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Part 11 – Morning

Riley stretched his leg out as he stirred. It took him a second to realise the fact he actually could stretch, his eyes suddenly shooting open. He immediately spotted the body at his side and let his gaze roam up to the face looking down at him. He went to speak but it was just a dry croak, so he coughed to clear his throat and tried again. “Jez, right?” he asked, unsure if he might have dreamt part of last night.

“Jeremy actually,” the seventeen-year-old smiled. “The guys call me Jez… and I hate it,” he added, sounding like he was keeping a potential rant succinct for brevity.

“You been here all night?” Riley asked, still easing back into consciousness.

“No, I went home, slept there then came back here and got into bed with a kid I don’t know!” Jeremy replied. Getting a confused look from Riley, he smirked and said, “Yes, I’ve been here all night. No way I could move and disturb you when you looked so comfortable!”

Riley gave a meek smile and said, “Yeah, you’re surprisingly comfortable to sleep on… I think. I was asleep at the time so it’s hard to be sure!”

Jeremy chuckled and nodded. “Also gave me an excuse to steer clear of…” he glanced over at the doorway, “Whatever was going on down there!”

Bobby suddenly appeared at the door but stopped abruptly as he saw the two laying on the bed and said, “Oh sorry, you’ve got… company. I’ll come back!”

“Wait!” Riley and Jeremy both called out.

Jeremy smiled as he saw Riley blushing but didn’t comment on it. Instead, he looked over to Bobby who had turned back to face them and said, “I was just about to go downstairs anyway!” He slid his arm out from under Riley and climbed off the bed. “Waking them up when they’re hungover is TOTALLY my favourite part,” he smirked. As he passed Bobby, who stepped into the room to clear the doorway, Jeremy put a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Have fun!” he said with a knowing smile.

Bobby blushed and nodded, watching him leave before turning back to face Riley. They stared at each other across the room for several seconds before Bobby declared, “You’re not restrained… or in chastity!”

Riley looked down at himself in surprise. It was almost embarrassing how he hadn’t even thought twice about his nakedness in front of Jeremy or Bobby, but he had also managed to completely miss the fact that he was free for once. “Yeah, I guess I’m not,” he said a little uncomfortably. “I should… probably correct that.”

Bobby walked a little closer, frowning. “Why?” he asked curiously.

“You know why!” Riley said bluntly. “It should always be one or the other!”

Bobby shrugged and asked, “Yeah, but who’s making you? Your mum’s not here, it sounds like Evan’s gonna be out for a while and Cal… well, let’s just say he’s busy!”

“Busy?” Riley asked curiously.

“Our bet on the game last night,” Bobby explained, watching curiously as Riley willingly began to secure himself to the bed. “Peter lost, which meant he had to do whatever we wanted for a couple of hours. You can probably guess what Cal wanted!” he smirked a little.

“Are you not… joining in?” Riley asked as he got both his feet restrained.

Bobby shrugged. “Their stuff’s not that fun for me. They don’t let me do much cos I can’t… ya know…”

“Cum?” Riley suggested.

Bobby pursed his lips as he nodded, still edging closer to the bed. “Besides, I wanted to come check on you,” he added, now stood right beside Riley.

“You did?” Riley asked, smiling broadly. He raised his remaining free hand and asked, “Little help here!”

Bobby shook his head a little at the request but did it anyway as he said, “Yeah, last night was… pretty crazy!”

“Understatement of the year,” Riley sniggered. Silence slowly slipped in between them, and whether it was just to fill it, or something he just wanted to highlight, Riley blurted out, “You kissed me!”

Bobby turned bright red as he nodded.

“Three times!” Riley added.

Bobby nodded again.

“But I kissed you back!” Riley gulped.

Bobby nodded, edging closer.

“Want to… make it four times?” Riley asked nervously.

Bobby nodded one more time, then leaned down to press his lips against Riley’s. The restrained boy lifted his head just a little, enough to show his enthusiasm as the kiss continued. After a few seconds, Bobby opened his mouth a little, Riley’s lips following along with Bobby’s. Their tongues met for just a few moments before the younger boy pulled back.

