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Part 10 – Threes

Riley’s head felt like it was spinning. Finally being given the orgasm he had been denied for so long had not only been a relief, it had also been intense. Without a doubt the strongest, longest and most enjoyable orgasm of his whole life. As he continued to bask in the post-orgasmic sense of satisfaction, he also found himself at the mercy of utter shame and humiliation.

Ejaculating so intensely, while writhing and moaning in absolute pleasure was embarrassing enough when he thought it was just in front of Callum and Evan, but with the blindfold removed he now realised his audience was even larger. Two of his little brother’s best friends, Bobby and Peter, and four of Evan’s mates… whose names Riley didn’t know. Eight guys in total who had watched him shower himself with spunk.

As he sat there, still tied to the chair, naked and dripping with cum he felt like an absolute freak. The others were all talking and joking, pointing and laughing. He heard someone mocking his moans. He heard more than a few comments about his lack of pubes thanks to his earlier shave. Worst of all was the laughing. It was awful, humiliating, degrading. It was the worst… and yet, despite the orgasm mere minutes before, the boy’s cock throbbed wildly. Admittedly the ring was still on, which was contributing to his hardness, but thankfully the vibration had been turned off.

Riley’s ongoing erection was drawing plenty of attention too, not least from Riley himself who kept willing it to go down. As Evan walked past him, he looked at his older brother hopefully and pleaded, “Can you let me go yet?”

“No way, little dude,” Evan smirked. “You agreed you’d be ours for the night and we’ve got a little game to play! You just sit tight for a bit. Believe me when I say you do NOT want to start any sooner than you have to!” The comment got laughs from the collection of amused spectators behind him who were listening in. Grinning at his friends for a moment, Evan turned back to his little brother and leaned in close. “Riley, be honest with me,” he whispered, “Are you enjoying this?”

“No!” Riley insisted, recoiling in revulsion, though he quickly blushed as he saw Evan glance down briefly at the still-present erection.

“Be honest with me, bro,” he said sternly, staring into his brother’s eyes.

Riley stared back for a few moments, his cheeks already flushed. They reddened a little as he glanced over to make sure nobody else could hear him and whispered back, “I hate it. I hate being tied up and stared at, but…”

“But?” Evan asked, giving a hint of a smile.

“But it turns me on SO much. Like… I don’t want it to turn me on, but… it does, which I hate even more!” Riley explained.

“You’re so twisted,” Evan said, sounding almost proud. “We’re more alike than you realise,” he added, ruffing the boy’s hair.

“What does that…” Riley started, but Evan was already walking away.

Riley stayed quiet after that, any noise or comment he made finding itself mimicked back at him or used to tease him. He just sat there, motionless and exposed, his cock persistently firm.

“Okay, that’s long enough!” Evan declared half an hour after Riley’s ejaculation. “Quiet down! Does everyone remember the rules?” he asked, looking to Callum and his two friends.

“No!” Riley exclaimed meekly as the younger boys sniggered and nodded back at Evan.

“And you guys, ready to place your bets?” Evan asked, looking to his group of mates who were already looking quite drunk.

“Bets?” Riley called out, half curious, half scared.

“Yeah!” the older teens called back raucously.

“Excellent,” Evan called out, raising a beer. “Then let’s pick who goes first for round one!” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a die. Pointing to Bobby, then Callum, then Peter one at a time as he called out pairs of numbers, “One two, three four, five six!” He tossed the die and people quickly gathered, then looked back to Callum.

“Me first! Awesome!” Callum called out, almost bouncing for joy.

“First. For what? Round one of what?” Riley demanded.

“Okay, we’re probably gonna need to gag him otherwise this’ll get pretty freakin’ loud,” Evan sniggered.

Riley watched in horror as Evan approached holding a ball gag. He closed his mouth tightly, pressing his lips together as he hummed, “Mmm-uh!” and shook his head.

“It’s either take the gag, or deal with mum when I tell you were humping the furniture and trying to lead Callum astray!” Evan whispered to the younger boy.

Letting out a frustrated moan Riley opened his mouth, letting his brother gag him.

“Okay, now that’s done. Order for round one will be Cal, then Bobby then Peter, then shift round for rounds two and three so they all get a go at going first. So come on fellas, place your bets!”

