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Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 6

  • 1. Agree to let Wade fuck him 0
  • 2. Make a run for it and try to get home 2
  • 3. Agree to let Wade fuck him, but only if he fucks Dill first 7
  • 2022-10-23
  • —2022-10-26
  • 9 votes
{'title': "Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 6", 'choices': [{'text': '1.\tAgree to let Wade fuck him', 'votes': 0}, {'text': '2.\tMake a run for it and try to get home ', 'votes': 2}, {'text': '3.\tAgree to let Wade fuck him, but only if he fucks Dill first', 'votes': 7}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 26, 13, 7, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 23, 20, 55, 44, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 9}


For part 5 click here

Part 5 Voting Results

Taking cover in his neighbur's van, Greg finds himself on the road again, but will he risk exposing himself to his neighbour or do whatever it takes to avoid exposing his naked arousal?

1. Ask Frank for help – 20%

2. Make a run for it when the truck stops – 30%

3. Try and get rid of his erection by cumming – 50%

Part 6

Greg was going to be seen. He literally couldn’t even imagine a situation now where he wouldn’t be, so it came down to a matter of damage control. Being seen naked in public – a fairly horrific and humiliating experience. Been seen naked in public with a raging erection – the horror of it was beyond his comprehension. That was what drove Greg’s hand to reach down and start stroking his dick.

Greg needed to cum. He had though he ‘needed’ to cum other times in his life, times when he had ended up extra horny or unable to find privacy for an extended period, but it struck him now that those times he didn’t ‘need’ to cum, he just really, really wanted to. Right now though, he NEEDED to cum. His cock staunchly refused to deflate. Even the post-orgasmic humiliation of being made to cum from barely more than a few licks from Liam had only got him down to a semi, and he had been hard again before he knew it.

Hopeful for a brief moment that his absurd situation was just a dream, Greg was forced to face reality as he lay in the back of Frank’s truck, stark naked, wanking more desperately than he had ever thought possible. He did his best to ignore the thrill of seeing the sky above him and feeling the wind caressing every inch of his body. Every building they sped past brought the horrific possibility of someone looking out from an upstairs window and seeing him, though thankfully by the time they did, he would be long gone anyway.

Raising a hand to tweak a breeze-stiffened nipple, Greg continued stroking so fast he worried he might be about to see smoke. Thankfully he could feel the orgasm building. It felt slow, but time seemed to warp around him ever since he woke up, every second seemingly drawing itself out to increase his potential humiliation.

Finally, though, Greg sensed his imminent release. He let out a gentle whimper from the sheer, toe-curling pleasure of it. As much as he kept telling himself this nightmare was the worst day of his life, the delight was utterly undeniable. He felt a slight judder as he began to shoot… or was it from the brakes of the van? He realised it was both, his orgasm beginning just as the van stopped.

“Fuck!” Greg gasped as he saw the large looming vehicle to his side.

The truck was only stopped at traffic lights and stopped in the next lane was a double-decker bus. While it looked far from full, there were at least a dozen people on the bottom deck on the side that overlooked him, while just as many sat on the top deck.

As he lay there feeling his dick begin to spray his body with his excitable load, the occupants of the bus began to notice, a wave of shouts of shrieks from inside audible even through the glass.

Greg knew he needed to go. Aside from the opportunity of having the truck sitting stationery, his unexpected audience were on the verge of recovering from their shock and a frantic glance from the naked young man showed more than a couple of them turning their phones his way.

Letting out a grunt as he forced himself to move mid-orgasm, his dick still twitching out small dribbles of spunk, Greg vaulted over the side of the truck and down onto the ground, just as he heard, “What the fuck…” from the driver’s cab.

Greg ran, hopeful that having his back to Frank had prevented his neighbour from identifying him. He wasn’t quite sure where he was, but running back in the direction they had just come from seemed like then most sensible move. Desperately clutching his hands over his sensitive, sticky cock, Greg sprinted along the street as fast as he could manage. There were plenty of other cars on the road now, as well as people on the street, but in his semi-orgasmic panic they were all little more than a blur to him as he desperately ran for cover.

Turning off of the main road was mostly a matter of chance to the naked, mindless runner, acting on sheer instinct rather than any deliberate plan, but as he realised he was no longer being observed, he came to a stop, heaving to catch his breath as he cowered down between two parked cars.

“Oh my god. Oh my fucking god!” Greg panted, cursing himself for letting things go so wrong, though his hatred quickly began to turn to his friends who had presumably set the whole thing up. That anger would have to wait. For now he had to get home. Thankfully, his dick was now complying and had shrunk down as he ran, though Greg did find himself stuck with the frustrating thought that being seen in his shrunken state was possible more embarrassing than being seen at full size… not that he intended to be seen again anyway.

Leaning out slightly from between the cars, Greg managed to spot a street sign. Thankfully, it was one he knew. The truck had not been driving for long, but had still managed to get unpleasantly far from home, though Greg’s frantic sprint had closed a big chunk of the gap already. Mentally planning a route in his head, Greg was relieved at the realisation that he could likely make it home without returning to any of the bigger, busier streets that would only get fuller as rush hour continued.

Realising that the longer he waited, the more chance there was of being seen, Greg started scurrying along the street, his head on a constant swivel as he looked out for anyone approaching from either direction. He made it to the next junction unseen and headed along the next street, thankful that it was another quiet residential one, with the houses thankfully set far back from the street with long front gardens.

