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Part 6 ended with Phil naked in the side road next to his office. The choice I gave you was whether he should make a run for it to try and get home, hide until nightfall or go into his office for help. The readers have spoken. It seems you were mostly keen to get Phil naked at work....


Phils' Naked Adventures – Part 7

What could he tell them? He had been mugged? It was a prank? An accident? Every far-fetched thought that entered his mind just began sounding more and more absurd, there was no way his colleagues would ever believe him, but they were his best chance of getting out of the situation without actually getting arrested.

After all, it was the middle of the day, in the town centre and even at a full run, which he knew he was not fit enough to maintain for long, he would be seen by dozens, if not hundreds of people. While most would laugh it off as a harmless streak, all it would take is one person calling the police and he would be in deep shit. It was a chance he simply couldn't take.

Not that going into work, naked, was without risks. His first thought was Niall. He might help and should he try to make things awkward, he knew he always had the threat of outing their secret blow-jobs, something he very clearly wanted to keep quiet.

Getting inside was not as easy at it sounded. His office was one floor up and barely a few feet across from where he stood already, so tantalisingly close, yet to get there he would have to venture to the end of the side road and onto the much busier street to then get in the front entrance of the building.

Knowing that the longer he left it, the worse it would get, he quickly walked to the end, expecting people to appear with every step. Fortunately, as he got to the corner of the building, he had not been spotted. He peered round the corner, but suddenly heard from the other direction, “Nice day for it!”

“Look at that ass!” another voice called out.

“Let's see the front!”

He didn't look back to see who it was or how many of them there were, he just ran for the door of the building. He pulled it, but it didn't budge. His work pass was on his desk. He had left it there along with his phone and wallet. While he was prone to taking risks, he knew better than to take valuables along to a meet with someone he didn't know.

There was a keypad by the door that could be used to enter a code to get in, he quickly fumbled for it and tapped it in, but with trembling hands he mis-typed and the door refused to open. With his panic increasing and more shouts coming from behind him, he tried and failed again. On the third attempt, the door pulled open and he stepped inside, pulling the door shut. It didn't exactly provide cover, being primarily glass, but it blocked out the noise from the small crowd he now glanced at.

Phil dashed off to the side, still a long way from safe, but at least away from the prying eyes and taunting jeers of the general public. He realised he had been holding his breath and stood there panting, cursing his own body as he felt a small dribble of pre-cum leak from his cock.

Knowing he needed to move before anyone from the other offices in the building came through the foyer, he rushed down the hallway and looked briefly at the lift, before opening the door to the stairwell. He stopped briefly to listen, but the only sound was his own heavy breath so he rushed up the stairs to the first floor, almost in the clear.

As he pulled the door open, he came to a dead halt as he found himself standing face-to-face with a very shocked-looking Charlie, his manager! The man, who was in his early forties, looked Phil up and down as he quickly covered up his crotch, smirked and said, “I know our dress code is pretty relaxed, but... erm... even we have limits, Phil!”

“Oh, erm... I can... I can explain!” Phil stuttered, blushing as he felt his cock throb in the cage. It felt worryingly close to the sensation he had felt on stage at Mr Dryden's party when he had experienced the hands-free orgasm.

“Go on then!” Charlie said with a nod, remaining in the doorway.

Phil glanced upwards, worrying that someone from a higher floor might be on their way down. Generally, people on floor two and higher used the lift, but it was still a possibility. “I.... was...” he started, but none of the excused seemed even remotely believable.

“You... were... what?” Charlie asked, holding back his laughter at the young man's growing embarrassment. “Skinny-dipping and lose your clothes? Topping up your all-over tan? Attending a meeting of the local nudists club?”

Phil remained stood where he was, mouth agape as he tried to get himself to say anything at all, but not a single sound emerged.

“Or... maybe... you're a lowly exposure fag and you were doing some insane naked task for your master?” Charlie asked, sniggering.

Phil stared. Was he joking? Was it another taunt or did he know something?

Charlie grinned as he leaned forward and whispered, “You looked better with the collar and cuffs!”

“Fuck,” Phil squeaked. Charlie has been there, at the party, it was the only way he would know about that. So many thoughts raced through his mind, so many questions.

“Maybe I'll skip lunch today,” Charlie said with a grin. He moved aside and gestured for Phil to walk in. “Let's talk in my office!”

