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Team Trauxity were tasked with offering their ideas for humiliating their three finalists - Grant Evans, Kit Henry or Roger Harrison.

Voting Results

1. Grant Evans – Attempts to take control back from his students – 0%

2. Kit Henry – Makes a deal to get back his followers, through any means – 63%

3. Roger Harrison – Find out what happens when he is left naked in an elevator at work – 38%

Part 36

‘The Fall of Kit Henry’

‘Kit Henry Performs Explicit Scene for Followers’

‘The Twelve Most Embarrassing Moments for Kit Henry – Number Eight Will Shock You’

‘Was It Staged? The Truth Behind the Kit Henry Cam Show’

‘Online Petition Calls for Kit Henry to Join Onlyfans’

“Fuck my life!” Kit sighed as he scrolled through the results from the online search of his own name. He knew he had hit rock bottom with his moping when he ventured somewhere no man has set foot before… page 2 of a google search!

Sitting on his bed, he had his duvet wrapped around him, pulled up over his head like a shawl as he stared at his laptop screen. His follower count was literally dropping before his eyes, and with each decrease he felt like he was dying a little inside. As if being seen naked and masturbating – and other things – wasn’t bad enough, his online presence had taken the brunt of the impact from his accidentally explicit show.

Actually no, there was nothing accidental about it. This was his brother Jacob’s fault. He had orchestrated it, even going as far as to be present online to share some extra embarrassing bits of information with his viewing public. Needless to say, every one of Jacob’s embarrassing stories had been republished in the online articles about what had happened.

After the show had come shock, then confusion, then sheer blind fury. It was only through the intervention of his father that Kit had managed to avoid murdering his brother for what had happened. Since then, Jacob had gone away to stay with other members of the family for his own protection as Kit’s anger slowly descended into misery and depression.

His Twitch account was gone, and while he retained his profiles on the array of other platforms, he had been haemorrhaging followers ever since. “Come back,” Kit whined as the number kept on falling.

“Sitting around sulking isn’t going to get them back!”

“I know,” Kit sighed, then suddenly looked up as he realised he had absolutely no idea who had spoken. “Wait… who are you?” he asked the unassuming man sitting in his desk chair.

“I’m Dave!” Dave said with a calm smile. “Dave the Manager!” he added with a gentle nod. “Your manager… if you want help getting your followers back!”

“I do!” Kit declared eagerly, then frowned as he asked, “Hold on, how did you get in here?”

“It doesn’t matter,” Dave said flatly.

“I guess it doesn’t matter!” Kit shrugged as he dropped the duvet down behind him and looked at the man. “Did you say you could help me?”

“I did!” Dave said with another gentle head bob. “Do you… want my help?”

“Yes!” Kit snapped urgently.

“Then tell me, Kit. What would you do to get your followers back?” Dave asked, the corners of his mouth turning upwards ever-so-slightly.

Kit didn’t hesitate. He jumped off his bed and declared, “Anything!”

Dave gave a broad smile. “Really… anything? And you’d be willing to shake on that, would you?” he asked as he stood too. As Kit looked the man up and down curiously, Dave continued, “You agree to do anything I say and you’ll get your followers back up higher than they were before this all started!” He held out his hand.

Once again, there wasn’t a moment’s pause as Kit reacted without thinking. Taking the man’s hand, he shook it.

“The deal is made!” Dave said as his eyes briefly flashed. “Now, Kit… let’s get you those followers!”


Kit awoke with a start. He had no idea what time it was, but felt like he was late for something as consciousness hit him hard. When had he even gone to bed? The last thing he remembered was… something!? Straining hard to try and recall, at glance at his laptop reminded him he had been looking at it, then he had been speaking to someone, though who it was he couldn’t place. Anything more than that slipped through his mental fingers, like trying to keep hold of a fading dream.

Reaching out for his phone, he was unsurprised to see a large number of notifications, messages and missed calls. Ever since the incident he had been inundated with unwanted contacts. Just as he placed the phone down, something caught his eye, and he quickly turned the screen back on.

“What the…” he started, staring at the date on his phone. While he was often bad at keeping track of the day, especially since sinking into his post-incident depression, he couldn’t quite fathom how he had somehow misplaced an entire week! He quickly started up his phone and went online to see if perhaps his phone was playing up, but everything he found suggested he had, indeed, managed to lose all recollection of what he had done with the last week of his life.

