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“I’m glad you’re feeling the dares again,” Miles said, nodding thoughtfully at Kai, “But you have REALLY sucky timing!”

Kai shrugged as he replied, “Hey, YOU’RE the one who insisted my costume for the party needed to be a dare on ONE day’s notice. I woulda been happy going in that Joker costume I got, and just getting dared to wank in the front garden or something!”

The middle-aged woman who was walking past Kai as he said it just stared back at him in shock for a moment.

Kai smirked back at her and said, “Yeah, you heard right!”

The woman looked utterly scandalised and hurried along, heading to the exit of the busy pop-up Halloween store.

Miles shook his head slightly as he saw Kai chuckling but blushing. “I really don’t get you!” he said, his brow furrowed. “You go crazy for the dares and you want more and more of it, but then you freak out over it and back out completely, and then… you’re just back on the whole humiliation thing! It makes zero sense!”

Kai shrugged again and said, “Hey, I don’t get it either, but… y’know, when you feel the urge for something, you gotta do it. It’s not my fault that sometimes my actual brain kicks in and starts screaming at me that I’m doing something TOTALLY stupid!”

Caleb sighed softly as his eyes darted back and forth between the other two.

“What now?” Kai huffed. He had already been annoyed by Caleb today. When he announced that morning that he wanted a new dare, all of the others had been excited, aside from Caleb who had just scowled at the request.

“It’s nothing,” Caleb said dismissively as he turned to start browsing more costumes.

Kai rolled his eyes and said, “It’s clearly not nothing!”

“I just…” Caleb started, but paused as he looked at Miles, watching them both intently. “Forget it. It’s really nothing! Why don’t you go find the others while we decide what you’re having!”

“Fine!” Kai snapped as he turned to march away, expressing his annoyance to Miles with another eye roll.

He looked around the store for any sign of Leo or Luca. He had originally followed Miles and Caleb if only to avoid his twin and ex-boyfriend, mostly because they were both acting exceptionally weird too. He had put Luca’s strangeness down to the break-up, as it was taking some time for both of them to get used to being JUST friends. For now, Kai was just happy Luca had actually agreed to come out with them to a public place!

As for Leo… Kai couldn’t explain WHY he was being weird, but considering his twin’s aversion to ever actually opening up or sharing what was on his mind, he put it down to something that would likely just pass on its own. He wanted to give them both space, so his attempts to find them were not particularly eager. Kai stopped when he heard the unmistakable tone of Leo’s voice.

“Come on, it’d be so fun to have you there!” Leo pleaded.

Kai kept his distance, not making his presence known, curious as to whether he could glean any inkling into what was happening with the other two, despite how guilty he felt for spying.

“Look, I… I came here today with you guys,” Luca argued back, “That’s a big enough step for me. A party where we’d DEFINITELY be seen together by people we know… I’m not ready for that!”

“Why not?” Leo demanded, “Come on. Why do you even care what anyone else says?”

“Because I’ve had four years of hearing it every day and I think I’m allowed to choose not to be around it when I want!” Luca said a little sharply.

“Sorry,” Leo apologised meekly.

Kai was not surprised by the conversation. The fight to get Luca to ‘officially’ hang out with them was a long-running one. What did surprise Kai was his brother’s response. He didn’t even think Leo knew that word, let alone actually used it so freely! He always seemed a little less… petulant, whenever Luca was around, but Kai continued to put that down to guilt about the bullying incident the previous year.

“I didn’t mean to upset you,” Leo said softly, “I just want you to have fun and be able to hang out with your friends, that’s all!”

Kai smiled. It was so nice to hear Leo being so supportive of properly integrating Luca into their group.

“I AM having fun,” Luca replied sincerely, “I just… need time, okay?

“Okay,” Leo replied cheerfully.

Kai shifted slightly and bumped something on a shelf, prompting Luca’s head to tilt to one side and spot him around the corner. “Kai!” he said, looking a mix of surprised and guilty as he jumped back a step, “We were just… umm…”

Kai smirked a little at the awkwardness but shrugged it off and said, “Caleb’s being a dick!”

“Hey, he took YOUR job!” Luca said with a grin aimed at Leo.

Leo giggled.

Kai took a slight step backwards. Leo… giggled! Leo was not a giggler. “Actually, never mind, forget I was here,” Kai said, shaking his head, “I’m just gonna go wait outside!” He heard quiet muttering behind him as he walked away but didn’t bother to look back.


