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“Sorry about the third degree,” Miles chuckled as he led Luca into his room. They had just escaped a rather prolonged conversation with his parents, who had questioned Luca about seemingly everything.


“It’s okay, they were nice,” Luca said with a meek smile. He was still feeling a little awkward, not just from being alone with Miles for the first time, but also because of why it was even happening. After finding out Leo and Caleb had a football match, with Kai going along to cheer, Luca had been reluctant to be seen with them as there were other boys from school on the team. Kai had tried to convince him it would be fine, but Luca remained resistant. Eventually, Miles had offered to stay behind with him for the morning until the others got back.


Miles shut his bedroom door as Luca wandered in. “And they seemed to like you, but I reckon so long as you’re not leading me down a path of drugs and crime they’d be fine anyway!” Miles joked.


“Oh, well there go MY plans for this morning,” Luca joked back.


Miles laughed heartily as he sat down onto the sofabed, currently configured just as a sofa, watching as Luca casually looked around the room. “I can see why Kai likes you. You’re funny!” he said with a confident nod.


Luca hummed thoughtfully for a moment, but realised what he was doing and replaced the thoughtful frown with a smile.


Miles wasn’t fooled. Cocking his head curiously, he asked bluntly, “What’s with the look?”


“It’s nothing,” Luca said softly with a slight shrug.


“It’s ACTUALLY nothing, or it’s something and you’re just not sure you can tell ME?” Miles asked frankly.


Luca gave a lop-sided smile as he said, “You’re actually as smart as Leo says you are, aren’t you!”


“What I lack in looks I make up for in brains,” Miles sniggered.


“Hey!” Luca said, shaking his head as he sat down on the other side of the sofa, “You don’t lack looks. You’re cute, and please keep in mind how much I’m freaking out inside my head about openly admitting a guy is cute, even if it’s just in a friendly way!”


“Chill, I get it, it’s new for you and… I appreciate it, but yeah, I guess I’m smart. Well… smart enough to know you’re just trying to change the subject!” Miles said, raising an eyebrow.


“Damn, ya got me,” Luca said a little awkwardly. “If I… tell you stuff… will it stay between us?”


“Unless you say you’re secretly an alien and your plan with Kai is to implant your eggs inside him and he’ll die a horrible, painful death when they hatch… then yeah, it’s between us!” Miles shrugged.


Luca stared open-mouthed for a moment before he said, “That’s SUCH a cool idea for a story! But no, not an alien. I just…” He stopped, the smile quickly dropping into a pensive frown. “I dunno, I really like Kai a lot and I know he likes me, I just…” he paused for a moment, mentally planning the best way to put it. Nodding to himself, he continued, “Sometimes I wonder whether we’re together because we like each other, or just… because… I was the only other gay guy he knew. Like… he was so excited to be able to come out to someone and BE with someone that… that it really wouldn’t have mattered WHO it was, just so long as it was SOMEONE! Does that… make sense?”


Miles nodded thoughtfully for a moment and said, “You’re saying you think maybe he just got together with the first available guy who was nice to him?”


“I guess,” Luca nodded.


Miles cocked his head to the side and hesitated a moment before he said, “I dunno, usually I’d have answers, but… well, this side of Kai… it’s kinda new to me too. I know him SO well, but I don’t know EVERYTHING about how his mind works so I wish I could tell you that’s NOT what happened…”


“But you can’t. I understand,” Luca nodded sorrowfully.


“But what I CAN tell you is that Kai’s a good guy. I don’t think he’d ever hurt you willingly,” Miles reassured the other boy, reaching out with his foot to gently kick Luca’s leg. It felt like some kind of contact was needed, but anything more intimate just felt a bit premature in their friendship.


“Yeah, I kinda get that feeling too,” Luca said, venturing a hint of a smile.


“And I guess I don’t know YOU that well either yet, and while I don’t think you ever would, but… please don’t hurt my friend. He’s basically my brother and I love him, and I don’t ever wanna see him get hurt!” Miles said, blushing a little at his own candour.


“Is this the part where you threaten to kick my butt if I break his heart?” Luca asked with a wry grin, kicking Miles gently back in return.


Miles snorted with laughter and looked down at himself. “Look at me. You think I’m kicking ANYONE’S arse? Even your scrawny little one?” He paused as Luca chuckled. “I’m more of a ‘strongly-worded DM’ kind of guy!”


