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Sunday 9 October 2022

“Sorry, he’s asleep at the moment!”

Mark let out a gentle sigh at the young man standing in front of him. The nurse on duty today looking after Josh was Niall, a young man in his early twenties who had caught the attention of many of the older (and some younger) students at the school, though flirting with the medical staff seemed to have been collectively determined as ‘off limits’ for now. Mark had no intention of flirting, he just wanted to see Josh.

“I’M AWAKE!” a voice called from inside the room.

“Oh, apparently not,” Niall chuckled, “Go on in!”

“Thanks,” Mark smiled at the young nurse as he wandered in. He smiled sweetly at Josh, who looked very much like he had literally just woken up.

Josh let out a massive yawn as he stretched out for a moment then sat up in bed.

“And hi to you too,” Mark chuckled at the gaping maw.

Josh sniggered and said, “That was a good yawn… and hi!”

“You’re looking happy today,” Mark said as he went to sit down on the chair beside the bed.

“No,” Josh objected, reaching to pull the chair back. “I need to get out of this bed!” he said as he swung his legs out and stood up. He wobbled a little, but Mark was on him instantly. “I’m good, I’m good,” Josh insisted as he stood stably, but kept hold of Mark purely because he could.

The facility that had been set up was surprisingly expansive, with a main bedroom/monitoring room that Josh slept in, with an additional bed alongside it for visitors to sleep over (usually Rob!) and a treatment room off one side of it, where Josh’s chemotherapy was administered, and any examinations carried out. To the other side was a bathroom as well as a small lounge, a space where Josh could spend time out of bed and socialise without leaving the proximity of the medical staff. The whole area was also designed to be easily isolated, for the inevitable point in the future where strict infection controls would need to be in place, though Josh had been doing his best not to think about that.

Josh and Mark headed through to the lounge where they took a seat on either end of a long three-seater sofa. “But yeah,” Josh finally spoke, “In general, today’s a good day!”

“Feeling better then?” Mark asked optimistically.

“Fuck no, I feel like shit!” Josh stated honestly, “But as of this morning, my chemo is finished!”

“What?! Already?” Mark asked in genuine surprise.

“Mmm-huh,” Josh hummed as he nodded happily, but bobbed his head thoughtfully for a moment before he added, “Well… when I say finished, I mean the first cycle of the first phase… but I’m still taking that as a win!”

“Awesome!” Mark said cheerfully. “And you totally should. Milestones are important, and so is celebrating them!”

“And speaking of celebrating,” Josh said, eyeing Mark with a knowing smirk, “Happy birthday!”

Mark shuffled awkwardly in his seat as he said quietly, “Thanks!”

Josh stared for a moment, then scowled. “You ARE celebrating it, aren’t you?” he asked accusingly. “You saw my email, right? If you’re skipping it cos you’re all mopey and shit, it’s a punch in the balls!”

“Actually I believe it was a punch AND a kick in the balls for moping,” Mark sniggered, remembering the colourful message Josh had written to the students of the school when news of his condition broke. He smiled gently as he added, “And it’s not moping. I just… didn’t feel like doing anything. It’s no big deal, I promise!”

“Still counts,” Josh said as he went to move but winced a little, “I’ll kick ya later!” As Mark laughed, Josh smiled at the sound then said, “But hey, at least you get to celebrate next week when you go home for half term. Big party planned?”

Mark fidgeted again and didn’t answer.

“Oh yeah, sorry,” Josh said sheepishly, “I always forget your family are a buncha cunts!”

Mark didn’t talk about his family much, but everyone knew he didn’t really get on with them. Unlike most of the Kingswood boys, whose first experience of boarding school was starting Kingswood at eleven years old, Mark’s first boarding school had been when he was just seven, his family always keen to have him away for most of the year.

“Actually, umm… well… I’m not even going home,” Mark admitted.

“Wait, so you’re gonna be here all half-term?” Josh asked excitedly, “I get to see you for the whole week? Awesome! I’m so glad your parents are arseholes!”

“Wow, always a bright side with you, isn’t there!” Mark chuckled.

“Wait!” Josh exclaimed, something jiggling loose in his memories. “That twat who dropped you off at the start of term…” he mused thoughtfully.

“Davis,” Mark offered up the name of his family’s assistant.

“I prefer twat, but okay,” Josh said with a wry grin. “When he left… he said he’d see you in July? I thought he was just being a bitch, but… is that… true? I was gonna ask at the time but I think I got distracted by something!” he said, grinning a little sheepishly.

Mark shook his head as he smirked and said, “You? Distracted? Shocking!” As Josh stared at him, he pouted slightly and nodded. “Yeah, they… drop me off here in August then I don’t actually see ‘em again til the year ends!”

“Wait, seriously? They even leave you here for Christmas?” Josh asked in wide-eyed amazement.

Mark nodded and shrugged as he replied, “Yeah, but I don’t mind. I don’t really like them any more than they like me. Staying here last year wasn’t so bad. It was actually kinda fun!”

Josh stared for a moment, jaw slightly agape before he asked, “How did we not know about that?”

“Cos I didn’t tell you!” Mark stated bluntly. “It’s not like I’m gonna sit there and be all proud about having a family that literally doesn’t want me!”

“You know we wouldn’t judge you for it!” Josh insisted.

Mark smiled as he nodded. “I know you wouldn’t, but I also didn’t want pity either!” he said slightly bitterly.

“I reckon I’d know a bit about that!” Josh said with a knowing head bob.

“Yeah, I imagine that face DOES get you a lot of pity!” Mark said with a cheesy grin.

“Oh! Shots fired!” Josh said, shaking his head in amused disbelief, “I can’t believe you’d say something so horrible to a poor unfortunate boy with cancer!”

Mark recoiled, looking a mix of shocked and amused. “So you’re already at the ‘using it to guilt people’ phase. Great, I’ll warn the others!” Mark chuckled. “Actually…” he quickly added, “Could you… not tell the others? About my family, I mean.”

“Sure,” Josh agreed, “Besides, if you tell Rob you’re staying when he’s not being allowed to, he’ll bitch about it even more!”

“It’s our secret then!” Mark said cheerfully.


Thursday 13 October 2022

Chris had bid Danny a hasty goodbye as soon as science class was over, rushing out of the room and out of the science block over towards the Maths classrooms. Just as he had hoped, the previous class were still making their way out, wearily heading for the final period of the day. With half-term just two days away, he had something he needed to take care of.

Slipping in against the flow of outward students, Chris took a seat at one of the desks and waited for the room to empty, the teacher distractedly tapping away at his laptop. After a few moments, Chris smirked and cleared his throat.

