It was the other four that really caught the two boys’ attention – ‘fresh meat’, as Chris put it with a dirty snigger. They had seen most of Samuel already when he had ‘assisted’ them on Sunday night with the shaving and he seemed to have no qualms about stripping off to reveal his slim, muscular body, or letting his impressively chunky dick swing free as he removed the rest of his clothes. Even flaccid it looked pleasantly meaty, with a small but impeccably-trimmed bush of curly black hairs at its base.

Kelvin stood a little shorter than Samuel, though what he lacked in height he made up for in broadness, with wide shoulders and a physique that portrayed obvious strength without excessive muscle definition, a chunkiness more from untamed muscle than fat. His pale brown skin was flawless, though his shoulders, back and thighs bore plenty of tattoos, while his navel bore a small piercing, all of which the two boys had no idea to expect from how he looked when dressed. His dick looked pleasantly average as it hung freely above plumb balls.

While Chris and Danny would both agree upon discussion that Kelvin and Samuel were both exceptionally hot, it was the other two that divided their taste. Yared, the seventeen-year-old petite twink had Chris positively drooling as his quick strip revealed a narrow waist, flat chest, slim but toned legs and a flaccid cock bereft of hair that was decidedly on the small side of average. He was, in Chris’ words, ‘totally fucking adorable’.

Adorable was not the word Danny used to describe Ethan. The young man from Miami, Florida, was the eldest of the group but not by much, having only recently hit thirty. Standing just short of 2 metres (that’s 6’5”) with a lightly-hairy chest of bulging muscle, abs like a Marvel superhero and a short but thick, meaty cock hanging down over hefty balls, Ethan could easily be described as imposing, even intimidating. Yet his cheeky, heavily-stubbled smile, his contagious laugh and his pathologically friendly personality shattered any prospect of scariness in him. With both nipples pierced and his shoulders, chest and back covered in a massive tattoo, Danny couldn’t help wanting explore what other delights the large man’s body might be hiding.

“Oh my god,” Danny muttered as he tried to pretend he wasn’t checking out the six naked men around them. “Chris, I NEED to cum,” he hissed.

“Meh, don’t worry,” Chris said as he casually sat back, his own erection shamelessly on show. “You heard Sam. Boners happen. People’ll look but nobody cares!”

“Yeah, mine isn’t so much ‘happening’ as it is ‘permanent’. I am SO fucking horny,” Danny whispered, feeling his wet dick strain against the slippery speedo.

“Oh great, that means I’ll be hard all day. You know I can’t see you with a stiffy without getting one too,” Chris said, complaining without really complaining. “Babe, just… get it over with. You really think you’re going all day without these guys seeing you hard, even if you CAN get it to go down now?”

“I guess not,” Danny muttered. He let out a slight moan and lifted his butt off the lounger and pushed his shorts and speedo down to mid-thigh before sitting back down to push them the rest of the way off. He gave a pleasured moan as he felt the wet head of his dick pressing against his stomach.

“Excellent!” Chris said quietly before he reached down and grabbed a bottle of sunscreen, jumped his feet and said loudly, “Who wants to rub me?” As the others all looked round in amusement, he reached down and pulled Danny’s arm to make him stand up as he added, “And Danny too!”

Danny’s hands were immediately clasped over his erection as his cheeks blazed crimson.

“Well sun safety IS important!” Blane said with a snigger. “Sam, why don’t you lend Danny a hand,” he said, giving Samuel a gentle nudge. “Yared, you don’t know Chris that well yet but what better way to get to know someone than rubbing stuff into their butt!”

“Umm, well… umm…” Yared stuttered nervously, eyeing the nude teen up and down. “Is that… appropriate?”

“No. That’s what makes it fun!” Blane said with a wicked grin.

As Blane continued to coax Yared towards a very happy looking Chris, Samuel approached Danny and asked, “Do you… want me to help?”

“Sure,” Danny said with a casual shrug. He looked Samuel up and down and smiled as he added, “And maybe I can help you out in return!” He paused a second and asked, “Wait, do… do you even need to use sunscreen?” The moment the question passed his lips, Danny’s eyes widened at the realisation of what he was asking. “Oh god, I’m SO sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. I’m… I’m… really sorry!”

“It’s okay,” Samuel reassured him. “All you did was ask a question,” he went on, but gave a little smirk as he added, “Admittedly it was a very stupid question!”

“Did you just call me stupid?” Danny asked, venturing a slight smile in return.

“Well it’s my day off. I’m not required to be nice to you!” Samuel replied as he squirted some sunscreen out onto his hand. “Now turn around!” he instructed.

As Danny turned, he frowned a little at the comment. While it had clearly been intended to be humorous, it tapped into the exact reason for their day out. Danny had wanted to fool around with the attractive young Villa Assistant, but worried that doing so might have been just ‘part of the job’, something that put him a little ill at ease. “So you’re only nice to me because you have to be?” he asked cautiously.

“I have to be polite and professional to you because it’s my job,” Samuel said as he placed his hands on Danny’s back and started rubbing in the cream. “But I choose to be nice to you because I like you!” he continued, smiling as he saw Danny turn his head slightly to smile back at him. “And yes, people of colour DO need to use sunscreen. The sun can damage anyone’s skin, it’s about UV, not colour!” he explained.

“Yeah, I… I knew that,” Danny said sheepishly. “Sorry, I really don’t know why I asked. I hope you don’t think I’m, like… racist or anything. Wait. AM I racist? Is this what someone would say to try and sound like they’re not if they were?”