“Then I’ll keep an eye on my phone,” Luca grinned. Silence lingered for a second, not long enough to be awkward, but enough to necessitate a subject change, so he asked, “You and the others been friends for a long time then?”


“Longer than I can remember!” Miles smiled fondly. “They were still building this estate when we moved in. Apparently, the Robinsons moved in across the road and then two weeks later we moved in here. I woulda been three at the time. Mr Robinson told me once that they offered to watch me while my parents were working on unpacking and, as he puts it, after that I never fucking left!”


“Cool,” Luca chuckled. “How about Caleb?” he asked, frowning a little at the mention of the name.


“Aww, that’s a cute story,” Miles said, smiling sweetly. “I don’t know how accurate it is, cos we were too young to really remember for ourselves, but from what our parents have told us. Anyway, we were four at the time and we were out at the park one day and Caleb was there with his brother and his parents, they’d recently moved into the area. We were all playing together, but it seems Kieran started picking on Caleb. Now, keep in mind, Kieran’s five years older than us – and a cunt – but yeah, he’s nine and we’re four and he starts being mean to Caleb. Leo just… headbutts him!”


“What? Seriously!?” Luca laughed.


“Yeah, except he’s, like… this tall,” Miles said, lowering his hand towards the ground, “So he can only headbutt Kieran in the stomach and then he just kept doing it until Kieran ran off crying. After that Caleb just kinda… stuck with us!”


“That’s so cool,” Luca said, smiling sweetly, “Leo’s… nicer than he acts, isn’t he!”


“He’s my best friend and he’s amazing,” Miles said fondly, “He’s also a dick most of the time, but… he looks after the people he loves and… he really doesn’t let anyone see the real him.”


Luca propped his arm up on the back of the sofa and rested his cheek on it as he frowned at Miles and asked, “Why not?”


“Just how he is, I reckon,” Miles said evasively. He knew that Leo’s sexuality had to play a part in it, but that really wasn’t something he should share with anyone else.


“Well I like him,” Luca said, blushing a little. “I dunno if he or Kai told you, but… Leo bullied me a bit, not… really badly, just kinda joining in when others were doing it, but… he apologised. He’s literally the only guy who’s ever done that. Can I tell you something else that stays between us?” As Miles nodded, Luca said quietly, “Leo cried when I said I forgive him.”


Miles nodded gently at the comment. Leo crying was not something he had seen for an exceptionally long time, but considering what it had been about, all it really did was add to his certainty about Leo’s sexuality. “He DOES have feelings. He just… bottles them up. He’s a lot like Caleb with that!” Once again the silence that followed signalled the end of the conversation. Grinning as he thought of something fun for them to do, he suggested, “Hey, you wanna help me try and write a movie about an alien who seduces schoolboys to plant his eggs in them?”


“Wow, forget Kai, can I date YOU?” Luca laughed, nodding excitedly at the idea.




“Ugh, it was so boring,” Leo complained, rolling his eyes. “We won the match, so the dare was for Kai to suck a dick and then… he sucked a dick. Total snoozefest!”


“What the fuck has happened to our lives to make me blowing a guy in front of a whole football team ‘boring’? I’m not complaining, just saying!” Kai smirked.


“Yeah, that doesn’t sound boring,” Luca said, squirming slightly at the thought of it. He had other questions, but as he had already been sworn to secrecy about the football team dares to protect the privacy of the team members he went to school with, it didn’t feel right to probe further.


“Well if THAT was boring then maybe we should find something for Kai to do that’s UNboring!” Miles stated.


“That’s not a word,” Caleb frowned.


“I just said it, so it technically IS a word!” Miles argued.


“Okay, then it’s not a proper word!” Caleb argued back.


“Did you understand its meaning and intent?” Miles asked petulantly.


Caleb frowned and replied, “Well… yes, but…”


“Exactly, so it conveyed its intended meaning in a way everyone understood… therefore it’s a word, and a proper one at that!” Miles insisted.


“Ugh, this conversation is un-unboring me!” Leo groaned.


Luca burst into laughter at the comment while the others just tittered quietly at it. Luca blushed a little at his reaction and stopped himself as he said quietly, “I thought it was funny!”


Mainly to save Luca from his obvious awkwardness, Kai threw an arm around him and said, “Let’s think of something to do that’s not unboring!”