“JESUS!” Mr Beecham yelped, not even realising he wasn’t alone until he heard the noise. “You’re meant to be…” he stopped mid-sentence, realising it wasn’t a member of his last class. He huffed slightly as he shook his head at the sniggering Chris as he asked, “Don’t you have a class to get to?”

“Nope. Free period!” Chris said happily.

“And you thought you’d spend it annoying me? How kind of you!” Mr Beecham, or Owen as he was now that he was alone with Chris, said flatly.

“Actually, I was planning to fuck you, unlock you and make you cum, but hey, if I’m being annoying,” Chris said, raising his hands submissively as he stood and took a step towards the door.

“Oh my god, shhh!” Owen hissed, shaking his head disapprovingly.

“Why?” Chris shrugged. “Anyone who’s got a class is already in it. Anyone who hasn’t is long gone already!”

Owen frowned a little at the boy’s casualness as he replied, “You’re correct, but I’d still appreciate a little caution. This may be fun for you, but it’s still something that can get me in a lot of trouble!”

“Sorry,” Chris said meekly. It was often easy to forget that, despite the open approach to sexuality at the school, certain things were still off limits. He ventured a meek smile as he asked, “But do you like my plan though?”

Owen walked over and shut the door, then headed towards Chris and sat down on the desk he was at, putting his feet up on the empty chair beside him. “It sounds fun,” he said with a gentle nod, “Although… I did kinda get the feeling when I gave you the keys that you wanted to keep them a bit longer than two weeks!”

Chris stared blankly for a moment, contemplating the comment then said absently, “Has it only been two weeks?” As Owen nodded gently, Chris sighed and said, “It seems like a lot longer!”

Owen held out an arm and Chris immediately shuffled his chair closer, then rested his head onto the man’s lap with an even heartier sigh. Owen placed one hand on Chris’ back while the other gently stroked his hair. “It’s okay,” he said with a knowing nod. Josh’s news had come just days after Chris had been given the key to Owen’s chastity device… days after Chris’ birthday. “This sorta thing’ll do that,” he mused quietly. As Chris tilted his head and looked up at him, he went on, “A big thing like this tends to split life into a bit of a… ‘then and now’ kind of thing. A before it and… after it!”

Chris thought for a moment then nodded slightly.

“I just hate that you’ve already had so many of those moments, bud!” Owen said, stroking the boy’s head softly.

“It’s just…” Chris started, sitting back up, his brow furrowing heavily. He shook his head as he scowled to himself.

“Just what?” Owen asked, cocking his head curiously.

“I’m just… so angry!” Chris said, breathing heavily as he thought about it.

Owen put his feet down onto the floor and slipped down to sit on the chair beside Chris as he prompted him, “Go on.”

“I mean… why HIM?” Chris asked furiously. “Like… why Josh? After the… the YEARS of shit he’s been through and he’s free now and… and then this! It’s so fucking unfair! Just come on. Not him!”

“Then who?” Owen asked bluntly. As Chris looked at him quizzically, he asked, “Who exactly could this happen to that you’d look at and go… ‘yeah, okay, that’s fair’?”

“I… well… I…” Chris stuttered awkwardly until he scowled again and said gruffly, “Shut up!”

“Sorry,” Owen said, reaching out to stroke Chris’ arm. “I’m not trying to make you feel bad or saying that what you feel is wrong!”

“Then what ARE you saying?” Chris asked accusingly.

“Nothing,” Owen said with a quick headshake. “You feel what you feel. Nothing wrong with that!”

“I feel guilty!” Chris replied quickly.

The teacher looked at him in slight surprise as he asked, “You do?”

Chris nodded, averting his gaze as he explained, “Yeah, cos I’m in this new thing with Danny and… I get to wake up next to him every day and do stuff with him and he makes me even happier than I thought was possible!”

“Oh!” Owen said with an understanding nod, “And you feel bad because Josh is suffering and all your friends are upset… and you’re happy?” As Chris looked at him, doe-eyed and nodding, he nodded back and said, “Okay, stand up!”

“Wh… why?” Chris asked nervously as he stood.

Owen swatted his hand out, slapping the back of his fingers across Chris’ crotch.

“OWW! HEY!” Chris yelped, jumping back.

“Oh shut up, I barely touched you!” Owen sniggered. “And that was just a fraction of what Josh’d do to you. You saw his message. He doesn’t want your world to stop because of HIS health. I reckon if you went and told Josh you were happy, he’d be happy FOR you, wouldn’t he?”

Chris was cupping his crotch, though it didn’t actually hurt, but nodded gently at the comment.

“Exactly. So… chill. You’re allowed to be happy, Chris!” Owen insisted.

Chris stepped forward as Owen stood and the two hugged for a moment. When they let go, Chris smiled meekly and said, “Well I feel a bit better, but you managed to talk your way out of cumming!”

“Dammit. I shoulda kept my big mouth shut!” Owen said with a wry grin. “I guess now I’ll just have to stay locked for longer. How awful!”

“Yeah, at least until the end of term now! See ya in a couple of months, loser!” Chris smirked as he moved round to head for the door.

“Ya lil twat,” Owen smirked.

Chris stopped as he reached the door. He looked back at the man and said, “Hey, if I told you the only way I was gonna let you out was if you let me fuck you every week til the end of term… would you let me?” He let his head tilt curiously after he asked the question.

“Hey, you hold the keys. You’re the boss!” Owen shrugged. As silence lingered for a moment, he asked, “IS that what you’re saying?”

Chris stared back thoughtfully for a few moments. “I guess you’ll find out after half-term!” he said as he opened the door and headed out. The moment the door was closed, it re-opened and Chris popped his head back in to say, “And thanks!”

“You’re welcome!” Owen replied with a bemused chuckle as Chris disappeared again.


Friday 14 October 2022

Danny was quietly seething as he wandered along towards his meeting with Avery. Having just bumped into Mr Trent on the way, he had been filled in about the latest issues from dorm 1.01. Things had been calm, almost peaceful, ever since the news about Josh. Danny and the others had hoped it was a sign of things to come, but it seemed that as time went on, the boys had returned to their squabbling. Mr Trent advised he believed there had been some arguments and possibly at least one physical altercation, but there had been no witnesses and the dorm 1.01 boys, despite their arguments, had become exceptionally adept at banding together to form a wall of silence.

“What did you do this time?” Danny asked the moment he saw Avery, scowling at the boy.

“Nothing!” Avery said defensively.

“So nothing happened?” Danny asked accusingly.

“That’s not what I said!” Avery replied, folding his arms defensively.

“So, shit kicked off and you just sat there and did nothing, did you?” Danny demanded, towering over the boy sitting on the bench.

“Oh, fuck off, DANIEL!” Avery snapped, standing up to start walking away.