The boys had been forced to pose for some photos before leaving the house for the party, but it had not been a fun experience. Mr and Mrs Robinson kept forcing them to smile, which proved necessary as all four of them seemed decidedly dour. Caleb was still being moody with Kai. Leo was acting distracted and uninterested. Miles was making his disdain for the entire ‘popular kids’ party loudly and frequently known!

Kai was mostly unhappy because of his costume! Having given the others permission to choose it for him, he had expected something much more overtly embarrassing of exposing than the simple ‘ghost’ costume he had been dressed in. It was little more than a large white bed sheet with two eye holes cut in it. Miles had been insistent Kai wore nothing underneath and had almost ended up in a physical fight (that he would have lost) with Caleb, who said going full nude was not sensible. Caleb really was being such a killjoy!

As such, Kai had posed for the photos wearing nothing but the sheet and a pair of white briefs. Leo had chosen to go as Aquaman, though it was clearly just an opportunity to show off his physique. Caleb was dressed as Ken from the Barbie movie. Miles had opted to go as the eleventh Doctor from Doctor Who, mostly just as an excuse to wear a bow tie. With pictures taken, Mr Robinson gave the four boys a lift to Carl Kroeger’s house.

“Name?” a man at the front door barked as the four boys.

“Aquaman, obviously!” Leo said, posing heroically as he flexed. As the man just looked somewhere between tediously unimpressed and considering violence, Leo rolled his eyes and said, “Leo Robinson!”

The man looked Leo down and back up, raised an eyebrow then looked to the tablet held in one of his hands. He scrolled up and down a few times and said, “You’re not on the list!”

“Oh, look for Kai Robinson instead!” Kai said, raising his voice a little, unsure how much the sheet muffled him.

“Oh yeah,” the man said as he scrolled again. He smirked as he said, “There we go. Kai Robinson plus three!”

“Hey, I’m a man, not a number!” Miles said defiantly.

“Man?” Leo scoffed, “Even BOY is a stretch some days!”

“Plus you’re the ELEVENTH doctor,” Kai joined in, “You’re literally a number!”

“Are you going in or not?” the man sighed as Miles scowled at his sniggering friends.

The boys headed inside and entered a large lobby. They had heard talk of how impressive the Kroeger household was, but it really was rather imposing now they were actually seeing it.

“Jesus, our entire house could fit in here!” Leo said, looking round at the massive open space.

“It’s a bit excessive,” Miles said moodily. As the others continued to marvel at the extravagant surroundings, Miles smirked and said, “Speaking of excessive, you’re wearing WAY too much!” He reached out to lift the sheet and grabbed Kai’s underwear, yanking it down to his ankles.

“Hey, come on,” Caleb complained.

“Oh my god!” Kai snapped at him, “What the fuck is your problem?”

“Fine, forget it, whatever!” Caleb huffed, “I’m going to get a drink!” He turned to head off in the direction of the party, leaving the other three behind.


The party was in full swing, the house filled with a veritable ‘who’s who’ of local popularity, much to Miles’s annoyance. Rather disappointingly, it seemed nobody really cared enough about Kai or his costume to sneak a peek beneath the sheet and notice he was naked.

Caleb had spent most of the party so far avoiding his friends. His costume was drawing a lot of attention from the girls at the party, but he had little interest in socialising. Instead, he alternated between finding quiet spots to hide away from everyone and getting drinks from the bar as he got increasingly tipsy. He felt a little embarrassed about how much the alcohol was getting to him, especially as most the other partygoers seemed to be downing it copiously with no effect other than a gradual increase in volume.

“Found you at last!” Miles called out loudly, having snuck up on Caleb, his voice raised primarily to be heard over the thumping music.

Caleb jumped slightly, blushing at the slight smirk it got from Miles as he turned to face him. “Whadda you want?” he snapped.

“Jesus, Kai’s right, you’re cranky as fuck today!” Miles said, shaking his head. Rather than getting annoyed at the attitude, he looked concerned as he asked, “What’s up?”

“Nothing, everything’s FINE!” Caleb said, slurring just a little, “Everything’s back to normal and everything’s good and nobody’s fucking learned ANYTHING!”

Miles raised his eyebrows as he looked at Caleb for a moment, then said sarcastically, “Oh yeah, you really sound fine. Nothing to worry about there!” As he got a disgruntled scowl back, he shook his head and asked, “Come on, Cay. Talk to me. What’s going on?”

