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Friday 12 February 2021

Nicky closed his eyes as he tilted his face up towards the shower head. Friday was always a bit of a mixed day for him. On the positive side, he had double music in the afternoons, no scheduled activities in the evenings and a lot of time to spend with Mikey and Chris. On the negative side, his day also involved double Geography in the morning and double History at the end of the day, two of his least favourite subjects.

Today though, even the double boredom of Geography and History wasn’t enough to bring him down because it also happened to be the last day before the half-term break. To top it off, this wasn’t just any half-term break, this was the first one he would get to spend with both Chris AND Mikey. Nine days, three boys, no school. It was exciting in every sense of the word. Things seemed like they could not get any better. Then came the knock on the cubicle door.

Figuring it was one, or both, of his boyfriends, he reached back to unlock it. “I thought you were sleeping in!” he giggled playfully.

As the door flew open, Nicky felt hands reach out and grab both of his arms. Having stepped under the shower head, he got water in his eyes and also managed to inhale some as he gasped at the shock of being grabbed. He blinked and spluttered helplessly as he was pulled out of the cubicle. Feeling himself roughly shoved forward, by the time he was able to see what was happening, he found himself surrounded by laughter.

He had been shoved right out of the shower room and into the main walkway outside it - a walkway that happened to visible both ways along the first floor, from the stairs heading up and the entrance foyer below. He let out a whimpered cry and tried to cover himself as he pushed against the door trying to get in, but whoever was on the other side was holding it closed and all his banging did was draw even more attention.

The laughter echoed around the massive atrium, seeming to magnify as it filled the air, occasionally interspersed with cheers and wolf whistles.

“Looking good!” “You see the size of that thing?” “Hot damn!” and “Nice arse!” were just some of the surprisingly complimentary things called out to the distraught naked boy. The admiring nature of the comments did nothing to calm Nicky as he freaked out.

Realising he wasn’t getting back into the shower room, Nicky did the only thing he could – he ran! Sprinting down the hallway, he turned the corner with laughter still echoing behind him. He kept running down past dorms 1.03 and 1.04, rounded the last corner and opened the door to his own dorm and rushed in.

Most of the dorm were still asleep, only David and James were awake at the far end of the dorm, both reading quietly and not even looking as Nicky hurried in and grabbed some clothes. Pulling them on without even drying off, he nearly staggered and fell several times, hardly able to see as he struggled to keep himself quiet, tears flowing down his cheeks.

When the others eventually got up and headed down for breakfast, Nicky had stayed behind, too humiliated to show his face outside of the dorm any sooner than he had to. He had insisted he just wasn’t hungry, keen to avoid revealing his embarrassment to any of his friends. Much of the time he was alone had been spent crying, desperately trying to convince himself that he needed to tell someone about the boys tormenting him. He hadn’t actually seen who grabbed him, but it had to be Angel, he was clearly the ringleader of the gang of savage Year 7s. He managed to talk himself out of telling anyone, imagining being laughed at for falling victim to boys who were both younger and smaller than him. As he heard his dormmates returning after breakfast, he had decided to at least tell Chris and Mikey about it.

“There’s really not much to see!” Chris insisted as he wandered in. “It’s pretty much the same as your dorm!”

“I know, but it’s still interesting to see!” Angel said back, smiling sweetly at Chris who had an arm draped around him.

Nicky almost burst into tears again just from the sound of the younger boy’s voice, but he kept himself together, though he fealt nauseous seeing the boy with Chris.

“See, just like your dorm!” Chris insisted, the others following them in, casually chatting amongst themselves.

“Not completely!” Angel replied. “My dorm doesn’t have a Nicky!”

“Ha, good point,” Chris chuckled, releasing the younger boy as he headed down the dorm towards Nicky. “Look who decided to join us for breakfast today!” he called down to his boyfriend.

“Hey Nicky,” Angel said with a smile. “Can we talk in private for a minute?”

Nicky felt panicked. He couldn’t be alone with the boy. “We… erm… no. We have to get ready. Chris and I have somewhere we need to be!”  Nicky insisted. “You should go!”

Angel stared back for a moment.

Nicky realised the boy wasn’t going to say anything nasty with other people around. That was clearly the key to avoiding any further abuse from the boy.

“Okay, another time then, but… we really should talk,” Angel said, giving Nicky a smile before he turned and headed for the door. “Thanks for the invite,” he said politely as he passed Chris.

“Huh, nice kid,” Chris nodded as Nicky approached. “Weird… but nice!” He frowned at Nicky and asked, “You okay?”

Nicky just nodded sullenly.


Rob let out a sigh as he stared across the quad to a group of Year 10 boys who were playing a game of football. Right in the middle of the group was Rob’s boyfriend, Alex, who kept grinning over in Rob’s direction. Rob smiled back, but found his gaze was more frequently drawn to another of the boys – Luke.

