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Round 2 of The Humiliation Games began with the three demonic advisors for Team Trauxity making their suggestions on humiliating their first victim, Grant Evans.

Part 3 Voting Results

1. Subject Grant to increasing levels of horniness throughout the day, while depriving him of any opportunities at relief to embarrass him with his own arousal - 0%

2. Manipulate Grant’s day to have him end up in an embarrassing, “It’s not what it looks like!!” moment – 25%

3. Help Grant to fulfil his wish to have his students pay more attention to him, with embarrassing consequences – 75%

Please note: All photos are AI created and are not real people. Nobody was harmed in the depiction of this story or creation of any images and all characters are aged 18 or older.

Part 4

“Well that’s it, people. Time’s up. If your vote’s not in now, you’ve missed your chance!” Esteban called out. “So, let’s find out what Team Trauxity has in store for our lovely Grant Evans. And the winner is… oh!”

At the same time as everyone else, Esteban noticed something on the large display screen showing Grant Evans. He was now joined by a familiar figure – Dave the Demon!

“Well it seems Dave doesn’t waste time,” Esteban smirked. “I guess… on with the show!”


“Ugh,” Grant groaned as he stood outside the door to his classroom. He could already hear the raucous din from inside and as much as he wished he was one of those teachers who could walk in and inspire immediate obedient silence, he most certainly was not anywhere near the level yet.

“Rough day?” Dave asked, sauntering along behind the young teacher.

“It’s a weekday, so… yes!” Grant replied wearily as he glanced round, but immediately frowned as he saw the unfamiliar face. “Oh, sorry, have we met?”

“Dave,” Dave said, holding out his hand as he added, “The Substitute Teacher!”

“Any chance you’re here to sub for me?” Grant asked with a smirk, shaking his hand.

“Wow, you could at least buy me dinner first!” Dave said with a wry grin as he shook Grant’s hand.

Grant immediately blushed as he pulled his hand back. “Oh, I didn’t mean… umm… I wasn’t saying… umm…” he stuttered awkwardly.

“It’s okay, I knew what you meant,” Dave said with a gentle nod. “So, tough crowd, huh?” he asked, gesturing to the classroom.

Grant sighed, shaking his head in slight dismay. “I used to think the younger kids were problematic, but I swear as soon as they hit eighteen, everything’s always, ‘I’m an adult, I don’t need to listen to you’ or ‘you’re not the boss of me, I don’t care what you have to say’ and it’s a fucking nightmare!” He stood thoughtfully for a moment, expecting the other man to say something back but he remained silent. “I swear they think I’m the enemy but I’m just trying to help!”

“Yeah, you’d think they’d pay more attention to that,” Dave said casually.

“I know, right!” Grant said in clear frustration. “I just wish they’d actually pay attention to me, even for just one lesson!”

A broad grin spread across Dave’s face as his eyes flashed white for a moment before he said, “Granted!” He instantly disappeared.

Grant blinked a few times and shook his head slightly. “What was I…” he started, looking round the hallway, confused about what he had been doing. “I swear this place does my fucking head in!” he grumbled before he turned and opened the door.

The young teacher was immediately met with a wall of sound as the large group of students talked and shouted over each other, gathered in little groups around the classroom rather than sitting at their desks.

“To your desks please,” Grant requested, raising his voice slightly to make himself heard.

About half of the class began moving towards their seats while still chatting. The other half ignored him completely.

Mr Grant Evans (ref: HG242-02) and twelve members of the Year 13 English Class (refs: HG242-02-A to HG242-02-L)

Grant sighed as he stood behind his desk and said firmly, “Please take your seats!”

A few more of the young men headed to their seats but the noise didn’t die down.

“And quiet please,” Grant requested. “Quiet,” he repeated, his temper already wearing thin. After a few moments, with some still out of their seats and nobody having stopped talking, he finally snapped and yelled out, “SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN!”

