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Sunday 29 September 2019

The morning had been quite unusual already. The boys were used to being woken early by the alarms of those who had clubs or classes to attend, even on the weekend. With Chris' birthday celebrations planned, none of them had clubs to attend and so the entire dorm had been able to have a lazy start to the day.

Despite the lack of alarms, a couple of the boys had awoken early and, once they began talking, the others inevitably began to wake. They had all wished Chris a happy birthday, with the birthday boy already basking in his ability to rightfully be the centre of attention, even more than usual.

As they had all lounged around in bed, with Chris occasionally switching bunks to what he called a 'birthday cuddle' with each member of the dorm, they had all shared stories of what birthdays were normally like for them back home. Chris had even managed to convince Mikey to let him into his bed, with other boys awake to witness it. While the two had now shared a few tender moments over their weeks together, Mikey still maintained the pre-tense of hating it and loudly declared that he was only doing it today to be nice to Chris on his birthday.

The Dining Hall had been fairly empty by the time they got down there, only shortly before it closed, all eight boys happily sitting together and eating as they eagerly discussed the day ahead. After that, they had spent a little time outside playing a game of three-on-three football, with James and David spectating after insisting they really would be more of a hindrance to either team than a help.

Late in the morning, they had all headed inside to get ready and await Mr Trent, who would be chaperoning them for the afternoon. When he came to get them, he was virtually mobbed by the over-excited, impatient group of boys who eagerly rushed out to the waiting minibus in the car park.

While the school usually rented coaches for big class outings and away games, they owned a small 11-seater minibus that they used for things like Chris' birthday outing. Mr Trent climbed in the front, with Mr Hargreaves, the school's PE teacher and rugby coach, in the driver's seat. The other teacher would drive them there and drop them off, then return for them that evening as the minibus was needed for other things during the day.

In the two seats directly behind the teachers, the birthday boy took a seat and that inevitably meant Danny taking the seat next to him. The next row back consisted of a double seat, which Josh and Rob took and a single seat, which Nicky took. The final, back row of a triple seat was filled by James, David and Mikey.

“Okay, everyone got everything?” Mr Trent asked, looking back and shouting over the excitable chatter. “Anyone need the toilet? It's almost an hour's drive and we're not stopping!”

Most of the boys barely heard the young teacher's questions, but Danny smiled politely and said, “No Sir, we all went before you came to get us!”

“At least someone listens!” Mr Trent said, shaking his head, knowing it was likely to be a long afternoon. Danny smiled back at him as he turned to Mr Hargreaves and said, “Right, let's go!”

The minibus started down the long driveway to the main gates as the boys in the back continued chattering excitedly. They had barely made it out of the gates when Chris felt the hand on his leg. He immediately shot Danny a questioning, but not-at-all displeased look.

“Don't forget our bet!” Danny whispered, leaning close. The previous night, the two boys had set a challenge. Danny was required to get his best friend hard ten times throughout the day without anyone else seeing.

Chris immediately blushed as he felt his cock begin to swell. He glanced at the two teachers ahead of him, though they were thankfully engaged in discussing the route ahead, then looked surreptitiously behind to Josh and Rob who were, thankfully, similarly engaged in conversation with Nicky.

“Well, that's one!” Danny whispered, smirking as he glanced down at the now-obvious bulge in Chris' jeans.

“Are you... gonna stop?” Chris asked, not sure which answer he wanted to hear from the other boy.

“Nope,” Danny replied, bluntly, letting his hand slip upwards and inside his friend's t-shirt, gently caressing his smooth stomach.

“You know this still only counts as one!” Chris insisted hopefully, knowing that Danny would likely be able to win the bet before they even got to their first destination otherwise. When Danny nodded, Chris asked, “But you're gonna carry on anyway?”

Danny nodded again. He leaned close once more and whispered, “I'm not just gonna win, I'm gonna make you cum harder than you've ever cum before! Happy birthday, Chris!”

“Hnnnh!” Chris grunted, feeling his cock throb at the comment as Danny's hand slid round his side onto the small of his back. It was going to be a long journey!


Despite Mr Trent's insistence that their journey would be uninterrupted, they were forced to stop about forty minutes into the drive when David announced he was feeling travel sick and was going to throw up. Moments later, they had pulled into a lay-by and David had brought up his breakfast into a bush to a chorus of ewws from the other boys.

Chris had taken the stop as an opportunity to escape Danny's teasing for at least a little while, insisting David sit with him to 'cuddle him better', as Chris had put it. Although David had said he felt significantly better after throwing up, he happily sat with the birthday boy for the rest of the journey, relegating Danny to the back seat with James and Mikey.

Thankfully, it wasn't too long until they reached the complex where they would be spending most of the day. Despite their apparent intent to run off right away, Mr Trent had made all eight boys walk in an orderly manner with him to the arcade and then wait patiently while he sorted out the money. Each boy was given a pre-paid card that they could use to pay for the games.

“Don't go crazy and spend it all in the first five minutes or you're gonna get pretty bored!” Mr Trent had warned the boys as he handed the cards out, knowing that most of them were really not listening. From the main entrance, he could see most of the arcade so he had advised the boys he would remain there, should he be needed. It also allowed him to make sure none of the boys wandered off from the arcade and got lost or into trouble. And with that, the boys were unleashed!

