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Tales from Kingswood is my current 'big' project. What makes it so big is that the main title, Tales from Kingswood, is planned to be a seven-novel saga covering seven years at the school for the boys, but there are spin-offs and side stories planned to happen throughout.

The first side-story is tentatively titled 'Half-Term at Kingswood'. It follows chapter 13 of Tales from Kingswood and tells the story of the seven boys who are unable to return home during half-term.

It features a mostly-new cast, with only a couple of characters from the main story featured. While some of the side-stories will do this, allowing me to expand the experiences of the core 8 boys, some will be entirely separate.

It is a short series and comprise if eight chapters, one covering each day of half-term and while some plot points carried over into it, and some will continue after, it can mostly be read as an entirely standalone story. Below is a preview of part of a scene from chapter 1.


By the time the next two boys arrived at the dorm, the first four had very much settled in. Despite renewing their squabble over bunks (once again just to mess with Dustin), Kyle had managed to keep his usual bed. His was the bottom bunk on the far right from the door. Wanting to be close to his friend, Chris had taken the bottom bunk right beside it, both boys sitting on their beds and chatting as they waited for the rest to arrive.

Dustin had claimed the bottom bunk on the left, nearest the door, while Brandon had taken the top bunk above Kyle.

The next boy to arrive was a fourteen-year-old Year 10 boy who Brandon eagerly introduced to the others as Eric Reynolds. He looked fairly indistinct, to the point where the younger students struggled to even remember seeing him around the school before, standing at average height with impeccably-tidy dark brown hair with eyes to match. His face was slender, with somewhat angular features, accented by a smile that had a slight air of cockiness about it. While he and Brandon weren't exactly friends, it seemed the two boys had shared a half-term break the previous year and knew each well enough from that. Eric took the top bunk on the far left.

Shortly after Eric's arrival, the sixth room-mate arrived. At sixteen, he was the oldest of the boys. Being in a closed environment like Kingswood, there were rarely unfamiliar faces and all of the younger boys recognised him, at least in passing. He introduced himself as Casey Harper. While the Year 12 student got polite greetings from all of the boys, he couldn't help noticing that the two youngest boys, Kyle and Chris, were paying him particular attention.

Casey was used to attracting looks from others in the school. As the song went, he's sexy and he knew it! Standing fairly tall for his age, he could have easily passed for one of the younger-looking teachers, while his muscular frame seemed to show, even through the baggy hoodie and sweatpants he wore. His black hair was shaggy and messy, which looked to be deliberate, while his piercing hazel eyes were framed by glasses, all above a dashingly-charming smile.

“Holy shit, I think Clark Kent just walked in!” Chris muttered at the sight of the young hunk, getting a giggle from Kyle who was clearly just as enamoured.

Casey strode across to the bunks on the right of the room. He stood at the end of the narrow gap between to two sets of beds, raised his arms to lean on the top bunks and smiled, looking first at Chris and Kyle on the bottom, then briefly up to Brandon who was laying casually above. He nodded to the empty bunk above Chris and asked, “This one taken?”

The two younger boys had not yet managed to look at Casey's face. The ample bulge of his cock was virtually at eye-level for them, but as the young man had raised his arms, his hoodie had lifted enough to reveal the waistband of his Calvin Klein boxers and a few inches of stomach above the low-slung sweatpants. His stomach was visibly muscled, a v-line disappearing into the underwear while a thick trail of dark hair ran down from his barely-concealed navel.

“Do they... actually speak?” Casey asked, gesturing with a finger to the two younger boys while looking at Brandon.

Brandon grinned, fully aware of both the younger boys' distraction and the deliberate teasing Casey was doing to them. While he himself could definitely admire the sixteen-year-old's allure, he had teased and flirted with younger guys enough to know all of the tricks and had built up a kind of immunity to it by now. “Help yourself!” Brandon said, getting sudden, shocked stares from below, prompting him to playfully add, “To the bunk, I mean!”

Casey sniggered, recognising a fellow flirt right away. “Gotcha,” he said with a nod, then threw his bag up onto the bed above Chris. He looked round at the two boys on the sets of bunks opposite and asked, “This everyone?”

“Nah, Mr B said there's seven of us, so waiting on one more!” Brandon said, sitting up glancing down. From where he was sat, he could only see Chris, but he was clearly having a silent conversation with Kyle based on his expressions and movements. He suppressed a grin, knowing that the two boys were almost certainly going to be fun to share with for the week.

“You told the noobs the rules yet?” Eric asked from his bunk.

Brandon shook his head. “Figured I'd wait til we're all here, save repeating myself,” he explained. “Ah, here we go!” he said, seeing the door open.

“... won't be a problem,” Mr Beecham finished speaking as the door opened.

As the final student stepped into the room, seemingly almost pushed by the teacher, Brandon smiled and called out, “Ohhh, hey Benji!”

Eric's eyes widened at the mention of the name. He immediately leaned over to get a better view of the door and let out an annoyed grunt. “You're fucking kidding me!” he muttered at the sight of the final boy.

“Okay lads, now you're all here we can get started. I just need to grab a few things then I'll be right back to get you,” the teacher said, pulling the door shut as he left.

Brandon immediately hopped down from his bunk and approached the slightly disgruntled-looking new arrival. He threw his arm around the other boy's shoulders and called out, “Everyone, this is Benji...”

“Benjamin, or Ben!” the boy interrupted.

Brandon grinned and went on, “Like I said, this is Benji. Benji, meet Dustin...” he paused gesturing to each boy as he spoke their name, letting the fourteen-year-old register the name to the face. “Chris... Kyle... Casey...” He paused again, pulling Benji slightly to the side to bring the final bunk into view. “And I believe you already know Eric!”

Benji and Eric stared at each other, both scowling silently.

“Bit of tension, is there?” Casey asked with a bemused smirk. It was his sixth year in the school and, by now, the one thing that became clear was that the younger students loved their drama! Up on the third floor, where the Year 12 and 13s resided, it was a bit of a running gag how much the lower floors seemed more like a bad soap opera than a school sometimes.

Eric and Benji both glanced at Casey, then back to each other and said at the same time, “He's my ex!”


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