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Click here for Part 2 

Patreon-exclusive story

Part 3 - Teased

“Wait, what was it? What did I get?” Riley called out, desperate to know the result of the dice roll that would decide his fate. “Cal, come on, tell me!” he begged his little brother.

“Shhhh!” Callum hissed, moving closer and placing a finger on Riley’s lips. “Just lay there and… enjoy! Not that you’ve got much choice!”

Riley wanted to complain at the tease, but… enjoy? He was going to enjoy? He dared to let himself believe he had rolled the six that would allow him release. “Unnh,” he grunted as he felt Callum’s fingers tweak at his nipple. He didn’t know whether it was from his prolonged abstinence, the helplessness of his situation, the fact it was his brother or a mix of all three, but the touch felt like a jolt of electricity. He had never really touched his nipples much before, at least not in a sexual way, so Callum’s touch was a revelation to him.

“Ya know, you’re way bigger than I thought you’d be!” Callum said, his eyes casually roaming his brother’s body. “I mean, you’re so freaking scrawny but then you’ve got… this!” He grabbed the erection with his other hand.

Riley squealed with a mix of surprise and pleasure, followed by a shudder and a juddery intake of breath. It felt SO good. Touching himself was an amazing feeling, but having someone else touch him, especially after his long dry spell, it was beyond words… as proven by his lack of ability to use any! Instead, he let out a series of moans and whimpers as Callum gently squeezed the rigid shaft.

“Damn, you’re close already, aren’t you?” Callum asked with a grin.

“Uh huh,” Riley gasped, deliberating whether to close his eyes or not. He had been convinced seeing his brother touch him would be repulsive, traumatising and entirely un-arousing. After all, it was Callum, his own little brother and all-round annoying little twat. And yet… seeing the boy eyeing his body excitedly, almost… hungrily, it was sending waves of pleasure through him. “So close,” Riley moaned, bucking his hips with the tiny bit of movement available to him.

“Stop… doing that!” Callum scowled at the restrained boy.

“But it feels good,” Riley complained, still bucking his hips.

“No not that!” Callum said with a slight scowl. He turned his head to stare Riley in the eye. “I mean looking at me the way you are! It’s… annoying!”

“Sorry, I’ll stop!” Riley blushed, forcing himself to look up at the ceiling instead. “Unnnh, oh yeah, yeah, I’m close… just… just a bit faster… I’m… so… nearly there!” he moaned in sheer tortured ecstasy. Finally, after weeks without release, right when he had been convinced he would have to continue his agonising wait, he was going to cum!

Riley suddenly let go of the throbbing tool, raising both hands to tweak Riley’s nipples.

“Ugh,” Riley grunted at the feeling of both nipples touched at once, then grunted, “Why did you stop, I was so close!”

“Really? I couldn’t tell!” Callum replied with a smirk, pinching the nipples a little more firmly.

“But I told you…” Riley started, then his hormone-addled brain caught up as he scowled and said, “Ha ha, very funny. Just… get on with it.”

“What’s the magic word?” Callum teased.

“Please. Please Cal. Please, keep going!” Riley begged. He suddenly remembered what Evan had said about begging. This was presumably what he meant. He had WANTED to cum earlier, but now it was more… much more! It was a NEED. “Ah yeah,” he gasped as the hand returned to his dick. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, faster… more… please… yeah… ugh, Cal… ughhhh!” he moaned, his hands trembling in their shackles.

Riley stared at Callum expectantly, eyes wide. “Oh god, oh… oh god… yeah, here I go…” he gasped, quickly followed by a “NOOOO!” as Callum stopped again.

“You’re looking at me again!” Callum snapped.

“Sorry, I’ll stop, just… just keep going,” Riley pleaded, almost in tears.

“Yeah, you said that before and you didn’t!” Callum said sharply, standing up from the bed. “And I really don’t want you watching what’s next anyway, so…” He grabbed Riley’s underwear from the pile of clothes he had removed when he got home from school and put it over his brother’s head, effectively blindfolding him with it.

“Oh come on, that’s not needed!” Riley complained, taking in the smell of his own crotch.

“Shut up!” Callum snapped.

Riley let out a moan but stayed quiet, not wanting to piss off the boy who was (hopefully) going to let him cum. He listened for a moment as he heard the younger boy moving around a bit, curious as to what he was doing. As he felt the bed move a little, he could feel Callum climbing on. This time, he was straddling Riley’s torso, which was enough of a surprise on its own, but it was the sudden, thrilling realisation that he could feel bare skin against him that was the real shocker. Callum was naked – at least from the waist down – as he sat atop his big brother.

“Cal… what… what are you… doing?” Riley asked shakily. If his brother’s touch had excited him in an unnerving way before, the thought of him sitting there, half naked, was almost enough to bring about the orgasm he so desperately needed.

“Shut up or I sit on your face!” Callum threatened, then smirked as he added, “Fuck, did your cock just twitch at that. What a fucking perv!”

“No!” Riley quickly objected, putting the strange sensation in his stomach down to the added weight of the boy pressing down on it. He didn’t dare say anymore for fear of ending up with Callum’s butt replacing the underwear.