“Okay,” Samuel said, moving his hands up to rub Danny’s shoulders, rubbing in the sunscreen at first, but quickly turning into just a gentle massage. “You really need to relax. It’s all okay!” he reassured him.

“Yeah, sorry, calming down now,” Danny said with a nod, annoyed at his own panic, though it was hard to really calm down while he was still sporting a throbbing boner.

“I’m not sure if this’ll help you calm down or just get you going even more,” Samuel said as he let his hands run down Danny’s back, “But it’s time for the good bit!”

Danny glanced back briefly and saw Samuel squatting down. “Whadda you…” he started, but never finished, replacing the words with a surprised yelp as he felt the slender fingers massaging his butt. “Oh my god,” he gasped quietly.

“Your bottom is so pale,” Samuel chuckled as he massaged it, “But very cute!”

“Thanks,” Danny giggled shakily.

A few moments later, Samuel had finished. Having covered his arms, legs and face in sunscreen before getting on the boat, there wasn’t a huge area of Danny to be sunscreened and he turned as Samuel stood up, hands still clutched over a throbbing erection. “I can… do your front too, if you like,” the young man offered coyly.

Danny didn’t speak. He was a little worried any attempt at words would fail and only a squeak would come out, so he just nodded back.

“Well I can’t do it with your hands in the way,” Samuel said with a giggle, gently nudging Danny’s hands away.

Danny had been transfixed on Samuel, but as his erection bobbed free he became acutely aware that they were being watched by the rest of the group, even Yared and Chris who had seemingly finished up quickly, sticking strictly to business. It was both humiliating and exhilarating (humilarating?!) to be seen in such a painfully aroused state, especially by Ethan who flashed a cheeky grin Danny’s way.

Samuel started off at the shoulders again, this time slowly massaging his way down Danny’s chest and seemingly enjoying every moment of touching the young boy’s muscular torso. Danny let out a gentle whimper as Samuel’s hands grazed across his nipples, which only served to prompt a couple more passes before the hands continued down to Danny’s stomach.

Watching in terrified anticipation, Danny watched the supple hands work closer and closer to his erection, now so hard it looked (and felt) ready to burst, curving up in front of his stomach. He let out another moan as he saw Samuel’s hands bypass it and continue down either side, massaging sunscreen into Danny’s hips and thighs, working tantalisingly between his legs.

“Oh shit,” Danny gasped, nearly doubling over as he felt a slippery finger slide across his taint and right up into his crack for just a second before pulling back.

“Just one bit left to go,” Samuel said, grinning up at Danny as he squatted again.

Danny nodded. He didn’t need to give consent, he knew this was happening, it was more a nod of desperation. He needed it to happen.

The others gathered a little. Liberal as the beach was, such overt activity was still approached with a modicum of caution. There were not many people close by, but it still seemed sensible to play it safe. They watched as Samuel squeezed a little more sunscreen into his hands and rubbed them together. Reaching out, one grasped at Danny’s balls as the other held his dick and he started rubbing the thick cream in.

“Ah, fuck, fuck,” Danny gasped, unable to hide the abject pleasure it was inflicting upon him.

“There we go, all done!” Samuel said as he finished rubbing it in and stood up.

Danny was panting desperately, his dick now shiny, especially at the tip where he was now oozing precarious amounts of pre-cum. He stared at Samuel, frowning desperately as he caught his breath.

“Maybe I’ll… get someone else to help with me,” Samuel said with a grin. “Wouldn’t want any… accidents, would we?” The comment got some laughs from the others who quickly dispersed with the show apparently over.

“That,” Chris said, moving round behind Danny to slip his arms around him. “Was SO hot!” he finished, pressing his own erection against Danny’s butt to emphasise the point.

“Chris, I REALLY need to cum!” Danny growled, still breathless, his cock throbbing and twitching.

“Or,” Chris said as he let go and moved round to stand in front of Danny, “You could NOT cum!”

Danny shook his head as he said, “Yeah, that’s not happening! Whatever you’re thinking, it’s just… no!”

“We can make it a bet,” Chris said, ignoring the objection completely.

“No!” Danny insisted.

“You have to hold off cumming til we get back to the villa. Fail and I get to pick your swimwear every day!” Chris offered.

“No!” Danny repeated, scowling angrily.

“But if you do it, you get to choose who wears what,” Chris went on, smirking a little as he saw Danny look less angry. “AND… I’ll give you all my underwear and I’ll start going commando instead of you!”

“Oh my god, I hate you so much!” Danny growled.

“So is that a yes?” Chris asked with an excited grin.

Danny’s brow furrowed as his whole face screwed up. In a low growl, he replied, “It’s a yes!” As he looked down at his own straining prick, he already regretted it.


It was shortly before lunchtime and Chris was sitting alone, watching as most of the guys were playing a game of 3-a-side football further down the beach. Despite both Levi and Danny’s consternation about the whole thing, the nudity had become as much of a non-issue as the others had assured them it would. Sure, Danny had blushed constantly as his dick continued to swell in his overly-aroused state whenever he set eyes on any of the naked guys around him, but even that had soon died down, especially once he got engrossed in doing other things like splashing around in the sea or playing games with the others.

The nakedness may not have been intended to titillate, but as Chris sat watching them all, his knees pulled up towards his chest, he couldn’t help letting his hand slide into his crotch to play with himself a little as he enjoyed the show.

“Not a football fan?” a voice suddenly asked from behind.

Chris jumped a little and turned to see Yared standing there. He had gone off on his own a little earlier to retrieve lunch for everyone and Chris had been too caught up in the naked sports to hear him return.

“I prefer watching to playing,” Chris answered honestly, smiling at the young man as he raised a hand to his forehead to shield his eyes from the sun.

