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Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 15

  • 1. Don’t jerk off and walk home in underwear 2
  • 2. Jerk off in the cubicle and walk home in a t-shirt and underwear 3
  • 3. Jerk off outside the cubicle and get proper clothes 5
  • 2022-11-27
  • —2022-11-30
  • 10 votes
{'title': "Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 15", 'choices': [{'text': '1. Don’t jerk off and walk home in underwear', 'votes': 2}, {'text': '2. Jerk off in the cubicle and walk home in a t-shirt and underwear', 'votes': 3}, {'text': '3. Jerk off outside the cubicle and get proper clothes', 'votes': 5}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 30, 0, 50, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 27, 1, 2, 3, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 10}


For part 14 click here 

Part 14 Voting Results

Left naked in a toilet cubicle while waiting for some other students to get him some clothes, Greg ended up being offered a dick to suck from a mysterious stranger. How did he choose to react?

1. Suck the dick without saying anything – 45%

2. Offer to suck it in exchange for help – 55%

3. Kneel down and jerk off both dicks together – 0%

Part 15

Instinct took over, an instinct Greg didn’t even know he had as he turned and grabbed the rigid prick. He heard a slight groan from the next cubicle as he wrapped his hand around the base, followed by a pleasured moan as his tongue slid up from where his hand grasped to the tip of the cock.

“Wait,” Greg whispered, suddenly pulling back, though his hand remained in place. “I’m kinda stuck right now. I’ll blow you if you can get me some clothes!”

The body suddenly pulled back, the dick yanked from Greg’s grasp.

Greg whimpered slightly, partly from the realisation he had just admitted to being stranded naked to another stranger, but also because… he wanted to suck the dick. That in itself was a confusing thought to unpack another time, but right now his ongoing nudity remained the main problem. Had he scared off this potential source of assistance?

“Greg… is that you?” the guy in the next cubicle asked.

Greg gasped slightly, the voice no longer disguised. “Carl?!” he exclaimed in surprise.

“Fuck. It IS you!” Carl called out. “What the… why did… why are you… I mean… I was just… fuck!” he stuttered awkwardly.

Greg’s mind was racing. Carl was in the bathroom, cruising for a blow job from a guy. He had just touched and licked a guys’ dick. That dick belonged to one of his closest friends, a straight friend, though considering Greg had thought of himself as straight, he really couldn’t judge Carl for it. He was still trapped naked. He had just admitted his situation to a friend. He felt like he was going to throw up.

Suddenly, Carl’s head appeared over the side of the cubicle as he presumably stood on the toilet. “Damn, you really are naked… again!”

“Yeah, I kinda fucking noticed!” Greg snapped, clutching his hands over his erection the moment he saw Carl looking. “What the fuck are you doing in here?” he demanded.

“Well I came looking for you actually, but decided to stop off for…” Carl stopped mid-sentence, eyes widening for a moment. He shook his head as he shrugged slightly and said, “Fuck it, you know exactly what I stopped off for!”

“Well yeah, but… here… in… in the men’s toilet? Like… with… men?” Greg enquired nervously.

Suddenly, they were interrupted by the sound of the door opening. Carl disappeared back into his cubicle and they both fell silent, waiting as they listened to a guy pee then leave without washing his hands… dirty bastard!

“Okay,” Carl said as soon as the intrusion was over. “So I may not be completely straight,” he admitted frankly. “I ain’t coming out or anything like that, but… ya know… sometimes needs come up and girls… they’re not always as easy as guys, and a mouth’s a mouth!”

“So this… isn’t your first time?” Greg asked curiously.

“Yeah, this totally seems like the right time and place to have a long conversation about our sex lives,” Carl said sarcastically. “Well it all started many years ago…” he continued, obviously teasing.

“Funny. So funny!” Greg said dryly. “You gonna help me out or not?”

“Where are your clothes?” Carl asked. “Wait!” he suddenly added before Greg could answer. “Reggie said to try and encourage you out into the rain… did you fall for the old melting clothes prank?”

“You helped them do this?” Greg snapped angrily.

“Not intentionally,” Carl said defensively, though it was followed by a slight chuckle as he added, “But if they’d told me, I totally woulda helped anyway!”

Greg scowled as he said curtly, “You’re a dick!”

“Huh, that’s a funny way to ask nicely for help from your dead, dear friend!” Carl taunted.

“Fuck, okay, sorry. Just… help me… please!” Greg pleaded.

“I believe the offer was that you’d suck my dick in exchange for help. That ain’t changed!” Carl proffered.

Greg recoiled slightly. “You… you still want me… to do that?” he asked nervously.

“Like I said, a mouth’s a mouth and I always enjoy first times with people I know!” Carl said eagerly.

Greg frowned, wondering what other friends he’d had ‘first times’ with, but like Carl said, now wasn’t the time. “Fine, but… you come in here. This floor’s disgusting!” Greg said, eager to avoid getting back down on it.

Carl went silent for a few moments, then replied, “Fine, okay!” He unlocked the cubicle and stepped out as Greg unlocked his own door and stepped back. “Hey, could you grab my bag from the next one over please?” he requested, keen to avoid misplacing anything else today.

“Sure,” Carl replied, and appeared a few moments later, bag in hand pushing the door open.

