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Hi everyone, time for an update on... me! :)

Busy time as always, but hopefully fitting in a bit more writing this week, which is always a good stress reliever. Here's a bit about what I have been/will be working on.

Tales from Kingswood

With the story concluding at chapter 40, we are getting tantalisingly close to the end of book 1. For those of you who enjoy the extra, behind-the-scenes content for my stories, there will be plenty to come at the conclusion of book 1.

Chapter 32 was posted on Friday, so chapter 33 will be coming in a couple of days. Spoiler alert: Nicky concluded chapter 32 having lost a bet and being banned from cumming for around ten days. Chapter 33 picks up at the end of that, so get ready to find out how Nicky handles abstinence (here's a clue - not well!!) The chapter includes some very enjoyable scenes, but also continues to deal with the emotional aftermatch of The Incident.

The Kingswood Eight

For anyone paying close attention, you may notice... this now has a title!! Finally, after months of writing and 32 chapters, I finally picked one. Sadly, I can't even take credit. The idea came from J. Forrester, a fellow author on Nifty whose work you should totally check out. The title comes from the fact the story remains focused on the eight boys, and is also 'Year 8' for them.

Anyway, I'm still loving the storylines I'm producing for this book, but as I'm currently on chapter 32 (again, aiming for 40 chapters in total) I already have my eye on book 3 and I'm itching to start planning it! Year 9 (ugh, I need ANOTHER title) will include some big changes and definitely ramps up the 'adult' activities, with one of the school's biggest secrets being revealed to the boys!


Oh my God, I think I've finally cracked it. For anyone else who reads all my newsletters, you have likely seen me rambling on about Possession and how I've struggled to get back into the right mindset to continue this story. Well I think I finally did it. I've recently written two more chapters and, unlike previous attempts, I don't want to scrap them, so it looks like things are finally moving ahead.

Much like my Kingswood stories, I plan on completing it before I start posting more, so it may be a little while until you get to read the new stuff, but for fans of the series, good news, it is DEFINITELY coming!


Just a reminder of a couple of things related to my work. The Jack Hamilton spin-off story 'The Fallout of Jack Hamilton' which fills in some of the gap during the time-skip at the end of the story remains ongoing, currently up to chapter 9. Go check it out to find out what happened to the characters during that period.

Also, @edged2ruin on Twitter has posted the second part of his readings of 'Jake's Exposure'. Check out his page and enjoy the view - he's naked (and unlocked now! Yay!) Story aside, I could happily just watch him lol.

As mentioned above, J. Forrester is just a wonderful author and all-round lovely person. I cannot recommend his stories enough. Particularly love 'A Series of Embarrassing Events', which has a sequel in the works too - woohoo! I'm mentioning here to specifically highlight his 'Anthology' series. They're a series of separate stories, based on weird and wonderful abilities, but the latest story was dedicated... to me! Isn't that lovely! Go check it out if you haven't already, and if you like his stories, please let him know. Us writers really do thrive on feedback.


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