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Tuesday 14 September 2021

You stamped on my heart and you threw it away,
And made me an unwanted yesterday.
You gave me your reasons for breaking my heart,
Then left me behind as my soul fell apart.

But I can’t, no I can’t,
And I try, but I can’t,

I can’t forget how the touch of you felt,
And the love that we shared made me fly.
But now our love’s just an emotional welt,
And for us it’s forever goodbye.

Chris put down the guitar and looked at the small group in front of him at Music Club. “That’s kind of all I have so far,” he said awkwardly.

His audience consisted of Jenson, Justin and Jazz, all from dorm 1.10. Jenson and Justin had spent two years performing musically as ‘Double Jay’, but since Jazz had joined their dorm a couple of weeks earlier, he had joined up with them and the group were now known, unsurprisingly, as ‘Triple Jay’.

“So whadda you think?” Chris asked, a little unnerved by the silence.

“The music was great,” Jazz nodded before looking awkwardly at the other two.

“Yeah,” Jenson nodded. “Sounded really good!”

As Chris’ eyes fell on Justin, he winced a little and said, “Yeah, that chorus is totally catchy.”

Chris huffed, pursing his lips. “So you hated the lyrics?” he asked moodily.

“No!” Justin insisted. “Well… hate’s a very strong word.”

“The music was great!” Jazz repeated awkwardly.

“It’s just…” Justin started, frowning heavily as he tried to think how to put it.

“Well it’s kinda tough hearing you sing a song that’s about someone we know, especially one that’s kinda… harsh,” Jenson explained gently.

“It’s not… ABOUT someone you know,” Chris lied weakly. “It’s just… ya know… a song!”

“Mate, seriously, you may as well call it ‘I hate Nicky’ and be done with it!” Justin said, shaking his head.

“Fine,” Chris grumbled. “But I don’t think it’s that mean!”

“You called him an emotional welt!” Jenson exclaimed. “I don’t even know what that is, but I know it ain’t good!”

“I didn’t call him one, I said that’s what our love is now,” Chris pouted.

“And seriously…‘forever goodbye’?” Jazz scoffed. “Are you writing a song or a suicide note?”

“Oof, harsh!” Jenson flinched, then grinned at their new partner and added, “But funny!” and offered him a fist bump.

Chris huffed again. “Well I’m trying to write my feelings. That’s what…” he paused, almost mentioning Mr Beecham. There was nothing wrong with a student getting advice from a teacher, but rumours of some kind of connection was something neither he nor Mr Beecham needed. “That’s what someone I know suggested,” Chris explained, “And if I’m pissed at him, so of COURSE it’s gonna be a bit mean!”

The trio exchange troubled looks. “Look, write your feelings, I’m all for that, but… I dunno, may don’t be so freaking obvious about it!”

“Fine,” Chris sighed. “Guess I’ll see you guys later,” he said as he stood and picked up his guitar.

“But now our love’s just an emotional welt and for us it’s forever goodbye,” Justin sang quietly, then scowled and said, “Damn, that really IS catchy! Quick, someone sing Baby Shark!”



“Ugh, fuuuuuck!” Luke grunted as he felt the sharp sting on his buttocks. “Puh… please… can I have… another,” he gasped, shuddering.

“Happy to oblige,” Rob smirked, letting the paddle strike his boyfriend’s butt once again, the slap echoing around the small room.

Luke let out another moan of pleasured pain, swinging slightly in the sling. “Fuck, you really do that so well,” he moaned dreamily, glancing round at the naked paddle-wielding boy.

“Well I’ve had lots of practice,” Rob giggled, gently stroking the reddened flesh with the leather tool.

“Maybe you could give Jazz some pointers. Last night he was… not good!” Luke giggled.

“Last…” Rob started, but stopped himself, frowning. “You were with Jazz last night?” he asked, a little surprised but trying to sound unbothered.

“Yeah,” Luke said casually… or as casually as he could while still swinging with his butt in the air.

“You did stuff without me?” Rob asked, looking utterly deflated.

Luke shrugged. “Yeah, what’s the big deal? We do stuff without each other all the time. That’s kinda how open relationships work, isn’t it?” he said, a little confused at the reaction.

“I know, I know,” Rob nodded, frowning a little. “It’s just… with Jazz, I thought… I dunno, sorry, I’m being stupid.”

“Ahh, hun,” Luke said, reaching out to the younger boy, though he just ended up spinning away from him a little. “Erm, little help here,” he requested with a snigger.

Rob chuckled as he helped Luke climb out of the sling.

Luke put his arms around the younger boy (who now stood as tall as him) and leaned in close to playfully rub noses with him. As he got a smile he pulled back a little and said, “Sorry, I know it’s tough with things not being… quite the way we expected, but you’re not being stupid. If me being with Jazz without you bothers you, I won’t do it anymore!”

“No, I…” Rob started, pursing his lips as he exhaled heavily through his nose. He shook his head and said, “No, I don’t wanna be THAT guy. We’re open and that means, ya know… we’re open. I’m okay with that!”

“You sure?” Luke asked, cocking his head slightly. “You know I like Jazz, but YOU’RE my boyfriend. You come first!”

“I dunno, the sounds you were making just now made it kinda sound like YOU were gonna cum first!” Rob said with a playful grin.

Luke burst into laughter for a moment before he leaned in to kiss Rob. As the laughter stopped, the only sound was the two boys sighing happily as they embraced, the content sounds echoing into each other’s mouths. Luke’s hands slowly slid down Rob’s back while Rob reached round to grab the older boy’s reddened rump, letting his fingertips dig playfully into the soft flesh.

Luke pulled out of the kiss and let out a low groan. Having his butt groped was a turn on at any time, especially by Rob, but with it still tingling from the spanking it was a whole other level of enjoyable.

“There’s those sounds again,” Rob smirked.

“Okay, maybe you come second,” Luke giggled, “But at least you’re still top two!”

“I’ll take it!” Rob grinned. He glanced round at the clock above the door and said, “We’ve still got the room for another twenty minutes. You ready for more?”

“Sounds fun but… how about we both cum, then have cuddles in my dorm until you have to go to rugby?” Luke suggested.

“Yes!” Rob declared. “That one!”

Without needing any further prompt, both boys got to work on building their way to a mutual orgasm. By now they both knew each other’s bodies pretty intimately. They each knew which parts their other half enjoyed having touched, which parts they didn’t, which areas gave pleasure, which parts did nothing for them. Most importantly, they knew exactly where to touch to really turn each other on!

Rob grasped a handful of buttock once again as he started jerking Luke off. Luke returned the favour by leaning forward to take one of Rob’s sensitive nipples into his mouth, his own cock throbbing as he heard the grunt of pleasure from him.

“Ah fuck,” Rob moaned as he felt Luke’s mouth around his pert nipple, his tongue flitting back and forth across it. Almost forgetting he was supposed to be returning the favour, he shook his head a little to regain his wherewithal and clenched his hand tightly as his other hand stroked Luke’s cock excitedly. “Ah, easy,” he moaned as he felt a slight twinge of pain down below. “Lube up or slow down!” he requested.