The drunken teens tapped away on their phones, as did Evan. Five beeps later and it seemed the bets were in as Evan looked to Riley and said, “This is gonna be fun!” He turned to his youngest brother and asked, “You ready?”

“Fuck yeah!” Callum called out excitedly as he knelt down beside Riley.

“Great, round one, single hand and time starts… now!” Evan called out.

Riley barely had time to try and comprehend what had been said when he felt his little brother grab his dick, much to the delight of the spectators who began cheering and jeering. He let out a muffled whimper as he stared at the boy who was already pumping away furiously at his cock. He had gradually begun to soften during the break despite the ring, but was rigid almost instantly and could feel a tightness in his balls from the frantic wank.

Riley was back to new, unthought of levels of humiliation as he sat there being jerked off by his own little brother while the others cheered him on. The pleasure was intense and he felt a surge of embarrassment as he spotted Evan staring at him, knowing he was thinking about the earlier confession. He could already feel his orgasm building, and as embarrassing as it would be to cum in front of everyone again, it felt quite welcome. After weeks without release, the first load had been good but he still felt his balls had a lot more to offer.

And then… it hit him! Callum… then Bobby… then Peter! It couldn’t be what it sounded like. Surely they were just taking it in turns, the others betting on who would be the one to make him cum. It had to be. There was no way it could be… He didn’t get to finish the thought. Feeling his whole body tense, he let out a shocked grunt as he spurted up his second load of the night, coating his chest, stomach and Callum’s hand.

“Okay, good time. That’s gonna be a hard one to beat!” Evan called out excitedly. “Cool-down starts now, we’ll be back with Bobby in five!”

“Fffffvfff!” Riley grunted through his gag, barely even starting to come down from the Callum-induced orgasm. There was no way he could go again that soon! And a third time in less than an hour… that was inconceivable and yet he could see Bobby already eyeing him hungrily.

The younger boy seemed transfixed by the remnants of spunk dripping down Riley. Bobby was the only one in the room unable to cum, with both Callum and Peter well developed for their age and Evan’s friends very much old enough to have been doing it for years. Riley had felt a brief moment of pity for the boy when he had heard his friends tease him about it, but considering the part Bobby was about to play in his (admittedly very arousing) torture, any hints of sympathy soon melted away.

“Okay, time’s up!” Evan called out. “Bobby, you’re up!”

“Not that it shows with his tiny dick,” Peter added with a wry grin. He received a punch to the stomach from a blushing Bobby.

“Come on lads, wasting time. Get to it!” Evan urged the boy. “Aaaaand… begin!”

Riley let out a whimper as he felt the small hand wrap around his softened, sensitive dick. While it could have been worse and started immediately after the last orgasm, five minutes really wasn’t a great deal of recovery time… though he still managed to stiffen quickly.

Riley was breathing heavily through his nose, his mouth still gagged, though he was already beginning to drool a little onto his cum-spattered stomach. The eager wanking by Bobby was surprisingly discomfort-free. In fact, Riley felt a surge of excitement as he saw Bobby’s other hand was not-so-discretely groping at his own crotch.

“God you’re so hot,” Bobby said under his breath, then immediately blushed as he realised he had said it aloud, staring in abject horror at Riley.

Unsure whether it was because of the compliment, because of the younger boy’s obvious embarrassment or just because of the blindingly fast masturbation, Riley felt his balls tighten as he grunted his way through load number three, barely more than a few spurts.

Bobby kept hold but stopped stroking, staring at Riley as Evan called out, “And that’s another good time! Here we go with break number two then we’re back with the final contender of round one!”

Bobby seemed to realise he was still holding on and suddenly let go, scurrying back over to his friends as he blushed heavily.

Riley’s worst fears had been confirmed. Round one had indeed meant three more orgasms. It had seemed impossible, but with two down he only had one more and he was done. His weary eyes suddenly widened. ‘Round one?’ he thought to himself. ‘They… he can’t be serious!’ He stared at his big brother, but he was already over with his mates, chugging some more beer as they all laughed and joked.

