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Wednesday 20 July 2022

Considering it was a meant to be a holiday, the last couple of days had been absolutely exhausting. On Monday, the group had visited the National Park on one of the nearby islands. Having spent the day doing a mix of guided tours, reef snorkelling and turtle-watching, they returned to their own island utterly worn out. A massive barbecue on one the beaches had taken up the evening. Throwing copious amounts of food (and drink for the older ones) on top of an action-packed day had led to a long night’s sleep for just about everyone.

Tuesday had seen the group split up, with some venturing off to another neighbouring island again while the rest enjoyed a day of water sports and beach games. Against Levi’s better judgment, Blane had allowed both Chris and Danny to have a go on jet skis and, miraculously, nobody had died! The evening had seen the beach cinema used again, though this time with a movie less suited to the younger kids, who were instead entertained elsewhere by the island staff.

Danny and Blane had both gotten used to rising early, long before their respective partners, to go for an early morning run together. Despite Blane’s teased threats, he had not inflicted any kind of humiliation on Danny, though that was most likely because the pair were too busy discussing the options for Blane’s upcoming proposal. Though they hadn’t reached any decisions yet, they had discussed plenty of ideas.

With their run completed, bringing them back to their own villa where Samuel had prepared drinks for their return, Danny headed back into his room, quietly sucking on the colourful fruit smoothie.

“Back or just changing?” Chris asked sleepily as he heard Danny moving about.

“Just changing,” Danny replied softly as he walked over to the bed. “I’m going for a swim, but I won’t be long!” he said, leaning down to kiss Chris who was already halfway back to sleep. Smiling at Chris’ ability to drop off so easily, an idea came to him. He wandered over to the wardrobe and grabbed out a couple of belts then returned to the bed.

Taking hold of one of Chris’ arms, he pulled it up towards the corner and started securing it in place with a belt. As Chris stirred from the sensation, Danny said softly, “Shhh, just leaving myself a little treat for when I get back!”

Chris chuckled sleepily and allowed himself to remain in a light doze as his other hand was secured.

With Chris strapped in place, Danny headed over to the drawer of speedos and pulled one out. He had opted for one of the flashier coloured ones today, rather than the school colours sported on many of the donated pairs.

He quickly peeled off his sweaty tank top and shorts, tossing them aside as he looked at himself in the mirror. Three nights earlier, he had shaved his pubes off… or rather, Samuel had. He and Chris had drafted the young worker in to ‘assist’ them in their fun endeavour. Since then, they had been so busy that they had rarely been at the villa for anything more than just dropping into bed. Taking a quick look at his smooth, naked body, Danny smiled.

He had never really decided he wanted to be muscular, the gym had just become part of his regular routine at Kingswood and it was hard to imagine going without it. The muscles that came with it were really little more than a side effect of his habit. The accident that nearly paralysed him in his second year had set his development back substantially, but the physio he had endure to return to full mobility naturally led into the resumption of his developmental goals. The work was definitely paying off. While it was his butt that seemed to receive the most compliments, his firm, defined pecs and rippling abs certainly had their fair share of admirers too. The absolute smoothness of his body seemed to accentuate the muscles, but at the same time made Danny feel a little embarrassed. Being relatively smooth at his age was to be expected, but his physique made him seem older, which made the lack of body hair more noticeable.

He looked down to the site of the one bit of body hair he had previously managed to grow -his pubes that were now long gone. It did make his dick look a little bigger, which was nice, not that he really needed to worry about size. As he reached down and gave his dick a few cursory tugs, it quickly swelled in his hand. Through the many activities of the past few days, and the twins invading their bed yet again, Chris and Danny hadn’t really found much time for sex and the pressure was once again beginning to build. The fact that both boys spent most of their days wearing so little wasn’t helping either, nor was the slowly developing speedo-shaped tan line they both had!

Resisting the urge to just masturbate right there in front of the mirror, Danny stepped into the purple and pink speedo had had just grabbed out, noting the name tag inside that showed it belonged to Year 7 boy called Jesse Raider. He pulled it up and let out a moan as he tucked his erection away, the tiny speedo barely covering it. While the shaving on Sunday night meant there was no risk of pubes popping out above the obscenely-low front, nothing could stop his pert bubble butt from pulling the waistband down enough to reveal a hint of crack. Danny looked in the mirror and felt so unashamedly slutty. It actually made his cock twitch a little more.

As he looked towards his wardrobe, he shook his head and instead of grabbing any clothes to put on over the swimwear, he just grabbed a towel and tossed it over his shoulder. Heading out of the room, knowing how much his boner was on display, he looked for Samuel who appeared as always at the sound of someone moving in the villa. He stopped and let the young man take in the sight of him, grinning at the excited, wide-eyed stare he got from him.

“Can I… do anything for you… sir?” Samuel asked quietly.

“Sam,” Danny started, liking to use the familiar name the young worked had said his friends use, “Do you get days off from here?”

“Umm, yes sir… yes Danny,” Samuel corrected himself.

“What do you do on your days off?” Danny asked curiously.

“Sometimes I visit my family over in Saint Thomas, sometimes I remain here on whatever resort I’m working at. Sometimes I do…” Samuel paused for a moment before he finished, “… other things! I have Friday off this week!”

“And are you allowed to do things with guests when you’re not working?” Danny asked, moving a little closer. “Or, actually, I guess… do you ever WANT to do things with guests?”

Samuel smiled sincerely, showing off a row of perfect pearly-white teeth. He was used to a wide assortment of guests, some more kind and considerate than others, but very few quite to the level Danny was demonstrating. “I know some of the staff sometimes take guests on activities that the resort doesn’t officially provide,” Samuel answered.

“Good to know, but not really what I asked,” Danny said, smiling so as not to sound like he was admonishing the young man. “I wanted to know if you would CHOOSE to spend time with… anyone!”

“I like to spend time with… friends!” Samuel said, smiling back.

“Then maybe we could do something on Friday, if you’re free!” Danny suggested. He frowned as he looked over at the other bedroom door and said, “You might want to check whatever you’ve got planned with Blane and Levi though. They’re… kinda in charge of me while I’m here!”

“Lucky Blane and Levi!” Samuel said with a huge grin. “I’ll think about what we could do. Enjoy your swim, Danny!” he said with a polite nod.

“I will!” Danny replied before hurrying out. He was still convinced that Samuel would do things with himself and Chris willingly, but if they did things ‘on the clock’ he would always have that niggling doubt that it was done through duty and not choice. As he stepped outside, he looked to the pool in front of the villa and considered jumping in, but nice as it was, it was one clearly designed for leisure. He wanted exercise, and the island’s gym pool was much larger and more suited to that, though it did mean walking there in just his speedo. Thankfully it was early enough that nobody was really around to see him anyway.

It wasn’t a long walk back to the gym. Realistically, it wasn’t a long walk anywhere on the small island, but soon enough he got there and paused as he saw a figure already moving in the water. He could see black hair, which significantly narrowed down the options, but the almost-ghostly-pale, skinny frame sliding through the water gave Finn away instantly. Danny quickly looked round, expecting to see Sarah, but the area was abandoned aside from the lone teen swimming away.