“Sorry,” Luke whispered, occasionally forgetting Rob’s cock was circumcised and required different handling than his own. “How about this?” he suggested, squatting down to take Rob’s rigid prick into his mouth.

“Works for me,” Rob moaned, shuddering a little as he felt Luke’s tongue slide around the head.

“Luke knelt there, sucking Rob while jerking himself off, unsure which of them would cum first but no longer caring. As he began to moan his way through his own orgasm, his spunk hitting Rob’s leg, he heard a moan from above quickly followed by a shot of warm goo into his mouth. He happily swallowed it down as he gradually slowed down his sucking and stroking.

“Fuck,” Rob gasped, catching his breath as he smiled down at Luke.

“Enjoy that?” Luke asked with a huge grin as he stood.

Rob shrugged as he smirked and said, “Meh, it was okay!”

“Twat,” Luke giggled as he leaned in for another kiss, the taste of spunk still lingering in his mouth.


Wednesday 15 September 2021

Danny could already feel the eyes on him the moment he walked into the shower room. Five days earlier he had openly masturbated in full view of a full room of showering boys and it was safe to say it had not gone unnoticed. Other boys had started timing their showers to coincide with his own, curious to see what else he might do, though so far they had seen little other than an attention-induced erection now and then.

His show had not been his own choice. It had been an instruction received via a mysterious note, seemingly part of the hazing he was required to endure as a new football team captain. Since then, he had received two more notes, one telling him he had to fart as loudly as possible in every lesson, which he had done on Monday, much to the rest of his classmates’ amusement and disgust, and one note telling him to wet himself publicly. He had dreaded that second task more than anything so far, but had done as instructed, peeing in his pants while leaving the Dining Hall the previous day.

Now the latest note had brought him back to the shower room and he almost found himself wishing for a repeat of wetting himself. That would have been less embarrassing than what he had to do today! As he hung up his towel, he took hold of the object he had concealed within. It was a small dildo and it had arrived along with the note, which he had almost cried when he read.

‘Put the dildo in and shower as normal. Any time the dildo slides out, let it hit the floor, then pick it up and put it back in. No clenching to keep it in place. As always, tell nobody why you are doing it!’

Danny almost felt like it had gone too far, considering marching up to the older captains and telling them he refused to keep playing their games, but what if this was the last one? It might end after this! But what if it didn’t? What if the more he was willing to do, the more they would make him do? Or maybe it was a test, determining how far he could go before standing up for himself? Or maybe a different kind of test, checking to see how he did with keeping his word and doing what was expected of him. His mind had raced and he had flip-flopped back and forth on whether he would do it several times, even on the walk to the shower room.

As much as he had tried to come alone, he had been joined by Chris, which inevitably meant Mark coming along too, the two of them rarely apart lately. It was Mark’s presence that had almost convinced Danny not to go through with it. Embarrassing himself in front of two dozen other students was one thing, but doing it in front of the friend-stealing new boy just felt inordinately worse. It was only the determination not to let Mark ‘beat’ him that had changed his mind back again.

As discretely as he could, Danny applied a little shower gel and reached down to push the small dildo inside himself. He immediately realised the mistake. Had he done it unlubricated, it would have hurt, but would probably have stayed in better. With the slippery gel applied, he could already feel it slowly beginning to slide out the moment he let go of it.

“Fuck,” he muttered as he began to wash, hoping to get done quickly, but within moments he felt the small toy slide out. It landed with a thud, but the sound of twenty showers and more than twenty boys thankfully muffled it.

Hoping nobody had seen, Danny leaned down to grab the toy, quickly stroking it under the running water to clean off some of the shower gel, but as he began to push it back in he realised he had been spotted. Two Year 7 boys opposite were staring in shock as he slid the phallus back inside himself.

Instinctively Danny turned away, but the sudden movement quickly proved to be a mistake as the dildo shot out of him and landed on the floor, much more visibly.

“He’s got something in his bum!” one of the younger boys shouted out, more in shock than any deliberate attempt to embarrass Danny.

“Fuuuuuck,” Danny moaned as he rushed to pick up the toy, though he stumbled over his own feet and fell to the ground as he fumbled to grab it.

Laughter and cheers spread around the shower room as the watching boys realised something was happening, though they didn’t really know what.

Danny was almost in tears as he climbed back to his feet, unable to look around the room for fear of making eye contact with anyone, especially Chris or Mark. He nearly ran for the door, but instead just reached round and shoved the dildo back in, getting a loud cheer. He staggered back against the wall and realised the loophole he had just found. ‘No clenching’ had been specified, but it said nothing about using the wall.

With the whole room watching, and a few embarrassing erections popping up, Danny remained with his butt pressed against the wall to hold the toy inside as he quickly showered. The mixture of attention, humiliation and anal stimulation had him absolutely rigid, but with his hands busy washing himself and being unable to turn away, he had no choice but to remain fully on show to the crowd of continuously cheering and taunting boys.

“Yeah, ride it!” “Give us a show!” “Who brings a dildo to the shower?” “What a perv!” “That’s so hot!” “Freak!”

Danny couldn’t even register what most of them were saying. It was all just a blur of noise and soap and water and erections. Finally finished showering, Danny reached back and grabbed his towel, wrapping it around his waist. His blushes intensified as he looked down to see the obvious bulge of his erection inside the fabric. Reaching round the back, he pulled the dildo out, but kept it concealed within the towel.

“Come on, finish off!” “Finish the job!” “Jerk it, wanker!” the boys shouted out at him.

Horny as he was, Danny just needed to get out. He ran for the door. As he pulled it open and rushed out, he bumped face first into Mr Trent. Danny bounced off the larger man, stumbled back over his own foot and fell to the floor. His towel splayed open to reveal his erection as the dildo rolled away.

“Well I was going to ask what the commotion is,” the man said as he looked down, “But I think I have my answer!”

Amused as the other boys were, they remained quiet, curious to see what else the man would say as Danny scrambled to retrieve the dildo once again before getting back onto his feet.

“Hardly the place or time for that, Danny!” Mr Trent said, shaking his head. “Maybe let’s leave the toys where they belong next time!”

“Yeah, up his butt!” someone called out, getting a raucous laugh from whole room as Danny nodded at the teacher and ran out, bulge more obvious than ever.


Nicky stood patiently beside the door, waiting for David to finish chatting to Mr Darby, the teacher of the science lesson they had just finished.

“You waiting for me or for David?” Mr Darby asked as he spotted the other boy.

“David, sir,” Nicky said politely.

“Oh, hey,” David said as he looked round to see his friend standing there. He looked back to Mr Darby and said, “Thanks sir, see you tomorrow!”

“See you then,” the man said, returning to his desk as David scurried across towards the door.

“You okay?” David asked curiously, his head craning up more and more as he approached, with Nicky standing well over a head taller than him.

Nicky pursed his lips tightly as he shook his head.

“Need a hug?” David asked as they left the room.

Nicky nodded.

