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“I’m no expert on twins,” Miles started, smirking as he saw Kai approach, “But shouldn’t there normally be two of you?”

“Damn, I knew I forgot something!” Kai said, then started to snigger as he shook his head. “He’s not coming,” he continued, gesturing back towards the house, “Says he’s not feeling well!”

Miles glanced over the road towards the Robinson house, specifically to Leo’s window, and frowned a little as he asked, “What’s up? Is he okay? Does he need anything?”

Kai shrugged and answered, “He didn’t really say much, just that he didn’t feel well and wanted to stay in bed. Mum’s around if he needs anything.”

“Hmm,” Miles hummed, his brow heavily furrowed, “Maybe I should…”

“No!” Kai said abruptly as he grabbed the other boy and started him walking, “He’ll be fine, you’re coming.”

“Ugh, but… people!” Miles grumbled as he traipsed alongside Kai, heading towards Caleb’s house.

“Yes, exactly, REAL people who actually wanna hang out with us. Think of it as practice for Carl Kroger’s Halloween party next week!” Kai said with a firm nod.

“I think you mean they wanna hang out with YOU. We’re only invited by association,” Miles said slightly bitterly, “And what happened to the old Kai I used to love who was happy to stay home and lose to me at video games?”

Kai shrugged as he said confidently, “I’m actually popular for once. Let me enjoy it before I go and do something stupid to get myself cancelled!”

“You!? Do something stupid!? I refuse to even imagine it!” Miles said sarcastically, “And fine, if you wanna do it, I’ll shut up and play along. We spent enough years doing what Leo or Caleb want. About time one of us got a turn!”

“Besides, between Luca still being scared to be seen in public with us and Leo being sick, if you drop out too it’d just be me and Cay!” Kai said, feeling his cheeks flush a little.

“Sure, cos you’d totally hate that,” Miles said with a wry smile.

“Shut up,” Kai mumbled, his pink cheeks darkening into a full blush.

“Hey, you’re a single man now…” Miles started, then looked Kai up and down with a frown and corrected himself, “Well… a single BOY now!”

“Screw you!” Kai smirked.

“So you may as well enjoy it,” Miles continued, ignoring the insult. He thought for a second and then, if only to distract himself from spilling the secret about Caleb and Ellie breaking up, he asked, “So how you finding the single life?”

“So far, not that different from not-single life,” Kai answered as they continued slowly wandering down the street, heading towards Caleb’s house so they could all continue on together to the party they had been invited to.

It had been just three days since he had broken up with Luca and today would be the first day without actually seeing him. The others refused to believe they had even broken up at first, primarily because they both seemed bizarrely happy about it. Luca had gone quiet occasionally over the past few days, which made Kai wonder if he was actually taking it harder than he let on, but for now he was giving him space.

“Isn’t it weird hanging out with an ex?” Miles asked, “And I’m basing my opinion on that on my massive experience of no relationships and lots of TV shows!” He sniggered a little at his own self-deprecation.

“Not really. We broke up cos we didn’t want to be together, not cos we don’t like each other. He’s not an ex so much as a friend I used to date!” Kai explained.

“That’s cool I suppose,” Miles said with a nod. He suddenly stopped as the end of Caleb’s driveway, reaching out a hand to grab Kai’s arm. “Look out,” he whispered urgently.

Kieran was on the driveway, tinkering with his car. Thankfully he hadn’t noticed them yet, but he looked round as the front door opened and Caleb emerged. There was a moment of almost palpable tension as Kieran glared at his younger brother. Caleb just stared back, giving his very best ‘I dare you to try something’ look, but Kieran simply grunted and returned to what he was doing.

Kai and Miles backed away before they could draw the older boy’s ire as Caleb followed them. Miles immediately found himself wrapped in Caleb’s arms, being lifted off the ground in an over-enthusiastic hug. “You’re a fucking genius!” he said as he put down a struggling and complaining Miles.

“Things better with the cuntface then?” Kai asked with a smirk, gesturing in Kieran’s general direction.