To begin with, the eight boys remained together, figuring that they should do things as a group as they were all there for Chris' celebration. It also meant that their money would last a little longer if each of them spent time spectating the others. One of the first games Chris wanted to go on was a musical game, consisting of four large 'piano' keys which had to be hit in the sequence that scrolled through on the screen. As there were two of them side-by-side, he immediately challenged the only other musical boy he knew in the group, Nicky.

The first game was a landslide victory for Chris, but when he accused Nicky of deliberately messing up to let him win, things soon switched round. For the second game, it was close, with Nicky winning by just a single point, which left the overall score tied, to be decided by a third round. It concluded with Nicky as the loser, although there were more than a few accusations of letting Chris win again.

As Chris and Nicky stood up and grabbed the tickets spat out by the machine as a prize, David said, “I wanna go on that now! Anyone wanna take me on?”

“Come on then, Pukey McHurls-a-lot. I can take a few minutes to kick your butt!” Mikey said smugly, taking the player two seat.

“Call me that again and I throw up on you on the way home!” David said, getting a laugh from the others as he swiped his card to play.

The other six boys all watched closely as the round began, although within moments only four were really paying attention. Chris was casually leaning over to watch between Danny and Josh, a hand on each of their shoulders when he felt Danny's hand reach back and grab his crotch again.

By the time David and Mikey had finished their round, Chris was bulging once again. Though the bulge would have been obvious to anyone looking closely, Chris was not yet particularly well-endowed so it was easily concealed, which he quickly did as Danny whispered to him, “That's two!”

“Holy crap!” Nicky declared, looking at David's screen.

“What? What happened?” Chris asked, realising Danny's teasing had made him miss the whole thing. “Hey, you won. Nice going!” he said cheerfully to the smaller boy.

“He didn't just win. Check out the score!” Nicky exclaimed.

David's score was flashing in the top slot of the leader board.

“Damn, check out little Mozart!” Chris said, reaching forward to loop an arm around David's shoulders.

“Not quite,” David said modestly. “It's, like, four keys and I rock at rhythm games!” he finished, uncharacteristically confident.

The boys began making their way around the arcade, which was moderately busy, though not enough to cause the boys any difficulty in getting on any game they wanted. They all gathered round to 'help' when James decided to try the 'Deal or No Deal' game, bursting into loud arguments over which box to choose, which ones to open and whether or not to take a deal. By the end, it was only David who had noticed that James had simply ignored every comment the others had made and just followed his own plan. He ended up walking away with a hundred tickets.

When Mikey spotted the basketball game, he virtually dragged the entire group over to it. He started off by challenging Nicky, his Basketball Club team-mate, but after only beating him by a couple of baskets insisted on playing someone else next, with Josh stepping up to take him on. As the Mikey vs Josh bout got underway, Danny let his hand rest on Chris' buttock, stroking it playfully while the others were engrossed in the close-fought match.

“I don't even need to look to know that's working,” Danny whispered. “That's three!”

“I hate you!” Chris hissed back at him, smirking slightly at his own reluctant enjoyment.

Gradually, the boys began split up when they disagreed over what to go on next. David stayed with Danny and Chris, clearly enjoying the chance to spend time with the first friend he made at the school and the delightfully-affectionate Irish lad.Josh and Rob went their own way, seemingly determined to challenge each other to a game of Flappy Bird, while Nicky and Mikey tagged along with James who insisted he could work out how to get maximum tickets for their money to get some of the best prizes from the counter. Nicky, who had started off by taking a quick picture of David's high score on the music game kept sneaking up on each of the boys and taking pictures of them, some of which ended up being completely candid and hilarious, others very much posed but equally entertaining.

Much to Danny's annoyance, being in a group of three usually meant either he or Chris would be involved in any game they went to, which drastically reduced his opportunities to turn on the birthday boy. By the time their funds ran low, Danny was still only on three successful arousals. They ended up rejoining Mikey, James and Nicky, who were all loaded up with tickets, James' strategies seemingly proving quite successful.

The six boys were over at the machine that converted their tickets into points, which were stored electronically on their cards, when Rob and Josh eventually joined them, both eager to cash in their tickets too.

“Don't know why you're so excited. For the amount you've got, you'll be lucky to get a pencil!” Rob sniggered as he glanced over at the prize counter, although Josh's wad of tickets was certainly far from small.

The comment triggered a round of arguments over what prizes were best and which were just a complete waste of their tickets. It was only when the arguing began to die down that Mikey spoke up. “Erm... guys... I... kinda had an idea. They said at the counter that you can and trade in your points from lots of cards at once.” Mikey explained.

“Oh my God, let's get an Xbox One!” Josh said excitedly.

“Yeah, we've got a lot, but I don't think we've got quite THAT much!” Rob said with a snigger before the others could get excited about something that wasn't going to happen. “Besides, we already have one in the Common Room!”

“Yeah, but this would be just for us!” Josh insisted.

“Great, we could put it in the dorm with no TV to plug it into and just stare it so. Such excite!” Rob said sarcastically.

“Actually, that's where my idea comes in,” Mikey quickly interjected. “I saw something that would be a great gift for...” he glanced at Chris, then blushed a little, “For all of us, really. But... I... kinda want to surprise you all with it.”