Just a month earlier, Luke was nothing more than Alex’s dormmate, one of the boys who Rob had helped Alex to fix his relationship with and become friends. Then it had all changed thanks to a single game of pool. Rob had been offered up as the prize in a pool tournament, which Luke had won. When the time came to claim his prize – an evening with Alex’s ‘boy-toy’ - Rob had been dreading it, terrified of what it might involve. Surprisingly though, something else had happened… they had become friends. Of course, with this being Kingswood, most friendships came with benefits!

Luke and Rob had connected in a way that had taken them both by surprise and that one evening had then turned into multiple evenings, thanks to a sneaky lie from Rob. Even beyond that, there had been multiple secret meetings since, the two stealing every moment they could together, simply enjoying each other’s company.

“What up, dickface?” Josh asked casually, flopping down beside Rob. He looked flustered and sweaty, presumably from the game he had been playing with some of the other Year 8s, which Rob had excused himself from. Rob had glanced at them a few times and hadn’t even come close to figuring out what the game actually was, but seeing the state Josh was in now, he felt he had made the right call.

Rob just let out a dismayed whimper and let his head loll to the side onto Josh’s shoulder.

“Oof, that’s not a happy sound!” Josh said sympathetically.

“I’ve got a problem!” Rob sighed.

“Well tuck it into your waistband, think unsexy thoughts and I’m sure nobody’ll notice!” Josh replied, grinning.

Rob raised his head and frowned, staring at Josh. “I can tell from the smile you think you’re funny, but… no!” He shook his head. “I…” he paused and sighed, glancing over at the Year 10s. “I think I’m doing something I’m not supposed to be doing!”

Josh frowned. “Well that’s… not very clear,” he said, trying to figure Rob out. “Is it something… that’ll get you in trouble?”

“Sort of,” Rob nodded.

“Can you just… stop?” Josh suggested.

Rob sighed. “I don’t think I could even if I wanted to!”

“And do you want to?” Josh asked.

Rob glanced at his friend for a moment, then lowered his gaze as he shook his head.

Josh gently nudged him with his elbow and asked, “So what do you think you need to do?”

Rob pursed his lips, brow furrowing as he thought about it. “Keep doing what I’m doing and hope it just… works itself out?” he asked with a hint of a grin.

“Ah yes, the Joshua Williams approach,” Josh nodded. He only used his full birth name of Joshua when referring to his life before his abused had ended. “That works really well. I’ll meet you up on the roof!” As Rob stared back at him in absolute dismay, he said an awkward, “Still too soon to joke. Noted!”

Rob burst into laughter as he shook his head before letting out another gentle sigh. He leaned gently against his friend as he stared across to Alex and Luke.


Chris had shovelled down his lunch quickly before running off to the Sports Complex to look for Blane. While Chris was going to be spending half-term with Nicky and Mikey, and wouldn’t be leaving until the following day, Blane was leaving that evening to catch the flight back over to their family home in Ireland and Chris wanted to see him before he left.

It was weird being in the huge building while it was so quiet. It reminded him of the previous year when he had come over every morning before school for swimming coaching with Mr Beecham. It was always quiet then too.

Having been unable to find his big brother, Chris was headed back down the main corridor when he heard a shout from one of the rooms. “Hey, is someone out there?”

Chris frowned, the voice was unmistakably Mr Beecham which made sense as the room it came from was his office. “Erm… yes!” Chris shouted back.

“Chris? Is that you?” Mr Beecham called out. “Can you come in?”

Chris cautiously opened the door and peered inside, but froze, jaw slowly dropping, eyes widening as he took in the sight before him. Mr Beecham, or Owen as Chris usually called him outside of the classroom, was stood at the back of the room, wrists and ankles restrained to the wall behind him… and he was completely nude.

“Hi sir. How’s it going?” Chris asked casually, as if everything were entirely normal, holding back a laugh.

“Oh, wonderful,” Mr Beecham said back with a frown. “And how are you today?”

“Best day ever, sir!” Chris grinned. He stepped inside and shut the door behind him.

“Could you help me out? The keys are on my desk!” Mr Beecham requested.

Chris walked over and grabbed the keys, then moved closer to the naked man and smiled. “Oh, no way it’s gonna be that easy. I need details!”

“Chris, unlock me!” the teacher demanded.

“Ooh, that’s not very polite ‘sir’. Remember, we’re all about good manners here at Kingswood!” Chris teased.

“Chris, I’m not messing about!” Mr Beecham said, getting a little annoyed.

Chris shook his head. “All I wanted was a please!”

Mr Beecham huffed. “Fine. Please!” he said gruffly.

“Nuh-uh!” Chris said, shaking his head. “Too little, too late! Now I think I’ll have some fun before I help!” He reached out and stroked the man’s smooth chest.

“Chris, this is very inappropriate!” Mr Beecham said firmly.

“Says the man who’s restrained, naked in his office talking to a thirteen-year-old boy!” Chris said back pointedly. He felt a sudden wave of anger as he blurted out, “And you know what’s REALLY inappropriate. Putting someone in chastity and then leaving them like that for the WHOLE summer break!”