“Oh my god, SO much,” Caleb said, nodding happily, “You’d think just being completely ignored by someone might be a bit shitty, but with Kieran, it’s an absolute fucking pleasure!”

“Sweet,” Miles said, happy that his plan had worked.

“Hey, how would you feel about catfishing Vin and Fin too?” Kai suggested.

Miles’s eyebrows raised as he nodded thoughtfully, then said, “Good idea, but… not today!”

“Good, cos we got a party to get to!” Kai grinned.

“Wait, where’s Leo?” Caleb asked curiously.

“Not coming,” Kai said, shaking his head, “His loss! Let’s go!”


It took longer than intended for Kai, Caleb and Miles to arrive at the party, mostly thanks to Miles making full use of his ongoing ‘control’ of Kai. Cautious of giving him an actual ‘dare’ while the subject still hadn’t been addressed, Miles stuck to just giving him an order – a very simple one – give him a blow job. Kai had been mindlessly sucking away on his friend’s dick, pondering how long it might actually be until Miles got a girlfriend and ended their arrangement, when he felt the cock throb and fill his mouth with spunk.

Caleb was a little annoyed by the time they got there, though he never actually expressed it. Kai just put it down to the delay and making him wait while he and Miles found a quiet spot to do the deed. Thankfully he seemed much happier once they got to the party, though calling it a ‘party’ was putting it fairly generously.

It had seemingly started out as just a couple of guys from school hanging out at one of their houses, then word had spread that his parents were away so more people invited themselves, and in turn invited others and soon enough there was a fairly hefty crowd, made up of boys from Kai’s school and some girls from the local grammar school.

Kai was rather surprised to find his burgeoning popularity had spread to the females too, with a few reacting immediately to his presence, and others also reacting but only after whispers and giggles from their friends.

“Kaiiii,” a jovial voice called out, “Glad you came!”

The three boys, still sticking close together, turned to see Carl Kroeger approaching. He was followed, as usual, by a small entourage of sycophantic supporters, not unlike the following Kai himself seemed to get at school.

Kai blushed a little at the greeting. He was gradually getting used to people knowing who he was, but he still found it a little disconcerting when people he didn’t know just started talking to him like they’d been friends all their lives. “Oh, hi Carl,” Kai said a little meekly.

“And hey, you wore trousers today!” Carl said with a grin, nodding to Kai’s lower half.

The small crowd around them burst into titters and quiet chatter. Kai spotted a few people whispering, followed by more laughs, presumably as the story of his half-naked school experience was shared. Kai blushed profusely. He couldn’t tell whether Carl was being bitchy, or whether this was just the sort of good-natured banter he should have with friends. “Hnnh, yeah,” Kai chuckled awkwardly.

“Kaylen, Simon, nice to see you too!” Carl addressed Caleb and Miles.

“Yeah, it’s Caleb,” Caleb corrected him.

“Mine wasn’t even close,” Miles muttered, shaking his head a little.

“Sorry, my bad,” Carl said dismissively. “Kai, come on, I got some people you need to meet!”

“Oh, umm… okay,” Kai said as Carl started to move away, following him gingerly.

“Oh. JUST Kai,” Carl said with a forced smile as he looked back at the other two. “Unless you two actually have a decent number of followers,” Carl said. He let his eyes dart down Miles and back up before he added, “Though I doubt it!”

“Heyyy,” Miles whined.

“Guys, it’s fine,” Kai said, shaking his head a little.

Caleb scowled at Carl, then slightly at Kai before he put his hand on Miles’ back and said, “Come on SIMON, he said it’s fine. We’ll go hang out with the unpopular kids!”

“Great, now he’ll think I really AM called Simon,” Kai heard Miles muttering as they walked away.

Kai felt bad for ditching the other two, but this was Carl Kroeger! He could hang out with the other two any time, but how often would he get to meet the people Carl Kroeger wanted him to meet!?! Popularity wasn’t something Kai had ever aimed for, but just like his increasing number of online followers, it was something that was quickly and irresistibly intoxicating. It was a quietly growing obsession that had taken root in the back of Kai’s mind without him even realising.