“So you want us to just hand over our hard-earned points and trust you with them?” Chris asked, frowning.

Mikey's eyes suddenly lowered to the ground, feeling thoroughly dejected for just a moment, until he saw a card held out towards him. As he looked back up he saw Chris grinning at him. “You're a dick!” Mikey said, shaking his head.

There were a few similarly playfully-derogatory comments from the others as they each handed their cards over to Mikey who eagerly ran off to the counter.

“You all done?” Mr Trent asked, looking up from his phone as the crowd approached him.

“Nearly, Sir,” David replied politely. “Mikey's just trading in our points then we're good to go.”

“Getting anything nice?” the teacher asked, knowing the students usually walked away with little more than a few crappy pieces of colourful garbage.

“No idea, it's a surprise!” James said, with a slight snigger.

A few moments later, Mikey ran over to join the group, a bag tightly clutched in one hand, deliberately keeping it away from the prying eyes of the others.

“Okay, now can we go?” Mr Trent asked, seeing all eight boys now gathered.

Mikey suddenly nudged Nicky who said, slightly shyly, “Erm... Mr Trent, would you mind taking a picture of us all!”

Although there was a little groaning from some of the other boys, Chris seemed to love the idea of immortalising their day and quickly forced everyone together. As they stood grouped together, Nicky went to hand his phone to the teacher.

Danny, who had put his arm around Chris' waist, let his hand slide up his friend's back and began playfully teasing his neck, twirling his fingers through the other boy's hair. “Fine, that's four!” Chris whispered, squirming a little to make sure his bulge wouldn't show in the photo.

“Okay, everyone smile!” Mr Trent called out as he took a few pictures, hopeful to get at least one good shot.


After the arcade came the second stop of the day – McDonalds. To say the boys were excited was an understatement. Although food at the school was exceptionally good, it was largely also healthy, so while it was good for the boys, many of them had been really missing junk food. More than a few late night discussions in the dorm had been about which fast food places they missed the most being stuck at Kingswood.

The group of nine occupied two tables, which were quickly filled with burgers, fries, drinks and a huge variety of other food, which Mr Trent was convinced would mostly end up going to waste. He soon found himself rapidly proven wrong as the excitable and seemingly ravenous boys seemed to consume about five times their own body weight in food. By the time they were finished, with David and Danny each clearing up a table, most of them looked ready to throw up.

“Can you overdose on McNuggets?” Chris asked, sitting back and rubbing his stomach over-dramatically.

“I don't know, lets find out!” Mikey said, opening a box of McNuggets teasingly.

“You can't be planning to eat them. How have you got any room left?” Rob moaned.

“Nah, these aren't for me!” Mikey said smugly. “These are to trade back at school. D'you know what some of the guys there would give to get their hands on these!”

“I think you've watched too many prison movies!” James said with a snigger. “They're McNuggets, not a pack of smokes and it's Kingswood, not Shawshank!”

Mikey just shrugged, confident in his plan as the others questioned what Shawshank was.

“Come on then, lads,” Mr Trent said, returning from the bathroom and incredibly relieved to see he still had all eight students present. He had not been on many outings yet, but the ones he had chaperoned so far had ended up like herding cats! “We gotta get a move-on!”

A short time later, the group had made their way across the complex to the cinema. While Mr Trent stood fiddling with his phone to bring up the e-tickets, the boys crowded the concession stand, somehow having gone from 'too full to move' at McDonalds to 'desperate for every snack available' at the cinema.

“What are you getting?” Danny asked, surreptitiously slipping an arm around Chris from behind and blowing gently on his neck as he spoke.

“Horny! That's what I'm getting!” Chris growled back in mock-anger.

“Is that five, then?” Danny asked with a snigger, feeling his own cock swell a little in his chastity device at the thought of arousing his friend so easily.

“Shut up,” Chris snapped, but grabbed Danny's hand tightly and added, “But yes, it is!”

“Damn, I'm just gonna need to look at you to get you going soon!” Danny said with a chuckle as Chris turned to face him, ignoring the squabbling going on between a few of the others about salted popcorn versus sweet.

“GET me going?” Chris said, raising an eyebrow. He glanced around, worried the attention he was getting from Danny and their subject matter might draw unwanted attention, but found they were being largely ignored. “I haven't STOPPED going since last night! Why did I let you talk me into this? It's freaking torture! Can't I just say you win and cum now?”

Danny looked thoughtful for a moment. “Hmm, well it's pretty obvious I'm gonna win, so what do I have to gain by letting you quit now?”

“Anything, just name it!” Chris offered desperately.

'Kiss me!' Danny immediately thought, but resisted the urge to vocalise the growing desire. While it was something that had played on his mind a lot, he remained reluctant to speak or act on it. He had seen the awkwardness that had arisen between Chris and Kyle as a result of a single kiss, plus there was still the nagging thought about whatever was going on between Chris and Nicky as he had secretly caught them kissing. He let out a gentle sigh instead and said, “Okay, how's this? I get to make you cum, you pay up the forfeit from the game and on top of that, I get to do something to you.”

“Something?” Chris asked, frowning.

“Yeah, something. Like the kind of 'something' Joseph makes me do to earn my weekly you-know-what!” Danny said, blushing a little at the thought of the embarrassing ordeals his mentor had put him through, while simultaneously feeling a swell of excitement thinking about his own humiliation and what he might get Chris to do.