“Kai!” Caleb huffed, “Kai is what’s wrong, and YOU’RE not helping!”

“Me? What did I do?” Miles asked defensively.

Caleb huffed and poked at Miles’s leg as he said, “You’ve literally got his underwear in your pocket!” As he got a thoroughly confused look in response, Caleb shook his head and said, “The dares! You’re just… jumping straight back into them!”

“Yeah, cos Kai said he wants to,” Miles said defensively.

“Yeah, I know he WANTS to, but that doesn’t mean he SHOULD!” Caleb said angrily, though the anger quickly dropped into a look of sheer sadness as he went on, “You didn’t see him in the park. You didn’t see how… how… scared he was and how… overwhelmed and he was so upset… and… and…” He trailed off, shaking his head, looking close to tears.

Miles looked a little sheepish as he stood, letting Caleb compose himself.

“Look, I just… I think we need to stop it all BEFORE something else bad happens, that’s all. I promised to look out for Kai, and that means protecting him from himself sometimes too!” Caleb explained.

Miles chuckled slightly and smiled as he said, “You really care about him, don’t you!” He thought for a second and said, “I mean… I know we all do, but you… REALLY do!”

Caleb nodded silently.

After a few moments without either of them saying more, Miles frowned thoughtfully and said, “Cay!” As the other boy looked at him curiously, he asked, “Why haven’t you told Kai about Ellie?”

“I… I just… I haven’t… I mean… the timing has been…” Caleb mumbled, clearly struggling to justify it. “I don’t wanna talk about it!” he said grumpily. Seeking a subject change, he looked round and asked, “Where are the others?”

Miles shrugged and yelled, “Dunno!” He glanced round briefly and continued, “I got bored of being the invisible man!”

“I thought you were a doctor!” Caleb replied, frowning confusedly.

Miles huffed and corrected him, “THE Doctor, not A doctor!” As he got a dismissive shrug in return, he went on, “And I meant being next to Leo! You think anyone’s giving me a second glance when I’m stood next to Muscles McStudmuffin! The girls fuckin’ love it!”

“That one’s definitely giving you a second glance!” Caleb said, nodding over Miles’s shoulder.

“Very funny,” Miles grumbled.

“Not kidding!” Caleb replied, shaking his head briefly before stopping as he felt the room spin a little, “But she’s not wearing a costume!”

Miles looked round to where Caleb had indicated and stared in surprise as he saw a girl look back at him and smile. Blushing a little, he quickly turned back to Caleb and said, “Not wearing a costume? She’s dressed as the thirteenth doctor, you uncultured swine!” He took a deep breath and asked, “Okay, how do I look?” He adjusted his bowtie without waiting for an answer, “Wish me luck. I’m gonna go and see if she needs a doctor’s appointment!”

“I thought you said you wasn’t that kind of…” Caleb started, but Miles was already out of earshot. He watched as Miles approached the girl, who smiled at him the whole way, before his thoughts turned – as always – to Kai. Knowing Miles wasn’t around to keep an eye on him, and how carried away Leo could get when he was the centre of attention, he sighed and realised he should go check on Kai.

Working his way through a few of the busier rooms, Caleb looked out for any sign of Kai. Thankfully, the costume was fairly easy to spot from a distance so he didn’t need to examine each room too thoroughly. When he spotted Leo, with a small group of admirers around him, it only took a second to spot Kai a short distance away from him.

Approaching a little gingerly, Caleb said loudly, “Hey!” He saw Kai look his way… sort of. The room was dimly-lit and the sheet concealed him almost entirely, but his body seemed to shift in a way that indicated he was now facing him. “Are you… okay?” he asked, feeling his heart pound as his mind raced with a million thoughts at once.

Kai didn’t reply. Or maybe he did and it was just lost in the noise of the party.

“I’m sorry,” Caleb said loudly, shaking his head at his own actions. He really hadn’t intended to apologise, or even justify himself, but the alcohol had seemingly loosened his resolve and the words just started spilling out. “I know I’ve been a moody fucker the last couple of days but it’s just because I’m worried about you! I know you keep doing these dares and things and you say you love ‘em but then we let things get really big and you freak out and I think, ‘oh hey, that’s it, we’re done’ but then you just get yourself going again and we start over and I don’t know why you do it because I know you enjoy it but every time you freak out it seems to hurt you a bit more and I’m just scared that next time you’ll get hurt REAL bad and I don’t want anything to happen to you cos you’re my best friend and I promised I’d look out for you!” He stopped, panting as he realised he had ranted the whole thing in virtually a single breath.

