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As promised, my next exclusive story was one written for a friend and is the very first new story I have written that includes Benny (from Benny Takes Control, Dangers of Desire and Benny's House) since their conclusion. It is set in the period between BTC and DoD/BH. It will almost certainly be continued/concluded some day, but for now enjoy the adventures of Andrew and Brent.


It started, as most of his encounters did at the time, online. Being fifteen-years-old and extremely sexually dominant, there were only so many times you could get lucky cruising in the local park. Benny Harrison loved to be in control, of anything really, but especially in sexual situations. Having dominated his first adult at the age of fourteen (long story!!!*) and being a good six months shy of his next big sexual adventure (another long story!!!**) he had time to kill and men to dominate.

[Hi Sir. Is this Benny?] the first message read.

Benny looked at the message thoughtfully. Was it someone he knew? Maybe one of his old playmates trying to reach out. The boy decided to play it safe and replied, [It depends who's asking!]

[My name's Andrew, Sir. A friend told me this profile was a guy called Benny and that your were a great Master!] the stranger explained.

[What friend?] Benny demanded.

[His name's Roger!] Andrew answered.

Benny chuckled. Roger really was one of the best things that had ever happened to him. He was a mostly-dominant Switch who rarely found anyone he was willing to serve, but had happily fallen under Benny's sway a few months earlier. It was only thanks to him that Benny's big plans were able to proceed**.

One of the best things Roger tended to do was send him little gifts in the form of new and potential subs. While he liked to keep some for himself, sometimes he just didn't click with one, didn't have time to take them on or simply just didn't fancy them. It seems Andrew was just the latest.

[Okay, well what can I do for you?] Benny asked, curious to see whether this might actually go somewhere or if it was yet another all-talk-and-no-action kinda deal.

[I want to serve you, Sir. I want to be pushed, hard. I want to do something so extreme I'll never forget it!] Andrew explained. Even in writing, his eagerness was obvious.

[Okay, let's do the basics. I need to know your name, age, height and weight, along with three pictures of yourself. One standing straight facing the camera, one side-on and one rear view. You will be naked in all of them. Then I want details of your sexual interests, past sexual experiences, anything you're particularly keen to try and biggest turn-ons!] Benny sent. He didn't even need to type it out, he was so used to having conversations start the same way that he had it saved to just copy and paste. Once the message was gone, he gave it no more thought, that was how sure he was that nothing would come of it.

It was about an hour later when a new message popped up. Benny opened it, prepared to see what excuse the sub had come up with for non-compliance. Amazingly, he first spotted the three pictures, exactly as requested, so he read on.

[Sorry I took so long, Sir. I had to get somewhere private to take the pictures. My name is Andrew Nass. I'm 18. I'm 5ft6 and 140lbs/63kg. I'm afraid I don't have any past sexual experiences Sir, at least not with anyone else. I'm into many of the usual things like wanking, sucking, fucking (I'm bottom) and that sorta stuff. In the kink side, I love restraints, chastity/cum control, outdoors/public places, humiliation, electro, dares and challenges. The stuff I'm most keen to try is all of it really. I love the idea of being dared to get into really awkward situations and then have to get myself out of it, or better yet, get caught doing it. I jerk off about a million times a day thinking about it, I want it that much. That's why Roger sent me your way, Sir. He knew you could challenge me well. Please say you'll consider it.]

Benny read the message through a couple of times, feeling extremely conflicted. He was a good looking guy with a typical twink body, completely smooth aside from neatly-trimmed pubes and a slight dusting of hair on his upper lip. His interests were exactly the sort of thing Benny loved too. He always enjoyed pushing a sub as far into risky situations as their horniness would allow them to go, then watch them try to get out of it. On the negative side, though, zero experience. More often than not, that meant a sub whose desire far out-weighed his ability. There had been so many young guys Benny had started to play with who had crumbled as soon as the pressure built, or backed out completely as soon as they had cum.

He locked his phone, determined to think on it some more and went about his day. It was about an hour later that the next message popped up.

[Sir, please consider using me. I'm very keen and willing to do whatever it takes to prove myself!] Andrew pleaded.

Whether intentional or not, Andrew had just pushed the right button. 'Whatever it takes' was basically a challenge to Benny, as nobody ever really meant it, not really. What they usually meant was that they would be willing to do a few minor tasks to try and build trust. Benny decided to call his bluff, as he always did when issued a challenge like that.

