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We ended part 2 with Phil debating whether to take the safe route home, the risky, more public route, or go off to investigate the mysterious voices. Well it wasn't even close, an absolute landslide victory (no recounts hehe). So on we go with your choice....


“Take it off!”

They were the words that swayed Phil's decision, driving him to make what he knew was a bad decision, even before he made it. He was so close to home now, he had done so much, pushed himself so far. He knew Master Matt would already be pleased with the things he had done, but curiosity just got the better of him.

Giving a final, nervous glance to the other two paths, he began to creep down towards the sound of the voices. The closer he got, the clearer they became. His cock throbbed as he walked, both a curse and a blessing. His arousal was pushing him forward into unknown risk, but being hard allowed him to keep moving in accordance with Master Matt's instruction to only walk while hard.

“Go on, that too!” one of the voices said in a tone that send exciting shudders down the spine of the naked Phil.

The path began to grow increasingly visible, a light ahead indicating they were getting closer to a more developed area. While that made walking, it also brought with it the risk of being seen, but on Phil crept until the two young men eventually came into view. He froze to take in the scene.

One of the two strangers was tall, definitely over six foot and big built too, with the beefy frame of a lifelong rugby player. It was hard to make out any specific features in the low light and from a distance, but the one thing that was immediately obvious was that he was fully naked. The reflected light perfectly illuminated one side of his body, showing off every curve, every muscle, the other half of him shrouded in shadow.

The other stranger was substantially smaller than the naked young man before him, standing at not much more than five foot and scrawny enough that the other man could probably have lifted him with one hand. Both looked to be younger than Phil, perhaps maybe eighteen or nineteen, but it was hard to be sure.

Still not entirely sure what was happening, Phil raised the camera and started recording, partly for Master matt to see, but also because he wanted to immortalise the moment himself. His own love of risky and outdoor nudity extended far beyond himself and, had he not already been painfully hard, he would have boned up in seconds at what he saw.

“Okay, what now, Sir?” the burly young man asked as he stood, fully nude with his hands behind his back. As he turned  slightly, his body stood out in silhouette against the illumination coming from the opposite direction.

Phil could really take in the shape of the man now, his bulging chest, toned but slightly chubby stomach and, most prominently, a thick meaty cock pointing out straight ahead of him, with a paid of hefty balls dangling below.

“Now you suck this!” the scrawny teen said, turning to face him, showing off his clothed silhouette to their unseen spectator. He reached down and pulled out his own cock. While it was lacking the girth of his apparent servant, he made up for it in length.

The larger man immediately dropped to his knees and began sucking the slender erection before him.

“Fuck,” Phil whispered to himself as he took in the show, looking at the camera screen and hoping it could make out anything in the poor illumination.

“Ah yeah, suck it faggot!” the slender young man said eagerly, thrusting his cock into the other man's mouth.

“Hey!” the beefy, naked teen said, pulling away. “We covered this. It may be my turn to sub, but I don't do the names!”

“Fine, whatever, just keep sucking!” the standing teen said, grabbing his friend's head to push it back towards his cock. “Yeah, that's it. I....” he stopped mid-sentence and looked over in Phil's direction. “What the fuck?”

“What? What's up?” the other man asked, pulling away and looking up momentarily, then over towards Phil.

Phil froze. He hadn't moved or made a noise, he thought he was well concealed. Had they spotted him? And how? He considered running, but if they had not spotted him yet, that would pretty much guarantee it. At the same time, part of him figured these may not be the worst people to get caught by!

“That red light!” the smaller teen said, pointing over at Phil.

'Fuck!' Phil suddenly thought. There was a small red power light on the front of the camera. In his excitement, he had forgotten it completely.

“Come out or I kick your fucking head in!” the larger man said, jumping to his feet, not even attempting to cover up.

Phil took a shaky breath and stepped forward down the path, his own naked body catching the light.

“Well shit!” the smaller teen said with a snigger at the sight of the naked voyeur.

“I'd ask if you were enjoying the show, but...” the burly teen said, sniggering at the sight of Phil's erection swaying back and forth in front of him as he approached.

“Erm... hi,” Phil said awkwardly.

“You on your own?” the smaller of the two asked.

“Yeah,” Phil answered and immediately regretted it. While it seemed the two were having fun, there was no telling if they were actually dangerous and admitting he was alone may have been unwise.

“So just... out for a naked walk?” the taller teen asked, then glanced down at his own naked body and added, “Not that I'm in any position to judge!”

