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Well it's been a stressful week and my writing has slowed right down, but that happens. Writing four chapters in a week is great, but it's also a recipe for burnout, so having less productive weeks like this help balance things out.

I'm taking a brief break today to work on a different creative project (painting some new art for my house, in case you were wondering) but still fitting in a bit of writing. Here's some info about what I've been working on and mulling over.

Tales from Kingswood

Chapter 18 has just been posted and picks up a week after chapter 17. How is Chris handling his second week without cumming? More importantly, what happens when Chris decides that he's not the only one who needs a boyfriend. Read here to find out more.

Year 8 at Kingswood (still title-less)

As mentioned, work on this has slowed a little. Most of the time, I just sit down and write and I'm happy with what comes out. Other times it takes multiple attempts to produce something I'm happy with or something that feels right. I'm currently on my fourth attempt at Chapter 10, but I think I've finally started hitting the right notes. On the bright side, I always save my scrapped versions and, once the relevant chapters are posted, I can post the scrapped ideas as extra content on here so you can some of the stuff that almost happened.

Exclusive Content

As mentioned above, I have deleted scenes/chapters which I intend to post as exclusive content (i.e. only shared on Patreon). Always happy to hear if this is the sort of thing you like to see. I also intend to post more of my unfinished/unadopted stories, but again, let me know if you like seeing this sort of thing.

Future Ideas

Lately all of my future ideas revolve around Kingswood. I won't go into detail on story points I want to include, as they might spoil some storylines in progress, but for spin-offs and side stories, I have a few things in mind, including:

  • A story set during a Summer break with Chris and Danny going on vacation with each other's families (this one will definitely happen, I just have to decide what Years it will happen between)
  • A series or collection of one-offs about adventures had by teachers at the school
  • A mini-series based on Gabe (introduced in Half-Term at Kingswood) settling into his job at the school and getting used to working there after his time as a student
  • A purely sex-based series, focusing mainly on sex games that happen at the school, not focused on any specific character

I'm also still dabbling with the idea of starting another interactive story, but just waiting for the right inspiration to strike for a plot.


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