Kai didn’t reply again, though this time he looked around a little instead.

“Okay, you’re mad, I get it, I’m sorry,” Caleb said glumly, letting his head droop. He suddenly frowned as he noticed something strange. He could see clothing sticking out beneath the sheet, trouser legs to be specific. He raised his head and noticed Kai was standing a little taller than usual too, then leaned in close and his eyes widened in shock as he saw the eyes staring back weren’t Kai’s. He reached out for the sheet and yanked it away, revealing a boy he had never seen before, who looked decidedly anxious to have been exposed. “What the fuck?” Caleb asked, “Where’s Kai?”



Kai rolled his eyes at the shamelessly flirty comment that had just been hurled at his brother. The fact he was clearly enjoying the attention but making no attempt to flirt back all but confirmed Kai’s suspicions about his twin’s sexuality. Although a couple of guys were acting just as flirtatious, Leo didn’t overly react to them either, so Kai really couldn’t be sure.

Miles had just wandered off, clearly not enjoying himself, and Kai was considering doing the same when he felt a hand on his shoulder. As he looked round, he found himself looking at Iron Man! It was a little surprising, because the armour actually looked like a suit pulled straight from a Marvel movie, lights and all. The faceplate retracted and revealed Carl’s grinning face.

“Wow, sick costume!” Kai declared, feeling decidedly underdressed, both physically and proverbially.

“I know, right,” Carl said with a casual shrug, “Come with me!”

“Oh, I’m… I’m supposed to stay close to Leo,” Kai said, then immediately blushed. He felt quite pathetic for saying it, but his brother had been insistent he stay close, his protectiveness having not really died down since Kai’s last freakout.

Carl hummed thoughtfully, then said, “That’s okay, I can take care of that!” He dragged Kai along, grabbing another random guy on the way before stepping into a room that was marked with a temporary ‘No entry’ sign. “You’re gonna be him for a bit!” Carl instructed the other boy, “Wear the sheet, stick close to Aquaman, keep your mouth shut!”

“Okay,” the other boy said, mostly looking amazed that Carl Kroeger was actually talking to him.

“Wait, no… I…” Kai went to object, but the sheet was yanked away before he could even grab hold of it.

“Fuck!” the other boy exclaimed as Kai’s nudity was exposed, hands immediately clasped over his crotch.

“Wow, I thought it was a low effort costume, but fuck me, you didn’t even bother getting dressed at all!” Carl smirked, “Meh, no big!” He threw the sheet over the other boy, roughly positioning the eye holes in the right spot before he said, “Great, thanks!” and shoved the boy back out of the room to act as a Kai decoy. He turned back to Kai and looked him up and down, smirking.

Kai felt himself trembling, though he wasn’t sure why. Perhaps it was the way Carl was looking at him, perhaps it was the throng of partygoers on the other side of the door who could see him at any time, or perhaps it was just the thrill of being naked in a stupid place again after so long without a dare. He had both hands concealing his dick, which he could already feel swelling. “I… I should… I…” he stuttered, unsure what he was trying to say.

“Come on, time to join the club!” Carl said, nodding across to the door on the opposite side of the room.

“Wait,” Kai said, not moving as Carl started walking. “Look, I just… I need to know… what IS this club you guys are on about? And what’s the test? I just… please, tell me SOMETHING!”

Carl hesitated for a moment, then looked back at Kai and said, “You’re getting big!”

Kai blushed more heavily and unintentionally glanced down at his crotch, worried his erection was somehow on show.

Carl laughed and shook his head. “I mean online!” he said, still sniggering, “Us guys are too, and we kinda just work together to, y’know, all get bigger, collab on things, pool resources, that sort of thing!”

“Oh, and… you want… ME?” Kai asked, surprised.

“Kai, with the followers you’ve gained in such a short time, you could be the next big thing in social media,” Carl explained, “You’re already at the point where you could monetise. With our help, you could end up not just famous, but absolutely fucking loaded!”

Kai stared in shock. He couldn’t deny his following had steadily grown over the past few months, but it had always been something that just happened, not an actual goal. Could this be true? Fame? Money? It was almost enough to make him forget he was standing naked in front of an older student from school, and any other concerns about their alleged ‘test’ quickly melted away. “That sounds so cool!” Kai said, nodding emphatically.