Chris' cheeks blushed a similar shade to Danny's. He loved hearing about Danny's torment at Joseph's hand. He had actually spoken to the older boy about it, unknown to Danny, and got so excited he had shot a load in his pants without even touching himself. The thought of being put through it himself almost triggered another spontaneous ejaculation. “Deal!” Chris said excitedly. He would get to cum, play the 'do what you want to me' game with his dorm-mates AND get tormented and probably humiliated by his best friend. This really was turning out to be the best birthday ever.

“Excellent,” Danny said happily, his mind already running through the things Joseph had made him do and thinking what he would like to inflict on his embarrassment-seeking friend.

“D'you wanna... go...” Chris hinted, nodding towards the toilets.

Danny shook his head and grinned. “Be patient, I said I'll make you cum and I will. Now hurry up and get your popcorn!”

Chris let out a gentle whimper of frustration and frowned as he stepped forward to order his snacks.

Several minutes later, the boys had made their way into theatre. It was one of the smaller screens, as the movie they were seeing was a re-screening of a Summer blockbuster rather than one of the latest releases. Mr Trent led the way up the central aisle, climbing the steps and stopping by the correct row and directing the boys in, urging them to quieten down a little as they excitedly made their way in. Danny had pushed Chris to the front and then led the way down the row, ending up with Chris sat near the wall and Danny on the seat beside him.

“You okay at the end?” David called down to Chris. “This is meant to be your day, the best seats are closer to the centre!”

Before Chris could answer, Danny spoke for him and said, “It's fine, we can see okay!”

“Fuck!” Chris muttered. He had already suspected what Danny was planning, but having him hidden away on the end of the row just made it even more obvious. His cock, which had barely gone down since they agreed the new 'forfeits', throbbed again a little at the thought of what was about to happen.

While the screen wasn't full by the time the lights went down, they were far from the only ones there. Fortunately, nobody sat directly behind Chris and Danny, though the birthday boy had a feeling it would not hinder Danny's plans even if they had. The adverts started and Danny wasted no time in keeping his end of the bargain. He reached out to the side, popped open the button on Chris' jeans then slid down the zipper. As he pulled the front open, he grabbed the waistband of Chris' underwear and pulled it out, unleashing his friend's straining cock then tucked the waistband under his aching balls.

Chris looked round nervously, knowing that in the low light anyone further down the row would need to be looking very carefully at him to see what was happening. It seemed strange to be worried about getting caught, as he found the embarrassment of it poytentially happening to be orgasm-inducingly exciting, yet the natural instinct to be weary of it was hard to shake off.

With the cock now free, Danny grabbed it, feeling slight clamminess that seemed to be from a mix of light sweat and what was almost certainly pre-cum. It still felt unfair that his dorm-mate could cum/pre-cum already when he could not, but for now he was happy to just enjoy teasing him. Even if Chris had not been so explicit about how horny he was, it would have been obvious from the state of his cock. It was clearly primed and ready to shoot at the barest of stimulation.

As the adverts gave way to movie trailers, Danny found he didn't actually need to stroke Chris' cock to keep him on edge. He had started doing it, but had to stop almost right away for fear of letting him cum already. It had quickly became apparent that simply wrapping his fingers tightly around it and keeping hold, while occasionally allowing his pinky to tease the smooth balls beneath, was enough to keep Chris on the verge of release.

By the time the movie actually started, Chris' hands were tightly grasped onto the arm-rests of his seat. “I hate you!” Chris whispered, leaning towards Danny as he let out a pleasured moan.

“Hate you more!” Danny whispered back, blushing. He gulped a little as he saw Chris staring at him, the reflection of the movie screen making his eyes twinkle in the darkness. They both turned their eyes back to the screen, although their attention clearly remained on in intensely intimate contact.

“Are you... doing this... for the whole film?” Chris asked breathlessly, leaning to the side a little so his arm pressed against Danny's.

“Tempting, but no,” Danny replied, squirming a little in his seat. Ever since he placed his hand on his friend's dick his own had swollen to the fullest the chastity device would allow. All he could think about was how good it would feel to have Chris doing the same back to him. “But be patient!” he urged his friend.

Chris followed Danny's instructions and sat quietly, attempting to watch the movie despite the distraction. His popcorn had barely been touched, he was so caught up in the teasing.

They were about half an hour into the film when Danny whispered, “Grab your popcorn!”

“Why? You've got your...” Chris started, then realised the final step of Danny's plan. “Oh!” he whispered with a giggle, reaching down to the ground to pick up the large bag.

“Happy Birthday!” Danny whispered before giving the tortured tool a final few strokes to push it over the edge.

Two days of excited denial suddenly bubbled up and Chris raised a hand to his mouth, tightly biting down as his fist as he did his best to silence his pleasured gasps. As he held the popcorn down near his crotch, Danny aimed the spasming cock into it and several spurts of spunk shot straight into the snacks. Compared to a fully-matured adult's load, it was still relatively measly, but to the still-developing boys it was a veritable flood.

The orgasm felt like it was never going to end, especially as Danny continued his stroking even after the last few drops had trickled over his fingers. He kept going until Chris was on the verge of pushing his hand away, then let go and immediately raised his hand towards Chris' face.