“Oooooh,” the class chorused mockingly at the man’s anger as the last few students took their seats.

“Must be that time of the month,” one of the boys called out, getting a wave of derisive laughs and comments aimed the teacher’s way.

“ENOUGH!” Grant snapped angrily. “All eyes on me!” he barked as the boys began to look his way. “Keep behaving like this and you’re heading for detention tonight!” He reached up and started loosening his tie as he spoke, visibly stressed.

“Detention on Friday night? Brutal!” Blake Cohen grunted, getting a wave of more subdued agreements.

“Okay, good,” Grant said, his hands dropping to the side as he realised his threat seemed to have made at least some progress towards order. “Now, if we’re all paying attention,” he said, seeing all of the boys looking at him, “Let’s get on with the lesson.” He began pulling on his tie again as he continued, “Last lesson we just got onto the subject of dystopian literature!” He pulled one end of the tie and it slid away from around his neck as he dropped it onto his desk and began pacing back and forth in front of the class. “Who can give me an example of dystopian fiction?”

“The news!” Jakub Nowak, called out to the amusement of his classmates.

For once Grant chuckled at the interruption as he replied, “I said dystopian fiction, not dystopian reality!” It got a few laughs back as all eyes turned to him again. “Any proper suggestions?” he asked as he began unbuttoning one of his cuffs.

“1984!” Peyton Granger (or PG to his friends) offered up.

“Fahrenheit 451!” Leonardo ‘Leo’ Stinson suggested.

“The Maze Runner!” Axel Lloyd commented.

Grant was nodding along with the suggestions as he moved onto unbuttoning his other cuff.

“That’s a movie. This ain’t Media Studies!” Blake interjected.

“Yeah, based on a book, fuckwit!” Axel snapped back.

“OY!” Grant jumped in immediately, “Mind the language!” As attention turned back from the two boys to himself, he reached up and undid the collar button of his shirt.

“Sorry sir,” Axel said somewhat unapologetically.

“Anyway, yes, they were all good suggestions,” Grant said diplomatically as he undid another button.

The teacher’s actions had begun to stand out. Removal of a tie wasn’t that unusual for a teacher, especially on a warm day. The same went for rolling up sleeves, but Grant had now progressed further and a long V of his chest was becoming visible as he undid another button. The cleft of his pectorals began to show, along with a few sparse, dark hairs.

A few of the students began looking at each other curiously, a mixture of confused and amused, but the teacher seemed to stop there, his hands dropping away again as he paced before them.

“Okay, quiet down,” Grant immediately called out, worried of losing their attention. Once again all eyes fell on him and he immediately reached up to undo another button, followed by another. The small patch of dark hair on his chest tapered down into an almost-invisible trail that disappeared down behind the few buttons that remained closed.

“Bit warm are ya, sir?” Devon Zhao asked with a smirk, getting a wave of titters from the rest of the group, some of them looked round at the other student as they laughed.

“Not particularly,” Grant replied obliviously. “Why?” he asked, hoping to diffuse the boy’s obvious attempt at humour.

As the students all look back to the teacher, he opened the last two buttons, though his shirt remained tucked in so the two sides didn’t fall open fully.

“Umm… that’s why!” Devon said, pointing to the narrow strip of muscle and body hair they were all now treated to.

“What are you…” Granted started as he looked down, then suddenly gasped, “Oh my god!” As he went to try and button up, instead he found his hands going to the bottom of the shirt, untucking it. “Oh my god,” he repeated as he found himself unable to stop.

The students burst into raucous laughter, unsure what was happening but elated over the teacher’s embarrassment. “What the hell?” “What’s even happening?” “Is he for real?” “Sir’s ripped!”

The comments started flying in as the boys began talking and speculating, which seemed to buy Grant the reprieve he so desperately needed. Finally able to start covering up, he fumbled wildly to try and secure the buttons.

