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Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 23

  • 1. Kit gives in to temptation and tries out some of the more explicit gifts he has received 3
  • 2. Kit’s brother Jacob disrupts his online empire with a little humiliation 3
  • 3. Kit accepts a deal from Dave to make him more famous 3
  • 2023-04-18
  • 9 votes
{'title': 'Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 23', 'choices': [{'text': '1.\tKit gives in to temptation and tries out some of the more explicit gifts he has received', 'votes': 3}, {'text': '2.\tKit’s brother Jacob disrupts his online empire with a little humiliation', 'votes': 3}, {'text': '3.\tKit accepts a deal from Dave to make him more famous', 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 18, 20, 57, 58, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 9}


“Demons and gentlemen, round of applause for yet another wonderful show by Tharukan,” Esteban called out, leading the applause. “Safe to say you’ve done the Sinisterium proud, especially for a first timer!”

Tharukan briefly bowed his head at the cheering audience.

“And with that,” Esteban continued as the cheering died down, “Brings us on to volunteer number twelve and the FINAL plebicile of this year’s Humiliation Games!”

There was a collective groan from the audience.

“I know, I know,” Esteban said, “Always very sad, but the fun is certainly far from over, even as we near the end of the first part of this year’s activities! But for now, Team Trauxity have one more shot at wowing our wonderful, malevolent overlord. Ready for your final competitor, Team Trauxity?”

“We certainly are,” Masted Sebastian said with a polite nod.

“Then let’s do it,” Esteban announced. “Bring on the final volunteer!”

As usual, the large screen flicked on, though this time they were met with a surprisingly different view… a pixelated world with a large, rectangular creature that promptly exploded. As the view started zooming in on the corner, the audience noticed a ‘picture-in-picture’ of a young man and realised he was apparently streaming himself playing a video game. His bio card appeared alongside his livestream.

“In what I can only assume is some demonic influence towards the downfall of the human race, THIS is an actual job!” Esteban said, getting smirks from the crowd and a hearty laugh from many of the demons on stage. “This is Kit Henry, a… ugh… video game streamer!”

The twenty-one-year-old man was sat in a desk chair, focused on the game he was playing as he talked to the camera. His shaggy brown hair was a little messy, mostly held in place by the headphones over his head, while he was dressed in a large blue hoodie and jeans.

“There’s surprisingly little to tell about Kit. As you’ll see from his card, he’s a neurotic mess and completely obsessed with his online following, which I’m sure are two TOTALLY unrelated things!” Esteban said, pausing as he got another snigger. “Anyway, let’s keep the show rolling and start the timer for Team Trauxity’s FINAL deliberation!”

The five-minute timer appeared on-screen as Master Sebastian began to confer with Buth’Taloz, Dazallan and Dave.

“Whadda you think?” Master Ezekiel asked as he eyed the conferring team suspiciously. “Something was definitely up with their last humiliation. Dazallan certainly didn’t seem as… potent as I’d been led to believe he has been in the past!”

Gokothon, who had mostly been at odds with his team so far throughout the event shared a glance with his teammates and got a nod back before he growled, “Watch your mouth, HUMAN. You may be leader of your house and this team, but you would do well to remember your place.”

“I was only thinking of the win!” Master Ezekiel said a little defensively.

“Understandable, given the stakes,” Zorren said slightly diplomatically. “But question the ability or potence of any of my brethren again and you may find House Faularry experiencing some TRUE humiliations!”

“Ones you may not survive!” Gokothon growled.

Master Ezekiel just nodded timidly, his usual bravado melted away with the realisation he had crossed a line with the demonic competitors. While his position gave him a place amongst the higher beings for events such as this, he could sometimes forget everything he and his house had come from the good will of the demons. He remained silent as the timer ticked down to zero.

“Well, for the last time this year, it’s over to you, Sebastian,” Esteban said as the audience sat in eager anticipation.

“Thank you, Esteban, and a round of applause for our wonderful MC everyone!” Master Sebastian said, leading some applause.

“Suck-up,” Master Ezekiel muttered angrily.

“Well then, let’s start off our ideas this time with last round’s winner, Lord Dazallan of Cirramir,” Master Sebastian introduced his teammate.

“Kit, it appears, like many of his fellow game streamers, enjoys the generosity of his viewers in the form of a gift wishlist. Being a rather… attractive young man, sometimes those gifts can get a little explicit,” Dazallan explained. “While Kit often laughs off these more suggestive gifts, I’d like to give him a gentle nudge and encourage him to… experiment with them a little! Of course, not everyone who sends a gift is a friend, and one of his gifts may include a little… surprise!”

“Oh, keeping it cryptic to the very end!” Master Sebastian said with a smile, though he knew fully well what the demon had planned. “And next, it’s my eternal pleasure to present Lord Buth’Taloz, Bringer of Ruin!”

“Thank you, Sebastian,” Buth’Taloz said as he stepped forward for his suggestion. “Kit still lives with his parents, despite his online success, but he also lives with his younger brother who is… well, let’s just say… NOT a fan. While he’s never gone out of his way to actively harm Kit’s online presence, all it would take is one particularly nasty argument and the world could come to see that there is no pettiness quite like that between siblings. I would have Kit’s entire online world come crashing down around him with help of eighteen-year-old Jacob!”

“Wonderful, wonderful!” Master Sebastian said happily as Buth’Taloz moved back. “And last but by no means least… Dave the Demon!”

“Ah, Kit,” Dave said, shaking his head as he glanced round and up at the screen. “So desperate for attention. Well you know by now I’m a very… giving soul,” he said with a grin as the audience laughed. “I’m simply proposing a simple deal with Kit to give him exactly what he wants – to make him famous! Of course, fame comes in many forms and the little idiot is absolutely stupid enough to make a wonderfully vague deal to get it! I’m sure you can all imagine the sort of thing I could do with that!”

The audience applauded the popular and enigmatic adviser as he returned to his seat.

“And there we go. Our last batch of options for now!” Esteban announced. “So what’s it to be? Dazallan’s sinister sex toy, Buth’Taloz’s belligerent brother or Dave’s dastardly deal? Cast your votes now please!”


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