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Interactive story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 19

  • 1. Riley’s idea, involving other gays 6
  • 2. Carl’s idea, involving internet exposure 0
  • 3. Ravi’s idea, involving in-person exposure 4
  • 2022-12-11
  • —2022-12-14
  • 10 votes
{'title': "Interactive story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 19", 'choices': [{'text': '1. Riley’s idea, involving other gays', 'votes': 6}, {'text': '2. Carl’s idea, involving internet exposure', 'votes': 0}, {'text': '3. Ravi’s idea, involving in-person exposure', 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 12, 14, 12, 4, 54, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 12, 11, 11, 56, 12, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 10}


For part 18 click here 

Part 18 Voting Results

Greg was offered an easy way out of his challenge from Amber, but will he help Sajid avoid exposure?

1. Allow Sajid to write ‘Please let me cum’ on his back - 33%

2. Ignore the offer and go find someone on the street - 56%

3. Offer to write on Sajid’s back (but not necessarily ‘Please let me cum’) - 11%

Part 19

“No, you know what,” Greg said, shaking his head. “I’m gonna win this, but I’m not gonna give you the satisfaction of saying you GAVE this to me. I’m beating you by being BETTER than you!”

“Fuck off, no way you’re beating me!” Sajid said, though his expression betrayed his lack of confidence, especially as he glanced past his car to the end of the driveway.

“Uh-huh, I don’t even need to try hard. You’re too chicken-shit to even compete. I won’t just beat you, I’ll get to enjoy seeing you really suffer when your ‘Mistress’ finds out you were too much of a pussy to even try!” Greg taunted. He knew it was a bad idea. He would absolutely pay for this later, but it was finally a chance to get a tiny bit of payback on Sajid and he was determined to take it.

“Fuck you, homo!” Sajid snapped, then made a sudden dash for the end of the driveway.

Greg followed, the two young men standing fully naked and exposed to… nobody! There was literally nobody around. Not a car or pedestrian in sight in either direction.

“Well shit,” Greg muttered.

“I know right,” Sajid smirked, then scowled when he remembered he was pissed at Greg.

“Greg scowled back, then turned and jogged down the street away from Sajid, his hands clasped in front of his crotch as he grasped tightly onto his pen. He got a few houses down and stopped to look back. Sajid was still standing still, also covering up but looking too scared to even move.

As Greg reached the corner, he spotted someone approaching and almost turned back before he remembered he actually needed them. The approaching guy spotted him at the same time and hesitated a moment before continuing on towards the naked man.

“Umm, hi, excuse me,” Greg said, trying to act like he wasn’t horrifically embarrassed.

“The fuck is this?” the guy asked as he approached. He looked to be in his late twenties and dressed in what looked to be fairly new running gear. The fact he was walking suggested the new hobby wasn’t going well. “Ugh, you filming some kind of fucking TikTok?” He came to a stop a few paces away from Greg.

“No, no,” Greg said, shaking his head. “DEFINITELY no cameras, just… long story and not much time. Can you help me out?”

The guy took a cautionary step back, clutching slightly at his own clothes.

“No, not that kinda help. Is there…” Greg started, but stopped as he felt the sting of embarrassment at the thought of what he was about to ask. “Would you be willing to… write something on my back?” Greg nervously held out the pen, though it left his dick and balls covered with just one hand.

The guy stared as he saw a glimpse of Greg’s erection peeking out from behind his wrist. “Jesus, you some kind of fucking pervert?” he scoffed, looking more amused than disgusted.

“I guess so,” Greg conceded, not wanting to argue with his potential saviour. “Please,” he pleaded, still holding out the pen.

The man looked Greg up and down for a moment and smirked, then reached out to take the pen. As he heard a slight sigh of relief from Greg, he said, “I will… for a price!”

“Why’s everything for a fucking price lately?” Greg muttered to himself. He saw the man smirk at the comment and sighed, “What d’you want?”

“Walk over to the other side of the road, turn round and stop covering up and stay there until two cars have passed!” the guy instructed.

“Ugh, whatever, fine,” Greg huffed. Any hint of resistance he had to these sorts of instructions had melted away about ten humiliations ago. He dropped his hands away, letting his erection bob free, glared at the man and said, “Happy now?” then turned to cross the street. As he got to the other side and turned back, he let out an annoyed grunt at the sight of the man’s phone now in his hand, obviously recording. “I… don’t give my consent to that being shared anywhere!” he called out, knowing it was probably in vain.