[Okay, Boy. What it takes for you to prove yourself is a picture of you, fully naked, with at least two other fully dressed people! Manage that little bit of humiliation and maybe we can talk!] Benny sent back. He had been sure the details and pictures he requested first would put the boy off and been wrong, but now he was entirely sure once again that he would hear no more about it.

[Okay Sir. I'll do it as soon as I can!] Andrew replied enthusiastically.

Less than two hours later, a message notification popped up. Benny grinned as he saw it. There was no way he had done it, and certainly not that quickly, but he opened it up with just the slightest hint of optimism. As the message popped up, there he was, fully naked with not two fully dressed people, but four! [Will this do, Sir? ;p]

Benny laughed aloud. The Boy was impressive. [That's great. What did you do? And where?] he asked.

[Went to the gym Sir. Then in the locker room, I told these guys I was doing a dare and asked if they'd mind taking a picture with me! They took it on one of their phones and sent it to me, so at least one of them definitely has a copy!] Andrew explained.

[How did it feel?] Benny asked, curious to see if this brief encounter with exposure had put him off or just made him thirsty for more.

[I was dying inside doing it, but as soon as it was done, it just felt amazing. And when they sent me the pic, I was rock hard! So did I pass your test, Sir? Can we do more?] Andrew asked enthusiastically.

[Look, you're clearly keen, and willing, but you're still very inexperienced. I'm willing to try some more, but I'd like to pair you up with someone who's a bit more experienced!] Benny said, already thinking of someone he could work with. [Will send my location. Be here tonight at 8!]

[Yes Sir!] was all Andrew sent back.


“Hey, glad you could make it!” Benny said as Roger showed the young man in.

“Of course, Sir!” the obedient man replied, standing and awaiting orders.

“Roger,” Benny said to the large man who had shown the sub in, “This is Brent, who should already be naked! Brent, this is Roger and this is his place. But he'll be moving out soon, won't you?”

“Yes Sir, very excited!” Roger said, showing absolutely no expression at all as he stood looking Brent up and down as he quickly jumped to obey the instruction.

The sub was a young man in his early twenties. As he pulled off his top, Roger could see he was very much on the chubby side, but not excessively so. His upper body was completely smooth and his nipples looked large and puffy, clearly the focus of a lot of attention from either himself or his doms. As he removed the rest of his clothing, he revealed his hairlessness was everywhere from the neck down. His cock was contained in an embarrassingly small chastity device.

“Okay, much better!” Benny said as Brent dropped to his knees and placed his hands behind his head. “So you're here to help show a new guy the ropes. I'm gonna take him through a few things and he'll be doing them with you. He's completely inexperienced, but exceptionally keen! Please me and we knock a month off your chastity!”

“Yes Sir, Thank you Sir!” Brent said eagerly. “I won't let you down!”

Benny smiled. Brent was still quite new to Benny's service himself, but he had proven himself to be an exceptionally reliable sub. Literally anything he ordered was obeyed without question.

It was still about half an hour until Andrew was due to arrive, but Benny and Roger both resumed their activities, leaving Brent kneeling there, awaiting further instructions. When there was a cautious knock at the door, Benny looked to the naked man and said, “Get that!”

“Yes Sir!” Brent said immediately, stretching his tired limbs a little as he stood and headed for the door.

“Hi....” Andrew said as the door opened, then allowed his eyes to wander up and down the naked sub's body, slightly taken aback by the seemingly unbothered exposure. “Erm... Benny?”

“No,” Brent said softly. “But follow me!” He headed back in, shutting the door behind Andrew and then leading the visibly-nervous teen through to find Benny.

“Oh!” Andrew exclaimed as he saw Roger standing beside the seated boy. “Roger... I mean... Sir... erm...” he stuttered shyly, then looked to the fifteen-year-old sniggering beside him. “Benny?” he asked, slightly surprised.

“That's me!” Benny replied with a confident grin.

“I... erm... you're... so young!” Andrew said, more than a little taken aback, especially seeing the scrawny teen sat beside the mountainous Roger.

“Didn't think to tell him that part?” Benny asked, looking up at Roger.

The stoic man glanced down at Benny and gave the slightest hint of a smile, so subtle most people would miss it, then shrugged a tiny bit, remaining silent.

