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The Vote

The choice at the end of chapter 1 was which task Phil would choose to complete. Option 1 was a four mile walk home, naked. Option 2 was stripping in a shopping mall bathroom then getting back to the car without clothes. Option 3 was exposing himself to 100 passing cars beside a busy road. It was a close call between options 1 and 2, but the winner was.... (read on)


Phil's Naked Adventures - Part 2

by Matt (with your help!)

Phil sat in the back of the car watching the streets whizz by. The Uber driver had tried making small talk initially, but Phil's obvious distraction and monosyllabic answers soon brought that to an end. It had been a few hours since he received his challenge from Master Matt and while he had deliberated the other options, briefly considering pushing himself to try all three, he worried he may be thinking a little too much with his dick rather than his head.

Speaking of his oversized appendage, it had barely gone down all day and a tiny part of him was already regretting handing over control of his orgasms to his new master. Fortunately that part was dwarfed by the remainder of his mind which felt almost drunk on the heady mixture of excitement, fear, arousal and anxiety. It was a stupid idea. It was a risky idea. He was bound to be seen naked, and hard, by absolute strangers. He might even get into trouble, serious trouble, if the wrong people saw him, but it was no longer a task or challenge, it was a compulsion. He had to push himself, he had to obey, he had to please Master Matt.

The most influence his rational mind had was holding Phil back until it was dark. Master Matt's instructions had not specified anything about time. Realistically, he could have done it in the stupidly-early hours of the morning when the chances of being spotted were negligible, but there was a twisted little voice in his head that kept saying, 'Think about getting caught. Think about some stranger just seeing you there, naked and boned up. It's so hot!' It was a voice that often pushed him into risky situations, a voice he hated at the time, but thanked vehemently afterwards when the fear was gone and all that was left was the arousal.

“Here we go, mate,” the driver said as the car pulled up.

“Thanks,” Phil said nervously. He had pre-paid for the trip as he had decided to leave his phone at home. Once he got out of the car, he was committed to getting home on foot. He took a deep breath and got out, watching the car pull off as soon as he had closed the door. He immediately felt the ground beneath his feet. He had been quite relieved when the driver had not noticed, or at least not questioned, his lack of footwear. He figured that anything he wore was soon to be discarded anyway, so why waste good clothing?

He looked round cautiously. He had chosen his spot carefully, a park just over four miles from home, so it met Master Matt's instructions, though the actual route home was not quite so direct and was closer to five miles. The car park was empty as the park actually closed at sundown so he wasted no time in positioning the camera on top of a bin. While he wanted to eliminate the possibility of using his phone to call for help, he knew he needed to record the task for Master Matt and had decided to use a digital camera instead. In a few moments, it would be literally his only possession.

“Okay Master Matt,” Phil said, looking at the camera and smiling shakily. “Here we go!” He already looked fairly exposed, stood in just a plain white tee and a pair of shorts that did absolutely nothing to conceal his excitedly-swollen cock. He took a deep breath and pulled off his t-shirt. Looking round quickly, he took hold of either side of the neck and pulled. The fabric stretched at first, but quickly began to tear. As he took hold of a sleeve and did the same, his dick throbbed, making the fabric twitch, a wet patch already forming.

As he finished shredding the t-shirt he held up the tattered remnants to the camera, tossed them into the bin and said, “Halfway there.” He was slightly breathless, but smiled as he let out a slight moan. “I wonder if you'd still punish me if I shot without touching... because... I'm so fucking close!” Needing the extra surge of excitement to push him to remove his single remaining item of clothing, he raised his hands to his chest and tweaked his nipples, which were already pert and begging to to be teased. “Fuuuuuck!” he moaned as his meaty tool strained once again.

“Fuck, okay!” he muttered as he reached down, pushed his shorts to his ankles and stepped out of them. He raised his hands and placed them beside his head as he faced the camera, gently swaying his hips to make his cock swing back and forth as it bobbed in front of him, reaching up to the cloudless sky. He turned to show his butt, then reached back and grabbed both bulbous cheeks. “I thought you might like this, Sir!” he said, looking back at the camera as his cheeks parted to reveal a small butt plug in his hole.

“Oh shit, this is... so fucking stupid!” he muttered as he reached down and grabbed his shorts. Once again he began to pull. It took a bit more effort than the t-shirt, but they were soon sufficiently damaged to be entirely unwearable and had been displayed to the camera before joining his other item of clothing in the bin. “Well... four miles from home, totally naked, so insanely fucking hard you wouldn't believe. Let's go!”

Phil grabbed the camera and began to walk. The cool evening air felt liberating across his body as a gentle breeze blew at his back. He felt an urge to run, to get the ordeal over with sooner than later, but he held himself back. Aside from the recurring need to put on a show for his master, he simply knew that he was not fit enough to run five miles. Plus there was a very real chance that exhausting himself with a run would kill his boner which would mean he would have to stop anyway.

As it was, the 'no moving if you're not hard' rule was certainly not a concern. If anything, the risk at the moment was the spontaneous orgasm he had joked about to Master Matt a short while before. As he made his way down the street and the terrifying reality of his situation began to set in, he felt a tightening around his crotch. If he were allowed to touch, or cum, a couple of strokes would have almost certainly been enough to set him off.

