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Patreon-Exclusive Story

Part 2 - Restrained

By the end of the school day on Friday, Riley was utterly miserable. He had not been able to sleep well, accidentally pulling on the new chastity device when he moved or, worst of all, trying to pop an erection in his sleep and waking up in pain. The days had not been much better as he got used to wearing the device, spending the whole time resisting the urge to manoeuvre it into a comfortable position for fear of looking like he was touching himself again.

Just as the school day was ending and he pulled out his phone, he found a message from Evan that said, [Ride home. Usual spot.] It was much appreciated, as the thought of the usual walk home with the cage on his dick did not appeal in the slightest. Heading to the spot Evan normally picked him up from, he found his big brother sat waiting in his car, with Callum sat in the front seat already.

After getting the usual greetings, Riley wondered if his brothers might actually be kind and not tease him about his predicament, but they had barely pulled off before Callum sniggered and asked, “So how’s your dick?”

“I don’t wanna talk about it!” Riley pouted, folding his arms moodily as he stared out the window.

“Hey, be nice. You wouldn’t want me to have to tell mum you’ve been rude!” Evan admonished the boy. “Especially when I’m planning to do something nice for you!”

“Something… nice?” Riley asked nervously, staring at his brother in the rear-view mirror.

“Yup,” Evan smiled with a nod, shooting a quick glance back at him. “I’m gonna get you out of that device!”

“What? No way. Don’t do that!” Callum immediately objected.

“Quiet you!” Evan said firmly at the youngest sibling. “Unless you wanna end up like Riley!”

As Callum sunk sheepishly into his seat, Riley asked, “You really gonna get me out of this thing? How?”

“Ah, trust me, lil bro,” Evan said with a nod. “Just play along with me when the time comes, and you’ll be out of it in no time. That’s a promise!”

Finally, an act of mercy! Riley was overjoyed, and seeing Callum get slapped down was just the icing on the cake. He just nodded and remained silent, enjoying the prospect of imminent freedom.

As soon as the boys got home, they were greeted by their mother who immediately ordered Riley to undress, much to the amusement of his brothers. Mrs Parker questioned the boys about their days while Riley stripped and, once she was satisfied with everything she had heard and her middle son’s compliance, she headed off to finish dinner, telling the boys to wash up and be back downstairs in ten minutes.

Dinner passed by with the usual conversations and Riley remained constantly on edge, wondering when Evan would follow through on his promise to help. It was just as they were finishing eating when he struck.

“Mum, Riley was telling me how uncomfortable that device is,” Evan started.

“I told you no complaining!” she immediately scolded Riley.

“No, no, not like that!” Evan quickly jumped in to defend the boy. “I asked for his opinion and he gave it, he wasn’t complaining,” he said, much to Riley’s relief. “And I actually came up with an idea that’ll help him, and make sure he behaves too.”

“Oh yes?” the woman asked, clearly intrigued. “Do tell!”

“I’ve already told Riley all about it and he thinks it’s a great idea, he can’t wait to try it out, isn’t that right, buddy?” Evan asked, reaching out to the side to ruff the naked boy’s hair.

‘Play along’. That was what Evan had said and he fully intended to do that if it would get him out of the damn chastity device. “Yeah, it’s a great idea!” Riley said, nervously hoping his mother didn’t question him about it directly.

“But it’ll be best to show you. Riley volunteered to take my turn washing the dishes tonight as a thank you for my help, so after he’s done that, we’ll set it up and show you!” Evan explained.

Riley had to resist complaining. It was a sneaky way for his big brother to get out of some chores, but now he was committed to the lie, so he just nodded his agreement politely.

“Hmm, well if it’s got him voluntarily helping round the house, it has potential!” Mrs Parker said with a smile. “Okay then!”

A few minutes later, when they had all finished eating, they left Riley cleaning up while Callum and Mrs Parker went to watch TV and Evan disappeared upstairs. By the time Evan returned, the table was cleared and the dishes had all been washed, dried and put away.

“Perfect timing,” Evan said, walking down the stairs as Riley emerged from the kitchen. “It’s ready! Callum, you stay here!”

The eleven-year-old pouted, but did as Evan instructed, watching unhappily as the other three vanished upstairs.