“And is watching ALL you’re doing?” Yared asked, his eyes deliberately shooting down to Chris’ crotch as he gave a coy smile.

“I like to multitask,” Chris said, unashamedly dropping his legs to let his boner show fully.

Yared chuckled but blushed a little as he sat down next to Chris. “I wish I could have been as… bold as you at your age!”

“You virtually ARE my age!” Chris scoffed, shaking his head at the slender twink.

“I’m nineteen. You’re fourteen, correct?” Yared asked curiously.

“Well… almost fifteen,” Chris said, sitting a little more upright to make himself look taller.

“So… fourteen,” Yared smirked. “Five years difference. Believe me when I say a lot can happen in five years!”

As Chris looked round at the young man, he couldn’t miss the sadness plastered over his face. “Sam said you’re from… Dominic… something, sorry, I… I’m not good with places!”

Yared smiled again as he looked to Chris and nodded as he said, “The Dominican Republic!”

“I… don’t know where that is!” Chris said honestly, pursing his lips thoughtfully.

“It’s actually just over that way!” Yared said, pointing roughly west. As he saw Chris trying to look, he laughed aloud and said, “Well, three hundred miles that way, anyway!”

“Oh cool,” Chris said happily. “So you’re not THAT far from home really!”

The smile on Yared’s face dropped for a second before it was replaced with a clearly forced one as he admitted, “I don’t really have a home!”

Chris reached out to place a hand on Yared’s as he stared at him doe-eyed and asked, “You don’t? Why not?”

Yared moved his other hand over to lie on top of Chris’ as the smile changed back to a more sincere one as he said, “It’s okay, today is supposed to be fun. You don’t need to hear about that!”

Chris copied the gesture, turning slightly to face Yared more directly as he now held onto both hands with his own said, “No, but I want to! I mean… unless it, like… upsets you or something!”

“You’re very kind,” Yared said with a content nod before letting out a sigh and letting his eyes drift off westward for a moment. “When I was…” he paused to look back at Chris and smirked as he continued, “Almost fifteen!”

“Ha, nice,” Chris chuckled at the reference.

“I had a friend,” Yared went on. “A best friend, who became… more than a friend.” As he saw Chris glance in Danny’s direction and back, he nodded. “Where I grew up was… not a very safe place for boys who are more than friends.”

Chris let out a sympathetic sigh as he shook his head, still gripping tightly onto Yared’s hands.

“My friend was… a different kind of different,” Yared said, clearly used to having to talk more discretely than Chris was used to. “They liked the company of other boys, but they liked to look like a girl sometimes,” Yared explained. As he got a nod of understanding from Chris, he continued, “That kind of different was looked upon even more harshly than… my kind of different!”

“What happened?” Chris asked, worried he already knew the answer.

“Not long after we had both turned fifteen, people found out about us both,” Yared answered with a gentle nod. “Our… families found out. My family could not accept me for what I was and especially not for caring about someone like my friend. My family… they disowned me. My father forced me out of the house and told me he never wanted to see me again.”

“That’s horrible,” Chris said, getting a little tearful.

“I… was the lucky one,” Yared said, glancing west once more. “My friend was… they were attacked, by a group of men just… out on the street in the middle of the day and… left to die in a ditch, like… like an animal!” As he heard Chris sniff, he looked at the younger boy and said, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be telling you this!” He tried to pull away slightly.

“No!” Chris said adamantly, holding onto Yared’s hands. “You absolutely SHOULD be telling me this!” he said, staring Yared dead in the eye. “They might have been able to take your friend away from you, but they don’t get to erase them. Ever! This was someone you love and I wanna hear all about them!” He finally let go of Yared’s hands before wiping the tears from his cheeks. Leaning back onto the sand and onto one side, he propped his head up and said, “Come on. Tell me everything about them!”

Yared stared for a moment, unsure how to respond before eventually smiling back and mirroring his position. He let out a hearty sigh and started, “They had the most beautiful smile!”


“All done?” Levi asked, holding out a trash bag to Danny.

Danny was chewing the last of his lunch, so he screwed up the wrapper and tossed it into the bag with a happy nod. “Thanks!” he called once his mouth was empty after Levi as he walked away to dispose of it.

“I’m stuffed,” Ethan said as he stood up from the lounger he had been sitting on beside Kelvin. “I’m going for a walk, anyone care to join me?”

“Me!” Danny yelped, jumping to his feet. It got a smirk from the others who had very easily noticed Danny’s desire to hold the older man’s attention throughout the day so far. Blushing at the obviousness, Danny grabbed Chris’ wrist and pulled him to his feet as he added, “I mean… we’ll join you!”

As Chris shrugged, seemingly accepting Danny’s decision, Samuel said, “Yeah, me too.”

“Before you go…” Blane started.

“Yeah, we know. Sunscreen!” Chris said, rolling his eyes as it got a laugh from the others. He smiled at Yared and asked, “Wanna help me out again?”

Danny smiled as he saw Chris turn to let Yared start covering him once again. As he started rubbing the lotion into his own arms, Ethan appeared at his side and said, “Here, I’ll give ya a hand!”

“Oh, okay,” Danny said nervously as he handed the bottle to Ethan. The man hadn’t even touched him yet and he could already feel a slight twitch down below.

“I just figured we’d follow the beach round to the end,” Ethan explained as he casually began rubbing Danny’s back. “There’s a path that loops back round to the dock, so we can do a full circuit.”

“O… okay,” Danny stuttered, letting his hands lower to his crotch to try and conceal his growing erection. As Ethan casually continued down to cover Danny’s pale fleshy buttocks, he had to hold himself back from moaning out with pleasure.