As he started to look through his messages for clues, he noticed something equally confusing – mention of something titled, ‘The Kit Henry Comeback Special’. Who could have created something like that? Perhaps a dedicated fan, one determined to help Kit recover his losses. Maybe it was Jacob, helping out of guilt… or maybe even making it worse! He quickly clicked on the link included withy some of the mentions and found a webpage loading up.

The frontpage showed a picture of Kit, along with a list of social media links, each one bearing the number of followers/subscribers he had on each service, updating in real time. Right below was a window for a video, which he clicked out of a mix of curiosity and fear.

“Hi guys, thanks for visiting my comeback page!” Kit said as he appeared on screen.

“Woah,” Kit said, immediately pausing the video. He had no idea what the page was. How could he possibly have done a video for it he didn’t even remember!? His hand hovered over the trackpad for a moment, steeling himself to go on. When he eventually built the nerve, he hit play again.

“Come join me on Wednesday June twenty-fourth for my big comeback special!” on-screen Kit said with a smile. “I’m sure if you’re here on this page that you’re aware of… or maybe even seen my recent… performance! I want to assure all of you that what happened to me was a cruel, twisted prank by my jealous, pathetic brother and I apologise to anyone who was offended by seeing me naked, or seeing me masturbate… or seeing me make out with my pillow!”

Kit paused the video again. Hearing himself say the words so publicly felt almost as humiliating as the moment he realised he had been watched. The fact he still had no recollection of making this video was all but forgotten as he felt himself sinking back into embarrassment as he clicked play again.

“Anyway, it seems I certainly upset some of you as my follower count has taken a real hit. I worked so hard to bring you all in, to entertain you with my work and to make following me an enjoyable experience, so it truly upsets me that I lost so many of you… so on Wednesday I aim to get some of you back,” on-screen Kit explained. “Now those of you offended by nudity will probably never be back, so instead I’ve chosen to focus on those of you who are… okay with it!”

“Oh fuck!” Kit muttered as he watched himself, unsure where this was going, but already knowing he didn’t like it.

“On Wednesday, I intend to release some videos of tasks I recently carried out, ones that… well… let’s just say that those of you who ENJOYED my last stream will DEFINITELY enjoy the tasks!” on-screen Kit went on. “However, each video will ONLY be released when I hit a certain number of followers on each of my socials and hits on this site! For now, here’s a quick teaser about what to expect!”

Kit stared at the screen as a picture appeared, showing him standing in what looked like a public bathroom, wearing tattered remnants of clothing as he brandished a pair of scissors, which looked barely more than a single thread away from cutting off his underwear, the only complete item of clothing he still had on. “Fuck! FUCK!” Kit gasped. He had never done that either. This had to be fake.

“Anyway, see you on Wednesday. Tell your friends. The more people follow me… the more of my tasks you all get to see!” on-screen Kit finished before the video ended.

“Oh my fucking god!” Kit moaned as he climbed off of his bed and started pacing. He began scrolling through his messages and saw the vast majority all referred to the Comeback special. It seemed everyone was planning on tuning in. Glancing at the date again, he whimpered as he saw it… Wednesday May twenty-fourth. This was happening today! “No! No, come on. This can’t be happening!”

“Sure it can!”

“Yeah, but why is it…” Kit started, then jumped slightly as he looked round at the man he could swear was not there a moment before. “Who… who are you?” he asked, more curious than scared.

“I’m Dave!” Dave said flatly. “Dave the Cameraman!”

Kit frowned and started, “How did you…”

“It doesn’t matter!” Dave said with a nod.

“I guess it doesn’t matter,” Kit frowned to himself. “Wait, why do I need a cameraman?”

“Well we can’t have you go through all of this and then not let you followers see your live reactions to it, can we?” Dave asked with a casual shrug.

“No, I… I guess not,” Kit nodded. It made sense… somehow.

“And just in time. The event goes live in ten seconds!” Dave said with a grin.

“What? I… what?” Kit stuttered. As Dave pointed to his computed desk, Kit quickly took a seat as the monitors turned on. The website was already on-screen and a second later, he appeared, streaming live. There was a chat window showing that was already busily scrolling through countless messages. “I… don’t know what to do,” Kit whispered nervously.