As David turned to face him, he held his arms open and Nicky immediately grabbed him, his gangly arms easily wrapping around. They stood hugging for a moment before Nicky sighed and pulled away.

“So what’s up?” David asked, keeping hold of Nicky’s arm as they wandered down the hall, heading vaguely towards the quad where everyone else was enjoying morning break.

“I’m an emotional welt!” Nicky pouted.

David frowned as he contemplated the words, mentally scanning for whether it was some reference he was supposed to get. Coming up empty, he shook his head, shrugged and said, “Yeah, I don’t know what that means!”

Nicky started, “Well a welt is what happens when…”

“No, I know what a welt is!” David huffed. “I mean… emotional welt, it’s a phrase I haven’t heard before and I can guess what it means I just… gimme some context here!”

Nicky sighed. “Chris wrote a song and it’s pretty much about me. One of the things it says is that I’m an emotional welt!”

“Oh, that makes sense!” David nodded. As Nicky looked at him, slightly dismayed, he explained, “Sorry, no, not that you ARE one, just… I get the context now! So, erm… what else is in the song?”

“I dunno, I haven’t really heard it, I just… know bits, but…” Nicky paused, sighing as he shook his head.

“And you’re upset Chris is being mean about you?” David asked curiously.

“Pfft, no,” Nicky said, shaking his head. “I deserve it. I just… I hate that I hurt him and I wish I could make it better!”

“Well… you can’t!” David said quite bluntly. “All tee, no shade, you DID hurt him, you can’t change that and you definitely can’t change how he feels. So you’re gonna have to live with being his ‘emotional welt’ until HE decides you’re not anymore. That’s the price you pay for what you did!”

“Oh no, don’t sugar coat it, I can handle it,” Nicky said sarcastically.

David smirked, always appreciative of sarcasm. “Sorry, I didn’t know if this was a ‘harsh truth’ or a ‘make you feel better’ conversation and I took a shot!” he said with a slight shrug.

Nicky chuckled. “Yeah, maybe I shoulda been clearer,” he said, clearly bemused. “But that doesn’t mean you’re not right,” he conceded reluctantly. “I’ll just keep giving him time I suppose. Same for Mikey, I guess! Ugh, I mean Mike! Dammit!”

“Things are still… off with him then?” David asked sympathetically.

Nicky nodded with a slight sigh.

“Well at least he’s got Josh now. Those two seem really close lately, which is… nice I suppose!” David said, hoping it provided at least some comfort.

Nicky let out a low thoughtful hum as he nodded.


“Ugh, you suuuuck!” Mike huffed, folding his arms moodily as he scowled at Josh as they wandered through the woods.

“I don’t!” Josh insisted.

“I know!” Mike said sharply. “That’s the problem! Come on, it’s not like I’m asking to fuck you or anything. Just, like… suck my dick!”

“No,” Josh said, recoiling a little at the suggestion.

“Ugh, why not?” Mike demanded.

Josh went to answer, but instead drew inwards, shaking his head as he avoided eye contact. He shook a little, worried that Mike might grow increasingly angry, until he heard the other boy mutter, “Yeah, good point.”

“What’s a good point?” Josh asked curiously.

It was Mike’s turn to recoil a little, but he quickly recovered and said, “Nothing. Just…” he huffed and shook his head. “Sorry, I get it, no means no or whatever!”

Josh just nodded, still avoiding looking at the other boy.

“Ugh, you gonna go all moody now?” Mike grumbled.

“Me moody?” Josh asked, eyebrows raised. “You’re the one begging me for a blow job when there’s a dorm full of sluts up there who’d happily do it for you if you’d just stop being a moody bitch!” he snapped.

“Fuck you, I’m no moody bitch!” Mike insisted, moodily… and bitchily!

“Oh waaaah, Nicky broke up with me and then I broke up with Chris and then I got all angry at Danny for trying to make me less of a cunt and now I don’t like anyone!” Josh taunted. “Suuuuure, not moody at all!”

“Shut!” Mike started, grabbing Josh by the neck. “The fuck!” he growled slamming Josh back against a tree. “Up!” he finished, his face mere inches away from the other boy.

Despite choking a little, Josh smiled and chuckled. His eyes flashed mischievously as he looked at Mike.

Mike’s expression faltered a little, flitting back and forth between manic delight and sheer anxiety. It finally settled on a wicked grin and just as he was balling his other hand ready to punch Josh in the stomach, he felt a knee shoot up into his balls. “AH, YOU FUCKER!” he grunted, releasing his grip on Josh as he staggered back, grasping at his crotch.

Josh grinned manically. Suddenly, he jumped straight up and thrust his legs back against the tree, catapulting himself into Mike who tumbled back and landed heavily on the ground as Josh rolled over him.

“UNNNH!” Mike grunted, winded a little by the bizarre and unexpected move.

“Problem, ya moody bitch?” Josh taunted as he rolled away and vaulted up onto his feet. This was not his first fight with Mike and while he usually came out of it worst off, the slightly bigger boy usually besting him, his time spent studying martial arts and dance as well as his hours on the football and rugby pitches had all taught him one thing… he was quick. He knew he had to start using that.

“The fuck kinda move was that?” Mike groaned, as disoriented by what he had seen as he was by the hits themselves.

“No idea. Just made that shit up. You give up?” Josh asked, grinning down at Mike.

“I think maybe I…” Mike started as he rolled onto his side, but stopped as he swung his leg round, trying to sweep Josh off of his feet.

Josh easily jumped the swinging foot and said, “Not falling for that again!”

Scowling at the failed attempt, Mike went to get up, but Josh was on him instantly. A quick kick to the ribs was followed by a shove that rolled him onto his stomach. Before he could really react, he felt a knee pressing down onto his back as first one hand was pulled up behind him, then the other. He tried to struggle, but every time he moved, Josh pressed down with his knee a little harder or pulled the arms up enough to make pain shoot through his shoulders. “Fuck. Fuck. Get off!” Mike demanded.

“Oh, I don’t think so,” Josh sniggered. “I’m winning for once. I’m gonna enjoy it!” he gave the arms a gentle tug, just to hear Mike grunt. He pulled his knee from Mike’s back, but kept the hands held in place as he straddled the prone boy. “Wow, you’re pretty helpless right now, aren’t you!”

Mike might have been able to buck him off, but the moment he even tried to start moving, he was halted by pain in his arms and shoulders, Josh slowly applying more and more pressure. “I… could totally… get out of this!” he said, trying to sound convincing.

“No, you couldn’t!” Josh sniggered. “You’re my little bitch right now. Huh, is this what it feels like to be Nicky? I kinda like having my own obedient little slave!” he sniggered wickedly.

Mike let out a scream as he rolled and threw Josh off, pain ripping through him as he broke free. “SHUT UP!” he yelled furiously. “DON’T FUCKING TALK ABOUT SHIT YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND!” He launched himself onto Josh, his hand once again finding its way to his neck, this time joined by the other as he stared down, eyes wide and chest heaving.

Josh gagged, grasping wildly at the hands around his neck, terrified of the insane expression on Mike’s face.