“Hey, turn him round and do the front a minute, would ya,” Blane suddenly requested. “I need the back for something!”

“What?!” Danny exclaimed in surprise. Before he had a chance to question it, Ethan had spun him round and knocked his hands away.

“Oh, well I might need a little more sunscreen for this!” Ethan smirked.

“Fuck,” Danny moaned, doing his best to look anywhere other than at Ethan. “Unnh,” he grunted as he felt the man’s disarmingly strong hands start rubbing cream into his chest. He was so distracted by Ethan’s touches that he didn’t even think about what Blane was doing until he heard him behind him. Nervously, he started, “What are you…”

“Just giving you something to make the walk more fun!” Blane said happily, “Relax a sec!”

“Sure, no problem,” Danny said sarcastically, getting a snigger from Ethan who continued rubbing him. He had thought he was past any possible embarrassment after his initial erection and subsequent occasional pop-ups throughout the morning, but his cheeks were burning with embarrassment as he stood between the two young men.

“Here we go,” Blane said from his squatting position behind Danny.

“Ah fuck!” Danny gasped as he felt his cheeks get parted and something hard a slippery push into his hole. “Oh,” he said, almost disappointed at the small object as it entered him. “Ohhh!” he grunted as he felt another follow a moment later, this one a little bigger. He felt his knees go a little wobbly as a third pushed into him, once again bigger than the last. Without even realising what he was doing, he flopped forward slightly, resting against Ethan as he looked back in surprise at Blane when a fourth entered him, followed by the pressure of a fifth.

“Okay, last one!” Blane said as he pushed the last sphere into Danny.

“Wh… what’s… what…” Danny panted. As he realised he was leaning against Ethan’s chest, he stood back up and said a meek, “Sorry,” to the man before looking back to Blane questioningly.

“Anal beads!” Blane said happily. “Don’t worry, Chris has some too!”

Danny was in an absolute daze. Being touched by Ethan (and inadvertently touching his chest in return), having the beads inside his rectum, knowing Chris was currently in the same condition, all of it added up to a seemingly imminent orgasm as his cock throbbed. “Nnngh,” he grunted as he steadied himself, panting a little.

“Y’okay there, lil dude?” Ethan asked, reaching out to place a hand on Danny’s shoulder.

“Never… better,” Danny gulped, offering a cautious smile. He glanced down to see his dick as hard as he had ever seen it before, the tip dripping with pre-cum.

“Fuck!” Chris grunted, presumably as the largest bead entered him. If he hadn’t already been hard from being touched by Yared, he certainly was now.

“Erm, what have I missed?” Levi asked as he returned from disposing of the group’s trash.

“We’re going for a walk. Care to join us?” Ethan asked cheerfully.

Levi looked round at the group. Even without the general atmosphere of amusement, the fact Danny and Chris were both looking flushed and sporting raging erections, he would have known something was up. “Sure,” he said with a shrug, unsure whether he was going to keep an eye on the two boys or enjoy their embarrassment.

“Come on then,” Ethan said as he started walking.

The three staying behind waved them off, watching in amusement as Danny and Chris took their first steps with the anal beads inside them.

“Oh fuck,” Danny gasped as he held onto Chris’ hand. “This might make me blow!” he whispered, feeling the beads moving as he walked.

“If you do, the bet still stands!” Chris said with a grin, getting an annoyed growl from his boyfriend.

Getting used to the sensation, the two boys lagged behind a little as they followed the other three who headed down the beach towards the sea. As they reached the shallows, they continued walking along the beach, the three older members of the group chatting casually as they walked, though Levi did throw occasional glances back at the two clearly-aroused boys.

“Huh!” Chris suddenly called out, “Ethan, you don’t have tan lines!”

“Oh, thanks for noticing,” Ethan said with a chuckle as he looked back, slowing a little to let the two boys catch up to him. “I do a bit here,” he said, raising an arm in what seemed more like an excuse to flex his impressive bicep, “From working in the uniform, but most of my sunbathing’s done dressed like this!”

“You’re naked a lot then!” Chris said bluntly, feeling the beads moving around as he sauntered along.

“Hey, if you got it, flaunt it, right?” Ethan replied with a chuckle. He looked down to his left at Chris and then his right to Danny and added, “But I don’t need to tell you guys that, do I!”

Danny just gave an indecipherable whimper in response.

“Do you like… unnh… being looked at?” Chris asked curiously.

Ethan chuckled at the boy’s candour and offered the same in return as he admitted, “Not necessarily in a sexual way, but I definitely like the attention, although right now it kinda feels like you two are stealing my spotlight!” As the boys looked at him curiously, he nodded up the beach to the people they were passing.

Both Chris and Danny looked. They had been deliberately keeping their eyes fixed ahead, not least because they had the naked rears of Samuel and Levi to look at, but also just to avoid seeing the beach’s other patrons. As they glanced up now, they couldn’t help seeing a lot of eyes turning their way. While the group collectively was an attractive sight, two boys walking along with such obvious erections had to be drawing a fair amount of focus.

“So I take it that means YOU like being looked at?” Ethan asked in return.

“No,” Danny whimpered in return, even though the question had been directed at Chris.

“Don’t listen to him. He loves it,” Chris sniggered, “And so do I!”

Ethan laughed at the admission and said, “You two make a very cute couple!”

“Yeah, matching stiffies!” Chris said, wiggling his boner a little, though it resulted in a bead pressing something pleasurable and his knees nearly buckled beneath him.

