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Hello lovely patrons

While the newsletters give you some insight into what I'm working on, I've decided to occasionally share some posts like this to give some insight into what goes on behind the scenes. It may be of interest, it may not, but if nothing else it gives me something else to write when I need a break from the stories.

Recently I have been playing around with continuing my only unfinished older story, Possession. If you haven't read it (why not??? haha), it's about a boy who finds himself with the power to possess the minds of others and essentially make them do whatever he wants.

The first three chapters were posted on Nifty over ten years ago and it was the first story I ever shared online (well, the first erotic story, but let's not mention my Power Rangers fanfiction days!) Around four years later in 2015 I continued the story, getting up to chapter 15. When I really got into writing the Benny Saga, and then moved on to Jack Hamilton, I found my focus was split a little too much and put Possession on hiatus. 

That was almost six years ago now and I still get people messaging me to ask if/when I will continue or finish it. As I'm sure many writers like myself would agree, knowing there is fan interest is definitely a strong encouragement to write more, but that aside, it's always bothered me that I left it unfinished, mainly because it's a story with so much potential for fun and drama.

It stands out from my other stories for a number of reasons:

  • It's written in first person, something I don't often do
  • It's my only fantasy-based story
  • It holds a special place in my heart as the story that helped me find my passion for writing erotica
  • It's unfinished!!!

So being in a particularly creative phase at the moment (thanks Covid!), I find myself with a lot more time and inclination to write. I'm whizzing through the Kingswood Saga, I'm gradually building up my 'Chastity Boys' story, but Possession still lingers in the back of my mind.

I recently wrote four new chapters for it... then scrapped them because I realised it had gotten waaaaay too dark and serious. Then I write three new chapters... and scrapped them too because they weren't fun. Until recently, I had never scrapped anything. I tend to sit down, write without a plan and end up happy with what comes out, so what the hell is going on?

After much soul-searching (a.k.a. not really thinking about it and mindlessly starting my fiftieth Stardew Valley farm) I realised the problem is me, or rather, my own morality. It turns out I'm a very different person than I was 10+ years ago when I started Possession. Back then, I had no trouble writing a character who would use the body of his little brother to have sex with his big brother. I had no qualms about stripping a guy in front of the whole school and leaving him emotionally scarred and humiliated for life. Nowadays, I feel guilty just for not dying from the plague!

Anyway, now that I've got to the root cause of the issue, I'm hopeful I can make my third attempt a much more successful one. Possession is a fun, fantasy sex-adventure and that's how I need to keep it. No doom and gloom, no sudden outbreaks of conscience, just a horny teen using his supernatiral abilities to fight bullies, have sexy fun times and just enjoy life.

I have so many wonderful ideas for the story and the powers have some wonderfully exciting and humiliating applications. More public nudity for bullies, spontaneous orgasms in class for mean teachers, live humiliation of douchebag social media influencers and lots of insight into all the perverted fantasies of every boy in school. Who could ask for more??

So look out for new chapters (hopefully) coming soon!


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