“That’s okay, you just read what appears on screen!”

Kit nodded, then frowned as he glanced round to see a man standing there. It was bizarre as he could remember the man, but not how he knew him. His name was Dave the Manager. He looked strikingly familiar to Dave the Cameraman. As he looked round to compare the two, one of them always managed to be out of sight whenever he looked at the other.

Feeling strangely compelled to do as Dave the Manager had instructed, Kit started reading. “Thank you for joining me. Make sure you invite everyone you know to join in and watch. The more of you show up and follow me today, the more you all get to see! Now let’s get the first task and the first target on-screen!”

As Kit winced at his own words, some figures appeared on the website, along with the words, ‘Task 1 – Home Streaking’. He whimpered a little at the mere mention of it, but noticed right away that his follower figures had already met the required target. It seemed just the anticipation of the day had begun rebuilding his brand.

“Well, it looks like we’re good to go with the first task!” Kit explained. “Now you should all find this video is not recordable and is digitally protected, so you are seeing it live only, so if you have friends who might want to watch, now’s the time to get them on!” Kit read from the script. “But now… on we go with task one!”

Kit’s stream shrunk down to a small display in the corner, ensuring his viewers could see him from his webcam, while another small display showed him from Dave the Cameraman’s perspective. The video of task one began to play.

“Hi everyone!” video Kit said, waving to the camera. “Today’s task is called Home Streaking. It’s quite simple. I’m about to get completely naked, then I have to get downstairs, past my parents, out of the house and onto the street and then back in without being seen, so let’s get to it!”

Kit stared in dismay, not only at the sight of himself stripping on screen, which the on-screen Kit was doing shamelessly, but as he watched each moment, the memory of it came back to him. His slender chest was exposed, and he remembered the way it felt to think about his viewers seeing it. His slim, fuzzy legs went on display and he recalled how it felt to be standing in front of a camera in just his underwear. Without hesitation, he saw himself, and remembered, pulling down his underwear. His cock was flaccid, which he wasn’t sure whether was a good thing or not. It looked small, despite being comfortably above average. An erection would be embarrassing, but at least it would look bigger.

“Okay, let’s go!” on-screen Kit said as he walked across his room and opened his door. Not even stopping to look round, he strolled along the hall and down the stairs. The video split to show him from the front, his torso, cock and blushing face on show, as well as from the rear, with his smooth, muscled back and pale, plump butt on display. Yet somehow, no camera person was visible on either display.

“Kit, is that you?” his mum called out on the video.

“Yeah, just going out for a minute!” Kit answered, the memory of it flooding back to him.

In utter dismay, Kit watched as the video showed him leaving the house, with total disregard for his own nudity. Thankfully there was nobody there, but as he strolled down the driveway, a car drove past and quickly slowed as two young men leered out at him, even backing up the car to get a better view.

Kit felt his stomach churn as he watched it. He could suddenly and inexplicably remember how it felt, standing outside fully exposed and being gawked at by two strangers. They were laughing and pointing at him, the passenger already pulling out his phone to record.

As Kit reached the street, he waved to the two men, then casually turned and strolled back towards the house.

“Oh my god, kill me,” Kit muttered as the task played out, relieved it was over and he was on his way back into the house. It was truly disorienting to be unaware of what would happen next one moment, and then have the memory of living it the next. He felt his stomach churn again as a new memory popped up… the memory of stepping back into the house to find his father standing in the hallway.

“Kit… what are you… doing?” the man asked in absolute bewilderment, blushing at the sight of his naked son.

“Oh, nothing,” Kit replied, then headed back up the stairs, his cheeks burning at the thought of his father seeing him naked.

As Kit stared at the screen, the script continued and he read out, “And there was task number one. I hope you all enjoyed!” Based on the mass of chat comments flooding in, they certainly had. “So with that out of the way, here come the next follower targets. Get me to this and we’ll get to see task number two, which is titled ‘Hands-free Fun’. Stay with me to see what I did!”

Muting the microphone for a moment, he glanced to the side and said, “How… how is this possible? How are you doing this?”

“Irrelevant,” Dave the Manager shrugged.

