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Time for an update. Welcome to newsletter #12. Funny sidenote, for the past several newsletters, I've had to copy and paste the # symbol because the key wasn't working on my keyboard. I assumed it was because I've remapped some of my keys. Turns out... no, I just wasn't pressing it hard enough! So that's the sort of intellectual capacity I'm working at lately! Anyway, on we go...

Tales from Kingswood

This is one of the weeks I've been waiting for. Later today, chapters 26a, 26b, 26c and 26d will be posted on here and (hopefully) on Nifty. I'm excited for it for two reasons. Firstly, it's something quite new and different, in that each version tells the story of the same 14-day period for a different pair of characters. Aside from being able to tell events from multiple perspectives, being able to give all eight of the main characters a fair share of the pages has really allowed some of the lesser-used ones to shine.

The other reason it's exciting is because the chapters conclude with an event that I have known I would include since I wrote the very first version of the story (FYI, the version you see is actually the 4th version, so it says a lot that the idea has stuck around through all four versions).

I would love to hear your thoughts on both the story itself, and this kind of 'event', for reasons that I will explain below.

Year 8 at Kingswood (still not got a proper title yet)

I am powering through the chapters on this, but I have just reached the Easter break (two thirds of the way through the school year) and I was considering writing it as a spin-off/side story, much like the 'Half-Term at Kingswood' story. But then, while editing chapters 26a-6 of Tales from Kingswood, I thought I might make writing a chapter with four versions a bit of an annual event for the stories.

So now I am just starting to write the Year 8 Easter break for the first time. While I do write whatever feels right to me, I definitely listen to feedback from readers, so if the feedback from Tales from Kingswood 26a-d is overwhelmingly negative, then I'll have to re-think.

Anyway, that aside, Year 8 is still hopefully on track to start posting very shortly after Tales from Kingswood concludes.

And that's it

There hasn't been much else on my creative radar lately. Work has been busy and I have spent a lot of time working on Kingswood, but I've also just started going back to the gym which is taking a chunk out of my writing time. On the positive side, I'm still young enough for my death to be considered 'tragically young' so I'm keen not to die of a heart attack and end up as a cautionary tale to put down the pies!!

I will be looking to post some more Exclusive Content soon, I just keep forgetting, but still plenty more to come. As always, I'm open to ideas/suggestions.


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