Scary as the situation was, Phil felt a little bit more at ease thanks to their apparent humour. Things could still take a nasty turn, but that was feeling increasingly unlikely. “Erm... kind of... on a dare,” Phil explained. “You two just... having fun?” he enquired, realising their situation was not really much less embarrassing than his own.

The two looked at each other. “Yeah, I guess. I'm Alex,” the smaller one introduced himself. Now that Phil had got closer, he could see Alex was a redhead, his face smattered with freckles. The initial guess of eighteen looked to be about right, but the young man could easily pass for younger if he shaved off the slight ginger stubble visible across his jawline. “And this is Hunter,” he added, pointing to his friend.

Hunter smiled, seemingly unbothered by being seen naked by Phil. He was a brunette, his hair cut fairly short with stubble somewhat heavier than Alex's across his chin, almost at the point of crossing the line into beard territory. His barrel-like torso was covered in a fine layer of dark hair too, though the bush above his still-solid cock was trimmed tidily.

“Just here for a bit of privacy!” Hunter explained. “Well, what we thought it was private anyway! So what's your dare?”

Phil considered toning it down, or just keeping it vague, but he knew if he started lying now he would likely just confuse himself. He introduced himself, explained the full instructions he had been given and where he had been so far as the two teens moved closer, visibly enthralled by the tale.

“Fuck me! That's insane!” Hunter said, unashamedly playing with his cock as he spoke.

Alex, who had put his cock away upon spotting Phil, also had a hand down by his crotch, kneading it gently.

Phil was quite excited himself. Living through it was one thing, but confessing it to another person just seemed to make it even more real. “I was nearly home, but then I heard you guys and... erm... well, curiosity and all that...”

“Damn,” Hunter said, still amazed. “And I thought I was being brave just taking my clothes off here!”

Phil grinned. “It is! I mean, everyone starts somewhere!” he insisted reassuringly. “So I heard you say something about your turn. You two switches then?”

“What's that?” Alex asked innocently.

Phil smiled again. He was barely older than them, but suddenly felt like the wise master, teaching them the ways of faggery, “It's just what it sounds like. You switch between sub and Dom in different situations of with different people!”

Alex and Hunter looked at each other and shrugged. “Yeah, I guess. We both like giving orders, but there's something hot about being told what to do too!”

“So why you doing it out here?” Phil asked then eyed Hunter up and down excitedly. “Not that I'm complaining!”

Alex and Hunter both looked at each other again, slightly more awkwardly this time. They began exchanging  gestures that implied they were having a kind of unspoken conversation. “Fine, okay!” Alex eventually said with a shrug, then turned to Phil. “So we're... kinda straight!”

“Officially, he means,” Hunter added.

Alex rolled his eyes. “Yeah, like, as far as everyone knows. Obviously we're not straight, but we're kinda not out!”

Phil shrugged. “That's cool. Nobody's business really, is it?”

“Except... our girlfriends!” Hunter confessed awkwardly.

“Oh!” Phil said, the need for the clandestine activity suddenly becoming more obvious.

“They're sisters actually. Twins!” Hunter explained. “That's how we even started hanging out. Things just kinda... grew from there!”

“Fuck, you're a stranger, why are we even telling you this?” Alex asked, shaking his head as he sniggered.

“I dunno. Exposition?” Phil offered.

“Huh?” Hunter asked, confused.

“Nothing,” Phil said with a grin. “Look, I should get going really. I still need to get home like this!”

“Or... you could stay for a bit!” Alex said, looking the naked young man up and down. “Besides, Phil junior's finally gone down and you can't go anywhere while he's like that, right?”

Phil glanced down. He was probably still hard enough to justify walking, but he had certainly gone enough to consider taking Alex up on the offer. “Well, I suppose it couldn't hurt. It IS your turn to Dom, after all!” he said with a snigger.

“Good point. Hunter, back down on your knees. Suck him!” Alex ordered.

The instruction caught Phil by surprise. He had expected to be ordered to do something, rather than being on the receiving end. Still, he wasn't going to complain about the beefy man who was eagerly falling to his knees in front of him.

“Gimme that!” Alex said, snatching the camera from Phil's hand. He started it recording, facing himself. “Hi Master Matt. Alex here. We're gonna have some fun with lil Philly here and we thought you'd like to watch. You wanna get in contact to do anything else, email me on TrollEveryoneEverywhere@gmail.com. But for now, enjoy the show!” He turned the camera to show Phil standing with his cock down Hunter's throat.

“Ah fuck, I'm close already. Please don't make me cum. I'm not allowed!” Phil begged, blushing at the admission.

