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Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 23

  • 1. Just wait for his erection to go down and join Xander and Ollie for lunch 0
  • 2. Offer to go into the showers with Ollie 10
  • 3. Say goodbye Ollie and Xander and try to find his friends 1
  • 4. Return to Trevor’s office to try and get his clothes 0
  • 2022-12-27
  • —2023-01-01
  • 11 votes
{'title': "Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 23", 'choices': [{'text': '1. Just wait for his erection to go down and join Xander and Ollie for lunch', 'votes': 0}, {'text': '2. Offer to go into the showers with Ollie', 'votes': 10}, {'text': '3. Say goodbye Ollie and Xander and try to find his friends', 'votes': 1}, {'text': '4. Return to Trevor’s office to try and get his clothes', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 1, 18, 4, 51, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 12, 27, 15, 49, 4, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 11}


For part 22 click here 

Part 22 Voting Results

1. Go to the gym to work out – 67%

2. Go to the cafeteria to look for his friends – 25%

3. Go to the library to study quietly – 8%

Part 23

How could empty hallways be such a bad thing? Greg was walking around on a campus, completely naked and terrified of being seen, yet the barren hallways were almost tormenting him. Had anyone else been walking around, Greg would have been mortified, but as he made his way to the gym he knew it would almost make it easier.

He had just been ‘outed’ as a nudist, though realistically he was more a reluctant exhibitionist caught in a lie, and made to wander the University grounds for the day without access to his clothes. Heading for the gym under the guise of ‘going about normal activity’ he could see the doors looming ahead. Stepping inside fully naked was going to be horrific and having someone else observe him first MIGHT have take the edge off a little, but it seemed nobody was around.

He stopped as he reached the door, peering through the narrow window in it. It was a fairly well-equipped gym, housing long rows of various cardio machines, a large open area with free weights off to one side and an area filled with weight machines beyond that. The doors to the locker rooms were just inside the main door, usually Greg’s first stop, but today there was little need.

The gym looked to be on the quieter side, as it usually was at this time of day, but that still meant about two dozen people were moving around inside. Two dozen people who were about to see him naked and exposed, nude and humiliated, undressed and embarrassed. However you wanted to word it, they were going to see his dick and he was doing to hate it!

“Fuck!” he muttered as he pushed the door open and stepped inside. Nobody reacted. He wasn’t sure what he had been expecting – maybe a siren sounding, women screaming, children crying, gunfire, angry shouts, harshly worded tweets – but he was certainly expecting… something. He soon found his expectations met, his sudden appearance unnoticed at first but eventually noticed by someone running on a treadmill who spotted his reflection in the mirrored wall and nearly tripped over their own feet as they looked round in surprise.

“OH MY GOD!” someone yelled out.

That was it, the trigger point, the moment that alerted the entire gym to his presence. Greg wanted to cover up, but Trevor could be watching. He knew his tutor remained suspicious and he didn’t dare giving any reason to doubt the ‘nudist’ excuse he had given for his recent shenanigans. He cared about his place at the University and he wasn’t going to get himself kicked out, not for this!

“DUDE!” “Wrong door the locker room!” “Is it REALLY casual Friday already?” “Why’s he naked!” “He’s hot!” “Pervert!” The comments were as varied as the expressions that now shot Greg‘s way, some amused, some annoyed, most confused.

A staff member who had been stood with a small group who looked like they were being inducted hurried over, looking quite annoyed at the naked spectacle. “Excuse me,” the young woman said, deliberately keeping her gaze fixed on Greg’s blushing face. “What exactly do you think you’re doing?”

“Oh, I… umm… there was an email,” Greg stuttered. As the woman continued staring silently, Greg elaborated, “It’s, umm… I’m a nudist and… and this is… it’s… part of Body Positivity week. I’m… I’m… allowed to do this. There was an email!”

“Yes, you said that!” the woman said, scowling. Reaching into her pocket, she clicked away for a few moments, ignoring the chatter and comments going on all around the gym from the people who continued to stare but didn’t seem to want to risk approaching. “Oh, I see!” the woman said with a nod. “Gregory Fairweather, is it?”