Just as he was approaching the next junction, crossing the current street off of the mental map in his head, Greg heard voices approaching. Looking round in a panic, he jumped for the best cover he could find – a hedgerow in the garden he was just passing. He was out of sight just as the voices came round the corner. There were three of them, all male. They sounded young, though more from their conversation rather than their actual tones, which were all deep enough to place them in their late teens – probably sixth formers on their way to school if Greg had to hazard a guess.

Greg readied himself to move as soon as the group had passed, peering through a small gap in the hedge to check for when it would be safe to go. As they came into view, he realised he was right about who they were. The three teens were dressed in the maroon blazers worn by the lower and upper sixth form boys of one of the nearby schools. From what Greg could see, they certainly looked to be in the older group, meaning they were probably eighteen, maybe seventeen if their birthday fell particularly late in the school year.

As Greg sat staring at them, it took a few seconds for him to realise the problem – they were standing still! They had stopped right outside the house where he was hiding. Their conversation and lack of reaction to his presence suggested they hadn’t spotted him. Greg could imagine himself at their age, with his schoolfriends, and how they would have reacted to finding a naked man on the way to school. He shuddered slightly at the prospect.

Still addled by his interrupted orgasm, frantic run and the entire nightmare scenario, Greg was a little slow in figuring out the probable reason for their stop. By the time he figured it out, the young man who lived in the house he had used for cover was standing at his side. Greg stared up at the teenager who was smirking a little at the cowering, naked figure.

“Oh, fuck, I forgot there’s something I need to take care of,” the teen said to the other three, shaking his head as he tried to play it cool.

“Come on, we can’t be late again. I ain’t losing my lunch break to a fucking detention again for you, Dill!” one of the other three replied, getting grunts of agreement from the others.

“Yeah, fine, go ahead, whatever,” Dill (or Dylan, to be formal) said casually.

“Want me to wait for you?” one of the others asked as the other two continued on, unsubtly bitching about their friend.

Dill’s eyes flicked briefly down to Greg before he grinned back at the other boy and said, “Yeah, I think… you can help!” He stepped forward and peered down the street to check the others were gone, then pulled the other boy back into his driveway so that Greg came into sight.

“Holy fuck! Who’s that?” the boy suddenly yelped as he saw Greg looking terrified.

“Good question, Wade,” Dill nodded to his friend, then sniggered at Greg as he asked, “Care to explain?”

“I’m just trying to get home!” Greg whimpered.

“Naked?” Dill asked with a smirk.

Wade was just staring at Greg silently, cheeks flushed, clearly taking in every exposed inch of skin he could see.

“Yes, naked, not by choice!” Greg insisted. “I… I’ll go…” he said as he went to stand up.

“No you won’t!” Dill said, reaching out to shove Greg back down. “Chill, mate,” he said as Greg looked increasingly nervous. “I can help. Do what I ask and I’ll give you some clothes!”

Greg let out a slight whimper of relief. “Thank you,” he gasped. A sudden frown spread across his face as he asked, “Wait, do as you ask?”

“Wade, this is ya chance. I told ya I’d help you win the bet!” Dill said, smiling mischievously.

“What? Him?” Wade asked, looking a mix of terrified and intrigued.

Greg recoiled a little, but accidentally tipped over backwards. As he instinctively put his hands back to catch himself, he just managed to expose his shrivelled dick and balls to the two teens.

“Oh look, he’s offering it up. He’s totally one of you!” Dill chuckled as Greg covered back up.

“Whadda you want?” Greg asked nervously.

Dill smiled as he moved to place an arm around Wade. “Well y’see, lil Wade here’s not having much luck with the other gays at school, cos most of ‘em are so far in the closet they’re half way to fucking Narnia, and the two wankstains who were just here,” he said, gesturing down the street where the other two had just gone, “They bet Wade couldn’t pop his cherry before we finish our exams.”

“What, ya never heard of grindr?” Greg grumbled.

“Clearly YOU have,” Dill sniggered, making Greg blush more profusely. “But no apps. Them’s the rules. I gotta find me a free range homo for lil Wade to have fun with!”

“Yeah, I’m not gay!” Greg insisted.

“Sure, but THEY don’t need to know that!” Dill said with a shrug. “Let Wade fuck you and I’ll give ya something to wear!”

“What?!” Greg and Wade both exclaimed at once.

Greg stared at the shocked boy. Needless to say, he wasn’t Greg’s type, primarily because he wasn’t a girl! That aside, he wasn’t the most unattractive young man. To be fair, Dill was fairly easy on the eye too… for a guy! Greg found it more than a little confusing to be looking at the two eighteen-year-olds that way.

“What happens if you lose your bet?” Greg asked, not sure why it mattered.

“Me and Dill have to show up to get our exam results in… ladies… lingerie!” Wade said, blushing heavily.

“Jesus, Wade. Shut the fuck up!” Dill huffed, clearly not liking the concept. After scowling at the other boy, he looked back to Greg and said, “But we win and those two dickheads have to do it!”

“This is so fucked up!” Greg grumbled, shaking his head. “Can’t you guys just… just help me out of the goodness of your hearts? Y’know, like actual decent human beings!”

“Fuck you!” Dill snapped back, then smirked and said, “I guess that’s kinda the point! But no, you want help, you pay the fucking price!” He paused a moment than laughed again and said, “FUCKING price! I’m too funny! Or you could NOT, and I can call the police and tell them some naked freak’s roaming the streets!”

Greg stared back in dismay. His route home was quiet, but there seemed to be almost zero chance of making it unseen, especially if the police started looking for him… if they weren’t already! Getting clothes just seemed like the best thing to do, but could he really pay the price? The two teens stared at him, awaiting his answer.

For part 7 click here 



This is exactly what I thought would happen if he started jerking off! Fool he was so close!