The five-minute break felt painfully short to Riley, but once it was up Evan called Peter over who took his spot beside Riley and hovered his hand over the semi-hard cock as he waited for the instruction to start.

“Aaaaand go!” Evan called out.

Riley let out a high-pitched squeal as his over-sensitive dick was grabbed yet again. He stiffened but felt the orgasm much slower building this time. Was it just because it was his third handjob in half an hour or was it something more? Peter seemed keen to play, but didn’t seem to have any of the attraction or reverence Bobby had shown. He glanced over at the other boy but immediately looked away as they made eye contact.

Peter pumped fast, determined to beat his friends through sheer bloody-minded determination, though he knew going third had hindered his chances. He carried on regardless, sniggering at the squirming and moaning coming from Riley as he felt his fourth orgasm of the night edging slowly closer.

It was slow going, but Riley finally managed to push over the edge and felt his cock throb its way through a barely-visible orgasm. It was only the sight of his cock and balls twitching rapidly that showed he was cumming, the dribble from the head barely more than a spurt of pre-cum.

The crowd went wild for the final shot of round one, with Peter returning triumphantly to his friends.

“Excellent!” Evan called out. “And at the end of round one, third place goes to Peter!”

“Boooo!” Peter called out, getting a few laughs.

“And in second was Cal, which means Bobby gets first place in round one!” Evan called over the cheering and taunting. “So with those rankings in mind, fellas, place your bets for round two, which we’ll be back for in half an hour!”

Riley let out a whimper, almost in tears.

Evan sighed. “I meant forty-five minutes!” he said, rolling his eyes.

Riley whimpered again. It was better, but not by much.

It was amazing how quickly forty-five minutes passed for the restrained boy. He was given some water, with Callum holding the straw to his mouth with the gag temporarily removed, though it was soon replaced after when Riley tried talking. The vibrating ring had also been turned back on, only on low, but with it buzzing away for the last half hour of the break Riley was easily back to full hardness by the time Evan started calling for quiet.

“Okay, this time it’s Bobby first, followed by Peter then finishing up with Cal. Round two is no hands, mouth only!” Evan explained.

“Whufff!” Riley grunted in surprise, his voice muffled by the ball gag.

“Oh, that’s right. This’ll be your… first time, little bro, won’t it?” Evan asked moving over to Riley and stroking his arm. “Glad we can make it memorable!”

Riley’s eyes widened even further as he stared over at Bobby, who was due to go first.

“I’m his… first,” Bobby whispered nervously.

“Relax, you’re great at it,” Callum grinned, nudging him playfully. “I should know better than anyone!”

“Wooooo!” the older boys chorused, making both younger boys blush.

“Well come on then, we don’t have all night. On your knees Bobby!” Evan instructed.

Bobby moved closer to Riley, their eyes fixed on each other. He looked round at Evan, then back to Riley, his brow furrowing slightly.

Riley looked many things – tired, sweaty, embarrassed, humiliated, aroused. One thing he most certainly didn’t look was reluctant, but Bobby still paused until he got a gentle nod from the tied-up teen. He dropped to his knees then glanced to Evan again.

“And… begin!” Evan called out, starting the timer.

Bobby’s face lunged into Riley’s crotch, taking the straining cock immediately into his mouth fully as the half-drunken crowd cheered and hollered.

“Fufffff!” Riley grunted, visibly enjoying the new sensation, trying desperately to avoid eye contact with anyone else in the room as he got blown for the very first time.

As good as it felt, having experienced four orgasms already that evening, Riley wasn’t ready to cum as quickly as he had expected he might be. That was no bad thing though as it meant he got to enjoy the younger boy’s mouth for longer. The fact he had two more mouths to come, including his own little brother, barely even entered his mind as he watched Bobby sucking rapidly on his dick.

“Mmmm guhhh cmmm!” Riley moaned into his gag, his already-red cheeks burning brighter, his chest tightening and showing off the slight hint of pectorals as he tensed in anticipation. He had fully expected Bobby to pull free, but as he began to shoot, the boy carried on sucking, though he did raise his hand to indicate to Evan to stop the timer.

As Bobby pulled off, he sat up and stared Riley in the eye, then opened his mouth to reveal the small load on his tongue.

