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Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare Part 21

  • 1. Go and see Lewis 2
  • 2. Contact Riley 3
  • 3. Call his tutor 4
  • 4. Ignore all three and just wait for his evening with Reggie 0
  • 2022-12-18
  • —2022-12-21
  • 9 votes
{'title': "Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare Part 21", 'choices': [{'text': '1. Go and see Lewis', 'votes': 2}, {'text': '2. Contact Riley', 'votes': 3}, {'text': '3. Call his tutor', 'votes': 4}, {'text': '4. Ignore all three and just wait for his evening with Reggie', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 12, 21, 0, 3, 7, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 12, 18, 13, 28, 7, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 9}


For part 20 click here 

Part 20 Voting Results

Walking naked round a gay cruising area with his recently-out friend Riley, Greg is given a choice of what to do next. What did he choose?

1. Continue round the gay cruising area for more random hook-ups– 10%

2. Venture out across the car park and potentially be seen, but with less chance of sex – 40%

3. Have some fun with Riley – 50%

Part 21

Greg stared at Riley for a few moments in the pale yellowish glow coming from the car park lights, but that moment was all he needed to decide. He stepped forward and grabbed Riley confidently, but then felt nerves kick back in as he asked shakily, “This… IS what you mean, right?”

“It is!” Riley chuckled. “Erm… I… umm… if you were about to kiss me you should know my… umm… guy kissing experience consists entirely of… kissing you back there,” he said nervously, gesturing back in the general direction they had come from.

“Wait, I thought you and Carl…” Greg said, trailing off slightly, the implication obvious.

“That’s mostly me blowing him or jerking off together. He… doesn’t kiss!” Riley said glumly.

Greg’s head tilted slightly as he looked at Riley curiously, then gave a very slight smile as he asked, “But you WANT to kiss him, don’t you?”

“I… umm… I…” Riley stuttered for a moment, then glanced round and said, “Maybe not the best time for a chat!”

“Fair point. Now where was I?” Greg asked with a snigger. “Oh yeah!” he said as he pulled Riley into his second ever guy-on-guy kiss.

The embrace was passionate, excitable and a little frantic, especially as Greg slowly walked Riley backwards off the path, the two of them nearly stumbling a couple of times on the undergrowth. They eventually stopped moving and just kissed. In daylight, they would have still been easily spotted, but under the cover of darkness they were suitably concealed to be able to proceed uninterrupted.

“You’re a really good kisser,” Riley said dreamily as their mouths parted slightly, though they remained tightly gripped onto each other.

“Well I have kissed literally three times the guys you have!” Greg boasted flippantly.

“So… three guys?” Riley chuckled. As Greg smirked and nodded, Riley probed a little further, “Who and when?”

Greg felt himself blushing and thanked the darkness for concealing it. “Well… the umm… the first was some… guy I bumped into right before you guys found me in the park!” Greg explained, thinking back to his encounter with the horny schoolboys. “And the other was…” he paused, unsure whether it was okay to reveal, so he asked softly, “Promise you won’t tell anyone?”

“Oh, and here I was ready to tweet about my coming out and random hook-up when we’re done,” Riley said sarcastically. “Course I promise!”

“Lewis!” Greg replied. “We’ve… done a few things because of… ya know… all this shit I got going on!”

“I didn’t think you even liked him!” Riley said incredulously.

Greg shrugged as he said, “Turns out I just didn’t know him. Now I do, he’s… really sweet… and um…”

“Gay?” Riley asked. “Yeah, kinda weird to get used to actually saying it out loud, isn’t it!” As Greg nodded his agreement, Riley smiled a little as he said, “Well why don’t you show me what else you’re… more experienced at!”

“Gladly!” Greg said with an eager nod. He pulled Riley into a brief kiss before chuckling as he let go, then squatted down as he reached for his friend’s belt.

“Hey, I… I know I said you could… find out how big I am,” Riley said nervously, “But… but… umm… don’t be expecting a lot. I’m… pretty average!”

Greg promptly stood back up, placed a hand on Riley’s cheek and pulled him into another kiss. As their lips parted, Greg leaned in to whisper in his ear, “You are FAR from average!”

Riley giggled slightly and held Greg as he went to pull away. “You’re really good at this,” he said happily.

Greg smiled back as he replied, “What can I say, being stranded naked apparently brings out the best in me!”

“Brings out this too!” Riley replied as he grabbed hold of Greg’s erection.

Greg let out a happy grunt and let his friend stroke it for a few moments before gently nudging the hand away. “You can do that later. For now, I wanna see what ya got and give YOU a turn on the other side of the sucking!”

“Fuck!” Riley gasped as Greg squatted down again. Within moments, his belt and jeans had been pulled open and he felt a slight rush of cool air as the front of his underwear was yanked down to let his own boner spring free.

Greg didn’t comment on the dick, mostly because he didn’t want to give any credence to Riley’s size concerns. To Greg, it didn’t even matter (although he really had nothing to be ashamed of!), all that matter was the shuddery delighted moan he heard from Riley as he took the penis into his mouth.