Greg watched as Carl placed the bag down then stood back, fully on show, his dick still out and raging hard as he held up his open jeans.

“Fuck!” Greg gasped as he saw his friend’s dick. He had seen it a few moments before, but actually knowing who it belonged to… seeing him with it out, it sent strange nervous ripples through his whole body. His stomach churned, but his cock throbbed, confirming it was an excited nervousness.

Carl shut and locked the door, then looked Greg up and down, smirking at the obliviously unconcealed erection as Greg stood there looking anxious. “You’re really getting into this whole naked thing, aren’t you!” he said.

The tone of Carl’s comment confused him. It wasn’t a tease or even a simple observation, he almost sounded… proud. “I… I don’t know,” Greg said, still confused about the whole thing.

Carl frowned a little at the response, clearly not what he was expecting. “Look, mate… if you actually… don’t want to…”

Greg nodded as he leaned forward to grab Carl’s dick.

“Okay, you clearly do!” Carl chuckled, grinning at the timid smile Greg gave him before continuing down to take the erection into his mouth. “Ah, yes, suck it straightie!” he moaned as he felt the lips around it.

Greg pulled back for a second and looked up, raising an eyebrow,

“Sorry, carried away,” Carl sniggered. “But get back to it. No cum, no help!”

“Okay,” Greg said, more amused than annoyed at the comment. He took the head of the dick back into his mouth. This was not something he was used to, but he figured the best thing to do was to just try and replicate the things HE enjoyed having done to him. If it felt good to Greg, it would probably feel good to Carl too.

Eagerly wanking the cock at its base as he sucked and licked away at the head. Remembering another thing he liked, he reached up with his other hand and pulled Carl’s balls out, massaging them gently as he continued sucking.

“Wow, you’re good at that,” Carl panted happily, leaning back against the door with his eyes closed. “Won’t take me… long… to shoot!” He started moaning gently as he edged closer to release.

A few moments later, they heard the familiar sound of the door opening. Carl suddenly looked down as Greg looked up, eyes wide as he raised a finger to his mouth to suggest silence.

Greg continued to stare up but didn’t stop his oral pleasuring.

Looking increasingly panicked as the person outside the cubicle went about their business, Carl attempted to stop Greg’s sucking but was carefully trying not to make any sound to give away what was going on. It seemed he was as nervous of getting caught with a guy as Greg was of getting caught naked.

Seeing it as a rare opportunity to turn the embarrassment on someone else, Greg sped up slightly, feeling the hands grasping at him growing weaker as the orgasm slipped closer and closer. Finally, with the person outside still peeing, Greg felt Carl’s grip tighten on his shoulder. Carl’s other hand raised to cover his own mouth to stop himself moaning aloud.

Greg felt the first shot in his mouth and nearly pulled away. He didn’t feel quite the same eagerness to swallow the cum as he had to suck the dick, but knowing the extreme ongoing pleasure his continued sucking was inflicting on the desperately silent Carl spurred him to continue gulping down every drop.

With the spurts dying to dribbles and eventually stopping, Greg continued sucking until, he had swallowed every drop, then remained motionless, dick still in his mouth as he stared up at his frantic but satisfied friend. They heard the external door close and they were alone once again.

Greg finally stood back up, grinning proudly.

“You absolute fucker!” Carl said, shaking his head.

“Hey, just honouring my side of the deal. You cum, so I get help, right?” Greg said, mostly teasing but also keen to end his nudity.

“I suppose,” Carl said with a shrug. “Are you… umm…” he started, blushing a little as his eyes dropped to Greg’s erection, “Are you… gonna take care of that first?”

“Oh, offering to return the favour?” Greg asked, surprised at his own boldness.

“Fuck no. I don’t suck!” Carl recoiled, putting his own dick away at last. His cheeks remained a dark crimson as he said nervously, “But I… do kinda like… seeing guys… playing with themselves!”

“Does that… affect how much you’re gonna help me?” Greg asked, used to all requests lately coming with a price.

Carl thought for a moment, then nodded as he grinned. “Yeah, okay. it does,” he said confidently. “You seemed to like when we gave you a choice of what to do yesterday so… I got an offer for you.”

“Fuck!” Greg muttered.

“Relax, I’m helping you either way,” Carl reassured him. “For blowing me, I said I’d help you and I meant it, so if we leave it there I’ll do what I was gonna do anyway and just give you my underwear to walk home in. You wouldn’t be naked, but… pretty close… plus it’s still raining and I don’t see THAT thing going down any time soon without some… relief!” Carl explained, pointing at the boner.

“Or?” Greg prompted.

“Or you jerk off for me now and I give you my underwear AND my t-shirt,” Carl offered. “I get to enjoy a show and you get to get home with MOST of your dignity intact… just wet clothes and no boner!”

Greg nodded thoughtfully, but huffed as he saw the grin on Carl’s face. He sighed and asked, “Or?”

“Or you jerk off for me, but you do it out there,” Carl said, gesturing out to the main bathroom area. “And once you start, you don’t stop til you cum, even if someone comes in. But if you do… I’ll find you a full set of clothes. No more nudity, just a normal walk home, I’ll even get you an umbrella!”

“Fuck!” Greg grunted as he contemplated the options.

For part 16 click here 



How dare they not wash their hands!

John Warren

This story just makes me crack up laughing.