The man looked more than a little sheepish at the comment. Back at the end of Chris’ first year at the school, he had come to the office to advise he would be quitting the extra swimming coaching he was being given, no longer feeling it was something he had the passion to pursue. Chris had acted inappropriately, mostly just being playful, but as a result had ended up sentenced to two weeks in chastity. The unfortunate thing was, the two-week period ended shortly into the summer break, meaning Chris spent the entire six weeks back at home without access to his own penis.

“Okay, I admit that may have been a little… excessive,” Mr Beecham admitted.

“A little?” Chris responded angrily. “Then you had the nerve to go and unlock me in front of MY OWN BROTHER! Can you even imagine what that was like?”

“You seemed to enjoy it!” the teacher said with a slight smirk.

Chris looked thoughtful for a moment then reached up with one hand to tweak a nipple, while he allowed the other to take hold of the man’s shaven cock.

“Chris, stop it!” Mr Beecham said firmly.

“Shh!” Chris hissed. “Unless you want someone to come in and find you with your dick in a student’s hand!”

The man’s jaw clenched. Annoyingly, Chris was right.

“There,” Chris said, letting go of the man’s stiffened cock. “You’re hard. That means you’re enjoying this, right?”

“Okay, you’ve made your point. I’m sorry. What I did was not fair to you and I took advantage of knowing your… sexual interests!” the man confessed.

Chris nodded. “Thank you, I appreciate you saying that!”

“Good, so will you release me now? Please?” the man requested.

Chris grinned. “Just because you’ve apologised, that doesn’t make us even!”

“Chris!” Mr Beecham said firmly.

“Okay, two options. Either you shut up and let me get on with it and I’ll lock the door while I play with you… or you can keep talking and I’ll still play with you, but I won’t lock the door and we might get walked in on,” Chris offered. “What’s it to be?”

Mr Beecham squirmed, feeling his cock throb a little. With a sigh of acceptance he said, “Lock the door, I’ll… comply!”

“Good boy!” Chris said patronisingly as he locked the door then returned. He quickly got to work on exploring the man’s body. It was not their first time together, that had happened back in Chris’ very first term at the school when he had stayed during the half-term break. Of course, there had been six other boys involved then, so having the man to himself was a somewhat new experience.

Chris took great pleasure in teasing him, jerking him off to the brink of release before stopping. While he was more used to being on the receiving end of edging, it had certainly helped him develop a good understanding of it. With a sigh, Chris looked at the clock and knew it would soon be the end of lunch and he would have to go.

“Well we’d best finish up!” Chris said with a shrug.

“Ugh, finally,” Mr Beecham moaned, not happy to still be at the boy’s mercy but relieved at the prospect of cumming, though he had been untouched for a while now and the nervousness had softened him quickly. He hoped there was enough time for Chris to finish him off.

Rather than grab the man’s softening dick, Chris headed for the cabinet across the room. “Do you still keep…” he started, opening it and looking inside, thinking back to his encounter with the man at the end of Year 7. “Ah yes, perfect!” he declared as he reached in.

“No!” Mr Beecham exclaimed, suddenly going wild trying to pull free of the restraints as he saw the boy face him… holding a chastity device.

“Come on, what could make us more even than this?” Chris grinned.

“Chris, don’t!” Mr Beecham snapped furiously.

The boy paused, pulled out his phone and held it up. One button press later and he turned it to show the man a picture of himself. “So here’s the thing, Owen!” he said, moving closer, deliberately using the man’s first name as a show of power. “You’re going to let me put this on you. Once it’s on, you’re going to leave it on. You will not pick the lock. You will not cut it off. You will wear it until I choose to release you. If I ask to see it at any time, or come to unlock you and find it removed or damaged in any way, then you get the fun job of explaining why a naked picture of you is on a student’s phone! Do you understand?”

“Chris, come on…” Mr Beecham pleaded. “You’re not… like this!”

“I wasn’t like this,” Chris answered angrily, “Until someone decided to take away a whole summer of enjoyment from me. What’s the saying? You reap what you sow? So are you letting me put this on you, or am I showing people the picture?”

“Ugh, fine!” Mr Beecham growled through gritted teeth. He watched furiously as Chris put the device on him. As if the humiliation of his position wasn’t enough, now being put in chastity by a student was infuriating… and a littler arousing, but he was able to ignore that part thanks to his anger.

Once Chris had the device locked on securely, he tapped a few things on his phone, then slipped it into his pocket and said, “Just making sure it’s secure, just in case you were thinking of snatching the keys from me and deleting the photo. I just say the word S-E-N-D and it goes to every teacher in the school.” He began unlocking the man’s wrists and ankles, then stood back as the last one popped free.

“Chris,” Mr Beecham said, rubbing his wrists. “You’re not really doing this, are you? I said I’m sorry!”

Chris nodded. “You did. And I forgave you, but… sometimes forgiveness isn’t enough. Sometimes you need justice!”

“And you think that’s what this is?” the teacher asked, pulling on his clothes. “It seems more like revenge!”

Chris shrugged. “I’m okay with that,” he said as he headed for the door.