Kai’s use of the word made the others start squabbling over its uses again and Luca took the opportunity to lean in close to his boyfriend and whisper, “Could we just hang out together maybe? Me and you, I mean!”


Kai looked at Luca with a slight frown and asked, “Something up? Or this lot just a bit much?”


“The… second one,” Luca said shyly, “Sorry!”


Kai pulled Luca in to kiss him on the cheek, nuzzled his head against Luca’s and whispered, “Nothing to be sorry about!” Looking to the other three, he called out, “We’re gonna head off for a bit. We’ll catch up with you all later!”


The comment brought the squabbling to an abrupt halt as both Leo and Caleb looked a little sad. Miles quickly interjected as he said, “Maybe the couple actually wants some couple time!”


A few minutes later, Kai and Luca had navigated quickly through a conversation with Miles’s parents and headed across the road, making their way quickly up to Kai’s room. The moment they were alone, they had started kissing. They somehow made their way across the room and fell onto Kai’s bed, still eagerly making out. The excited, desperate kissing quickly died off as the two boys got comfortable and laid together, alternating between serene cuddles and casual kisses.


“I’m just not used to being around people so much,” Luca said softly, then realised it had come a little out of nowhere and said, “I mean… that’s why I wanted to be alone with you!” As Kai smiled sweetly at him, he blushed and added, “Well, I WANTED to be with you anyway, but… umm… well…”


“Chill,” Kai said, his smile turning into a broad grin, “I knew what you meant. I’m basically with those guys 24/7 and even I need some time away now and then, and I know you wanna be with me. I figured that out from the whole ‘boyfriend’ thing!”


Luca giggled and shook his head a little as he said, “I still can’t believe I have a boyfriend!”


“Yeah, me too. It’s great!” Kai replied cheerfully, then cocked his head curiously and asked, “Anything you wanna do?”


“This!” Luca said, cuddling up tightly to Kai, “I wanna do this!”


“Excellent,” Kai replied, gently stroking Luca’s back, “I didn’t want you getting bored!”


Luca scoffed as he shook his head and replied, “Kai, you’re a lot of things, but boring isn’t one of them!”


“Thanks,” Kai said proudly. Eyeing the other boy up and down briefly, he asked curiously, “Were you serious about what you said the other day, about us getting naked together at school?”


“Yeah, were you?” Luca asked, looking nervous but nodding emphatically.


“Totally!” Kai replied, “I mean… obviously not in front of people… which shouldn’t be a problem as we can’t even be seen together!” As he saw Luca go to speak, he quickly added, “Sorry, not being bitchy or naggy, just saying. But yeah, I don’t wanna get CAUGHT naked at school with you, but… I wanna take the risk!”


“Awesome, me too,” Luca replied, “It’s scary but it makes me SO horny!” To emphasise the point, he pressed his crotch into Kai, his stiffening prick feeling rather prominent.


Kai chuckled a little as he sat up. “You said you just wanted cuddles,” he said curiously, “I’m kinda thinking I wanna blow you, but… I don’t wanna make you do it if you just wanted…”


“No! Do it!” Luca said urgently, nodding emphatically.


“Don’t need to tell me twice!” Kai said happily as he reached over to unleash Luca’s growing cock. He let out a happy sigh as he released it. “I really like your dick!” he stated serenely.


“I think it likes you back!” Luca giggled, tensing it a little to make it dance.


Kai laughed happily as he leaned in to wrap his fingers around the shaft before guiding the large, bulbous head into his mouth. As he heard a pleasured gasp from Luca, he wrapped his lips tightly around the rim of the glans and allowed his tongue to swirl around the tip. Continuing the slow tongue tease for a minute, he eventually let his lips begin sliding down the shaft, allowing his tongue to slide around the base of the head.


“Oh wow,” Luca gasped as he laid back, eyes closed and happily panting away as Kai pleasured him. As he felt a hand raise to start playing with his balls, his eyes shot open and he gasped deeply. “Okay, my… my… balls,” he panted, “They are WAY more sensitive than I realised!”


Kai pulled the cock from his mouth but kept the balls grasped in his hand as he asked, “Want me to stop?”


“Heck no!” Luca replied with a vigorous headshake.


