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Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 15

  • 1. Give Roger the power of invisibility and intangibility 5
  • 2. Have Roger’s voyeurism discovered by someone who punishes him for it 0
  • 3. Have Roger become the target of a different voyeur 2
  • 2023-03-20
  • —2023-03-24
  • 7 votes
{'title': 'Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 15', 'choices': [{'text': '1.\tGive Roger the power of invisibility and intangibility', 'votes': 5}, {'text': '2.\tHave Roger’s voyeurism discovered by someone who punishes him for it', 'votes': 0}, {'text': '3.\tHave Roger become the target of a different voyeur', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 24, 19, 3, 9, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 20, 12, 28, 52, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 7}


“Well, that’s another excellent humiliation by Tharukan, which takes him up to three for Team Faularry!” Esteban announced as the display faded out. “What a wonderfully public way to kick off the second half of the games!”

While Zorren looked indifferent to yet another round going to Tharukan for his team, Gokothon was visibly seething, though he kept his annoyance to himself as attention moved across the stage to the opposing team.

“So moving swiftly on to Team Trauxity for round eight, we’ve had two humiliations orchestrated by Dave and one for Buth’Taloz. Could this round finally see Dazallan’s talents finally put to use!” Esteban mused aloud.

Dazallan simply smiled and shrugged, seemingly as indifferent to his selection as Zorren on the opposing team. So far, he seemed to have been enjoying the show every bot as much as the audience, even without his own participation in it.

“I believe we’re ready to see volunteer number eight, so… bring him on!” Esteban said, waving an arm to gesture as the screen appeared once more.

The crowd chattered quietly for a moment as they took in the sight of the man on screen and his bio card.

Volunteer Profile Ref HG242-08 Roger Harrison

“It looks like we’re off to sunny Reading for the next round,” Esteban joked, “And for the non-Brits in the audience who may be confused by that, it is indeed pronounced ‘Redding’ even though it’s spelled like reading so if you’re reading Reading as reading you’re reading it wrong because when you’re reading Reading you should be reading it as redding… got it? And for saying all of that without messing up, I’m pretty sure I deserve a raise, right boss?”

The audience laughed at the play on words and glanced to The Terror who remained as unmoved as ever.

“I’m taking that as a yes. I’m good at reading him…” Esteban added with a smirk at the continued joke. He let out a hearty sigh at the still-motionless eldritch being. “Anyway… Roger Harrison from Reading is a forty-one-year-old advertising executive and a married father of three. Roger has a wandering eye but thus far remains loyal to his loving wife, though the worryingly large collection of pornography and spy images he keeps locked away certainly suggests his loyalty may be on the verge of breaking!”

Esteban allowed the audience to chatter for a moment once again before he continued, “While Roger’s lusty thoughts occasionally wander to the girls of sixteen or seventeen, all people involved in any humiliation must be eighteen or over. And yes, we have indeed got ourselves another straight one for you, gentlemen. Sadly, they insist on proliferating so we may as well make use of them! Anyway, Team Trauxity prepare yourselves for your next humiliation as your time starts now!”

As Team Trauxity began conferring, their opponents speculated as usual on what might be ahead for this round. Gokothon concentrated for a moment then let out a wicked laugh. As his teammates gave him a curious look, he glanced up at the screen and said, “It turns out he’s already living out his worst nightmare without knowing it. Considering how much he loves spying, he has frequent nightmares about actually getting spied on himself. If he knew we were watching him, he’d lose his feeble human mind!”

The others laughed at the unintentional nightmare fuel and sat chatting for a few minutes about how entertaining it would be to reveal the games to Roger just to mess with his head.

When the timer hit zero, Sebastian took straight to the stage without even waiting for an introduction from Esteban, clearly eager to bring on his team’s ideas. He introduced Dave first.

“I’m a giving kind of fellow,” Dave said with a smile, “So I’d like to give Roger a gift!” He made a gesture with his hand, spinning it ahead of him as a small sphere filled with blue smoke appeared in his hand. There was a gentle gasp from the few who recognised it. “The Orb of Aliakhtifa,” Dave said for those who were unaware. “An ancient magical relic that can grant the bearer both invisibility and intangibility. Perfect for a voyeur like Roger!”

The crowd hushed for a moment, curious as to whether the enigmatic demon would elaborate on the potential drawback or humiliation it might inflict, but as he gestured to make the orb disappear and returned to his seat it appeared none was forthcoming.

“Curious,” Sebastian chuckled. “Next, we’ll hear from Lord Buth’Taloz,” he introduced his next adviser.

“Roger’s voyeuristic habits could humiliate him if discovered by almost anyone in his life – his wife, his children, his colleagues, but  simply being discovered would only provide us with momentary entertainment,” Buth’Taloz explained, “I propose to have his habits discovered by someone he hasn’t even met yet, someone who will truly humiliate him with it!”

Once again, the demon returned to his throne without providing more detail, seemingly a strategy agreed by the whole of Team Trauxity to keep their audience both eager and curious. Sebastian quickly introduced their final adviser, Dazallan of Cirramir.

“I propose to make it spy versus spy!” Dazallan said with a confident smile. “Roger may be used to being the one doing the watching, but I propose to make HIM the target!” he paused as he heard a hearty chuckle from Gokothon. “Not only will his secret habits be revealed, but he will also end up the unwilling victim of an even more perverted voyeur!”

“Well, there was have it, your options for round eight gentlemen, it’s time to cast your votes!” Esteban addressed the crowd before summarising, “You’ve got Dave’s offer of invisibility, Buth’Taloz’s voyeuristic discovery or Dazallan’s suggestion to turn things around on Roger and make him the target! Please cast your votes now!”


Naked Justice

Another great volunteer and great options. As always, I'd like to take all of them. Normally, I'd choose option #3. But I am curious how to humiliate somebody who is invisible...