“Ah, oh, Greg… fuck, unnh god,” Riley moaned as he felt the lips massaging his shaft as the tongue lapped gently at the head. “Ah shit, man,” he grunted as he leaned slightly, steadying himself on a nearby tree.

Greg pulled away and asked, “This your first?”

“Keep sucking!” Riley pleaded. “Ah yeah,” he moaned again as the mouth returned to pleasuring him. “And yes… ah, fuck… yes it is! Oh my god!”

Greg slowed a little, sensing the speed with which Riley would likely shoot if he continued going full force. As intense at that likely would have made it, he felt a strange sense of pride at being his friend’s first blow job and wanted to make it as enjoyable and memorable as possible. Working a little gentler, he gradually sucked the cock to the brink of release before he opened his mouth and just let the head rest on his tongue. “Nuh-uh,” he grunted as he felt Riley try to fuck his mouth a little.

“Ah, you fucker,” Riley groaned, though he gave a slight chuckle too.

After giving a few moments to ease back from the edge, Greg sucked again, only to stop just short of release. He repeated it one more time before he asked, “So… you want me to swallow, or you wanna cum on me?”

“Swallow!” Riley said without a moment’s hesitation, nodding eagerly.

“Yes sir!” Greg sniggered, then closed his mouth around the erection once more. This time, as he brought his friend to the brink of climax he didn’t stop, he pushed on and felt the dick began to twitch and spasm between his lips.

“Oh my fucking god,” Riley whimpered, grasping onto the tree again as his legs went shaky. He pumped spurt after spurt straight down Greg’s throat in what felt like the longest orgasm of his life. “Ah, fuck dude. Fuck!” Riley panted as it final subsided. “That was… oh my god… that was… so good!”

Greg stood, beaming proudly before he leaned in to kiss Riley once again, this time sharing the taste of the load he had just taken.

Still catching his breath as the kiss parted, Riley rested his head on Greg’s shoulder, panting slightly as they casually held onto each other. “Will we… be able to… to maybe do more stuff like this, or if this, like… a one-time thing?” he asked awkwardly.

“Like I said before, I’m kinda still figuring stuff out,” Greg replied gently. As he heard a slight whimper from Riley, he went on, “But this was… fun, so… I can’t imagine NOT wanting to do stuff again. Is that… is that okay?”

“Yeah, definitely,” Riley replied. “Now, we should probably get back before the others think we’ve been, like, kidnapped or something!”

“Yeah,” Greg said as he looked back at the lights of the car park peeking through the trees. “Cutting across the car park’s probably the quickest way back!”

“You… really wanna risk that?” Riley asked, pleasantly surprised.

“I don’t,” Greg replied, then grabbed Riley’s hand to place it on his raging erection and added, “But this does!”

“Okay, come on then,” Riley said, tightening his grip a little.

“Ah fuck,” Greg grunted as he realised he was literally being pulled along by his dick. As they emerged from the treeline, they could still see people moving around across the car park. “Should we wait a minute for them to…” He was cut off by a tug on his dick as Riley started down the steps. “Fuck!” Greg grunted, happily allowing his friend to lead.

As they reached the bottom of the steps, Greg looked round. The path that ran the perimeter of the car park would keep them well away from the path on the opposite side they needed to get to, but Riley seemed to have other ideas. He headed straight across the car park, taking the most direct route, regardless of how close it would take them to the other people.

“Riley, they’re… they’re gonna see me!” Greg said shakily. “Fuck, fuck they’re gonna see me, Ry!”

“Yeah, and that’s probably why you feel like you’re about to blow!” Riley sniggered, feeling the cock in his grasp throbbing wildly.

“FUCK!” one of the people called out. It looked to be two young couples, most likely having just left one of the nearby restaurants.

Greg and Riley heard garbled chatter followed by the sound of laughter from the two women and the other man as they seemingly spotted what the first man had pointed out.

“NICE NIGHT FOR IT!” the other man called out.

“YOU FORGET SOMETHING?” one of the women laughed.

“IT’S NOT THAT WARM TONIGHT, IS IT!” the other woman cackled.

The rest of what they called out was lost as the two young men continued marching across the car park towards the path, very conscious of Greg’s pale butt now on display, probably the cause of the rest of the shouts and whistles coming from the group.

“Oh my god, oh my god,” Greg gasped as he felt himself pushed over the edge. “Riley, Riley, Riley,” he groaned to warn his friend as he erupted in a colossal fountain of spunk, several spurts flying far ahead of them before landing with an audible splat on the ground.

“Fuck!” Riley laughed as he gave the spasming cock a few strokes to heighten the pleasure, stopping as the spurts gave way to dribbles that trickled down over his fingers. “Wow!” he said in genuine delight as Greg stood panting beside him. “May as well clean up properly,” he said as he raise the hand and licked the spunk off. “Huh!” he grunted.

“What?” Greg asked curiously as he resumed walking, no longer emboldened by his arousal.

“It’s just… you taste different from Carl,” Riley observed. “Kinda figured it’d all taste the same!”

“Huh,” Greg grunted thoughtfully, “Hadn’t really paid much attention to… flavour!”