Riley let out an almost inhuman noise as he saw the boy close his mouth and swallow.

“Good time, Bobby. Safe to say Riley enjoyed that. Let’s see if he enjoys Peter quite as much. Back in five!” Evan called out, really getting into hosting the game.

Considering how quickly the longer break had gone, the five-minute breather seemed to be gone in a heartbeat and before Riley even had much chance to recover, Peter was in front of him, sucking on his dick.

While Peter approached with the same ferocity as Bobby, either his technique wasn’t as good or the recent orgasm had desensitised Riley a little as he felt nowhere near the same level of pleasure. As much as you would expect the boy sucking on his dick or the crowd of drunken teenagers to draw Riley’s attention, he couldn’t help looking over to where Bobby was sat watching with Riley, the two playing eye contact tag once again, taking it in turns to look at each other, then away.

Although not as pleasurable, Peter still managed to suck Riley towards his sixth orgasm of the night, though when Riley grunted to warn of the imminent release, Peter quickly pulled away. He was clear just in time for the small crowd to laugh and cheer at the sight of the embattled cock throbbing up its few measly drops.

One more break and it was Callum’s turn. “Bro on bro,” Evan called out. “Will it help or hinder? Or is Riley finally at his limit? Only one way to find out… begin!”

Callum shot Riley a brief embarrassed glance then leant down to give the dick a lick. He could taste the remnants of the tiny load Riley had shot minutes before as he slid his tongue up and down the slippery shaft. It got a reluctantly pleasured moan from Riley, which only got louder as the youngest sibling sucked the cock into his mouth.

‘Oh… my… god…’ Riley thought as he sat there. ‘I’ve got seven guys watching me get blown by my own little brother. What if they tell people? I’ll die! I’ll just fucking die. Fuck, ugh, damn, he’s good at this, he’s… he’s really good… not as good as…’ his thoughts trailed off as his eyes returned to Bobby again. He stared for a few moments but as Bobby’s gaze raised from watching Callum to Riley’s face, Riley looked away.

‘Fuck fuck fuck, he saw me staring,’ Riley cursed himself. ‘Why do I keep staring? Yeah he’s cute, but so’s Peter!’ His eyes wandered to the group of Evan’s friends as he thought, ‘And those guys are so freaking hot. Why am I looking at all these guys? I should… just… focus on…’ his eyes lowered to his little brother, ‘Okay, not on that. On something else. On anything else! Fuck, this is only round two. I can’t cum anymore. I can’t, I just can’t… I… fuck… yes I can… I’m gonna… I’m gonna…’

“Mmmm cmmm!” Riley grunted into his gag, his whole body tensing as he breathed heavy, hissed through his nose. He started down as Callum pulled away and saw his cock bouncing wildly, his balls clenching, trying to shoot cum he simply didn’t have left as the watching teens cheered loudly.

“Nicely done, ya little cock-suckers,” Evan called out. Despite the choice of term, his expression and tone made it clear he had only meant it playfully, his friends giving a cheer as they all looked quite amused by the whole thing, rather than repulsed. “And for round two, slowest was Cal… which kinda makes sense with lil Riley running on empty, Peter in second place, but first place goes to first sucker… Bobby!” The crowd cheered once more. “Another break and we’ll be back for round three. Someone go get more beers!”

“Some for us too?” Callum asked hopefully.

“Not a fucking chance,” Evan sniggered, “But nice try!”

“Aww, you suck!” Callum moaned.

“Actually, we suck!” Peter corrected him with a grin and playful nudge.

“No YOU suck!” Callum said back, trying to nudge Peter back, but he was on his feet and running from the room before Callum could hit him. The youngest sibling took off after him.

“Evan,” Bobby said softly. “Think we can let him move about a bit?” he asked, looking to Riley. “He’s gotta be getting stiff by now!”

Evan somehow resisted the obvious joke and looked at his little brother. He looked to Bobby and smiled at the obvious attraction between the two, wondering if they had even picked up on it themselves yet. “Why don’t you untie his arms and legs. Leave the rest and tell him if he tries to get free or touches himself ‘down there’ he’ll have hell to pay! Pop his gag out and give him some water too please.”