As they slowly made their way through the house, Carl started chatting about social media, followers, algorithms and a plethora of other related minutiae. Rather worryingly, Kai found himself actually discussing it back with more enthusiasm than he imagined he could ever actually have for the subject. They eventually came to a stop in a quiet corner of the basement games room, which did make Kai wonder why HE didn’t have a basement games room! His own house felt tiny by comparison.

“This is Kai!” Carl announced as they faced three other teens, “The guy I was telling you about!”

Carl introduced the others. First was Rebecca (a.k.a. Becky), a seventeen-year-old girl who couldn’t have looked more likely to be involved in a conversation about Instagram if she tried! The second was another girl, Deanna, who was sixteen and looked like she would be the main character of a teenage rom-com about the nerdy girl who wins the guy by accepting who she was all along! Lastly was a guy Kai actually recognised as he followed him on Instagram, though he had only known him by his screen name and was a little surprised to find out he was called Bartholemew (a.k.a. Bart). The slightly uncool-sounding name really didn’t fit the eighteen-year-old twunk.

Kai blushed a little at the sight of Bart, mostly because he had actually jerked off over his pictures once. Looking at the handsome young man made Kai feel like Bart would know he had done it, just by looking back at him.

“You really think HE has what it takes to join the club?” Deanna asked coldly, looking Kai up and down judgmentally.

“He’s got the followers!” Carl shrugged, holding out his phone to show the others.

“Umm, what club?” Kai asked shyly.

“What? No way has he got that many!” Bart snapped, snatching the phone.

Carl immediately snatched his phone back and snapped, “Touch my phone again and lose a fucking hand!”

“It’s not just about followers,” Becky said, looking at Kai much more analytically than Deanna had as she ignored the two boys. “What’s your plan, Kai?” he asked, tilting her head.

“Umm, I was… just gonna hang out here for a while,” Kai said innocently, then blushed as the other four all laughed.

“Oh my god, he’s adorable,” Becky gushed, “I meant your social media plan, career stuff, monetising, that sort of thing!”

Kai’s cheeks blazed red at his mistake, then said sheepishly, “I… don’t really have one. It’s not something I’ve given much thought to!”

“Oh, fuck right off,” Bart said, smirking as he shook his head, “You’ve gained that many followers… what… accidentally?”

“Kinda,” Kai shrugged, feeling like he was saying everything wrong, “I just… posted a couple of pictures and people liked them, so I kept doing it every day and people keep liking it!”

“Yeah, right!” Bart sniggered, but as he stared at Kai he quickly realised he was telling the truth and recoiled a little. “Fuck!” he exclaimed.

“Umm… is that… wrong?” Kai asked curiously.

“No, just… different,” Carl answered Kai softly, then smiled a little as he looked to the others and asked, “Whadda you think? Should we let him take the test?”

“Test? What test? For what?” Kai asked, getting slightly annoyed at being kept in the dark.

“Oh yeah, he DEFINITELY needs it!” Deanna nodded with a slight smile.

“No, seriously, I… umm… what is this?” Kai asked, getting quite anxious now.

Becky tutted and shook her head. “Forgive these guys,” she said as she stepped forward and placed a hand on Kai’s shoulder, “They love to be all cool and mysterious about things that REALLY aren’t cool and mysterious!” Becky stared into Kai’s face for a moment, gauging for any reaction to her touch. When she didn’t seem to get any, she let her hand slide down Kai’s arm and smiled sweetly as he said, “We’d just… like to help you get even more popular!”

“Oh, okay,” Kai nodded, looking Becky in the face rather than the funbags she seemed determined to shove into his! “That sounds cool, thanks, but… what kind of test?” he asked curiously, taking a step back from Becky.

Carl smirked at the slightly annoyed look on Becky’s face at the obvious and failed flirtation, then smirked at Bart for a second before he replied, “Don’t you worry about that. You’re coming to my Halloween party, right?”