While Phil was happy to be out of the stairwell, reducing the chances of him being seen by strangers even further, stepping into the office brought an almost-inevitable chance of him being seen by co-workers instead. Just down the hallway, Charlie opened the door into their office and again gestured for Phil to walk in.

“Can't you... get me something to cover up with?” Phil pleaded, but as Charlie just stared at him, standing motionless as he held the door, he knew he would get no mercy. As soon as he walked in, he was noticed, though the room was thankfully quiet with only two other people in – Niall and a relatively new guy Phil didn't know too well yet called Thomas.

Niall grinned, but remained silent, presumably knowing that taunting the guy who knew his secret might not be the wisest move.

Thomas had no such qualms though. “Oh my God, looking good, Phil?” he called out, laughing. He was younger than Phil, maybe about twenty. He was fairly cute and looked very out of place in his shirt and trousers, he seemed the sort who would be more comfortable dressed like Olly had been.

“Come on,” Charlie urged Phil as he blushed heavily, even more-so as he turned to head into Charlie's office and felt the eyes of his colleagues on his bare butt.

Charlie shut the door once they were inside and said to Phil, “I'd tell you to take a seat, but I know where that arse of yours has been, so best not!”

“Were you... at the party?” Phil asked, shakily.

Charlie shook his head as he took a seat at his desk. “Couldn't make it. Family stuff,” he said casually. “But I got to see a few video clips that got recorded for me.”

“Oh shit,” Phil muttered. His own manager had seen him doing some of the most embarrassing acts of his life. It suddenly hit him that the man before him had likely seen him having his spontaneous orgasm and the humiliation of it came close to triggering another one.

“Now I wasn't going to say anything. I respect your right to keep your personal and professional life separate,” Charlie explained. “But this...” he looked the naked body up and down, “This brings your personal proclivities into my office. So, tell me what actually happened!”

Phil took a deep breath and let it all out. The task for Master Matt, why he had met Olly, how he had stripped and left his clothes behind and how he had returned to find them gone. As embarrassing as it was to confess it all, it also felt quite liberating to talk about it.

Charlie nodded along as he heard the explanation, then remained silent for several seconds afterwards, looking thoughtful. He nodded again and said, “Okay, so what explanation would you like to tell the others, because I guarantee if Thomas knows, everyone will!”

“Oh, I hadn't thought of that,” Phil said, sighing softly.

“I can give them an explanation, if you like,” Charlie offered.

Phil nodded eagerly. Not being fired had turned out to be a pleasant surprise, but having Charlie be so understanding and helpful was just staggering.

“Okay, well I'll talk to the others. I'm guessing you'll be needing some assistance to get home in that state?” the manager enquired.

“That'd be amazing!” Phil said gratefully.

“No problem. I'll be finishing around 5 today, I'll run you home then!” Charlie said, smiling.

“Five?” Phil asked, looking shocked. “What do I do until then?”

“Well, work, obviously!” Charlie said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “It's what I pay you for!”

“Like this?” Phil asked, looking down at himself. “What about the others?”

Charlie ignored the plea and stood up, heading to the door. As he opened it, Niall and Thomas both looked over right away. “Hey fellas, anyone object to Phil working naked?”

“No problem,” Niall called back.

“Fine by me,” Thomas agreed, sniggering.

“Well there ya go, back to work!” Charlie said, gesturing for Phil to leave his office. He smiled and called out to the others. “Oh yeah, if you're wondering why he's naked, turns out he's just a sexual deviant who got his clothes stolen after a lunchtime hook-up!”

“Oh my God!” Phil muttered.

“What?” Charlie asked, grinning. “I said I'd explain it, I never said I'd lie about it!” he gave Phil a gentle shove out and closed the door behind him.

Phil quickly made his way over to his desk, but by the time he got there, Thomas was already stood beside it.

“Hey Niall, you should come see what he's hiding here!” Thomas called out.

“Nah, I'm good over here thanks!” Niall called back from his own desk, though the looks he was giving Phil suggested he would have quite happily gotten closer if they were alone.

“Come on, let's see the cage!” Thomas demanded.

“How did you...” Phil started, then paused, looked back at Charlie's office then back to Thomas. “You! You were at... Mr Dryden's place?”

Thomas grinned shamelessly. “Too fucking right I was. That shit was fire. I'm guessing it'd turn you on to know I shot a load right in your face, wouldn't it?”