Bobby nodded and quickly started untying Riley, who looked almost scared. “It’s okay, he said I could,” Bobby reassured him. He stood as Riley began to stretch his legs and pulled out the gag as he explained, “He said don’t try and free yourself or touch your winky!” He pulled the gag out.

Riley stretched his jaw then closed it, gulping down the saliva pooled in his mouth. “Ugh, that’s better,” he moaned, stretching out his legs and, once they were free, his arms.

“Here,” Bobby said once he was finished untying Riley, handing him a glass of water.

“Thanks,” Riley smiled, then quickly gulped the water down in one go.

“Riley,” Bobby said softly, looking round nervously. “Is this… really okay?”

Riley shrugged. Between his own agreement to do whatever Evan wanted for the rest of the night and the embarrassing but honest confession of some level of enjoyment, what was happening did technically count as ‘okay’. “It’s fine,” he assured the younger boy. “But it’s really sweet of you to ask!”

Bobby blushed a little and nodded. After a few moments of silence, he asked, “Was that… I mean was I… really… your first?”

Despite his constant redness from both exertion and embarrassment, Riley still managed to blush at the question, which he answered with a silent nod.

“I’m sorry,” Bobby apologised.

“For what?” Riley asked with an amused chuckle.

“Well… your first time… it should be… good. It should be… something you’ll remember!” Bobby explained.

Riley’s eyebrows raised, beads of sweat pooling a little as his brow furrowed. “You don’t think I’ll remember this?” he asked with a snigger. “And… it WAS good, so… no need to apologise!”

“It was good? Really?” Bobby asked, barely able to conceal his joy at the compliment.

“Yeah. Yeah it was!” Riley reassured him.

“BOBBY!” Callum suddenly called out from another room.

Bobby looked round and saw Evan. “Am I okay to leave him like this?” he asked nervously.

“Yeah, I’m keeping an eye,” Evan said, smiling as Riley glared round at him.

“See you in a bit,” Bobby said to Riley before running out to find Callum.

Riley turned as far as he could to watch the boy leave, but just found himself looking at Evan who was smirking at him. “What?” he demanded.

“Nothing,” Evan chuckled. “Enjoy the rest of your break!” he said, then pressed the button to turn the vibrating cock ring back on.

Forty minutes later, with the older boys topped up on beer and the younger boys eventually wrangled back into place, Evan called for quiet.

“Okay, round three,” Evan said with a smile. “The final round,” he added, shooting a smile to the re-tied and gagged Riley who looked visibly relieved and frustrated in equal measure. “This time, we start with Peter, then Cal, then finish on Bobby. So come on fellas, get your bets in! Round three, anything goes!” He leaned in close to Riley and whispered, “And I do mean anything!”

The whole room laughed at the whimper from Riley, followed by the sharp exhalation through his nose.

“Come on then, Petey, get in position!” Evan invited the boy, slurring a tiny bit as he chugged another beer.

Peter got in place and got started once instructed to do so. Despite the invitation to ‘do anything’ Peter didn’t seem that keen to experiment, visibly nervous of getting too into it with the older boys watching. Instead, he just started sucking on Riley’s dick once again, though he did allow his hand to slide up the naked boy’s body and tweak a nipple. It wasn’t even a particularly eager blow job, he just sucked away, knowing what would inevitably happen.

With a moan of warning after several minutes, Peter pulled away and watched as Riley managed to spurt up a few drops, seemingly recharged a little during the long break.

“Hmm, not your best time, mate,” Evan said, slightly disappointed as he shook his head.

Peter shrugged and returned to sit beside Bobby and Callum.

Five minutes later, after the usual mid-round break, Callum moved into position and asked, “You got any lube?” getting an amused gasp from the older boys and a wide-eyed stare from Riley.

“Sure, one sec,” Evan said, heading to his stash of supplies for the evening and tossing a small bottle to the boy. “There ya go. Now, if we’re ready, three, two, one… go!”

Callum quickly pumped some lube onto his hand and, moving aside to make sure as much of the room as possible had an unobstructed view, shoved his hand between Riley’s legs. He slipped a finger inside his older brother as he received a mix of cheers and groans, some of which were coming from Riley.

