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Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 21

  • 1. Have Shane lose his virginity in an embarrassing public setting 1
  • 2. Have Shane get locked out of his hotel room naked 3
  • 3. Have Shane learn how attractive he truly is to the people around him 4
  • 2023-04-11
  • —2023-04-15
  • 8 votes
{'title': 'Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 21', 'choices': [{'text': '1.\tHave Shane lose his virginity in an embarrassing public setting', 'votes': 1}, {'text': '2.\tHave Shane get locked out of his hotel room naked', 'votes': 3}, {'text': '3.\tHave Shane learn how attractive he truly is to the people around him', 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 15, 14, 38, 19, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 11, 22, 4, 53, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 8}


“Wow, an entire scenario set on a rugby pitch and not a single joke about balls. That may be a Humiliation Games first!” Esteban said as he returned to the stage, getting titters from the crowd. “And with that, round ten is over and we now find ourselves speeding towards the end of the first stage of the games! Team Faularry are up next with their FINAL volunteer of the two-hundred-and-forty-second Humiliation Games!”

“Awwww!” the crowd chorused, having clearly enjoyed the humiliations so far.

“I know, I know, your disappointment is shared by the great Master himself. Just look at the disappointment written across that old, immortal face!” Esteban said, gesturing to The Terror.

Just as they had every time the MC had playfully teased the eldritch being, the crowd looked nervously at his motionless face before letting out nervous chuckles and returning their gaze to the stage.

“Whadda you say, Team Faularry? Are you ready for your final volunteer?” Esteban asked Master Ezekiel.

“Just get on with it!” Ezekiel huffed back, clearly tired of the host’s constant chatter.

“Charming,” Esteban sighed. “Well in that case… bring him on!”

As Esteban gestured to the large screen, a beach appeared, filled with various people lounging around or playing. As the view focused on a small group of young males, the bio card for the next volunteer appeared on screen.

Volunteer Reference HG242-11 - Shane Munton

“Demons and gentlemen, it’s my pleasure to introduce you to Shane Munton. Originally from Lincolnshire in England and now studying at Leeds University, his humiliation for the games will take place in Playa Del Ingles in Gran Canaria where he is currently on holiday with a few of his University friends,” Esteban explained. He smirked a little as he saw the lusty looks over the faces of the crowd as the small group of scantily clad young men sat enjoying the sunny beach.

“Shane is an interesting young man,” Esteban went on. “As you can clearly see, he is quite attractive… for a Plebicile, though this is a fairly new development that even Shane himself has not adapted to. Having suffered an illness at the end of his final year of school that resulted in severe loss of much of his childhood weight, Shane took the opportunity to work on improving his body while finally ridding himself of acne and some truly horrendous glasses and clothing. The end result is a somewhat naïve, innocent young man whose brain has not yet caught up with the fact that he now very much fits on as one of the ‘hot guys’ on campus!”

There was a substantial amount of chatter as the audience continued to be engrossed by the beach scene that could have easily passed as the opening scene of cheap porn!

“And that, I’m afraid, is where the information leaves off. Utterly inexperienced sexually and not yet a great deal in the way of interests or even personality, Shane is somewhat of a blank slate for Team Faularry to work with,” Esteban went on. “And speaking of which, start the timer and let’s get underway for Team Faularry’s final deliberation!”

As Ezekiel quickly got to chatting with his team, their opponents huddled together, mostly sharing a look of concern.

“That last humiliation did NOT go the way we discussed,” Sebastian said, looking more confused than annoyed.

Dazallan shook his head, thinking back to what had happened on the rugby pitch. “I… I can’t explain it,” he said, frowning heavily. “I had the team under my influence, they should have been pushed much further than just…. Just watching him pleasure himself!”

“Has this… happened to you before?” Buth’Taloz asked curiously.

“Never!” Dazallan insisted.

“It’s not exactly unheard of,” Dave said with a casual shrug. “Cirramirians ARE known to… fade somewhat in their capabilities eventually!”

Dazallan stared at Dave in surprise. The secrets of Cirramir were closely guarded. The inner workings of all the demonic sects were generally hidden from the others, so for anyone not of Cirramir to even have that much knowledge was surprising. “That… is not something I wish to discuss!” Dazallan said coldly.

“I meant no harm,” Dave said defensively. “We are still a team for the purpose of these Games. I just wanted to ensure we’re all firing at full capacity!”

Master Sebastian and Buth’Taloz both looked to the Cirramirian questioningly.

“I can assure you I am FULLY capable of seeing the challenge through!” Dazallan insisted. As he saw Sebastian raise an eyebrow, he added in a low growl, “You do NOT need to worry. If I’m chosen for the final volunteer, I will deliver what I promise!”

“Thank you,” Master Sebastian said with a polite smile, then glanced to the others and said, “Then we shall say no more on the matter!”

A few moments later, the timer concluded and Master Ezekiel invited up Gokothon for the final time.

Gokothon let out a grunt as the applause from the crowd was somewhat lukewarm. “This Plebicile is a virgin, which means he spends a lot of time thinking about losing his virginity. Thankfully, those thoughts bring with them a lot of anxiety which manifest in his erotic nightmares. His most recurring dream relates to his new friends learning of his sexual inexperience in a very public way. While this nightmare does not always take place on a beach, it seems a shame to miss the opportunity, so sexual humiliation of a virgin on a public beach is what you can expect if you choose me!” the gruff demon explained before heading back to his throne.

“Sex on the beach? Now I’m in the mood for cocktails,” Master Ezekiel joked, thankfully getting a laugh from the crowd, something he had found necessary following Gokothon’s offerings. “Next up, Lord Zorren. Can he make it two in a row?”

“Thank you, thank you,” Zorren said with a smile as highlights from his humiliation of Tyler Tate flashed across the screen. “As one would expect with a holiday, Shane is currently staying at a hotel. What’s the point of having an old-school demon up here if I can’t offer up one of the old-school humiliations?! Just a few subtle manipulations and poor little Shane might find himself locked out of his hotel room… naked! Needless to say, the misfortune would not stop there!”

The crowd muttered away, discussing the scenario that had played out in various forms over the years at the games.

“And finally, it’s my pleasure to offer up Lord Tharukan of the Sinisterium,” Master Ezekiel introduced.

“Ah, doesn’t it look relaxing,” Tharukan said, looking up to the screen that was back to showing Shane and his friends on the beach. “Sun, sea, alcohol… always a fun mis to get the passions flowing and the inhibitions lowered! Shane may not realise what an attractive young man he has become, but it’s safe to say others on the beach certainly have, including his own friends! With a little encouragement from myself, Shane could find out exactly how ‘desirable’ he truly is to those around him, giving him a beach day he will never forget!”

“Ah, wonderful. Thank you once again Team Faularry for those interesting ideas,” Esteban said happily. “So it’s back over to you, my lovely audience. What fate awaits Shane? Will it be Gokothon’s virginity-losing nightmare, Zorren’s classic ‘locked out naked’ or Tharukan’s horny, horny beach boys? Vote now!”


Naked Justice

Can I take all three options? 😀