Phil's eyes lowered to the ground as he nodded. After a few moments of silence, he looked up again to speak, but found himself looking at Thomas' phone instead.

“Smile for the camera, naked boy!” Thomas teased.

“Oh come on, don't do that!” Phil said, reaching up to block the camera.

“Whatever,” Thomas said, slipping his phone away.

The afternoon was torturous for Phil. He did his best to work as normal, but he was too distracted to really be at all productive. Between Thomas' constant teasing, the amused looks he got from Charlie every time he stepped out of his office and the hungry stares from Niall, he was going out of his mind with horniness. Thankfully, nobody else came into the office, though he knew stories (and probably pictures) would be around the rest of the team by the morning.

At five, Charlie approached and said, “Okay, time to go. I'll bring the car around front, save you walking too far like that!”

“Could you... lend me your coat or.... or anything I can wear?” Phil pleaded. The grin he got back was answer enough.

“I'll message when I'm nearly here. You run down and get in!” Charlie explained.

“Okay,” Phil agreed unhappily. He would be back out on the street, naked, though the brief moment it would take for him to get into the car was much more welcome than the thought of making it all the way to his own car in the car park down the street.

Thomas managed to get a few more embarrassing remarks before the text message came to say Charlie was nearly there. Phil called out a quick goodbye to the others as he ran out of the door, to the stairs and down into the main foyer. As he reached the bottom, he saw a car pulling up right outside. He stepped cautiously closer to the door, just to make sure it was Charlie in the driver's seat.

Seeing the man he knew, he pushed the button to open the door, pulled it open and ran across the path, not even looking to see if anyone was coming. He tried the door and it didn't open.

“Unlock it!” Phil called out desperately.

People were approaching from both directions, there was no way they could miss him.

“It is unlocked!” Charlie called back, smiling.

Phil tried the door again. It still didn't open. “It's not. Come on, people can see me!”

“Yeah we can!” someone called out, getting a collective laugh.

The taunts started coming again, many of them focusing on his exposed bubble butt.

“Oh my bad, sorry!” Charlie replied with a snigger. “One sec!”

“Hurry!” Phil urged the other man. He jumped as he felt a slap on his behind, but refused to turn and face the strangers, keeping his chastity cage covered with one hand as he held the other one ready to open the car door. As Charlie unlocked it, he eagerly jumped in and pulled the door closed. As he glanced at the people on the street, he could see a few of them holding their phones. “You did that on purpose!” Phil said accusingly.

“I did!” Charlie confessed, unbothered. He started driving.

The journey remained mostly silent, with Phil sliding down more and more in his seat as they passed people. Finally they pulled up onto Phil's driveway.

“Thanks,” Phil said shyly.

“I know a way you could really thank me!” Charlie said with a grin, grabbing his crotch.

“Really?” Phil asked, his expression somewhere between delight and surprise.

Charlie nodded, but looked serious as he said, “This isn't a 'I'm your boss so you have to do it or else' kinda thing, just to be clear. You're welcome to say no!”

“Do I look like the kind of guy who says no?” Phil asked with a grin.

“I guess not!” Charlie said, sliding his seat back. He reached down and unzipped his trousers, pulling out a moderately-sized uncut cock.

Phil immediately leaned over towards it, but felt a hand grab his shoulder.

“No way, I'm not just one of your eight for the day!” Charlie insisted. He pushed Phil back, reached over to the glove box and pulled out a condom. “You're going for a ride!”

“Fine by me!” Phil said happily as he watched his manager slide the condom down over his rigid tool. He climbed over, straddling the other man and lowered himself down as Charlie guided the head to his hole. “Ugh, yeah!” he gasped as he felt the thick cock slide inside him.

As Phil got to work riding the other man's dick, Charlie was beginning to explore his employee's body up close, letting his hands wander of the slightly-fuzzy chest, tweaking at his nipples which stiffened at his touch. He reached round and grasped the fleshy mounds of Phil's buttocks, his fingers digging in a little as he began to thrust up into him.

“Did you enjoy... being naked... at work?” Charlie asked between thrusts.

“It was humiliating!” Phil answered honestly.

“So that's a yes?” Charlie asked.

Phil blushed and nodded.