Riley stared in horror and delight as he felt Callum’s finger inside him. Thankfully, being seated stopped him going too deep, or fitting more than a single finger in, but Callum did manage to poke at Riley’s prostate. Riley whimpered in shock at the sensation, the pitch raising as Callum’s other hand grabbed his dick and his mouth found its way to a nipple.

If being blown by his little brother in front of the relative strangers was embarrassing, being fingered and jerked off by the boy was a whole new level of humiliation, though he was not really capable of forming coherent thoughts as his prostate was poked and prodded. Much quicker than Peter had managed it, Riley grunted his muffled warning.

Callum happily continued stroking as Riley ejaculated for the ninth time, the prostate pounding seemingly finding a hidden reserve of seminal fluid which flowed out as his dick throbbed.

“Damn!” Peter said, shaking his head in disbelief as Callum rejoined him and Bobby. “Why didn’t I think of that?”

“Okay, brief break and then it’s the final contender!” Evan called out.

Breathing heavily and just beginning to regain his composure, Riley looked over to the younger boys, staring nervously at Bobby, keeping eye contact for a change as the boy looked back.

With the break soon over, the crowd was getting increasingly lively, keen to reach the end of the competition. Riley had picked up little bits of conversations throughout the evening. The older boys seemed to have their own betting pool going, based on predictions of times for the three rounds. However, possibly unknown to Evan, the younger three seemed to have their own bet going too, though Riley had not yet worked out what was at stake.

“Come on then Bobby, finish him off!” Evan sniggered as the timid boy moved closer to Riley. “Need lube?” he asked, offering the boy the bottle.

Bobby looked at it, then Evan, then Riley and back to the older sibling and shook his head. “No,” he said quietly. “But I’m really allowed to do… anything I want?” he asked timidly.

“Sure,” Evan grinned wickedly as he tossed aside the unneeded bottle of lube.

Riley stared from Bobby to Evan and back nervously for a moment.

“Okay then,” Evan nodded as Bobby stood in front of the restrained boy. “Three… two… one… begin!”

Riley and Bobby stared at each other for a few seconds.

“Your time’s ticking!” Evan prompted the motionless boy.

Bobby nodded, his eyes fixed on Riley. He stepped forward and straddled the boy, sitting on his lap as he wrapped his arms around him.

Riley stared, the boy’s face only inches from his own. He gave a nervous nod.

Bobby yanked the gag down, allowed Riley a moment to swallow the pool of saliva then leaned in to kiss him. It started out gently, but became a lot more voracious after a few scant seconds, both boys suddenly giving in to the new and exciting attraction. They couldn’t even hear what was going on around them, or rather, they simply didn’t care!

Bobby allowed his hand to slip between them, gently tugging on Riley’s cock as they continued passionately making out.

The kiss only stopped when Riley’s moaning become so loud that it was obvious he was about to cum. Leaning back and breaking the kiss, Bobby allowed Evan to see that Riley’s cock was throbbing out another dry orgasm. As soon as he got the nod and heard a cheer from behind, he lunged in again for another kiss.

When they eventually parted once more, Riley smiled and whispered, “That kiss was my first too!”

“And mine!” Bobby whispered back, smiling sweetly.

“Okay, off ya get,” Evan urged the boy.

Bobby climbed off and walked rather sheepishly back to Callum and Peter who were both staring at him, half shocked, half amazed and uncharacteristically silent.

“Well, it was a close one,” Evan called out. “Peter was slowest… again, but with just one second between them, Cal was second and first place goes to Bobby!”

There were a mix of cheers and boos from the older spectators, mostly as a result of their own wins or losses rather than any strong feeling about Bobby personally.

“So with all the rounds done and the points added up, we have a winner… and a loser!” Evan called out. Looking over to his friends, he smiled and said, “Our winner, and recipient of the grand prize is… Frankie!” One of the older boys cheered as the others booed him. “And in last place, and receiving the usual forfeit… It’s Daz!”

“What about us?” Callum asked excitedly.

Evan smirked at his little brother, wobbling slightly as he turned. “Like you need to ask. Bobby won EVERY ROUND and Peter lost two, so Bobby’s your winner and Peter’s your loser, so… do with that whatever you like!”