“Wait… how… how long?” Mr Beecham asked nervously.

“You had me locked for forty-four days… so take a wild guess!” Chris said, then turned and walked out. He had to stop a short way down the hall. His legs were shaking. He couldn’t believe what he had just done!


“How are you doing today?” Dr Arkwright asked, relaxing back in his seat as he looked at James.

“Erm… okay… ish… I think,” James mumbled, not really sure.

Dr Arkwright nodded. He had met with the boy a few times now and they were making slow but steady progress. Today had been somewhat of a surprise though, as James had not turned up alone. “Did you want to tell me why you wanted David to join us today?” he asked, giving a sincere smile and nod to the other boy.

James glanced to his side then back to the doctor and said, “Well he’s the smartest person I know… after me, anyway and… he knows me better than anyone. I thought… he might be able to help.”

“And I want to help, sir!” David chimed in, smiling sweetly. “James was such a huge help getting my agoraphobia under control and I really want to do the same for him!”

“You two do seem like very good friends,” Dr Arkwright nodded, looking back and forth between the two boys. “I just want to be sure that you’re comfortable sharing some of the things we’ll talk about with David,” he directed to James. “Some of it is… very personal, and sharing details of this nature can… change a relationship!”

James nodded and said quietly, “I’m sure, sir!”

“Okay, then maybe I can start with a question for you, David. As you know James so well, have you noticed anything over the past few weeks that might have been… different or… unusual in some way?” the doctor asked.

David went to answer but paused, glancing at James.

“It’s okay, you can… tell him anything if it might help!” James assured his friend.

David nodded and said, “Well he kinda… got upset over a comment Josh made to him.”

“Ah yes, James has mentioned that,” Dr Arkwright confirmed.

“But he didn’t start getting… I don’t know… irritable at everyone else until a bit later on. It seemed to happen after swimming club… after we…” David paused again, blushing heavily.

“Oh!” James exclaimed, realising the reason for the hesitation. The day he had argued with Josh, he had ended up having his first kiss with David in the showers. “It wasn’t that!” he exclaimed. “It was…” he froze, turning pale.

“James?” Dr Arkwright enquired after a few moments of silence.

“S… someone… someone said something,” James stuttered. “I don’t… remember what it was, but they… called me champ!” He visibly shuddered at the word.

David reached over and grabbed James’ hand, giving him a supportive smile as he looked at him.

“Does that nickname… have some significance?” Dr Arkwright asked, not wanting to distress the boy but knowing a trigger when he heard one.

“Yeah!” James said, then frowned and said, “I think so anyway. I… I can’t…” he paused and sighed, “I can’t remember but I think someone used to call me that.”

“But you’re not sure who?” Dr Arkwright asked cautiously.

James shook his head, then inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly, cheeks puffed out. He was clearly holding himself back from crying.

“Okay, we can maybe come back to that later, see if anything comes back to you,” the man suggested, getting a relieved nod from James.

After a few moments of silence, David said softly, “There is… the other thing!”

The doctor watched as the two boys exchanged looks for several moments, seemingly having a silent conversation until James nodded.

David pursed his lips, thinking as his cheeks flushed a little. “Well, James and I… we… erm… experimented together, which I know I’m not supposed to cos I’m still locked, so… I hope I don’t get in trouble for telling you.”

“You won’t!” Dr Arkwright said, nodding as he gave the boy a smile.

“Thank you sir,” David replied, relieved. “But when we were… doing things, we tried to… do some other things and, erm…”

“I freaked out, sir!” James said, saving David from trying to find a tactful way to say it. “We attempted… oral stimulation and the moment I felt it, I freaked out… both times we tried it.”

Dr Arkwright nodded thoughtfully. “Well some anxiety when trying new things can certainly happen,” he explained.

“No sir, this was… it was…” James struggled to explain. “I can’t really put it into words, but this wasn’t just first-time nerves. It was… like screaming in my head and alarm bells ringing!”

“And you hadn’t tried doing that before?” the doctor asked, failing to conceal his concern.

James hesitated for a moment, a brief flinch on his face before he shook his head and said, “No sir, I…” He paused, running the question over in his mind. “Actually… erm… maybe… a long time ago!”

Silence hung heavily in the room for a few seconds. All three of them had joined the dots.

“sir,” James said, reaching to his side to grab David’s hand. “Someone… I think… someone did stuff to me… didn’t they?” he asked shakily. He felt David squeeze his hand.

“James, honestly, I can’t say that… but from what you’re saying, and the fact you’re thinking it, suggests it might be a possibility,” Dr Arkwright said honestly. “Now, I do need to let you know, as we have this suspicion, there are processes I need to follow which does mean some of what you’ve told me will have to be shared.”

“Yes sir,” James nodded, keeping his composure surprisingly well. “I read the safeguarding policy when I joined the school, so I know what’ll happen.”

Dr Arkwright smiled at the comment. It was so very typical of the boy. He stood up and said, “I’m going to go and make a quick phone call. Will you two be okay for a moment?”