Mike suddenly glanced off to the side and said, “What? No, I’m not…” he stopped and looked down at Josh, realising what he was doing. He suddenly pulled his hands back, the boy beneath him wheezing frantically as he regained the ability to breathe. Trembling, Mike stared down at his hands for a moment before he jumped off and scurried away.

By the time Josh caught his breath and looked round, Mike was sat against a tree, knees pulled up tightly to his chest, rocking gently as he cried into his arms. As he crept closer, he heard the other boy repeating quietly, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

“M… Mike,” Josh croaked. As he knelt in front of him. When he got no reply or reaction, he reached out and placed a hand on one of Mike’s.

Mike immediately recoiled, jerking back so hard he smacked his head against the trunk of the tree. Wincing slightly, he looked at Josh and squeaked. “I’m sorry. Are you okay? I’m really sorry!”

“I’m okay!” Josh insisted.

Mike nodded, sniffing as he stopped crying, but as he stared at Josh his eyes roamed down a little. Seeing the finger marks on his neck made him burst into gentle tears again. “I’m sorry,” he sniffed.

“I’m fine!” Josh insisted, “And you know I’m okay when Psycho Mikey comes out!”. He shuffled round to sit beside Mike and slipped an arm around him.

Mike leaned to the side and sobbed for a moment then said softly, “I miss Nicky!” As he sat quietly leaning against Josh for a few minutes, he finally composed himself enough to joke, “This wouldn’t have happened if you woulda just sucked my damn dick when I asked!”

Josh giggled as he reached round with his other arm to hug his dysfunctional friend.


Danny let out a groan as he heard the door to the dorm open. He was currently on his bed, covers pulled up over his head, hiding from the world. His morning had been every bit as bad as you would expect it to be for someone who had fucked himself in a public shower with a dildo. While everyone else had gone for lunch, he had retreated to hide in the dorm to get some peace and a break from the teasing.

At first he allowed himself to hope whoever it was would take the hint and leave him alone, but he felt movement as he heard them sit down onto Chris’ side of their shared double bunk. “Go away!” he insisted.

The covers lifted and a hand appeared, placing a can of coke in front of him before retracting. Danny smiled but didn’t move or speak.

A moment later, the hand returned, this time with a packet of crisps (that happened to be his favourite flavour) then pulled back again. Danny grinned, almost on the verge of pulling the covers back.

It was only when the hand returned a third time, sporting a peanut butter KitKat Chunky that he finally relented and emerged from his hiding place. He had expected to see Chris, but found himself quite surprised to see it was Rob.

Rob didn’t respond to the emergence, instead he sat there and opened his own packet of crisps as he casually played with his phone, not saying anything.

Danny appreciated the silence every bit as much as he appreciated the company and the food. He shuffled over towards Rob who lifted an arm to let the other boy nestle against him without looking away from his phone.

The two sat in silence for several minutes, munching away on their unhealthy lunch as Rob played funny videos for them both to watch on his phone.

Food gone and cans empty, Rob threw the rubbish aside and finally spoke. “Feel better?” he asked hopefully.

“I guess,” Danny pouted.

“Wanna talk about it?” Rob asked gently.

“No,” Danny sighed, remembering the warnings on every hazing letter he had received so far.

“Okay,” Rob replied, starting another video playing.

They had been sat for a couple more minutes before Danny asked, “Ya know when you became captain of the rugby team, was there any kind of… hazing?”

Rob smirked. “Yeah, I had to do this thing where I…” he started, then paused for a moment. “Ohhhhhh! I get it! You’re being hazed!”

“No!” Danny insisted, sitting up, scared of what might happen if the other captains found out someone else knew. “No, I’m not, It’s… it’s… it’s…” he stuttered, but remained entirely unable to think up even the flimsiest of excuses either for his actions or the question. He let out a gentle moan and pleaded, “Promise you won’t tell anyone!”

“I dunno,” Rob said, shaking his head a little, “This all seems a bit much!”

“It’s fine!” Danny insisted. “It’s hazing, it’s meant to be tough!”

“Yeah, tough as in sore nipples for a few days after, not tough as in permanent emotional damage!” Rob insisted.

“Sore… nipples?” Danny asked, smirking a little as his eyebrows raised.

“I’ll tell you about it another time!” Rob insisted. “For now… are you sure you shouldn’t tell someone?

“I will if it gets too bad,” Danny insisted with a gentle nod. “For now…” he leaned down and nestled against Rob again, “This helps!”


Josh stared open-mouthed at Mike. “Oh my god!” he exclaimed. “If you can do that, why were you even asking me to do it?”

Mike was laying a few feet away from where Josh stood, doubled over and sucking on his own dick. Mike huffed at the question as he uncurled to lay flat on the ground. “Does it look like I’m in a position to talk?” he growled. “Yeah, I can do this, and it’s great, but not as good as having someone else do it! Besides, I like when they swallow, and it’s not the same when it’s your own. Also, shut up and keep watch. I don’t want some rando showing up and finding me doing this. I’m not Danny!”

“Okay, okay, sorry!” Josh said, turning to look in the general direction of the school. They had wandered back into the woods after dinner, despite their earlier unpleasantness and Mike had decided it was finally time to take care of his horniness.

Mike huffed before rolling himself back into his self-sucking position. Pulling on the back of his legs repeatedly allowed him to effectively fuck his own face. What he had told Josh was true, this certainly was nowhere near the experience of being with someone else. As he lay there tasting his own dribbles of pre-cum, he couldn’t help thinking about how good Chris’ mouth would feel around his dick right then, or how he would have loved to feel Nicky’s huge dick inside either end of him. He reached round with one hand to finger his hole as he continued sucking on himself.

“Fuck!” Josh muttered from his lookout position.

“What?” Mike asked urgently. He released his dick slightly but retained his position as he looked to the other boy.

Josh blushed as he felt Mike’s glare. He was stood with his own dick out. He had been pumping away at it, but froze as Mike looked his way. “Sorry, just… really enjoying the show!”

“If it’s so hot that you can’t shut up about it, just fucking join in already. Otherwise, shut the hell up unless you see someone!” Mike snapped, returning to his sucking.

While Mike was certainly no exhibitionist, nor shy about being seen naked, he couldn’t deny there was a certain level of enjoyment at having Josh knocking one out while watching him. Since things ended with Chris and Nicky, Mike had not been with anyone other than himself and it was nice to feel desired again, to have such positive attention, to be looked at as something other than an ‘angry little lump of attitude’, as Chris had once described him.

It gave Mike a certain sense of power, knowing that his actions were arousing Josh, especially as he heard the slight moans and whimpers anytime he changed pace or fingered himself deeper. It gave him a sense of control and after the beating he had taken that afternoon from Josh, paired with the whole Chris/Nicky scenario, control was something that felt in dangerously short supply.

Forcing himself to put aside such serious (and non-sexual) thoughts, Mike continued sucking on himself, flicking his tongue back and forth across the head as he felt his orgasm growing. It always got tough at that point, the increasing pleasure making concentration on movement harder, at the exact moment where concentrated movement was most needed. More than once he had missed out on a self-sucked orgasm as he had lost focus on pleasuring himself and ended up finishing with a wank. He was determined not to do that today, not with Josh watching!