“Relax, personal use only!” the man replied. As he saw Greg look a little shocked, he added, “What? You think you’re the only perv in the world? Now head’s up. Incoming! Give ‘em a wave and a smile!”

Greg was so shocked he obeyed without really thinking about it, smiling and waving as the car passed him. His cock throbbed at the sight of the two faces that sped past.

“One down, one to go!” the guy called over, laughing a little.

“You should wank at the next one!” he instructed.

Greg was about to object when a car sped around the corner. Without thinking, he reached down and grabbed his dick, masturbating as the car flew by. It was so fast he wasn’t even sure if they’d seen him, but the phone recording him definitely had. “Okay, I paid your price. Now please,” Greg said as he scurried back across the street, looking round nervously for anyone else who might witness his seemingly endless exposure. “I just need you to write… please let me cum!”

“Oh my god, this keeps getting better,” the guy snorted, shaking his head. “Fine, turn around!”

Greg felt the man’s hand grasp at his hip and shuddered slightly. The tip of the pen made contact with his left should and he felt the man writing on him. Greg wasn’t sure if he was writing slow deliberately, but it certainly seemed like it. He stood with his cock throbbing. He didn’t even cover up, for fear that touching it would set off an orgasm.

“Hey,” Greg said as the man finished and handed him the pen, an idea suddenly coming to him. “There’s actually another naked guy round the corner trying to get the same thing. Feel free to fuck with him, just… don’t write what he wants on him!”

“Seriously? The fuck are you guys even doing?” the guy sniggered, though he was clearly just stating his shock rather than actually asking. “Whereabouts?” he asked.

“Well he was down there to the left, about five houses down last time I saw him. He may be hiding, he’s a fucking pussy!” Greg said, his tone dripping with vitriol.

“Ha, cool,” the man said with a nod. He jogged on to the corner and stopped to look back. “What’s your name?” he asked with a wicked grin.

“Greg!” Greg replied before hurrying along to the corner. As much as he wanted to hide away from potentially being seen, he couldn’t help peeking round the corner and watching.

The guy jogged down the street and slowed a little around Greg’s house, looking round as subtly as he could. Greg saw him stop and could hear the faint noise of conversation, but they were too far away for him to make out actual words. Almost giddy at the sight of the humiliation, Greg saw Sajid step out from their driveway where he had presumably been hiding in wait of a passing person, hands clasped over his crotch.

A few more words were exchanged, and Greg saw Sajid hand the guy the pen, then drop his hands away to expose himself. As the guy lifted his phone again, Sajid covered up, but some apparently stern words from his ‘saviour’ had his hands back at his sides for a few moments before he turned and let the man start writing on his back.

Greg waited until he saw the pen get handed back, then ran round the corner, desperate to get back to the safety of the house now that the mysterious stranger had helped him… if he had! There was every chance he had written what Sajid asked and Greg was heading for a loss. But what would that mean, he wondered as he ran. If Sajid DID win, would he choose to fuck or get fucked?

Seeing Greg approach, Sajid turned and dashed into the house. Greg followed a few moments later, both of them bounding up the stairs back towards Amber.

“I did it! I win!” Sajid said as he entered his room.

“Fuck!” Greg muttered as he followed a few moments later, though he knew not all hope was lost. Annoyingly, Sajid was standing with his back to a wall, so Greg couldn’t even see what was written.

“Well done, boys,” Amber said with a smile. “Saj was definitely first, but let’s just check you did what I instructed,” he requested, moving both of them to stand side-by-side facing the wall. Amber burst into laughter as she looked at the two naked men. “Oh, I like it!” he said, shaking her head.

“What? What does it say?” Sajid asked, trying to look over his own shoulder before he paused, looking nervously at Amber as he remembered his earlier instruction not to speak. Amber gave a dismissive wave, suggesting it was fine to continue.

Greg looked as Sajid turned and read aloud, “Greg is a pervert!” He smirked a little and shrugged. “True, and also not what you were told to get. Looks like you don’t win after all!” he said cockily.

“Yeah, I’d tone that down a bit, pervert!” Amber said with a wicked grin. She grabbed Greg’s arm and turned him away from Sajid.

“Ha. Fucking love it!” Sajid cackled. As Greg looked back at him, clearly dismayed, Sajid read out, “Please DON’T let me cum!”

“What’s with the website?” Amber asked, frowning at Greg’s back.

“No!” Greg exclaimed. “What website? He wouldn’t!” he gasped.

“What? Who wouldn’t?” Sajid asked, suddenly looking almost as concerned as Greg.