“Oh, so you wanna wait til after half-term to get unlocked again, do you?” Danny asked with a slight smirk, knowing he had the power here.

Avery stopped and stared at Danny for a moment, then snapped, “Obviously not!” As he saw a slight smile spread over Danny’s face, he quickly added, “But I’d rather do that than stand here and be accused of shit I didn’t do! So I’ll upgrade my ‘fuck off, DANIEL’ to a ‘fuck off, cuntface!’ See ya!”

Danny paused and stared for a moment as the boy walked away towards the stairs, looking round at the few boys milling around who had stopped to stare at the abrupt shout. He ran after him and grabbed his arm to stop him climbing the stairs and said, “Wait, okay, sorry!” As Avery scowled furiously at him, he said, “Come with me and we can talk and you can… tell me what ACTUALLY happened then! How’s that?”

Avery shrugged as he asked, “Why bother?” As Danny looked back at him, he elaborated, “You always do this! It’s always… you did this, or what did you do, or what can I accuse you of now? I haven’t done ANYTHING but you keep finding shit to be mad at me about!”

“Avery, please, come on. Can we just… go and talk!” Danny pleaded.

Avery stared back at him for a few silent second. “Fine,” he huffed and turned to head towards the main exit. “Go on then. Talk!” he said abruptly as Danny followed him outside.

“Do I really do that?” Danny asked, cocking his head at the angry boy as he walked slightly behind him.

Avery replied with just a look that needed no words.

Danny sighed softly and said, “That’s what my mum does to me, and I hate it!” When Avery remained silent for a few moments, Danny added, “So I’m sorry if I’m doing it to you now. I don’t mean to. It’s just…” He stopped himself mid-sentence, clearly cautious of angering the boy any more.

“The day we met, right?” Avery asked, his scowl turning into a slight pout.

Danny nodded gently and said, “First impressions last!”

The day they met had been during selection week, when Danny had been tasked with picking the boy he would go on to mentor. Avery had seemed painfully timid at first, but through a series of gentle manipulations, had got Danny on a bed, naked and tied up. After making him cum, Avery had left him there to be found by the Headmaster. Despite that, Danny had still chosen Avery to mentor.

“Well that was just one time. Tell me ANYTHING I’ve done wrong since. Literally anything!” Avery insisted.

Danny thought for a moment and really couldn’t think of an example. It was always second-hand information or suspicions, always a case of somebody else saying it was Avery, absolutely nothing concrete. “Okay, good point, I can’t!” Danny admitted, “But still… that first day…”

“I was angry!” Avery snapped, finally stopping his angry pace, the Sports Complex looming behind him. “And I… took it out and you… and…” He pouted once again, his eyes sad as he said, “I never apologised to you, did I?”

Danny shook his head silently.

“Then… I’m sorry, okay?” Avery said, sounding sincere.

“Okay, thank you, apology accepted,” Danny said with a meek smile. “Although that does leave one question…”

“What was I angry about?” Avery asked, looking a little sheepish as Danny nodded. He pursed his lips thoughtfully for a moment before he shrugged and said, “Doesn’t really matter, does it!”

“It does to me!” Danny insisted.

A brief hint of a smile flashed across Avery’s face before he forced a pout and shrugged. “Just… pissed off that my parents wanted to send me off to boarding school, I guess!”

Danny nodded gently as he said, “That’s… understandable I suppose. I was pretty pissed too!”

“I just didn’t get why they even bothered,” Avery said bitterly, “Why bother with a replacement if you’re just gonna dump it as soon as you can!”

Danny cocked his head and frowned at the comment. “Replacement for what?” he asked curiously.

Avery immediately turned bright red, looking more embarrassed than Danny had ever seen him, even more than when he had endured a naked punishment.

“Avery?” He said softly, reaching out to place a hand on the smaller boy’s shoulder.

“Forget it,” Avery said with a shrug. “Are we gonna do this or not?” he asked, gesturing to the building. With half-term about to begin, their meeting had been intended as a last chance at relief before they both went home for a week.

“Sure,” Danny said with a smile, slipping his arm across the boy’s back so it was around his shoulders as he guided him to the building, intending to use the shower room to get some privacy as nobody else would be there. “And hey, I promise to do my best to stop assuming the worst,” he offered, getting an appreciative nod, “But maybe YOU could start telling me more about what’s going on so I don’t need to guess?”

“Sure,” Avery said with a non-committal shrug.

“Now, how many you want today?” Danny asked, referring to the boy’s pre-pubescent lack of refractory period, meaning he was capable of orgasming repeatedly.

“Let’s try seven!” Avery said cheerfully.

Within minutes of getting into the building, the two boys had entered the locker room, stripped off and Danny had removed Avery’s chastity device.

“Well someone’s keen!” Danny said with a grin as the younger boy was already hard.

“Hey, I’d like to see you go a week without it and see how ‘keen’ you are!” Avery said with a wry grin. “Not that you need to wait a week. I know just seeing me turns you on!”

“Yeah, you wish!” Danny scoffed. While Avery was undeniably a cute boy, Danny’s interests had always been in boys (or men) older than himself.

Avery rolled his eyes as he said, “Ugh, I guess you’ve only got eyes for Chris!”

Danny grinned at the mention of his boyfriend.

“Oh my god,” Avery scoffed as they entered the shower room. “You can’t even hear his name without grinning like a twat!” He turned on a shower head and stepped under as Danny did the same.

“Hey, I’m not gonna apologise for loving my boyfriend!” Danny said playfully before sticking his face into the spray for a moment. “Now come on, let’s get you…” he started as he shook the water from his face, but stopped as he saw Avery already masturbating. “Oh, I was gonna say we’d get you started but it looks like you beat me to it!”

“Hey, just speeding things up. I’ve got a busy life, ya know!” Avery chuckled. “Ah, fuck, this is so good!” he gasped happily.

Danny smirked but stood back, letting the boy pleasure himself. He felt a little bad about his mentee being kept locked, particularly as he showed no sign yet of development, meaning it would stay that way for a while, but the joy when Avery did get a release was always as entertaining as it was sweet.

After barely more than a minute of the boy pumping away at his dick, he nodded and gasped as he gestured for Danny to take over. The older boy moved behind him, wrapping his arms around him as one rested on his flat chest, the other taking over the wanking.

“Ah, oh yeah, fuck,” Avery gasped as he throbbed his way through a dry orgasm.

Slowing for just a moment, Danny allowed the boy to catch his breath a little before returning his hand to full speed, pushing Avery rapidly towards a second orgasm.

“Ahh… oh yeah… Danny…” Avery panted as his dick twitched in his mentor’s hand.