“Aww, no fair,” Alex said, “But okay, Hunter, get off him. Philly, suck my dick!” With one hand, he pulled his cock back out and kept the camera on Phil as he moved over to suck it.

Hunter stood and grabbed Phil's butt, massaging both cheeks and letting out a low growl as his fingers pressed into the supple flesh. “Can I fuck him?” he asked, directing the question to Alex, but very clearly seeking the okay from Phil at the same time.

Phil glanced up and nodded, so Alex said, “Sure, but rubber up. Never know where a fag like this has been!”

It was Phil's turn to let out a moan. He loved being called names and felt his cock throb a little.

“Excellent,” Hunter said, allowing his fingers to move into Phil's crack a little, but stopped as he felt something hard. “Damn, the faggot's got a butt-plug in too!”

“Yeah, we need to get some toys!” Alex said with a snigger.

Hunter slapped Phil's butt before heading over to his pile of discarded clothing. He squatted down for a moment, then stood back up, raising a condom packet to his mouth to rip it open with his teeth. He was already rolling it down his meaty cock by the time he got back to the other two. With almost aggressive eagerness, he yanked the plug out and handed it to Phil who reached back to take it, letting out a surprised grunt as he did it.

Hunter pressed the tip of his cock against Phil's hole. Loosed by the prolonged presence of the plug, the large cock slid in with fairly little resistance. “Fuuuuck!” he grunted happily. “Ass is so much better than pussy!”

“That's not ass!” Alex said with a snigger, having picked up on the excitable way Phil tensed at the insults. “That's fag pussy!”

Phil grunted again as he sucked on Alex's cock, his face pressing into the teen's body with each thrust from Hunter behind him.

They were barely getting started when the two young men's mix of excitement and lack of experience cut things short. “Fuck, I'm cumming!” Alex declared.

As if spurred triggered by the thought of his friend cumming, Hunter pulled out and yanked off the condom. With a quick couple of strokes, he began to shoot, the first shot flying right over Phil and hitting Alex in the stomach, while the rest plastered Phil's back and buttocks.

While he felt the warm spatters hitting his back, Alex's cock throbbed in his mouth, shooting a hefty load which Phil allowed to sit in his mouth for a moment before he swallowed. He was still sucking eagerly as he felt Hunter's cum dribble down Alex's body, smearing on his face as he pressed it forward, deep-throating Alex one last time before his cock became too sensitive.

Feeling filthy, used and thoroughly excited about both, Phil stood and let out a gentle moan at the sight of his own hard, leaking cock. He would have loved so much to have cum with them, but he was determined to obey the rules.

“Damn, that was good!” Hunter said happily, retrieving the discarded condom.

Phil smiled as he saw it. Most guys wouldn't have even thought about it, happily leaving it laying on the ground. While it was perhaps part of their fear of getting caught, he liked to think it was a much more conscientious gesture.

“This was fun, guys, but I really should get home before I get into trouble,” Phil said, then smiled as he saw the looks on Hunter and Alex's faces. “Real trouble, I mean. Not the fun kind!”

“You wanna borrow some clothes?” Hunter offered.

Phil had to suppress a grin. It would have been easy to judge the large teen on appearances and dismiss him as some mindless jock or brutish giant, but he was quickly proving otherwise. He thought for a moment. The rules had just said to destroy his own clothes and get home, they didn't say anything about not accepting other clothes. He took a deep breath and said, “No, but thanks. I made it this far naked, may as well go all the way!”

“Fair enough,” Alex said. “Master Matt's a lucky master!” He handed the camera back. “See ya, Philly!”

“Yeah, be safe!” Hunter said, grabbing the naked young man in a tight bear hug and planting a kiss delicately on his cheek, then smiled as he pulled away.

“Yeah, you too!” Phil said as he began back down the path.

When he got near the fork in the path, he stopped as he once again heard voices, but these ones were approaching. They were coming from the 'safe' route home. He hid in the undergrowth silently and waited as a large group of teens passed, a couple of guys and three girls who somehow sounded more like there were twelve of them.

He breathed a sigh of relief. While that route was concealed from any roads or houses, it was essentially a long, straight path with nowhere to hide. Had he gone down there before his brief distraction with Hunter and Alex, he would almost certainly have been caught by them. Now that the coast was clear though, he dashed along, jogging rather than walking now.

Several minutes later, he left the path at the alleyway that led to his home. A quick stop at the road to make sure nothing was coming and he dashed across the street, desperately hoping none of his neighbours were looking out of their windows at the time.