“Sir, this is fucking mental!” Phil said, finding the speaking was helping to prevent him from either freaking out from fear or shooting with excitement. “The street's empty Sir, it's a pretty quiet area for the next mile or so. I've decided I'm going to hide if I see people walking, but I'm not gonna hide from cars. I figured that even if they do see me, they'll probably just keep driving anyway.” he explained.

While it was not an area of town he spent a great deal of time in, he knew it well enough to eliminate the possibility of getting lost. However, as he went over the route in his head, he found a terrifying and exciting thought pop into his head. “Imagine being like this, naked and hard, needing to get home.... but with no idea where you are. Lost and naked. Oh fuck. Stop! You'll cum! Then you'll get punished. Maybe he'll punish you by making you get lost and naked! No no no no no!” He stopped walking and clenched his fists, only just managing to hold back an orgasm.

As he remained still, taking several deep breaths and keeping everything clenched, he just managed to pull himself back from the brink. “Fuck!” he exclaimed as he looked at the camera and realised he had been been speaking his thoughts. Master Matt would hear what he had said and how much it had excited him. “Well, I almost shot from thinking about that, Sir. I doubt you'd ever be mean enough to use that against me, right?” He shot the camera a wry smile then turned it back to continue showing his route as he continued walking.

While he saw nobody walking, a two cars passed as he made his way down the street, one in each direction. True to his word, he did not hide, but found himself quite relieved that he was mostly blocked from view by a parked car for one of them, and by a large tree for the other.

“Okay, one mile down!” Phil said casually as he turned a corner. He had planned the route meticulously, mapping out every inch to ensure the distance covered was sufficient and, in doing so, had noted when he would pass the one, two, three and four mile marks, knowing he would likely need it to help maintain his sanity.

While still walking, Phil did notice his pace had increased a little as he went along, fear seemingly catching up with horniness as his most prominent feeling. Fortunately, the horniness still remained to the point where his cock remained rigid. The motion of it bobbing side to side, like a kind of meat-metronome, was acting as a kind of stimulation he had rarely experienced before. He was so caught up in the movement of his cock as he walked quickly along that he almost missed the couple emerging from a driveway a couple of hundred metres ahead.

Being so far ahead, waiting for them to pass would add a fairly sizeable delay to his journey, but if he continued walking towards them, they would see him. Tempted as he was to just walk straight on towards them, his rational mind kicked in and he ducked behind a tree on the grass verge. He would have to circle round it as they passed in order to avoid being seen. While that in itself wouldn't be a problem, standing there waiting for them was torturous.

“How the fuck can anyone walk that slow?” he muttered to the camera, shaking his head. He pointed the camera down at his crotch  and gave his cock a playful stroke. His impatience had pulled him back a little excitement-wise, so he could easily tolerate a few strokes without shooting. It felt so good to touch himself that he almost forgot what he was there for and only shook himself from his wanking moments before the walking couple reached the tree. He began to edge around the tree as they passed, keeping the tree between them strangers and his nudity.

Giving them a few moments to get out of earshot, he stepped away from the tree and quickly began walking down the street, glad that his bare feet made his footsteps almost silent. If they happened to look back his way, they would see his smooth, pale bubble butt walking away.

As Phil reached the two-mile mark, he smiled said to the camera. “Two miles down. Nothing major to report. Well, seven cars have driven past me now, so I've potentially been seen naked by at least seven people... but I guess by my standards that's nothing major!”

At the halfway mark Phil reached what he expected to be the riskiest part of the journey, a bridge that stretched about a hundred metres one end to the other. The risk came from the fact that there was nowhere to hide. It was just a road down the middle, a footpath either side and a sheer drop the opposite side of the railings on either side.

As he stood nearby, concealed by a large shrub, scoping it out, the frequency of cars driving one way or the other over it made it blindingly obvious he would be seen by at least a couple more cars. He had come to accept that, and had been emboldened by the lack of consequences from the other cars that had passed him uneventfully. The fear was pedestrians. Once he began to walk, anyone else walking onto the bridge in either direction was absolutely guaranteed to spot him.

With the fear now beginning to overtake the horniness in his mind, he reached down to his slightly-softened cock and gave it a few more strokes. It felt amazing again, but took worryingly long to stiffen back up. With mild frustration, he looked at the bridge again and realised that if he had just walked on without stopping he would now be across.

“Fuck, okay, if I get arrested Sir, I'm blaming you!” Phil said into the camera with a slight grin. He stepped out from the cover and ran. He wanted to walk, he wanted to keep calm enough to approach calmly, but he just needed to get past it now.

As he ran, he heard a car approach from behind. As its headlights struck him, his pale rump virtually glowing as it reflected the bright light, the car honked its horn. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Phil muttered. Why couldn't they just drive past like the others?

“Hey buddy, nice butt!” a voice called out as the car kept pace with him as he continued to run.

