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Time for an update! Here's the latest on my stories:

The Kingswood Effect

With Chapter 20 posted yesterday, the story will be taking a break for a couple of weeks with Chapter 21 due to post on 30 June. Oh no, how will you ever live without your weekly fix of Kingswood? Well good news on that as it's time for...

Kingswood Interview Week

As a special just for my lovely patrons, it is my pleasure to present Kingswood Interview Week. As part of the selection process to get into the school, the boys attend a final interview, though mostly it's a chance for their future mentors to pick the boy they feel they will be most compatible with.

This story follows the main eight boys as they meet their future potential mentees. We will be starting off with a short prologue that will post on Friday 16 June. Following that, a new part will post every day over the following week, with each part focusing on one boy meeting his four potential candidates. The final part will post on Friday 23 June, with the regular series continuing the following week.

While it's already decided who the boys will choose, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the potential boys joining the story for Book Four. Speaking of which...

Kingswood Book Four

With a little more time on my hands now, work is coming nicely on book four of the series. Thus far it remains without a title, but as usual I'm sure it will come to me when I least expect it! Being in their fourth year, and with so much changing, it's shaping up to be a really fun book. That said, grab the tissues (not in THAT way, dirty boys) as the emotional gut-punches aren't stopping any time soon!

I'm currently working on chapter 14 and while I had aimed to keep to the 40 chapters I had aimed for with previous books, it's looking like it might be time to expand and consider shifting up to 50 chapters. I guess that's just more story for you to enjoy!

The Humiliation Games

Thanks again for all your support, comments and votes during my latest interactive story. I usually like to put my completed stories together into a single document to share with you, but with this one it's a little more involved as I want to ensure I include all of the pictures throughout it. I'm not sure when it'll be ready, but a fully compiled version is on its way. Watch this space!

Other Stories

Although I have no other ongoing stories planned at this time, I may occasionally share the occasional one-shot when I feel like taking a break from Kingswood. I'm also very aware that the 'Max' trilogy remains incomplete and 'Stop Touching Yourself' needs to continue, so there's always a possibility of those popping up. Either way, new ideas come thundering through my twisted little brain every day, so I'm sure it won't be long until I have something else to share with you all.

That's all folks...


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