Heading into Riley’s room, Mrs Parker paused as she saw the boy’s bed, now adorned by several chains and cuffs. She immediately realised the intent of the plan and looked to Riley, who was doing his best not to look surprised, and asked, “You really agreed to this?”

“He said he was willing to do it if it meant setting him right. He wants to be a good boy, don’t you, bud?” Evan asked, looking convincingly sincere.

The question was beyond sneaky. Not only was Riley already caught up in the lie, but disagreeing now would mean saying he didn’t want to be a good boy. He knew how his mother would react to that. “Yeah, I do,” he agreed reluctantly.

“So come on, let’s give it a go!” Evan said, ushering the boy onto his bed.

What Riley had thought would be a simple arrangement at first glance quickly became more intricate as Evan set about securing everything in place. First his wrists had been secured so they rested either side of his head, followed by his ankles being secured to the bottom corners, though there was still some slack to allow movement.

“Is that really necessary?” Mrs Parker asked as Evan continued.

“The more he can move, the more likely he is to be able to… stimulate himself!” Evan said seriously. The comment got an understanding nod from their mother.

Evan continued, next attaching cuffs just above his knees that pulled them out to the sides, spreading his legs while removing any mobility that had been left by the ankle restraints. The same was done with his elbows. A final set of chains was attached between his left elbow and knee then the same on the right, pulled taut to ensure absolutely no wiggle room. By the time he was done, Riley was laying there unable to move at all, aside from lifting his head or wiggling his fingers and toes.

“There you go,” Evan said, standing back to admire his handiwork. “No chance of him doing anything inappropriate, so it’s safe to take the cage off!”

“Hnnh,” Mrs Parker nodded, moving close to pull gently at the various chains. “Not something I would have considered, but if you’re okay with it, Riley, so am I!”

Riley was trapped… both figuratively and literally. His options were staying restrained on his bed with the cage off, or remaining free to move about the house with the infernal device still stuck on him. All he could think of was the restless night and uncomfortable day at school as he said, “I’m okay with it!”

“Hmm, well, okay then,” Mrs Parker nodded. She pulled out a small keyring and handed it to Evan. “Feel free to take that off of your brother,” she said, pointing to the cage.

Evan quickly removed, getting an unpleasant flinch from Riley at the prospect of his brother handling his privates, erven indirectly. With the device removed, Evan stepped back, smirking as Riley’s cock was fully exposed to him for the first time. The smirk grew as he saw the cock immediately begin to swell.

“Ugh, really Riley?” Mrs Parker huffed, shaking her head.

“Well at least you know he can’t do anything to… interfere with himself!” Evan said, trying to sound serious. “And the best part, mum,” he said with a sweet smile, “Is that when he’s like this, you’re free to go do whatever you like. You could even go out without worrying what he’s up to!”

“Oh!” Mrs Parker exclaimed. “I hadn’t even thought of that. It would mean leaving him in your care. We can’t leave him completely unattended!”

“That’s okay mum, I’m happy to help out. You do so much for us and you helped set me right. Now let me help you in return and try and set Riley right!” Evan gushed sycophantically, though Riley knew it was all for show.

“You know what, I think I’ll take you up on that right away. The ladies are having a game night this evening and I’ve still got time to get there,” Mrs Parker exclaimed. She glanced at Riley and then to Evan. “Okay, so here are the rules. From now on, Riley, while at home you will be either locked in chastity, or secured to your bed. Evan, he is not to be released from this position unless you’ve got the cage back on him first. Is that clear?”

“Yes mum, of course,” Evan nodded.

“Wait, how do I pee?” Riley asked, already trying desperately to will his erection to go down.

“If you can’t hold it until you’re next released,” Evan said, grabbing a urinal bottle he had placed beside the bed, “You call for one of us and you use this!”

“I’m not peeing in a bottle!” Riley snapped.

“Then you’d best hope you can hold it, because I expect you’ll be in serious trouble if you wet the bed!” Evan said sternly. “Right, mum?”

“That’s correct. I’m sure you’ll soon get used to it. You did say you wanted to be a good boy, didn’t you?” she replied.

Riley scowled as he nodded and said meekly, “Yes mum!”