“Yes. I'm fifteen. If that's a problem, best you leave now,” Benny offered sincerely. In his experience, he had found that most subs by this stage were driven much more by libido than logic, so he had almost never had a sub walk away when learning his age. Despite that, it was yet another reason he was eagerly awaiting turning sixteen.

“No Sir, it's okay,” Andrew said, standing slightly awkwardly beside the naked Brent.

“Very well. We will be starting simply tonight. You will do a few tasks, along with Brent, and if all goes well, we will move on to some more challenging things. To start, remove your clothes.”

Andrew looked round shyly. He wasn't the most self-conscious about his body, but the three men around him were beginning to feel a little like a crowd, which made it a little tougher. Regardless, he began to undress, slowly at first but quickly increasing the pace as he saw impatience spread over the young Master's face.

With his clothes in a pile beside him, he stood, sub-consciously grasping his hands in front of his crotch. He saw Benny's eyes slowly scanning down his body, taking in every smooth inch, but his expression changed to one of utter disdain as he saw the hands covering his cock. A quick glance back up to make eye contact with Andrew and the hands immediately dropped away.

“Kiss!” Benny instructed bluntly, looking back and forth between the two naked young men.

Brent immediately turned to obey, but Andrew took a step back.

“Problem, Boy?” Roger growled.

Andrew flinched at Roger's voice and glanced at him, but knew who he should be addressing and looked to Benny. “S... Sir... I've never... kissed anyone!”

“And now you will. Don't worry, I'm sure Brent won't mind if you're bad at it!” Benny said with a snigger. He could see that his naked slave was more than ready to obey.

“No, Sir, it's just.... I kinda hoped... my first kiss might be more... romantic!” Andrew said, blushing.

Benny and Roger exchanged smirks. “That's sweet,” the teen said, “But you're here as a sub, which means your only desire here should be to serve and obey. Or is that not what you want?”

“I want it, Sir!” Andrew said, clearly distressed to potentially look less than fully committed. “Okay, sorry Sir. I'll do as I'm told!” He paused, waiting for any further comment, but as Benny raised his eyebrows it became apparent he was simply waiting for actions to back up the words.

Andrew turned to face Brent. Thankfully, the more experienced sub knew what to do and stepped forward, grabbing the younger man and pressing their lips together. They held, kissing awkwardly for a few seconds.

“Jesus, it's like your kissing your gran. Put some fucking passion into it!” Benny snapped angrily.

Andrew was quickly settling into the kiss, eager to please the younger boy and actually relaxing a little. He grabbed at Brent, holding him as he leaned forward slightly, then opened his mouth to let the other sub's tongue enter, offering his own in return. As their tongues lashed against each other excitedly, their hands began to explore each other's bodies.

Andrew felt himself getting hard, feeling mildly embarrassed that Brent would be able to feel it pressed against him. He felt momentarily disappointed that his make-out partner wasn't similarly aroused before he remembered the chastity device containing his cock.

“That'll do!” Benny called out, squirming a little in his seat. He was still trying to maintain a sense of lofty indifference to the two naked men before him, but in reality he was already finding the whole thing quite arousing. “Turn round, bend over and spread your cheeks!” he said, staring at Andrew, then glanced to Brent and added, “And you, back in position!”

Brent was down on his knees with his hands behind his head before Andrew had even registered the command.

“O... okay Sir!” Andrew mumbled, then turned, leant over a slightly and reached back to grab both butt cheeks.

“Do it properly or fuck off!” Benny snapped.

“Sorry Sir!” Andrew said shakily. He leant over more, then pulled his butt cheeks as far apart as he could, feeling his hole exposed to Benny and Roger.

“So, virgin hole, am I right?” Benny asked.

“Yes Sir,” Andrew said, turning to face the young Dom.

“DID I SAY MOVE?” Benny yelled angrily.

“No, Sir. Sorry Sir!” Andrew squeaked timidly, returning to position.

“Virgin hole, but I'm guessing not entirely unused. Am I right?” Benny asked, leaning forward in his seat to see the hole a little closer.

“Yes Sir!” Andrew repeated,

“Tell me what you've done with it!” Benny instructed.