“WHY are you doing this?” Kit asked instead. “Wait, no, why am I doing this?”

“We made a deal, Kit. I get you your followers back and you do… anything! That means you agreed to ALL of this, now get back to your fans. Maybe feed them some more embarrassing stories to keep them keen for the next task!”

“Okay,” Kit said, frowning a little at his own compliance as he unmuted himself and said, “Great to see numbers going up. For now, who wants to hear about the time I got an embarrassing erection at my school sports day?”

The Comeback special continued on, with more and more people logging onto the site, as well as following and subscribing to Kit’s socials. Much to his ongoing embarrassment, he continued to entertain his viewers with constant stories of his most humiliating moments. It felt mortifying to reveal them, but he couldn’t stop himself.

The goal for task two was hit quickly and soon enough Kit was sat watching (and remembering) the events of the task. It turned out ‘hands-free fun’ was thankfully more private than task one, but no less embarrassing. It was just Ki – naked again of course – in his room riding a fairly substantial dildo for several minutes until he ejaculated spectacularly, showering his bedroom floor with spunk which he promptly dropped to his knees to lick up. As he watched his tongue lap up the spunk on the video, Kit could almost taste it for real.

Task three had been titled ‘Fitting Room Show-off’ and, like the others, was very much what it sounded like. Kit had walked into a popular clothes shop in the city centre, taken some clothes to the fitting room, then stripped completely naked. Without even trying on the items he brought in, Kit casually opened the door and stepped out, spotted instantly by the young shop assistant as well as a couple of customers.

The shop assistant had asked if he needed help, but Kit had refused and instead walked past him to retrieve some other items from the store to try on. As he brazenly stepped out into the store, more than a dozen people glanced his way. Most could only see his bare shoulders over the racks of clothes, but as he stood browsing for a few moments, people had shamelessly moved round to get a better view before he eventually walked back into the Fitting Room.

As Kit watched the task play out, he felt a knot in his stomach as he was suddenly struck by the humiliating memory of walking around the store naked. It felt worse than actually doing it, as he had no way to change it, no way to avoid whatever he had unknowingly done, presumably over the course of his lost week. He was just stuck forever with the embarrassing memory of the incidents.

The followers kept piling in. Terrible as Kit felt from the continuous stories he told between tasks, and the mortifying events that came back to him as he watched them, it certainly felt satisfying to see the numbers increasing.

Kit had been as nervous as his fans were excited when he revealed task four to be titled, ‘Gym Jerker’. When he hit the specified target, he watched in horror as video started playing showing him at his local gym, one he intended to go to four times a week but was lucky if he made it there twice a week. His usual gym attire was nowhere in sight. Instead, he had casually strolled into the gym wearing nothing but a loose, low-cut tank top that barely covered any of his torso, along with the shortest pair of shorts he had ever seen, ones that threatened to allow his cock and balls to droop out at any moment.

It was strange to watch himself work out on the video, as he felt the effects of it the same way he did with the embarrassment of his outfit, his muscles aching slightly as he watched the exercise. As if the outfit alone wasn’t embarrassing enough, sitting on most of the machines resulted in his genitals being very much on display up the open leg of his shorts. Each new position he found himself in, he had people look, staring, laughing and sniggering.

Eventually, Kit saw something else happening – his cock was swelling. Snaking its way out of his shorts, there was really no way to conceal it, so he simply continued to work out, the tiny shorts either tenting obscenely, or allowing his erection to just be fully on display.

Kit winced as he watched. There was no way he could ever go back to that gym now. When the workout was over, Kit hoped the video of the task would end, but alas not. The camera, still carried by some unseen entity, followed him into the locker room where he quickly stripped off, standing shamelessly for a few moments with his naked body and erect cock on display.

After standing around for a few moments to allow people to look at laugh, Kit wandered over towards the showers, not bothering with a towel. Heading into the first cubicle, the one directly facing the entrance to the shower room, Kit saw himself turn on the shower. As the warm water sprayed down, he felt the memory of it ripple through him, the way the water rained down over his body in the video.

“Oh no, come on,” Kit moaned as he saw what was coming next. On the video, Kit turned to face the door and opened it, leaving himself fully on display to anyone who might walk in or out of the shower room. If they held the door open, he was even visible to most of the locker room. Reaching down, he grabbed hold of his dick and started stroking.

