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Well hello gentlemen. After some repricing departures and re-arrivals here we are again. Lovely to have you here!

It's been a lot of up and down recently and I have finally had a much needed break from work, which has really allowed me to get stuck in to the writing properly. Below are a few details of what I've got going on.

Phil's Naked Adventures

Part 10 of my latest interactive story has just been posted on here and will be appearing on Nifty later today. It's a longer chapter than usual as there's a lot going on. Slight spoiler alert, the choice being made at the end of it reveals that it is Phil's last naked task for Master Matt. yes, that does mean the end is in sight. It was always planned to be about this length and the story has proceeded in a way that is allowing it to move to a (hopefully) satisfying conclusion.

I have enjoyed doing another interactive story and will definitely be doing more in future. As I stated in my previous post, should I be lucky enough to get a few more patrons, I would LOVE to do one on here as exclusive content... maybe one day :)

The Kingswood Saga

So the first side-story in the Kingswood Saga - Half-Term at Kingswood - which takes place between chapters 13 and 14 has proven to be a much bigger story than I planned. While it still comes out at a chapter a day (8 in total), they are about twice the length of Tales from Kingswood chapters.

I will hopefully be finishing Day 7 later today, with Day 8 planned to be written over the weekend. Once that is done and I can give it a quick proof-read, I plan to start posting them. Once that is all online, the weekly chapters of Tales from Kingswood will resume.

Chastity Boys (Working title)

Not much to say on this one except that I have written a little more and am very excited about sharing the story when the time is right. It's becoming a very personal story and one I am quite eager to share.

Exclusive Content

I recently shared a story as Level 2 Exclusive Content that involved Benny from the Benny Saga. This week I also shared my first bit of background information for Tales from Kingswood. I'm unsure if this sort of info is appreciated/enjoyed, but I will still share more of it in the future, especially Kingswood-related stuff. As I'm creating a whole world, I just figured the more I share, the more well-rounded that world can become!

I will also be looking through my library for a couple more unifinished stories to share, look out for more coming soon.


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