Despite his heavy breathing, the post-orgasmic boy still eagerly licked the errant globs of cum from his friend's hand before looking round at him with a wry grin. “Fuck. Me!” he hissed excitedly.

“Maybe for your thirteenth birthday!” Danny replied, sniggering. “Here, take this!” He handed Chris his own bag of popcorn, then took the one Chris had shot his load into.

“What are you...” Chris started to ask, slow on the uptake once again and realising the answer to his own question before he had finished asking it. His friend was clearly intending to eat it. Despite having just shot one of the biggest and most intense loads of his life, Chris felt his cock twitch again at the thought of it. “You're so hot!” he whispered, then bit his lip.

“Shh, movie!” Danny urged him, happily munching away at the slightly soggy popcorn. It took all of his willpower not to give away just how exciting he found it. Ever since the first time he had seen Joseph cum at his selection interview, he had begun to develop his slight obsession with cum and that had only grown as he had played with both his mentor and his best friend's loads more over the past few weeks.

Chris let his cock hang free for a while, drying off a little before he slipped it away again, then turned his attention back to the movie. He curled up a little in his seat, happily leaning onto Danny as he got comfortable.


The journey home was substantially quieter than the morning's journey. Mikey had insisted on taking the front double-seat with Nicky, saying they had something they needed to work on. That left Rob and Josh on the double-seat behind them, with James on the single seat to their side and then Danny on the back row with David to one side and Chris on the other.

The day had clearly taken its toll on many of them. As Rob sat quietly, Josh had shifted round and dozed off, his head slowly slipping down until it was virtually in his lap. He grinned as a bump in the road woke him briefly, but he just looked up, smiled and went back to sleep.

Rob glanced backwards, wondering if the others were as amused by Josh's cuteness as he was, but found an even more adorable scene waiting for him.  Danny was sat with both arms spread out to his sides, one around David, the other around Chris, both boys snoozing against him.

“Ah, you too?” Rob whispered with a chuckle.

Danny grinned and nodded. “Yeah, guess the kids can't handle the excitement!” he whispered back with a playful giggle.

“Oh I think we know the excitement you handled today!” Rob said knowingly. He immediately heard a snigger from James, who was watching the conversation go on.

“I don't know what you mean!” Danny said, blushing a little and suppressing a grin.

“Oh please. You could barely keep your hands off him all day!” James hissed, nodding towards the sleeping Chris.

“Pfft, you're seeing things, mate!” Danny said dismissively, a little embarrassed to have been caught out when he thought he had been so discrete.

“Danny, you jerked him off right there in the cinema. You guys aren't as subtle as you think!” Rob said, shaking his head, clearly amused. James sniggered once again.

“Well.... it's his birthday. He deserved a treat!” Danny said, feeling more amused than ashamed of being caught out.

“I'd say you both got the treat!” James said with a grin.

“What are those two up to anyway?” Danny asked, nodding towards Nicky and Mikey to try and change the subject.

“No idea,” Rob said with a casual shrug. “I tried to look and Mikey actually slapped me!”

“And you'll get another if you try it again!” Mikey called back without looking round. “You're not too subtle yourself, blabbermouth!” he added, making all the conscious boys laugh.

The laughing woke David, who looked round, but continued to happily lean on Danny. He let out a slight yawn then said, “I can't wait to get back!”

“Why? Got a hot date?” James teased.

“No,” David said, shaking his head dismissively. “It was just... I dunno... kinda weird being back out there, you know, in the real world!”

The others pondered the comment for a few moments, nodding a little. “I guess so,” Danny said, thinking about it. “And I guess it's weird that thinking about going back to Kingswood does actually feel like going home!”

“I'm actually.... kinda nervous about going home,” David said softly. “I mean, proper home!”

Although it was still nearly three weeks away, the half-term break was already a hot topic of discussion for the Year 7 boys. Most were looking forward to it, the homesick boys like Chris in particular, but it also brought with it a strange sense of nervousness. Being thrown together in the school, all of the boys, even in dorm 1.04 where the boys seemed to spend all day arguing, bonds had quickly grown and the thought of going any length of time without seeing their friends already felt strange. David, it seemed, was feeling it even more than the rest.

“Don't you wanna see your parents, or your friends back home?” Danny asked, giving the smaller boy a gentle, sympathetic squeeze.

“Yeah, well my parents at least, I don't really have any friends back home,” David said, sounding a little ashamed. “Aside from my parents, everyone I care about is here!” He blushed a little as he felt Danny, Rob and James looking at him with what felt like pity.

“Don't worry, bud,” Danny said reassuringly. “We'll only be gone for a week, then we'll all be right back here!”

“You could always stay here like the freaks and unloved losers!” James said with a derisive snigger.

“Hey!” Danny snapped, but realised he had been slightly loud and looked nervously at Chris for a moment before lowering his volume. “Don't be a dick. Some guys have to stay, that doesn't give you the right to be an arsehole about it!”

“Geez, sorry, I was only kidding!” James said, rolling his eyes.

Rob looked at Danny quizzically. It was obvious from his reaction that he had personal feelings on the matter, but as far as they knew, Danny wasn't staying over half-term.

“Kyle!” Danny explained, seeing Rob's expression. “There was a... well a thing came up. He's gotta stay at school over half-term.”

