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I mentioned some time ago new NewTumbl page on which I write occasional shorts based on pictures I find. One of them, at a friend's request, has been elaborated on a little and is now presented here, exclusively for my top level fans.

If you want to see the original post, along with the picture (as I don't think I can post explicit images here) can be found by clicking here. But for now I present...

The Hitchhiker

Don't take rides from strangers. That was the advice I always got, and I always followed it. You know advice they never give you? Don't GIVE lifts to strangers. I wonder why that is. Do they think that by the time you're old enough to drive, you're old enough to know better? Maybe that's true for most people, but obviously not me.

He was stood by the side of the road, thumb held out, looking all forlorn and helpless and scared. The fact he also happened to so cute I'd have walked over hot coals just to touch him was just a nice little bonus. My intentions were pure, I swear, he just looked like a kid in need.

I pulled over and wound down the window as he ran over, a look of hope on his face but with a definite sense of trepidation.

"Where you heading?" I asked casually resisting the urge to scream 'Oh God, get in you beautful creature!!!' Up close he wasn't cute, he was stunning, all red-cheeked and pouty-lipped.

"Anywhere. Just not here!" he replied with a definite heaviness.

"How lucky, that's just where I'm going," I joked, trying to put him at ease. "Hop in!"

He tossed his bag in the back seat, then climbed in next to me as I pulled off (the car, not him!!) "I'm Tony!" I introduced myself.

"I'm..." he paused then said, "Blaze!"

I sniggered. "No you're not!" I said dismissively.

He sighed. "Fine, it's Archibald!" I saw him roll his eyes and shake his head out of the corner of my eye.

"Archibald? Fuck, I can see why you're running away!" I said with a grin.

"Who says I'm running away?" he asked coyly.

"Your destination is 'anywhere but here', buddy. Doesn't take a rocket scientist!" I explained.

"Hnnh," he hummed. "Good point! I can't pay you, by the way!" he added.

"I didn't ask you to!" I replied with a shrug.

I saw him shuffling around but had to keep my eye on the road thanks to some asshat who seemed to be using his brake like a bass drum.

"I can thank you, though!" he said with a playful giggle.

I ventured a glance round at him to find him sat there, t-shirt pulled up to reveal an expanse of pale, flawless skin and his cock out on display, rigid and inviting.

I grinned at him. "Oh, this is gonna be a fun ride!" I sniggered.

“If you… wanna take payment up front, I’m okay with that,” the boy offered coyly. As I ventured another glance round at him, seeing him stroking his solid tool, he added a playful, “And maybe at the end I can give you a tip… or you can give me one. Both ways work!”

“Archie, you’re just too much!” I sniggered, shaking my head.

He seemed to shrink into his seat a little as he replied quietly, “My Dad used to call me Archie!”

“Used to?” I asked cautiously.

He sighed, shrugged a little and said, “Yeah, used to. He got sick, then better, then sick again, then died. It sucked, but I’m over it!” In the two minutes I had known him, I could very much tell he was NOT over it.

“How about I call you Blaze then?” I offered instead.

“Sure,” he said, giggling sweetly. “Now how long do I need to keep stroking before you pull over and fuck me?”

I glanced up ahead and replied, “Not long!” A few moments later, I pulled into a lay-by, came to a stop and turned off the engine. Finally it was safe to look at him properly.

Calling him beautiful was as understated as calling the space big or the Sun hot. He was a true vision, with his full pink lips, piercing blue eyes, flawless smooth torso and straining, rigid cock. As I reached a hand out tentatively, his eyes widened, as he slowly nodded his approval to go on. I let my hand rest on his stomach. The skin was soft and silky-smooth, warm to the touch, while the muscles beneath, even relaxed, felt firm and toned. He let out a breathy gasp at my touch, almost inaudible but so painfully adorable.

His eyes closed as my hand began to move, sliding down for a moment as if to grab his cock which he released in anticipation before changing direction entirely and sliding up to his chest. Again I found smooth skin and relaxed muscle, not to the point of being ripped, he was certainly more twink than muscle queen, but there was definite potential beneath the surface.

He let out another, longer moan as my fingers gently grazed his nipple once, twice, latching on lightly on the third pass. “Oh Daddy,” he moaned, eyes suddenly shooting open as his cheeks burned red at the realization of what he had said. He looked both terrified by what my reaction might be and upset about his own unintentional slip.

“Don’t worry, it’s okay,” I reassured him, letting my had raise to his cheek, the skin hot as he blushed heavily. “You can call me whatever you like!”