“Well I'm sure we can make that happen more often!” Charlie said happily, before leaning forward to suck on a nipple for a moment.

“What about... everyone else?” Phil asked as he continued bouncing on the cock.

Charlie sniggered. “Oh please, most of those guys are as into cock as you are. They'll fucking love it!”

“What? Seriously?” Phil asked, as aroused as he was surprised.

“Oh come on, have you seen them all? I only hire the hot ones who enjoy a bit of cock!” Charlie confessed. “What, you think you got the job for your excellent administrative skills?”

“Oh,” Phil said, slightly disheartened.

“Aww, did I hurt your feelings?” Charlie asked with a snigger. He reached up and ran a finger through Phil's hair as he reassured him, “Don't worry, you're actually very good at your job. The fact you're hot and such an absolute fag is just an added bonus! Ugh, I'm gonna cum soon!”

Phil wanted to thank him for the compliment, but the thought of making the man cum was too much of a focus for him. He clenched a little as he gave a few long strokes, then dropped down fully as Charlie grunted and grasped at him.

“Okay, get off,” Charlie instructed as soon as he was done. He pulled off the condom and casually tossed it at Phil as he barked, “Get out, I'll see ya tomorrow!”

Phil grabbed his phone, wallet, keys and pass from the seat and climbed out, the car pulling off as soon as the door was closed. He stood for just a second, watching, before remembering he was stood outside, naked. Moments later, was safely back in his house.


Phil had been home for around an hour when there was a knock at the door. As usual, he went to answer it naked having not bothered to get dressed after getting home from his nude afternoon at work. He was surprised to see Hunter standing there. Both him and Alex had started letting themselves in by that point.

“Hey, you okay?” Phil asked the large teen.

“Yeah, just... wanted to... come say hi,” Hunter said, uncharacteristically unconfident.

“Come in,” Phil urged him. He had plans to meet Derek and Dave, as well as their friend, to swallow the last three loads he needed to complete day eight of his punishment challenge, but that was still the best part of an hour away.

Hunter headed inside and took a seat on the sofa, Phil sitting at his side moments later.

“Just you?” Phil asked, used to seeing the normally inseparable pair together.

“Yeah, Alex is... kinda pissed at me!” Hunter said softly, staring down at his hands which were fiddling with each other.

“Why, what happened?” Phil asked, sliding closer and casually placing an arm around the teen's shoulders.

“I did it!” Hunter said, glancing at Phil for just a moment. “I finally did it!”

“Did what?” Phil asked, a little lost for a moment before realising what he meant. “Wait, you... oh crap!”

Hunter nodded. “Yeah. I did it all. Broke up with Abby, told her it's cos I'm waaaay more into guys than girls, big shock I know. Then I told my family too!”

“How did it go?” Phil asked, though the tone made the answer quite obvious already.

Hunter looked at him again, his eyes watery. “Not well!” he said before bursting into tears.

“Fuck,” Phil muttered, immediately throwing his arms around Hunter to hold him.

The upset teen cried for a few minutes before managing to explain just how badly it had gone. Abby had reacted badly, screaming at him for leading her on and calling him a worthless faggot. She had told her sister, who got just as annoyed and took out her annoyance on Alex, who in turn vented his own anger back at Hunter.

The worst reaction had come from Hunter's own family. His mother had been so upset she could barely speak, his brother had actually spat on him while his Dad had been so far beyond furious. He had essentially disowned him and given him 24 hours to find somewhere else to live as he was no longer welcome in their home.

Hunter was understandably distraught by the whole thing and Phil had been the only person he could think to come to.

As Phil sat holding the younger man, comforting him, he glanced at the time. He would have to leave soon if he was to meet Derek and Dave, but that would mean leaving Hunter on his own or asking him to leave. Hunter had become one of Phil's closest friends, more than a friend in a lot of ways. He also felt more than a little responsible, after all, he had urged the two teens to consider ending their relationships and coming out. Now it had happened and look at the mess it had made.

He was torn, he could stay and look after Hunter, but that would mean missing his last three loads of the day and returning to the start of the challenge all over again or he could leave Hunter to suffer alone and meet Derek and Dave to complete the task.


And so ends Part 7 of Phil's Naked Adventures. Just a simple choice this week, two options:

Option 1 – Stay and look after Hunter and fail Day 8
Option 2 – Meet Derek and Dave to complete Day 8


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