Sitting at his desk, Kit felt himself getting hard as the memory of jerking off shot through him. He allowed himself to hope he had managed to complete the task without being seen, but as he neared climax, the door to the shower room opened and in walked a burly older man who burst into laughter at the sight of the masturbating twink.

“Hey, the perv’s jerking off now too!” the man shouted, stepping aside as he held the door open.

Kit’s cheeks blazed crimson as he continued wanking with every man in the locker room and showers moving in to see him in action. “Ah fuck!” video Kit groaned as he began to shoot for his audience, who laughed, cheered and jeered at him in response.

“Well that was task four!” Kit read from the script. “Let’s set the next target for task five, called ‘Bench Predicament’, while I tell you about the time I wet myself on the way home after a night out drinking!” he found himself compelled to say.

It was about half an hour before the follower count hit the next target, more than enough time for Kit to tell more awkward stories before going on to answer every sordid and personal question the chat could throw at him.

The video for task five faded in to show Kit sitting on a park bench, completely naked. Looking to the camera, he said, “I’m about to handcuff myself to this bench, but the keys are hanging over there!” He pointed at a nearby lamp post where a pair of keys hung. “I have no idea who’s gonna find me of if they’re gonna let me out, but here goes!” he said before securing himself to the bench.

As Kit watched the video of himself sitting naked on the bench, his own cock was positively throbbing. To make it worse, Dave the Cameraman seemed to pick up on it and moved in to make sure the viewers online could see the straining bulge too.

Task five had ended up a little more tame then Kit had expected when it started… or at least tame compared to his other tasks. A small group had approached first, been highly amused by Kit’s predicament but quickly moved on with just a few comments and taunts, leaving the keys where they were despite Kit’s pleas for help. A jogger came along next and simply smirked at the naked young man as he sped past before a cyclist did the same.

It was a pair of men in their late twenties that really stopped to enjoy the naked prisoner. Taking a few minutes to touch, tease and taunt Kit, who blushed more heavily as his cock stiffened at their torment, they eventually got bored of him and moved on… though they took the keys with them!

The next memory that came flooding back to Kit was the fire and rescue service showing up with tools to cut him free. It had drawn a small crowd, but it wasn’t until the emergency services showed up that anyone bothered to give Kit anything to cover up with, leaving him naked and aroused for almost twenty minutes while he waited for help to arrive.

The viewers on the website had enjoyed the sight of the hunky firemen who released Kit and asked if he had gotten lucky with them, which he had to strongly deny.

“That brings us to task six, titled ‘Long Way Home’. Let’s get us a target and let’s get me some followers!” Kit read from the script.

As he waited for more people to join, he returned to answering questions his fans offered up, gradually probing deeper and deeper into his fetishes, kinks, darkest desires and most embarrassing memories. Kit hated himself every time he compliantly answered, but the return of his follower count was certainly softening the blow.

“Just one more…” Kit said as they neared the next target. “And there we go,” he added as it ticked over, “So here you go. Long Way Home. Enjoy!”

The video started up and showed Kit getting off of a bus with a bag over his shoulder. He immediately headed for the bus station bathroom and entered a cubicle. Reaching into the front pocket of the bag, he pulled out a pair of scissors and started cutting away at his clothes. He wasn’t quick about it. He started with just little pieces here and there, gradually exposing more and more skin until he was left in just his underwear with the few scraps of his t-shirt still hanging over him.

Sitting at his desk, Kit was now sporting a wet patch as he watched him slowly expose himself on the video. The memory of cutting up his clothes was intoxicating, not only for putting himself on show AGAIN, but also knowing that the items he removed could never be put back on. As he reached down to cut one side of his underwear, they hung down a little, stretched out by the erection he was sporting during the task too. Cutting the other side, the underwear fell to the ground, almost catapulted off by his now-free erection.

“So let’s see what I’ve been given to get home in!” he stated as he held up the bag. Reaching in he pulled out a few items and visibly winced at the sight of them. The clothing consisted of a tiny tank top that would be skin-tight. As if the low cut neck and sides and tightness wasn’t exposing enough, the tank top was made of a fairly open mesh, the gaps of which stretched even more openly as it strained against his body.