Phil couldn't even bring himself to look, he just kept running, hoping to clear the bridge and get hidden. With the car still keeping pace beside him, he reached the end of the bridge and ran off down a path to the side, relieved that it was only a footpath with no road so whoever was in the car couldn't follow... unless they got out of their car and ran after him. The possibility of it terrified Phil, who quickly ducked round another corner and stopped, desperately trying to catch his breath as he listened for any sign of footsteps behind him.

“Okay, that kinda... freaked me out,” Phil confessed breathlessly, raising the camera and looking into it. “Sorry if you... didn't see much, I... kinda forgot... to point the camera! Ugh... I've totally gotta do... more cardio!”

By the time he caught his breath, he realised he had another problem. His cock had gone down and now hung, still semi-hard, but far from hard enough to allow him to keep moving. Realising for the first time that not moving meant he would really be stuck if someone else came along, he quickly began stroking his cock. It would have sped things up had he been able to use his other hand to tease a nipple, squeeze his full balls or play with the plug in his butt, but he kept an arm up, holding the camera instead.

“Gotta admit, running with a butt plug in,” he said as he stroked, “Pretty uncomfortable... but fuck me, maybe I just got lucky with the angles, but the way it kept pounding on my prostate... I coulda cum!” While his cock was stiffening a little from his stroking, it lurched to full firmness suddenly as his eyes widened, staring down the lens. “Running with a plug in until I cum, then I have to keep running... that'd be... freaking torture and yet here I am, giving you more ideas!”

Hard again thanks to his own twisted imagination, Phil cautiously made his way back down the path, stopping at the end to peer out and make sure the driver wasn't lingering. Thankfully, the coast was clear so he stepped out and resumed his walk, immediately back up to the quick pace he had adopted earlier.

Not long after the three mile mark, Phil reached a point on the route he had deliberated quite thoroughly when planning. One way, following the road through a residential area, brought the likelihood of being seen by more people and would doubtlessly be the way that would impress Master Matt the most, but the other way cut through a large undeveloped area that was used mostly by dog-walkers during the day and abandoned at night.

As he stood, considering briefly, not voicing his thoughts this time just to be on the safe side, he finally felt his rational mind kick in. 'Go the safe way, it's not against any rules and he's gotta be pleased with how much you've done and been seen already!' he thought to himself, then nodded and headed onto the rough path that veered away from the main road.

Despite the enjoyment of the risk, it was more than a little relieving to feel fairly safe... for now. While there was still about a quarter mile through regular streets to go when he got to the other end, at least the next mile or so would be fairly risk-free.

There were drawbacks he had not considered down his chosen path. Firstly, the undeveloped area was unlit, meaning he had no light to guide him except the gentle glow of the camera screen and the slight illumination of the crescent moon. The path, being just a rough mud and stone path worn down over time by the regular walkers, was uncomfortable on his feet, making walking hard. Finally, the overgrowth either side of the path reached into his way from time-to-time, scratching at his legs and body.

The discomfort of the walk, with the concentration he had to put into following the path, was draining his arousal and he soon found himself forced to masturbate while he walked, just to maintain the erection that had seemed so persistent earlier. When even that wasn't enough, he stopped and tried to focus on getting hard again.

As he stood motionless in the darkness, a gust of wind brought sounds from ahead that he hadn't noticed while walking. There were clearly two voices, male and fairly young sounding. Not kids, that was for sure, but easily younger than himself. He raised the camera and whispered into it, “Sir, I hear people. As you can't see much anyway right now, I'm gonna turn the camera off as I don't want them to see the light from it. I'll turn it back on as soon as I'm back somewhere with more light!”

He switched off the camera, hoping he wouldn't be punished for failing to record a section of his walk, then crept onwards, listening as the voices grew louder. On he went, getting closer to home, finding himself feeling guilty about taking the easy route.

As he reached a fork in the path, the voices he had been listening out for sounded like they were off to the right, which was a relief as the more direct path home was straight ahead. He felt an increasing uneasiness about the easy route though. Sure, he had not disobeyed any orders, but was this really just about doing what he was told, or was it about taking risks and doing things that would keep his wank bank overflowing for years? To his left was a different path, one which led back out onto the streets and would leave him with a half mile walk through residential areas, but being so close to home also came the risk of being spotted by someone he actually knew.

He stood, deliberating his choices, meaty cock in one hand, the other reaching round to tease the butt plug, pressing it onto his prostate. He let out a gentle moan. He hadn't taken long to get back to the verge of orgasm.

Knowing if he stood playing with himself any longer, he would shoot, but emboldened by the arousal he glanced round, unsure which path to take. The easy way, and risk disappointing Master Matt or the hard way and risk exposure. As he deliberated between the two, keeping himself on edge, he found himself listening out for the voices again. Whatever they were doing, if they were doing it in such a dark, secluded spot away from prying eyes, it was either illegal or a different kind of naughty. He felt curiosity tugging at his mind. Knowing he would blow his load if he stayed there edging much longer, he forced himself to decide.


And there we conclude part two. So, which path will Phil choose for the conclusion of his first naked adventure?

Path 1 – To the left, half a mile through residential areas with greater chance of bumping into someone he knew

Path 2 – Straight ahead, the easy route home and potentially disappoint Master Matt

Path 3 – To the right, to investigate the mysterious voices


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