Moaning loudly, if only to tease the spectating boy, Mike’s finger found its way to his prostate and tapped gently on it as he swirled his tongue around his dick a final time, enough to start things off. “I’m cumming!” he grunted, muffled by his own penis. As much as he hated the taste of cum, the three-fold sensation of a throbbing cock between his lips, clenching lips around his cock and the pulsating sphincter around his finger was a heady combination that filled him with levels of pleasure he hadn’t felt for months.

Finally spent, he rolled out and flopped heavily onto the ground. He looked aside just in time to see Josh begin to shoot. Mike wished Josh had stripped, rather than just pulling his dick out. While his growing bond with the other boy was strong, he felt no real attraction to him, yet he couldn’t deny he was cute. Naked, there was very little to him. His sporting activities had him in great shape, but with puberty crawling along at a snail’s-pace, he remained a well-toned but undeniably scrawny kid. Mike was still happy to see the small dick spurt up its load though, even if the rest of Josh wasn’t on show to enjoy.

“Ugh, that was good,” Josh moaned dreamily as he staggered over and dropped to the ground beside Mike.

“Yeah,” Mike replied, still catching his breath, grimacing a little at the lingering taste of his own spunk.

Josh reached across and nearly placed his hand on Mike’s stomach, but pulled it back at the last moment to stroke his arm instead as he looked down at the laying boy. “I like fighting with you,” he said softly, “But I like NOT fighting with you too!”

Mike nodded as he propped himself up on one elbow, then reached up with his free hand to stroke Josh’s neck, where the marks from the earlier strangling were still vaguely visible. “I don’t like the fighting bit,” he said softly as he pulled his hand back, “But… it helps. I don’t know why, but it does! It helps me think straight.”

“Then I’ll keep helping!” Josh grinned. He quickly swung his arm out to flick Mike in the balls.

It wasn’t enough to really hurt, but it made Mike jolt from the shock. He reached for Josh to get in a revenge hit, but the quicker boy had already rolled away, laughing playfully as he tossed Mike’s clothes back to him.


Thursday 16 September 2021

Mr Trent’s morning duties officially started when the boys were woken by the Kingswood app’s morning alarm, waking them to get up and ready for breakfast. While he was always up and about a little earlier than the alarm, it was rare for him to arrange anything formal that early, but today he had made an exception. The gentle knock at the door let him know his appointment was about to begin.

“Morning sir!” Nicky said with a smile as the door opened.

“Morning Nicky,” Levi (as he was known during his informal moments) replied with an equally large smile. “And happy birthday!”

“Thanks sir!” Nicky said as he stepped inside. As the door closed, he felt the man grab him in a tight hug which he eagerly reciprocated.

As they parted, Levi kept his arm around the boy (although ‘the boy’ was actually a little taller than him now) and guided him through into the living area of the apartment. Once upon a time, he would have sat Nicky on the sofa then taken a seat opposite him, but their relationship had grown enough now that casual contact and closeness was not only acceptable, it was expected.

“So how’s it going?” Levi asked as he lounged back in the seat.

Nicky pursed his lips then cocked his head to one side, then the other and back again as he thought about it.

“Wow, if that’s a tough question it kinda answers itself,” Levi said, giving a meek smile as his brow furrowed.

“Oh, no, it’s… it’s not that bad,” Nicky insisted. He had spent enough time with Mr Trent… Levi… by now to feel completely at ease talking to him about most things, he was just struggling to know quite where to start. On a normal day he had a lot going on, but being his birthday made it all the more complex. He sighed and nodded, “Okay, one thing at a time,” he said quietly, using some of the tools he had picked up from his counselling with Dr Arkwright to order his thoughts. “So things are okay… ish… in the dorm. Mike’s still blanking me, Chris is… keeping his distance and cos he’s always with Mark, I don’t really know Mark yet, so I still feel really, I dunno, awkward around him. Other than that, things are kind of okay. I’ve actually spent a few evenings in dorm one-oh-five with the year eights, which is kinda cool cos all this stuff just gets… left behind!”

“Hmmm,” Levi hummed briefly.

Before the man could say anything, Nicky jumped back in. “And I know you’ll say that sounds like avoiding the problem or… running away from it again, it’s really not. I don’t hide there when things are tough, I just… like hanging out with them cos it’s fun,” he explained candidly.

“Well that’s good then,” Levi smiled.

“And I’m using the shower rooms now!” Nicky said almost proudly. “I still hate it and I try to go when it’s quiet, but I’m doing it!”

“Most of the time!” Levi said with a slightly disapproving look.

“Oh, you know?” Nicky asked, blushing heavily. He had snuck in recently when he realised he needed to shave his body and didn’t fancy doing it in a public space.

“Yeah, you need to learn to clean my shower after you’ve been in there!” Levi said, shaking his head.

Nicky looked thoroughly timid, looking away from the man at his side.

“I’m okay with you using my shower to do your shaving… I wouldn’t wanna shave my balls in front of anyone else either,” he said, pausing as Nicky sniggered, “But ASK first and CLEAN after, okay. I do NOT need to be standing in your pube stubble when I shower, okay!”

“Yes sir,” Nicky nodded, slipping back into formality due to the admonishment.

“And be glad nobody else saw you. If you got caught sneaking in here by anyone else, I’d be punishing you right now, not just nagging you!” Levi explained.

“I know, and I appreciate it!” Nicky said happily.

Levi shook his head and let out a gentle sigh, then looked a little more serious as he asked, “So how’s the other stuff?”

Nicky knew exactly what ‘other’ stuff he meant – his deceased brother! He let out a gentle whimper as he shook his head, then frowned a little as he shook himself from the encroaching melancholy. “Actually… not too bad,” he said, pleased to be more on the positive side. “I’m still writing my letters to him, which is great as it kinda gives me someone else to talk to, while dealing with some of the, ya know, HIM stuff.”

“Mmm-huh,” Levi nodded, gently stroking Nicky’s arm as he spoke.

“And I know usually my birthday’s all… ‘oh no, it’s his birthday too and he’s not here, woe is me’, but this year feels like the first one where it’s like, ‘he’s not here and that sad, but today’s MY birthday!’ Does that make sense?” Nicky asked, unsure if he was explaining himself properly.

“Yeah,” Levi nodded, “Yeah, I think so!”

“It just kinda sucks that I finally might consider celebrating my birthday and I’ve messed things up so bad in the dorm that I don’t really want to do anything!” Nicky sighed.

“It’s not too late if you want me to arrange a proper celebration,” Levi insisted.

Nicky shook his head. “Nah, it’s best I keep a low profile, but thank you. Maybe next year!”

“DEFINITELY next year!” Levi insisted, then frowned and said, “Although you won’t be on my floor then!” he pouted a little and said, “Aww, I made myself sad!”

“Awwwww, you’re gonna miss me!” Nicky teased playfully.

“I’ll miss all of you. You were my first year seven class and it’s gonna be tough to see you move up,” Levi answered honestly.

