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Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 24

  • 1. Now that he has convinced Trevor he is being honest, try and get his clothes back 0
  • 2. Tell Trevor he is busy and find out what Riley wants to tell him 7
  • 3. Agree to help Trevor’s colleague 6
  • 2022-12-30
  • —2023-01-03
  • 13 votes
{'title': "Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 24", 'choices': [{'text': '1. Now that he has convinced Trevor he is being honest, try and get his clothes back', 'votes': 0}, {'text': '2. Tell Trevor he is busy and find out what Riley wants to tell him', 'votes': 7}, {'text': '3. Agree to help Trevor’s colleague', 'votes': 6}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 3, 19, 11, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 12, 30, 21, 25, 45, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 13}


For part 23 click here 

Part 23 Voting Results

After spending an hour naked in the gym, Greg is exhausted and aroused, but is offered some fun by one of the young men he met during his naked gym time. What does he choose to do with them?

1. Just wait for his erection to go down and join Xander and Ollie for lunch – 0%

2. Offer to go into the showers with Ollie – 90%

3. Say goodbye Ollie and Xander and try to find his friends – 9%

4. Return to Trevor’s office to try and get his clothes – 0%

Part 24

Greg stood watching Ollie undress. It was strange to find himself looking at a guy the way he was currently looking at the semi-naked nineteen-year-old. Greg realised he probably had looked at other guys that way before, but it had simply not registered what he was doing. So obliviously set in his ‘I’m normal, which means I’m straight cos I like girls’ mindset, the looks he had given other guys had always simply dismissed as harmless observation, but that certainly wasn’t what he was feeling now with Ollie.

He had done his best not to look at the other young man too closely out in the gym. It was bad enough being naked and aroused, but the last thing he needed was to make his multitude of spectators think the embarrassing erection was from looking at Ollie. As he looked at him now though, he couldn’t deny he was cute.

The teen was slender, almost painfully. From comments he had made during his induction, his goal was to gain mass as it was something he had always struggled with, and as he stood shirtless now, Greg couldn’t help noticing a n obvious hint of self-consciousness. It was actually quite endearing, seeing him get shy about being half-naked in front of someone who had just wandered around naked for an hour.

Ollie had a thoroughly boyish face, making him look younger than his actual age, to the point that Greg might have actually thought him to be sixteen of seventeen at most. Sporting dark blonde hair, blue eyes, a sweet smile, strong cheekbones and flawless, pale skin he looked almost elven.

Greg inhaled a little sharply as he watched Ollie push down his shorts, sliding them down over silky smooth thighs and shins that bore just the slightest blonde peach fuzz. He stood back up, clad only in a pair of briefs that struggled to contain an erection that almost rivalled Greg’s own.

Glancing over at Greg, Ollie looked almost nervous enough to pass out as he tentatively showed himself off.

“We gonna grab that shower then?” Greg asked, as much to put Ollie at ease as it was to sate his own arousal.

The smile that spread over Ollie’s face was nothing short of stunning. He just nodded as he grabbed a towel. Holding it in front of himself with one hand, he pushed his briefs down and stepped out of them, then shoved his clothes into the locker, turning to reveal a pert, pale, perfectly plump posterior.

Ollie turned and noticed Greg staring at his butt, blushed a little then smiled and giggled as Greg raised his gaze back up. “Come on,” he said, holding out his hand.

Greg took the hand and followed the naked teen into the showers. He felt a jolt of excitement at the petite, tender hand holding his own. As they headed in, they spotted the one occupied cubicle, where Xander was showering and deliberately went to the opposite end of the row. They stepped inside, pressing together momentarily as they shut the door before Ollie turned to face the shower and handed his towel back to Greg.

As Greg hung the towel on the back of the door, Ollie turned on the shower but immediately let out a yelp as cold water sprayed onto him. Jumping back to evade it, he bumped into Greg whose arms wrapped around him to steady him.

“Sorry, cold!” Ollie chuckled awkwardly as he looked back, feeling Greg’s body pressed up against his own.

“No, hot!” Greg said with a broad grin.

“Wow, cheesy line. Does stuff like that actually work for you?” Ollie teased.

“Well I’ve got a cute guy naked in the shower with me, so… yeah, kinda!” Greg flirted back.