“Excellent. Well I’m going to go get ready and head out. You be a good boy and do whatever your brother says,” she directed to Riley, then looked to Evan and said, “Maybe let him up in an hour or two, but…”

“Make sure he’s locked. Yes, mum, I’ve got it. You go, relax, you’ve earned it!” Evan encouraged her.

Riley was left alone in his room, forced to lay motionless while he heard his mother moving around to get ready. She shouted a quick goodbye before she left, then he heard the front door and knew she was gone. Within moments, he heard footsteps approaching.

“No. Fucking. Way!” Callum called out as he ran into the room, with Evan close behind.

“See, I told ya!” Evan sniggered.

“Ha ha, I can see Riley’s dick!” Callum taunted, now getting an unobstructed view of his brother’s now-flaccid cock.

“Okay, you can let me up now!” Riley said hopefully.

“Ha, no chance. You heard mum, you stay like this unless you wanna get locked again!” Evan said sternly.

“But… I… I need to…” Riley stuttered, glancing awkwardly at the bottle.

“What? He needs to what?” Callum asked, almost bouncing with excitement.

Evan smirked as he grabbed the bottle. “Riley’s gotta go pee-pee,” he smirked.

Callum stared open-mouthed at Riley, then the bottle, then back again. “He’s gotta pee in that? In front of us? Oh my god!” he declared, watching as Riley’s cheeks turned progressively redder.

“I’ll hold it!” Riley snapped.

“Mate,” Evan said, standing over the younger boy. “Unless you wanna give up on this and go back to the cage, you’re gonna have to get used to the bottle. May as well just get it over with!”

“Oh come on guys, don’t do this. Pleeeeeease, just let me go free!” Riley begged.

“And risk ending up on mum’s bad side? No fucking chance!” Evan said, shaking his head. “Look, you either go in the bottle now, or I let Cal tickle you til you pee yourself and wet the bed!”

“Nooooo!” Riley whined, his jaw quivering. “Pleeeeeease!”

“Bottle or tickling. Your call!” Evan shrugged. “I’m okay with either!”

Riley sighed and shook his head. “Fine!” he snapped. “The bottle. Give me the fucking bottle!”

“Oy, language!” Evan snapped. “Unless you want me to tell mum you think speaking like that is okay! Cal, here you go,” he said, offering the bottle to their youngest brother.

“Him? No!” Riley complained.

“What do I do?” Callum asked excitedly.

Evan showed the younger boy where to hold the bottle, so Riley could pee into it without it spilling back out onto the bed, then said, “And then all you gotta do is aim his dick into the opening and away he goes!”

“I get to touch it?” Callum asked excitedly.

Both elder siblings caught on to the choice of words. Not ‘have to touch it’, but ‘GET to touch it’. They exchanged glances, though Evan’s expression was a lot more gleeful than Riley’s.

“That’s right, little man. You GET to touch… HIS little man,” Evan sniggered.

“Sweet!” Callum declared happily, shamelessly grabbing his brother’s cock and aiming it into the bottle. “Ready!” he declared.

“Go ahead,” Evan instructed.

Riley let out a whimper, but he really did need to go. He had needed it before they even finished dinner, but he had been so keen to be released from the cage that he had not wanted to delay Evan’s idea with a bathroom break. That was almost an hour ago, so he was truly desperate now. For a brief moment he was worried he wouldn’t be able to start with his brothers watching, but he got started and felt an immediate sense of relief. He heard the bottle filling, keeping his eyes closed to avoid looking at either of the others. Embarrassment of peeing aside, he soon realised his other problem. Callum seemed to realise it at the same time!

“Hey Ev, he’s totally getting a boner!” Callum smirked, feeling the cock thickening in his hand. By the time he had finished peeing and Callum shook off the final drops, it was up to full firmness and swung back heavily, hitting his stomach with an audible slap.

“Oh my god, you little fucking pervert,” Evan said, shaking his head.

“Hey Ev, whadda I do with this?” Callum asked, holding up the half-full bottle. He moved it over Riley, tipping it teasingly as he said, “Think he needs a shower?”

“Probably,” Evan sniggered. “Just not a golden one!”

“Golden?” Callum frowned curiously.

“Never mind. Just go tip it away,” Evan instructed.

Callum ran out and soon ran back in, empty bottle in hand and the sound of a flushing toilet behind him.

“Well unless you need anything else,” Evan said with a slight nod to Riley, “We’ll leave you to it!”