“Well if you two like being watched, I might know somewhere else you might be interested in!” Ethan said with a gentle nod.

Samuel, who had looked to be deep in conversation with Levi suddenly looked back as he heard the comment and asked, “Are you sure about that?”

“About what?” Danny asked, unnerved a little by the concerned expression on Samuel’s face.

“Yeah, with supervision, obviously!” Ethan replied.

“What what?” Chris asked, just as intrigued as Danny.

“We should… talk about that first!” Samuel said, frowning at Danny, then Chris, then back to Ethan before he turned and continue walking. He started whispering discretely to Levi.

“What’s going on?” Danny asked curiously, a little lost.

Ethan shook his head disapprovingly. “Just Sammy being over-cautious again,” he said with a shrug.

“Over cautious… about what?” Chris asked, his cock throbbing. He was on the verge of just reaching down to pleasure himself openly in front of whoever happened to be watching.

“No!” Levi suddenly said firmly. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked back at Ethan. “ABSOLUTELY not!” he said, pointing quite menacingly at him. “And you two,” he went on, looking from Chris to Danny, “Drop this. Forget they said anything!”

Chris scowled and started, “But…”

“NO!” Levi said firmly, sounding for a moment like Mr Trent the teacher rather than just Levi.

“Okay,” Chris said, shrinking back a little.

“Fair enough,” Ethan shrugged as he continued walking.

Chris and Danny looked at each other curiously and shrugged before they carried on walking. The beach slowly curved round, gradually leaving Blane and the others out of sight as the end of the beach neared.

“How about a swim before we carry on?” Danny suggested, really feeling the heat now as the sun blazed down.

“Good plan!” Chris yelped and immediately jumped onto Danny, sending him staggering sideways and into the water.

Ethan and Samuel both took their cue from the two boys, running in after them with a splash as Levi just watched in amusement, sitting down in the shallows.

“Fuck these things,” Danny gasped as he felt the anal beads moving around inside him as he swam around.

“I kinda like them,” Chris giggled back.

Before they could discuss it any further, they were attacked again by the two men, the whole mass of bodies disappearing under the water for a few moments before they popped back up, laughing and spluttering. As Ethan and Samuel ducked down again, Chris and Danny let out synchronised surprised yelps as they felt themselves being lifted. They rose up out of the water, with Danny sat on Samuel’s shoulders and Chris on Ethan’s.

Without needing any further instruction, the two pairs approached each other, determined to knock their opponent down. Chris and Danny flailed out at each other to try and get the upper hand, but they were more than a little distracted by the beads inside them as well as their erections pressed against the neck and shoulders of their carrier.

The fight didn’t last long, as Chris was quickly knocked off Ethan’s shoulders. In an act of revenge, Ethan jumped up and tackled Danny, knocking him back as he grappled against both him and Samuel.

Taking the opportunity to slip away, Chris scurried back towards Levi, floating with his hands reaching down to the ground to pull himself along as the water got shallower. “Hi!” he said cheerfully.

“No!” Levi said firmly without a single moment of hesitation.

Chris scowled and started, “You don’t even know what…”

“No!” Levi repeated.

Chris growled and tried again. “You could at least tell me…”

“No!” Levi said, shaking his head. “I know what you’re gonna ask and the answer is no. You’re not doing what Ethan was suggesting and I’m not even telling you what it was. Now, if you ask me again and you’ll be in trouble!”

“Ooh, I’m so scared!” Chris said with a smirk. As he got a withering stare back, he winced a little and said timidly, “Maybe I’m a little scared!” He saw a slight smirk break the young man’s expression for a moment. He rolled his eyes and said, “You should really relax a bit. You’re meant to be on holiday!”

“I AM on holiday,” Levi said back with a stern nod. “But that doesn’t mean I can just let anything happen! Being responsible doesn’t take breaks!”

“Ugh,” Chris huffed.

“Especially when it comes to you two,” Levi added.

Chris was ready to huff again, but there was a brief flash of recognition over the expression on the young teacher’s face. “Hnnh,” he smirked slightly. As he got a quizzical look from the teacher, he explained, “I thought it was just me that worried about… y’know… what’s going wrong next!” As Levi shook his head, Chris pulled himself closer and turned to sit beside him, watching the other three still wrestling.

“Looking after any student can cause a bit of worry,” Levi explained. “Looking after, like, ninety of you… that’s a LOT of worrying, but throw in you and Danny… hell, your whole freaking dorm actually…”

“Yeah,” Chris chuckled awkwardly. “We… we do like the trouble, don’t we!” he admitted.

Levi let out a brief laugh as he said, “That’s putting it mildly. You lot are a bunch of absolute freaking nightmares!”

As Chris looked round, brow furrowing sadly, he let out an apologetic whimper.

“But I wouldn’t change ya for the world!” Levi said with a chuckle, reaching out to put an arm around Chris.

“Yay,” Chris said, nestling up to him. After a few moments, he pulled back a little and went to speak.

“And no!” Levi quickly interjected, “I’m still not telling you!”


The walk back across the island was a little uncomfortable. Not just because of the anal beads still keeping both Chris and Danny painfully aroused, but because the humidity kept the entire group sweating heavily as they walked. They had been wet to begin with, having gotten straight out of the sea with no towels, but soon enough the moisture that evaporated off their naked bodies was replaced with a fine sheen of sweat.

“Yeah, this was a stupid idea,” Danny grumbled as they walked.

Chris didn’t respond, he was too busy admiring the plant life surrounding either side of the path. He was keeping Levi occupied too, the young teacher jumping at the chance to engage with a student who actually showed an interest in something mildly academic.