“Yes sir, I’m okay!” James assured him before he left.

“Are you?” David asked once they were alone. “Okay, I mean!”

“Yeah,” James nodded. “Well… no.” He paused, frowning. “I’m not happy about… whatever happened but, I hate not knowing what was going on in my head so… yeah… if this is a possible answer, I wanna know it! I’m not gonna cry if that’s what you’re worried about!”

David smiled. “Aww, and here I was ready to channel my inner Chris and hug it all better!” he giggled.

“You can… still hug me!” James said, looking like he might actually cry.

David reached out and held him, but it seemed it was enough to hold the tears at bay.

“David. Could you… not tell anyone about this?” James requested quietly.

“Sure, whatever you need!” David said back, still holding him.


The last day before any break was always a strange one, with some teachers staunchly sticking to the idea that class wasn’t out yet and that lessons needed to go on, while others simply resigned themselves to the fact that they were never really getting the students’ attention, so why try?

While Mr Chambers, the history teacher the boys had coming up in their last double period of the day was a firm believer in studying right up to the final bell, Mr Yaeger, the music teacher was the total opposite. The boys’ double period after lunch had basically been a party. While it had started out as a massive wall of sounds from the various instruments, the boys had quickly tired of trying to be heard over each other and decided actual music was a little less unpleasant to hear. That was when they had demanded performances.

The class, made up of the boys from dorms 1.05 and 1.06 was home to two separate musical groups - ‘Double Jay’, a duet made up of Jenson and Justin from dorm 1.06 and the still-unnamed band made up of Chris and Nicky. The other boys had insisted on a quick ‘battle of the bands’ to entertain them and the two groups had split off to pick song choices to try and out-do each other, with Mr Yaeger chosen to be the judge.

The other boys had not been overly surprised when Mikey scurried off to join his two boyfriends, the throuple proving utterly inseparable. They had no idea about the recent discovery of his musical aptitude and the impromptu competition was the perfect opportunity to surprise them.

Quietly conferring, Nicky scrolled through the list of songs in his playlist of ‘songs we’ve performed together’, a list he added to each time the trio tried out another song. He stopped at one and held up his phone, grinning, avoiding saying it aloud in case Double Jay overheard.

“Hmm, I dunno,” Chris said, frowning. “Are you even good to perform?” he asked, knowing about Nicky’s frequent stage fright concerns.

Nicky shrugged, glanced round at his dormmates as well as the other dorm who he had now spent a year and a half sharing classes with. “It’s only these guys, and if I’m just playing, I’m fine. It’s singing that freaks me out the most!”

“Aww, he’s all grown up!” Chris giggled, getting a snigger from Mikey. “But I dunno about the song. I mean, it’s older than most of our parents!”

“Oh come on. I freakin’ LOVE playing the main guitar part, you love singing it and it’s a hell of a way to show off Ringo, here!” Nicky explained.

“Who’s Ringo?” Mikey frowned, twirling a drumstick casually.

Chris and Nicky both giggled as Chris said, “Okay, fair point. If we win the toss, we go second, right?”

Nicky nodded happily.

“And it doesn’t count as singing if you join in on the ah-ah-ahh bits, right?” Chris grinned.

Nicky sighed and said, “Fine, I’ll ‘ahhh’ for you!”

“Come on boys, period’s nearly over!” Mr Yaeger called out, glancing at the clock. The two groups stood either side of him, the rest of the boys gathered as their small audience. “Okay, call it,” the teacher said, looking to Jenson as he flipped a coin.

“Heads!” Jenson declared.

“And…” Mr Yaeger said, catching and revealing the coin. “Tails it is!”

“They’re going first!” Chris called immediately. “Good luck, guys!” he added sincerely. Despite the competition, there was no animosity. The two groups had even performed together a few times at Music Club.

Double Jay got in position and, getting the thumbs-up from Mr Yaeger who joined the crowd, Justin called out, “If you know it… don’t join in! I’ve heard you guys sing!” He got a laugh from the crowd with a couple of playful boos before starting the intro, Jenson coming in a few moments later with the drums as they started their rendition of Blinding Lights by The Weeknd.

“Damn, they’re good!” Mikey exclaimed as he watched on from the side of the stage.

“Yeah, but we’re better!” Chris said back, giving Mikey then Nicky a good luck kiss.

As the duo finished up, the crowd who were already on their feet burst into applause and cheers. Despite the obvious dorm-divide in the bands, the crowd seemed supportive of both, the dorm 1.05 boys cheering Double Jay every bit as enthusiastically as they would cheer for their own dormmates.

“Fuckin’ awesome!” Chris declared, giving the pair high-fives as they swapped places on the stage.

“Hey Mikey, spectators go down here!” Josh called out as the confused group watched Mikey take a seat at the drums while Nicky and Chris donned their guitars.

“Hey Josh… bite me!” Mikey called back, getting a stern look from Mr Yaeger that he met with his best ‘sorry, not sorry’ smirk.