Nicky smiled and nodded, “And it’ll be tough to go too!”

“Hey, just so you know,” Levi said, putting his arm around Nicky’s shoulders, “Even once you’re a wise old year ten student, my door’s always gonna be open for you!”

Nicky smiled, almost tearful as he leaned to the side and grabbed the man in a hug. “And this is why you’re the best,” he whispered as he held onto him.

“I know,” Levi sniggered, then tightened his grip slightly as he whispered, “Happy birthday Nicky!”


Thursday’s last lesson for dorm 1.09 (and 1.12) was a double period of music, always an enjoyable and relaxing way to finish a day, even for the less musically-inclined boys. As usual, Mr Yaeger had started the lesson with the theory and written work, or ‘the boring bit’ as both he and most of the students called it, before letting the class loose on the instruments with an assignment to complete.

Mike had formed a group with Josh, Rob and Kyle, the four of them putting together a composition that met the criteria Mr Yaeger had set. Being about as musical as a fart, Josh, Rob and Kyle were struggling somewhat, but were being assisted, guided and led by Mike who seemed to approach the project with ease.

Wandering round to keep an eye on the groups, Mr Yaeger stopped beside them, observing silently for a moment. “Sounding… interesting,” he said, with a nod, never one to really hide his feelings on bad performances.

“Well these guys kinda suck,” Mike said, more as an honest observation than any actual attempt to insult, “But we’ll get it!”

“With you in charge, I’m sure they will,” Mr Yaeger smiled. “And you know you can still sign back up to music class any time, Michael, don’t you?”

“Ugh, give it up,” Mike said a little bluntly, then realised he was talking to a teacher and added a quick, “Sir,” to try and soften it. “I only signed up last year to hang out with…” he paused, blushed and said, “Other people!”

“Well we still have people you can hang out with,” Mr Yaeger insisted, “And you’re a naturally talented musician. It’s a genuine shame to let that go to waste.”

“Sir, I’m naturally talented at most things,” Mike replied.

“Wow, modest,” Kyle smirked.

“But annoyingly true,” Rob muttered.

Mike grinned at the comment and said, “But I think I’ll pass on the… hanging out bit!”

As Mr Yaeger looked at him for a moment, Josh interjected with an embarrassingly loud, “What he’s saying is he doesn’t feel like spending time with his ex-boyfriends, but you might wanna keep an eye on that Sir, half the guys in here are Chris’ ex boyfriends and you might have no music club left by the time we reach year ten!”

“Josh, jesus…” Rob said, shaking his head as the other groups looked round.

Chris, who was in a group with Mark, David and Steven from dorm 1.12 looked a little distraught at the comment. Only three boys in the room were his exes!

“Okay, everyone back to work!” Mr Yaeger called out, pausing a moment as he heard instruments and chatter kick back in. “Josh, that was rude and insensitive. You’ll apologise, privately, to Chris by the end of the lesson or you’ll have detention. Is that understood?”

“Yes sir,” Josh pouted, getting an elbow to the ribs from Rob to indicate his disapproval too.

As Mr Yaeger walked away, Mike muttered, “Insensitive but still true!” He got a smirk from Kyle, Chris’ other ex.

By the time the lesson ended, Josh had done as instructed and apologised to Chris who didn’t seem happy but accepted it anyway. When the final bell went, the boys were dismissed, although the six members of Music Club had been asked to hang back for a minute to talk about a performance they were due to do at the opening of the Southern Counties Inter-school Partnership Scheme in a few weeks.

With the quick conversation completed, the boys began to disperse. As Mark waited by the door, Nicky hurried over to Chris to catch him alone for a moment.

“Hey, erm… I just… wanted to check you’re okay,” Nicky said awkwardly. “I mean, after the Josh thing…”

Chris nodded, although it was the least convincing nod Nicky had ever seen.

“Oh, good, okay, good…” Nicky mumbled back. They stood in awkward silence for a moment before Nicky asked, “So how’s the song-writing going?”

Chris was ready to just say he didn’t want to talk until he saw the expression on Nicky’s face. He blushed a little and said, “Oh, you… erm… you heard about that?”

Nicky nodded.

Chris stared back at him for a few moments, unsure what to say. Eventually he shrugged a little and said, “Sorry,” before he started off towards Mark. He paused a few paces away and looked back as he said, “Erm… happy birthday by the way.”

“Thanks,” Nicky replied, then watched him leave with Mark.


“Oy, you heard Captain Buttplug! Run a lap!” Adrian snapped as he saw Mike and Josh stood together chatting.

“Gee, thanks for that,” Danny grumbled. “Let’s hope that nickname catches on. That’d be great!” he said bitterly.

“That’s what I’m hoping!” Adrian grinned as he stood beside the team captain.

“Tell me again why you’re not running laps with the rest!” Danny said, raising his eyebrows.

“Because I’m helping you, duh!” Adrian said, rolling his eyes as he shook his head.

“And it’s SO appreciated,” Danny said with an eyeroll. “And anyway, it wasn’t a buttplug!”

Adrian nodded. “Oh, my bad, I’ll tell them it’s actually Captain Dildo!”

“You’re not funny!” Danny scowled.

“All the fucking hilarious jokes I tell would suggest otherwise!” Adrian replied with a smirk.

“It’s sweet that you actually think that,” Danny said sharply.

“Oh shut up, you fucking love it,” Adrian smirked. “Ya don’t wank or buttfuck yourself in the school showers if you’re NOT looking to be teased about it!”

“Such fun,” Danny huffed. He glanced over to the next pitch where a couple of the older teams were practicing. He should march right up to the older captains and say he had been hazed enough, that his humiliation was starting to affect his ability to even be the captain, but still he held back. Danny was no quitter!

“Anyway, it gave me a GREAT idea for a roleplay,” Adrian said excitedly. “Speaking of which, I spoke to Rob and he’s totally in to join in with us,” he explained with a huge grin. “And adding a fourth person REALLY increases the options!”

Danny chuckled. He already spent a large chunk of his time with Adrian, the two sharing most of the same extra-curriculars, but he still enjoyed any extra time he could get with the other boy. Their roleplaying was something they didn’t seem to find time for that often, but he always loved it when they did. “Any idea when?” Danny asked, hopefully.

Adrian nodded. “I was looking at our schedules. Aside from Sunday nights when I do stuff with my dorm, the only time me, you, Rob and Kyle are all free at the same time is Monday nights at 7.30!”

“Excellent, then… how about we start getting together Monday nights?” Danny suggested happily.

“One step ahead. Already got a room booked down in the Underground,” Adrian reported.

“Awesome,” Danny replied. “It’s… kind of a shame that’s still four days away!” He looked Adrian up and down hungrily, “Captain Buttplug could do with some action!”

Adrian snorted with laughter at the use of the nickname. “We could always leave these plebs running laps and go find something better to do!”

Danny hummed thoughtfully for a moment. “I shouldn’t leave them too long. Believe it or not, I actually DO wanna be a good captain,” he explained. As he saw Adrian look a little deflated, he grinned and said, “But I can spare a few minutes I suppose!”