Ollie blushed heavily as he said, “You… think I’m cute?”

Greg answered with a kiss.

Ollie turned as their lips pressed together, feeling his own erection press against Greg’s, though that seemed less important than the embrace. Moaning happily into the nudist’s mouth, he let his tongue protrude to meet Greg’s briefly before they pulled apart slightly to change positions slightly, heads tilting opposite ways.

When Greg eventually pulled away, Ollie remained motionless for a moment, eyes still closed for a second before he opened them and smiled. “That was nice,” Ollie said contentedly.

“We can just do that if you don’t want… more!” Greg offered sweetly. Horny as he was, the kiss had been thrilling and he already wanted to do it again.

“Oh no, I definitely want more!” Ollie said as he stepped back. As the shower rained down over him, matting his hair to his head as it darkened slightly, long rivulets of warm water snaking down his smooth, slender body.

Greg’s eye followed the water down and gulped slightly as he saw Ollie’s dick pointing straight up at his face. “Hot!” he gasped breathlessly. Without any further invitation, he reached out and grasped the rigid prick, smiling a little as he saw Ollie’s dreamy expression give way to sudden excitement.

Ollie copied the gesture, taking hold of Greg’s dick in return.

Greg let out a moan as he felt his dick finally get the attention it needed, doubling forward slightly. He continued to lean, his head coming to rest on Olli’s shoulder as he mewed happily.

“You’re really hot,” Ollie said, giving Greg a peck on the lips, “And I don’t just mean cos you been walking round naked!”

“Thanks,” Greg blushed, standing back up. They had started wanking each other off slowly as their eyes remained fixed.

“It… takes real balls,” Ollie said with a grin as he reached out with his other hand to cup Greg’s balls.

“Ahhh,” Greg moaned, feeling the need to cum growing even stronger. He felt like he had been edging all the way round the gym as he remained in the perpetually embarrassed state. Annoying and humiliating as the whole thing was, it was seriously turning him on. Just thinking about spending the rest of the day naked was enough to make him almost cum, but the thought of the seminar tomorrow suddenly ran through his mind and before he could do anything to try and hold back, his cock was throbbing and pumping a load out all over Ollie’s leg. “Ah, fuck, sorry,” Greg whimpered apologetically.

“I’ll take it as a compliment!” Ollie said, smiling sweetly.

Greg still looked mortified to have shot so easily in the horny teen’s grasp. “I don’t usually… umm… well, I mean… today’s been… ugh, fuck my life!” he mumbled, shaking his head as he let it droop a little.

“Hey,” Ollie said, reaching up to tilt Greg’s head back up and make eye contact. “If you really feel that bad about it, I know how you could make it up to me!” He bit his lip as he stared at Greg expectantly.

Greg smirked as he said, “Sounds good to me!” He dropped quickly into a squat.

“Jesus, I meant jerk me off, but okay, if you’re offering!” Ollie said excitedly.

Greg blushed a little at his forwardness, but stared at the erect cock. A few days ago, he had never sucked a dick and not even had his own sucked that often. Now it seemed to be becoming a daily occurrence! While most of Ollie looked naturally smooth, now that he was closer he could see that the younger man’s pubes had grown but been shaved, adding to his youthful, twinky appearance. It also made his already ample cock look just a little bigger. Leaning forward, he poked out his tongue to lick the tip before glancing upwards.

“Mmm-huh,” Ollie hummed, nodding excitedly for him to go on.

Greg wrapped his hand around the base of the shaft, he took the head and reast of the shaft into his mouth and started sucking and licking away at it.

“Ah my god,” Ollie gasped, his legs quivering a little as he reached down to steady himself with a hand on each of Greg’s shoulders.

Greg pulled off, proud of the pleasure he had inflicted but mildly amused as he asked, “First time?”

“Yeah,” Ollie replied awkwardly.

“How? You’re so… cute!” Greg said, feeling a little self-conscious about saying it so openly.

“I only came out, like… a week ago. I’d only had girlfriends til then and we never… did stuff, cos… well… y’know… gay!” Ollie explained a little uncomfortably.

“Ah wow, well… congrats,” Greg said, unsure what else to really say before taking the dick back into his mouth.