Danny smiled slightly at the pleasured gasp. Avery tended not to use his name often, but when he did it was usually part of an argument, during which he tended to call him ‘Daniel’ He had never figured out if Avery thought it annoyed him, or if there was some other reason behind it, but hearing him actually say ‘Danny’ was a rather pleasant change.

They continued, gripping tightly onto each other as the boy panted, gasped, groaned and moaned his way through orgasms three, four, five and six, when Danny whispered, “Got one more in ya?”

“Yeah, but… hold me tight,” Avery panted, pressing his head back against Danny’s chest.

Danny squeezed tightly, pinning Avery’s arms to his side as he wanked the boy towards another climax.

“OH FUCK!” Avery yelped as his small cock throbbed and twitched from its seventh spunkless orgasm. “Okay… okay… stop… stop…” Avery panted, pulling away. “Oh my god,” he said, shaking his head as he slowly caught his breath. “That’s… so good!” he said breathlessly.

“Maybe next time we aim for ten,” Danny said with a wicked grin. As Avery winced, he added a teasing, “Or twelve!”

“If I was tied up you could do as many as you wanted!” Avery stated, but immediately blushed.

Danny blushed too. It was certainly not what he had expected to hear. “That’s… is that… something you want to try?” he asked curiously.

“No, I was… umm… I just… umm…” Avery stuttered awkwardly.

“Hey,” Danny said, placing a hand on Avery’s shoulder. “Learning about all this stuff, experimenting, talking about it… it’s kinda what I’m here for, so no need to say anything now, but… think about what you wanna try and we can talk about it after half-term, okay?”

Avery pursed his lips tightly, mostly to stop himself saying anything else, then nodded with a meek smile.

“Great, now finish cleaning off so I can get you locked back up,” Danny suggested, “I’ve got a busy life, ya know,” he said, chuckling at using Avery’s words back at him.


Nicky had been very pleasantly surprised when he arrived in the playroom down in the Underground. Following his unlocking, edging and re-locking the previous weekend, he had been left a note to meet on Friday night instead of their usual Sunday meeting due to the half-term break. The note waiting for him when he arrived was… surprisingly sweet.

‘Dear Nicky. I know you’ve got a lot going on, so if you need to take a break from all of this (or end it completely) I totally understand, no hard feelings, and we could always pick it up again another time. If that’s what you want, here is the key, feel free to unlock and leave and enjoy your half-term break. However, if you want to keep going, you know what to do…’

It had been tempting to unlock and leave, even more than it usually was. It had been three weeks since he had last cum and torturous as it was, he was beginning to find something almost reassuring about it. The news about Josh had hit him as hard as the rest of the dorm, things with Mikey were… difficult, Year 10 classes were proving to be more of a challenge than he had expected, but somehow, being locked was helping.

Was it being locked, or was it… being controlled? It was something Nicky had plenty of time to muse as he sat restrained to the chair having his enormous cock teased by the still-unknown keyholder. The mystery person (Locky, as Nicky had dubbed him) still didn’t speak, which meant conversation was non-existent and while Nicky had filled the previous sessions with chatter, in this one he remained in contemplative silence.

The mouth on his cock felt incredible. It seemed to get better each week. Was it just the prolonged horniness, was Locky getting better at pleasuring him or was it the lack of control? Either way, he had hit the edge multiple times already and let out a gasp that made clear he was approaching it again. He stopped just short of release, unclenching fists he hadn’t even realised he had clenched.

After a long sucking, Locky usually followed up with some gentle groping, caressing at Nicky’s fuzzy chest, tweaking a nipple or caressing his hefty balls, so it was quite a surprise when he felt fingers running through his hair instead.

Nicky let his head loll towards Locky and gave a timid smile, though he was unsure if Locky was even looking at him. With the blindfold on it was impossible to know. “You okay?” he asked quietly.

Locky tapped on Nicky’s chest a couple of times before stroking his hair again.

“Oh, you’re asking if I’m okay?” Nicky asked in surprise. “Hey, I’m getting good at this,” he chuckled. “But yeah, I’m good, this is fun!” he answered jovially.

The fingers kept stroking through Nicky’s hair, suggesting there was more.

“Oh, you… don’t just mean this?” Nicky asked. Getting no response, he assumed he was right. “But yeah, I’m okay. Things are tough but… we’re getting there!” The stroking continued. “Josh actually had tests taken cos he’s finished his first round of chemo, we’re waiting for the results! We’re all… hopeful, I think is the best word!”

Locky’s other hand stroked Nicky’s chest eagerly.

“Thank you,” Nicky replied. “For asking, I mean. Not that you actually ASKED, but… you know what I mean!” He let out a groan as he felt a hand move down onto his raging erection, gripping round the top of the shaft, the thumb on top, sliding around in a bead of precum, slicking the sensitive head. “Ah fuck!” he gasped from the sensation. “Y’know… this could be fun for you too. I’m happy to suck, if you like!” he offered.

The hand pulled away for a moment, then returned exactly as it was.

“Oh, taking that as a no then,” Nicky said sheepishly. “Sorry, just… didn’t want you getting bored!” He immediately felt lips around his cock. His eyes rolled back from the pleasurable sensation as he pushed close to the edge again. As the mouth pulled away, he smirked and said, “Okay, so you’re not getting bored. Good to know!”

The touching, teasing, sucking and stroking continued, pushing Nicky to the edge over and over, until his cock and balls positively ached for release. As time drew close for the restraints to pop open, the touching stopped and Nicky gradually softened, allowing the large chastity device to be put back in place. As soon as the lock was closed, Locky fled the room. Barely thirty seconds later, the timer locks released and Nicky was free.

He laid there for a few moments, just reflecting on another session with his mystery man, and contemplating the upcoming week at home. “Fuck!” he gasped gently as he thought about it. Mikey would be joining him as usual and one of their most common activities over the school breaks was sex. With Mikey so withdrawn recently, Nicky had been able to continue to conceal his chastity, but that was unlikely to continue over the break.

With a sigh over the inevitable revelation, Nicky got up and headed for his clothes where he found another note, as usual, making their next arrangements.

‘Thanks for a fun evening, Nicky. Have a great half-term break. See you back here Sunday night at 6.30. Locky xx’

Nicky smiled at another sweet note as he quickly dressed, eager to get to music club which started shortly.


With football practice cancelled to allow the boys to pack ahead of the trip home tomorrow, Danny had found himself at a bit of a loose end. He had already been to visit Josh earlier in the day and, while most of his other friends were busy with their own plans. He briefly considered wandering down to the first floor to see Mr Trent, but figured he was probably busy too, organising the Year 7s ahead of their first half-term break. Instead, he wandered up towards the third floor.

As the door to L3.5 was open, he casually wandered in. As expected, it was as hectic as most of the other living areas, with its occupants hanging out or packing, or hanging out instead of packing.