Danny approached the pool, throwing his towel down on a chair before he moved to the poolside and stood waiting for Finn to notice him. When it became obvious he just wasn’t going to, he cleared his throat and said, “Morning!”

Finn turned suddenly at the sound of the voice, and exclaimed, “Danny!” but slipped under the water as he did so and popped back up, coughing and spluttering.

“You’re supposed to swim in it, not drink it!” Danny said with a grin before diving in. He swam all the way to Finn – three quarters of the length of the pool – without popping up and emerged next to him, smiling. “Hi!” he said happily.

Finn just stared for a few moments. Technically, they had been together for almost a week, but in all that time they had not yet managed to have any significant interaction beyond casual greetings yet. He moved forward through the water and wrapped himself around Danny, hugging him for just a moment before pulling back, blushing. “Hi,” he said awkwardly.

“We haven’t had a chance to talk yet,” Danny observed. “I hope… you’re not avoiding me because of… y’know… stuff!” Danny said, looking round nervously. While he had no shame about the things he had done with Finn during their previous time together, especially now Chris knew (vaguely) about it, but he knew it had always been a sensitive subject for Finn.

“No, I’m not… avoiding you. Just… umm… busy!” Finn said with a nod.

“With Sarah?” Danny asked, nodding at his own question. “Yeah, she… seems to require a lot of time!”

“Don’t start!” Finn scowled, “I get enough of that from Chris!”

“Not starting,” Danny said, shaking his head. “She seems… nice!”

“Whatever,” Finn huffed as he swam away.

“Hey, don’t be a dick!” Danny snapped, swimming after him, easily keeping pace at his side.

“You’re the dick!” Finn replied with a scowl, then finally ventured a slight grin as he said, “We know, we can all see it in those budgie-smugglers you keep wearing!”

Danny felt the slightest twinge of embarrassment, but reacted quickly to deflect it as he said, “Oh, you been looking, have you?”

“No!” Finn insisted, though he was so distracted by the tease that he swam straight into the end of the pool.

“Ha, smooth move,” Danny sniggered, stopping as he grabbed the side of the pool.

“Shut up, that was your fault!” Finn scowled, rubbing his head.

“Make me, straightie!” Danny teased, poking out his tongue.

“Wow, heterophobic much!” Finn said, shaking his head as his smirk grew into a smile. He immediately lunged at Danny, shoving him down into the water.

Danny struggled, gripping hold of Finn’s slender arms to drag him down into the water too. They grappled with each other under the water for several seconds before they both broke the surface, gasping for air and laughing loudly. “Wow, I think this is the first time I’ve seen you smile all week!” Danny said, smiling sweetly.

Finn’s expression suddenly changed, the smile dropping away instantly. In its place wasn’t the annoyance or anger Danny had seen a few moments earlier, it was just… something else.

“Sorry, I wasn’t trying to… ya know, be funny or anything. I just… I really like your smile and I really liked seeing it!” Danny said apologetically.

Finn smiled again, but only with his mouth. His eyes didn’t change as he nodded and said, “Yeah, thanks, it’s okay!”

“Maybe we could hang out some time. I know Chris’d like that too!” Danny suggested meekly.

Finn thought for a moment as he nodded gently.

“FINN!” Sarah’s voice carried across the pool from the opposite side where she appeared. “If I’d known you were coming to socialise I might have joined you. You SAID you were just going for a swim!”

“Yeah, I’m done,” Finn called back to Sarah. He glanced at Danny, gave a brief smile and said quietly, “See ya later!”

“Yeah, see ya,” Danny said back, frowning. He leaned back against the side of the pool, placing an arm out to each side to hold onto it as he watched Finn climb out.

As Finn jumped out, the sudden move pulled his swim shorts down enough to reveal the top couple of inches of his butt. He immediately reached back and yanked them up.

Danny smirked at the slight accidental exposure, especially as Finn looked round, looking mortified. As Finn rushed off with Sarah chattering away quietly to him, Danny couldn’t help sniggering to himself over Finn’s shyness. He had seen the older boy completely naked, so a slight hint of butt was hardly the end of the world, yet he had looked absolutely horrified at it. Danny really didn’t get straight guys!


Chris awoke to the familiar and very welcome sensation of a mouth on his nipple. He took a second to remember Danny had tied him down but tugged inquisitively at the bonds. He likely could get free… if he wanted… which he didn’t!

It was hard to know whether he was erect from some pleasant, forgotten dream or from the mouth and hands touching him, but he could feel his dick positively throbbing. He opened his eyes but already suspected he wouldn’t be able to see anything as he felt something covering his face, perhaps a pillowcase or maybe a t-shirt.

“Ah yeah,” he moaned dreamily as he felt Danny’s mouth begin to kiss its way down his stomach. That was when it suddenly occurred to him that he didn’t actually know if it WAS Danny. He allowed himself a moment to fantasise about who else it might be.

Samuel… definitely a pleasing option. Kelvin, or one of the other many (mostly male) island staff members, exciting simply for the unfamiliarity. Blane – definitely an exciting option. He had gone through a phase of extreme intimacy some time ago with his eldest brother. Since then it had been very rare, but things still happened occasionally. Levi perhaps, that would be fun, although he and Blane usually came as a pair now and he could definitely only feel one mouth and two hands. He ruled out Finn immediately. Aside from his aggressive straightness, the two had barely spoken outside of arguing about Sarah since he got home from Kingswood a few weeks earlier.

Chris felt his cock throb at the thought of Sean, his eldest sister’s boyfriend. It wasn’t so much that he was overly stunning, thought he was undoubtedly attractive, it was just the wrongness of being with his own sister’s adult boyfriend that gave him a quick thrill. Speaking of adults, there was always Mr Byrne. Chris felt the same twinge as he got with Sean, though to a slightly lesser extent, as he thought about his father’s friend. That inevitably led him to… his father! He quickly put the thought out of his mind, not because he either liked or hated the idea, more just that he didn’t even want the prospect in his head. The twins were another unwelcome idea, but just like Levi and Blane, they came as a pair… plus they were too young to even know what to do to a naked, restrained boy!

“Mmmyeah,” Chris moaned happily as he felt lips around the head of his dick. He added an extra little grunt as he felt fingers caressing his silky-smooth nutsack. He moaned again, the sound drawing out in slight shock as he felt the mouth moving rapidly on his dick. “Fuck, slow down or I’m gonna… take like… five seconds!” he gasped, his fists clenching as he pulled against the restraints. It wasn’t an attempt to get free, as his clenched hand actually made it harder to slip it out, he was just making himself feel it more – the helplessness, the lack of control, the power he had given his boyfriend.

Hands slowly slid up to tweak at both of Chris’ nipples at once while the eager sucking continued.

“Fuck fuck fuck fuck,” Chris groaned as his hips bucked, his back arched and he began to shoot. He expected to feel the shots over himself, but was pleasantly surprised when he felt the mouth remain firmly around his dick, gulping down the load. “Oh… my god…” he panted as he started to come down. “Feel free to make me return the favour!” he said with a snigger, but listened in mild disappointment as he heard footsteps leading away.


“You’re doing it again!” Levi said flatly as he floated around the pool on a large ring.

“How do you know? Your eyes are closed!” Danny huffed at the comment.

