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Hello hello hello to my lovely loyal patrons! It's update time and while life may be mind-numbingly busy, that's not stopping the writing from happening and the ideas from flowing.

Half-Term at Kingswood

Well it seems I somehow forgot to post Day 2 of this story when I submiotted it to Nifty last week, which means a double-bill has gone on here today, with Day 3 being added too. Half-Term was a fun story to write as it allowed me to explore the lives of some of the older students at the school. While Tales from Kingswood will eventually have the boys in their later years, that's still a long way off so it was a fun look ahead at what it might be like.

Days 2 and 3 are fun as they are really all about the boys settling in and getting to know each other, while also setting up many plot points for the remaining 5 days of Half Term.

Tales from Kingswood

With the Half-Term story fully written, I was ablew to return to writing Tales from Kingswood and I had forgotten how much I was enjoying it. While not all of the boys are quite as high profile as others, it is still very much an ensemble story and I am loving developing them all.

The feedback I've had from readers has been a little more mixed than I'm used to, with the main criticism being the lack of repercussions for all the mean shit happening to the boys. What I keep sayin to them is that this is a long story and much like real life, issues don't get neatly wrapped up the same week they pop up. Sometimes things that happen won't really see an emotional pay-off until years down the line, but be assured that I'm a strong believer in justice (and happy endings, of both kinds!)

But I am currently writing chapter 22, which is a very significant one. I look forward to when it gets posted! However, if you have taken notice of the dates things are happening, something significant is on the way, the story is about to move into 2020 which means.... yay, it's Covid time! It will certainly be interesting seeing how the pandemic affects life at Kingswood.

Chastity Boys

I continue to work away occasionally on Chastity Boys. It was started as a fun distraction when I needed a break from Kingswood, but has become quite an enjoyable story to write. The latest chapter in progress has the three chaste boys all getting blind drunk and doing stupid things, but as a fun writing tool, the stupid things are being conveyed via the aftermath the following morning in some creative ways.

The story will likely be posted after I conflude the first year of Tales from Kingswood.

The Games (original title)

I recently remembered a story I had started about ten years ago based around an alternate universe where a humiliation and torture based punishment system is in place to control the world population. As a result of the system, a Network has popped up that uses the punishments as the biggest and most popular form of entertainment in the world.

'The Games' as it was originally called was based around a group of boys selected through the punishment system to take part in a new show that pits them against each other in a series of brutal, humiliating and degrading tasks. Of course, being me I had to slip in plenty of character drama and some romance too.

Upon re-reading some of it, it has not aged well, primarily the stuff around how the punishments and shows are broadcast (it was written before the rise of streaming services), so I have started planning and re-thinking the idea, to make it much more modern. Think of it like X-Factor, but with nudity and humiliation!

Not sure how far I'll get with it, or if it will ever get as far as being published, but I might post snippets of it occasionally here as Exclusive Content.

Phil's Naked Adventures

In case you missed it, Part 12 of Phil's Naked Adventures was the final chapter. Thank you for your feedback and votes (and ideas, the theme park idea actually came from a patron, so thanks Brent!)

The sudden ending was not really planned, it just kind of felt right when I got to that point. It's been well-received by some, less so by others, but I'm quite happy with it. I enjoyed writing another interactive story and will almost certainly do more again in the future.



Hmm, maybe I'm just a worse person than most of your readers but I have no problem with the lack of repercussions for the mean stuff happening, I just wish there was more mean stuff happening! :D But it would be hard to top the gym scene from chapter 6.

Stories by Matt

Not a worse person, the mean stuff is fun. It sounds like you'll enjoy The Games (or whatever I call it), that's ALL mean stuff lol