“Ah!” Rob said, nodding. He felt a sharp twinge of sympathy. He was really looking forward to seeing his own family during the break, especially his little brother Milo, so it was tough to think of someone else not getting the opportunity.

The conversation seemed to nudge each of them into quiet contemplation as the chatter didn't resume. As they sat quietly, David drifted back off to sleep, thankfully helping him avoid a repeat of the travel-sickness that had hindered their earlier journey and they were soon driving through the gates at Kingswood. As the minibus stopped in the car park, the sun was just beginning to set. Dinner time was pretty much over, though the staff had kept a small selection available for the returning boys who made their way in just as most of the others were leaving.

Having gorged themselves on McDonalds and then cinema snacks, most of them didn't really have much of an appetite, but it was still nice to be able to sit together in the Dining Hall without being surrounded by a couple of hundred other boys for a change.

“This was fun,” Rob said contentedly, looking round at the tired but peaceful group as they finished eating. “Whose birthday is next, I wanna know when we get to do this again!”

“It's gotta be Nicky, right?” David suggested, knowing that he was one of the other older boys in the group along with Chris.

“Nah,” Nicky said, shaking his head. “I don't have birthdays. Gave 'em up years ago. They're bad for you!” he said dismissively.

“Actually, it's the opposite!” Rob said with a knowing grin. “It's scientifically proven that people who have more birthdays live longer!”

“Is that true?” Josh asked in surprise. “That's so cool!” The other boys glanced at each other, not knowing if Josh was just playing along or if he had missed the gag. It quickly became apparent as he frowned and added, “Oh, oops. Carry on, nothing to see here!” he said, blushing and hoping to avoid any mockery.

As the other began laughing at him, Nicky shot Chris a slightly pleading look, still obviously keen to avoid the subject of his own birthday, which he had deliberately kept quiet and only told Chris about by mistake.

“I actually think Danny's next,” Chris said before any attention could return to Nicky. “On Halloween, isn't it?”

“Nearly. Day before,” Danny explained, “October thirtieth! It's on a Wednesday this year!”

As Rob and Danny began talking about how they would celebrate it, Chris couldn't help noticing Mikey, who was sat to his side, scowling silently. They had managed to go the whole day without one of the boy's trademark tantrums and he was keen to avoid letting that change. He put his hand on Mikey's shoulder, prompting him to look round suddenly. “You okay?” he asked barely louder than a whisper.

Mikey huffed, glanced round at the conversation then shrugged. “Yeah, I'm fine!” he said sharply, clearly not fine. “I'm fine!” he repeated, putting at least a little effort into sounding like it the second time as he forced a smile.

Chris frowned but decided not to push the subject. While he would have been happier figuring out what was wrong with the often-moody boy, just knowing he wasn't about to burst into a rage was enough for now.

A short time later, realising that the Dining Hall staff were probably waiting for them to leave to finish work for the day, the boys cleared their trays.

“Thanks lads,” one of the kitchen staff said cheerfully, coming to get their trays pretty much the moment they got up.

“You're welcome!” Chris said, grinning back at the young man.

“Geez, you're such a flirt!” Josh said, nudging Chris as the group headed to the door, getting a laugh from the others.

“I was just being polite!” Chris insisted, then looked back at the man for a moment before adding, “He's definitely cute though!”

The kitchen worker seemingly heard the comment and grinned too, winking at the boy playfully and making the others laugh even louder. He headed back into the kitchen pushing a trolley and laughing to himself as the boys left the Hall.


While the conversation was lively in the dorm, the boys were clearly worn out from the day, casually lounging over each other on the sofas as the evening drew on.

When the conversation lulled, Danny grinned at Chris for a moment then said, “Guys, there's... erm... well something else Chris wanted to do for his birthday!” Chris looked at how and frowned a little, looking ready to disagree with the comment a little, but a stern look back from Danny kept him quiet. “You remember that... erm... experiment we tried a couple of weeks ago, you know, to see what people might do if they weren't being watched...”

“You mean the 'let's all do fun naked things to Chris' game?” Josh asked, sniggering along with a few of the others.

Danny smiled as he nodded. “Yeah, that's the one. He was hoping we might play it again, but this time he wants you all to have a bit longer to... play with him! Maybe... five minutes each!”

“That sounds fun,” Rob said, thinking immediately of the opportunity to try out his skills he had been practising with Sam. “But if I closed my eyes for five minutes right now, I know I'd just fall asleep!”

David nodded. “Same here!” he said, yawning just at the thought of sleep.

“But I think we'd be happy to do it another time, right guys?” Rob asked, not wanting to let Chris down.

The other boys all seemed on-board, but also a little reluctant to appear keen. Chris couldn't help smiling, knowing just how enthusiastically each of them had played with him last time. There was probably a lesson in there somewhere, but Chris too tired to figure out what it was.

“Great. So another time,” Danny said, happy to have the idea agreed.

“There is... one other gift!” Mikey said awkwardly, seeming to get increasingly awkward as all eyes turned to him.

“I nearly forgot!” Chris said excitedly, remembering the surprise Mikey had obtained back at the arcade. “Gimme it!” he said eagerly.

Mikey got up and retrieved a small bag from beside his bunk and then returned to the group, looking more than a little nervous.