“Hey, it’s Dan the man!” Evan (David’s mentor) called out cheerfully.

“Yeah, more like DONE the man in his case!” Joseph said with a snigger, as he looked out from his room. It got a laugh from the others milling around.

“Heyyy!” Danny whined, scowling at the playful insult.

“Sorry, not sorry!” Joseph said with a grin. “You after me?” he asked casually and gestured for Danny to come in after receiving a nod. “How’s my little angel today?” Joseph joked as he returned to filling a suitcase.

“Hmm, not so angelic!” Danny pouted.

“Oh?” Joseph enquired.

Danny flopped down onto Brian’s bed and looked over to Joseph as he said, “I think I’m turning into my mum!”

“That would explain the boobs!” Joseph said with a wry grin.

“They’re called pecs, and you’d know that if you actually went to the gym more than once a month!” Danny scoffed.

“Hey, I’m slim and proud, don’t body-shame me, Mrs Davies!” Joseph teased back.

Danny let out an angry growl at the name.

Joseph sighed and moved over to sit down next to Danny as he asked, “So what happened?”

Danny rolled onto his back, staring up at Joseph. “Avery said I always, like… assume the worst with him!” Danny explained, “And I think he’s right and it’s my mum’s fault!”

“Yeah, that’s not quite how it works!” Joseph said with a disapproving headshake. “Our parents all have their own special, unique ways of fucking us up, but it’s up to us what we do with that. Your mum ain’t making YOU be a judgmental cunt with Avery. She just gave you the tools. You’re the one using ‘em!”

Danny sat up and scowled at Joseph as he said, “I swear you used to be nicer!”

“I did… when we had time, but we haven’t got that long left, bud. Can’t be fannying about with the gentle approach anymore!” Joseph said bluntly.

Danny looked mildly dismayed.

“Sorry,” Joseph said meekly. “I guess… I dunno… things are starting to feel a bit… final!”

Danny knelt up and moved round Joseph to hug him from behind.

“Thanks,” Joseph said softly as he gripped onto Danny’s hands that were clamped together on his chest as the younger boy’s chin rested on his shoulder.

“You’ve still got ages left!” Danny insisted, nuzzling his face into his mentor’s neck. “Enough time for more teaching me stuff so I don’t fuck Avery up too bad!”

“Hnnh, yeah,” Joseph chuckled.

“And maybe even time for… romance!?” Danny suggested cautiously.

“Hey, you know I love ya, and Chris is great, but throuples aren’t my thing!” Joseph scoffed.

Danny let go and moved round to sit next to Joseph as he said, “Fun thought, but not what I was thinking!”

“Oh god, what now? I swear if one of your friends has copied your older guy fetish, look somewhere else. I don’t do younger guys. I learned that from Ian!” Joseph said, smirking a little.

“Actually, I was thinking someone more your own age!” Danny said cryptically. This was something that had been on his mind for a while now. He had hoped to find the perfect time to bring it up, but as Joseph said, time was running out, so he threw caution to the wind. “You said it yourself. You’ve been in love with exactly two people…”

“Danny, don’t!” Joseph said seriously, standing up to move away.

“Why not?” Danny asked, frowning heavily. Joseph had confessed to him a while back that he had once had feelings for Danny… but had also been in love with Brian too. It had made seeing the two people he loved in a relationship together quite challenging, but with them now broken up, that was history.

“Just… don’t!” Joseph said, shaking his head.

“Come on. You two are… like… perfect for each other. I mean… he’s your Chris!” Danny insisted.

“I SAID DON’T!” Joseph barked angrily.

Danny recoiled at the shout, averting his gaze as he realised he had really upset his mentor. “Sorry, I wasn’t… I mean… sorry!” he said timidly.

“Yeah, me too,” Joseph replied, sighing heartily as he sat back down onto his own bed, looking over at Danny. “Just… drop it, okay? Please!” he said wistfully.

“Yeah, okay,” Danny said with a nod. So much for that idea!

Joseph stared silently for a moment, then stood up and said, “I should get back to packing!” As Danny quietly got up and headed for the door, he added quietly, “If I don’t see ya before you go, have a good break!”

“Thanks, you too!” Danny replied, giving a final meek smile before leaving.


Saturday 15 October 2022

“Mmmm, I’m gonna miss this,” Chris moaned dreamily as he felt Danny slide back into bed beside him, just back from his morning workout. “You sure you can’t come home with me? You know everyone’d be happy to see you!”

“Wish I could,” Danny whispered back to him, thinking fondly of the rest of Chris’ family, “But I got my aunt’s wedding to go to and mum needs me there so she can show off what a perfect little family we are to the rest of the relatives! Puke!”

Chris sniggered for a moment before pulling Danny into a kiss. When he eventually pulled away, it was only so he could start kissing a trail from Danny’s cheek, down his neck and onto his chest where he worked his way across to a nipple, which he placed his lips around as he lashed his tongue across it, then kissed a trail over to the other side to do the same to the other one.

“And I’m gonna miss THIS!” Danny groaned happily. “Roll over,” he purred in Chris’ ear as he reached back to grab some lubricant. A quick application of the cool gel and he was happily sliding his straining cock inside the other boy as they spooned, thrusting his hips eagerly to fuck him.

“Can I do you after?” Chris asked excitedly. “I promise no rage fucking!” he added with a slightly awkward giggle.

Danny didn’t question the comment. He knew Chris had been dealing with his feelings in his own way, just as they all had, but the comment seemed like good progress, so he replied, “Sure,” before putting his lips to work on the bare shoulders and neck before him.

Chris did his best to enhance Danny’s pleasure, clenching at the best times to squeeze the cock inside him, while gently pushing back against him as they fucked. While they were in no particular rush to finish, Danny seemed quite eager to have Chris return the favour and thrust hard and fast until he let out a series of gasps and whimpers before shooting inside him.

“Ah, that feels so good,” Chris groaned as he felt the spunk filling him. His own cock throbbed, but he remained in place for a few moments before pulling away and rolling onto his back. “Ride me!” he invited the other boy.

“Gladly,” Danny said with a grin as he grabbed the lubricant again and this time applied it to his own hole, rubbing the remnants from his hand onto Chris’ dick. After straddling the lying boy, he slowly lowered himself onto the raging erection. Glancing across the dorm as he felt the dick begin to push into him, he could once again see Nicky and Mikey both watching, though neither of them showed any desire or inclination to join, despite the open invitation to do so.

“Ah, babe,” Chris gasped as he felt the full weight of Danny sitting on him, his dick fully inside his butt. “I love your butt so feckin’ much!” As he saw Danny raise an eyebrow, he smirked and added, “The rest of ya’s not bad either!”

