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Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 31

  • 1. Grant Evans – forced to humiliate himself again in front of his class 3
  • 2. Oscar Maynard – exposed on the big screen 2
  • 3. Eric Yoshida – humiliated during a court hearing 1
  • 4. Ben Weston – a rugby match that turns explicit 0
  • 2023-05-05
  • —2023-05-09
  • 6 votes
{'title': 'Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 31', 'choices': [{'text': '1. Grant Evans – forced to humiliate himself again in front of his class', 'votes': 3}, {'text': '2. Oscar Maynard – exposed on the big screen', 'votes': 2}, {'text': '3. Eric Yoshida – humiliated during a court hearing', 'votes': 1}, {'text': '4. Ben Weston – a rugby match that turns explicit', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 9, 19, 29, 5, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 5, 21, 36, 5, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 6}


“Poor little Jackson. Surely he can’t take anything more after that,” Esteban said with a sympathetic headshake that stopped as he grinned and added, “But I guess we’ll find out in the finals!”

The audience cheered at the imminent conclusion to the games, as well as for the second humiliation inflicted upon Jackson that they had just watched.

“But before that, we now have a full line-up for Team Faularry and one still to go for Team Trauxity!” Esteban said, gesturing to the board as it showed the competition’s progress.

“And so,” the host continued, “It’s time to see what options Team Trauxity have for their last finalist! Can we get ten minutes on the clock please!”

As the timer appeared, Master Sebastian moved together with his team to start conferring for their next batch of ideas.

“I don’t mean to sound like him,” Master Ezekiel said, nodding across the stage to his Team Trauxity counterpart, “But excellent teamwork on that last one everyone! If we can pull that off in the final, I’m confident we’ve got this!”

“I suppose it really depends on them,” Tharukan said thoughtfully, nodding towards the crowd. “If they pick the right one, we’re good!”

“Or we simply make all three options good enough that it doesn’t matter what these brain-dead creatures choose!” Gokothon growled.

“I don’t know,” Zorren replied with a pensive nod. “Jackson presents both a risk and an opportunity!” he stated confidently. As the others looked at him quizzically, he went on, “Well he’s already been through two ordeals. On one hand, adding a third humiliation could really push him exceptionally far, but on the other hand, might his next humiliation prove a little… samey after the last two and on the OTHER hand…” He paused, as a third arm appeared from beneath his cloak.

“Amusing,” Tharukan chuckled as the third limb vanished.

“An old trick but a fun one,” Zorren chuckled.

Unmoved by the playful charm, Gokothon remained focused solely on the victory as he growled, “If they have any sense, they will choose the one I tortured. The only thing greater than one Gokothon nightmare is two!”

The team continued chattering as the time counted down. As it reached zero, Master Sebastian took to the stage after being introduced by Esteban, seemingly intending to take the same approach as Team Faularry and have one member introduce each option. “I’m sure you all remember Grant Evans,” Master Sebastian said as the thirty-one-year-old teacher appeared on screen, standing in front of his class, “The poor unsuspecting idiot who made a wish for his students to pay him more attention. We all remember how that turned out!”

The crowd cheered as the screen replayed the moment a naked and humiliated Grant Evans ejaculated in front of the group of eighteen-year-old students.

“Well there’s really no need for any demonic intervention for his next humiliation, not when a bunch of horny, immoral human teenagers are involved,” Sebastian said with a smirk. “Having witnessed the handsome teacher pleasuring himself for their entertainment, it’s safe to say he has been on some of their minds and all it will take is a GENTLE nudge from us to make them demand an encore performance in their next class!”

The audience cheered as Master Sebastian thanked them and introduced Dave, as the human he had humiliated, Oscar Maynard, appeared on screen.

“Sometimes planning ahead truly pays off,” David said with a confident smile. “For those of you who may have forgotten, the deal that was struck with this vapid, shallow human was quite simple… he could magically retain his youth, but doing so would come at a price… constant humiliation! He’s already due for his next one, but as we get to inflict this one together, we have constructed a rather amusing scenario for Oscar. Many human actors perform nude or erotic scenes, but clever use of implied nudity, censorship and creative camera angles help protect them from showing more than they otherwise would. Oscar may be about to find out what happens when things aren’t quite… as censored as he hoped!” David grinned as he left the suggestion slightly cryptic as always. “And now, to Lord Buth’Taloz!”

Buth’Taloz stood and prepared to bow politely to Dave, but as he glanced away for a slight second, the mysterious figured had vanished and reappeared back in his seat. Smiling at the repeated trick, Buth’Taloz addressed the crowd. “Eric Yoshida, as you may recall, found himself at the mercy of a couple of heartless criminals who took the chance to use his robbery fetish to humiliate him for the amusement. Needless to say, Eric was most unhappy with this and subsequently reported the matter to the police. It did not take them long to track down and apprehend the two criminals, but before they face conviction, Eric must face them in court!”

The crowd started whispering, curious as to what the demon could be planning.

“We intend to have Eric’s hearing take a humiliating turn,” Buth’Taloz went on, “Leaving Eric having to go to extreme and embarrassing lengths to prove what happened to him!” He took a moment to allow the audience to gossip, then offered, “And finally, please welcome back, Lord Dazallan!”

The crowd cheered as pictures of the final human, rugby player Ben Weston appeared on screen.

Dazallan paused a moment. Though nobody would dare say it aloud, they were all painfully conscious of the way his power had faltered during Ben’s first humiliation. Doing his best to show an air of confidence, Dazallan started, “The first round was imply a warm-up for this Plebicile. Having exposed and humiliated himself in front of his teammates, Ben has gone on to continue as normal with his team, although now with his new, more embarrassing nickname that serves as a constant reminder of his humiliation.

“Ben experienced what it was like to become the most desirable man on the pitch at a rugby practice, so it makes sense that the next humiliation would be a progression of that,” Dazallan explained, “So we propose to make Ben the most desirable man on the pitch at a full match, surrounded by two teams of rugby players and an excitable crowd. With the assistance of my wonderful teammates, we plan to make Ben’s final match one that he will NEVER forget!”

As the crowd applauded, Esteban returned to the stage. “So there we go. More wonderfully twisted ideas, which means it’s time to vote. Do you want Grant Evans to face a second show for his horny students, Oscar Maynard to learn the embarrassing way how important it is to REALLY read the intimacy clause on his contracts, Eric Yoshida to face a humiliating day in court, or Ben Weston finding out what happens when you become irresistibly attractive in the middle of two rugby teams! Case your votes now please!”


Naked Justice

Four brillant ideas for these four handsome volunteers. But the idea of a really hot class sexual education is the hottest...🌶