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Well as the story idea I posted seemed to be popular, I have decided to add a little more, just to keep you thirsty bitches wanting more. It also has a name now. Admittedly it's a bit of a silly name, but what is life without whimsy? 

I suppose technically this still counts as the introduction, but continues to set up where the story is heading...

Read the first part of the intro here 

Blake the Builder

Introduction, continued...

Blake was distracted all morning, thinking of how he could push himself a little further. It was only after witnessing a slight disagreement between two of his colleagues that the idea came to him. Blake was unsure how it started, but one of them was looking for something and had been told it was ‘in the bag’. After a cursory search, it had not been found and more shouting happened. Turned out it was the wrong bag. It was such a simple, mindless disagreement but it sparked something in Blake’s head.

As soon as the others were gone, he stripped as normal and piled his clothes into one of the boxes some tiles had been delivered in. Grabbing another two boxes, he piled a few random items into them then sealed up all three. After sufficiently mixing them up, he stashed all three in different spots around the building, clueless as to which one actually contained his clothes. He had decided he wasn’t allowed to open any of them until he saw the other guys returning.

Worried that a post-orgasmic comedown might sap his nerve, he resisted cumming for a change, though the excitement of what was to come had him edging through the whole break. As the time for the return drew near, he had mentally planned which box he was going for first and as soon as he saw his workmates, he dashed. His erection flopped about ahead of him as he headed for the first box.

Ripping it open, he yelped, “Fuck!” as he saw nothing but random debris. His cock throbbed but his heart was pounding. It was going to be close, but he could get to the next box and still get dressed in time, so he sped through the door, down the stairs and into the room with the second box.

RIP. “Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck fuck!” he yelped seeing another box with no clothes. His fear intensified as he heard the others… inside the building. He was screwed! Not only was he naked and hard with his colleagues a few rooms away, the path to box number three passed straight through them.

Desperately trying to control his breathing, he crept out and stopped just round the corner from where the raucous group was casually strolling through. He still had a chance. If they all headed up to the office, he could scurry across the hallway, retrieve his clothes and get dressed before any of them had any clue what was happening. He felt sick as he stood waiting, more scared than he had been in his entire life, yet his cock was almost painfully hard. He grasped it, but had to let go for fear of cumming. The last thing he needed was the added fear that always accompanied the release.

Listening carefully, he heard footsteps up the stairs and peeked out. The coast was clear. He dashed across the hallway as quietly as he could manage, heading for the box of clothes a few rooms away.

“HEY NEWBIE, WHERE ARE YA?” Eddie called out from upstairs.

Blake shuddered, convinced for a moment he had been spotted. He just needed a few seconds to pull on some clothes and then he could make an excuse about where he had been. And then he heard it…

“What the fuck!” Tyrone called out.

Blake looked round to see his workmate standing up, having just placed some supplies down in the same room as the box of clothes.

“Tyrone, I…” Blake started, frozen in place.


“No, please,” Blake begged, then came to his sense and ran to the box.

Seeing what he was trying to do, Tyrone ran over and nudged Blake away, putting his foot on top of the box just as the others began appearing at the doorway.

“Fuck!” Blake whimpered, desperately clasping his hands over his cock and balls.

“Mate!” “What the fuck!” “Fuckin’ ‘ell!” “The fuck’s he doing?” the other called out as they saw him standing there naked.

“Hey, noob,” Eddie said, walking out from the small crowd. “Something you wanna tell us?”

“Erm… it’s just… I was…” Blake stuttered, on the verge of bursting into tears. Nearly getting caught had been amazing, exciting, clearly intoxicating based on the way he kept pushing, but actually getting caught? This was a nightmare. An actual, real-life waking nightmare.

“Eddie, he’s got a fucking boner too!” Tyrone sniggered as he moved behind Blake, grabbed both arms and yanked them away.

The crowd burst into laughs and cheers as his erection sprang free, though he quickly pulled free and covered up again.

“So this is what you do on your lunch break is it, newbie? You running round here naked like a horny little teenager!” Eddie said, shaking his head.