“Yeah, love you too,” Danny said, shaking his head. He began to pull up, clenching as he rose, relaxing as he dropped back down, milking Chris’ penis with his hole.

Chris wanted to touch Danny, but instead raised his arms to place his hands behind his head. Instantly, he could see Danny’s gaze go to the small tufts of hair sprouting in his armpits.

“Ugh, fuck,” Danny growled as he reached out to touch the exposed pits. “You’re so fuckin’ hot!” he whimpered. Despite cumming minutes before, his cock remained semi-hard and he gave it a few playful tugs as he bounced on the throbbing erection and took in the beautiful sight beneath him.

Chris remained in place, letting Danny ride him for a few minutes before he eventually sat up, grabbed hold of him and pulled him into a kiss, thrusting his hips eagerly to push himself towards release. Soon enough, with muffled moans passing between them as they kissed, Chris shot inside his lover, grunting with each spurt.

Panting heavily, the two boys broke the kiss but remained sitting holding each other, staring happily into each other’s eyes.

“I love you so much!” Danny said breathlessly.

“Love you more!” Chris replied.

“Ugh, I’m going to shower!” Mikey huffed as he got out of bed and headed for the door, not even bothering to hide the obvious erection in his underwear.

“Umm, yeah… me too,” Nicky said as he climbed out of bed and hurried after Mikey.

Chris and Danny sniggered as they flopped down onto the bed, still holding on as they took in the sight of each other.

“Oh, I almost forgot!” Chris declared, reaching under his pillow. He pulled out the small stone he had been gifted for his birthday, the ‘control stone’ as they had dubbed it.

Its holder had the ability to invoke its power and give a command that the other had to obey without question. So far, they had both used it to inflict mild annoyances and embarrassments on each other, but the threat of reciprocation held them back from going too big.

“I invoke the power of the stone!” Chris said with a grin.

“Ugh, what is it?” Danny huffed, though his smile made clear the annoyance was just for show.

“You are not allowed to cum until we have sex when we’re back from half-term!” Chris declared. As Danny’s jaw dropped a little, he quickly added, “AND you have to jerk off TWICE a day to the edge without cumming!”

“Oh, you absolute cuntbag!” Danny said, shaking his head. “I guess I wasn’t gonna be seeing anyone I could do anyway, but still… not even cumming from wanking. That’s so mean!” He smirked slightly as he remembered his taunts to Avery about waiting a week. This felt like an annoyingly appropriate karmic response.

“I know right!” Chris grinned, “I can’t WAIT to see the load you shoot when we get back!”

“Mmm-huh,” Danny hummed thoughtfully. “Of course, you DO know that now you’ve used the stone, you gotta give it to me!” He grinned wickedly as he took the stone and immediately stated, “I invoke the power of the stone!”

“Oh feck!” Chris grunted, though he looked more excited than scared.

“You have to do everything you just told me to do!” Danny explained.

Chris grinned as he said, “Oh no, how awful!” Chris’ love of abstinence was well known. In fact, he had spent a whole summer in chastity once, as well as doing two separate ‘No Nut Novembers’, though he had shied away from it last year as the second one had ended in the accident that nearly killed them both.

“But…” Danny added as he saw Chris’ grin, “When YOU do your daily edges, you have to be completely naked AND leave your bedroom door open!”

Chris’ jaw dropped as he stared at Danny in disbelief. “Oh, that’s just… pure evil!” he said, finally looking genuinely worried.

“Hey, you started it!” Danny sniggered. “And…” he added as Chris went to grab the stone back, “Remember you don’t get to give an order til the last one’s complete, so you can’t change mine or add anything else!”

“Bollocks!” Chris grumbled as he slipped the stone away. “Well if I wasn’t already looking forward to seeing you when we get back from half-term before, I DEFINITELY am now!”

“I know right,” Danny said with an excited smile, “We’re gonna both cum like a fucking fire hose going off!” He smiled dreamily at the thought of it.


“Dad says he’ll be here in about half an hour,” Nicky reported, placing down his phone.

“Mmm-huh,” Mikey hummed absently.

<<I wonder if Carl and Jenny would be happy to have you come home with Nicky if they knew the truth about you and what you did!?>>

Nicky paused contemplatively for a moment then said cautiously, “That does mean there’s still time for you to… stop by and see Josh!”

<<Clearly he wants you to go and confess your sins! Confess, my child. Confess!>>

“No, I’m good!” Mikey said without looking round.

“He keeps asking about you,” Nicky said gingerly.

<<He’s onto you!>>

“Whatever,” Mikey shrugged.

“And he says he’s messaged you a buncha times but you haven’t replied,” Nicky commented, caught somewhere between annoyed and concerned.

“Sounds like all you talk about is me. Must be a fucking boring conversation!” Mikey scoffed.

<<Ha, nice! Cos you’re boring!>>

“Oh my god, what is your problem?” Nicky demanded furiously, “He’s your friend! Why the fuck are you avoiding him?”

<<He’s shouting! We should be shouting! SHOUT AT HIM!>>


“I’m not avoiding anyone, dickface!” Mikey snapped back.

<<Ooh, that’s good, insult him again!>>

<<Call his mother a whore! Wait, no, Jenny’s amazing! Don’t do that!>>

“You clearly fucking are!” Nicky said, scowling at his best friend.

“Hey, I’m just doin’ my thing. He’s the one off doing other stuff!” Mikey said with a shrug.

<<Lame. Terrible. Awful. Not your best work!>>

<<You can come up with better than that!>>

<<Are you TRYING to get Nicky to figure out you’re a total scumbag?>>

“Doing other stuff?! He’s having fucking chemotherapy, you colossal cunt!” Nicky growled furiously. He suddenly took a step back, shaking his head. Arguing was still a fairly new concept to him. Having spent most of his life running from the slightest sign of confrontation, this was a new sensation… and not a very welcome one.

<<You’re not a cunt! He’s a cunt! Call him a cunt! Call his mother a cunt! Wait, no, not that. Jenny’s a fucking angel! Say anything bad about her and I’ll cut you! Yay, we get to see her soon! Wait, what was he saying?>>

“What?” Mikey said, shaking his head as if he hadn’t even heard it right.

“I… I…” Nicky stuttered. He stopped and shook his head in slight disbelief. Angry as he was at Mikey, he felt like he had just sidestepped a landmine by not getting the usual angry reaction. “Just forget it,” he said, shaking his head.

<<I think we won that! But he did call you a cunt! We should get revenge later!>>

“Whatever,” Mikey huffed.


Conversation stopped dead as the door opened, but Rob, Milo and Josh all sighed gently as they saw it was only Mark.

“They get off okay?” Rob asked as Mark took a seat.