“Do we get HIM now?” Callum asked, looking to Riley who was sat looking barely conscious.

“Erm, I think he might need a SLIGHT rest,” Evan sniggered, chugging the rest of his beer. “And it’s late anyway. You three should be going to bed!”

“Aww come on Ev, not yet, pleeeease!” Callum pleaded.

Evan sighed, his eyes heavy, showing increasing signs of his drunkenness. “Fffine, you get an hour, but IN YOUR ROOM!” he insisted. “One of you even sets foot outside it and I’ll kick all your asses!”

Callum pouted but knew that was the best he was getting. “Come on then,” he urged the other two. As he passed Riley, he patted his brother on the shoulder and said, “Fucking awesome, bro!”

“What he said,” Peter added with a smile as he followed.

Bobby stopped at Riley’s side, the exhausted teen staring up at him. He knew Evan, Callum and Peter were watching, but he shrugged and said, “Ah, fuck it!” He leaned down and kissed Riley again, just for a few moments, then as he pulled away, whispered, “See you tomorrow!” and gave him a final peck on the cheek.

Riley smiled back at him briefly before he disappeared out with the others.

“Right, let’s get you cleaned up!” Evan said, then staggered just a little as he approached Riley.

“Woah, hold up,” one of the older boys called out, jumping to his feet. He helped steady Evan and said, “You’ve been knocking ‘em back hard. Why don’t you chill with the others and… do the forfeit stuff. I’ll take care of your little bro!”

Evan looked from his friend to Riley and back, then shrugged as he slurred, “Fine, shhhhower him then s… secure him to his bed but if you do ANYTHING to hurt him I’ll cut your fucking throat. I llllove this kid!” He looked to Riley who raised his eyebrows and said, “Shhhut up dickface. I’m allowed to love my brother! Oh yeah, this is Jez. He’s cool.” With that, he staggered over to join his friends who were chattering away loudly, seemingly about the imminent forfeit.

Jez squatted down and started untying Riley who just watched him nervously for a few moments before he asked, “Wh… why?”

Jez smiled, understanding the boy’s apparent apprehension, and shrugged, “Cos Evan’s hammered and I didn’t want him dropping you down the stairs or something. And besides, I hate being around the guys when they’re this drunk!”

Riley stretched again, free from the restraints, but as he tried to stand, he staggered and fell against the tall eighteen-year-old.

“C’mere,” Jez said, scooping the boy up in his arms. “You’re gonna have to direct me,” he smiled as he headed for the door.

Riley rested heavily against Jez, exhausted by his night of excessive ejaculating. “Up!” he said sleepily.

“Yeah, I figured that much,” Jez sniggered. He headed out of the lounge and pulled the door shut behind him then headed up the stairs. He could hear the younger boys upstairs already.

As Jez reached the landing, Peter emerged from a doorway and asked, “Is he okay?”

“Just worn out and in need of a shower I reckon,” Jez reassured the younger boy.

“Oh, it’s in there,” Peter said, gesturing to the door he had just emerged from. “And Riley’s room’s the one without the door down there!”

“Thanks,” Jez smiled.

Riley barely registered what was happening as he got carried into the bathroom. Verging on unconscious, he got showered and cleaned by Evan’s friend before getting quickly towelled off and carried through to his bedroom. In his barely-conscious state, he felt briefly nervous about being seen naked as he emerged from the shower before remembering he had been naked all night.

As Jez lay Riley onto the bed, he pulled the covers over him and stood back.

“You’re supposed to restrain me,” Riley said sleepily, yawning heavily. “It’s so I don’t touch!”

“Mate, after the night you’ve had, if you’ve even got it in you to touch yourself, you deserve it!” Jez sniggered. “But how about I stay and supervise you instead?”

“Mmmyeah,” Riley hummed happily. He shuffled over, his intent clear.

Jez hesitated a moment, then climbed into the bed as Riley nuzzled up against him. He was asleep within seconds!

For Part 11 click here 



I’m curious what the forfeit was for the older boys.

Stories by Matt

Sadly that won't be shown, as the story so far is all from Riley's perspective, so if he's not involved it won't be seen. It will be mentioned though.