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Just as I like the occasional break from writing my ongoing series, I wrote out this quick little one-shot and thought I'd share it with you all. I hope you enjoy!

There's a Naked Alfie in the Garden

There’s an intruder next door. That was my first thought when I saw movement in the garden next door late at night. My second thought was mildly more confusing – there’s a naked intruder next door! A few more moments of watching and what I saw become no less confusing, but significantly more appealing – there’s a naked Alfie in the garden!

Let’s backtrack just a little, establish the characters, build the narrative I suppose. Who am I? Well, that doesn’t really matter, does it. Perhaps for the purpose of this story I’m you, if it helps you feel the fantasy. Maybe I’m your dream guy because you imagine yourself as Alfie, because let’s face it, a lot of you reading this already want to be him! Either way, I’m whoever you want me to be. What matters is Alfie.

My next-door neighbours were a fairly typical family. Greg and Debbie, a monotonously straight married couple, along with Alfie, Debbie’s sixteen-year-old son from her first marriage and Harry, Greg and Debbie’s six-year-old son. I knew them about as much as most people know their neighbours – an awkward hello and “nice weather, huh” when you bump into them outside and the occasional parcel left with you for them. Basically, we were just neighbours, making Alfie the literal boy next door.

Anyway, back to the bit with the naked sixteen-year-old. I’d looked out the window as I went to close the curtains before heading to bed when I saw the movement and quickly realised the figure skulking around was Alfie, and he was naked! I watched for a few moments… just to make sure he was okay, obviously. No ulterior motive. Ha, right! I was watching and I was enjoying the show, but as I stood there observing, I saw him trying all of the windows. It seemed he was trying to get back into the house. Clearly the boy needed help and, being the magnanimous person I am, I decided to head out there.

I made my way round and into their garden, approaching as quietly as I could. The last thing I wanted to do was startle the boy (okay, I’m lying again, I wanted to surprise him and not give him the chance to cover up – so sue me!)

“Fuck it,” he heard him mutter as the window refused to open.

I cleared my throat and jumped so hard he staggered back, tripped over his own feet and fell onto the lawn.

“You okay down there?” I asked, smirking slightly as I stood over him.

Alfie’s hands suddenly clasped over his crotch. It was dark, but safe to assume he’d bright red as he stared up at me in surprise.

I had always thought Alfie was cute. He’d always been a cute boy, but recently had started to turn into a cute young man. For a couple of years now he’d styled his black hair in a heavy crop and blurry fade (I had to google that term… I don’t know hair!) His hazel eyes and impish always struck me as a little mischievous, though he had dimples that added a definite boyish cuteness to it. I’d seen him shirtless before, so the top half was nothing new to me – distinctly average. That’s not to say he wasn’t hot. He wasn’t skinny or chubby or ripped, just average, potentially leaning slightly towards ‘thick’. Considering his dark hair, it was a surprise to me that his legs weren’t that hairy yet. As he sat naked in the moonlight, I could see a gentle reflection down each of his smooth shins. Before he jumped, staggered and fell, I’d spotted a brief glimpse of a fairly small penis, topped with a dark bush. Considering his situation (and the temperature) I reserved judgment on his size for now!

“Umm… I… umm…” Alfie stuttered.

“Need a hand?” I asked, reaching a hand out towards him to help him up.

He took it, possibly just out of nervousness, leaving him with just one hand covering his junk as I pulled him to his feet. “Thanks,” he said, avoiding eye contact entirely.

I released his hand as soon as he was up. “Lost your keys?” I asked, nodding towards the house.

Alfie nodded as he clutched his hand back over his crotch.

“Clearly not all you lost!” I said, holding back a smirk. “Come on, come with me!”

“Where… where are we going?” he asked timidly.

“Clubbing! I’m in a party mood!” I said sarcastically, then shook my head and said, “Where d’ya think? My place! I can’t leave you out here. You’ll freeze your arse off!”

“Okay,” Alfie said quietly.