“Mmm-huh,” Mark hummed happily, having just waved off David, who had gone home with James for the half-term break. “All good,” he smiled.

Nicky and Mikey had left about half and hour before them, while Chris had left with Blane earlier in the morning and Danny not long after with his parents. Now only the three of them remained.

“What time you heading off?” Rob asked curiously.

Mark shrugged and lied, “Not til quite late, I reckon!” He shot Josh a slightly guilty look. The previous year, he had gotten used to lying about going home, rather than admit his parents just left him at the school all year, but it had been so much easier to do when nobody else knew about it. Now Josh was aware, which made lying to Rob and the others feel somehow more deceitful.

“Mum and dad are gonna be here soon,” Rob pouted, glancing to his little brother.

“You gonna go out and wait?” Josh asked curiously.

“You know they’ll wanna come and see you!” Milo said with a huge grin.

“Besides, we’re not going anywhere ‘til you get your results!” Rob insisted.

Josh tutted and rolled his eyes. “There’s no need to wait. I can just text you!” he insisted. “But it’s okay to admit you just want an excuse to grope me when we have a hug to celebrate the results!”

“Eww!” Milo complained, “Don’t give me images of Rob like that!”

“Hey, you do know he has TWO boyfriends, right?” Josh sniggered.

“No, Stoppit,” Milo grumbled.

Josh sniggered at the younger boy’s discomfort and added, “And they have sex ALL the time!”

“Eww eww eww eww eww!” Milo complained.

“Okay, you stop it,” Rob said, pointing to Josh, “And you, that’s one too many ewws!” he said, pointing to Milo.

“Umm, the alternative is him LIKING the thought of his brother having sex!” Mark said with a snigger.

“EWWWWW!” Rob and Milo chorused as Josh snorted with laughter.

“Oh, balls,” Josh complained as he reached up to wipe his nose and pulled his hand away with a little blood on it.

“What did… why did… is he…” Mark stuttered nervously.

“Chill,” Rob said, already handing Josh a tissue. “They happen!” he said with a shrug.

“Yeah, we don’t need to worry til I start bleeding from any other holes!” Josh said with a wicked giggle.

As Mark calmed, Milo still looked quite distraught.

“Seriously, mate. I’m okay!” Josh insisted, patting the younger boy’s arm, “I promise!”

Milo stared at Josh for a moment then looked to Rob for verification. As he got a nod from his big brother, he sighed with relief and said, “Okay then!”

Several minutes later, the door opened once more, leading to another hopeful look, though this time they found themselves looking at Trevor and Helen Wilson, Rob and Milo’s parents. Several excitable hugs were exchanged between the two sons and their parents before the two adults turned their attention to Josh who was standing and waiting a little awkwardly.

“Hi,” Josh said timidly.

“Aww, come here,” Helen said as she pulled Josh into a hug.

Trevor approached as Helen released him and patted him gently on the shoulder as he asked, “How ya doing, kiddo?”

“So well. The new diet plan’s amazing for weight loss!” Josh joked, having got used to saying such things whenever anyone asked how he was, if only to see whether they would look mortified or amused. In this case, he got a mix of both from Rob’s parents.

As they all sat back down, Helen said softly, “Rob tells us the first cycle went well!”

“Oh yeah, it’s like a party and I’m the only guest!” Josh chuckled. As the two adults just looked at him with unintentionally synchronised head tilts, he blushed slightly and said, “Yeah, it’s been tough but these guys have been awesome!” He gestured to the other three boys.

“I’d expect no less!” Trevor said proudly, patting Rob on the leg as he sat next to him before smiling across at Milo.

“Josh is waiting for some results,” Rob stated, “So I know you probably wanna get going but I was hoping you’d be okay to wait a bit for…”

“Of course!” Helen interrupted, not even needing to hear the rest. “We’ll stay as long as you need!” she offered reassuringly.

“If… you wanna go and… I could just… stay here…” Rob offered cautiously.

“You’re coming home!” Trevor said firmly. “If for no other reason than to give Josh a break from the bloody sight of you!” he said with a slightly forced chuckle.

“This is why I like you!” Josh grinned at the man, nodding approvingly at the playful insult aimed at Rob.

“Rude!” Rob grumbled as the others all sniggered.

Once again they settled into conversation, though it quickly became clear Josh didn’t want to talk too much about himself, so instead they focused on Mark, whom the Wilsons hadn’t really met before, and Milo as he was just finishing his first stint at the school.

When the door opened again, there was a collective rise in tension as they saw Dr Julius, the Oncologist working as Josh’s primary physician during his treatment, accompanied by Dr Arkwright and Mr Rudd, who was staying at the school over half-term as chaperone for the remaining students.

“Oh, wow, big crowd!” Dr Julius stated with a smile. He was used to seeing a large number of people visiting Josh, but it rarely involved other adults.

“Do you want some privacy?” Helen asked politely.

“Pfft, don’t bother,” Josh replied before anyone else could speak. “Everyone in here’s gonna get told right away anyway, so this just saves time!” he reasoned.

The two doctors exchanged glances, then nodded. They both knew by now that Josh was a tough boy to argue with, so they accepted him at his word.

“Okay,” Dr Julius said, taking a seat to face Josh and talk to him directly. “So you know we took your bone marrow biopsy,” he started.

“Oh, that was fun. Can we do that again!” Josh said with a wry grin, though nobody else reacted.

Dr Julius smiled politely and nodded as he went on, “So what we were looking for was for the…” he paused, thinking of the right level to explain it, then went on, “For the cancer cells in your bone marrow to reduce to just five percent. That’s what we would be looking for in order for you to be classed as in remission!”

“How’d I do? I didn’t study at all so my score can’t have been that good!” Josh joked, though his eyes didn’t smile the way his mouth did.

“Well the results are looking fairly positive,” Dr Julius exclaimed, “But unfortunately you’re not quite down to five percent!”

“So what does that mean?” Rob interjected. He got an immediate scowl from his mum and said awkwardly, “Sorry!”

Josh smirked and pointed to Rob as he said, “What he said!”

“It means we do need to give you another cycle of the chemo as part of your induction therapy,” Dr Julius explained. “We don’t go straight back onto it now, you’ll need some more time to recover from the first cycle, but in about a week we’ll get you started on a second cycle!”

“Yay,” Josh said sarcastically.

There was a slight collective groan from the others as they took in the news. While it wasn’t disastrous, it also wasn’t as positive as it could have been either.

“I know this isn’t the news you were hoping for, Josh,” Dr Julius said softly, “And you know I’ll always give it to you straight, so believe me when I say that while this isn’t the best news, it’s also far from the worst. In general you’re looking very good and I remain optimistic that we’ll be able to get you in remission after this cycle!” The doctor waited a few moments before he continued, “You’ll probably need some time to think about this and take it in, so I’ll leave you to… see your friends off and take a few moments. Just drop me a message when you want to talk some more about it, okay?”