“Aww, looks like the show’s over!” Axel sniggered. As everyone looked at the blushing man again, he quickly unbuttoned again, prompting a quick addition of, “Oh maybe not. I think sir wants to put on a show!”

“No!” Grant objected, as much to the comment as his own actions as the buttons opened. “What the hell…” he whimpered as he grabbed both sides of the shirt and pulled it open.

The boys erupted into cheers and applause as the man’s torso was exposed. The defined chest had always been tantalisingly obvious through the man’s shirts, but seeing it fully exposed, each pec crowned with a pert nipple and smattering of hair, was a surprising but enjoyable sight. Mr Evans certainly didn’t have rippling abs, but his stomach was toned and flat with the narrow trail of hair to his navel splaying out into a triangle as it disappeared into the waistband of his trousers.

“WOO YEAH!” “Take it off!” “Take it all off!” “Go Mr Evans!” “What is even happening?” The boys were calling out and cheering, every bit as confused as the teacher seemed to be himself, but taking it in much better humour than the scared man.

“I can’t stop,” Grant whimpered to himself as he pulled his shirt down off of his shoulders and threw it onto his desk.

“Please tell me someone snuck a phone in!” Devon said urgently as he looked round at the others, getting only headshakes in return. Most of them had learned the hard way the perils of flaunting the school’s ‘no phones in class’ rule.

As some of the boys looked away, Grant felt whatever was gripping him in place release and he ran to his desk to retrieve his discarded shirt, giving the boys who were still looking his way a view of his muscular back. He grabbed the clothing and dropped to the floor behind his desk to get some cover as he pulled it back on, getting a chorus of complaints from the spectating class.

Grant was halfway through getting his shirt back on when he heard the scraping noise of his desk being pulled aside. A few of the students had gotten up from their seats to drag it aside to enjoy the confusing spectacle.

Grant froze again. “No, please,” he pleaded as much to himself as the class as he pulled the shirt back off.

“He stops when we stop looking!” PG commented, frowning. As the rest of the class looked his way, Grant reverted once more to covering up. “See, you looked away and he stopped. Everyone keep your eyes on him!” the observant teen suggested.

The comment seemed absurd, which a few of the others were quick to point out, but a few quick trials had the poor teacher covering and uncovering himself repeatedly as the students watched and looked away alternately.

“No, stop it, please!” Grant pleaded.

“I wonder how far he’ll go!?” Devon asked, voicing the curiosity that had gripped the whole group. “Nobody look away!”

The students were all out of their seats now, gathered to watch as their teacher stood up from his lost hiding place and faced them. His pleading seemed to have stopped as whatever was influencing him pushed him on, though his attempts to actually teach had also dropped away, leaving him to silently reach down and begin undoing his belt.

“Well definitely that far!” Axel sniggered. It got some laughs, but he quickly scowled and added, “Don’t look at me when I’m funny. Eyes on Mr E!”

“Sorry,” one of the other apologised, having looked away and allowed Grant to momentarily stop.

Grant undid his belt and immediately started undoing his trousers too, revealing a couple more inches of skin along with the descending body hair which now stopped at the waistband of his underwear. He kicked off his shoes as the boys continued to tease and taunt, while keeping their gaze fixed on him.

“Sir, why are you doing this?” PG asked curiously.

“Who cares. This is hilarious!” Axel sniggered.

“To get you to pay attention!” Grant answered, then winced slightly, seemingly not wanting to give the answer.

More confused looks were briefly exchanged as some of the boys caught on to something, though they quickly turned their gaze back to the man as they heard a slight whimper and he stopped undressing.

“Will you answer anything we ask?” PG asked, eyes flashing mischievously.

“Yes!” Grant answered.

“And you’ll keep stripping too?” PG went on, the rest of the class enraptured by the curious conversation.

“Yes!” Grant answered again.

“And will you stop there?” PG asked, grinning broadly.

“No!” Grant replied, getting a sudden wave of cheers and laughs with some new taunts thrown in.

