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Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 2

  • 1. Go with Jake to his place 9
  • 2. Wait in the park while Jake gets help 1
  • 3. Wait for Jake to leave then run, this sounds like a set-up 0
  • 2022-10-09
  • —2022-10-12
  • 10 votes
{'title': "Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 2", 'choices': [{'text': '1.\tGo with Jake to his place', 'votes': 9}, {'text': '2.\tWait in the park while Jake gets help', 'votes': 1}, {'text': '3.\tWait for Jake to leave then run, this sounds like a set-up', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 12, 21, 0, 28, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 9, 13, 18, 44, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 10}


For part 1 click here 

Part 1 Voting Results

Waking up naked in a park with no idea how he got there, Greg needs to try and find a way home, but when someone passes by, what does he choose to do?

1. Find the dog-walker and ask for help – 57%

2. Leave the park and try to find a way home – 43%

3. Stay hidden and wait – 0%

Part 2

In the end, it was the fear of the unknown that pushed Greg to make his decision. Staying put meant anxious waiting for who-knows-how-long. Making a dash for it mean the constant fear of who might spot him, who he might run into and what might happen. As humiliating as it was to reveal himself to the dog-walker, at least it was just one person (and one dog, obviously), but that would be it. He would reveal himself, ask for help and then… be given help… hopefully.

Knowing that every second he waited was a little further he had to chase the man down, he started hurrying along, though he remained off the main path. Making his way along through the shrubberies and undergrowth, doing his best to ignore what he was stepping as he felt softness beneath his feet, he attempted to catch up.

Once again, it was the dog that spotted him, turning to start barking in his direction. “Fuck’s sake, Max,” the man growled as he stopped to look back at the agitated animal. “What? What exactly is so exciting about THAT fucking tree?” he demanded. “I swear, one day I’m gonna…” the man stopped mid-sentence as he saw Greg peering out from behind the trunk of a massive oak. “Shittin’ hell!” he exclaimed as he jumped at the unexpected sight.

“Erm… hi!” Greg said timidly.

“The fuck are you doing back there?” the man asked, cautiously taking a step back. Max barked a couple more times then circled back to sit obediently at the man’s side.

Greg was finally able to get a look at him. He looked to be around Greg’s age, maybe a little older but not by much. He was dressed in grey sweatpants, with a dark blue hoodie zipped halfway up over a white t-shirt. His dark blonde hair was a little shaggy, looking very much like absolutely no effort had been put into his appearance for the early-morning walk, though his heavy stubble looked much more intentional.

“Erm… any chance you could help me?” Greg asked timidly.

“Yeah, creepy guy lurking behind a tree in the park. Think I’ll pass on this particular mugging, but you have a nice day!” the man replied.

“Do I look like a mugger?” Greg asked as he stepped out from behind the tree, worried the man was going to leave. His hands remained firmly clasped over his annoyingly-hard dick as he blushed so heavily he could feel the warmth of it radiating from his face and spreading right down his neck to his shoulders.

The man smirked as he looked Greg up and down. “Lemme guess, you need my clothes, my boots and my motorcycle?” he asked, barely holding back open laughter.

“What?” Greg exclaimed. “You… what?” he repeated, looking round in confusion.

“If I help you find Sarah Connor, will you let me live?” he asked, still sniggering.

“I… I don’t…” Greg stuttered, on the verge of simply bursting into tears from sheer confusion and embarrassment. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” he muttered shakily.

“So not a Terminator fan. Fair enough!” the man said with a shrug. “What exactly are you doing here… dressed like that?”

“I wish I knew!” Greg answered honestly, taking a slight step back behind cover.

“Nuh-uh,” the man said, shaking his head. “You stay where I can see you. This still screams ‘attempted mugging’ to me!”

Greg let out a gentle whimper as he stepped more into the open, looking round for fear of someone else walking along at any moment.

“You’re not concealing any weapons, are you?” the man asked, struggling to keep a straight face.

“You having a fucking laugh?” Greg snapped.