“Okay fellas,” Chris said with a grin. “Might be a bit before most of your time but… screw it, you’re not judging! Mr Yaeger, I think you’ll like this!” He turned to Nicky grinned and said, “Hit it!”

Nicky burst into the opening riff of Thunderstruck by AC/DC. The boys watching, while mostly unfamiliar with the song outside of the Iron Man 2 soundtrack, were still impressed by the fast playing. It took them a moment to even realise Mikey was drumming. The trio played like pros and weren’t shy about the volume either, so much so that they virtually drowned out the bell signalling the end of the lesson.

Though the music section was mostly soundproofed from the rest of the building to avoid disruptions, filing out into the halls the music could be heard and a few curious students gathered at the doors, peering inside.

Nicky glanced over, feeling his nerves growing a little as the size of the crowd grew, even by just a few people, but then HE appeared… Angel! This time accompanied by Froggy and the rest of the new dorm 1.01 boys. He felt his hands freeze up, the riff just screeching to a halt as he stood stuck in place.

Chris glanced at Mikey, then to Nicky and back before stopping his own playing and singing. “Sorry fellas, outta time, but you get the idea!” he did his best to cover.

Despite the abrupt halt, the crowd took a moment then burst into cheers and applause, the boys at the door leaving now that the entertainment was over, though Angel lingered a moment longer staring at the nervous boy on stage.

“Well, everyone was awesome, so you both win!” Mr Yaeger called out, getting a unanimous boo for his impartiality. “Ah, boo yourselves! Get everything straightened up before you leave, and I hope you all have a wonderful week off!”

“I’m sorry,” Nicky whimpered to the others.

“Don’t sweat it,” Chris said cheerfully, putting an arm around him as Double Jay approached.


Saturday 13 February 2021

Rob awoke to a familiar but unexpected sensation – his dick was being stroked. After lights-out, he had snuck up to dorm 2.08 to spend a last night with Alex before their time apart for the half-term break. As he lay on his side, consciousness creeping back in, he felt Alex behind him, one of his boyfriend’s arms beneath him, the other draped over him, both hands grasped together against his chest. It took a few moments for Rob to question how his penis was being stroked if both of Alex’s hands were together.

Rob’s eyes shot open, and he saw the grinning face of Luke, knelt on the floor beside Alex’s bed, stroking him. He went to ask what was happening, but seeing Luke raise his fingers to his lips, Rob remained silent. He slowly caught on to what was happening and grinned back at Luke.

Though they were both allowed to play together, something seemed inherently wrong about laying in his sleeping boyfriend’s arms while someone else pleasured him. And yet… it felt amazing. The risk, the secrecy, the wrongness, all of it adding up to an immensely pleasurable sensation as Luke’s hand pumped away slowly.

He seemed to know the highest speed he could go to without causing too much movement and potentially waking Alex, a skill honed over years at Kingswood. While all the boys knew everybody did it, it was still largely done in secret and the ability to masturbate under the covers without rocking awake a bunkmate was something most boys mastered through Years 7 to 9 when they used bunkbeds.

Rob craned his head forward a little, peering down into Luke’s crotch, watching excitedly as the older boy pleasured himself at the same time. He felt his breath getting heavier and deliberately began to focus on his breathing, worried that he might disturb Alex or maybe even the other two boys across the room if he began breathing too heavily.

Feeling his orgasm edging closer, Rob’s eyes widened as he nodded slightly to Luke, letting him know it was about to happen. Annoyingly, Luke smirked and pulled his hand away. Rob glared angrily, but only for a moment before the hand returned.

Luke did it a few more times, edging Rob and watching him try his hardest not to squirm, eagerly pumping at his own boner while he teased the younger boy.

Almost on the verge of reaching down and finishing himself off, Rob watched happily as Luke stood, aimed his dick at Rob’s face and let loose several spurts of spunk. Rob’s eyes squeezed shut to avoid getting it in his eye and a moment later felt Luke’s hand stroking him again. This time he didn’t stop! Blinded by the older boy’s jizz, Rob trembled as he began to shoot his own, straight ahead of him, hearing it spattering noisily onto the floor.

By the time he managed to reach up and wipe the cum from his eye, Luke was already back in his own bed, just a short distance away as the two bunks arranged head-to-head. Still recovering, Rob felt a slight nudge under his pillow and realised Luke had stretched his arm up under his own pillow, placing his hand under Rob/Alex’s. Careful not to move too quickly and wake Alex, Rob reached a hand up under the pillow and took hold of Luke’s, gripping it tightly as they both dozed.


Chris and Nicky strolled along the path heading back to the main entrance, casually holding hands. “I like this part,” Chris said, glancing back to the road where David had just left, “But I hate it too!”

“Hmm,” Nicky hummed, not really listening.

Chris managed to take it as a prompt to go on though and continued, “I love seeing everyone excited to see their families and getting to go home, but… I dunno, it sucks that I won’t see them for so long!”

Nicky just about managed to catch the gist of what he was saying and said, “It’s only nine days, seven if you count the days we leave and come back! And besides, it gives you an excuse for more hugs when they leave… AND when they come back… AND I know you just like perving on David’s dads!”