“Yeah,” Kai replied with a nod.

“Great, then we’ll see you there,” Carl said, then promptly turned his back on Kai to start chatting to the others.

Aware he had effectively been dismissed, Kai hesitated for a moment then just turned and started back upstairs to find Caleb and Miles.


Leo took a few deep, calming breaths as he stood on the doorstep, building up the nerve to ring the doorbell. Last time he had been at that particular door, it was the morning after he had fallen out with Kai over his past with Luca and had come to make amends. That day, Luca’s brother Gianni had answered the door, and been rather unhappy to see him. Finally building the nerve, he pressed the button before waiting a few seconds.

The door opened. It was Luca’s brother. He looked rather unhappy to see him!

“Umm… hi. Is Luca home?” Leo asked timidly.

“He is,” Gianni said coldly, “But as I understand it, you two broke up!”

Leo looked absolutely bewildered by the statement. “Umm, no… no we didn’t!” he said, frowning curiously.

“What? So you’re still together?” Gianni asked, looking just as confused.

“No, we’re not together!” Leo said rather urgently, turning pink.

“But… if you’re… but you…” Gianni floundered slightly. He looked at the confused boy and asked, “You ARE Leo, right?”

“Yeah, I am,” Leo answered, then gulped as he asked, “Did… did Luca tell you we were together?”

“He said he had a boyfriend,” Gianni answered, cocking his head. He nodded thoughtfully to himself for a moment and said, “I guess he never actually did say the name!” He smirked slightly as he added, “I just assumed it was you, based on the fact he NEVER stops talking about you!”

Leo’s pink cheeks darkened to a full-on blush as he asked shakily, “Luca… talks about me?”

There were hurried footsteps behind the smirking young man. “Oh my god, G, stop talking right now!” Luca’s voice called out from behind him.

Gianni grabbed his little brother in a playful headlock and messed his hair up as he asked, “Oh my god, Did you make up having a boyfriend? That’s so cringe!”

“No!” Luca said sharply as he pulled away and started trying to tidy his hair, blushing as he did his best to avoid looking at Leo. “I had a boyfriend!” he insisted, giving himself a glance in the mirror by the door as he finished tidying himself.

“Yeah, he was with Kai,” Leo stated, if only to try and save Luca from more embarrassment.

“Oh, who’s Kai?” Gianni asked with a teasing smirk before his eyes widened and he said, “Wait, Kai? You dated naked escalator kid?”

Leo snorted with laughter and said, “I’m totally telling him you called him that. He’ll hate it!”

“Oh my god, Gianni,” Luca whined, shoving his big brother back, “Go away. Pleeeease!” he said, continuing to try and shove Gianni away from the door.

“If he’s not moving, WE could always go away if it’s easier,” Leo suggested with a shy smile, “I thought maybe we could… go out for a walk or something!”

Gianni cackled and shook his head as he said playfully to Leo, “Wow, someone doesn’t waste any time!” He continued to chuckle, holding onto the doorframe as Luca tried to fight him back. “Form an orderly queue, fellas, Luca will get to you as soon as he can!”

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, this is not happening!” Luca said feebly, shaking his head in utter dismay. “Yes, right, going out!” he said as he grabbed his coat and stepped outside.

“Bye you two. Have fun! Remember, safe sex saves lives!” Gianni shouted after the two boys, making them both blush profusely.

As they started towards the street, Luca whimpered and said, “I’m hoping you came here to kill me, because I think I’m ready for it after that!”

Leo just laughed sweetly as they reached the end of the driveway. Grinning, he said, “You remind me and me and Kai!”

“Just with less sex!” Luca joked, then shuddered and said, “Eww, I gave myself unpleasant thoughts!”

Leo sniggered and said, “Not THAT unpleasant!” As he got a scandalised look from Luca, he smiled and said, “What? He’s not bad to look at!”

“Eww!” Luca repeated, frowning as he shook his head.

“Not as hot as you, though!” Leo said in an attempt to redeem himself, but immediately looked absolutely terrified at his own comments. “I mean… not that I… umm… I mean… I wasn’t…” he stuttered awkwardly, “That’s not… what I’m here for!”

