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Hi all. Thanks for the feedback about my question on the latest newsletter. In case you missed it (shame on you! lol) I advised I sometimes do writing exercises to help me better understand my characters. In this case, while writing book four, I made a questionnaire and then answered it as each of the main eight boys - Chris, Danny, David, Josh, Mark, Mikey, Nicky and Rob.

As you all seem keen to see anything extra, I decided to share it, but I also got a suggestion from a patron (thanks Rutabaga!!) that might make it a bit more enjoyable for you. For now I'm just going to share the questions. Feel free to speculate on how you think the boys may answer some of the questions.

Some of them you'll likely have no idea about, because it's information that exists only in my head, but feel free to make any guesses. It'll be nice to see your perception of the boys and how they would answer. None of it is world-changing information, it's mostly just a nice way to learn more about them :)

The Questions

1.   What’s your typical everyday outfit?

2.  What’s your favourite colour and why?

3.  What’s your favourite school subject and why?

4.  If you could meet any famous person, who would it be and why?

5.  Best memory of Kingswood (so far)

6.  Any phobias

7.   What would you like to do for work when you grow up?

8.  Tell us about your best friend and how they make you feel

9. Sexual interests and kinks

10. What is your personal motto?

Enjoy. The actual answers I wrote will be posted soon.



My one threshold question is: How truthful and reliable are the answers being given by these characters? How much filtering will be going on?

Stories by Matt

They're pretty much completely honest. The aim of the exercise was getting in the characters' heads, they weren't something that would be shared (or even exist) in their world.


Don't interpret silence as a lack of interest. This is hard work!