“Greg,” Greg corrected her.

“Okay Greg, I’m Clare. It does seem this is… legitimate. Unusual, but… legitimate! One moment then,” Clara said as she turned around. “Everyone,” she called out, waiting a moment as the crowd quietened, eager to hear what was happening. “This is Greg, he’s a nudist who is… taking part on Body Positivity week. You should all have an email about it. He is to be treated with the same respect we offer to everyone who comes into this gym and anyone acting inappropriate in ANY way will be asked to leave and potentially banned. Now… back to taking your gym selfies or whatever you lot are here to actually do!”

The crowd took the threat seriously. Greg could understand why. He didn’t come to the gym as often as he would have liked, and when he did he was usually just hanging around chatting to his more energetic friends, but he had seen Clara around and knew she was a well-respected figure (aka, most people were scared of her!) Most of the gym-goers returned immediately to what they had been doing, while others were a little slower, enjoying the view a little before turning away.

Greg breathed out a sigh of relief. It was still terrifying to just be standing there exposed, but at least Clara had saved him from the worst of the potential harassment. Walking along cautiously, wondering what exactly he should do first, Greg had a sudden image of himself on a treadmill, running along with his unrestrained dick slapping back and forth. He shuddered slightly at the terrible idea and turned away from the treadmills.

“Oh, Greg,” Clara called out suddenly, prompting more of the others to look round curiously again. “If have some time, you could be of assistance to me,” he said as she walked closer, her group of new starters watching intently.

“Umm… okay… umm… how?” Greg stuttered.

He had meant it as a question before agreement, but Clara seemed to take his lack of immediate refusal as an okay to proceed as she said, “Great, just follow me!” She gestured back towards the group and waited for Greg to approach, then wandered along with him. “Everyone, this is Greg. Greg this is Ollie, Xander, Nikki and Wanda,” she said, introducing the four students.

“Hi,” Greg said, painfully conscious that not one of the four teens was looking him in the eye, instead shamelessly checking out his body and near-flaccid dick. Scary as it was to remain teetering on the edge of humiliation-induced arousal, it did mean Greg’s dick was very slightly chubby, preventing him from appearing too small before the roomful of strangers.

“It’s this lot’s first day in the gym, so they’re going through induction,” Clara explained, smiling sweetly. “That means I’m showing them how to safely use the machines and a brief guide on potential workouts. I figured you would be PERFECT to help with that!”

“Oh, umm… okay!” Greg mumbled, still unsure exactly what made him perfect for it and wondering whether the woman simply wanted to embarrass him.

Clara quickly got to work as Greg realised he was being used to demonstrate the machines and equipment. Clara thankfully provided a small towel, which Greg was able to sit on much to the relief of the other gym-users.  He started off on the bike, switched to the rowing machine, then the elliptical before they came along to the treadmill. Greg was already struggling to keep his dick under control as he worked away under the gaze of the four new attendees, as well as others around the gym. A few new people came in while Greg was assisting Clara, all promptly noticing Greg and adding to the hushed whispers and amused stares.

As Greg started on the treadmill, his dick started slapping around exactly as he had envisioned. It looked hilarious, but what he had not considered was the sound. He had begin to sweat a little from both his nerves and the brief workouts, so his hefty half-hard dick hot back and forth on wet skin, unleashing a rhythmic slapping sound that triggered a new wave of comments, laughs and pointing.

As Greg came to a stop, his dick was threatening to stiffen all the way, but he managed to grab the small towel in time to hide the slight chubbiness which thankfully went down after a minute.

“Well that brings us on to the weights,” Clara explained. “Most newcomers tend to start on the weight machines. If any of you are interested in the free weights, we have a separate sign-up for induction with them to ensure safe usage. But for now, Greg will assist me in showing off his equipment!” As the four teens laughed, Clara chuckled and said, “Sorry, my bad. I meant showing off THE equipment!”

Greg glared at the young woman in slight annoyance. There was no way that was accidental.

“Greg, if you wouldn’t mind,” Clara said, pointing to a nearby machine.