“Sorry, weird conversation,” Riley chuckled. “Come on, the other should be just up ahead,” he said as he sped up a little.

The path was well lit, unlike the cruising area they had just left. In his post-orgasmic state, Greg felt even more exposed. Walking along with his hands covering his dick, they spotted Ravi and Carl sat together on a bench and hurried over to them.

“What? Why are you…” Carl started, frowning at their direction of approach. “You walked across the car park?” he asked with a smirk.

“And got seen!” Riley said, then groaned as he said, “Oh, but I forgot to record that bit. I stopped recording when we…” he stopped mid-sentence.

“When you what?” Ravi asked with a snigger.

“Stopped for a break!” Greg quickly interjected to save his friend from embarrassment. “Now if you don’t mind,” he said as he reached for his clothes.

Ravi reached out to grab the clothes as he started, “Nuh uh, we’re not gonna…”

“Forget it,” Carl said, swatting the hand away. He looked back and forth between Greg and Riley as he said, “Let him get dressed, I’m bored of this now!” He stood up and said, “Hurry up. I got more to drink!”

“No fun,” Ravi grumbled as he stood too.

Greg didn’t question it, he was just happy to be getting dressed again. As much as he was coming to enjoy his nudity, even he had his limits. He was half-dressed when they heard voices approaching. A couple of young guys walked past and gave the shirtless Greg an amused smirk.

Riley watched them pass and chuckled as he saw Greg get a little flustered trying to get covered up, but froze slightly as he heard one of them say something.

“Hey, I’ll be right back!” Riley said to Greg before running after the two young men.

Greg just shrugged and finished dressing before moving on to follow Carl and Ravi. Riley returned a few moments later and just like that, the evening’s nude shenanigans were over, all but forgotten as the quartet returned to their usual routine, any talk of naked adventures or coming out left behind.


Greg was annoyed to be awoken by the sound of his alarm, as he didn’t actually have anything he needed to be up for that morning, but it took a second to register that his alarm sounding signified that his phone was working, seemingly dried out and functional again after being caught in the downpour.

Relieved he didn’t have to find the money for a new phone, he reached out to turn it off and dropped it to his side, intending to go back to sleep but now that consciousness had crept in, his mind had started racing with thoughts of the past few days.

With a reluctant sigh he opened his eyes, then grabbed his phone to look at what he had missed while he was offline.

His email was filled with the usual crap, his work group chat was full of the usual back and forth on people swapping shifts or bitching about customers and he had his usual passive-aggressive messages from his mother, but he had a few other messages that were actually of interest.

The first was from Reggie and stated, [Had to go out for the day but you’re still mine this evening. Be ready for me at five!]

Greg let out an annoyed grunt at still being at his housemate’s command and clicked onto the next message. It was from Lewis and said, [If you’re free today, come by my room. I got something I wanna ask you!]

Greg frowned for a moment. What could Lewis want to ask that required asking it in person. “What if he’s asking me out on, like, a date!” h mumbled quietly to himself. “He wouldn’t!” he added in a slight gasp. What else could he need to ask that had to be in person?! And if it was, what would he say? He liked Lewis, but did he LIKE Lewis? Did he like guys at all? Clearly he enjoyed doing things with guys, but did that equate to be being gay? Or bi? Was it just horniness? “Fuck!” he muttered, unsure how to handle a question he hadn’t even been asked yet.

He close the message and went into the next one. When he saw it was from Riley, he couldn’t help smiling. He liked but maybe or maybe didn’t LIKE Lewis and he found himself thinking much the same about Riley. Their time together the previous night had been brief, but it felt like it had completely change the dynamic of their relationship. Another confusing mass of thoughts tumbled through his mind as he considered how he felt. He opened the message and smiled as he started reading, [Tonight was really fun!] It seemed the message had been sent late the previous night rather than that morning.

[Thank u for what we did I really liked it n thanks for being cool bout me coming out… witch still feels weird 2 say! Anyway I kinda found something last night n I think I need 2 show it 2u. Lemme know when ur free tomoz (today if ur getting this in the morning). If I don’t hear from u i’ll come round cos I know u’ve had phone trouble, but if u don’t see this u won’t know anyway but I’m not deleting that now as it took me 10 mins to type all this lol]

“Fuck, what now!” Greg groaned. Was Riley asking him out too? Was he suddenly irresistible to all the gays who had just materialised in his life??

The last message was also concerning, but on a different level altogether. [Greg, call me. Urgently!] the message read and was from Trevor, Greg’s main tutor at the University.

“Fuck,” Greg grunted. “That’s never good!”

He tossed his phone aside and got up to go and shower, which he actually managed to do without anything disastrous happening, a rare occurrence lately. As he returned to his room and got dressed, it took him a moment to realise his clothes had been back in their usual place. That had to be Sajid’s handiwork.

Looking at his phone once again, he let out a groan as he decided who, if anyone, to deal with first.

Author's Note

As we near the end of this story, please be aware that from this point one, there will be at least one option that will lead to the conclusion of the story. One of the four options below will lead to the final chapter.

For part 22 click here 


Naked Justice

I still hope that Greg finally acccepts being an exhibitionist and live this.