By the time he unlocked the door and got inside, his heart was pounding. He had actually done it. Within seconds, he had retrieved his phone. 'Master Matt, I did it. I did your task! I'll get the video uploading to your google drive right away. I need a shower!'

He started the video uploading right away, then headed off to the shower. Now that he was inside, he was able to see just how filthy he had gotten on his naked walk, with dirt up his legs most of the way to the knee. He also had the remnants of Hunter's load on his back and a little on his face. He stood under the pleasant stream of the shower, warming up for a few minutes before washing himself.

When he left the shower, reluctantly resisting jerking off, he checked his phone.

'Good job, faggot. I'll check the video out once it's uploaded. Stay home tomorrow, you've got a surprise coming! Message me once it arrives, but don't open it until I tell you to!' Master Matt had replied.

'Yes Sir, speak soon!' Phil replied. As he put down his phone, he felt a little sad. He had enjoyed having a task from Master Matt, something to aim for, to work towards. Being without one now made him feel almost empty. He cheered himself up by thinking about what the surprise could be. He had a brief moment of concern at the realisation he had not actually given Master Matt his address, but figured that just added to his mystique.

It didn't take long before he fell asleep, so exhausted by the adventure that he didn't even make it up to bed.


Phil was awoken by the door bell. He jumped to his feet and remembered he was naked as his cock flopped around, sporting serious morning wood. If he ran upstairs to get some clothes, he might miss the delivery and, aside from letting down Master Matt, he was nervously excited to see what it was.

Figuring it would be a funny story to tell his master, he headed for the door naked. While he was happy to be embarrassed, he didn't want to just be arrested for indecent exposure, so he concealed half of his body, including his cock, behind the door and pulled it open.

The delivery man looked at him as he held out a package, then hesitated a moment as he saw Phil was naked. He was a gruff-looking older man who just smirked. It was nothing he hadn't seen before.

“Thanks,” Phil said shyly, accepting the small box with one hand.

The delivery man walked away, shaking his head as Phil shut the door, blushing slightly.

'Master Matt, it arrived!' he messaged eagerly. He sat watching his phone, alternating between staring at the screen and the package.

'Saw the video. Impressive. We can talk about it more later. For now, go ahead and open the box. Take out the main item, but don't open the three coloured boxes.' master Matt instructed.

Phil opened the box excitedly and stared in absolute delight as he found a chastity cage, along with three small, coloured boxes.

'Put it on and make sure I got the right fit!' Master Matt instructed.

'Yes Sir. Might need a minute to go down. I'm rock hard!' Phil confessed happily. He waited a few minutes but his cock refused to comply, so he resorted to attacking it with a couple of ice cubes to shrink it down. They worked well and soon he had his cock contained inside the device, but he noticed there was no padlock. He suspected he knew where it was, but why three boxes? 'Okay Sir, it's on!' he sent, along with a couple of pictures of it.

'Great job, it fit okay?' the master asked.

'Hard to be sure, Sir, until I move around more and have it on a while, but it feels good so far!' Phil replied.

'Okay, then it's time to lock it. All three boxes are sealed. You are only allowed to break one seal. One box contains a a timer lock. If you choose that one, you will set the timer for the maximum time of 999 hours. You will stay locked that entire time and will not message me until it releases. One box contains a combination lock. You will be given a task to earn each of the digits and the order they go in. You will not be able to unlock until you have done all ten. The last one contains a standard padlock for which I hole the key. If you choose that one, you will remain at my command and not be unlocked until I am satisfied that you have earned it.' Master Matt explained.

Phil immediately grabbed the three boxes. One was turquoise, another blue and the third one neon yellow, but aside from that there were no markings on any of them. 'Which one is which, Sir?' he asked, already running over the three options in his head.

999 hours without cumming would be absolute torture, but by the end he would be a horny, submissive mess ready to obey even the most extreme commands. The thought of ten more tasks at Master Matt's command also held a certain terrifying appeal. The third one was so ambiguous that his mind was already racing at how Master Matt might deem him worthy of release.

'I'm not telling you. You just have to pick a colour and live with the choice you make. Once you choose, put the lock on and send me video showing the other two boxes have not been tampered with!'

'Yes Sir!' Phil replied, placing the three boxes side-by-side. A blind pick. His cock was already swelling in its cage.


And there we end Part 3. I hope you enjoyed the end of Phil's first naked adventure. The choice I'm asking you to make here is quite obvious – which box should Phil pick. I have already decided what is in each box, and the colours may be hints... so choose wisely!

So do you choose... The Turquoise Box, the Blue Box or the Neon Yellow box?


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