“Works for me!” Adrian growled. “HEY, KEEP RUNNING, WE’RE GOING TO STRATEGISE, BE RIGHT BACK!” he shouted over to the rest of the team.

“OKAY, BUT WASH YOUR HANDS AFTER, YA DIRTY BITCH!” Kyle shouted back, getting a laugh from the rest of the team that only intensified as Kyle looked across to see Mr Cunningham beckoning him over, presumably for the colourful language.

The two boys hurried into the building and headed to the nearest toilets, locking themselves in a cubicle.

“So what’s the scenario?” Adrian asked as soon as the door was closed.

Danny frowned and said, slightly confused, “Erm… we’re having a shag in the toilets. At least, that’s what I thought!”

“Oh!” Adrian said, seemingly taken aback. “I, erm… so we’re just… doing stuff?” he asked nervously.

“Well… yeah,” Danny nodded, still a little lost.

“Well how do I… know what I’m meant to do?” Adrian asked curiously.

Danny chuckled, assuming he was joking again, but the genuinely lost expression on Adrian’s face made it apparent he was being serious. “What, Ade, have you… never done stuff, like… without it being roleplay?”

Adrian blushed heavily and hesitated a moment, then shook his head.

“How?” Danny asked, absolutely bewildered.

“Well… we… kinda jerked off that time you were in quarantine and that led to the roleplay stuff and from there, it’s… well, doing the roleplay is the only time I’m really with anyone to do this sort of stuff!” Adrian explained.

“Woah,” Danny said, genuinely surprised. He frowned a little as he asked, “But I thought you and Kyle do stuff together!”

“We do, but I have to keep that as roleplay too!” Adrian stated firmly.

Danny stroked the other boy’s stomach casually through his football shirt and asked softly, “HAVE to?”

Adrian pursed his lips for a moment as he nodded, looking down. He leaned in against Danny’s hand. “If I… tell you something, d’you promise not to tell anyone?” he requested quietly, “ESPECIALLY Kyle!”

“Sure,” Danny said, raising his hand to gently rub Adrian’s shoulder.

“I’m kinda into Kyle!” Adrian said bluntly, looking almost nauseous as he spoke it aloud. “But I can’t tell him!”

“That’s amazing!” Danny said, grinning for a moment before he frowned again and asked, “Wait, why not?”

“Aside from the fact he’d totally freak out, run away and possibly never show his face again?” Adrian asked with a smirk. He got a laugh from Danny. “Well, you know what went down with him and Chris, and what Kyle wanted them to do!”

Danny thought for a moment then shrugged.

“Not being with anyone else!” Adrian stated bluntly. “When he’s with someone, he wants them to JUST be with him!”

“And you don’t want that?” Danny asked curiously.

Adrian shrugged. “Well, one day maybe, but… for now I… I like having fun and I like being able to, like, roleplay and do sexy fun stuff with you and Kyle and now Rob too!”

“So you wanna be with him, but also not with him. I get that,” Danny nodded. “I guess I’m lucky I get to do both!”

“Wow, rub it in!” Adrian said a little sarcastically.

“Think of it as revenge for Captain Buttplug!” Danny smirked, getting a headshake in return. “Well if I can do anything to help, you just gotta ask, but for now… let’s do stuff before Mr C comes looking for us. Oh, and as for what you’re MEANT to do… just do what feels right!”

“I think you sucking my dick feels right!” Adrian grinned.

“Well I can’t argue with that,” Danny sniggered. He sat down on the toilet and reached over to pull the front of Adrian’s football shorts and underwear down.

Adrian’s cock sprang free, hanging down flaccidly but already twitching to life at the prospect of what was to come.

“I like your hair,” Danny grinned, playfully teasing the small black bush at the base of the cock. “I keep getting shaved so mine never really seems to, ya know, get anywhere!”

“Thanks,” Adrian giggled.

Danny found himself thinking about Nicky, about how his now-fourteen-year-old friend already had pit hair and chest hair. The thought of it was turning him on as much as the thickening cock he could feel in his mouth. His hand found its way into his shorts, tugging eagerly at his own erection as Adrian stood over him, mewing happily at the eager sucking.

“Jesus, I always forget… unnnh… how good you are… ah yeah… at doing that!” Adrian gasped, his hands reaching out to either side to steady himself against the cubicle walls as his knees wobbled slightly.

Danny didn’t reply, or rather he couldn’t without stopping the pleasure he was inflicting. He reached down to tuck his shorts and underwear beneath his balls as he continued stroking excitedly. He felt his balls tighten and he let out a muffled moan against Adrian’s cock as he pumped a load out into his hand.

“Fuck, Captain Buttplug was horny!” Adrian giggled. As he saw Danny pull away, he was worried he had offended him, that the blow job was about to end prematurely. Thankfully, he saw Danny raise his hand instead.

Grinning up at the other boy, Danny took hold of Adrian’s dick with his cum-filled hand and stroked it, the spunk squelching between his fingers as it lubricated the throbbing cock. With most of his load now smeared over Adrian’s penis, Danny gave one more quick grin then lunged forward to take it back into his mouth.

“Shittin’ hell!” Adrian gasped, the sight of what Danny was doing every bit as exciting as the feeling. It barely took ten seconds of sucking before he staggered a little, grasped Danny’s shoulders to steady himself and pumped his load into the other boy’s mouth. “Oh. My. Fucking. God!” he exclaimed as Danny stood up, tucking himself away.

“Enjoyed that, did ya?” Danny giggled.

Adrian nodded, catching his breath a moment before pulling his own shorts up. “Hey, guess what,” he said with a wicked smile.

Danny smirked as he shook his head and asked, “New roleplay ideas?”

Adrian nodded emphatically as they hurried out of the cubicle.


Nicky lingered in the main atrium as people started heading off for their second activity of the evening. With nothing of his own planned, he was slightly at a loss for what to do. Most of the dorm were off at scheduled activities, Rob had asked to have the dorm, so he could spend some time alone with Jazz and he had spotted Chris up on the first-floor walkway heading into the Common Room, so he didn’t really know where to go. Even his new Year 8 friends in dorm 1.05 were all busy.

As he heard the door to the Common Room open, he glanced up at the walkway and spotted Chris. He considered trying to take cover, not wanting Chris to think he was being stalked, but he was spotted before he could move. “Hi,” he said awkwardly, looking up.

“I was just looking for you!” Chris said as he leaned over the stone balustrade, looking at the atrium below.

“Oh, erm… why?” Nicky asked awkwardly.

“Can we… talk?” Chris requested. As he got a nod from Nicky, he glanced upwards for a moment, then back down and asked, “Peace garden?”

Nicky smirked slightly at the appropriateness then nodded and started up the stairs. As he reached the first-floor, Chris joined him and they continued up the next two flights of stairs in silence. They headed up the final steps and through the door onto the roof, feeling a slight chill. Although the autumnal weather had not yet fully kicked in, the evening warmth of summer was a fast-vanishing memory.