For the bottom half, he thought he had shorts like the ones from the gym, but quickly realised instead it was actually a similarly-small mini-skirt. When flaccid, his bulge would have been obvious in the front of the small garment, with his cock and balls at risk of being seen at any moment, but sporting an erection, the skirt rested along the top of it, revealing the head as well as his balls hanging beneath.

Just to complete the outfit the bag also contained a cock ring, which settled snugly around his genitals, helping to keep him hard for as long as possible.

Shoving the tattered remnants of his clothes along with the scissors back into his bag, he left the toilet cubicle and dropped the bag into a bin. Pausing for a moment to look at himself in the mirror, he pulled out the one remaining item he had left… his return bus ticket! “Fuck!” he gasped as he looked down at it, then promptly tore it into pieces and tossed it into the bin with the bag. “Well… I’m walking home!” he said to the camera with a sigh.

“Why the fuck did I do that?” Kit asked himself as he watched the video playing, resisting the urge to grasp at his erection.

Back in the video, Kit turned to face the door, then reached down to tuck his balls and erection between his legs, holding the together as he walked. It was uncomfortable to hold it that way, but still more desirable than just walking back out into the bus station with his erection on full display. With no other option (at least, none that wouldn’t get him further embarrassment) he started walking.

The mixture of the funny walk, flushed cheeks and ridiculous outfit drew strange looks from every person he passed, especially when he let out occasional whimpers as the sensation of his erection rubbing between his clenched legs was beginning to feel pleasurable.

The walk home was certainly not a short one and the video skipped through key moments of it, such as Kit’s erection springing free just as he was approaching a group of people, the times he had to stop and cool off to stop himself ejaculating and, most embarrassing of all, when a gust of wind had blown the skirt up to reveal Kit’s ‘mangina’ to some people approaching at the front and his squished cock and balls protruding beneath his bare butt to some people behind.

Though the video only showed moments, every second of it bubbled back into Kit’s memory, every agonising moment, every humiliating encounter, every time he reached a quiet area and allowed his erection to bob out free, the fabric of the skirt rubbing against it as he hurried along.

Kit was nearing home and already felt like he had experienced everything the mortifying walk could throw at him until he heard hurried footsteps behind, followed by a sudden yank on his skirt which dropped to the floor. A shove to his back made him stagger forward and before he even knew what was happening, the skirt had been snatched away and was being carried off in the opposite direction by a group of cackling teenagers.

Kit clasped his hands over his crotch as he stood now wearing nothing but footwear and barely-there tank top. He had no choice. He had to run. Setting off at a sprint, people and cars passed by in a blur. Some of them may have shouted things his way but he was too frantic to hear any of them.

Getting to the end of his street, home was finally in sight when it all just got too much for Kit. The embarrassment, the constant arousal and rubbing between his legs, the touch of his hands on his cock as he ran, it pushed him over the edge. He didn’t stop running as he started to ejaculate. Whimpering with reluctant pleasure, spunk was dripping out of his cupped hands as he reached the end of his driveway… and once again found himself facing his dad… this time accompanied by his mother.

Not even stopping to see their reaction, he just ran past them and into the house.

Kit felt nauseous as the video ended. Seeing his parents, or rather having them see him, it was horrific, and now he had the truly terrible prospect of actually having to see them again some time. It didn’t even bear thinking about. It made his online show seem positively dull by comparison. Despite the awful thought, Kit continued to read out the script. “So just one task left, but this one is the big one, which means a big final target!” Kit explained. “If you get my subscriber figures up high enough…” he paused as he stared at the words, then trembled a little as he read out, “I will publish all of these videos on every adult site I can access. Get me back to my previous follower count and the world will see… my humiliation. It’ll be yours to enjoy and keep… forever!”

“Well there we go,” Dave the Manager said with a smile as Kit looked round at him. “Now all you have to do is sit and wait and you’ll finally have your precious followers back!”

Kit nodded. He had got what he wanted, but at what price? All he could do now was sit and wait for his humiliation to be shared with the world.


Roy Don

Whoa! What a fantastic chapter!

Naked Justice

I'd prefered to see Roger, but this was amazing. It's interesting to imagine what Kit will do next to keep his followers in mood...