“Ah yeah, ugh, you’re so good,” Ollie said shakily as Greg continued sucking his dick. “I’m getting… kinda close… unnh!”

Greg looked up without taking the dick from his mouth, smiling as much as he could with the cock between his lips. He started sucking more eagerly, keen to push Ollie over the edge. A few moments later, with a pleasured whimper from above, he felt the phallus throb and tasted spunk in his mouth. He swallowed it down with surprising eagerness before finally letting go and standing up.

“So how was your first time?” Greg asked with a grin.

“Awesome!” Ollie said leaning in to press his body against Greg’s. He pulled him into a kiss which they continued as they moved under the warm shower.

A few minutes later, the two emerged to find Xander looking both impatient and amused. “Wow, didn’t think you’d actually do it. Way to go, Ollie!” he said proudly.

“Oh my god, shut up,” Ollie blushed as he headed for his locker and started drying off.

Greg stood awkwardly for a moment. He didn’t have a towel to dry off with, but ultimately it wasn’t like he needed to anyway. He didn’t exactly have clothes that were going to get wet. The normalcy of being naked in a shower had almost made him forget he was about to return to wandering the University campus naked.

“Here,” Xander said, tossing him his towel.

“Oh, thanks,” Greg said as he caught it and started drying off.

“The offer to join us for food still stands, unless you have somewhere else to be showing off!” Xander smirked.

Greg noticed Ollie was staring at him hopefully. As he smiled and said, “Sure, sounds good,” he couldn’t help notice the look of delight on his face.

Realistically, Greg would probably have been heading there next anyway. There was a good chance he might bump into his friends there and they might be able to help him get out of at least some of this humiliating mess.

Ollie quickly dressed as Greg handed back the towel and did his best to tidy his hair before following the other two to the door. As they opened it, Xander took a step back to let three other guys enter.

“Woah, forgetting something, mate?” one of the guys asked as he saw Greg about to leave naked, getting a laugh from the others.

Greg just let out a gentle moan as he followed Ollie and Xander out, hearing the tail-end of more amused comments behind him.

“Bye Greg, thanks again!” Clara called out across the gym as they headed for the door, drawing the attention of the few remaining people in the gym who hadn’t already noticed his nudity.

The hallways were a little busier than they had been on the way into the gym earlier and needless to say the sight of a naked Greg wandering along stopped pretty much every conversation dead as they approached. Somehow, the bag slung over his shoulder made him feel more exposed than if he had been walking along with nothing.

“Hey, that must be the nudist guy!” “What the hell?” “Is he streaking!” “So brave!” “He’s cute!” “He’s hot!” “He’s not very hung!” “What a show-off!” The comments were a wide mix of pleasant and rude, some knowing why he was exposing himself, others oblivious, but every single eye fell on Greg as he walked along between Ollie and Xander towards the cafeteria.

Walking into the large open space was a proper record-scratch moment. Silence filled the room as everyone stared. Once again, some knew to expect a nudist to be on campus from reading their emails, others were caught completely off guard. So many people could see Greg, see his body, his dick, his embarrassment. He was glad he had relieved himself with Ollie otherwise he was entirely convinced he would be hard from the unwanted attention yet again. Thankfully though, he remained flaccid as he did his best to ignore the sarcastic or rude comments he could overhear.

“Jesus, doesn’t this bother you?” Xander asked, shaking his head.

Greg was unsure at first how to answer, but he had committed to the lie and was going to stick with it now as he replied, “I guess that’s kinda the point of me doing this, to… to bring it to peoples’ attention and… and… get them talking I suppose!”

“Pretty sure you can start a conversation without having your junk hanging out,” Xander smirked.

“Shut up, he’s braver than more of these cunts!” Ollie said defensively. He seemed delighted when he got a thankful smile from Greg. “Hey, you… umm… you want me to get you something? If you’re carrying a wallet, I kinda don’t wanna see you get it out!”

Greg laughed, despite the obvious embarrassment he felt.

“Or maybe I do,” Ollie purred playfully.

Greg laughed again as he said, “You’re funny! And yeah, maybe just a drink. I’m… not very hungry!”

“No problem,” Ollie replied happily. “If you wanna grab a seat so you’re a bit less… on show,” he said, looking round at all the people still staring, some obviously, some discretely.