We walked back down the side of the house, then onto my driveway. I did my best to act nonchalant despite the amusing and clearly terrified naked teen scampering along beside me. As we got to the door, I help it open to let him pass, then followed him in and closed it, then clicked on the light. I suddenly had a perfectly illuminated view of his entire rear. He whole back was an expanse of flawless pale skin, while his buttocks stood out as an even paler tone, two pert, milky-white bubbly mounds of flesh that I genuinely had to fight the urge to reach out and slap.

Alfie turned, presumably realising what I could now see, but immediately realised he was letting me see the front instead. He was blushing just as much as I had imagined. With his hands desperately clutched over his privates, all I could see was the very top of the dark bush between his wrists. The position also managed to push his pectorals together, giving the fleshy muscles a slight hint of cleavage while his nipples were rigid from the cold.

I made no attempt to hide the looks I gave him, letting my eyes roam up and down him. It was surprising and quite amusing to see him so timid. He was usually very rambunctious, very much ‘’one of the lads’ whenever he was with his mates. Any hint of his usual bravado seemed to have been lost with his clothes. After observing him for a moment, I walked past him and nodded in the direction of my lounge as I said, “Come on, this way!”

He followed behind, like an obedient puppy, all the while keeping his dick and balls concealed. As we got into the lounge, I turned to face him without sitting down and asked, “So… what happened?”

“Doesn’t matter,” Alfie muttered with a shrug, staring down at the ground between us.

“When I ask you a question, you answer it, and you look at me when you speak to me!” I said firmly without raising my voice.

He stared at me in surprise.

“What happened?” I repeated.

Alfie looked genuinely torn for a moment, caught between what would have been his usual petulance and the behaviour I had just demanded. Fortunately, the latter seemed to win out as he said, “I just… messed with the wrong people!”

I nodded thoughtfully for a moment and said, “More detail. What ACTUALLY happened?”

Alfie huffed slightly as he said, “There’s these guys that hang out near the pavilion in Francis Park.”

“I know them,” I nodded, aware of the group he meant.

“I just… I owed them something and… and I didn’t pay so… they took my phone and my wallet and then…” Alfie paused, seemingly taking a moment to discover a previously unknown shade of red to turn before he finished, “They decided to take everything else too and… my keys were in my pocket!”

I stared at him thoughtfully for a moment, considering my options before I offered, “I can get your stuff back!”

“What? How?” he asked in obvious surprise.

“Doesn’t matter,” I said, suppressing a smirk as I used his earlier reply back to him. “But I can do it… if you want me to!”

“I need my phone. Everything’s on it!” Alfie insisted.

“Okay then. Well, you can wait here,” I stated.

“What, really?” Alfie asked, very clearly shocked that I seemed to be serious.

“Well, you can come with me if you like, but legally I think that would be considered streaking!” I said with a smirk.

Alfie recoiled at the reminder of his nudity. “Okay,” he muttered.

“Great. Now, no offence, I know who you are and where you live, but you’re still a relative stranger and I don’t really fancy the idea of leaving a stranger roaming my house!” I explained.

“I won’t take anything!” Alfie said, looking mildly offended.

“I know you won’t,” I said as I walked over to a cabinet, opened a drawer and pulled out some restraints. “Over here,” I said, gesturing to the wall.

“What? No. I’m not… I’m not doing that!” Alfie said, taking a step back.

I took a breath to let his refusal hang between us for a moment, then asked, “Do you want your stuff back?”

“Yes,” Alfie replied, flinching a little as he realised how helpless he was.

“And do you want to come with me,” I asked, then gestured to him, pointing up and down his naked body as I added, “Dressed like that?”

“No,” Alfie replied with a slight frown.

“I suppose we could just go and knock, see if your parents wanna let you in like that,” I suggested.

“NO!” he yelped emphatically.

I didn’t say any more, I just held out the restraints. He sighed and stepped closer.

I reached out and grabbed his wrist. The tips of my fingers grazed his thigh and he let out a gentle gasp. I secured the restraint around his first writs, then said, “Stand there, back to the wall!” as I pointed to a spot on the floor.

“Please,” Alfie whined, but I ignored it and just waited until he complied with a sigh.

