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Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 11

  • 1. Have Eric suffer embarrassing misfortunes every time he does a good deed 1
  • 2. Have Eric tempted by his bizarre kinks and exposed in the act 3
  • 3. Have Eric get caught in a robbery that turns him on 3
  • 2023-03-08
  • —2023-03-11
  • 7 votes
{'title': 'Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 11', 'choices': [{'text': '1. Have Eric suffer embarrassing misfortunes every time he does a good deed', 'votes': 1}, {'text': '2. Have Eric tempted by his bizarre kinks and exposed in the act', 'votes': 3}, {'text': '3. Have Eric get caught in a robbery that turns him on', 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 11, 10, 49, 37, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 8, 0, 7, 40, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 7}


As the swirling energy that had been surrounding Gokothon faded and the image of Ricardo Belmont disappeared from the large screen, the crowd burst into applause for the latest humiliation.

“Oh, wonderful, incredible,” Esteban said as he returned to the stage, joining in the applause. “A true living nightmare. Wonderful to see one of our new advisors at work. Thank you, Lord Gokothon!”

Gokothon gave a sullen nod to Esteban and then to The Terror who had remained motionless as he watched the show.

“Well Team Faularry branched out to show off another member of their team, so I guess it’s time to see if Team Trauxity can do the same or if this is destined to be the Dave show!” Esteban said, gesturing to the other team who sat eagerly awaiting their next volunteer. “So without further ado, being on contestant number six!”

Esteban span aside, though it was unnecessary as the huge screen was visible above him anyway. There was immediate chatter from the audience as the next bio appeared. Esteban gave a slight chuckle as he gave them a moment to discuss.

Volunteer Profile Reference HG242-06 - Eric Yoshida

“That’s right, gentlemen, we’ve got ourselves a full-on fetishist. Allow me to introduce to you volunteer number six, Eric Yoshida!” Esteban said as the crowd quietened. “Eric is a twenty-three-year-old outreach worker from London. Eric is known by his colleagues, family and friends to be a kind, compassionate and caring individual… which he actually is, you may be glad to hear!” He glanced round and gave a sweeping glance to the demonic advisors.

“Typical,” Zorren grumbled. “We finally get a nice one to torture and it’s not our turn!”

Esteban laughed at the comment as he looked back to the main audience. “Unknown to almost everybody in Eric’s life, he has a list of kinks and fetishes a mile long. For some reason, the Plebiciles see that as cause for derision, mockery and disdain!” Esteban explained disapprovingly. As he heard derisive comments from the crowd he just shrugged and said, “I know, I know, and this is why we love to torture the little idiots. Anyway, for OUR needs that is a perfect combination. A sweet, innocent and kind outreach worker who spends his days helping the homeless, downtrodden and destitute with a massive array of embarrassments to humiliate him with. One can barely imagine what Team Trauxity can do with that… but in five minutes we won’t NEED to imagine! Team Trauxity, your time starts now!”

“He wasn’t kidding,” Master Ezekiel said to nobody in particular as he perused their copy of the additional documents. “I have to admit there’s a few on here even I can’t recall!”

“I’m happy to walk you through them all,” Zorren said in a seductively low, rumbly voice.

“If it weren’t against the rules, I might actually consider that,” Master Ezekiel said casually. “What exactly IS harpaxophilia?”

“That’s where someone enjoys being filled with stuffing to the sound of harp music!” Gokothon replied. As the rest of the group stared at him, he rolled his eyes and said, “That was a joke. LAUGH!”

“Oh, it was funny,” Zorren replied with a smirk. “We’re just surprised you actually have a sense of humour!”

“Nightmare demons are renowned for our humour!” Gokothon insisted.

“Clearly,” Zorren replied, getting a snigger from Tharukan. He looked back to Master Ezekiel and added, “To answer your question, it’s arousal from being the victim of a robbery, and I’m guessing that’s one those guys won’t be able to resist!”

“Hnnh, interesting,” Master Ezekiel said as he glanced over at the opposing team across the stage.

When time was up, Master Sebastian was called forward, who subsequently invited Dave the Demon to start things off.

Dave stood centre stage as he cast his eyes across the crowd, smiling knowingly for a moment. “Karma… is a bitch!” he started. “Trust me, I know her!” he added, much to the amusement of the crowd. “Choose me and I’ll demonstrate a neat little trick I picked up from karma that turns all of Eric’s good deeds into his own misfortunes!”

“Interesting,” Master Sebastian said, straightening his robe as he watched Dave return to his throne. “Lord Buth’Taloz, would you care to go next,” he said politely.

The demonic figure stepped forward, flashing the attractive human a playful wink before he began addressing the room. “Exposure of Eric’s fetishes would certainly do some significant harm to his reputation, but as they always say about good storytelling… show, don’t tell! I intend to put Eric in a situation where he will face temptation to engage in some of his more obscure kinks… and of course get caught doing it!”

“Show, don’t tell. I like that!” Master Sebastian said with a polite nod to the demon.

“I could show you a few things,” Buth’Taloz growled quietly to Sebastian as they passed each other.

Blushing a little, Master Sebastian introduced their last adviser, “Last but not least, I give you Dazallan of Cirramir!”

“I’ll take you when Buth’Taloz is finished,” Dazallan whispered to the man as they passed each other. “Gentlemen of the audience… and the rest of you too,” he said, pausing for a chuckle at the playful insult, “While Team Faularry may think it a little obvious,” he paused to glance at his opponents, “I intend to arrange for Eric to explore his interest in harpaxophilia. Although with a little but of a push, both sides of the robbery will find themselves… enjoying things a little!”

“Well well well,” Esteban said as the third advisor returned to his seat. “Certainly taking a different route with this one, aren’t we. That’s definitely the way you win around here! I mean, look at the sheer joy on our Master’s face!”

Once again everyone looked round at the motionless, and expressionless, being sat on his throne in the centre of the room.

“So what’s it to be? Will you go with Dave’s karmic retribution, Buth’Taloz’s unusual fetish exposure or Dazallan’s sexy, sexy robbery?” Esteban posed to the voting audience. “Cast your votes now!”


Naked Justice

A great volunteer and great choices. I can't wait till sunday.