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Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 27

  • 1. Roger Harrison – controlled and humiliated with the power of invisibility 4
  • 2. Oscar Maynard – facing public humiliation to remain magically young 3
  • 3. Ben Weston – forced to pleasure himself for his magically aroused rugby teammates 0
  • 2023-04-23
  • —2023-04-28
  • 7 votes
{'title': 'Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 27', 'choices': [{'text': '1.\tRoger Harrison – controlled and humiliated with the power of invisibility', 'votes': 4}, {'text': '2.\tOscar Maynard – facing public humiliation to remain magically young', 'votes': 3}, {'text': '3.\tBen Weston – forced to pleasure himself for his magically aroused rugby teammates', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 28, 17, 31, 35, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 23, 16, 35, 43, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 7}


“And now on we go, moving swiftly to Team Trauxity,” Esteban kept the show going. “Please welcome back, master Sebastian, Head of House Trauxity!”

Master Sebastian moved to centre stage, ready to offer up the recaps for his team’s entries.

“Let’s bring back the wheel and see who’s up first!” Esteban requested.

The wheel appeared on-screen, this time showing the names of the six humans Team Trauxity had tormented. It began to spin until Esteban called for it to stop.

“Well then, first up, who remembers Roger Harrison?” Esteban said, then bowed out to let Sebastian take over.

Sebastian smiled as he started, “Ah yes, Roger Morrison, one of the three humans who learned from our wonderful Dave the Demon to be careful what you wish for! As a happy family man, Roger had a life most people would covet, but like all Plebiciles, Roger was victim to his own wants and desires. In his case, it was his love of voyeurism that led to his encounter with The Orb of Aliakhtifa!”

Sebastian paused as the screen showed Roger opening the box containing the magical trinket.

“Turned both invisible and intangible by the orb, Roger thought he had gained the ultimate tool to explore his voyeurism, but learned a little too late the drawback of the orb. Being intangible meant he was unable to deactivate and turn himself back. That was when his colleague, Aiden became involved,” Sebastian continued. “Subject to the twisted will of his young co-worker, Roger was forced to pleasure himself for the young man’s pleasure, but his humiliation did not end there. Aiden decided to end poor Roger’s day by leaving him stranded naked in an elevator!”

The screen finished showing the final moment of the elevator door closing on the distraught naked man, causing cheers across the crowd.

“Thank you Sebastian, now it’s back to the wheel to see who’s next,” Esteban said as the wheel span once more. “And it looks like next we’ve got the one and only Oscar Maynard!”

“Ah, indeed, Oscar,” Sebastian said with a smile and a nod. “A household name, even amongst our people. Oscar already had fame and fortune as a TV actor in the UK, but his vanity pushed him to take a deal from Dave to retain his youth, though it would come at a price!”

Sebastian watched the screen for a moment as Oscar appeared, heading in to a meeting the a Director, before he continued, “Sadly for Oscar… but luckily for us… that price was public humiliation. Oscar gets to magically retain his youth, but to do so he has to suffer very public humiliations. On this occasion, it was a video of him sleeping his way to a leading role, which ‘somehow’ managed to make its way into the public domain!”

Esteban stepped forward once more as a montage of news articles flashed across the screen showing the scandal of Oscar Maynard. “Lovely,” Esteban laughed. “And last up in this round, let’s see who it is,” he said as the wheel span, then stated, “It’s Ben Weston!”

“Last but certainly not least,” Sebastian said cheerfully, “We have the humiliation offered up by Lord Dazallan of Cirramir. Ben Weston is a renowned public and motivational speaker as well as a keen and active member of his local rugby team. It was at one of his rugby practices that Ben found himself the sudden centre of attention from twelve of his teammates!”

Sebastian allowed the audience a moment to appreciate Ben on screen along with the twelve young men he was playing with. Nodding happily, he went on, “Ben found his sexual fantasies coming true when his teammates decided they wanted to get to see a little more of him and he was stripped and forced to pleasure himself on the pitch. Of course, in a group where nicknames prevail, it earned Ben a new nickname that would forever remind him and his teammates of his embarrassing naked moment on the pitch!”

“Thank you, Sebastian,” Esteban said as the audience applauded the summary and the on-screen recap. “So here we go with the first vote for Team Trauxity. Who’s moving on to represent them in the next part? Will you choose Roger and his orb of invisibility, Oscar and his humiliation-based fountain of youth or Ben and his randy rugby lads? Place your votes now, people!”


Naked Justice

Once again a difficult choice. I would have liked to be present at all three humiliations...


Gotta hear the rest of Rogers story