“Great, then come on,” Carl said as he continued over and opened the door. “Guys, I got him!” Carl said as he stepped through, “But prepare yourselves!”

Kai took a deep breath and stepped through into the next room. Once again he was greeted by Becky, Deanna and Bart, though they were dressed as Cleopatra, Ariana Grande and Harry Styles respectively.

“Oh my god!” Becky exclaimed.

“Ugh,” Deanna grunted disdainfully.

“Mate, cheap costume!” Bart sniggered.

“Nah, his costumes on one of the plebs out in the party,” Carl explained as Kai’s blushing intensified, standing awkwardly next to him, “Not that it was much of a costume anyway! By the way, I told him a bit about what we do and I’m guessing he’s interested!” He looked to Kai and asked, “Right?”

“Yeah!” Kai said as he nodded emphatically as the other four exchanged smirks.

Deanna tutted and said, “You spoil all the surprises, but fine, good to know he’s in!”

“Can I… put some clothes on?” Kai requested quietly.

Carl seemingly ignored the question and headed over to join the others, the four of them sitting down on a couple of sofas.

“Don’t just linger by the door, come on over,” Bart invited Kai.

Kai nodded and moved over, standing in front of the four, wishing his cock would go down as he feared it popping out at any moment. What followed next was… surprisingly tedious! All four burst into a litany of questions about Kai’s social media habits, mixed with occasionally snide but mostly constructive comments and suggestions on what Kai needed to start doing to really grow his online presence.

“So, as you can tell… we know our shit!” Carl said with a smirk as the advice lulled, “But now what we gotta figure out is… are you suitable to join us!”

“I… I think so,” Kai stuttered.

“Cute,” Becky grinned, “But it’s really not up to you. Why don’t we start by looking at your profile, seeing how you engage with people and stuff like that!” She held out her hand and asked, “Where’s your phone?”

“Oh, at home,” Kai blushed, then looked down at himself and said, “Costume didn’t have pockets!”

“Yeah, where exactly did you THINK he was holding it?” Deanna asked wryly, getting laughs from the other three and more blushes from Kai.

“Okay, here,” Carl said, pulling out his phone. He tapped away for a few seconds and said, “Just log in on mine!” He offered it to Kai.

Squirming as he repositioned his hand slightly, just about managing to conceal himself with it, he reached out to take the phone with his other hand. Thankfully, he was quite adept at holding the phone with one hand and typing with his thumb, otherwise he would have had to fully expose himself to the four sniggering teens. “Okay, I’m in,” Kai said shakily as he finished signing in to Instagram.

“Great,” Carl said as he snatched it back. He gave the others a fleeting glance, then looked down at the phone and said, “Oh yeah, looks like you have a lot to learn, but before we can start teaching you… comes the test!”

“Wha… what… do I have to do?” Kai asked shakily.

Carl and the others all leaned in close and started whispering to each other before pulling back to their seats.

“Impress us!” Bart said with a grin.

Kai gulped slightly as he asked, “Impress you… how?”

“We only accept people who’ve got the nerve to do what it takes to get ahead, so… have you got the nerve, Kai?” Carl asked, cocking his head as he looked Kai up and down.

Kai nodded eagerly.

“You could start by putting your hands by your sides!” Bart said, looking quite eager to see Kai comply.

Kai gasped slightly, then looked round at the four teens, all staring at him expectantly. Could he do this? Did he WANT to do this? Fame and fortune were certainly tantalising goals. This ‘test’ was sounding increasingly scary… although it didn’t seem to be a million miles from the dares he had spent the last few months doing. If he could do all those things, he could definitely put on a show for these four! It was almost like he had been training for this very moment without even realising it. Taking a deep breath, he stood up as tall as he could, smiled and dropped his hands away.

“Oh em gee!” Becky exclaimed.

“Hnnh, not that big, is he!” Deanna said a little derisively.

“Looks big enough to me!” Bart said, smiling hungrily.

“He’s actually got a boner. That’s crazy!” Carl laughed.

“What… now?” Kai asked, feeling his heart thumping.

“That’s up to you,” Carl said with a shrug, “I mean… you LOOK like you’ve got SOMETHING in mind!”

“You wanna see me wank?” Kai asked, shuddering a little.

“Hey, none of us said that!” Bart said with a shrug.

“I definitely didn’t,” Deanna muttered.