“Oh, then… what ARE you here for?” Luca asked curiously.

“To check you’re okay,” Leo answered quickly, mostly just glad to have a slight subject change. Before Luca could say anything, he quickly added, “I just mean… y’know, with the break-up. I know you and Kai are all… y’know… cheerful and shit and I’m not saying you shouldn’t be, it’s just… well… I kinda got the feeling you were a bit worried it might mean things’d change between me and you!” His eyes widened again as he continued to say things tio accidentally embarrass himself, “And Cay and Smiles, as well, I mean. It’s just I know Kai’s got all of us to talk to if he’s not doing okay and I didn’t want you to think you couldn’t because we’re still friends and I just… I wanted… I just thought I should make sure you’re really okay!”

Luca took a deep breath, eyebrows raised, then puffed out his cheeks as he exhaled slowly. “Wow,” he eventually said, “That’s… certainly a lot of words!”

“Oh my god, I’m so lame,” Leo sighed, letting his head droop.

“You’re not lame,” Luca quickly argued, “You’re awesome!”

“I don’t FEEL awesome,” Leo said glumly.

Luca stopped and grabbed Leo’s arm, smirked and said, “Respectfully disagree. I think you feel totally awesome!” Seeing Leo’s wide-eyed stare at the hand on his arm, Luca realised what he was doing and yanked his hand back. “But thanks for coming. Kai’s made sure I know we’re all still friends, but… I really appreciate this. Thank you!” he said sincerely.

“Good,” Leo said before taking a deep breath to compose himself, “Hey, maybe one day me and you can hang out together when there ISN’T some big issue I need to apologise for or check up on!”

“I’d like that,” Luca said, smiling sweetly.

They stared at each other for a few moments before both turning away a little awkwardly.

“So how’s Kai doing today?” Luca asked as they continued walking, “Started asking for more dares yet?”

Leo shook his head and replied, “No, not yet!”

“Maybe I should start doing some to help inspire him,” Luca said with a broad grin.

Leo’s brow furrowed slightly as he cocked his head at Luca. “Oh, you… like doing that then?” he asked curiously, “I always kinda figured you were only into it because Kai was!”

“Nah, I think one of the reasons we got together was BECAUSE we were both into it!” Luca explained. He went to speak, but held back, blushing a little before he tried again and asked, “Did Kai ever tell you what happened the first day we… kinda… started talking?”

Leo shook his head.

“I was… sitting in the library,” Luca said, already regretting offering up the information, “And I didn’t have any trousers on. I was, like… daring myself, and then Kai showed up!”

“No fucking way!” Leo exclaimed, grinning broadly, “Like… right there in the library at school? I wish I’d seen that!” As he got a surprised look back from Luca, he added an evasive, “I mean… cos it’s funny, right!”

“Oh, yeah,” Luca nodded.

“Y’know,” Leo said, glancing round the quiet residential street, “You could always… re-enact it for me!”

“What!?” Luca exclaimed, “Take… take my clothes off… here?”

Leo gulped as he nodded back at him.

“Wow, umm… erm… okay,” Luca said, feeling his heart pounding. He reached down to undo his trousers and looked both ways three times to make sure nobody was approaching before shoving them down to his ankles. “Like this?” he asked softly.

“Maybe… take them off completely!” Leo suggested nervously.

Luca gulped and reached down to try and pull them off, but realised his trainers were in the way so he untied them and slipped his feet out before taking the trousers off completely. “Here,” he said as he handed them to Leo, slipping his feet back into his trainers, his slender legs now fully on show from ankle to mid-thigh, where his coat hung down to. “Wh… what now?” he asked anxiously, still looking around.

“Don’t move!” Leo said as they both spotted an approaching car.

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” Luca repeated as he stood still, waiting for the car to drive by. It sped past and he wasn’t sure if they saw him, but it felt intense anyway.

“Maybe you could… take something else off!” Leo suggested.