“This way,” Chris said, gesturing to one end of the peace garden. “There’s a bunch of monarda down here that smells amazing!”

Nicky chuckled fondly and said quietly, “Such a plant nerd!”

Chris giggled back, complimented by the comment.

They headed along, taking a seat beside a large pot of purple blooms. “Wow,” Nicky exclaimed as he took a deep breath in, “I see what you mean!”

“Yeah, they’re great. We have a bunch of them in one area of the garden back home. Always makes me think of being there,” Chris said, smiling as he thought about his siblings over in Ireland. Thinking of his brothers made the conversation he wanted to have feel even more important. “Erm… thanks for checking on me,” he said a little awkwardly. “This afternoon, I mean, after music!”

Nicky shrugged. “I know it’s not giving you space like you asked, but… I dunno, it felt right!” he explained.

“I don’t think space is what I really need,” Chris sighed.

“You mean the boy who’s so used to not being on his own that he actually developed a full-on phobia of it doesn’t want to be alone? I’m shocked!” Nicky said a little sarcastically. As Chris raised his eyebrows at him, Nicky smiled and said, “Come on, you can’t disagree!”

“Fine,” Chris huffed. “And you’re right!”

“That’s a first,” Nicky muttered. “So… what is it you DO need?” he asked nervously. “I mean, if you want me to just be gone, I can ask Mr Trent about switching dorms or… or I dunno, maybe other options, or…”

“No!” Chris exclaimed. “I don’t want you GONE. That doesn’t help anything,” he insisted. “I just…” he paused and sighed, shaking his head. “I want to understand!”

“Understand what?” Nicky asked with a hint of a shrug.

“Why!” Chris exclaimed. “I mean, yeah, I know you’re dealing with all the Matthew stuff and you’re totally messed up because of it and you probably want to, I dunno, get your shit together,” Chris explained, pausing for a moment, worried he was being too blunt. “But, what I wanna understand is… you realised you had all this stuff to deal with, all this… horrible, difficult, painful stuff and you had two boyfriends who loved you completely who woulda been with you and supported you and cared for you and rather than relying on us… you DUMPED us and that’s what I don’t understand!”

“I’m a twat,” Nicky muttered, staring down at his hands as they fidgeted together.

“I’m not saying that!” Chris insisted. “I mean, you kind of are for what you did, but… I’m not saying all this to try and insult you!”

Nicky sniggered and said, “Thanks, but I am, I know I am. What makes me a twat is… I run away. It’s what I do, it’s what I’ve done with everything for most of my life… well, since… you-know-what!”

Chris nodded.

“Breaking up with you and Mikey was stupid and wrong and… cowardly,” Nicky admitted. “And I really didn’t mean to do it the way I did, but… fuck… think about the song we were singing at the time!”

“I don't know why I run away, I'll make you cry when I run away,” Chris recited the lyrics to the song they had been rehearsing when Nicky announced they were breaking up. “Yeah, believe me I’ve thought about that song a lot. It…” he paused, almost holding back, “It still makes me cry!”

“Yeah, me too!” Nicky said, barely holding back tears now.

Chris took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, keeping himself composed. “Well at least I know you’re upset about it all. That helps I suppose!”

“Really?” Nicky asked.

Chris shook his head and said, “No, not really. I don’t want anyone I care about to feel bad!”

“You still care?” Nicky asked, the question a little more pointed than he intended.

“Course I fucking do!” Chris snapped. “Just cos I hate you doesn’t mean I don’t love you!” He rolled his eyes quickly and said, “Not that I hate you, but you get my point, right?”

Nicky nodded. Silence set in for a moment, a gentle gust wafting the scent of the monarda around them. “Can I… ask you something?” he requested timidly.

“Sure,” Chris shrugged.

“I… kinda wanted to ask this when we started going out… and a lot of times after that but I think I was always afraid of the answer,” Nicky started, clearly nervous.

“Go on,” Chris urged him.

Nicky sighed. “Look, I know where your head was at this time last year and around your birthday when we got together. But… please be honest here, did you only ask me out and keep going out with me… because Danny wasn’t available?”

“Woah, what? I… erm…” Chris stuttered, shocked by the question.

“Look, I don’t doubt you love me… or loved me, Chris… or how you felt about Mikey, but… please, I just NEED to know this,” Nicky pleaded. “And I know I hurt you so don’t owe me anything, but…”

Chris reached out to grab Nicky’s hand to silence him, then stared him dead in the eye and nodded.

“So if Danny had come up to you, literally any time we were together and said, be my boyfriend?” Nicky asked.

Chris looked ashamed as he nodded again, then stared down at the ground. “I can’t help it,” he said softly. “And I’m not just saying it to hurt you, cos… despite feeling like I SHOULD hurt you, I… don’t actually want to! But… yeah. I wanted Danny but I…”

“Settled for me!” Nicky said with a sigh.

“No!” Chris insisted. “No. Not that! Danny may have been my first choice, but never, EVER think I just SETTLED for you! Being with you, then being with you and Mikey, it was amazing, all of it, and I loved every second. I don’t regret any of it!”

“You don’t?” Nicky asked, venturing a weak smile.

“Not for one second!” Chris insisted. “Which is… why I need to stop... I dunno, keeping you away or whatever. We may be over, but you remember what we promised Mikey when we got together, that we could all still be friends even if it ended. I wanna keep that promise, cos I’m no promise-breaker, but mostly because… I miss my friends!”

“Fuck, me too!” Nicky agreed. “So freaking much!”

“Well… then let’s be friends again then, okay?” Chris suggested gingerly.

“Fine by me,” Nicky said happily.

“Now, with today being what it is, there’s something I need you to do for me!” Chris said, turning on the bench to sit facing Nicky cross-legged.

“Yeah?” Nicky enquired, smirking slightly. He had started a tradition of kissing members of the dorm on his birthday, and with Chris usually taking any chance he could get to have sex, Nicky figured that was what he was fishing for now.

“Matthew!” Chris said bluntly. “I wanna know more!”

Nicky stared blankly for a moment at the mention of his deceased twin’s name. “You… do?” he asked, a little choked up.

Chris nodded as he smiled sweetly. “He’s important to you, and you’re important to me, so… yeah. I wanna know all about him! Tell me everything!”

Nicky half-laughed and half-cried as he nodded. He tried to speak a couple of times but just kept choking up. Eventually, and tearfully, he managed to start with a proud, “You woulda loved him so much!”


John Warren

I had a feeling Chris would be the one to start mending things. Will he be able to do the same with Mikey? Another great chapter Matt. I’m not buying that Danny is being hazed, well he is, i’m just not sure it is the soccer captains doing it. This has Joseph’s, maybe Brian’s name written all over these actions.

Naked Justice

No matter who is hazing Danny, he is doing a great job. I am waiting for even more embarassing tasks to come. And yes, Chris is just so nice. What a pity that nobody caught Mike selfsuccing.

Stories by Matt

Chris can never stay mad for long, but it's safe to say Mikey is definitely more challenging than Nicky!! Glad you've enjoyed it, and interesting to hear your suspicions on the hazing. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how genuine it is... :D