I reached up and secured the restraints to a strong metal ring on the wall. Why do I have something liken that in my lounge? Well, that’s really a story for another day. For now, I had one of his wrists in place. I could hear his shaky breaths as I stood almost right up against him. I stared him dead in the eye and kept his gaze as I reached down to grab his other wrist. He resisted momentarily, but then let he raise it and secure it up with his other one.

I took a step back and looked him up and down again. With his arms held up above his head, I could now see his pits, and was surprised to see fairly thick patches of black hair in them, a perfect match to the bush now on show above his dangling cock and balls. He looked significantly bigger than he had outside. Was it from warming up or… something else? Either way, he looked mortified to be fully on show to me.

“Don’t worry, I won’t be long!” I said but shot a teasing glance down at his dick as I said it, just to torment him a little more.

I grabbed my stuff and headed out, knowing exactly what I had to do. Now some of you may see this as a cop-out, others may appreciate the brevity, but let’s a skip a bit here. Short version, I got all of Alfie’s stuff back. His clothes, his keys, his phone, even his wallet with the small amount of cash that had been in it returned. How did I get it? Well, that’s also a story for another day, and funnily enough, a story related to the equipment in my lounge! Either way, twenty-seven minutes after I’d left, I was back, walking into the house triumphantly carrying Alfie’s stuff.

“You got it!” he declared as he saw me, clearly shocked.

“The fact that you’re surprised at what I can do suggests how little you know me,” I said with a cocky smile.

“Well… thank you either way!” he said gratefully.

I placed his stuff down and moved in front of him as I asked, “Why are you thanking me? You don’t have your stuff back. I have it!”

“What?” Alfie asked nervously.

I smiled briefly and said, “I have your stuff, but… obviously it came at a price and, well, it’s only fair that you pay me back for that! And looking at your wallet, I’m guessing actual payment isn’t a possibility!”

“Are you… are you serious?” Alfie asked, looking a little like he wanted to return to his usual bravado, though his exposure and position seemed to hold him back from doing it.

“Very!” I said with a nod. “But… I’m a reasonable man. I wouldn’t ask anything that I know you’re not capable of, so now the question is… do you want to earn your stuff back from me?”

Alfie gulped as he stared back at me silently.

I think Alfie felt the movement at the same time I saw it as both of us suddenly looked down to see his dick slowly chubbing up.

“Wh… what do you want me to do?” he asked shakily, blushing once again.

“Oh, I was just gonna ask you to help me out with some chores and stuff, but clearly you have…” I paused to look down as his dick continued to slowly swell, “…other ideas!”

“No. No, that’s… that’s not… I mean… I… fuck, fuck fuck!” Alfie muttered, shaking his head, clearly annoyed at himself.

“Hey,” I said, reaching out to place a hand on his cheek.

He suddenly stared at me, wide-eyed as I touched him for the first time.

“Calm down, everything’s okay!” I reassured him.

He nodded, but winced slightly at the same time as the slow erection suddenly became… less slow! His dick throbbed to full girth.

I stroked his cheek briefly then pulled back and looked down. He was rigid. His cock stood at a fairly decent six inches, pointing upwards to the point of almost complete verticality. “I’m just going to ask some questions to start with, and a word of warning… I’ll know if you’re lying!” I said to him.

“What… sort of questions?” he asked shakily.

“GCSE Maths questions. If two trains leave at three-thirty PM…” I said sarcastically. “What sort of questions d’ya think?!” I asked bluntly.

Alfie actually sniggered at the comment. Total honesty here… I think my dick skipped a beat! Alfie was cute. I knew that already. Alfie was hot. I had learned that seeing him naked. But now Alfie was… beautiful! The smile was something else entirely. Wow. Anyway, back to the torment.

“What’s your sexual orientation?” I asked firmly.

“Straight!” Alfie replied instantly, but as my gaze dropped to his erection and bounced back up to his face, he added a painfully quiet, “Mostly!”

“Mostly?” I enquired, cocking my head.

“I guess… some… non-straight stuff is… okay, but… I don’t let myself think about it!” Alfie said nervously.

My head tilted the other way as I asked, “Why not?”

“I… I don’t know,” Alfie answered.

“Lie!” I said firmly.

“I don’t!” Alfie insisted.