Greg put down the towel and sat down, exposing himself again, though thankfully not hard. He started doing a set on the machine.

“And hold there!” Clara said when Greg was mid-pull.

Greg froze in place, feeling his muscles tense.

“Perfect!” Clara said happily. “So as you can see, the muscles are tight here… and here,” he explained, gesturing to the ones that were currently flexed from the position Greg was holding. “And you’ll notice the way the machine is designed to tense and relax them repeatedly as Greg cycles through the motions. Go ahead Greg, slowly.”

Greg complied. If nothing else, having the focus on his muscles meant they weren’t looking at his dick, and thankfully this wasn’t the kind of gym that had any equipment that targeted THAT particular area!

“I tell you what, you may understand it better if you can feel it yourselves!” Clara suggested.

Greg let out a gentle sigh or relief. If they were going to try the machine, it took more focus from him again.

“Greg, is it okay for us to touch?” Clara asked politely.

Cursing himself for another optimistic assumption, Greg sighed softly and replied, “Yes!”

“Excellent. Xander, place your hand here,” Clara instructed, gesturing for the young man to step closer and place a hand on Greg.

Greg shuddered slightly but tried to conceal it, then went through the motions again with Xander groping the muscle.

“Oh yeah, can really feel it!” Xander said with a grin. “Who’s next?”

Greg continued on, working away as the four took it in turns to feel the muscles work. Being touched seemed to escalate his feeling of exposure even more. No longer was he just on show, they were actually in contact with him, they were feeling his bare skin, the muscles moving, the skin warm and slightly clammy. He felt his cock twitch again, but thankfully they finished just in time for him to stand up and grab the towel once more.

They moved on to the next piece of equipment and repeated the gesture, though this time the machine targeted his pectorals. Nikki went first, grasping at Greg’s chest the machine helped him flex it. Wanda went next. Greg could feel himself getting worked up again, but it wasn’t until Ollie touched him that he fully lost control. Whether intentional or not (and he was fairly certain it was), Ollie’s fingers came to rest on his nipple, rubbing it gently as he repeated the exercise.

By the time it was Xander’s turn, Greg was sporting a full erection, poking up from his lap, the head visible even as he raised a leg to try and hide it.

“Umm, Clara,” Nikki said, blushing as she pointed as discretely as she could to Greg’s crotch.

“Oh!” Clara exclaimed. “Well… umm… Greg, as the expert on nudism, does… THAT happen often?” she asked.

Greg wanted to ground to open up and swallow him. A gym full of people seeing him naked felt as bad as it could get, but sitting there with strangers discussing his erect dick… he had to question for a moment whether this was a literal nightmare, but he seemed to be wide awake. “Umm… yes, they do,” Greg explained. “Umm… they… they don’t always… mean anything and umm…” He had no idea what to say, it wasn’t like he was an actual nudist, he had no idea what one would say about it. Remembering the words from Trevor, he suddenly added, “But I don’t wish to cause any distress, so I’m happy to leave if it’s… bothering anyone!”

“Oh, that’s very respectful,” Clara said with a nod. “Girls, would you like him to leave?”

“No, it’s fine,” Nikki said, eyeing the attractive, naked with a slight smile. “It just… caught me by surprise!” Wanda nodded her agreement.

“You two?” Clara asked Xander and Ollie.

“Oh, no problem here!” Xander said with an eager nod. “In fact, Ollie’s probably got the same problem!” he said with a smirk.

“Oh my god, shut up,” Ollie blushed.

Greg found himself very conscious of the fact that Ollie was holding his towel in front of his crotch too. He let out a slight, almost inaudible moan at the thought he was causing arousal.

“Well then, on we go!” Clara said happily.

They continued their tour of the equipment.

Now that it was up, Greg seemed utterly incapable of willing his erection to subside. While some of the machines allowed him to hide it a little, others put him fully on show, and not just to the small group with him, but to the wider gym too as word of his erection spread like a smutty Mexican wave.