Chris shrugged. “What? I don’t know any other gay grown-ups. I guess it makes them… kinda hot!”

Nicky thought about it for a moment then nodded. “Yeah, fair point. Whadda you think was going on with James?” he asked, the boys having spotted him leaving earlier, but not with his dad and step-mum like usual.

Chris shrugged. “Dunno. Got a feeling David does though. Might message him later and ask!”

“Do you…” Nicky started, but stopped mid-sentence as he saw a small group of boys emerge from the Home Building. He instinctively pulled Chris closer.

“Oh, Chris, Nicky, hi!” Angel called out, smiling sweetly as he hurried down the steps, a couple of his dormmates close behind. He immediately grabbed Chris in a hug, then looked at Nicky completely innocently and said, “I’m guessing we’re not up to hugging yet!”

Chris chuckled. “Sure you are!” he said, nudging Nicky towards the boy. “Go ahead!”

“Oh, well… if you say it’s okay,” Angel giggled. He reached up and grabbed the taller boy.

Nicky let out a slight whimper.

“Oh, I’ll be right back!” Chris called out, seeing Mr Beecham appear round the corner of the building.

“I’ll come with you,” Nicky yelped, keeping hold of his hand.

“I… kinda need to speak to him alone,” Chris said, pulling his hand free. “You hang out here with these guys!” he smiled.

“Yeah donkey-pussy, you hang out here!” Froggy sniggered as Chris left, by now backed up by two of his dormmates who joined in. “Saw you on stage yesterday!” he sneered. “Or rather, saw you fuck up on stage!”

“Leave me alone,” Nicky said shakily.

“But we’re having so much fun together!” another boy grinned. “And seeing you perform was… inspiring. We were all thinking of signing up for music club after half-term!”

Nicky felt like he was going to throw up. He had already given up diving because of Angel and Froggy. Would they really chase him out of music too? Scared he was about to just burst into tears in front of the younger boys, Nicky did what was becoming his default reaction to them – he ran. With a few sniggers following him, he dashed up into the building, not even bothering to look for where Chris had gone.

A few moments earlier, Chris had hurried over to the approaching teacher, giving him a smug smirk on the way. “Oh hi sir. Can we talk?” he asked, grinning.

“Yes, I think we should!” Mr Beecham said sternly. He turned back and walked around the corner of the building and Chris followed. While it was not completely private, most of the school had left by now and those who remained were mostly contained inside the building, waiting for their rides to turn up.

“Let me see it!” Chris demanded as soon as they were out of sight of Nicky and the Year 7s.

“What? No!” Mr Beecham said sharply.

“Oh, so does that mean you’ve had it removed somehow?” Chris asked, raising his eyebrows. “Do I have to do what I threatened?”

“I’m hoping you won’t do anything at all!” Mr Beecham said honestly. The boy stared back at him. “Chris, come on. I know you. You’re a good kid and this…” he paused shaking his head. “This doesn’t feel like you!”

Chris looked a little sheepish. He hadn’t planned to blackmail the teacher. He never even imagined ending up in a situation where it could happen, but when the opportunity presented itself, he had jumped at it. “You don’t think this makes us even?” he asked.

“No, Chris, I don’t! When I put you in chastity, it was for a valid reason!” Mr Beecham insisted.

“No, you didn’t. It was NOT valid!” Chris said back angrily.

“Chris, you’re a student, I’m a teacher and you made sexual advances at me! How is that not valid?” the teacher demanded.

“Okay, that’s wrong!” Chris said bluntly. As he got a curious look back, he said, “The whole I’m a student, you’re a teacher thing. That’s wrong!”

“How so?” Mr Beecham asked curiously, his head tilting slightly.

“I’m not just a student. I’m a student you’ve done things with before and enjoyed. And you’re not just a teacher, you were my coach and you were… or are… my friend! So when I… how did you put it… make sexual advancements… I… I’m not just another student to be punished!” Chris explained.

The teacher took a deep breath, exhaling slowly as he nodded. “Okay, fine… I… get how our relationship is… different thanks to some of our history, but that doesn’t mean I can let you do what you like… and it definitely doesn’t excuse blackmail!”

Chris looked a little embarrassed.

“Chris, do you understand, if you do the things you threatened, I wouldn’t just be fired, I’d get arrested!” Mr Beecham explained. “And yes, maybe that’s what I deserve, but… I don’t think that’s really what you want to do, is it?”

Chris sniffed and shook his head. “No sir,” he said meekly. “I’m sorry,” he added, reaching into his pocket to pull out the key he had been carrying everywhere ever since he locked the man.

“Keep it!” Mr Beecham said, pushing the hand away. “You’re right that what I did was mean and maybe we do need something to set things right, so… how about I keep this thing on over half-term, you let me out when we get back and then we call it even?”

Chris nodded emphatically, smiling.

“But… you delete the photo right now!” the teacher requested.

Chris’ smile grew broader. “I can’t sir… because I deleted it before I even left your office!”