“Thanks,” Josh said with a meek smile as the man stood up and walked away.

“Same for me, Josh. Message if you want to talk, or you know where to find me,” Dr Arkwright said before following Dr Julius.

Mr Rudd shot Josh a quick wink and said, “We’ll talk later, buddy!”

Josh exhaled heavily as the three men left, then smiled slightly at the others in the room and said, “That’s a lot of talking on offer!”

Helen and Trevor stood up next, nudging Milo gently to make him stand as Helen said, “We’ll head out.” She looked to Rob and said, “You come find us when you’re good to go.”

“Will do, thanks,” Rob said with a gentle nod.

Milo rushed over to Josh and hugged him, though he was very careful about how he did it, as if squeezing the older boy too hard might shatter him. “I’ll see you next week!” he said softly.

“See ya soon, little man,” Josh said as he ruffed the boy’s hair.

As the three Wilsons left, Mark looked round awkwardly and said, “I’ll… umm… I’ll give you two some room.” It got an appreciative nod from Rob as he followed the others out.

Josh stared silently at Rob. Rob stared back. They remained like that for several seconds.

“Well that wasn’t too bad,” Josh said with a nod.

Rob nodded silently.

“I guess it kinda sucks I’m not in remission yet, but… I’m not dead!” Josh said with a shrug.

“Josh,” Rob said quietly, barely above a whisper.

“Sure, another cycle really fucking sucks, but I got through this one mostly okay, so it’s really no big deal!” Josh said, forcing a smile.

Rob sighed softly then moved over to kneel in front of Josh’s seat. He paused a moment looking up at him before he said, “It’s okay to be upset!”

“I’m not upset!” Josh said sharply as tears welled in his eyes. “I’m just…” he stopped, pursing his lips together as he shook his head and burst into tears. Rob was wrapped around him in moments. After quietly sobbing for a minute, Josh sniffed and tightened his grip on Rob a little. “I’m gonna beat this thing!” he said confidently.

“I know you are!” Rob replied, squeezing him right back.


“I always forget how long that drive is!” David said as he wandered into James’ room. His usual drive to/from Kingswood was around two hours. Spending the week with James meant a much longer drive all the way to Prestatyn in North Wales, over twice as long in fact. Thankfully the journey always passed quickly for the two boys, who could chat endlessly about Star Trek and Marvel movies and comics, much to the eternal boredom of James’ father who was driving.

“Yeah, this is why I prefer staying at your place!” James said, pouting slightly that he had lost the coin toss that decided whose house they went to for half-term.

David went to speak but glanced at the open door and walked over to gently close it before he asked, “Don’t you at least like seeing your dad and step-mum?”

“I guess,” James said with a shrug, already unpacking. “I dunno. It’s just… things have never really been right since… y’know… the stuff!”

David nodded his understanding. In amongst the suicide attempts and near-death experiences and explosions… and cancer, it was sometimes easy to forget that James had been through a trauma of his own, one that very few people at the school actually knew about. James had been abused as a young child, something he had repressed for years until he was able to root it out thanks to the help of David and some medical professionals.

Just that alone could be difficult enough, but with it had come the revelation that the abuser had been his mum’s brother and, even worse, that his mum had known about it and done nothing to stop it. When his dad found out about both the abuse and his wife’s complicity with it, he had ended the relationship immediately. To protect James, he had banished her from his life, going so far as to tell him she was dead. As much as it had been done to protect him, James had struggled with forgiving his father’s lies.

“I’m sorry,” David said meekly, moving behind James to stroke his back as he leant down to his suitcase. “If you’d just told me that was why you didn’t…”

“It’s okay,” James interrupted, standing up as he turned to face David. “That stuff makes things weird, but… avoiding it doesn’t help. That’s what caused all the problems in the first place. I’m happy to take a turn at my house,” he said with a sincere smile before leaning in to give David a quick kiss.

“Hmmm that’s nice. Do it again!” David giggled.

“If I must!” James said, rolling his eyes playfully before kissing David again. “Y’know, now that we’re alone… there was… something I wanted to talk to you about!”

David gasped dramatically and said, “You’re breaking up with me!”

James smirked and nodded. “Yeah, I brought you home so I could dump you and then have the world’s most awkward week together!”

David laughed then cocked his head and asked, “So what’s up?”

“I was thinking…” James said, looking uncharacteristically coy, “… that maybe it might be time for us to… have sex!”

“Oh, gladly!” David said with a mischievous grin, lowering a hand to grab at James’ crotch.

“No, not just… the stuff we already do,” James insisted, blushing a little.

“Oh, you mean… like… SEX sex!” David said, his eyes widening with the realisation.

James nodded gently and said softly, “Yeah, I mean… it’s just an idea. I don’t mean now, or even that you have to decide now!”

David frowned thoughtfully for a moment then nodded and said, “Yeah, we can definitely talk about it!” As he saw James look massively relieved, he chuckled a little and said, “I’m… surprised you even thought about that sort of thing! You never seemed that… into… sex stuff!”

James’ blushing intensified as he averted his gaze a little and said, “Well it’s just that… being with you makes me… wanna do things!”

“It does?” David asked in genuine surprise.

“Of course!” James insisted. “You’re… so hot!”

A massive grin spread across David’s face as he replied, “I don’t think I’ve ever been called hot before!”

“Well, you are, and maybe this week is the week I get to have sex with my hot boyfriend!” James said excitedly.

“Maybe it will,” David replied. “Now kiss me again!” he demanded giddily.



Ouch. I've had that bone marrow biopsy, also known as a punch biopsy, when they were checking my anemia. The doc uses what looks like a leather punch to grind a hole in your hip bone to reach the marrow. There was a local anesthetic, but it caused a shooting nerve sensation all down one leg. I hope they don't have to keep doing that with Josh. David and James -- baby steps. I'd love to visit Wales one day; I'm told it's beautiful. Chris and Danny have created a mutual test of will with their pact. Wonder how long it will take for one of Chris's family members to catch him? It seemed like Avery was edging toward sharing something important with Danny. Hope he finds a way to do so -- it seems like it will be helpful.

Mr Luigi

Rob is so cute with Josh. I love how he is helping Josh. A wonderful friendship

Stories by Matt

Yeah, it's definitely not a fun experience. I feel sorry for anyone who has to endure it. David and James are cute together, both as friends and boyfriends. Wales definitely has some good parts. Chris and Danny are such a wonderful couple to write. Their love and trust in each other is so absolute. Avery definitely has something else going on, but as always, I'm playing the long game :)