“You’re a really good kisser!” Riley said, smiling fondly at Bobby as his face lingered close to his own.

“So are you!” Bobby said back, then gave a playful frown as he said, “Not that I have much to compare it to!”

“Hnnh, same here,” Riley giggled. He let his eyes wander over to the doorway and said, “If everyone else is busy… you wanna stay in here and make out for a while?”

“Yeah, I’d like that,” Bobby said excitedly. He let his eyes roam the naked body before him as he said, “We could… do more than make out if you like!”

“Sure,” Riley smiled back. “Just remember I’m not allowed to cum,” he raised his head to look down at his penis and frowned. “That’s if I even CAN after doing it so much last night!”

“I can’t believe you did it ten times!” Bobby stated in genuine disbelief.

“YOU can’t believe it? How d’ya think I feel?” Riley asked with a giggle.

“Knowing you… horny!” Bobby chuckled.

“Hmmm, not quite yet,” Riley said, shaking his head, “But a couple more kisses and I guarantee I will be!”

“Happy to help,” Bobby giggled. He lay down onto the bed beside Riley then leaned over to continue kissing.

As promised, after a couple more minutes of kissing, Riley’s dick had begun to stir, though he winced a little, the swelling tool still a little achy from the night before, a tightness in his balls accompanying it.

As Bobby propped his head up on one arm and reached down to gently caress the erect cock he said softly, “Don’t worry, I’m just… making you feel better!”

“It’s working,” Riley mewed happily, leaning his head slightly to rest against Bobby’s arm as the boy affectionately stroked his aching parts.

Bobby turned to kiss Riley again, their tongues wrestling playfully for a few moments before Riley asked cautiously, “Why are you kissing me?”

“You… said I could!” Bobby said, looking a little worried.

Riley laughed and shook his head. “No, I don’t mean like that. I mean… are you kissing me cos… of all this stuff,” he said, nodding to his restraints, “Or because you...”

“I like you!” Bobby interrupted before Riley could even finish, then immediately turned bright red.

Riley stared at the embarrassed boy for a moment, then smiled sweetly as he said, “I like you too!”

“Awesome,” Bobby said, almost bouncing for joy. “So d’you wanna stay here and keep making out, or should I lock you up so we can go do something? I’d have offered to do… other things but I think you need the break.”

Riley hummed thoughtfully for a moment then gave Bobby a wry grin. “I choose option number three!”

“What’s that?” Bobby asked curiously.

“You lock me up down there,” Riley said, nodding towards his semi-hard dick, “Then release me and instead of going anywhere else, I stay here and do fun things to you!”

Bobby almost fell off the bed in his hurry to retrieve Riley’s chastity device. He needed to be given a few instructions on how to put it on, and having Bobby touching him down there was making it a lot ‘harder’, but eventually he was secured in the device and then released from his bed.

“So what did you…” Bobby started, but was cut off by Riley grabbing him in a passionate kiss, his arms excitedly wrapping around the younger boy.

“That was nice,” Bobby said dreamily as Riley released the embrace.

“Nice?” Riley exclaimed in mock annoyance. “I’m gonna have to try way harder then!” He took hold of Bobby and span him round, throwing him into the bed then pounced on top, pinning him down with another kiss. When their lips parted, Riley’s didn’t move far, playfully pecking at Bobby’s cheek, slowly working his way down the boy’s neck as he moaned contentedly.

“Okay, better than nice,” Bobby conceded with a giggle. He felt Riley pull his t-shirt up, exposing his smooth stomach and flat chest. Soft lips pressed against the centre of it, kissing it delicately. “Mmmmmyeah,” Bobby moaned, writhing a little.

Riley peppered the boy’s chest with kisses before working his way down to the firm flatness of his stomach. He circled Bobby’s belly button with playful kisses, then pressed his mouth to the boy’s stomach and blew a raspberry, making him double over in giggles. “Sorry, couldn’t resist!” Riley smiled.