“Ya know, technically he IS a horny little teenager!” Tyrone said with a grin, getting more laughs. He took a step back and said, “Damn, look at this!” He grabbed Blake again, but this time span him round so his back was to the others. Looking over Blake’s shoulder he called out, “Look at that cute, pale little butt!” As if to emphasise the point, he reached round and cupped both buttocks, pulling Blake against him as he did it.

Blake inhaled sharply as he felt the hands on his butt and heard the lecherous laughs from behind. It was a big mistake. With his face virtually buried in Tyrone’s neck, he inhaled pure man-scent. He let out a shuddery moan and leaned more heavily against the man as his knees went a little weak.

“Fuck, he’s a total fag!” Tyrone declared as he caught on to what had happened.

“Wh… what… I… no…” Blake stuttered. He was terrified of his secret getting out under even the best of circumstances… and being naked, hard and seen by all of his workmates was about as far from ‘best circumstances’ as it was possible to get. Thoughts raced through his mind. The whole group turning on him… turning violent on him… beating the crap out of him for being a filthy little homo. He would be fired… if he even survived! He looked for a way out, but the only door was where the five other workers were stood, behind Eddie.

Breathing heavily as he turned and turned again, no idea which way to face to try and hide his shame, or defend himself from what was coming. “I’m… I…” he continued to stutter.

“Newbie,” Eddie said, taking a step closer. Seeing the teen on the verge of tears, he let out a slight sigh and shook his head. “Blake,” he said, using his name for the first time ever. It was enough to shock a semblance of calmness into the naked teen. “Are you… a fag?”

“No!” Blake snapped, then let out a sigh and said, “But… I AM gay. I’ll… I’ll pack up my stuff and leave. I’m sorry!” He moved towards the box, but Tyrone placed his foot on it again.

“So you’re gay… and you like running round naked and shit like that,” Eddie said. “Kinda makes you sound pretty faggy!”

“Fine. If I say I’m a fag, will you let me go?” Blake asked, hands still clasped tightly over his persistently hard cock.

“Try it and find out,” Eddie smirked, getting a rumble of sniggers from the crowd behind him.

Blake sighed and shook his head, staring at the ground. “I’m a fag. Okay?”

Silence hung heavily for several moments before the men around him burst into a mixture of laughs and boos.

“Fuckin’ told ya so!” “I can’t believe it!” “Pay up!” “Fuck’s sake!” the men called out at each other.

“I owe ya fifty, Ty!” Eddie said, shaking his head.

“Wh… what… what…” Blake stuttered, confused.

“Oh relax, we were just taking bets on whether or not you turned out to be a fag,” Eddie said, like it was the most casual thing in the world.

“Oh!” Blake replied, unsure how to respond. “So… should I… go?” he asked quietly.

“Fuck no!” Eddie chuckled.

Blake suddenly felt an arm around his shoulders as Tyrone grabbed him. He almost jumped away, but it wasn’t an aggressive hold, it was almost… friendly!

“Mate, we’re not that fucking backwards. We ain’t kicking you out for being a fag!” Tyrone explained.

“In fact, we kinda like having a fag on site. We know how to have fun with fags!” Eddie said, grinning wickedly.

“Oh, erm… that’s good,” Blake said, still unnerved by the comments, but relieved he wasn’t about to get killed or fired. “So can I… get dressed?” he asked hopefully.

“Why the fuck would we let you do that?” Eddie asked, shaking his head. “Didn’t we just say we know how to have fun with fags!”

Blake gulped as the others laughed. His cock throbbed.



Oh man. That is so hot. Sounds like the humiliation is just starting. Who here thinks he's gonna have to start streaking outside the site?

Naked Justice

Fortunately, it is home office day, so I could get naked for my lunch break to read this chapter. And I agree, Blake shouldn't get his clothes back even not when his shift ends. And he should be forced to work in his birthday suit from now on.

Naked Justice

I do. I think his colleagues should make him go home starkers and make clear that they don't want to see him again in clothes.