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I have a folder on my computer that's just overflowing with partially-started and unadopted stories. Below are a few outlines of some of the fun ones I never picked up, but might go back to some day. Do feel free to comment if any grab your attention. 'Potential Stalker' level patrons, if there is interest, the stories (as much as there is of them) could be posted as Level 2 content.

Big Dick Timmy

Timmy is the son of a brilliant scientist who finds his way into his Dad's lab at a young age. After getting hold of a substance called PGS12.4b and playing with it, he finds it grants him significant growth 'downstairs', though the effect is only temporary. As well as causing substantial growth, it also increased libido, stamina and ejaculatory capacity. Basically, viagra on steroids!

As one would expect, Timmy is quite excited with the find and plays with the PGS12.4b a lot! Too much, actually. Untested for long term use and certainly not intended for pre-teens, Timmy finds himself permanently changed with a massive penis. 

That is really where the story begins. Having been affected by the drug, Timmy then hits puberty. So what happens when a boy with a huge dick starts to develop? Well it gets even bigger of course, but what other changes will he discover as a result of the PGS12.4b?

I got as far a prologue (setting out the story above) and part of chapter 1, but it's still an idea that I think about continuing from time to time.

Dream Master

In the world of dreams, anything is possible and if you can control your dreams, you can experience literally anything you can imagine. But what happens when someone else is in control?

Dream Master is based around the idea of a very powerful being who is able to draw people into the Dreamscape when they sleep and make literally anything he wants happen to them. He could let them fly, he could let them experience their heart's desire, he could grant eternal happiness every night... but obviously he doesn't!

The Dream Master is a twisted pervery who loves to put people into humiliating situations, embarrassing predicaments or simply inflict total sexual humiliation upon them. The story would follow a small group of young men who have all fallen under his control, finding themselves drawn in to his perfevrted fantasies every night with no idea how to stop them.

I love this idea as it's one that allows for such extreme ideas, absurd storylines and has the potential to explore literally any kink or fantasy. Definitely one I would like to pursue one day.

Naked Vacation

Danny is a teenage boy with an extreme interest in risky public nudity. His best friend Kian helps him to explore this kink (and fool around with him a lot in general), but in doing so they accidentally get caught by Danny's parents.

Rather than admitting they were fooling around together and exploring sexual interests, they lie and claim a somewhat more innocent interest in nudism. Spurred on by Danny's older brother, who knows the truth and wants to humiliate the two younger boys, the family goes on a summer vacation, taking Kian along as usual.

It is only when they arrive that Danny's parents reveal they have chosen a very special town where boys under the age of 18 are permitted to be nude at all times, immediately followed by the revelation that they brought no clothes with them for the two boys!

Forced to spend their entire vacation naked, with Danny constantly aroused by his public exposure and Kian turned on by Danny's arousal, the boys find themselves in a series of public encounters that they will never forget.

This story is based on another one I read many years ago, but can't remember which. It obviously inspired me, and I'd love to write my own version of it.

Oscar Bravo Echo Yankee

22-year-old William is a normal guy with a normal job living a normal life. That is, until 16-year-old boy-next-door Cameron suggests to William that he should give up smoking and he knows the perfect guy to help.

With a bit of a soft spot for Cameron, William goes to see Dr Benton, who claims to be a hypnotherapist. William is understandably sceptical, but after being offered the first session for free he gives it a go. While he remains hesitant, he does end up going back again... and again... and again.

After his final session, he finds Cameron waiting at his house with a letter from the Doctor, who reveals his programming is complete and the Doctor's client - Cameron - has the command words. Oscar Bravo Echo Yankee. Upon hearing them, William finds himself compelled to obey the boy.

The story explores exactly what a horny, devious sixteen-year-old would do to hbis handsome neighbour if given absolute control. It's safe to assume, it ends up embarrassing for William. It involves a lot of workplace embarrassment. In one scene, William has been ordered to masturbate for ten minutes out of every hour. If he does not do it by choice, he will do it on auto-pilot regardless of where he is. William gets stuck in a meeting and has to sit watching the time tick by, desperately hoping he can get away in time before the order kicks in....

Another fun story with lots of potential for embarrassment and humiliation, but also one of my usual stories that leans towards learning a lesson. Cameron would eventually learn the harm that can be done by abusing his power.


Naked Justice

Some very nice ideas. I'd especially enjoy the Naked Vacation and OBEY. But Dream Master also sounds very exciting - and I imagine to be one of the Dreammaster's victims.

Stories by Matt

Haha, I had a feeling you'd like the one with lots of nudity. OBEY is definitely a fun one. I will likely post what I have so far for it as Level 2 content some time soon.