“Danny, it’s you! I know!” Levi said with a wry grin, lifting his head as he looked round at the boy floating next to him on another ring.

“It’s not my fault you’re hot!” Danny said quietly with a shrug, paddling gently so his ring bounced gently against Levi’s.

“I’ve told you about that!” Levi said disapprovingly. “Behave!” he said, raising his eyebrows as he looked at the rambunctious boy.

“Hey, I’m not groping you. By my standards, this IS me behaving!” Danny said with a mischievous chuckle.

Annoyingly, the young teacher couldn’t help sniggering at the comment, though he quickly forced a straight face and said, “Well behave harder!” As he saw Danny go to react, he quickly added, “Wrong choice of words, but you know what I mean!”

Danny huffed, rolled his eyes and said, “Fine, be boring!” They both fell silent for a few moments before Danny let out a happy sigh and said, “You think there’s any chance they’ll let us just stay here forever?”

“And not go back to Kingswood? I wouldn’t do that even if they DID let us!” Levi insisted. As he saw Danny pout slightly, he cocked his head curiously and reached out to grab his ring. Pulling the boy close, he linked his arm through Danny’s gently so they could float and talk quietly without drifting apart. “You’re not keen to go back?” he asked, a little surprised.

Danny’s brow furrowed as he thought about the other boys at school. It wasn’t something he really wanted to talk to anyone about, especially an actual teacher. Thankfully, he had other more palatable reasons. “I dunno, just feels like a lot of change. I know they’re refurbishing the Home Building after the fire, but it’s not like we’ll be back in the same place anyway, we’ll be moving up a floor,” he explained, keeping his gaze fixed on their interlinked arms. As he eventually raised his gaze to look at the man directly, he continued, “And you won’t be in charge of us anymore, which really sucks!”

Levi sighed softly as he nodded. “I know I should give you the usual teacher line about growing up and moving on and all that stuff, but honestly… I’m kinda bummed too.”

“Yeah?” Danny asked, feeling slightly guilty that the man’s unhappiness actually made him feel a little better.

“Mmm-huh,” Levi hummed. “Your Year group started there the same time I did. You guys have just… always been there. Admittedly most of you are an absolute pain in the arse!” He stopped to scowl as Danny sniggered at the unintentional double-entendre, clearly thinking about their sexual encounters together. “Stop that,” he warned. “Yeah, like I said, total pains, but… I dunno, it’s kinda like having thirty kids of my own and now… you’ll be someone else’s problem!”

“Aww,” Danny said, tightening his arm a little. “I’ll always be your problem!” he said with a cheesy grin.

“Wow, talk about being careful what you wish for!” Levi chuckled. He let out a gentle sigh and said, “Ya know, even when I’m not your Floor Master anymore, I’ll always be there if you need me!”

“Even if what I need you for is a blowjob?” Danny asked. His ring was promptly flipped in response, tipping him into the water.

Levi looked round as Danny didn’t emerge, mildly concerned for a moment until he felt a hand come up beneath his ring and grope his butt. He yelped out in surprise, tipped off his ring and splashed into the water too. He popped up a moment later to see Danny grinning unashamedly back at him. “You’re going to pay for that!” Levi warned.

“Ooh, so scared,” Danny said as he quickly swam away. He called back, “You can’t even catch me, old man!”

Levi didn’t rise to the taunt. Instead he just swam to the side of the pool and jumped out, grabbing his towel to dry off.

“Aww, no fun!” Danny grumbled, swimming over towards him.

“Oh, you’re still paying, but it’s almost lunch time!” Levi said, glancing up at the dining area where the table had been prepared. He suddenly smirked as he saw Blane and Chris approaching and said to Danny, “Besides, we’ve got company!”

Danny hopped out to sit on the side of the pool and looked round. Blane was walking towards them, but all they could see of Chris was his feet and legs over Blane’s shoulders.

“Put me down ya big eejit!” Chris squawked as he hung upside down behind his brother, struggling mostly for show.

“Had fun on the beach then?” Levi asked, leaning in to give Blane a quick peck on the lips.

“Insults may have been exchanged, which really did not end up going this lil gobshite’s way!” Blane said, bouncing slightly to jiggle Chris on his back.

“Well good timing. I think lunch is nearly ready,” Levi said, smirking at Chris’ grunts.

“LUNCH IS READY!” Cian suddenly yelled out.

A moment later it was followed by the quieter voice of his mother saying, “I told you to go and tell them. I coulda shouted it myself!”

“Told ya,” Levi said with a grin, shaking his head in bemusement. “Oh, very fetching!” he said as he looked and saw Danny had pulled on Blane’s tank top.

Even though Danny was fairly well built for his age, the top still drowned him, hanging down to mid-thigh while the low sides reached his waist. He gave a quick muscle pose as he deepened his voice and said in a terrible Irish accent, “Look at me, I’m Blane, behold my amazing muscles, to be sure, to be sure!”

“Okay, well first of all,” Blane started as he unceremoniously dropped Chris on a sun lounger, “Pretty sure that accent counts as a hate crime. And secondly, I got more muscle in one arm than you do in that entire scrawny toothpick of a body!”

“Hey, pretty sure twink is a protected characteristic under the Equality Act. Mr Francis told us that!” Danny insisted.

“Really?” Levi asked incredulously.

“Twinks. Disabilities. It was one of the two anyway!” Danny said, waving dismissively.

Chris had climbed off his lounger and moved over to Levi’s, where he grabbed his t-shirt and put it on. Like Danny, he was swamped in it a little, though his arms and side weren’t exposed. “Stop running in the halls. Put that light out. Stop wanking in the showers!” he said, imitating the teacher as Danny had just done to his brother.

“Wow, it’s uncanny!” Levi said flatly. “Now gimme back my shirt!”

“No, we’re dressed for lunch. Let’s go, Blane,” Chris insisted, putting his arm around Danny.

“Certainly, Levi!” Danny giggled back to him.

“Hold up,” Blane said, grabbing Chris’ shoulder. He glanced to Levi and grinned, silently prompting him to play along. “If you’re being us, then surely you should ONLY be wearing our clothes!” He reached down beneath the t-shirt, grabbed Chris’ speedo and yanked it down.

Seeing what Blane was doing, Levi copied, yanking down Danny’s.

“What? No!” Chris said, looking panicked as he reached down to try and pull them back up. He was shoved forward, making him stagger as Blane held onto the swimwear, effectively stepping out of them. He watched in dismay as his big brother kicked them away under a lounger.

“Come on, LEVI!” Blane said, placing a hand on Chris’ back to start leading him up towards the dining area.

“You too, BLANE!” Levi said with a smirk, guiding Danny on.

“You’re not really gonna make us do this, are you?” Chris asked, nervous about sitting with everyone for lunch naked from the waist down. Admittedly they couldn’t see that, but that didn’t make it an easier for him.

“At least you’re covered a bit!” Danny grumbled, looking down at the tank top that really left little to the imagination.

“Oh yeah,” Chris chuckled as they walked, reaching over to tweak one of Danny’s nipples through the gaping side.

“Stop that!” Danny hissed, swatting the hand away as Blane and Levi smirked at the interaction.