The man raised his eyebrows as he reached down to pet Max, who barked at the aggressive response. “Bold talk from a naked boy!”

“I’m twenty!” Greg said back with a scowl, but immediately blushed more heavily, annoyed that his automatic reaction to questioning his appearance had just slipped out.

The man shook his head and asked, “So how can I help?”

Greg frowned, his temper starting to fray as his head throbbed. “How d’ya think? I’m naked!”

“Yeah, well naked guys asking for my help are usually looking for something that’s usually done in private rather than a public park, so unless that’s what you’re asking, you should probably clarify a little!” the man replied with a wry grin.

Greg really wasn’t sure how to take the comment, unable to tell if he was joking or sincere. “I’d kinda like some help to get home, or… or to cover up… or ANYTHING really!” he explained.

“What’s your name?” the man asked.

Greg frowned, considering giving a fake name for a moment before eventually replying, “Greg!”

“Well hi Greg, I’m Jake and this is Max!” Jake introduced himself. “And I’d be happy to help you…”

Greg breathed an audible sigh of relief.

“For a price!” Jake added with a cocky smirk.

Greg’s breath caught in his throat. “Wh… what kind of price?” he asked, now a little more concerned about the previous comment.

“Well to start, why don’t you put your hands down,” Jake suggested.

“You wanna see my dick?” Greg asked, taking a nervous step back.

“No,” Jake replied. “I want you to put your hands down, which you’ll either do and I’ll consider continuing this conversation, or you won’t and I’ll continue my walk with Max!”

“Fuck!” Greg grunted as he dropped his hands to his side. His erection bobbed free, still erect and now pointing Jake straight in the face as it curved slightly upwards.

Jake smiled as he leaned to the side to get a slightly different view, then nodded and said, “Good start!” He ignored the annoyed grunt from the naked man. “Looks like you’re enjoying your little walk!”

“No, it’s just… I was probably drugged,” Greg said defensively, resisting the desperate urge to cover up.

“Yeah, sildenafil doesn’t MAKE you hard!” Jake said dismissively as he shook his head. As he saw Greg frown, he said, “Sorry, you’re probably used to hearing Viagra, that’s just a brand name, not the actual drug.” He paused, smiling slightly at the annoyed but curious look on Greg’s face. “You ain’t popping a boner on that stuff unless you’re at least a little bit turned on. You like walking around naked out here?”

“No!” Greg insisted without hesitation.

“Lie detector says…” Jake started, lowering his gaze to the erection, “That’s a lie!” He laughed a little as Greg continued to scowl.

“Are you gonna help me or not?” Greg demanded.

“Stroke it!” Jake said, smiling mischievously.

“What? No!” Greg said, finally covering back up.

“Fine, come on Max,” Jake replied, turning to walk away with the dog at his heels.

“Okay, fine, sorry, just… please help me!” Greg pleaded. As Jake stopped and looked back, Greg knew what he was waiting for. With a hearty sigh, he dropped one hand away but let the other grasp onto his dick. He started stroking it, still looking round desperately afraid of being spotted. He couldn’t believe what was happening. Naked, in public, with a boner, in front of a total stranger, masturbating… and it felt SO good! “Fuck!” he muttered at the realisation.

“Nice!” Jake chuckled. “Fine, I’ll help,” he said, rolling his eyes as he shook his head. “I don’t live far from here. Come with me back to my place and I’ll take care of things!” he offered. As he saw Greg recoil ever-so-slightly, he added, “But if that’s a problem then you’re welcome to wait here while I go grab you some clothes or something!”

Greg had covered back up now. As good as it felt to play with himself, he still wasn’t going to expose himself to the stranger any more than he had to. As humiliating as it was, at least it had earned him some help. Now he just had to decide which was the least terrible option!

For part 3 click here 


Naked Justice

Nice. I hope that Jake will help Greg to extend his public nudity experience VERY LONG.

John Warren

Does Greg have a middle name such as Chris or Danny???