Kai sniggered, not just from the emphatic reaction, but also the choice of words. Unlike he and his friends, Luca tended not to casually swear. He had never mentioned it, but he had definitely noticed. He found it utterly endearing and continued to chuckle at it as he took the dick back between his lips.


After a few more minutes with Kai stroking his slender shaft with one hand, massaging his balls with the other and working at the rest of his dick with his mouth, Luca could feel himself getting closer and closer to cumming. “Kai, I’m nearly… umm… ready!” he panted feebly.


“You okay if I swallow?” Kai asked, slightly muffled as he opened his mouth but kept Luca’s prick pressed against his tongue.


“Better than okay!” Luca nodded happily. He continued staring down at his boyfriend as the sucking resumed and a few moments later, declared, “I’m doing it!”


Kai happily sucked on the bulbous head as he felt the shaft throbbing between his lips. Several spurts of spunk shot into his mouth and he took a moment to savour the flavour before swallowing. He continued sucking until he had every drop, then pulled the dick from his mouth and gave the slit a final lick before grinning up at Luca. “How was that?” he asked proudly.


“So good!” Luca nodded. “Want me to return the favour?” he asked curiously.


“Hmm, maybe wait and see what the others have planned!” Kai nodded.


“What makes you think they have plans?” Luca asked as he put his dick away and cuddled back up to Kai as he resumed his previous position.


“Because I know them!” Kai smirked, “So for now, let’s just enjoy… this!” He pulled Luca close, kissing his forehead gently as he nuzzled in against him.




“Aww, they’re too cute!” Miles whispered. He got a pensive hum from either side of him as he stood between Leo and Caleb, staring down at the sleeping couple.


“Yeah, sickening, isn’t it!” Leo said softly, giving a playfully derisive smirk.


“Totally,” Caleb agreed, then nodded to Kai as they finished setting up their plan. He squatted down next to the bed and leaned in close to Kai who was flat on his back with one arm above his head and the other around Luca, both sound asleep. He looked at the others and started a silent countdown with his fingers. As he reached zero, he screamed, “WAKE UP!” right into Kai’s ear.


Kai let out a shocked yelp and immediately shot up into a sitting position in surprise. As he did it, Miles swung a paper plate piled high with whipped cream and splatted it into the alarmed boy’s face. Standing back to record it, Leo burst into hysterical laughter along with Caleb and Miles.


Luca, who had been launched away from Kai as he sat up, seemed almost as shocked but as he realised what had happened and looked at Kai covered in whipped cream, he burst into laughter too.


After cleaning up, Kai returned to find the others laughing hysterically at the video of the prank. “Oh my god, slow-mo his face again, it’s hilarious!” Luca laughed as he hung over Leo’s shoulder to look at the phone. As he spotted Kai, he cleared his throat awkwardly and said, “I mean… that’s horrible, you should delete that you awful, awful people!”


“You’re lucky I like you,” Kai said with a wry grin to his boyfriend before looking to the others to say, “Lemme guess… it’s dare time?”


“Oh my god, the cream gave him psychic powers!” Luca declared.


“We should totally put psychic cream-based powers in the book!” Miles said with a grin to Luca.


Leo, Caleb and Kai exchanged mildly confused looks but didn’t question the other two as Leo pulled out the dare bag and said, “Why don’t we just skip straight to Kai doing it today. We lost half the afternoon to napping!”


“Pfft, you’re only saying that to avoid a dare!” Kai scoffed as he reached for the bag.


“Actually it’s Caleb’s turn next,” Miles interjected, then raised a hand to silence Caleb and added, “Shut up, I know… I’m secretly a robot!” His eyes widened as he looked at Luca.


“Book?” Luca asked, sniggering at more inspiration for their story.


“Book!” Miles nodded, laughing back.


“Wait, why is the straight guy flirting with my boyfriend?” Kai asked, his hand still in the bag.


“We’re not flirting. Am I not allowed to have friends outside of you three?” Miles asked a little petulantly.


In a matter of seconds, Luca’s face had cycled through a dozen different expressions at the comment before settling on a shy smile.


“Now shut up and read your dare!” Miles ordered.


“Yes sir,” Kai smirked at the discrete hint at Miles’s ownership of him. He pulled a piece of paper out of the bag and read it out, “Let the others tie you up! Oh… kinda lame!” He shrugged a little dismissively.