Andrew's cheeks burned red. Somehow, talking about his anal explorations so openly actually felt more embarrassing than standing there naked and exposed. “I... I started off with fingering it, Sir, which I.... I still do sometimes when I... jerk off. I have a dildo too, which I.... I used... sometimes!”

“Okay,” Benny said with a nod. He looked to Roger and said, “Get the double. Just the 12 inch for now!”

“12 inch?” Andrew said nervously, hearing Benny's instruction as Roger walked away.

“Okay, I haven't explained this yet, so I let you off this once,” Benny said to the new boy. “You speak only when spoken to. Understand?”

“Yes Sir!” Andrew said, sounding almost happy at beginning to learn the rules.

“Good,” Benny said, standing up. “Now, on your knees. Both of you, facing away from each other, butts together.”

Brent shifted round, lowering his hands to the ground as he knelt on all fours. Andrew dropped to his knees beside him, then shuffled round, lifting a leg over Brent's so that their rears could rest against each other. The newest sub shuddered a little as his skin made contact with Brent's. It was already the most physical contact he had ever had with another naked person.

Roger returned moments later carrying a 12 inch double-ended dildo and a bottle of lubricant. Benny took the dildo from him and held it out as Roger pumped some of the gel onto each end. The large man then proceeded to reach down, knowing Benny's intent, and lubricate both of their holes.

Andrew let out a pleasured yelp as Roger's fingers made contact with his hole for the first time, then nearly wobbled over as he felt a slick finger slide briefly inside.

“So here's the deal. You two are going to play a game,” Benny said with a grin. “Each of you will have one end of this inserted into you. It will then be your job to push half of it into your opponent. There is a mark in the centre. When that mark reaches one of your holes, you lose!”

“Yes Sir!” both subs replied in unintentional unison, though Brent's was a lot more confident.

“And by way of incentive, Brent, if you lose your chastity is extended by two weeks. Andrew, if you lose you will be going home tonight in chastity and will remain locked until we next meet!”

“Yes Sir!” they repeated. Amazingly, hearing the stakes seemed to have spurred Andrew on rather than intimidating, something Benny happily noted.

Benny knelt down and popped one head into Brent's slick hole, then bent the flexible tool slightly to allow him to push the other end into Andrew, who grunted slightly at the large intrusion. He remained kneeling, holding the tool around the centre mark, knowing from past experience that if left unsupported, the dildo tended to just bend outwards when the two subs began to push.

“Okay, when I say go, you may begin,” Benny instructed. “3... 2... 1... go!”

It was over in a flash. Despite being fairly well-used, Brent was still able to clench tightly with his ass and, having played the game before, knew exactly what he needed to do. Clenching instantly and hoping the inexperienced sub may be slower off the mark, he plunged backwards.

Barely a second after it had started, the dildo plunged slightly beyond the halfway mark into Andrew, making him yelp out in a sudden mix of pleasure, pain and absolute surprise. “FUCK!” he yelped out.

“And we have a winner!” Benny declared, slightly disappointed it was over so quick, but delighted to know he would be completely justified in putting Andrew in chastity before the end of the evening.

“What? No, I wasn't...” Andrew started, then moved a little and felt the dildo move inside him. “Unnh, fuck!” he grunted.

Benny grinned as he grabbed the dildo and held it in place, then ordered Brent, “Slide back!”

The obedient sub happily complied, silently feeling the toy slide inside him until his butt cheeks met Andrew's.

“Great, now stand up... together!” the Master instructed, standing himself.

With a series of grunts and moans, the two subs began to stand, taking each movement slowly and carefully until they were on their feet. Benny immediately placed a hand on each of their stomachs and pushed them together as they had allowed a small gap to form between their backs.

“Roger, ropes please!” Benny said playfully. “Let's go red today!”

Andrew , still getting used to the dildo inside him, looked at Benny nervously.

The younger boy grinned wickedly, but then leant in, placed a hand on the back of Andrew's neck and whispered in his ear, “You doing okay? You know you can stay stop any time!”

Andrew was a little taken aback by the kind words and gentle tone. He had thought Benny to be nothing but a ruthless Dom, out for his own twisted pleasure. Suddenly, he had reason to suspect otherwise. Smiling coyly, he nodded and whispered back, “I'm never saying stop to this!”

Benny grinned, gave the sub a quick peck on the cheek and moved away as Roger returned with several lengths of rope.