“But sure,” Carl quickly jumped in. “I mean, that’s kind of on-brand for the stuff on your page!” he said, scrolling through Kai’s profile before he said casually, “But let’s be honest… how exciting can a wank really be? That’s barely more than what you already show in half these posts!”

Kai felt the slight taunt dig deep. The subtle addiction that had rooted in the back of his mind about his social media following was suddenly growing. This was a chance to really make progress with it, to get more famous, to be seen by more people… and to make money from doing it! He NEEDED to please Carl, he needed the others to like him! “I can… make it exciting!” Kai said firmly, nodding gently, “Umm… shall I do it here?”

“Sure, go for it,” Carl shrugged.

“Oh my god, is he really gonna do it?” Becky asked, “He’s definitely got balls!”

Bart sniggered and said, “Yeah, and he’s about to prove they work, too!” It got a cackle and fist bump from Carl.

“No talking now,” Carl instructed, “From now on, just… do what you think’ll impress us the most. Make it LOOK good and sound even better! Really give us a show, Kai. Show us what you’re willing to do to be big!”

Kai nodded. He could feel himself on the verge of freaking out again, but he didn’t want to back out of ANOTHER exciting situation, if only to avoid Leo, Miles and Caleb fussing over him anymore. He knew he could do this, so… he did! Sitting down onto the floor, he did his best to pose sexily for the four spectators. He raised his hand, which he realised was trembling, and started caressing his chest and stomach, trying to look alluring but worried he just looked silly. His other hand gingerly grasped at his dick which throbbed against his fingers.

Kai sat touching and stroking himself for a few minutes, occasionally making unpleasantly awkward eye contact with one of the four watchers. Worried they were getting bored, despite the rapt interest and smiles, Kai lifted the hand from his chest and placed his index finger into his mouth, sucking on it seductively for several seconds.

As he pulled the slippery digit from between his lips, he saw Bart’s eyes widen, presumably understanding what was coming next. Kai spread his legs even wider as he leaned back a little, mortified at the fact he had just displayed his butthole to the four relative strangers. With his cheeks blazing, he let his finger slide around his hole briefly. Remembering the instruction he had been given to make it sound as good as it looked, he started to moan loudly as he teased his tight sphincter and continued tugging at his dick. “Ah yeah, it’s so good,” he whispered, feeling a little foolish as his words broke the silence. “I’m gonna… stick it in now,” he said before stretching his legs a little more to make sure they could see as he pressed his finger against the tight ring.

“Oh fuck!” Kai gasped as he felt the finger push inside. His eyes rolled back a little in his head from the intensity of the moment. Being naked and on show, pleasuring himself with the four teens watching, fingering himself, all of it was painfully awkward, but awkwardly delightful at the same time.

Kai spent a few more minutes masturbating, fingering and groaning. Worried once again the others might be losing interest as they had started whispering to each other, Kai called out, “I think I’m gonna cum soon!” He grinned, emboldened by his arousal as he said, “Don’t worry, I’ll make it a good one for you!”


“It’s really such a shame the writing was so terrible,” Miles said, shaking his head, having spent the past several minutes discussing their costumes and the show they came from.

“I know,” the girl dressed as the Thirteenth incarnation of Doctor Who agreed, nodding gently. “Jodie was AMAZING but the writing, ugh, I swear, I’ve written better fanfiction!”

“Totally! Me too,” Miles laughed, “Oh, I’m Miles, by the way!”

“I’m The Doctor, nice to meet you!” the girl replied, then giggled and said, “Just kidding, I’m Eve!”

“Nice to meet you, Eve,” Miles said with a cute grin, “So do you actually write fanfiction, or were you just being flippant?”

“Bit of both,” Eve chuckled back.

“Cool. I like to write too,” Miles explained, “I’ve been working on a story with a friend that’s all about…” He froze, thinking about the moderately erotic sci-fi adventure he had been working on with Luca. “Actually, I don’t know you well enough to share THAT level of crazy yet!”

“Well, now I’m just curious,” Eve said, cocking her head, “I guess I’ll just have to get to know you better to get the details out of ya!”

Miles’ eyes bulged briefly, as the girl actually seemed to be flirting with him. He was suddenly stuck for what to say, something that had rarely ever happened before. Just as he was about to speak, he felt a hand grab his shoulder.

“Miles!” Caleb yelped as Miles looked round.

“I’m kinda busy here,” Miles hissed back at him.

“Oh my god, don’t you look at your phone?” Caleb asked, shaking his head. He waved his own phone in front of Miles.

