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Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 17

  • 1. Tyler gets mobbed by crazed fans 2
  • 2. Tyler gets humiliated at an award ceremony 1
  • 3. Tyler has an on-stage wardrobe malfunction 5
  • 2023-03-28
  • —2023-04-01
  • 8 votes
{'title': 'Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 17', 'choices': [{'text': '1. Tyler gets mobbed by crazed fans', 'votes': 2}, {'text': '2. Tyler gets humiliated at an award ceremony', 'votes': 1}, {'text': '3. Tyler has an on-stage wardrobe malfunction', 'votes': 5}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 1, 13, 25, 31, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 28, 16, 15, 13, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 8}


As the audience laughed at the sight of the elevator doors closing on the last volunteer, Esteban took to the stage. “Team Trauxity there, really following the age-old advice of ‘always leave them wanting more’. I know your game, Team Trauxity!” He winked to Master Sebastian and his demonic advisers.

As the audience cheered once again, Master Sebastian gave a gentle polite nod to them.

“Although that does make three humiliations instigated by Dave, who may I remind you all was LAST to be picked for team!” Esteban said with a smirk. “Still feeling good about your choices, Ezekiel?”

“My choices were the right ones!” Master Ezekiel said coldly, slightly angered by the titter the MC’s comment had gotten from the crowd.

“That said, Tharukan currently with three for Team Trauxity and Zorren yet to perform. Will we see that change now as we head into Round Nine, and offer up a volunteer I just KNOW they’ve been waiting for!” Esteban said as he gestured up to the screen. Volunteer nine appeared on screen, the video showing him on a stage in front of a full stadium, while his bio card overlaid it.

Volunteer Profile HG242-09 Tyler Tate

“That’s right, demons and gentlemen,” Esteban called out happily. “It’s Team Faularry’s turn to play with a celebrity! This time the lucky Plebicile is none other than award-winning, chart-topping, world-famous musical sensation, Tyler Tate!”

The crowd burst into wild applause as the bio card reduced down into a corner, showing Tyler performing.

“Tyler Tate burst onto the music scene at the tender age of thirteen, where his debut album topped the charts worldwide! Successfully making the rare transition from child-star to adult megastar, Tyler had gone on to have numerous number one albums, has sold out some of the biggest venues around the world and worked with some of the biggest names in music today,” Esteban explained excitedly. “In a world of dirty pasts, cancellations and ill-advised tweets, Tyler has managed to maintain a stellar reputation as a devoted professional, friendly person and… in a first for the entertainment industry, not a sexually-harassing, corrupt and power-abusing sociopath! I know. They DO exist!”

The crowd laughed and applauded at the casual insult.

“So, Team Faularry, is it safe to say your grumbles from Team Trauxity’s celebrity contestant can now be withdrawn?” Esteban asked, visibly enjoying antagonising Master Ezekiel.

The leader of Team Faularry simply glared at the MC.

“And with, out five minutes on the clock and it’s over to Team Faularry for consultation time!” Esteban said as the timer started.

“Well we knew this was coming,” Master Sebastian said calmly to his team as their opponents eagerly conferred on what they were going to suggest for Tyler. “Admittedly a world-famous singer does make for an even bigger target than a UK-based actor, but I’m still confident we’re doing well!”

“You mean Dave’s doing well,” Dazallan said with a snigger. “Glad you’re on our side!” he said to the enigmatic, human-looking demon.

“And nice going on the last round,” Buth’Taloz joined in. “Giving a good humiliation at this stage is always an achievement in itself, but you definitely gave us plenty to work with later on too!”

Dave smiled and said casually, “I do very little. I simply facilitate, and let the humans do the rest!”

By now the audience knew all too well what to expect, falling silent just in time for the countdown to finish and Esteban to introduce the team’s leader.

“We in Team Faularry know the important of leading with strength,” Master Ezekiel said confidently, “So we’ll be starting this time with Lord Tharukan!”

“Thanks you, Ezekiel,” Tharukan’s voice rumbled as he stood. “This Plebicile concept of celebrity may be rather pathetic and backwards, but it does present some opportunities. Many supporters of these ‘celebrities’ already verge on the psychotic in their adulation. Every trip into public puts Tyler at risk of being mobbed, so my proposal is simple… I will push one of these mobs to follow their filthiest desires and give Tyler an unforgettable day out!”

“I know what you’re thinking, demons and gentlemen – why even bother with the other options when that one sounds so good?” Master Ezekiel said, very conscious of the furious look he received from Gokothon for it, “But don’t cast your votes just yet. Let’s hear next from our very own Master of Nightmares, Lord Gokothon!”

The crowd applauded again, though mostly out of fear as the terrifying, angry demon took centre stage. “This Plebicile has lived his entire life in the public eye, driven mostly by the attention and adoration of his supporters, who love and support him. Thankfully, the only thing these lowly creatures enjoy more than a beloved celebrity… is seeing a beloved celebrity crash and burn. Tyler has won many awards and dreams of winning many more, so I propose to give him his dream… and have it turn into the award ceremony of his nightmares!”

“Now that sounds fun,” Master Ezekiel said with a wicked grin. “But now, our final offering for Tyler… I give you Lord Zorren, Master of Probability!”

Zorren stood and smiled. “I’ll keep it simple, people. Just five words!” he said, raising a hand to count each word with a clawed finger as he spoke. “Extreme. Wardrobe. Malfunction. During. Performance!” He smiled again, nodded and returned to his seat.

“Well, one way or another it looks like Tyler’s in for a bad day,” Esteban said happily. “But what’s it to be? Is Tyler getting mobbed by rabid fans, receiving an award at an unforgettable ceremony or suffering an extreme wardrobe malfunction? Cast your votes now, please!”


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