“Underwear?” Luca asked, then smirked slightly and said, “Not like you can see it anyway. That car probably thought I was half naked!”

“Go for it!” Leo grinned.

Luca didn’t hesitate this time, he simply reached down to grab his underwear and pulled it down, slipping his feet back out of the trainers to take the clothing off. He handed it to Leo, who stared at the small boxer briefs. “Sorry, is it weird to be holding my underwear?” he asked.

“Compared to everyday life, kinda,” Leo started, then grinned as he said, “But compared to standing naked from the waist down in a public place… not at all!” He got a laugh back from Luca that was absolutely beautiful. So sweet, so adorable, so… sexy! Feeling his heart pounding and his dick swelling, Leo was glad he had Luca’s discarded clothing held in front of him to hide any sign of his arousal. It did prompt him to ask, “Are you… up?”

Luca glanced down the street again, then back to Leo before lifting the front of his coat. His dick was raging hard.

Leo gasped gently at the sight of it then felt a surge of sadness as the coat dropped down again to conceal it. “Are you… gonna do anything… with it?” he asked shakily.

Luca looked like he knew what he wanted to say, but nerves were kicking in and he remained silent.

Conscious of how pushing himself too far had kind of short-circuited Kai, Leo didn’t try to encourage Luca to go on. Instead, he glanced around and spotted a small alleyway that led away from the road. Still holding Luca’s trousers and underwear to hide his own erection, he reached out with his other hand to take Luca’s and quickly led him to the alley. “Better?” he asked quietly once they were a short distance down it, mostly concealed from view by a large wheelie bin.

“Yeah,” Luca said, smiling gratefully. “So do you… want me to… play with it?” he asked, lifting his coat again. As he saw Leo staring, he let out a deep shuddery breath, then asked, “Or… do YOU want to play with it?”

Leo froze for a moment. This was… confusing. He wanted to do it so badly. Luca was so cute and sexy and hard and sweet, but this wasn’t why he came. He really did want to check up on a friend. Also, Luca was his brother’s ex-boyfriend. There were rules about these things. Well, technically there were rules about wanking your twin brother off too, but that hadn’t stopped him, and apparently neither was this as his hand had already reached out to grasp Luca’s dick.

“Ahhh, wow,” Luca gasped, stopping his frequent checks as his full attention turned to Leo. As he felt Leo start stroking, his gaze fell to the other boy’s crotch. He reached out and gently nudged the clothing aside and spotted the unmistakable bulge of a boner. “Can I?” Luca whispered.

Leo’s breaths were sharp and ragged as he masturbated Luca and contemplated the request. Close to being totally overwhelmed, Leo couldn’t speak, so he just nodded.

Luca eagerly pulled down the front of Leo’s sweatpants and boxers in a single gesture, tucking the waistband below Leo’s balls which felt heavy and slightly clammy against the back of his hand. The first moment of contact got a gentle gasp from Leo, then a much bigger one as Luca’s hand wrapped around his thick shaft.

The two boys stood facing each other, wanking together eagerly but without rushing. It felt nice, jerking each other off, being jerked off by each other, jerking off together. Time seemed to melt away, and despite the urgency that came from a desperate desire to avoid getting caught, they simply stood enjoying the mutual wank.

“I’m getting… close,” Luca eventually whispered.

Leo, still stunned into silence, nodded back. It wasn’t clear whether he was simply acknowledging the comment, or saying the same thing, though the answer became quickly apparent when he began to ejaculate. Several spurts of spunk erupted from his raging boner as Luca continued stroking. No sooner had he finished cumming, Luca started, ejecting his own load with equal fervour.

They stood together, still gripping onto each other’s softening, post-orgasmic pricks and made eye contact.

“Leo,” Luca whispered, though he wasn’t sure what he intended to say.

He was saved from figuring it out by Leo’s lips pressing against his as the two boys melted into a slow, passionate kiss.


Johnny Kape

Whoa... What a surprise! You haven't put Kai and Caleb together yet, but Leo and Luca beat them!