They reached the table and promptly took a seat, both boys inordinately conscious of the slight bump their unrestrained dicks were making in the front of the hanging fabric. Thankfully, they remained unseen by the others, who were all too busy chatting or grabbing their own seats. As they sat, both Danny and Chris pulled the back down under their butts, sitting on it to keep it in place to try and maintain the illusion they weren’t half naked, letting the front hang down to conceal their crotches as they pulled their chairs in as far as they could.

Chris had been so determined to grab a seat as quickly as he could that it wasn’t until he was fully settled in place that he realised he was sat opposite Sarah. To his side, Danny was facing Finn, the two exchanging polite but silent greetings. To Danny’s other side was Sean then Aisling, who happily greeted Levi and Blane who sat down to Finn’s side.

“Hi Chris, how are you today?” Sarah chirped cheerfully.

“Fine,” Chris huffed, his annoyance at the girl’s presence almost distracting him from his potential embarrassment.

“Lovely,” Sarah said, ignoring the obvious contempt as she turned to Danny and said, “Not had the follow from you on socials yet, Danny!”

“Oh, yeah,” Danny replied awkwardly. “Just been kinda busy. Ya know… turtles and… beaches and stuff!”

“Oh I know, it’s all so wonderful, isn’t it! We’re all just SO lucky to be in such a lovely place!” Sarah gushed, casting a quick eye down the table to see if Finn’s parents had heard the sycophantic comment.

As the meal got started, Blane glanced over at the two boys, then discretely slipped his arm to the side to knock Finn’s fork off the table. Before anyone could even react, a staff member was on their way with a replacement for him, but Blane said with fake concern, “You should really go down and pick that up in case someone steps on it and cuts their foot!”

“Ugh, whatever,” Finn huffed as he pushed his chair back and dropped down to his knees. As soon as he was under the table, he saw what was going on opposite him. Despite Danny’s legs being mostly together, he could still see the boy’s smooth balls and head of his dick as it peeked out from the thin layer of fabric laying over the top of them. Instinctively, his eyes shot to the side and saw Chris in a similar state.

Caught somewhere between aroused and embarrassed, Finn jumped back up and re-took his side, his cheeks flushing red.

“Y’alright, bud?” Blane asked, suppressing a smirk.

Realising what had happened, Danny began to blush just as much, especially as he made brief eye contact with Finn. That was all it took, that quick moment of embarrassment, of knowing he had been seen, of knowing Finn knew what was happening. Danny’s dick began to swell. Not the rapid stiffening he would usually feel from being directly touched or licked or groped. Instead it was the slow, steady stiffening that came from the horrible cycle of embarrassment over arousal and arousal over embarrassment.

A brief glance down at his crotch in the narrow gap between his body and the table showed the bottom of the tank top lifting as the dick beneath grew. Desperate to conceal it, he tugged it down so it wasn’t caught on the stiffening prick and leaned forward so it wouldn’t show a bulge.

He felt so exposed, sitting there almost naked with all of Chris’ family around him, sporting a full erection. Nobody knew, yet it felt like somehow they were about to work it out, that any moment the entire table would erupt into laughter at his predicament.

‘Nobody knows, nobody knows, nobody knows,’ he kept thinking to himself, until a horrible realisation struck him. It came from a nervous glance down the table. He spotted Sean, at his side, looking back at him, though not at his face. Following the young man’s gaze, he realised leaning forward had allowed the side of the tank top to gape open, giving Sean a direct line of sight inside, not only at his smooth torso, but also the vertical, straining dick below.

Staring at Sean in abject horror, expecting some big, humiliating announcement, Danny just got a wink from him instead before he turned his attention back to the conversation Aisling was having with Levi about work.

“I’m guessing it’s really hard, right Danny?” Sarah suddenly asked the distracted boy.

“What?!” Danny yelped, looking round in surprised shock, wondering how Sarah had seen his boner.

“Going to a boarding school so far from home!” Sarah said, slightly confused about the nervous expression. “I was just saying that Finn and I both get to go home every weekend, and that’s pretty tough, but being so far from home for like six or seven weeks at a time must be really hard!”

“Oh!” Danny replied, relieved at the misunderstanding and mildly annoyed at the amused smirks around him. “I guess so, but we’re kinda used to it,” he explained.

“Plus Danny loves it at Kingswood!” Finn added with a nod and a slight smile.

“Yeah,” Danny replied, though not particularly emphatically.

Finn frowned slightly at Danny’s response, eyes narrowing a little as he tried to read the boy.

Thankfully for both Chris and Danny, the rest of lunch was utterly uneventful, aside from the ongoing tension between Chris and Sarah, with Danny and Finn occasionally being drawn in to calm things.

As the group began dispersing, heading off to the respective afternoon plans, Chris and Danny eagerly started back towards the pool to retrieve their speedos – clothing that just an hour ago had actually felt quite exposing, until they were relieved of that too!

“Not so fast,” Blane said, grabbing Danny’s shoulder. “I thought we could go for a nice walk to help lunch go down!”

“No, I’d really rather get back to the beach!” Chris said, not wanting to voice his actual objection as some of the others were still nearby.

“Oh, well Levi and I are going, and we’d rather take out shirts with us then if you’re not coming!” Blane replied, barely keeping a straight face.

“You fucker,” Chris growled quietly as he and Danny were forced to go along with them to avoid being left naked in front of the family.

As the foursome wandered along, eventually finding themselves away from prying ears, both Levi and Blane burst into hysterics. “Oh my god, you two looked ready to punch us most of the way through lunch!” Blane said through his laughs.

“Good idea!” Chris said, throwing a punch at Blane’s stomach. It wasn’t intended to be a hard hit, but it stopped dead as it struck his abs. “Curse your manly physique!” he said with a smirk.

“Wow, assault now,” Blane said, shaking his head, “That deserves punishment!”

Chris took a step back and started, “What are you…”

“Oh my god, look!” Blane yelped, pointing behind Chris.

As Chris turned to see where Blane was pointing, he felt the t-shirt get yanked up and whipped off over his head before he even knew what was happening.

“Oh my god, you feel for ‘look over there’. Wow!” Blane laughed as he held the t-shirt triumphantly.

Chris froze, caught between trying to cover up, jumping behind some of the undergrowth off the path and trying to get the t-shirt back. Eventually he opted for covering up, looking round frantically as he yelped, “Blane, give it back!”

“It’s not mine to give!” Blane said as he tossed the t-shirt to Levi.

“Come on, please,” Chris pleaded, blushing as he held his hands in front of his dick.

“Actually, it’s a bit cool here in the shade,” Levi said, gesturing to the canopy of trees overhead before pulling the t-shirt on.

“Danny, come on, help me!” Chris pleaded.

“I would, but I have the feeling if I try to, I’m ending up the same way,” Danny said with a shrug, then looked to Blane and asked, “Am I right?”

“Ugh, Danny, this is why I always say you’re the smart one in your relationship!” Blane said with a smile as he took a step closer to Danny and placed a hand on his back.

“Hey, rude!” Chris scowled at the insult.

Blane quickly grabbed the tank top and swiped it off Danny, leaving him just as naked as Chris. He gave him a gentle shove so he staggered towards his nude boyfriend. “I was kidding, you’re both idiots!” he said with a huge grin as he pulled the top on.