The two subs stood together, one serene and almost relaxed at the treatment, the other nervous-excited watching every move. Gradually they were bound together, with rope connecting them to each other at the ankle, knee, thigh, wrist, elbow and shoulder, waist, chest and finally at the neck, albeit loosely to avoid unplanned choking. All the while, the double-ended dildo remained pushed inside each of them, occasionally sliding more into one than they other as they pushed it back and forth.

“Id ask you if you're enjoying this,” Benny said, standing back to admire his ropework, then looked down at Andrew's throbbing cock, “But I think we can see the answer for ourselves!”

“Sir, this is... it's so hot!” Andrew said, panting slightly.

“Glad to hear it. Now, let's try out one more of your little kinks, shall we?” Benny suggested.

“What one, Sir?” Andrew asked excitedly, deliberately moving to make the dildo press into his prostate and moaning softly as he did it.

Benny smiled, moving across the room and out of Andrew's line of sight, his attachment to Brent keeping him rooted in place. He returned a moment later carrying a small black box with a range of cables coming off.

“Oh fuck,” the new sub grunted as he realised it was something he had long fantasised about trying.

As Benny began attached a couple of rings to the boy's cock, one just below the head and one at the base, behind his balls, Andrew struggled to hold back from cumming. Just being set up in the electro equipment was a dream come true and that was before it was even turned on. He stood patiently while Benny then set up Brent as well, although he was struggling to picture how it would be done with the other sub's cock locked in chastity, unless the device was being removed.

Once both subs were fully connected, Benny stood back and smiled, holding the controls. “So here's the deal. Andrew's cock is connected to the electro-stim and Brent has it attached to his nipples,” he explained, knowing neither could see what position the other was in. “In a moment, I will turn on the device and find the perfect level  to keep you riiiiight on the edge, where you will stay for five minutes. Doesn't sound long, does it?” he asked Andrew.

“No sir!” Andrew answered.

“But it certainly feels it, doesn't it?” Benny asked the other slave.

“Yes Sir, it does,” Brent answered honestly.

“At the end of the five minutes, one of you MAY be allowed to cum, buuuuut.... we'll get to that!” Benny said, pressing the button to turn on the device.

Both subs let out a low moan as they each felt a sensitive body part receive a sudden jolt. Benny stood there for a while playing with the levels and settings, watching eagerly as each of the two responded differently. He was quite new to the device himself and was still learning, but Roger remained close by, watching, but so far unneeded.

“Is that... five minutes yet?” Andrew asked as his cock twitched, a drop of precum dribbling down the shaft as it aimed skyward.

“It hasn't even started yet. Why, need to cum already?” Benny asked with a grin.

“Yes!” Andrew said rather curtly.

Benny grinned. He had learned guys tended to go one of two ways when edged. They either revelled in the prolonged teasing and pleasure, begging for more, or got rapidly frustrated and demanded to cum. He was quite surprised that the submissive lad leaned towards the latter, that was normally the reaction of the more dominant guys who were used to the control.

“Well the five minutes starts now,” Benny said, not actually looking at the time.

“Fuuuuck!” Andrew moaned.

“Okay, enough of that,” Benny said, shaking his head. He looked round to Roger and said, “Gag him!”

Andrew let out a low growl as he watched Roger approach with ball-gag in hand. Moments later, with his cock still throbbing to the electro pulses, the ball was in his mouth and he was (mostly) silenced.

The minutes ticked by, both subs staggering slightly as their synchronised pleasure continued, the dildo still penetrating them both. They both began to moan increasingly and Benny finally figured they'd had long enough. He turned the stimulation down, but not off completely.

“Okay slaves, eyes on me!” he instructed, getting their attention. “One of you may get to cum, but only if the other allows it!” he explained. “In a moment, I will ask you if you want to cum. If you do, you will close your eyes. If you do not, keep them open. If only one of you closes your eyes, that person will get to cum, the other person will not be allowed to cum for a minimum of one month! If neither of you chooses to cum, then I release you now and we continue with your next task. However, if you both choose to cum, then you will both be punished... severely! Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir!” Brent said immediately.

Andrew simply nodded, still gagged.

“Okay, so... let's have it... who wants to cum?” Benny asked, excited to know that the two subs were choosing their own fate and at least one of them would probably suffer for it.

To be continued....


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