“Please, you can’t leave me like this!” Riley whined.

“Oh, d’ya need Cal to stay and keep you hard or something?” Evan smiled at Riley’s slightly-deflated cock. “You certainly seemed to enjoy him touching it!”

“No!” Riley snapped, feeling his cheeks burn. “It’s just… I haven’t… ya know… done it in ages!”

“Done… what?” Evan asked, shaking his head as he feigned misunderstanding.

“Ya know…” Riley said, nodding. “Erm… ya know!”

“I clearly don’t!” Evan said. He looked to Callum and asked, “You?”

“No idea,” Callum shrugged.

“F… finishing… off…” Riley stammered. More clueless looks. “Cumming!” he snapped in sheer frustration. “I haven’t cum in, like, two weeks and I need it. I need to so much!” He was almost in tears now.

“Aww, buddy,” Evan said, shaking his head as he sat on the bed beside his brother. “So you really wanna jerk off, don’t you?”

“Yeah,” Riley sniffed.

“Well I’m afraid I have some bad news for you,” Evan said, stroking his brother’s hair gently. “Thanks to what mum’s done, and now the ‘help’ I’ve given her… you’re never jerking off again!”

“No!” Riley cried.

“But…” Evan quickly interjected before Riley could get too upset. “You start being a good boy and doing everything I tell you, and I might at least let you have a chance to cum… occasionally!”

A chance? Occasionally? Riley felt sick at the thought that such vague promises were still his best chance of release. “Please let me cum!” he begged.

“Ah, buddy you may wanna save the begging until you REALLY need to cum,” Evan smirked.

“I DO really need to!” Riley insisted.

Evan chuckled and shook his head. “Wow, you don’t have any idea what’s heading your way, do you! Well whadda you say we give you one of those chances now, as I’m feeling nice!”

“Yes!” Riley snapped.

“Cal, find a dice in there, could you?” Evan asked, pointing to the small stack of board games on a shelf in the corner.

“What’s that for?” Riley asked as he raised his head a little to try and look over at his little brother.

“I told you,” Evan said, pressing on Riley’s forehead to put his head back down. “I’m giving you a CHANCE and what better way to determine chance than with a dice!”

“Got one!” Callum called out, closing up a monopoly box. He handed it over to his eldest brother.

“So here’s the deal,” Evan smiled at Riley. “I’m gonna pop this in your mouth and you’re gonna spit it out so it lands on the floor. If it lands on a six, we’ll let you cum tonight!”

“And what if it lands on anything else?” Riley asked nervously.

“Two, three, four or five, we go away and leave you to lay here,” Evan explained.

“And a one?” Riley asked, unsure he wanted to know.

Evan grinned. “On a one, we have some fun with you… but no cum tonight… and no more chances until next Friday night!” he explained.

Riley sniffed and nodded. There was a chance. He could do this. He needed that six! “Okay,” he agreed. He opened his mouth and watched as Evan held the dice up to it.

“Lift your head. I don’t want ya choking to death,” Evan said, helping raise his brother’s head. Once he was positioned better, Evan popped the dice into the boy’s mouth then cleared the way and said, “Take your shot!”

Riley blew as hard as he could and it flew across the room, clattering onto the floor. He tried to see it, but it was too far away and the others had soon gathered round it anyway. “What is it?” he demanded. “What did I get?”

Evan whispered something to Callum then stood and smiled at the restrained boy. “Okay, I’ll be back later!” he said casually before heading out of the room.

Click here for Part 3 



What a hot position to be in! I especially like the idea of only being unlocked while being spread Eagle. Also, the humiliation of having to pee into a bottle while someone else holds your dick…priceless. And you know I can’t stay away from games of chance…


Hehe a bit evil :D But I like how helpless Ryan is, that could turn out to be lots of fun for his brothers ;) Can't wait to see which number he rolled.

Stories by Matt

Oh yes, I knew you'd like that. While the story isn't all about games of chance, it's definitely something that will feature at other times, as well as games in general. It's a bit of a silly story really, but a fun one.

Stories by Matt

Oh yes, his brothers certainly make it much more fun. Although his mother is the instigator, I'm not overly fond of writing women in stories like this, so the brothers definitely take on the bigger role now.