“Oh my god, I think someone’s coming!” Levi said as he looked down the path.

That was it. Chris and Danny burst into a sprint the other way.

Blane sniggered, then looked back and said to Levi, “Nobody’s coming!”

“Like you said,” Levi replied with a nod, “Idiots!” They both started laughing as they strolled along in the direction the two boys had just gone in. Levi had intentionally herded them away from the safety of their own villa. “You spoken to Chris about next year yet?”

“Not yet,” Blane said, shaking his head. “And I might wait until he’s not pissed at me for… well, doing what we just did!”

“He’s not gonna have a problem with it, is he?” Levi asked, taking Blane’s hand as they walked.

“Hard to tell,” Blane shrugged. “Things have been kinda up and down between us since I started there. He was PISSED at me for muscling in on his territory at first!”

“I remember!” Levi replied, “I seem to recall offering you a fair amount of ‘comfort’ over it!”

“Is that what we’re calling it?” Blane replied with a cheesy grin, getting a chuckle back. “But he kinda warmed up to me being there, then we… went through THAT phase,” he said, knowing Levi would understand he meant their period of sexual intimacy, but was avoiding saying it aloud in case of eavesdroppers. “But this last year we’ve… I dunno, we see each other now and then and it’s nice, but it’s kinda hard to read how he feels about having me there!”

“How hard is it to read how I feel having you there?” Levi asked, gripping onto Blane’s arm as he smiled back.

“Oh yeah, that’s a tough one,” Blane said as he pursed his lips tightly and nodded, looking thoughtful. “You don’t really seem that bothered to me!”

Levi let out an over-exaggerated whimper before they both giggled. “Earlier Danny was saying about how all the changes are making him a bit anxious. I kinda feel bad cos I couldn’t really put him at ease as much as I probably should have!”

“He’ll be okay, Danny’s tough!” Blane said confidently.

Levi let out a nondescript grunt.

“You don’t agree?” Blane asked incredulously.

“Oh, no, he’s definitely tough,” Levi replied, “When it comes to looking after other people, at least. It’s when it comes to looking after himself that I worry!”

Blane thought for a moment then nodded. “Yeah, I guess even with the accident, getting back to Kingswood was all about being there for Chris and getting fully recovered was all about getting life back to normal for his mates and being able to re-join the football team. There was definitely a lot of ‘I’m doing this for me’ but when it got tough, it was always worrying about everyone else that really pushed him to keep going!”

“And now he’s gonna have a year seven kid who he’s got to mentor,” Levi said, looking mildly concerned. “I just… don’t want him to forget he needs a bit of self-care sometimes too!”

Blane smiled sweetly as he leaned against Levi slightly. “I know those two are… special cases, but… I love how much you care about your students!”

“I just never wanna let them down the way my teachers did with… kids at my school,” Levi said wistfully.

Levi had shared with him before the story of how his friend at school – his first love really – had ended his own life. It wasn’t something that he really dwelled on a lot, but it had always been one of the real driving factors behind Levi’s career as a teacher. Blane didn’t reply, he just squeezed his boyfriend’s hand tightly.

As they walked along, curious about where the two naked teens had sought cover, they heard voices ahead and eventually saw Gareth and Thomas approaching, the two men chatting quietly as they headed towards the spa area.

“Hey dad,” Blane said softly as they approached. Things were often tense between Blane and his parents, but for the sake of the holiday and the others sharing the island with them, an uneasy ceasefire had been called.

“Hi,” Gareth replied to Blane, giving a polite nod to Levi after. “We were just heading to the hot tub. Care to join us?” he offered.

Blane looked ready to object when he looked down the path and spotted Chris and Danny already in the hot tub, presumably hiding their nudity to try and evade the two men. “Sure, we’d love to!” he said, suppressing a grin.

“And we’ve already got company,” Thomas said as he spotted the boys too.

As the four men approached, Chris glared at his big brother for a moment, then smiled at the others and said, “Hi dad, hi Mr Byrne!”

The hot tub was massive. It was advertised as being able to contain 20, though that would be a little intimate, but four men and two teens would have no trouble fitting in with plenty of space. Chris and Danny were sat together in one corner, glad that the bubbling water concealed their naked lower halves.

As Gareth and Thomas removed their shirts and climbed in on the opposite corner, Chris couldn’t help noticing Blane and Levi whispering to each other. A few moments later, their tops were pulled off too and they started climbing in, though they split up. Blane got in, sitting down next to Chris while Levi went the other way and sat beside Danny, effectively surrounding the two embarrassed, nude boys.

“I hate you so much!” Chris whispered to Blane while trying not to give away his discomfort to his father and the other man.

“Love ya too,” Blane whispered back with a snigger.

As the six of them relaxed in the hot tub, they conversed casually, with Gareth and Thomas questioning the other four about life at Kingswood, the fire that had just decimated it and just life in general. It might have been quite relaxing for the two youngest were it not for the discrete hands reaching across under the water to tease them. Blane had quickly stroked Chris to full firmness, before letting go and just adding occasional extra touches to keep his little brother hard. Levi was a bit less direct, just stroking Danny’s thigh while he allowed his foot to slip to the side and caress the boy’s shin. It was still more than enough to keep Danny fully aroused.

A couple of times Chris tried to nudge Blane’s hand away, but the slight struggle that ensued only threatened to draw the attention and scrutiny of the two men opposite, so Chris conceded and allowed Blane to continue teasing him.

“Oh yes,” Thomas said, suddenly looking to Chris. “Your dad told me you’d won an award for writing, Chris!”

“Huh,” Chris grunted, slightly out of it as Blane pushed him close to the edge. “Oh, erm… s… sort of…” he stuttered, trying to compose himself. “I wrote a play, well… unnh… re-wrote a Shakespeare play… I suppose.”

“Oh yes?” the man enquired curiously.

Chris let out a slight whimper but Blane’s hand was unrelenting. “Yeah, the… the theme was a modern spin on a… lit… ugh… literary classic and I chose a mmm… mid-summer night’s dream!”

Seeing Chris was on the verge of losing the ability to speak altogether, Danny jumped in to continue, “He called it a Mid-summer Night’s Scream and it was basically like a slasher movie set in the woods, with murderous fairies! It was awesome!” He was beaming proudly as he talked about it.

Seemingly the kinder of the two men surrounding them, Levi joined in to help as he said, “It really was very good. Chris wrote it and then got cast as one of the leads. It won second place in the drama showcase we do with seven other schools!”

“That sounds wonderful!” Thomas said happily. “So does that mean you’re shifting your focus from music to writing?”

“No, I still… love music!” Chris explained, trembling slightly as he teetered on the brink. “We have a band!”

“Yeah, made up entirely of Chris and his ex-boyfriends!” Blane smirked.

Chris looked round at his brother in horror, his reaction made even worse by the fact he finally tipped over the edge and began to ejaculate into the bubbling water. Doing his best not to give away the orgasm in progress, Chris clenched his jaw as he glared at his big brother. Somehow, being made to cum in front of his dad and his dad’s best friend wasn’t the worst thing about that moment. The comment had revealed much more information than Chris had wanted to share.