“Maybe not THAT much of a stupid idea,” Samuel said, nudging Danny gently. “We could always… do something to REALLY work up a sweat!”

“Really?” Danny asked excitedly, then looked to Ethan and added, “All of us?”

“Ha, nice idea kid,” Ethan replied, “But I’m not getting caught getting off with someone your age!”

Danny was a little disappointed (and worryingly unaccustomed to people who didn’t want to have sex with him), but Samuel was certainly enough to keep him entertained. “Oh,” he said suddenly, pouting a little. “I… I’m not allowed to cum at the moment, well I can, but… well there’s a bet I’ve got going with Chris. And also, back here’s kinda… occupied!” he explained as he turned to point his butt towards Samuel.

“That’s a shame,” Samuel said sincerely, then grinned and said, “But there’s still… something we can do!” He mimed a blow job.

Danny nodded emphatically and was immediately pulled away by Samuel off the path. As soon as they were out of sight of the others (and the few other people daft enough to walk the path during the hottest part of the day), Samuel gently pushed Danny against a tree.

“We gonna make out first?” Danny asked hopefully.

“If that’s okay. I’m… unsure of what you are allowed to do. I wouldn’t want to upset Chris!” Samuel said timidly.

“He’ll only be upset he missed it,” Danny smirked, “But we can make up for it another time!”

“Excellent,” Samuel said happily as he stepped forward to raise a hand to Danny’s cheek. “You are a very beautiful boy!” he said softly.

“I was just thinking the same thing,” Danny said with a cheesy grin, but he quickly frowned and added, “About you, not me!”

“I got that,” Samuel laughed before he leaned in to kiss Danny.

Danny let out a groan as he relaxed into the embrace. It felt quite wonderful, but the constant sensation of fullness from his rear and the ongoing erection both served to remind him of his desperation to cum – a feeling that was not helped by having Samuel’s tongue in his mouth.

Samuel pulled back and glanced down. “Wow, you really are very keen!” he said with a nod.

“No,” Danny objected. “Well, umm… yes, but… I’m not normally this bad. I just… haven’t cum since our shower thing on Sunday!”

“I thought you were going to make me do more!” Samuel said, grinning at the memory of the encounter.

“Sam, I don’t want to MAKE you do anything!” Danny said, shaking his head.

Samuel cocked his head for a moment and replied, “What if I told you I LIKE being told what to do?” He stepped forward, pressing his dick against Danny’s.

Danny let out a whimper as he felt the firmness. He looked down and was shocked to see Samuel now fully erect. He, like all the others, had managed to keep his dick mostly under control for the day, so Danny was yet to see it at full-mast. He was already well-hung when he was flaccid, but the huge dick now resting its head on Danny’s hip was truly impressive. “That reminds me. Must call Nicky!” Danny sniggered to himself. As he got a curious look back from Samuel, he shook his head and said, “Never mind. Nice dick!”

“Thank you,” Samuel replied coyly, “Would you like to suck it?”

“Mmm-huh,” Danny hummed as he nodded emphatically. He promptly squatted down and took hold of the sizeable schlong. “Wow,” he gasped, holding it in both hands, the head just poking out the end. He gave it a few strokes before leaning in to lick the head. As he heard a happy moan from above, he pushed further forward, dropping one hand away but keeping the other grasped around the base. He continued until his lips met his hand, then pulled back, swirling his tongue around the girthy tool as he pulled back.

“I knew… you’d be good at that,” Samuel chuckled, getting a cock-filled smile back up at him from Danny before the boy resumed pleasuring him.

Danny’s free hand dropped briefly to his own dick, but just the slightest touch had him feeling like he could shoot at any moment, so he forced himself to stop. Instead, he raised the hand to cup Samuel’s balls. Danny felt the slight scratch of stubble and chuckled a little to himself. He couldn’t help wondering whether Samuel always shaved his pubes, or if it had perhaps been a result of what they had done on Sunday night together.

Danny was happily sucking away, oblivious to the world around him until he heard Samuel say, “Oh, you won’t join in but you’re happy to watch!”

Danny glanced up, then off to the side where Samuel was looking and saw Ethan a few metres away, openly watching them as he pleasured himself. Danny let out a slight whimper at the sight of the man stroking his impressively thick dick. He wasn’t anywhere near the surprising length of Samuel, but his dick was one of the thickest Danny could recall seeing. As much as he wished he could go and play with it (or rather, have him come over and play with both), Ethan had made his feelings on it clear, especially as he replied to Samuel, “No harm in looking!”

The dick in his mouth, the sexy young man towering over him, the masturbating hunk slowly edging closer, the anal beads still inside him – all of it added up to one of the most arousing moments of Danny’s life, yet he couldn’t even pleasure himself. He made a brief mental note to make sure Chris really suffered when he lost the bet, but the thoughts quickly vanished as Samuel groaned, “I’m close!”

“Fuck yeah, shoot on his face!” Ethan said, now barely more than a metre away.

“Okay, but you too!” Samuel replied.

Danny would have objected to the suggestion, except for the fact he could think of literally nothing hotter than exactly that right then. Releasing Samuel’s cock from his mouth, he continued stroking it for him, aiming the dick at his own face as he heard grunts from above.

“Ah my god!” Samuel gasped as he began to shoot, his balls pulling up tightly as he ejected his load all over Danny’s face.

“Damn that’s hot,” Ethan growled, then promptly proceeded to empty his own balls over Danny’s face too.

Danny leaned back against the tree, panting desperately as he felt the two loads dripping down his face. The few drops that managed to fall exactly onto his own straining dick were absolutely torturous.