“Whatever, shut up both of you!” Amber instructed. They both feel silent and stared at her nervously. “So you both failed to do what I said, but as I’m so nice rather than making you BOTH not cum, I’m going to let you both do it!”

“Thank fuck!” Greg gasped.

“What? No!” Sajid objected, seemingly catching on quicker than Greg.

“And Saj bottoms first,” Amber added.

“Fuck!” Greg exclaimed as he realised she intended for them both to fuck each other.

“Cos Greg looks like he’d blow the second Saj got inside him, right pervert?” Amber taunted. “Saj, lube up,” he said, pointing to one of his drawers. “And grab a couple of condoms out!” I’m not having the pervert infecting you with anything!

“Hey, I’m clean!” Greg scowled.

“Just shut up and put it on!” Amber said as Sajid handed him one of the condoms.

“Mistress, do we… are you really gonna let him…” Sajid pleaded.

Amber moved closer to Sajid and let her hand slide up and down his body before she whispered (deliberately loud enough for Greg to hear), “But you SO enjoy it when I fuck you!”

As Sajid looked mortified, Greg paused midway through putting his condom on to stare at her wide-eyed.

“With a strap-on!” Amber clarified with a snigger as she saw Greg staring. “I’m not THAT kind of girl!”

“Fuck,” Sajid muttered at the humiliating revelation.

“Though lil Sajjy DOES like that kind of girl,” Amber added, humiliating her boyfriend further.

“Oh my god,” Greg gasped, almost verging on feeling bad for Sajid’s embarrassment. He was only distracted from the humiliating moment by the pleasure of his own hand rolling the condom down his dick. He was so on edge it almost set him off. Amber may have been teasing, but she was right. If Sajid had fucked him first, he would absolutely have blown his load.

“Saj, on your back, legs in the air,” Amber said, pointing to the bed. “I want you two making eye contact the WHOLE time you’re inside each other!”

Sajid complied, laying on the bed as he pulled his legs back, exposing his hairy hole to them both, the hairs around it wet from the lubrication he had hastily and heavily applied.

Greg stepped forward. He didn’t care that he was about to fuck a guy. He didn’t care that it was a guy he hated. He didn’t even care that there was someone else watching, he just needed to cum. The realisation it was a guy he didn’t like actually made the whole thing a lot easier as he didn’t need to worry about being gentle. If it hurt… good! He rested the tip of his cock against Sajid’s hole.

“Eye contact!” Amber snapped.

Greg stared at Sajid, who stared back, both of the mortified at what was about to happen, cheeks blazing read, hearts racing. Greg felt his anger soften a little as he continued to stare at Sajid. As much as he disliked him and knew the suffering he was likely to endure himself later, he couldn’t help feeling a little sorry for him. Instead of slamming in hard as he had planned, he just pushed in slowly.

“Fuuuuuck!” they both moaned, then blushed and chuckled at the synchronicity.

“Ah, this… really won’t… take long,” Greg groaned as he felt the tightness and warmth of Sajid’s arse enveloping his straining tool.

“Good!” Sajid replied with an awkward chuckle.

“Go as long as you can, but I wanna see the money shot!” Amber demanded.

Greg nodded his understanding but kept his gaze locked on Sajid. It was a horrific and horrifying moment to be coerced into fucking the other guy, but at the same time it felt good. Not just the stimulation to his cock, that was ready to blow at any moment, but the looks they shared between them, the shared intimacy and humiliation, all piled together. It was confusing and intoxicating and exciting all at the same time.

“Ah fuck,” Greg moaned then suddenly pulled out fully, and yanked off the condom. He began to cum and stroked quickly to avoid the orgasm ending up ruined and proceeded to absolutely cover Sajid with his seed, heavy globs landing in his hair, on his face, across his torso and then his own rigid prick.

“Fuck, you can cum!” Sajid exclaimed as the orgasm finally subsided, feeling absolutely drenched.

“Yeah, yeah, flirt later,” Amber said with a smirk. “Swap places already!”

As Sajid stood, he was not permitted any time to clean off. Instead he just started rolling the condom down his straining boner as Greg grabbed some lube and reached down to finger himself briefly before laying down to copy Sajid’s position. Moments later, Sajid was stood holding Greg’s legs, his dick positioned ready to plunge inside.