Clearly not as in shape as he liked to think he was, Greg was exhausted by the time they had finished their demonstrations. He had thought Clara might let him go, but as they headed towards an open area, he realised she still had more planned. Greg was made to endure a couple of sets of sit-ups, push-ups, squat thrusts and lunges, all without the ability to cover up, his erection bobbing about freely as the area seemed to ‘inexplicably’ suddenly be where everyone wanted to work out.

“We’ll finish up with the plank!” Clara exclaimed, much to Greg’s relief.

“Nearly done,” he muttered under his breath. He was not a huge fan of that particular exercise to begin with, but as he assumed the position, conscious of the multitude of people staring at his clenched legs and tight butt, he realised this one would be extra bad. Dropping his head down to look backwards beneath himself as he propped himself up on his forearms and toes, he could see his dick hovering just above the ground, his arousal keeping it from drooping far enough to touch the mat. While he had horrible mental images of people laughing about him ‘getting extra support’ if it made contact with the ground, he realised that would have been better than what actually happened!

His dick chose that exact moment to dribble out some pre-cum. Just a small amount, but enough to start dripping down, the sticky bead slowly falling until it reached the mat, but it didn’t fall away from his dick completely, leaving him connected to the ground by a gooey string. Clara was talking away about the muscles being used, but Greg knew everyone was only staring at one spot.

“And we’re done!” Clara finally said.

Greg flopped down onto the mat and let out a slight grunt as his erection slid on the mat. He jumped up and was horrified to see the drop of pre-cum smeared along. He grabbed the towel and wiped it down as the others pretended they weren’t laughing.

Humiliated, sweaty and still rock hard, Greg stood frozen for a moment, unsure what to do.

“Well thank you very much Greg. It’s been incredibly helpful getting to see the muscles at work,” Clara said before starting to clap gently. The four newcomers joined in, but a the noise caught the attention of the rest of the gym who started cheering, applauding and hollering.

As nice as the positive attention was, it made Greg feel like an absolute freakshow, there to entertain the others. And yet, his cock continued to throb. He gave a nervous wave around to everyone then hurried along to the locker room, his erection slapping back and forth as he sped along.

He got inside and breathed a slight sigh of relief. Sure, he was still naked with an afternoon to go, but for now at least he was somewhere that nudity was at least expected. A few moments after he got in, he heard the door open and he saw Xander and Ollie approaching.

“Dude, fuck!” Xander laughed. “You’ve got some serious balls on you! And I’m not just saying that cos we’ve seen ‘em!”

“Hey, go easy!” Ollie said, nudging him.

“I’m not taking the piss,” Xander shrugged. “Seriously, not many guys could do what you did!”

“Thanks,” Greg blushed.

“Although Ollie’s glad ya did. I bet his wank bank’s full to capacity!” Xander laughed, nudging Ollie before heading to his locker.

“Jesus Xander, shut the fuck up,” Ollie growled, blushing.

“S’okay. I’m always happy to be in someone’s wank bank,” Greg shrugged, speaking truthfully. He moved closer to Xander, but looked back at Ollie as he said, “And someone who’s got THIS much to say about it’s definitely gonna be knocking one out over me tonight!”

“I… you… but…” Xander stuttered as he stood with his shirt off.

Ollie snorted with laughter, then blushed even more heavily at the noise.

“Cute,” Greg chuckled, then blushed to match him as he realised what he’d said.

“Geez get a room,” Xander scoffed, glad to have the upper hand again. “Or at least a shower cubicle!” he added, laughing to himself as he pushed his shorts down.

“Not the worst idea,” Ollie said nervously.

“Whatever, just don’t take all day. I need food!” Xander scoffed as he wrapped his towel around his waist, underwear still on. “You’re welcome to join us,” he added with a playful grin to Greg before heading off to the showers.

“Oh, umm… okay,” Greg stuttered. He hadn’t planned anything beyond getting to safety in the locker room. Now though, he realised he was still standing naked and aroused in front of Ollie who was staring expectantly. He needed to decide what to do.

For Part 24 click here 


Naked Justice

Very hot. I envy Greg for this experience. It's difficult to decide between options 1, 2 and 3. Hopefully there remain many guys to see Greg stark naked and erect. Getting his clothes back shouldn't be an option - even after this college day!