“Oh, is that something you do a lot?” Luca asked, then glanced at the bed and added, “Saves me asking about the ropes!”


“Totally need to start using them again!” Leo said quietly to nobody in particular.


Caleb nodded his agreement, then blushed a little and said, “Oh, hey, I guess we gotta… spice it up then, and if Kai really thinks it’s that ‘lame’ let’s make it…”


“Ten million scoville!” Miles declared. Getting confused looks back, he added, “Scoville is a measure of spiciness, usually for chillis!”


“Riveting,” Leo said flatly, shaking his head, “So Kai, what ya got to make it less ‘lame’?”


“I ain’t putting in the effort for a buncha dicks that pranked me,” Kai huffed, “So… I gotta do it naked, and that’s all you’re getting from me!”


“Fair,” Leo shrugged before he looked to Luca and asked, “So you wanna go AFTER we’ve all thought of our ones, or you wanna start us off?”


Luca frowned thoughtfully for a moment and said, “I’ll go last. I wanna see how mean you guys get so I can match it!”


“Great,” Kai muttered, trying poorly to conceal his excitement.


“One of you got something?” Leo asked Caleb and Miles, who exchanged smirks.


“Yeah,” Miles replied, “We can do whatever we want to him while he’s tied up! Like… even take pictures and stuff where the usual ‘no sharing rules’ don’t apply!”


“What!?” Kai gasped, looking suddenly less confident.


“Oh, so you get pictures and you can send them to anyone you like…” Leo said to Miles with a nod, then glanced at Kai with a grin and said, “Unless he does whatever you want to prevent it, I’m guessing!”


“That’s the plan!” Miles grinned. Much like his ‘total control’ of Kai he had previously won, he knew this was something they would never really do. After all, sharing too much of Kai was likely to bring unwanted repercussions, but it was still fun to tease Kai with the possibility. He seemed to enjoy the threat more than the act.


Kai scowled at Miles. He already had to do anything he commanded, so he knew this was purely to give the others the same opportunity. As much as he wanted to be annoyed, his cock was positively throbbing at the thought of it.


“Hmm,” Caleb hummed thoughtfully, “How about… he STAYS tied up until…” He paused, blushing as he psyched himself up to make the suggestion. He took a breath and finished, “Until all four of us have made him cum!”


“What, like… once each?” Kai asked, beginning to tremble at the prospect.


“Mmm-huh,” Caleb hummed, nodding as he looked Kai up and down. He looked away when he realised the others were smirking at him.


“Damn, you guys are getting mean,” Leo said, then shrugged a little and added, “In a good way, obviously!”


“Yeah, I don’t think Kai’s exactly mad at this so far!” Luca said, shamelessly reaching down to grasp at Kai’s crotch. He let out a whimper as he felt the raging erection before moving his hands back to cover his own crotch. “Should NOT have done that,” he muttered, red-faced.


Leo stared at Luca’s hands, joining the others in a sudden bout of blushing before he managed to compose himself and say, “Okay, so… he’s getting tied up… naked… with us doing whatever we want to him… until we’ve ALL made him cum. What could I POSSIBLY do to make that worse!” As the others began to snigger, he glanced round and added, “For everyone!”


“What?” “Fuck!” “No, don’t do that!” Miles, Caleb and Luca replied all at once.


“Oh, I know…” Leo said, eyes flashing mischievously, “If we all gotta make him cum, then… we all gotta do it a different way!” He got a mix of gentle gasps and confused frowns, so he elaborated, “So, like… first person makes him cum by jerking him off, then none of the others can jerk him off!”


“Fuck!” Kai gasped as the others all just looked shocked at the prospect. “That’s… fuck, I can’t even… I mean… what are you even gonna…” he trailed off, lost in the thought of it.


“We’ll figure it out,” Leo shrugged. “So, Luca… if you can’t think of anything else…”


“I can!” Luca interrupted Leo, nodding excitedly, “I can make it worse with just one word!”


“Fuck,” Kai muttered, suspecting he knew where this was going.


“Wh… what… what word?” Miles stuttered anxiously.


Luca grinned as he kept the others in suspense for a moment before he finally said, “Outdoors!”


Naked Justice

Great ideas to make the dare harder. Kai will love it. And I like the idea of being naked in schoo!l


I’m finally caught up. This is gonna be brutal.