Greg stared at Sajid, knowing this could be the start of his ‘revenge’. It would be so easy for him to make this even worse and, knowing his housemate the way he did, he fully prepared himself for a brutal entry and a painful fuck, so it was quite a surprise when he felt just the slightest bit of pressure against him. Unable to hide his surprise at the slow and delicate way Sajid was pushing in, Greg blushed as he saw what looked almost like a smile on the other young man’s face.

“Thank you,” Greg mouthed silently.

Sajid just shrugged it off, but continued to work in slowly. “You’re tight!” he said, just an observation rather than any kind of praise or criticism.

“Ah, nice. Fuck him, babe!” Amber said, standing behind Sajid with her arms around him, kissing and nibbling at his neck and shoulders.

“Ah, that’s good,” Sajid moaned, though it was unclear whether he meant the girl at his back or the guy on his dick. Maybe both!

Although he took a little longer to reach the edge than Greg had, it still didn’t take long before his pleasured grunts were barely a second apart, like some kind of non-verbal countdown. Pulling out, he yanked off the condom but before he could stroke himself, Greg reached up to do it, setting off an orgasm almost as explosive as Greg’s had been.

“Jesus. Fuck!” Sajid gasped as he finally stopped cumming and began to regain his breath.

“Well that was certainly fun!” Amber said with a huge grin as she stepped away from the two naked, cum-drenched men. “But I’ve got better things to do with my time than watch you two play faggot!” She headed for the door and looked back to blow Sajid a kiss, calling back as she left, “See ya later, homos!”

Sajid and Greg were both left as shocked by the sudden departure as they had been by the enjoyability of the shared fuck. No longer in their heightened state of arousal, reality began to set back in.

“Well let’s hear it then?” Sajid demanded, scowling a little.

“Hear… what?” Greg asked as he stood up, more conscious of the cum dripping down him than he was of the fact he remained naked.

“Me. Amber. Her… being my mistress,” Sajid said, looking thoroughly humiliated.

Greg knew he could easily taunt his housemate, but apart from the repercussions it would likely bring later, he couldn’t help feeling he had connected with Sajid on a new level and embarrassing him would likely undermine that. “None of my business,” Greg said with a shrug. “Well, except when she makes me do stuff too, I suppose!” he added with a smirk.

Sajid managed a slight chuckle too. “Yeah, she… definitely knows what she wants and how to get it!” he said, putting it mildly. “I guess… this is kinda over then,” he said a little awkwardly. As Greg frowned at him, he explained, “I had stuff to, like… blackmail you with but now you got just as much on me!”

“Ah, mutually assured destruction!” Greg said with a nod. “Look, I… I’m going through some stuff and I got a lot of shit to figure out, but… yeah, I’m not gonna go telling anyone about stuff that happens between you and your girlfriend… and me, now, I suppose. That’s just… who I am. You wanna ease back on being a cunt to me, great, but… I’m not gonna go round outing you or sharing shit either way.”

Sajid looked thoroughly crestfallen at the Greg’s magnanimousness. He had been ready to ‘negotiate’ his way out of this, but for Greg to just offer it freely made him feel pretty shitty.

“I’m gonna go shower,” Greg said as he headed for the door.

“I’ll stop!” Sajid said as Greg started to walk away. “All of it. I ain’t getting involved between you and Reggie, but… I’m out, okay!”

Greg smiled and nodded then took a few more steps and stopped again. He looked back and felt a slight churning in his stomach as the words slipped out before he really considered them. “You don’t… have to completely stop… if you don’t want!” he said a little awkwardly.

Sajid smiled, but it quickly dropped away as he blushed, considering what was actually being offered. He just nodded as Greg left.


The rest of the day had been unexpectedly enjoyable. After showering, Greg had gotten dressed, having returned to his room to find some clothes on his bed with a note that read, ‘You can wear these. No tricks! Also, I took out the camera. Saj.’ Though he didn’t speak to his formerly aggressive housemate after that, they did exchange a brief, slightly awkward smile as Greg caught sight of him just before he left the house.

The rest of the afternoon had been spent in Lewis’ room, just hanging out, chatting and gaming. There was no sexual contact, not even any mention of it or the other things going on, just two guys spending time together.

As evening rolled round, Greg’s mate showed up. While they wouldn’t usually turn up unannounced, Greg had yet to try his phone and see if it worked now that it had dried out after getting soaked the previous day. Not wanting to dump Lewis the moment someone else came along, he was incited to join them, but opted to pass as he had plans with some online friends instead, leaving Greg to head out with Carl, Ravi and Riley.