“Sure, thanks” Greg said with a nod. He looked round and quickly spotted a couple of familiar faces. “Hey, I just seen my friends are here,” he explained.  As he saw Ollie look disappointed, he quickly added, “Come over and sit with us, I’ll introduce you!”

“Great!” Ollie said, almost bouncing with excitement.

Greg made his way over to the table where Carl and Riley were sitting.

“Maaate!” Carl said, barely containing his laughter as Greg approached. “What the actual fuck?!”

“Long story,” Greg sighed. “There was an email!” he said, shaking his head.

“Yeah, we saw it,” Carl smirked as Greg sat down. “Or rather, Riley saw it and told me. You know I never check that stuff!”

“Just like Greg never checks his messages!” Riley growled.

“Oh sorry, I DID get your message,” Greg insisted, “But Trevor wanted me to call and then I had to come in and… well… this,” he said gesturing down at his own nudity.

“Hey, nice dick!” another student laughed as he walked behind Greg.

“Thanks!” Greg said back sardonically, glaring after him as the other walking with him all laughed.

“Is this actually real?” Carl asked, shaking his head. “Like… am I dreaming?” he said, looking Greg up and down.

“Do you dream about Greg naked often?” Riley asked with a slight grin. As he saw Carl blush, he looked to Greg and said, “Anyway, I need to tell you about something!”

“Hey, sorry,” Ollie said as he appeared beside Greg. “I wasn’t sure what you like…”

“So he got you one of everything!” Xander added with an eye roll.

Ollie placed an armful of bottles down on the table before dropping into the seat next to Greg.

“Oh thanks,” he said, smiling at the sweet gesture. “Oh yeah, hey, um… this is Ollie and Xander,” he introduced the two new arrivals. He gestured back to the others and said, “This is Carl and Riley!”

The four exchanged quiet greetings for a moment before Riley asked, “What, did ya meet at nudist club or something?”

“No, the gym!” Xander replied, then sniggered slightly as he said, “Ha, nudist club!”

“You went to the gym?” Carl asked.

“Naked?” Riley added.

“Honestly the first part is more surprising than the second,” Carl joked.

The five of them sat chatting for the best part of an hour, occasionally acknowledging or responding to the constant range of stares and comments from other people in the cafeteria. Greg was actually a little surprised at not only how quick he got used to being seen, but also how blasé the other students got about seeing him.

“I got a lecture to get to,” Ollie eventually said, clearly not keen to go. “It’s been… fun,” he said, blushing a little as he looked coyly at Greg.

“Yeah it was,” Greg replied. “We should… hang out again some time!”

“Yes!” Ollie yelped excitedly, then cringed at his own eagerness and said, “I mean… yeah, that’d be… cool. Umm… you… want my number?”

“Sure,” Greg replied, then frowned and said, “Oh, my phone’s… with my clothes!”

“It’s okay, I can give you Greg’s number. Call him some time,” Carl suggested, then pulled out his own phone to pass on the number.

“Thanks,” Ollie said excitedly as he stood up. “See you around!” he said as he headed off with Xander who gave a brief goodbye of his own. He looked back a couple of times as he walked away and smiled broadly as he saw Greg watching him.

“Well he seems nice,” Carl said, sounding a little sarcastic but actually sincere. “Did you…” He didn’t need to finish the question, he just raised his eyebrows.

Greg didn’t need to give an answer either. The way he blushed and awkwardly averted is gaze answered for him.

“Damn, you are REALLY getting about!” Carl sniggered.

“Yeah you are,” Riley agreed, frowning a little. “Anyway, about that thing…”

“Greg!” they suddenly heard from behind. They looked round to see Trevor approaching.

As Riley huffed at another interruption, the tutor looked Greg up and down as he approached, clearly surprised to see him actually complying with the enforced nudity. “Good to see you’re getting used to your newfound freedom. I was wondering if you might be free to help out a colleague with something!”

Greg glanced at Riley. What could he have to tell him? He almost seemed jealous of the attention Ollie was giving him as they sat together. After the moment they had shared last night, could Riley have feelings for him? Was that what he wanted to talk about? He wasn’t sure he was ready for that, though he wasn’t even sure that was what it was. It could be something different entirely, maybe even something worse?!

Click here for Part 25 


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