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What's up, my wonderful little weirdos! Hope you're all happy it's Friday. I definitely am! So here's how things are going in the world of matterotica.

Tales from Kingswood

It seems the Brian/Danny developments have gone over quite well. I was expecting more hardcroe Chris/Danny shippers to voice objections, but overall everyone seems quite happy, which is nice.

I have also made a slight miscalculation somehow. Despite repeated insistence that the end of the story would be my Christmas gift to you all, with it being posted on Christmas Eve, it turns out it will have to a New Years gift instead, as it will be chapter 39 posted Christmas Eve and Chapter 40 posted New Years Eve. Oopsy. I'm sure you'll live!

The Kingswood Eight


I did it. Book two of The Kingswood Saga is officially complete. It's wonderful, dramatic, over-the-top and in desperate need of editing, but it is fully written! I finished it on Wednesday and most of my free time since then has been spent producing additional content, including a mini-series/side story that delves into the mind of one of the characters as well as their Year 8 end-of-year reports, which are WAY more detailed than they need to be.

Anyway, it's done, which is amazing. I think it's quite hard to express the feeling of finishing a book, especially when it's part of a series. I've been on a high all week because of it and already want you all to read it... but I'll have to be as patient as you are! Editing will begin shortly and posting will be able to start mid-late January (or earlier if I get impatient)

Kingswood Book 3

So having only decided on a title for book 2 a few weeks ago, I now find myself facing the prospect of naming another book! As book two didn't end in exactly the way I expected, I'm having to rethink the start of book 3, but it will still be a little while until I start. For now I have to do all the admin work.

For each 'year' I create a full weekly class schedule, annual events calendar, weekly club schedule, student list and more. I know that probably sounds painfully dull to most of you, but creating this sort of background information really helps me plan out the stories and write convincing day-to-day activities. Sure, as readers you probably don't care that they have double History on a Friday afternoon, but the characters definitely do. So I've got a lot of admin to get through before the writing begins!

Stop Touching Yourself

Work is still progressing slowly on my back-up story (a separate ongoing story with much shorter chapters that I will post on probably Mondays or Tuesdays). It's not my most involved work from a story perspective, but it includes lots of fun action.



I don't think you'll hear any one of us complaining the we get both a New Years gift AND a Christmas gift hehe. Two is always better than one ;) Also exciting to see that The Kingswood Eight is already completed, damn that was fast!

Stories by Matt

Ha, I hadn't thought of it that way. I'm just annoyed as I wanted to post lots of extra content before New Year, but I guess now it'll just have to be a little later. And yes, I'm surprise at how fast it was too. I've written two full novels, plus some side stories, in jusst over a year. I can only imagine how much I could get done if I didn't waste most of my days with an actual job lol.