“It’s okay,” Thomas chuckled as he saw the terrified expression on Chris’ face. “I know what sort of school Kingswood is and I’m very open minded!”

Slowly coming down from his orgasm, Chris looked back red-faced at the man, actually glad for a moment that the comment gave him excuse for suddenly blushing.

It was actually Chris’ father who looked most surprised. “You and Mark broke up?” he asked. He looked from Blane to Levi and back to Chris as he added, “And I’m assuming I’m the last to know!”

“I suppose the less you’re around, the less you hear!” Blane said pointedly.

“Blane!” Chris hissed, annoyed at the comment.

Gareth looked to his eldest son for a moment, clearly holding back due to the others sitting around them and said, “I think we’re going to head into the Steam Room!” He stood up and gave the two younger boys and Levi a polite nod before climbing out, with Thomas right behind him.

“You didn’t have to do that!” Chris growled. “Things were actually nice for once!” he added, punching Blane’s arm. He quickly added a second and said, “And that’s for outing me to Mr Byrne!” Then promptly added two more as he said, “And they’re for making me cum, you cunt!”

“Sorry for outing you,” Blane apologised immediately. “I just thought it was funny thinking who’s actually in your band!”

“That’s it?” Chris asked, clearly annoyed. “No apology for the other bits?”

“What? I meant what I said to dad and making you cum was freaking HILARIOUS! Why would I apologise?” Blane asked with a shrug. “But fine, if you’re that pissed, we’ll go!” he said as he stood and started to climb out of the hot tub.

Levi gave Danny a quick pat on the back as he climbed out too, both of them knowing it was always best not to get between the two Smith siblings.

“Guess we’ll see ya later!” Blane said with a shrug as they grabbed their shirts and headed down the path.

“Erm, Chris,” Danny said cautiously.

“Yeah?” Chris asked, looking round, still a little distracted.

“We’re, umm… we’re still naked!” Danny said, flinching a little.

“Fuck!” Chris groaned before sliding down to sink completely under the water.


Levi shot Danny an amused smirk as Chris and Blane both stormed off into their respective rooms. The two teens had made it back to the safety of their villa without incident and mostly unseen. It had only been Samuel who spotted them, greeting them as usual upon their return, only to smirk at their unexpected nudity.

When Levi and Blane eventually returned from their afternoon together, Chris and his older brother had squabbled… a lot! Chris had been insistent Blane had been mean, Blane had been insistent he was just being playful. They had both attempted to bring their boyfriends into the argument, but both Levi and Danny had staunchly remained out of it.

“I don’t wanna go in there any more than you probably wanna go in there,” Levi said, pointing to his own room before gesturing to Chris and Danny’s. “Wanna go hang out down on the beach til dinner?”

“Sure,” Danny chuckled as he jumped to his feet, politely saying goodbye to Samuel as they left.

Not intending to go far, they just passed their own villa’s pool to head down to their private strip of beach beyond it.

“At least we have more stuff planned tomorrow so it might keep them too busy to wind each other up,” Danny shrugged as he strolled down towards the water.

“It’s okay. I think arguing is how the Smiths actually communicate,” Levi said, shaking his head as he smirked. “And to think… I might be one of them soon!”

Danny’s eyes widened. Did Levi know about the plotting he was doing with Blane for the proposal? “You… will?” he asked nervously as he started paddling in the shallows.

Levi smiled as he looked back up towards the villa to ensure they hadn’t been followed, then nodded and said, “Yeah, I’m…” he paused and frowned at Danny, “You can’t tell anyone this, but… I’m planning to propose to Blane while we’re here!”

Danny had to be very careful to hold in his reaction. Both of them were planning to propose to each other! He didn’t know whether this was the best thing that could happen of the worst, but either way he knew he couldn’t let on to anything quite yet. “Oh my god, that’s amazing!” he said, grinning massively as he grabbed the man in a brief hug. “What are you… when are you… how are you…” he had so many questions and none of them seemed to fully form so he just shook his head and said, “I need more details!”

Levi couldn’t help laughing at the boy’s reaction, but the smile tarnished a little as he said, “Yeah, you pretty much know all the details I’ve actually planned so far. I have a ring and I know I want to propose, but beyond that…” he shrugged, “Not a clue!”

Danny pursed his lips, holding back another laugh as he said, “Lemme guess, you’re hoping I can help you come up with something!”

“That’s not why I told you,” Levi insisted. “I just needed to tell SOMEONE, but if you’re offering…”

“I reckon you’re just after an excuse to hang out with me more!” Danny said with a cheesy grin.

“Well it’s not entirely without its benefits,” Levi said, giving him gentle nudge in the shoulder.

“I know Chris is pissed about it, but this afternoon in the hot tub was actually kinda fun,” Danny said awkwardly. “I liked… what you were doing!” he said, kicking randomly at the water.

“Yeah, I bet you did,” Levi smirked.

“No, I mean…ugh, I dunno,” Danny groaned, then just flopped forward so he splashed face-first into the water.

Levi stood watching the boy as he floated facedown for a few seconds before reaching down to the sand beneath him to flip himself over. “Feel better?” Levi asked as he smiled at the wet boy. As Danny just shrugged and remained floating around in the shallows, Levi dropped down to sit in the water beside him. “What’s up?” he asked frankly.

“Nothing,” Danny said utterly unconvincingly. As he saw the frown on Levi’s face, he added, “It’s times like this I hate that you’re a teacher.”

“Why’s that?” Levi asked curiously. As Danny just shrugged again, he ventured, “Cos you’d like to talk to me about something, but it’s not something you want to talk to one of your teachers about?”

Danny shrugged again, but this time it was accompanied by a slight nod.

“Is it… something that, as a teacher, I would need to worry about?” Levi asked cautiously.

Danny frowned and shook his head as he said, “No! Well… maybe… probably not!”

“Well I’m here if you feel like sharing,” Levi offered, then reached out and playfully patted Danny’s stomach as he smiled and said, “Any time!”

Danny let out a slight moan at the playful touch. “Careful, you’ll get me going again!” he half-joked

“Duly noted, hands to myself,” Levi said as he pulled his hand back.

“Aww,” Danny pouted, then muttered, “I was kinda hoping you wanted to get me going!” As he heard Levi chuckle, he reached out and placed a hand on one the man’s thighs, his swim shorts revealing most of it as the water swirling around them had made the dark hairs even more prominent. “Or maybe I’ll get YOU going,” he said coyly.

“Yeah, maybe you will,” Levi said casually, leaning back on both hands, which sunk slightly into the wet sand.

“Oh!” Danny declared, sitting up next to him, though he was facing up the beach while Levi was facing out to sea. “I was… expecting more resistance!”

“Resistance is futile!” Levi replied, but sniggered just to himself as Danny didn’t get the reference. “I can complain if it helps!”

“No!” Danny said urgently. “I just thought… umm… well, you and Blane have your whole monogamy thing which is just… great,” he said a little sarcastically, “But… erm… isn’t this, maybe… not allowed?”

“Usually… yes!” Levi replied with a gentle nod. “But Blane and I had a chat this afternoon, after the hot tub thing and we figured… fuck it, let’s just have some fun while we’re here!”