Miles frowned and grabbed the phone, staring in shock at what he could see. It was an Instagram live stream… from Kai! He was completely naked, fingering himself and masturbating. “Oh my fucking god!” he yelped.

“I know. We gotta find him!” Caleb said urgently, “Leo’s already looking for him!”

“Fuck,” Miles grunted, then said quickly to Eve, “Sorry, gotta go!” before he dashed off with Caleb.

“Oh my god, Kai, no!” Caleb said, shaking his head as he watched Kai change positions.

“What’s he doing?” Miles asked. As he leaned in to look at Caleb’s phone, he realised the party had got a lot quieter as groups of people were stood gathered around phones, seemingly watching the same show. “Ah shit!” he gasped as he saw Kai roll back onto his shoulders, his dick pointing down at his face as he continued to tug at it, legs splayed and now two fingers plunging mercilessly into his butthole. “He’s not gonna do what I think he’s gonna do, is he?” he said, mortified.

“I think he is!” Caleb said, looking round for where to go. “Come on,” he urged Miles as they hurried on. His eyes kept darting down to his phone as he barged his way through crowds of partygoers, now getting lively again as shocked silence was turning into amusement and delight at the humiliating show Kai was putting on.

“That’s Kai Robinson!” “I follow him!” “He goes to my school!” “Fuck, that’s a lot of viewers!” “Can you record this? Asking for a friend!” “Isn’t he only twelve?” “He’s just a kid!” “Someone’s getting banned!” “Someone’s getting arrested!”

The comments swirling all around them pushed Caleb and Miles into even more of a frenzy to try and find Kai, but they stopped and Caleb let out a dismayed, “Nooo!” as they saw Kai pull his hand away and slam his fingers into his butt a few times to push him over the edge.

The party erupted into groans and laughs and baulks as they all saw Kai ejaculating over his own face, some of it going into his gaping maw, the rest streaking his cheeks and forehead.

“We’ve gotta find him, NOW!” Caleb said, shaking his head.


Kai grasped at his dick, squeezing out the last drops onto his face before letting his body slump to the ground. Looking over at the sofas, he asked, “So… how did I do?”

“So well!” Becky said, barely holding back a laugh.

“Yeah, your follower count is flying up!” Carl said, getting sniggers from Deanna and Bart.

“What!?” Kai exclaimed, confused about what was happening.

“But don’t worry, it won’t last!” Deanna sneered.

“What are you… why would… what…” Kai stuttered as he knelt up, frowning in absolute confusion.

“Oh yeah, there it goes!” Carl said, then turned the phone to show it to Kai who shuffled closer, one hand covering his crotch once again.

Kai stared as he saw a message on screen showing his account had been permanently banned for unacceptable behaviour. “Why would they…” Kai started, shaking his head. He looked at Carl in utter dismay, and then the others, confused and upset. “Why…” he started.

“Because you’re playing a fucking game, Kai!” Carl snapped, any joviality that he had shown before gone in an instant, “You’re PLAYING at our BUSINESS! We don’t have room for someone like you in our world, so you’re fucking out of it, little boy. You don’t PLAY at social media!” It got laughs and agreements from the other three.

“You… you’re just… this is just a… a prank, right?” Kai asked, unable to believe they could do what they were suggesting.

The door suddenly burst open and Leo appeared, looking absolutely frantic. “KAI, STOP!” he yelled out, but winced as he saw the semen streaking his brother’s face, realising he was far too late. “Why would you do that online?” he asked, shaking his head, “EVERYONE saw it!”

“Oh my god,” Kai whimpered, “You… you really… put me online!”

Carl and the others were now in fits of absolute hysterics at Kai’s obvious distress.

Leo rushed over and wrapped the sheet from Kai’s costume around him, scowling at the laughing teens.

“They livestreamed it!” Kai exclaimed, still struggling to believe it had happened, one hand grasping tightly onto Leo.

Leo looked positively apoplectic. He snatched the phone from Carl’s hand and threw it so hard it shattered against the wall, getting a shriek from Becky and a sudden recoil from the others. “YOU FUCKING CUNTS!” he snarled and launched himself at Carl.

Kai staggered backwards, confused and scared and upset all at once. Suddenly he felt arms around him. He didn’t even need to look to know who it was, he knew just from how it felt. He burst into tears as Caleb held him.


Johnny Kape

I think Kai's torment is enough...