I shook my head and said a little angrily, “Another lie!” As I saw Alfie recoil, I shook my head, gave a meek smile and said, “It’s okay. I imagine this is the first time you’ve ever had to talk about this. Am I right?”

Alfie gulped and nodded.

“So, how about I suggest why I think it might be, and you just… nod if I’m right,” I suggested. As I got another nod, I smiled and took a step back to look him up and down again. I already knew what I was going to say, but despite the fact I wasn’t really giving any option other than to comply, I didn’t want to push too hard and ruin where I suspected this was going. “Do you maybe not let yourself think about it because you’re scared?”

He stared at me, motionless.

“Are you perhaps scared that you’ll like it, a lot, and that you might want more of it?” I asked. He audibly gulped but still didn’t move. “Do you think that if you think about the ‘non-straight’ stuff and enjoy it, that might make you into something… that you’re scared other people in your life might not accept?”

As I let silence hang heavily for a moment, he finally moved. He nodded slowly.

“I tell you what,” I said, reaching out to touch him again, this time stroking his slightly fleshy hip, “I’ve got no problem with that stuff, so you don’t have to ‘not think about it’ with me, okay?”

Alfie nodded and ventured another hint of a smile. Ugh, that smile!

“So, my next question,” I said as I stroked his side gently, staring him dead in the eye, “Why do you think you got hard when I suggested… making things up to me?”

Alfie’s jaw flapped slightly as he tried to answer but couldn’t. He finally started, “I don’t…”

“Don’t say you don’t know!” I quickly interjected, shaking my head. “I told you, you don’t need to hide anything from me, and I’ll know if you are!” I leaned in close, so our faces were only centimetres apart and whispered, “You want to be a good boy for me, don’t you?”

“Yes!” he replied with virtually no hesitation and immediately blushed because of it.

I raised my hand to stroke his cheek again and leaned to the side to whisper in his ear, “Good boy!”

As I pulled back, he was smiling and panting at the same time. Pulling back a little further, I could see a bead of precum trickling down the shaft of his dick. “So, I’ll ask again. Why do you think you got hard when I suggested making things up to me?”

“Because I thought you wanted me to do sex things!” Alfie said, looking a little shocked by his own words.

“And you… want to do sex things?” I asked curiously.

“I’m sixteen. Sex is the ONLY think I wanna do!” Alfie answered bluntly.

I burst into laughter, which brought the biggest smile so far to Alfie’s face, beaming proudly over entertaining me.

“Fair point,” I said as my laughter died down, “But I meant specifically sex things with me, here!”

“Oh,” Alfie said, returning to his previous timidness. “Umm, well… yes, I guess so!”

“One more question then, Alfie. Are you a virgin?” I asked bluntly.

“No!” Alfie snapped, seemingly entirely on reflex.

“I think that’s a lie,” I said firmly. “Have you been with anyone before?” I softened the question.

“I… I’ve… fooled around… umm… and done… some stuff…” Alfie mumbled.

I shook my head as I placed my hand on his shoulder. Waiting for him to look at me, I said quietly, “I’m not judging you and you have nothing to prove!” As he stared at me contemplatively, I let my hand slide down onto his chest, then gently tweaked his nipple.

He let out a high-pitched grunt at the touch, panted a little and said, “Well there was one time… a hot guy… tied me up and… touched my nipple!”

“Oh,” I said, holding back a smirk, “That sounds hot! Did he do anything else to you?”

“Fuck, I hope so!” Alfie gasped.

“Spoiler alert,” I said as I leaned forward, then whispered in his ear, “He did!” I raised my other hand and now tweaked both nipples as I let my lips graze his ear.

“Oh god,” Alfie gasped, verging on hyperventilating.

“Why do I have a feeling this…” I said, pausing to step back and move my hand towards his dick, “…could go off at any moment?”

“Cos it could!” Alfie stated, then added a desperate, “Please!”

“But we haven’t made out agreement yet,” I said, pulling my hand back, “About how you’re going to repay me for getting your stuff back.”