This felt so… different. He had rapidly come to realise that the things he was doing with (or rather, being made to do by) his brothers was strangely exciting, almost intoxicating, but this was pleasurable in a whole different way. Being with someone he had chosen to be with, who had chosen to be with him for the same reason, it was something else entirely. He certainly found it arousing, his cock straining against the cage that he wished he had the will to leave off, but it was the pounding in his chest, the churning in his stomach and the sheer joy of being with Bobby that was making him desperate for every second of contact he could get.

Riley kissed Bobby’s stomach a few more times, if only to assure him that the raspberry had been a playful one-off and he had no need to fear any further kind of tickling. Reaching up, he grasped the waistband of Bobby’s sweatpants.

“Wait!” Bobby said, grabbing Riley’s hand.

Riley flinched slightly and said, “Oh sorry, I thought you wanted…”

“I do!” Bobby insisted. “It’s just… it’s…” he paused, exhaling heavily through his nose. “It’s… not very big and… and I don’t have, like… hair and stuff yet!”

Riley quickly moved up the bed and kissed Bobby gently. As he pulled away, he ran his fingers through the boy’s hair and whispered, “I don’t care. I told you, I like you. Big or small doesn’t matter to me!”

Bobby smiled and nodded, but still watched nervously as Riley moved back down and tugged his sweatpants and underwear down in one go. His erection sprang free, all three skinny inches of it.

“It’s perfect!” Riley sighed happily as he glanced back at Bobby. He took hold of it and gave it a tentative stroke, grinning at the happy little moan it got from the other boy. “Is it okay if I… suck it?”

“Yeah, that’d be…” Bobby said, then grinned and finished, “Nice!”

Riley giggled at the amusing choice of words as he leant in and took the small penis into his mouth. He was far from experienced at sucking dick. In fact, the only one he had ever sucked before was a couple of rooms away doing unspeakable things to Peter. It was certainly bigger than Bobby’s, but the few things he had picked up from sucking on it seemed to be working just as well now.

Riley let his eyes glance up for a moment as he sucked on the rigid dick and smiled to himself at the serene expression on the younger boy’s face, his eyes closed. As his eyes roamed back down Bobby’s body, something clicked in his mind. ‘You and your nipple thing!’ That was what Peter had teased Bobby about the previous week. While Riley suspected that meant Bobby liked playing with them, he couldn’t help wondering if it worked both ways.

Reaching up, he pushed the boy’s t-shirt up a little more to give clear access to both nipples, then quickly placed a finger gently on each of them.

Bobby’s eyes shot open as his head lifted and he stared down at Riley, looking lost between ecstatic and shocked.

Riley almost couldn’t keep sucking he was smiling so much at the reaction, but managed to keep his tongue lashing at the tiny tool.

“Ah, Riley… that… that’s… oh… oh yes, squeeze them!” Bobby moaned, his hands clasping at the bedding, knuckles whitening.

Riley was happy to comply, tweaking the little nubs as they hardened beneath his fingers.

Bobby bucked like a horse trying to shed its rider, though he clearly had no desire to be rid of Riley. As the dual pleasure of nipple squeezing and cock sucking surged through him, he let out a high-pitched whimper as his cock began to throb in Riley’s mouth.

While not used to eating cum quite yet, it was something Riley had done and as the small cock throbbed in his mouth, he did find himself wishing for a salty reward. Though nothing came out, the obvious pleasure Bobby was experiencing was more than reward enough.

After a few more moments, Bobby placed a hand on Riley’s shoulder and pushed him away, his dick too sensitive to handle any more sucking. “Oh my god,” Bobby gasped as Riley stared up at him.

“You enjoy that?” Riley asked as he slid back up the bed, snaking an arm under Bobby’s neck to cuddle up to him.

Bobby grinned as he stared dreamily into Riley’s eyes. “It was nice!” he giggled.

For Part 12, click here 


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