Danny smiled as he saw Nicky give the other boy a reassuring nod which seemed to embolden Mikey a little.

“It's not... like... wrapped or anything. And it's... it's for you, but also... kinda for... all of us. And it's... I dunno, kinda lame, so if you don't like it...” Mikey rambled.

“Oh my God, just hand it over!” Chris said with a giggle, reaching out to take it. As everyone watched, he opened up the bag, reached in and frowned as he pulled out the gift. “It's... a frame!” he said, sounding unintentionally ungrateful.

“It's a digital frame!” Nicky corrected him, seeing Mikey was seemingly too lost in his own self-doubt to explain it. “Mikey saw me taking pictures and he thought it'd be nice to have something in here to remind you of the day, so he got me to upload them all to the frame. You just gotta plug it in and it'll play a slideshow of the day.”

“Oh my God,” Chris said, almost in tears. “That's so cool!” He stared at Mikey in absolute delight as the others chimed in with similar sentiment.

“I just thought... it'd be nice,” Mikey said shyly. “And maybe we can add more pics to it when we have other birthdays and stuff too!”

Chris got up, handed the frame to Danny and, not caring about Mikey's aversion to public displays of affection, threw his arms around the other boy.

“You really like it?” Mikey whispered, feeling a little uncomfortable with everyone watching.

“I fucking love it!” Chris whispered back.

Danny had immediately gone to one of the desks and plugged in the power cable, then stood the frame facing the group as they all gathered round it. The next few minutes were spent watching the full selection of pictures, joking and teasing each other over them, regardless of whether they were actually good or bad. By the the end of the show, everyone was showering Mikey with praise for the idea and Nicky for his photography skills.

As bed time drew near, most of the boys looked dead on their feet. Danny had never looked forward to going to sleep so much in his life, not least because he wanted to spend at least a few minutes alone with Chris to see how much he had enjoyed his day. He had just finished brushing his teeth and was heading back to the dorm. As he reached the corner of the hallway, he froze. Just ahead of him, right outside the door of the dorm, Nicky and Chris were stood together... kissing.

He immediately took a few steps back, feeling an icy stabbing sensation in his chest. Barely holding back tears, he cleared his throat, knowing the sound would warn them of his oncoming presence, waited a moment, then walked round.

“Hey,” Nicky said with a smile as he headed past Danny towards the bathroom.

“Hey,” Danny said back shakily, seeing Chris had already gone back into the dorm. He hesitated a moment, composing himself before he headed back in after him.

Chris had hopped straight onto Josh's bunk, the closest one to the door, and already looked deep in conversation with him and Rob, which was quite a relief as it allowed Danny to put away his bathroom supplies and climb up onto his own bunk largely unnoticed.

As he lay down, staring at the ceiling, all he could keep picturing was Nicky and Chris. The worst part was that it wasn't even the first time! The previous week, he thought he had seen them kissing too, or at least pulling out from a kiss. It had not been clear and it felt strange to just ask, so he had kept it to himself. Since then, he had convinced himself he was imagining it, but seeing them together again tonight made it suddenly seem entirely more plausible.

Danny's mind raced. Were Chris and Nicky together? Even if they weren't, they were at least on kissing terms. Danny was supposed to be Chris' best friend and, according to pretty much the whole school, more than just friends too and yet they had never kissed. But why was it an issue? They really WERE just friends, weren't they? Or did Danny want more? Did he want to be the one kissing Chris? He had thought about it earlier in the cinema. But if they kissed, would it get weird and awkward like it was with Kyle? Did he want to risk messing up the greatest friendship he'd ever had, just for a few kisses?

He likely would have laid there all night running through every 'why' and 'what if' were it not for the interruption of Chris climbing up to join him.

“Room for one more?” Chris asked with a grin as he hopped onto the bunk from the ladder. He had long given up the pre-tense of starting in his own bunk, which went pretty much unused now. Mr Trent had either not noticed, or not felt the need to comment about it when doing his lights-out rounds.

“Sure!” Danny said, smiling sincerely almost against his will. It was frustrating in a way that he could be annoyed with Chris, or upset, or confused, but a momentary grin or fleeting touch from the other boy made him smile and almost forget it. 'Ask him about it! Tell him how you feel' Ask if he's dating Nicky!' Danny screamed at himself in his own head, but as Chris snuggled down beside him, the voice grew quieter and quieter. By the time Josh flicked off the light, the two boys were silently cuddled together under the covers.

“Today was amazing. And so was last night!” Chris said dreamily, seemingly moments from nodding off.

Any doubt, anxiety and worries Danny had seemed to simply melt away from the mere presence of his favourite person. Happily nuzzling against the other boy, Danny replied, “It really was. Happy Birthday, mate!”


Nicky was glad the day had been so tiring, it mean the boys had fallen asleep much quicker than usual, meaning he didn't have to wait quite so long after lights out to message Will and say he was free. He had briefly considered messaging Jonathan too, to have a little three-way fun, but the more he thought about it, the more he knew exactly what he wanted.

He had crept out of the dorm and made his way along to the private study rooms to await the arrival of his boyfriend. It didn't take long before the door opened and Will walked in, already naked, having made the trip from the second floor wearing nothing but his chastity device.