“Anything!” Alfie said urgently. “I’ll do anything. Anything you want! Fuck, keep my stuff for all I care, just… fuck… I don’t know…”

“Shh,” I hushed him gently. “Take a breath,” I said, “Do it with me. In!” I breathed in deeply and waited for him to do the same. “And out,” I said, exhaling slowly as he copied. I repeated it a couple of times until he calmed a little. “Okay, I’m going to make you cum,” I stated bluntly, getting a wide-eyed stare in response, “And then I’m going to release you and give your stuff back.”

“And then?” Alfie asked with a gulp.

“Then you’re free to go,” I said with a shrug, “Or… you’re free to stay!”

Alfie nodded.

I reached up and placed my hands on his. I had just intended to start touching him, exploring his body to tease him, but Alfie immediately locked his fingers in mine. I saw his head push forward just a little, expectantly without even realising it maybe. I leaned in and placed my lips gently on his. I held them there for just a moment, then started to pull back to check his reaction. I didn’t really need to. The moment I pulled back even slightly, he had leaned forward and pressed his lips back against mine.

This time, I let my lips open slightly and felt him do the same. I pulled fractionally away to change angle, which he deftly mirrored. I let my tongue probe a tiny bit and felt the same in return. When I finally managed to pull away, he was staring at me with such absolute longing that it took all of my willpower not to just keep kissing him. As I disengaged my hands from his and returned to the gentle caressing I had originally intended, I smile at him.

“That was… my first kiss,” Alfie said shakily.

My hands continue to caress down his arms, flitting briefly across his furry pits before I let one of them return to his cheek and asked, “Did you enjoy it?”

“Yeah,” he said, gulping a little.

As I leaned in, he pursed his lips a little, but I shook my head and said, “Not yet, but we can do more later if you want!”

I continued allowing my hands to explore his body, occasionally slipping round the back, particularly as I got round to waist height. I let both hands grasp at the fleshy mounds of his buttocks. Bypassing the rigid, leaking mess that was his dick, I stroked and caressed my way down his thighs, sliding in between them, then around to the rear and back again before continuing down to his shins.

As I stood up, satisfied to have explored most of his body, I said quietly, “You’re a very pretty boy!”

“Pretty?” he repeated, flinching as he looked a little offended.

“Yes, pretty!” I said firmly, “Deal with it!”

“Fine,” he huffed.

“Now don’t worry,” I said with a smile. “I know you’re probably a bit self-conscious,” I continued, reaching down to cup his balls in my hand.

“Unnh, fuck,” he gasped.

“And you probably want to make a good impression,” I continued as I squeezed and caressed his scrotum gently.

“Oh god,” he gasped shakily.

“So, you’re probably nervous about looking… premature!” I said as I let my other hand grasp around his shaft.

Alfie let out a series of shuddery moans as he felt my fingers grasping at his rigid-precum-soaked cock.

“But I know how turned on you are, so if you pop a bit too quickly…” I said, giving his dick a quick stroke, but never got to finish the sentence.

“FUCKKK!” Alfie yelled out as his hips bucked and his dick began to spasm in my grasp, shooting out several thick, heavy spurts of spunk. It flew upwards and landed back down on the ground with an audible splat.

I gave the dick a few more strokes as it burped up its load, adding to the puddle on the ground and the dribbles covering my hand.

“Impressive,” I said with a smile as Alfie stared at me in utter dismay, his cock still twitching gently.

“I don’t… usually….” Alfie started, but shook his head as he looked away, blushing.

I reached up to release both of his hands from the restraints.

Stretching his arms out as he was released, Alfie remained in place, seemingly unsure what to do next.

“Come here,” I said, placing a hand on his back, “And mind the puddle!” I smirked as he winced at the mention of his cum covering the floor. I guided him across the room to his clothes and other possessions. “As promised,” I said, gesturing to the pile. “It’s all yours. If you want to get dressed and go, that’s fine. This never happened.”

“Or?” Alfie asked shakily.

“Or…” I said with a wry grin, “I go upstairs, you come with me, and we do a few more of those things you… try not to think about!” I smirked a little and rubbed his back briefly before walking away. As I got to the doorway, I stopped to turn back and tease him some more… only to find him already standing right behind me, staring up at me with wide eyes. “So, you want more?” I asked happily.

Alfie just nodded.



Naked Justice

I wish this had happened to me when I was 16.