“What else should we ask him?” PG asked, almost making the mistake of looking round at his classmates.

“Are you gay?” Ewan Gittins suddenly blurted out, getting a gasp of surprise from the others as they stared intently to get the response. The teacher’s sexuality was one that had long been debated.

“No!” Grant answered, glad the boys were only going with closed questions for now.

“What’s your sexuality then?” Ewan asked with a smirk.

Grant frowned slightly, wondering if his own thoughts had influenced the change to a more open question. “Bisexual, with a preference for men!”

“CALLED IT!” Akio Sato called out excitedly. “Roob, you owe me a fiver!”

“Yeah, maybe later,” Reuben 'Roob' Abara-Forsythe replied as Mr Evans had now managed to remove his trousers and socks, exposing large feet and muscular legs covered in fine dark hair.

“Oh my god, it’s a teacher in his pants!” Axel sniggered, stating the obvious mostly out of sheer disbelief. As he saw Grant reach for the waistband, he looked away and said, “Maybe we don’t make him go on!” As he heard immediate objections from the group, he called out loudly, “NOT YET ANYWAY!”

Grant pulled his hands away from his last remaining item of clothing as Axel looked away, still scared of what was happening, but mostly just relieved to have avoided full exposure… for now! Just standing before the group of students in his designer briefs was mortifying. He could barely imagine going any further. He was proud of his body, and rightfully so, but having the raucous and rowdy teens leering at him was humiliating, especially as he could see so many of them staring at the obvious bulge of his flaccid dick and balls contained snugly in the underwear.

“Axel, come on,” Devon insisted, grabbing the other boy to try and get him to look back.

“Fine!” Axel said as he looked to their teacher who once again grabbed the waistband of the pants. “Just kidding!” he called out as he looked away, letting Grant’s hands drop away. “Or am I?” he looked back. He repeated it several times, leaving the class in absolute hysterics as their poor helpless teacher kept ‘almost’ removing his underwear. “Okay, fine, let’s see Mr Evans in all his teachery glory!” he finally said, keeping his gaze locked this time.

Grant reached down and pushed his underwear down to his ankles and stood up, desperately wanting to cover up but unable to get his hands to comply. He just stood facing the wildly cheering class as they saw the man naked for the first time. They could see it all – the formerly tidy patch of pubes now looking in need of a trim, the hefty balls speckled with stray hairs, also in need of a shave and his flaccid cock, hanging down limply at a still-impressive three-and-a-half inches.

The class stared intently for just a moment, wondering how much further he would take this, an eerie silence washing over them that broke the moment they saw the teacher take hold his dick.

“Sir, do you wank? Blake asked, laughing.

“Yes!” Grant answered honestly.

“How often?” Roob added.

“Every day. Sometimes twice!” Grant answered. It was mortifying to even admit to pleasuring himself, but revealing the frequency of it WHILST standing naked before them was like a living nightmare. He needed to wake up, but it seemed it was all too real. He felt the fleshy tube in his hand begin to swell. It seemed inevitable, yet he had still hoped it wouldn’t happen. At least for now his hand concealed the growth, though it wouldn’t last long.

“Oh my god, he’s getting hard!” Axel cackled.

“He’s not the only one,” Devon said, looking round at some of the others.

Grant felt the compulsion stop and briefly looked round for his clothes but before he could move, all eyes were back on him as the students realised they had released him by mistake.

“Back to it, wanker!” Axel teased as he watched the man begin pleasuring himself again.

“Have you got a boyfriend, sir?” Bradley Atwell asked curiously.

“No, I’m single,” Grant replied.

“Do you want one, cos I reckon Brad’s interested,” Axel teased.

“Fuck you!” Brad snapped back at his classmate, barely resisting looking his way.