He smiled at me, the grin continuing as I moved closer until our lips met. He let out a slight mew of pleasure as our lips pressed together, his hands blindly grasping at me, gripping on tightly as he leaned into me, his tongue poking at my lips, begging to be let in. I happily complied, my own tongue meeting his in response, allowing them to playfully wrestle as my hands continued to roam his body. His hands remained still, grasped tightly onto me.

When I eventually ended the kiss, he moved with me as I pulled away, clearly keen for it to continue. He even let out a disgruntled moan as out lips finally parted. “Mean daddy,” he muttered with a petulant smirk.

I raised my hand to his cheek and let a finger slide across his mouth, barely even touching his lips which parted slightly as his eyes closed. “If you want another kiss,” I whispered as my finger slid back teasingly, “Then get your clothes off!”

“Okay!” he declared excitedly. He quickly shuffled around in his seat, shucking his coat behind him before pulling his sweater and t-shirt over his head in a single motion, revealing his slender shoulders and delicate neck. The clothes were tossed behind him as he reached down to pull off his trainers before yanking his sweatpants and underwear down and over his feet. He turned in the seat, facing me as cars sped past behind him, oblivious to the naked beauty before me.

“Blaze is a fitting name for such a hot little man!” I said with a chuckle.

“Can we kiss again?” he asked pleadingly.

I smiled, a little surprised. The seduction had suggested he wanted sex, but all he seemed to want now we had started was affection. I intended to give him both. I patted my lap and he virtually launched himself across the car at me. He straddled my lap, biting his lip as he casually draped his arms around my neck.

I let my hands grasp at his sides, making him squirm a little, clearly ticklish. My hands slid up and down a little for a few moments before working round to his back, pulling him towards me as our lips met again. He moaned ecstatically into my mouth, and I suspect the noises I returned were much the same, I was too lost in the beautiful naked boy to really even notice, a hand working its way up into his dark, soft hair.

This time it was him that parted us, though he didn’t move far, keeping his nose and forehead pressed against my own, his eyes fixed on mine as they opened. “Fuck me, daddy!” he whispered, taking quick, rapid breaths. His hands were down and undoing my trousers before I answered, not that I needed to answer, we knew it was happening.

As he released my cock, giving it an excited squeeze as he did so, he kissed me again. My cock throbbed in his hand, hard long before his slender fingers made contact and now positively throbbing, the head wet and slick with pre-cum that had been flowing since he first exposed himself.

I let my hands work their way down, a finger from each of them meeting at his hole, gently teasing and probing at it. His moans continued to spur me on and as my fingers continued their teasing, I could feel he was clearly used to getting fucked. While loose was a slight step too far, it was undeniable that his hole had seen action, allowing the tips of both fingers to push into him with relative ease.

Not wanting to wait any longer, a feeling that was very much mutual based on the string of slippery pre-cum his cock left on my stomach, I retracted my fingers and grasped the soft but pert mounds of his buttocks and lifted him slightly, pulling him a little closer to lower him onto my waiting erection. With my own shirt pulled up, his straining dick was pressed between our bodies, a rigid pole of excitement and heat sandwiched between us. I felt it burp up a glob more of pre-cum as he lowered onto my cock.

“Oh God,” I gasped as I felt the teenage butt swallowing up my dick, his firm butt making contact with my lap as he lowered all the way.

“Oh yessss,” he hissed, hands gripped tightly onto me as he began to bounce on my lap, our lips together once more.

His movements were stimulating his own dick as it slid between our bodies as much as my own cock inside him. I wrapped my arms fully around him, only now appreciating how petite he was as I fully encircled him.

Our excited grunts and moans echoing back and forth into each other’s mouths only continued to grow in intensity and pitch as we moved closer to a shared orgasm. I don’t recall who came first, maybe it was both at once, it was hard to tell in the explosion of ecstasy as I filled him up and he covered us in his seed. The kissing only stopped when our desperate panting got too heavy for us to continue. Instead, he wrapped himself around me and I held him back just as tightly as the orgasms subsided and a sense of total serenity washed over us.

I’ve had great sex before. A lot of it. I know good sex and this was it, but there was something else to it. Something more and the way Blaze gripped onto me suggested it was very much reciprocated. I sat holding him for several minutes before gently pushing him away.

“Wherever you’re going… can I come?” he asked softly.

I reached up and stroked his cheek again, then gave him a brief peck on the lips and nodded. “You’re mine now… okay!” I said, unsure what it meant but knowing I meant it.

“Yeah, yeah I am!” he whispered back, smiling serenely.


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