“Come on, before Levi worries too much!” Samuel said, helping Danny stand.

Still on edge, Danny’s legs wobbled a little as the beads pressed against his prostate. He staggered once again into Ethan, but this time managed to leave a sticky mess as he pulled back. Smiling awkwardly as he steadied himself, Danny looked at the older man and said, “I’d apologise, but I’m not actually sorry!”

Ethan just laughed as he put an arm around Danny, leading him back to the path with Samuel on the other side.


It was quite a relief when the path opened back up onto the beach at the far end. All five happily headed straight into the sea to cool off (and in Danny and Ethan’s case, wash the spunk off). Rather than getting out just to walk along the beach, they stayed out in the water, wading or swimming along until they got back to the others and finally ventured out.

Spending so long swimming around, both Danny and Chris had finally managed to go flaccid, though as soon as they got out and started walking again, their cocks twitched back to life. Somehow, GETTING hard in front of the others was actually more embarrassing than just BEING hard in front of them and both boys were blushing heavily by the time they had walked up the beach and back to Blane.

“Can we take these out now?” Chris growled as Blane sniggered at them.

“Hmm,” Blane hummed, “It’s been a while since you last put on sunscreen, and you’ve been in the sea too. Best reapply. Then we’ll take ‘em out!”

Neither of them had the will or energy to argue and simply stood there as the comment triggered a slight free-for-all of sunscreen, the whole group re-applying to themselves and each other. As expected, being touched and seeing the others touching each other had both boys literally dripping with pre-cum by the time they were finished.

“Okay, let’s get these out!” Blane said as he stood behind Chris. He reached down to grab the small loop visible as he parted his little brother’s cheeks, then said, “Okay, enjoy!”

Chris looked round slightly worried as he started, “Whadda you mean…” The rest of the words were lost to a pleasured groan as he felt the beads being pulled out. “Oh… my… god…” he gasped, his hands clenching as his toes curled in the sand.

“Fuck,” Danny muttered. Seeing Chris in such pleasure and knowing he was next, he could feel his dick throbbing in anticipation.

“Your turn,” Blane said as he casually tossed aside the ones he had just pulled from Chris. He moved behind Danny, parted his cheeks and grabbed the loop.

Danny felt the first bead begin to stretch his hole, slowly pushing him closer and closer to what he hoped he could avoid. Blane stopped with the bead holding Danny open at its widest part for a few moments as the entire group watch in a mix of amusement and excitement.

As Blane pulled a little more and Danny felt his hole contract quickly, sliding against the rear of the bead, he yelled, “Noooo!” He cock began to dribble up cum. It wasn’t a full orgasm. If it had been, he had a feeling the first shot might have reached the sea, but he was definitely cumming. He continued spurting out cum as he remained just short of a full orgasm as Blane pulled the rest of the beads out. He looked desperately at Chris and gasped, “Do I… lose the bet?”

Chris nodded, staring in shock and delight as his own dick throbbed.

“Then fuck it, I got nothing to lose now!” Danny growled. He turned and grabbed Chris, shoved him forward onto a lounger and thrust his leaking cock into his boyfriend’s hole. Even with no strangers in the immediate proximity, they could still be seen from a distance, making it an incredibly bold move. The other six watched with in shock as Danny rammed into Chris hard and fast.

“Jesus christ!” Levi gasped as he saw the two students in their desperate fuck.

“Fuck! FUUUUUCK!” Danny yelled out as he began to shoot a proper load, the first few spurts filling Chris as he had promised, before pulling out and delivering the rest over the other boy’s back.

“Shit! Fuck! Fuck!” Chris gasped as his own cock spasmed and began shooting out a sizeable load onto the lounger.

As both orgasms subsided, the two boys began to catch their breath while reality set back in around them.

“That was… wow!” Kelvin exclaimed, voicing the same surprise as the others. Danny’s voracity and the shared, intense orgasm had been a truly shocking but wonderful spectacle to behold.

Chris collapsed, lying in his own puddle as Danny flopped on top of him then slid off slightly to the side, their arms instinctively grabbing onto each other.

“So… anyone for volleyball?” Ethan asked, finally breaking the mood as the others laughed at the suggestion.


The rest of the afternoon passed surprisingly peacefully. Chris and Danny had fallen asleep wrapped up in each other after their spectacular show (and been provided some shade by Blane to prevent them burning as they slept). A game of volleyball on the nearby makeshift court had ended up drawing a little more attention, and while it had meant more players at first, it ultimately just meant both Kelvin and Ethan had found guys to hook up with and disappeared off to have fun.

Once Chris and Danny awoke, they spent a little more time with Samuel and Yared, already making plans to do more things together on their other days off. Eventually, and reluctantly, the group headed back to the boat to return to their own island. In a desperate act to try and prolong the day, Chris had even insisted they remain nude until they got home, though most of them had slipped clothing on before they were even halfway back, with only himself and Danny remaining naked to the last moment.

As they were so late back, the others had all finished dinner already, so the four just had a quiet dinner together back at their villa, though they were joined by Aidan and Cian, who were so desperate for attention that they didn’t know who to pester first.

Worn out by the events of the day, as well as the evening with the twins, Danny and Chris turned in relatively early though they didn’t go straight to their bedroom. Instead they headed down to their private beach and cuddled up together on a large blanket.

As much fun as their public shenanigans had been during the day, both boys were more than happy to finally get some time alone together. Free of the bet, Danny was keen to cum again and enjoyed a slow sensual fuck with Chris, before letting him do the same in return. Both spent, they cuddled up again under the stars.