“I do want one, but I’d never date a student!” Grant replied. He actually felt a momentary relief at whatever was forcing his compliant honesty. Some of the more mature students were undeniably attractive, and he had known colleagues get in trouble to voicing or acting on attraction to students, so it was nice to know that it was a line he actually wouldn’t cross.

Axel suddenly let out a dramatic gasp that drew a lot of attention, though he scowled and said, “Fuck’s sake, stop looking at me!” As all eyes returned to the masturbating teacher, Axel gave a wicked chuckle and asked, “What stuff are you into, sir? Sexually, I mean!”

“Oooooh!” most of the class chorused scandalously.

“I enjoy oral sex… giving and receiving,” Grant started. He could barely believe he had just said the words ‘oral sex’ to a classroom full of students, let alone admitted to enjoying it, but in the grand scheme of things it seemed fairly minor considering what he was doing. His cock was now fully hard as he pumped away at it, his hand moving fast but not frantic, an enthusiastic wank without desperation. He went on this his confession, “I also like underwear as well as rubber!”

The boys went wild at the admission, but quickly quietened as their teacher continued to humiliate himself.

“I enjoy frotting and nipple play,” Grant went on and his free hand instantly rose to grab at his nipple. “Oh fuck,” he whimpered as he heard the taunts and laughter at the unintended worsening of his situation. “And breath play, but that’s dangerous and you should always be careful if you do it!” He almost smiled at the last part, and probably would have done had he not been experiencing the most embarrassing moment of his life. But still, it was nice to know that even in such an addled state he was willing to consider the safety of his students… who he was masturbating for!

“Are you gonna cum, sir?” Axel asked with a wicked smirk.

“Yeah,” Grant panted. “And soon!” he added, unsure whether it was a relief or actually worse than just jerking off in front of the class.

“Do it, do it, do it,” Axel started chanting, the rest of the class soon joining in.

“Do it, do it, do it, do it!” the class chorused as the confused teacher stood before them, the head of his sizeable cock wet and glistening with precum.

“OH MY GOD!” Grant screamed out as he finally tipped over the edge. Dropping his hands away, it finally revealed the full extent of his cock, seven thick inches bobbing about in front of him, bouncing wildly from the movement of his hand as well as the spasming of his imminent orgasm.

The first spurt flew several feet out ahead of him, the boys jumping aside to avoid it, though PG was unfortunate enough to have it splatter onto his shoes. The rest of the shots flew wildly in every direction as the teacher’s unheld cock bounced and twitched.

“Jesus christ!” Devon muttered, transfixed by the sight.

“I know!” Axel said back quietly. “I’m straight but even I reckon that’s hot!”

A strange silence fell across the room as the orgasm subsided, only broken by Grant’s laboured heavy breathing that was already beginning to slow. The boys remained quiet a few moments longer before bursting into raucous and uncontrollable cheering for what they had just witnessed.

Grant remained in place for a few moments before he suddenly felt himself able to move. He glanced at the door and just considered running, but running naked down a school hallway didn’t exactly seem wise. Instead, he did the only thing he could and started getting dressed. He was so distracted by the thoughts of what he had just done… and what would happen next that he didn’t even notice what was happening behind him. Finally decent again, he turned cautiously and found the entire class sat silently and obediently at their desks.

“What… are you doing?” Grant asked cautiously.

“Paying attention!” Axel said, seemingly still speaking for the class. “Anyone who’ll do that shit just to get us to pay attention probably deserves it!” The comment got some laughs but mostly nods of agreement.

Grant frowned, unsure whether this was a normal reaction or part of whatever had compelled him in the first place. Either way, he wasn’t going to complain. He had expected to be instantly reported, fired and arrested, so this was… a welcome turn.

“And besides,” PG added with a sincere smile. “We keep watching you and it might happen again!”

Grant gulped as he felt his dick twitch.


Roy Don

Great chapter! Loved the concept.

Naked Justice

Great. I hope that Grant will never wear clothes at this class again! Can I apply for this kind of humiliation, too?