“I missed you today!” Will said as soon as he saw Nicky. They grabbed each other in a passionate embrace, their tongues wrestling as their hands excitedly groped at each other.

“I missed you too!” Nicky replied between kisses.

Sunday afternoons the two boys both attended Diving club. While it was already exciting just spending a couple of hours around each other wearing nothing more than a speedo, they always fucked in the shower afterwards, before going on to spend the evening together.

“On your back!” Nicky ordered as they parted, pointing to the table.

“I thought you wanted to be my boyfriend, not my dom!” Will teased, hearing the forceful way the younger boy had made his demand.

“Well today I'm horny, so I'm gonna be both. Is that a problem?” Nicky asked flatly, clearly implying that it really didn't matter if the under-developed Year 10 boy objected or not.

“No Sir!” Will said, happily hopping onto the edge of the table. Knowing exactly what Nicky intended, he lay back and raised his legs into the air.

Nicky quickly pulled off his clothes. He could have stripped before Will arrived, but being naked at any time it wasn't absolutely essential still felt uncomfortable, no matter how comfortable he got around his room-mates and the Diving team. He immediately pressed the tip of his already-erect cock against Will's hole. Aside from the fact that their regular fucking had begin to loosen the older boy up, Will knew now that lubricating his hole before meeting Nicky was essential, so the boy's over-sized cock began to slip in easily.

Nicky was not gentle. He had been horny and frustrated all day. Despite how much he had enjoyed the outing with his friends, he loved to fuck and it had messed with his routine, so now he had time to make up for. He slammed all the way in until his balls slapped against Will's butt, then pulled back and repeated, long-fucking his lover and getting increasingly aroused by the grunts of pleasure/pain from him.

After a minute or so, he changed his pace, deliberately making short sharp thrusts against Will's prostate. He watched as the teen's fingers and toes clenched on each in ward thrust. As he looked down at Will's face, letting out a gentle sigh as he looked at the face he had come to love, he reached down and grabbed him, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss as he continued fucking.

Nicky parted the kiss, but kept his forehead pressed against Will's as he gasped, “Fuck, I'm so close!”

“Nicky....” Will gasped, sounding as surprised as he was delighted as he added, “So am I!”

The words alone were almost enough to push Nicky over the edge, but knowing he was close to making his boyfriend cum for the first time was the final nudge needed. Still thrusting excitedly, he began to spurt his load inside Will, looking at the naked, sweaty teen hopefully.

“Oh God!” Will yelped as he desperately grabbed at Nicky, a hand grabbing each of his wrists as his body was shaken an intense tidal wave of pleasure.  He whimpered on each pulse of his cock inside the chastity device.

Breathless, excited and sweating, the two bodies collapsed together onto the table. Nicky rolled onto his back and tilted his head to the side to look at Will, grinning. “I finally did it!” he said proudly, then frowned as he saw Will's expression was more confusion than joy.

“I think... I think you did!” Will said in surprise. His chest still heaving, he stood up and held a hand beneath the chastity device, the one that allowed their pee to flow out when using the bathroom while locked. A moment later, he raised his hand to show Nicky what looked to be cum, albeit very watery.

“Wait, you actually... you can...” Nicky said, standing up in surprise, eyes wide. “You're gonna get unlocked!”

The words hit Will hard. He was literally the oldest student in the school to still have the lock on his cock, the most undeveloped Year 10 in the place. Over 3 years he had worn the chastity device, awaiting the day he finally developed enough to earn his freedom and it was finally happening. All he could do was stand there and burst into tears.

Nicky quickly wrapped his arms around him and held him as he sobbed with a mixture of excitement and relief. After a few minutes, Will had calmed a little, but remained happily in Nicky's arms. The younger boy thought for a moment and and suggested, “Maybe we could celebrate this by... actually telling people we're together!” For a while now, it had bothered him that his boyfriend/mentor remained insistent on keeping their relationship a secret.

“Erm... maybe,” Will said, non-committally.

Nicky immediately let go and pushed Will away. “Maybe? Why maybe? What... what's so wrong about... this,” he paused, to gesture back and forth between himself and Will, “That you don't want anyone to know? Are you... ashamed of me?”

“No, of course not!” Will insisted, reaching out to gently stroke his fingers up and down Nicky's skinny arms. “It's just... look, it's nothing. We will tell people, soon, I promise. Just please, not yet. And please don't be mad. This is a big day. A happy day. Can't we just be happy! I mean, a few weeks and I'll be free!”

“A few weeks?” Nicky asked, confused.

“Well yeah, my next appointment with Dr Arkwright isn't until after half-term and there's no way Jonathan's gonna take me in early for it. He likes having me locked!” Will explained.

“Well I don't, and I'm your boyfriend, not him!” Nicky insisted angrily.

“I know, but... but he's been my master, like, for years. I can't just, like, drop that on the spot! I love you, Nicky! I just... need some time!” Will pleaded.

Nicky sighed and shook his head but replied, “Fine, I guess I can...” he stopped, frowning, then grinned. “Did you just say you love me?”

Will blushed a little, but nodded. “I did. I've... thought it for a while but didn't want to say it in case I scared you off by...” He was cut off by Nicky's lips on his own.

“I love you too!” Nicky said, as he pulled back for a moment, before they both grinned and kissed once again.


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