Having not been around the previous night when Carl told Riley about Greg’s naked campus experience, Ravi was soon filled in on all the embarrassing details. Humiliating as it was for Greg, it was also interesting to hear Carl tell the tale while excluding details of his own activities. It certainly led Greg to believe Ravi wasn’t one of the friends that Carl liked to get off with. Similarly, now aware of his friend’s penchant for shagging his mates, Greg couldn’t help noticing little things between Riley and Carl that suggested there was more there than friendship.

Several drinks in, and nowhere near as subtle as he though he was being, Greg managed to get Riley alone and asked, “So… you and Carl?”

“You mean YOU and Carl!” Riley deflected.

“He told you then!” Greg said, blushing but giggling.

“Yeah, but I didn’t know he told you about me!” Riley said, looking slightly annoyed.

“He didn’t. I’m just that smart!” Greg said, slurring very slightly.

“So’s this mean you’re gay?” Riley asked curiously.

Greg let out a groan as he said, “Why do people keep asking me that? I don’t fucking know!” His head dropped as he closed his eyes, shaking his head a little. Unfortunately, being slightly drunk and a little off-balance, he toppled forward against Riley, who caught him, snorting with laughter.

“Wow, literally throwing yourself at me!” Riley chuckled. “Just so you know,” he said quietly, then leaned in to nibble on Greg’s ear for a moment before he whispered, “I AM gay!”

“You are?” Greg asked, gulping slightly as he pulled back.

Riley suddenly looked a little less confident as he nodded and asked, “Is that… okay?”

“I get naked and expose myself for fun,” Greg said with a shrug. “You really think I’m gonna judge you cos the people you like to sleep with have peniseses… penisises… a dick!”

Riley laughed at the verbal slip-up, then cocked his head and said, “You just admitted doing it for fun!”

Greg stared back for a moment, shaking his head slightly. “I ain’t got it all figured out,” he sighed, “But even I can’t deny what seems pretty ffffucking obvious now!”

Riley reached out and stroked Greg’s cheek as he smiled and offered, “You wanna talk about it?”

“No!” Greg said drunkenly. “I wanna get naked!” He felt his cock throb at the revelation, both from saying it aloud and admitting it to himself.

“We can definitely help you with that!” Riley said eagerly. “You… go drink more. I’m gonna talk to the others!”

“Deal!” Greg said as he went to grab another beer, downing a couple of shots before starting on it. He watched as Riley headed over to where Ravi and Carl were talking, but turned away, cursing himself for saying what he did. Yes, it was exciting to be naked, but it also felt terrifying and humiliating, and now he was literally asking for it. He was just on the verge of heading over to tell the others to forget what he had said to Riley when they all began to approach him.

“Okay, Greggy,” Riley said with a smirk. “We been brainstorming ideas for you!”

“And we got some good ones!” Carl said excitedly. “It’s about fucking time you admitted you’re into this shit!”

“I know right,” Ravi agreed. “So let’s celebrate! You’re gonna get naked, and you’re gonna get seen doing it!”

“No, come on, just… just between us,” Greg pleaded, his cock throbbing reluctantly.

“Told ya,” Carl sniggered to the others as he nodded to Greg’s crotch. “If you really don’t want us showing you off, then prove it by showing us you’re not hard thinking about it!”

Greg just glared for a moment, then huffed, “Fine, whadda you want me to do?”

“Oh that’s your call!” Riley said happily. “We all had… very different ideas for what to do with you and we figured why not let YOU choose. This is your ‘big naked coming out’ after all!”

“So I reckon something on the internet is the best way to go, cos you KNOW once something’s on the internet, it’s there forever!” Carl offered. “Ravi thinks a more… in-person approach is better, he wants to show you off and actually see peoples’ reactions!”

“And you?” Greg asked, staring at Riley.

“I…” Riley started, then paused to blush a little. “If you can… ‘come out’ like this, then so can I,” he said, looking nervous. “Rav, I’m gay!” he admitted.

All eyes fell to Rav, who smirked and said flatly, “Oh, no, this is shocking, I never would guessed from all the gay porn on your phone!”

“You knew?!” Riley exclaimed, blushing even more.

“Get to the point,” Carl prompted.

“Oh, well… okay,” Riley said, feeling slightly emboldened by his confession. “Well I know a place where there’s… lots of other gays who would TOTALLY enjoy a naked Greg!”

“Ooooh,” Carl said with a grin. “So Greg, what’s it to be? Me, Rav or Ry?”

For part 20 click here 


Naked Justice

It's so great that Greg finally admitted that he enjoys his naked exposure. He should totally stop wearing clothes now.