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Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 25

  • 1. Ricardo Belmont – naked motorbike ride and coffee shop ejaculation 4
  • 2. Jackson Morris – online submissiveness under the control of his friends 1
  • 3. Shane Munton – getting stripped and losing his virginity on the beach 2
  • 2023-04-23
  • —2023-04-28
  • 7 votes
{'title': 'Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 25', 'choices': [{'text': '1.\tRicardo Belmont – naked motorbike ride and coffee shop ejaculation', 'votes': 4}, {'text': '2.\tJackson Morris – online submissiveness under the control of his friends', 'votes': 1}, {'text': '3.\tShane Munton – getting stripped and losing his virginity on the beach', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 28, 17, 30, 12, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 23, 16, 22, 48, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 7}


“And there we have it, Demons and Gentlemen. The first part of this year’s games are complete!” Esteban announced to the applauding crowd. “Well done to Team Trauxity for the last humiliation of the games, and a well done to both teams for delivering some amusingly embarrassing moments for the poor, oblivious Plebiciles!”

The crowd applauded as a brief montage of the games’ twelve human ‘volunteers’ played across the large screen.

“Now for those of you joining us for the first time, allow me to explain what happens next!” Esteban continued. “As entertained as we have all been by the twelve humiliations, we’re ultimately here to decide which team did it best. As always, the power is yours!”

The crowd were already muttering to each other, many of the attendees having attended previous games and aware of their role in what came next.

“That’s right, it’s time to start picking the best humiliations. To begin with, each team will have three of their humiliations chosen which will then be pitted against each other for the audience to decide which one was the best. We’ll repeat this for their remaining three, then do the same for the other team, eventually leaving us with the two best humiliations for each team,” Esteban explained.

“From there, we’ll allow you to pick one of the remaining volunteers to enter a special bonus round, that will allow us to inflict a further humiliation, which will then go through with the others for the final vote to pick the grand winner of this year’s games!” Esteban finished.

Esteban gave the audience and the competitors on stage a few moments to discuss, before gesturing for quiet.

“We’ll be starting with Team Faularry, so bring up the wheel!” Esteban called out.

A wheel appeared on screen, split into six sections, each bearing a name of one of the six human volunteers Team Faularry had tortured. A few seconds later it started spinning. Esteban held for a few moments, building the anticipation before he called out, “STOP THE WHEEL!”

The wheel stopped with the pointed in the section marked ‘Ricardo Belmont’.

“First, we have Ricardo Belmont, so it is my pleasure to invite to the stage on behalf of Team Faularry, Master Ezekiel” Esteban announced, bowing away as the Head of House Faularry stepped forward.

“Ricardo had the pleasure of experiencing one of Lord Gokothon’s nightmares-turned-reality as he found himself taking part on a hazing ritual to join the biker group he coveted. After being gradually stripped and paraded around town on his bike, eventually ending up riding fully nude, Ricardo found himself arriving at his workplace, a local coffee shop,” Ezekiel explained.

“As the nightmare continued, Ricardo found himself forced to work his everyday job fully naked, while a stream of customers flowed in, customers who knew Ricardo well. Friends and family saw the poor unfortunate man stark naked and painfully aroused,” Master Ezekiel paused as a recap of the moment played on screen, “And eventually, he experienced a pleasurable but humiliating orgasm in front of all the most important people in his life!”

The audience applauded once again as the moment played out, with Gokothon taking a bow for his work.

“Let’s see who Ricardo’s up against,” Esteban called out as the wheel span once again. As it came to a stop, he announced, “Jackson Morris!”

As Jackson appeared on screen, Master Ezekiel began his next summary. “Jackson was the second human to experience the delights of Lord Tharukan of the Sinisterium. Jackson was caught pleasuring himself by one of his University housemates, which was only the beginning of his humiliation. After making the mistake of showing his housemates the submissive men he was masturbating to, they encouraged him to explore it himself.

“Allowing himself to be dominated and controlled by his two friends, Jackson had talked about exposing himself publicly, though he made the foolish mistake of not making clear the difference between fantasy and reality,” Master Ezekiel smirked as the crowd remembered the humiliating scene as it played over on the screen. “As a result, Jackson’s submission and humiliation was shared with most of his University!”

Applause followed for Tharukan, much of the audience already discussing how much the new demon had impressed at his first games.

“And last up before we vote, let’s see who we’ve got,” Esteban said as the wheel span once more. “Okay,” he said as it stopped, “Facing off against Ricardo and Jackson, we have Shane Munton! Back to you Ezekiel.”

“Thank you, Esteban!” Master Ezekiel nodded. “I’m sure Shane is still fresh in your memories, another ot Lord Tharukan’s humiliations, but let’s recap anyway. Shane had grown up chubby, ugly and unpopular before experiencing a ‘glow-up’, as the Plebiciles call it, before starting University. Still oblivious to his own attractiveness, Shane discovered how desirable he was while on holiday with his new University friends!

“While out for the day on the beaches of Gran Canaria, Shane found himself gradually becoming the centre of attention. Finding himself stripped naked, he found he was not the subject of ridicule, but rather a popular attraction that the other beach-goers couldn’t wait to get their hands on!” Master Ezekiel paused once again as some of the scene played out. “Having never been so much as touched before, Shane found himself experiencing his very first handjobs AND blowjobs out on the public beach, only to discover later that the girls who had pleasured him had, in fact, been his own male friends!”

“And there we are, everybody. Prepare to vote now. We ask you to consider which was the most humiliating and most entertaining of the three. Was it Ricardo’s public hazing, Jackson’s online submissiveness or Shane’s naked beach party? Cast your votes now!”


Naked Justice

I was wondering who will rate those 12 great experiences of our fortunate volunteers. Great!