As he lay there, feeling Callum occasionally reach down to tease his near-orgasmic cock, he began to recognise the slight rocking sensation he was feeling – Callum was jerking off! Aside from feeling inordinately unfair that he could Callum could do it while he could not, it was sending confusing ripples of delight through the whole of Riley’s body. His younger brother… sitting on top of him… jerking off. ‘Maybe he’s planning to have us cum at the same time!’ Riley reasoned with himself. ‘That’d be kinda hot. That’s probably it! Fuck, this shouldn’t be turning me on!’ He let out another series of whimpers as the younger boy’s hand teasingly touched him once more.

After a few more minutes, Riley could hear heavier breathing from above. It sounded like Callum was close. He suddenly jumped off, moving down between Riley’s legs, facing up towards his head. He felt their dicks press together. Callum felt… big! Bigger than Riley had expected anyway, though he had never really given much thought to his brother’s penis size before that moment. The feeling of the erection against his own was intense. So firm, so warm, so exciting.

Grasping his hands around both together, Callum gave a final few strokes and Riley felt the other dick throb against his own, followed moments later by small spurts of warm wetness on his stomach. “Cal, I’m not… quite there… please, just a bit more!” he begged, hoping the boy had simply not taken him far enough.

Callum didn’t say anything else as he climbed off.

Riley could hear Callum dressing. ‘Let him get dressed, then he’ll finish me off!’ Riley told himself.

“See ya later, bro!” Riley teased.

“What? No. I didn’t cum. Please, I’m still so close! You have to make me cum!” Riley demanded.

Callum snorted with laughter. “You still think you rolled a six, don’t you! Fucking idiot. It was a one! You’re not cumming today!”

“Nooooooo!” Riley cried out, still blindfolded by his underwear as he heard Callum leave.

Over the next couple of hours, Callum returned repeatedly, always stroking Riley to the verge of ejaculation but leaving him right on the brink. By the time Evan came to release him later in the evening, he had been edged more than a dozen times.

“Wow, look at the state of you!” Evan sniggered as he walked in.

“Evan, please, Callum said I rolled a one. Please tell me he’s lying!” Riley pleaded.

“Sorry little man,” Evan said as he pulled the underwear away. “He wasn’t!”

“You’re not really gonna make me wait another week til I can cum, are you?” Riley asked, hoping for mercy.

“No!” Evan said, shaking his head.

Riley exhaled heavily, clearly relieved. “Thank god!” he growled.

“I’m going to make you wait a week to get another CHANCE to cum!” Evan grinned as he picked up the dice again. “I quite like this thing!”

Riley burst into tears as he stared up at his big brother. “I can’t, Evan. I can’t wait, I can’t… I can’t… go that long!”

“Well if you don’t wanna play games with me and Cal, we could just leave it to mum to decide when you can cum!” Evan said, knowing Riley would hate it more. To really emphasise the point, he added, “And that probably won’t be til you’re like, eighteen or something!”

“Nooo,” Riley whined.

“So you wanna keep playing then?” Evan asked with a wicked grin.

Riley scowled but said back quietly, “Yes!”

“Great. Now we should get you locked so you can get up and move around for a while before bed,” Evan said, turning his attention to Riley’s dick. “Hmm, that could be a problem!” he added, seeing it remained erect. “We’ll need it to go down before we can get you back in this,” he said thoughtfully, holding up the tube from the chastity cage. He hummed thoughtfully for a moment then shouted out, “CALLUM , GO GET SOME ICE CUBES FROM THE FREEZER AND BRING THEM UP TO RILEY’S ROOM!”

“AWESOME!” Callum shouted back.

“What? No!” Riley quickly objected. “You can… just wait a sec and it’ll go down, I know it will!”

“It might,” Evan nodded, then reached out and poked the solid cock with one finger, looking disgusted, “But I reckon as soon as I touched it to lock you, you’d be right back to boner city!”

“Here! I got ‘em!” Callum declared, hurrying into the room with a bag of ice.

Evan chuckled. “I only needed a few cubes,” he said as he pulled some out. “Go stick the rest of the bag away before it melts everywhere!”

Callum ran off again and was soon running back in, calling out, “Did I miss it?”

“Nah, thought I’d wait for you!” Evan said, watching as the younger boy eagerly sat down on the opposite side of Riley’s bed. “You should always be careful with ice, as it can burn skin almost as easily as heat can,” Evan educated the younger boy.

“It what!?” Riley yelped nervously.

Evan smiled but ignored Riley, instead continuing to address Callum. “If you’re applying it to one spot for a long period, it should be wrapped in a cloth or a bag or something,” he explained. He placed an ice cube on Riley’s shaft and immediately slid it from base to tip as he said, “We’re keeping it moving so it should be okay. We should see pretty quick results too!”

Riley let out a squeal as the ice touched him, his whole body tensing. Frustratingly, the slight occasional, fleeting glances of his elder brother’s fingers were turning him on every bit as much as Callum’s had, so while the ice was working, it was two steps forward, one step back. Finally, with the last ice cube melted against his now-shrivelled and chilled dick, Evan was able to get the chastity cage back on.

Locked once more, Riley was finally released from his restraints and able to move again. He stretched and shook out his arms and legs as he stood, groaning uncomfortably.

“Get used to that, mate. That’s how you’ll be sleeping from now on, or any time you want a break from your cage!” Evan explained.

“That’s so cool!” Callum giggled while Riley just let out a whimper.

Click here for Part 4 



Devious! Can’t do anything but think about being restrained like Riley.