Danny stared for a moment as he took the information in, his eyes slowly widening as he began to realise what it meant. “Wait… so… so… you and Blane can…” he started, trembling a little, “And me and Chris can…” he paused again, his mind racing faster than his mouth could keep up with. Eventually, he just stared excitedly and exclaimed, “FUCK!”

Levi laughed at the boy’s reaction, shaking his head. “Blane’s gonna be pissed he missed THAT reaction, but yeah,” he said with a shrug. “Sure, we still gotta be careful cos it’s all VERY wrong and very inappropriate and… I’m assuming still illegal here, but we’re definitely up for some fun!”

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” Danny mumbled excitedly, barely even noticing that his hand was pawing frantically at his own erection that threatened to burst out of the tiny speedo at any moment. Gulping slightly, he looked wide-eyed at the man beside him and asked nervously, “Can… can I touch you?”

Levi glanced round. Their part of the beach was only visible from the area around their pool and a small section at the front of the villa. While it was far enough away that anyone standing there wouldn’t be able to exactly what they were doing, they’d still be able to take a pretty educated guess. Looking back to Danny, he smiled and said, “Come here!”

Danny let out a slight yelp of surprise as Levi grabbed him with an arm around his chest and then dragged him out into deeper water. As they got deep enough to actually need to tread water to stay above the surface, Danny felt himself get pushed away.

“You’re welcome to touch me,” Levi said with a grin, “But only if you can catch me!” He took off away from Danny, but barely a few moments later, he felt a hand grab at his ankle.

Danny suddenly popped up, keeping hold of Levi as he worked his way up the surface then declared, “Well that was easy!”

“Damn, I swear, you’re half human and half fish!” Levi said, shaking his head.

“Cos of my swimming abilities?” Danny asked with a grin.

“No, cos you kinda look like one,” Levi teased. Just as he started to laugh at his own comment, his eyes widened from shock as he felt a hand grasp at his cock. “Jesus, you don’t waste time!” he exclaimed in amused delight.

Danny took hold of the man, moving right in front of him. Breathing heavily, he growled, “I haven’t cum in THREE days and I am VERY horny!”

“Clearly!” Levi chuckled.

“Stay here!” Danny said with a mischievous grin. Taking a deep breath, he ducked down under the water.

Levi watched as Danny sunk down, then let out a slight surprised grunt as he felt the boy pull the front of his shorts down. His penis floated free, plump but still flaccid. As open as he was to fun with Danny (and inevitably, Chris) there was no massive attraction to the boys, a blessing really, considering his job. His encounters with them over the years had been subject to circumstance, more the result of their desire than his own.

Danny took the soft cock into his mouth and began to pleasure it, feeling it swell between his eager lips. Soon enough, he was sucking on it at full length and girth, excited more by the man’s arousal than his own. Danny loved to please, and some he sought to please much more than others. Levi was very much near the top of that list.

Levi continued to float as nonchalantly as he could. Though they were almost guaranteed to not be seen, it still seemed sensible to play it safe, though he couldn’t help letting out slight groans of pleasure as the boy expertly fellated him. It took a worrying amount of time before the thought even occurred to Levi about just how long Danny had been down there. Just as he was on the verge of yanking Danny up himself, he saw the head rising up.

Danny gasped for air as he emerged, though the grin plastered across his face made clear he was still easily within his comfort zone.

Levi reached out to stroke a hand down Danny’s body as he whispered, “You have such a big…” he lowered his hand to grasp the boy’s erection, sniggered and finished, “…lung capacity!”

“It’s not the size, it’s what you do with it that counts,” Danny replied cheekily as he took another deep breath and descended once again.

“Ugh, jesus, this kid’s gonna be the end of me,” Levi muttered as he felt the lips around his dick once again.

Danny continued to suck, popping up two more times for air before he finally pushed Levi over the edge and was rewarded with a heavy load deposited in his mouth. Struggling for air by that point, Danny splashed through the surface, inhaled and exhaled heavily through his nose and then swallowed the spunk down happily. “And we’ve still got two more weeks of this!” he said with a grin as he rested his head against Levi’s shoulder.


Chris’ mood hadn’t improved since storming off into his room. Figuring he was done with the pool and/or beach for the day, he had headed into the bathroom to enjoy a long shower. He had long finished actually washing and now just stood enjoying the feeling of the warm spray, his face tilted up towards the main head with his eyes closed.

He jumped a little as he felt hands on his hips. Leaning back to keep the water from his face, he said happily, “I was wondering how long it’d take you to join me!”

“I’m surprised you were expecting me at all,” Blane replied, laughing as Chris suddenly jumped as he heard the wrong voice.

“Jesus, Blane, you scared the shit outta me!” Chris complained as he spun round and took a step back. His eyes quickly darted down his brother’s body and saw that he was naked, his girthy cock hanging heavily.

“I know. That was the plan,” Blane chuckled. As he saw Chris’ shock turn to annoyance, as much from the surprise as from the earlier squabbles he let out a sigh and said, “I came to apologise!”

“What, it couldn’t wait til I was done?” Chris asked grumpily.

Blane smirked and said, “You were taking too long. I actually thought you were gonna start wanking at one point!” As Chris just stared back, Blane cast his eyes down his little brother’s body and smirked again as he said, “Loving the smooth look. It’s very 2020!”

“Shut up,” Chris scowled, lowering his hands to cover up, though he wasn’t really sure why. Blane had seen him naked plenty of times before, and he had already seen the smooth pubis.

“Sorry,” Blane said without looking like he meant it. “But I really did come to apologise about today. I thought we were just having fun. I never thought you’d be quite so upset about it!”

“You left me naked and you made me CUM in front of dad and Mr Byrne. What was I supposed to do? Fucking thank you?” Chris demanded angrily.

“But you’re into all that humiliation stuff!” Blane said with a shrug. “Danny too!”

“Yeah. AT SCHOOL!” Chris said firmly. “Not with, like… family around!”

“Oh, I’m not family now?” Blane asked, looking hurt.

Chris really couldn’t tell how sincere it was, so he pouted slightly and said, “Course you’re family, but… we’re different. We… do stuff! Or… we used to!”

“We can still do stuff,” Blane said with a shrug.

Chris looked appalled. “I am NOT letting you cheat on Levi, ya nasty cunt!” he scolded his brother.

Blane smiled proudly as he said, “Glad to hear it, but it’s not cheating if we’re open! Which we are… as of today… for the rest of the holiday, anyway!”

“Yeah, right. You’d say anything for another go on this!” Chris scowled, moving his hands to waggle his dick.

“Oh yes, some days it’s all I can think about,” Blane said dryly, clearly being sarcastic. “Get the fuck over yourself. I mean it. We talked this afternoon and while we’re here… we can… have fun! So if you feel like…”

“Suck my dick!” Chris suddenly blurted out. As Blane raised an eyebrow, Chris quickly said, “No, wait, lemme suck yours! No, let’s jerk each other off! Oh… no… are you still just a top?”

“Okay, take a breath!” Blane said, reaching out to grab Chris’ shoulder. “I said we can have fun. That doesn’t mean we have to do EVERYTHING right now!” As he waited to Chris to give a gentle nod, he smiled and continued, “Besides, I believe you told me once you like being told what to do, right?”