“What you thinking about?” Danny asked as he let his head loll to the side and saw Chris staring straight up.

Chris let out a gentle sigh as he thought how to answer. After a few moments he replied, “Just thinking about how lucky we are!”

Danny chuckled and nodded, nuzzling against Chris. “Yeah, this place is amazing!” he said, though his smile dropped slightly as his thoughts flashed forward to the distinctly-less-amazing holiday that was awaiting them with Danny’s family.

“Oh, yeah,” Chris nodded. “It is, but I just meant…” he paused to shake his head and said, “Everything!”

Danny shuffled round to lie his head on Chris’ stomach, feeling the warm softness pillowing his head as he looked up at his boyfriend curiously.

Chris put both hands behind his head, propping it up enough to look down at Danny as he explained, “I mean being able to just… be ourselves, y’know… and be… open and honest about who we are and who we…” he paused again to smile sweetly at Danny, “Who we love!”

“Hnnh, yeah,” Danny nodded back. “I get it. We get to go to a school that lets us be who we wanna be.”

“And where we can be safe!” Chris said with a slight wince.

Danny let out a sigh and asked, “Is this about Yared?” As he got a surprised look back, he smiled and said, “I don’t know what he told you, but I saw things looked kinda intense when you were talking. Sam didn’t tell me anything, but in his words… tragic back story, right?”

Chris chuckled at the choice of words and nodded. “Yeah, something like that,” he admitted.

“Well I think you’re right,” Danny said with a gentle nod as he reached up to stroke Chris’ cheek. “We really are lucky, especially me!”

“I was just thinking the same thing!” Chris said, smiling sweetly.

Danny shuffled up a little so they could kiss for a few moments before they nestled back down again to enjoy the serene moment.

After several seconds of silence, Chris asked, “So whadda you think Ethan was suggesting earlier?”

“No idea!” Danny said, shaking his head. “But if Levi’s that opposed to it, we should probably just forget it!” he said with a stern nod that quickly broke into a huge smile as he added, “But we’re totally gonna find out, right?”

“Fuck yes!” Chris said with a wicked grin.


Mr Luigi

Very hot Day 🥰 i m very interested in Finn and Dannys relationship. What is ging to happen? Finn seems to be interested to be sexual with Danny...


Arrrgh!! I hate this miserable app. I have complained to Patreon but dead silence so far. UPDATE: After more than a dozen interruptions by sudden jumps back to the home page, I have finally finished. Some thoughts: 1. Finn is a very confused young man. Wonder what would have happened if his folks had sent him to Kingswood? For now, I have to say his taste in females leaves something to be desired. 2. I'm glad that Danny finally got some relief. 3. Anal beads are lots of fun but can be pretty messy. 4. The Dominican Republic is mostly dirt poor, and Spanish is the prevailing language. There is a lot of spillover from the turmoil in neighboring Haiti. Unusual to find an Arabic-sounding name like Yared coming from there. I think Yared is fortunate to have found a decent perch with the current place, even at the cost of his family. 5. Yes, yes, yes, yes -- we're all wondering what the heck Ethan wanted to take the boys to see/participate in! Inquiring minds want to know. 6. I wonder why Chris and Danny aren't thinking about their upcoming mentees. If memory serves (I haven't gone back to review that set of stories), Danny's choice is likely to be a handful. But then again, look at some of the guys in Danny's original dorm -- Nicky with his hangups, Mikey with whatever possesses him, and so on. 7. Hopefully at some point Chris will be able to ease Danny's concern that Danny's part of the summer break (visiting his family) won't measure up to the spectacle of what Chris's family was able to offer. 8. At least once Chris and Danny are with Danny's family, Blane won't be there to prank them -- or will he find a way? 9. Samuel says he likes being ordered around. Wonder what that will lead to? 10. Enjoy your holiday!

Stories by Matt

I really enjoy writing Finn and Danny. Despite the sexual activity, Finn really is straight, so it just makes for a very different dynamic to write.

Stories by Matt

Sorry about the app. Would it be better viewing the website version on your browser? As for your questions/comments: 1. Despite the way it may seem, Finn really is straight. His things with Danny are a mix of general teenage horniness/curiosity and a lot of loneliness. He doesn't have many friends, so bonding with Danny is very special to him. And yes, not the greatest taste in girls so far, but I'm sure we've all made bad choices in our time! 2. Me too, plenty more 'relief' still to come, but it's fun seeing Danny get frustrated. 3. Yeah, I do romanticise/fictionalise a lot of the anal activity in my stories. As much as I like realism, some stuff just doesn't add to the atmosphere, so call it artistic licence. 4. Like most of my background characters, Yared has a whole history and backstory. It's not really relevant too much to this story, and won't really ever be necessary, but there's reasons for things. 5. Don't worry, I'm not mean enough to tease something like that and not give you an eventual payoff! 6. In-universe, they're effectively taking the summer off from Kingswood. Year 10 is expected to be a challenging year with lots of changes, so they're enjoying the summer while they can. Danny may also have other reasons for not thinking about school, but that's all part of his book four storyline. Out-of-universe, I try to make the bonus stories as self-contained as possible, so that anyone who happens to pick it up as a starting point doesn't get too bogged down with continuity points and ongoing storylines. Obviosuly some stuff carries over, but it's just a narrative choice to make it more separate. 7. See answer 5 :) 8. No, although the part of the summer with Danny's family is a lot less chapters, it's effectively a completely separate part of the story. The only characters crossing over (outside of the occasional phone call) are Chris and Danny themselves. 9. Likely not as much as you'd imagine, but there will definitely be some action. 10. I did, thanks :)