“Oh, you little bastard!” Mr Beecham sniggered, shaking his head.

Chris giggled and said, “I know how it could hurt you and I’d never want to do that!” The two exchanged a silent stare for a few moments before Chris went on, “But maybe I can add another rule in before we make it a deal,” Chris suggested, blushing a little.

“Oh yes?” the man said, folding his arms and looking at Chris suspiciously.

“I get to… unlock you and… erm… examine you for any injuries, like you did to me!” Chris requested optimistically.

“Well… ‘no’ would be the obvious answer to that!” Mr Beecham said, shaking his head, then smirked a little as he said, “Although that answer may change a little after nine more days!”

“Getting a bit horny are ya, sir?” Chris giggled.

“That would not be appropriate to discuss with a student!” he replied firmly, “But then you’re not just any student, I suppose.”

“And you’re not just any teacher, sir!” Chris said back, smiling fondly. “I’ll see you after the break… Owen!” he added playfully before running off.

Seeing Nicky was gone, Chris hurried inside and up to the dorm. As he walked in, he called out, “Didn’t feel like waiting for me?” to Nicky, who was sat on one of the sofas.

Mikey suddenly peered round, held tightly in Nicky’s grasp. “Help me!” he said, pretending to choke from the tight hug.

“Everything okay?” Chris asked as he approached, casually stroking his fingers through both boys’ hair at the same time.

“He’s my boyfriend. Am I not allowed to hug him?” Nicky asked, keen to avoid any questions about what had happened.

“Not if it cuts off circulation!” Mikey gasped.

Chris giggled, jumping over the back of the sofa beside the other two.

“You guys are too cute!” Rob said, shaking his head.

“Oh please, I’ve seen you and Alex. You’re just as bad!” Mikey said, often irritated by being called cute.

Rob chuckled, but the smile quickly dropped as he thought about his boyfriend… and Luke! “How did… you guys get together… anyway?”

The throuple glanced at each other, shrugging a little as they decided silently who would answer. Chris was seemingly selected as he said, “Well I asked Nicky out, because… well look at that adorable widdle face, who could resist?” It got a laugh from the others, even Nicky reluctantly. “But then we… kinda realised we both liked Mikey so we pretty much asked him out together.”

Rob nodded thoughtfully. Seeing the others beginning to look at him suspiciously, he quickly grabbed for a subject changed and said, “So… Mikey… drums, huh?”

Mikey shrugged, able to do so now that Nicky had grabbed onto Chris instead of him. “Yeah, no big,” he said casually.

“What?!” Chris exclaimed. “It’s totally… big!” he said, shaking his head a little as he sat up. He turned to Rob and said proudly, “Mr Yaeger called him a prodigy!”

“It’s really no big thing,” Mikey insisted as Rob looked impressed. “I mean… it’s drums… you just… hit the right things in the right order… right?”

Chris and Nicky looked at each other for a moment, curiously.

“Ugh, it’s annoying that he’s right!” Nicky sniggered.

Rob giggled. “But you were all awesome. I love that song you played!”

“Yeah, shame we didn’t get to finish,” Mikey said with a slight shrug.

Nicky seemed to shrink inwards a little.

“Hey…” Chris said, reaching out to nudge Mikey.

“Oh,” Mikey said, looking sorry as he turned to Nicky. “I didn’t mean you, I just meant… ya know… cos of the bell!”

Nicky shook his head. “No, I get it, I fucked it up,” he pouted, thinking about Angel and his friends had said. “Maybe I should just… quit. What’s the point of a performer who can’t perform?”

“Hey, come on, you’re…” Chris started, but stopped as a phone rang.

“Hi,” Nicky said as he answered the ringing phone. “Okay, see you soon.” He hung up and said quickly, “They’re nearly here, we should head out.”

Chris frowned, unhappy to have left the conversation where it was, but Nicky was already on his feet grabbing his bag and Mikey had literally squealed with excitement at the thought of seeing Nicky’s parents. “Gonna come out and see us off?” he asked, holding his arm out towards Rob.

“Sure, not much else to do,” Rob shrugged, standing and letting Chris casually place an arm around him. He smiled at Chris, appreciating the gesture. He had found out a while ago that Danny had shared Rob’s feelings of being left out with Chris after their accident and since then Chris had been extra affectionate. “By the way, you can tell Danny I forgive him for telling about… ya know… the me stuff!” he said with a slight chuckle

Chris let out a gentle sigh. “If I can get hold of him I might,” he said sadly as they followed along behind Nicky and a very excitable Mikey. As Rob looked at him curiously, he added, “I haven’t spoken to him for ages! I keep trying but… nothing!”

“I’m sure he’s fine,” Rob said, feeling the worry coming off of Chris in waves.

“Oh yeah,” Chris said, shaking his head. “Nothing ever goes wrong round here!” he said sarcastically.



What kind of cage do they use at this school?

Stories by Matt

They would be very similar to the ones used at Kingswood from Year 7, that completely prevent any kind of touching. Basically like a solid, non-removable jock strap!