Chris’ eyes widened as he nodded silently, staring at Blane in anticipation.

“Stroke your dick,” Blane instructed.

Chris happily complied, reaching down to tug gently on his dick, though his eyes remained fixed on Blane. “Can you… do it too?” he asked shakily.

“What happened to me calling the shots?” Blane sniggered.

“Mine was a request, not an order,” Chris replied with a sweet smile.

“Bah, who could resist that face?” Blane said, shaking his head as he joined his brother in masturbating.

It started off slowly, both of them enjoying the sensation of their own stroking just as much as the sight of the other doing the same, but quickly sped up. Within just a couple of minutes, slow pleasured strokes had given way to eager, desperate fapping as it became an unspoken competition.

“Ah, fuck, yes,” Chris grunted, shooting first. He cheered from both his victory and his enjoyable orgasm, but got even more excited as he managed to shoot Blane with his first two spurts of jizz, one hitting his hip right next to his fast-moving hand, the second landing a little lower on his furry shin.

“Oh you lil fecker,” Blane scowled, though he was smirking as he said it. Stepping forward as he felt his own release begin, he shot the entirety of his own load over Chris’ stomach, still-hard dick and hand.

“Oh no, how awful,” Chris said sarcastically before raising the hand to lick it clean.

“Dirty fecker,” Blane giggled as he watched, shaking his head.


Danny squirmed as he sat at the dinner table, his persistent erection rubbing against the inside of his shorts as he continued his underwearlessness, much to Chris’ amusement. “This is so annoying,” he whispered to Chris.

Chris glanced down at Danny’s crotch and smirked, then leaned back a little to reveal his own bulge and said, “I hear ya!”

Danny both laughed and moaned, happy to see he wasn’t alone in his suffering, but annoyed that the sight of his boyfriend’s semi-erection heightened his own arousal. “It’s not so bad for you. At least you’ve had SOME…” Danny paused, glancing round for a moment before finishing quietly, “…relief today!”

“Three times!” Chris sniggered.

“Three?” Danny asked, frowning thoughtfully.

“And you totally had your chance this morning,” Chris insisted. “I offered!”

“What?! When?” Danny replied, shaking his head dismissively.

Chris glanced round and, seeing everyone else was involved in other conversations, whispered, “When you had me… on the bed, y’know…” He finished with a mime of his wrists being restrained.

“What? I…” Danny said, looking bewildered, “I mean, that was the plan but… by the time I got back you’d… weaselled your way out!”

Chris’ eyes slowly widened as a grin spread across his face. “So you didn’t… *blow* me before I let myself out?” he asked, almost bouncing, lowering his voice even more for as he said blow.

Danny’s expression changed to match Chris’. “Wait, did someone DO stuff to you while I was gone?” he asked, unsure whether to be worried or excited.

Chris nodded emphatically as he said, “Yeah, I was totally imagining it being someone else…”

“Wow, thanks,” Danny muttered with a snigger.

“You know what I mean,” Chris said, stroking Danny’s leg gently, “But if it wasn’t you, then… who?”

Danny leaned forward and glanced down the table. There were certainly a lot of options, but most of them varied from absurd to awful. He was just about to express his shock when he frowned and nodded straight ahead to the pair sitting opposite them – Blane and Levi!

“Y’think?” Chris asked as he nodded towards the other couple, looking almost disappointed. He got a shrug back from Danny.

Throughout dinner, Chris and Danny flipped back and forth between convincing themselves it had just been Blane and Levi and ridiculous flights of fancy about other people at the table or island staff. The conversation managed to keep both of them unpleasantly aroused. Danny was pleased the shorts he had chosen for the evening were black, as it meant the growing wet patch wasn’t particularly visible.

With the evening’s planned entertainment interrupted by an unexpected downpour, the group had sheltered inside the main villa for the night, with the adults enjoying some drinks while the kids made use of the games room. Having barely managed to find two seconds away from Aidan and Cian, it was getting late in the evening before Chris and Danny finally managed to corner their roommates.

“Hey,” Chris said as discretely as he could, keeping his voice low. “This morning, did… either of you come into our room?”

“Why? Is something missing?” Levi asked. It was instinct for him. Whenever the boys at the school couldn’t find things, their default assumption was that someone had been into their dorm and taken it, rather than the inordinately more common explanation that they were simply messy and disorganised and had misplaced it.

“No, I was…” Chris started, but blushed and stopped mid-sentence.

“I’d left him tied to the bed,” Danny said, smirking at Chris’ awkward fidgeting.

“Nice!” Blane said, offering Danny a fist-bump. As he got a scowl from Levi, he shrugged and said, “What? That’s fun!”

“Freak,” Levi chuckled, then looked to Danny and said, “Okay, go on!”

“Well while I was out, someone came in and…” Danny paused, not due to embarrassment like Chris, but just for fear of some of the younger siblings around them overhearing.

Blane caught on and quickly mimed a blow job.

“Jesus, Blane,” Levi snapped, swatting his boyfriend’s hand down from his mouth.

“Yeah, that!” Danny said with a smirk as he watched the other two squabble slightly. “Was it… one of you?”

“No!” Levi said, recoiling at the suggestion.

“Nope, sorry,” Blane added, shaking his head.

“Wait, do we… need to report this?” Levi asked, looking concerned.

“Fuck no, sign me up for it again!” Chris said excitedly. “So, who was it?” he asked, looking at Danny, wide-eyed.

“Yeah, you have fun with that,” Blane said, patting on Chris back to nudge him away. “We’ll be getting back to our evening!” As the two boys wandered away, whispering to each other, Blane glanced to the side and saw Levi staring at him, arms folded. “What?” he asked with a shrug.

“Blane!” Levi said disapprovingly.

Blane rolled his eyes and huffed as he said, “Ugh, fine it was me, but I am NOT telling THEM that!” He gestured to the two boys wandering across the room. “It’ll drive ‘em mad trying to guess who it was!”

“You’re so bad!” Levi said, shaking his head.

“I know. And that’s why you love me, isn’t it!” Blane replied cheekily.

“No!” Levi said back pointedly, his expression stern. After a few moments his face cracked and a smile emerged as he said, “It’s one of many reasons!”

Blane chuckled at the comment. “And I love you too!” he said, leaning over to kiss Levi.


John Warren

This is going to be a thrilling summer vacation. Now that the 2 couples are going to play together it’s going to get really interesting. OMG Blaine is a devious fuck, he is cracking me up. So side thought: for years, manscapping has been the norm. When did the younger guys start shaving it all off. I know a lot of guys like this look but to me it just looks stupid. It’s one the proudest moments when those pubes start growing in, cannot see why you then shave them. Plus it’s just itchy.

Johnny Kape

Levi thought for a moment then nodded. “Yeah, I guess even with the accident, getting back to Kingswood was all about being there for Chris and getting fully recovered was all about getting life back to normal for his mates and being able to re-join the football team. There was definitely a lot of ‘I’m doing this for me’ but when it got tough, it was always worrying about everyone else that really pushed him to keep going!” ==> Levi here should be Blane I think.

Naked Justice

When did you start shaving your face? As I like being nude in front of others, I prefer my pubes as well in form as my facial hair.